Dayton Accords and OHR

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Transcript of Dayton Accords and OHR

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    Dayton Peace Accords:

    Annex 4 – The Constitution

    Annex 10 – Civilian Implementation

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    Article I: Bosnia and Herzegovina 

    • Continuation. The epu!lic o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina' the o""icialname o" (hich shall hence"orth !e )#osnia and $er%e&ovina') shallcontinue its le&al existence under international la( as a state' (ith itsinternal structure modi"ied as provided herein and (ith its present

    internationally reco&ni%ed !orders*• Democratic Principles. #osnia and $er%e&ovina shall !e a democraticstate' (hich shall operate under the rule o" la( and (ith "ree anddemocratic elections* 

    • Composition. #osnia and $er%e&ovina shall consist o" the t(o +ntities'the ,ederation o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina and the epu!li-a .rps-a/hereina"ter )the +ntities)* 

    • Citizenship. There shall !e a citi%enship o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina' to !e re&ulated !y the Parliamentary Assem!ly' and a citi%enship o" each+ntity' to !e re&ulated !y each +ntity' provided that: all citi%ens o" either+ntity are there!y citi%ens o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina' etc

    • Movement of goods' capital' symols***

    Annex 4 – The Constitution#osniacs' Croats' and .er!s' as constituent peoples /alon& (ith 2thers' and citi%ens o"

    #osnia and $er%e&ovina determine that the Constitution o" #3$ is as "ollo(s:

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    Article II: Human !ights and "undamental "reedoms • Human !ights. #osnia and $er%e&ovina and !oth +ntities shall ensure the hi&hest level o"

    internationally reco&ni%ed human ri&hts and "undamental "reedoms* To that end' there shall !ea $uman i&hts Commission "or #osnia and $er%e&ovina as provided "or in Annex to the5eneral ,rame(or- A&reement* 

    • International #tandards. The ri&hts and "reedoms set "orth in the +uropean Convention "orthe Protection o" $uman i&hts and ,undamental ,reedoms and its Protocols shall applydirectly in #osnia and $er%e&ovina* These shall have priority over all other la(*

    • $numeration of !ights. All persons (ithin the territory o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina shallen6oy the human ri&hts and "undamental "reedoms re"erred to in para&raph 7 a!ove8 theseinclude:

     –  The ri&ht to li"e*

     –  The ri&ht not to !e su!6ected to torture or to inhuman or de&radin& treatment or punishment*

     –  The ri&ht not to !e held in slavery or servitude or to per"orm "orced or compulsory la!or*

     –  The ri&hts to li!erty and security o" person*

     –  The ri&ht to a "air hearin& in civil and criminal matters' and other ri&hts relatin& tocriminal proceedin&s*

     –  The ri&ht to private and "amily li"e' home' and correspondence* – 

    ,reedom o" thou&ht' conscience' and reli&ion* –  ,reedom o" expression*

     –  ,reedom o" peace"ul assem!ly and "reedom o" association (ith others*

     –  The ri&ht to marry and to "ound a "amily*

     –  The ri&ht to property* –  The ri&ht to education* 

    •  9ondiscrimination' e"u&ees and displaced persons' Implementation' International

    A&reements' Coordination

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    Article III: !esponsiilities of and !elations Bet%een the Institutions ofBosnia and Herzegovina and the $ntities 

    • !esponsiilities of the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina:

     –  ,orei&n policy*

     –  ,orei&n trade policy*

     –  Customs policy* –  ;onetary policy as provided in Article

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    Article I&: Parliamentary Assemly 

    • House of Peoples. The $ouse o" Peoples shall comprise 1> Dele&ates' t(othirds "rom the ,ederation /includin& "ive Croats and "ive #osniacs and onethird "rom the epu!li-a .rps-a /"ive .er!s*

    • House of !epresentatives. The $ouse o" epresentatives shall comprise 47;em!ers' t(o thirds elected "rom the territory o" the ,ederation' onethird "romthe territory o" the epu!li-a .rps-a*

