Double dpread reviews

Double page analysis Cameron Tubb

Transcript of Double dpread reviews

Page 1: Double dpread reviews

Double page analysis

Cameron Tubb

Page 2: Double dpread reviews

The audience of this magazine can be clearly seen that it is for teenagers as the name of the article is “The Teenagers” it is for both male and females.

The name of the magazine is radar the semiotics of the title can be that its picking up information with In certain area and picking up certain type so music to appeal to their audience. It could also suggest that it trying to pick up teenagers with the radar to appeal to them.

The images in the double page spread are very cool and laid back as the picture is showing 3 people lying on a bed looking cool. The semiotics of this picture is that maybe they are showing they are a laid back band and are just having fun. Also what they are wearing could suggest they are fashionable and appeal to the teenage market.

The layout of the magazines spread is very simple but effective with an entire page with a picture and the other page filled with information. This page filled with a massive picture grabs your attention straight away. The title of the magazine is in the top left corner. On the far left of the spread other information is shownOf other bands this is good because you don’t have to search through the magazine to gain more information. Overall the layoutIs very common and nothing different ,but its very appealing and eye catching

The fonts which are used are bold and strong. The text style of the title is very much like that of a high school font which is used in America on football jerseys. ThisSubconsciously attracted the teenagers minds. Also the way it is positioned on the page isn't organised but looks like it been randomly placed. This could means they are messy like teenagers.

The colours which have been used appeal very much to the younger audience as the pale blue is a colour mainly suggested to teenager years. With the black font against it the font stands out. Also the clear white background makes the simple black font easy to read.

Page 3: Double dpread reviews

The audience is of the magazine is quite niche as the type of music the article is about is heavy mental and screamo. The audience of this magazine is about 10 years old and above to both male and female.

The magazine is unknown and because its in German I am unable to understand the title.

The image that is used is very powerful as the people in the picture are playing music . This is a great action shot and grabs the reader eyes straight away. Also the ay it cover two pages makes it very appealing and effective.

The layout of the magazine follows a simple genre convention with the title at the top spreading over 2 pages. The image cover two page but on one page the article is written over the top of the image. It can be easily seen as the image is blurred out. But the effect this gives is very eye catching.

The font which is used is black and bold this makes the title stick out from the white background. The text writing is also black to stand out from its white background making it easy to read and a satisfying read as you don’t have to strain your eyes

The colours which have been used are very minimal as it is a simple and plain black a white theme. The image which has been used is black and white and so is the text. This makes it easy on the eyes and extremely eye catching and different. Also the fact they are a heavy metal band is represented in the dark picture.

Page 4: Double dpread reviews

The audience of this magazine can be clearly seen as for children ages 5 to 13Of female gender. This is because I know that the magazine is based on a children's TV show.

The name of the magazine camp rock is based on a children's TV show. Although it can be seen from the name as camps are normally for Children.

The images used are of 3 boys “camp rock” and 4 other people at the bottom of the page. They way they are looking directly at the camera suggest they are trying to engage the audience and make the children reading think they are looking at them. Also the clothes they are wearing appeal to children as it is cool and fashionable.

The layout of the magazine is very simple but very effective as it is extremely colourful. With the title at the top it makes it very easy to see for all ages to see. The logo is also I the top left corner. With the text in separate boxes it is easily split up Making simple for kids to read.

The fonts which are used are simple and easy to read for kids and are big enough to be read. They also stand out from the coloured boxes which they are placed in. There are quite allot of different texts some of them look like they have been draw by hand giving it a rough look. This gives it the feel of school.

The colours which have been used are very child like and are used in this magazines as it is a children's magazine. They are very bright and colourful to grab the kids attention. Its probably aimed toward girls as its mainly pinks and reds.