
Dolphins By: Savvie

Transcript of Dolphins4

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Dolphins By: Savvie

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What Do Dolphins Look Like? Dolphins look gray; there are some species with black stripes, spots or some black parts on their body.Here is something cool that you might want to know, some dolphins can be pink! Dolphins are hairless, which is an exception among most animals. Most species have gray skin tones, although, there are a few with black stripes, spots or even huge parts like the killer whale.

Here is a website on how dolphinsLook like.

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What Do Dolphins Eat? Dolphins eat lots of different foods. Some of them eat fish such as…Mackerel, Herring, and Cod, while other dolphins eat squid. Large dolphins like Orcas eat other marine mammals, like sea lions or sea turtles. Some fish, like Mackerel or Herring have a lot of fat in them, so when dolphins eat them, they have lots of energy. However, squid does not have a lot of fat in it, so a dolphin would have to eat more squid to get the same amount of energy as a dolphin would eating a fish.

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Where do Dolphins Live?Dolphins live in a habitat. A dolphins habitat can be found all around the world! It depends as where you might find a specific type of dolphin. The bottlenose dolphin a very common dolphin. They can be found nearly everywhere including the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans.

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If you want to see Winter the dolphin from Dolphin Tale swimming scan this QR code!!!

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How Does A Dolphin Raise their young?

Dolphins can give birth about every two years, but most only do so about every three years. They gestate for twelve months, and give birth in the water. Baby dolphins are called calves, and may be born head or tail first. The umbilical cord breaks on its own shortly after birth. Most often, the mother dolphin only carries one baby at a time, much like humans. In fact, while twin dolphin births have been observed, most often the stronger of the two will be the only one to survive as it's almost impossible for the mother to take care of more than one calf. Newborn dolphins are usually a little under 2 feet long.

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Interesting Facts About Dolphins!

Did you know that dolphins are not endangered? Well they are not! Dolphins can jump up to 20 miles per hour, their brain is bigger than a monkeys, they have 100 teeth, some kinds of dolphins can hold there breath for 30 minutes, dolphins can eat up to 30 pounds of fish each day, and a dolphin can live up to 50 years!!Here is a website about dolphins!

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How much types of dolphins are there?

There are 41 types of dolphins! I am only going to pick 1 type of dolphin to tell you about. I am going to tell you about the bottlenose dolphin. The bottlenose dolphin is the most common dolphin in the world!

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The Bottlenose Dolphin

The Bottlenose dolphin is the most common dolphin in the world! The bottlenose dolphin is a mammal (like all dolphins). They can live up to 50 years. Dolphins groups are called pods. They can be 10 to 14 ft. tall and they can weigh up to 1,100 pounds. Did you know that bottlenose dolphins have been observed to breach up to 16 ft. out of the water, landing with a splash on their back or side.’s true!

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I Hope you learned more about dolphins!