    • All decisions in !oth cham!ers shall !e !y ma6ority o" those present and votin&*The Dele&ates and ;em!ers shall ma-e their !est e""orts to see that the ma6orityincludes at least onethird o" the votes o" Dele&ates or ;em!ers "rom theterritory o" each +ntity* I" a ma6ority vote does not include onethird o" the voteso" Dele&ates or ;em!ers "rom the territory o" each +ntity' the Chair and Deputy

    Chairs shall meet as a commission and attempt to o!tain approval (ithin threedays o" the vote* I" those e""orts "ail' decisions shall !e ta-en !y a ma6ority o"those present and votin&' provided that the dissentin& votes do not include t(othirds or more o" the Dele&ates or ;em!ers elected "rom either +ntity* 

    • Po%ers. The Parliamentary Assem!ly shall have responsi!ility "or:

     –  +nactin& le&islation as necessary to implement decisions o" the Presidencyor to carry out the responsi!ilities o" the Assem!ly under this Constitution*

     –  Decidin& upon the sources and amounts o" revenues "or the operations o" theinstitutions o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina and international o!li&ations o"#osnia and $er%e&ovina*

     –  Approvin& a !ud&et "or the institutions o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina*

     –  Decidin& (hether to consent to the rati"ication o" treaties*

     –  .uch other matters as are necessary to carry out its duties or as are assi&ned

    to it !y mutual a&reement o" the +ntities* 

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    Article &: Presidency

      The Presidency o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina shall consist o" three ;em!ers:

    one #osniac and one Croat' each directly elected "rom the territory o" the

    ,ederation' and one .er! directly elected "rom the territory o" the

    epu!li-a .rps-a*

    • The ;em!ers o" the Presidency shall appoint "rom their ;em!ers a Chair

    /!y rotation*

    • The Presidency shall endeavor to adopt all Presidency Decisions !y

    consensus* .uch decisions may' nevertheless' !e adopted !y t(o ;em!ers(hen all e""orts to reach consensus have "ailed*

     –  A dissentin& ;em!er o" the Presidency may declare a Presidency Decision to

     !e destructive o" a vital interest o" the +ntity "rom the territory "rom (hich he

    (as elected' provided that he does so (ithin three days o" its adoption*

     –  .uch a Decision shall !e re"erred immediately to the 9ational Assem!ly o" the

    epu!li-a .rps-a' i" the declaration (as made !y the ;em!er "rom that

    territory8 to the #osniac Dele&ates o" the $ouse o" Peoples o" the ,ederation' i"

    the declaration (as made !y the #osniac ;em!er8 or to the Croat Dele&ates o"

    that !ody' i" the declaration (as made !y the Croat ;em!er*

     –  I" the declaration is con"irmed !y a t(othirds vote o" those persons (ithin ten

    days o" the re"erral' the challen&ed Presidency Decision shall not ta-e e""ect*

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    • Po%ers* The Presidency shall have responsi!ility "or:  –  Conductin& the "orei&n policy o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina*

     –  Appointin& am!assadors and other international representatives o"#osnia and $er%e&ovina' no more than t(othirds o" (hom may !eselected "rom the territory o" the ,ederation*

     –  epresentin& #osnia and $er%e&ovina in international and +uropeanor&ani%ations and institutions and see-in& mem!ership in suchor&ani%ations and institutions o" (hich #osnia and $er%e&ovina isnot a mem!er*

     –   9e&otiatin&' denouncin&' and' (ith the consent o" the Parliamentary

    Assem!ly' rati"yin& treaties o" #osnia and $er%e&ovina* –  +xecutin& decisions o" the Parliamentary Assem!ly*

     –  Proposin&' upon the recommendation o" the Council o" ;inisters' anannual !ud&et to the Parliamentary Assem!ly*

     –  eportin& as re?uested' !ut not less than annually' to theParliamentary Assem!ly on expenditures !y the Presidency*

     –  Coordinatin& as necessary (ith international and non&overnmentalor&ani%ations in #osnia and $er%e&ovina*

     –  Per"ormin& such other "unctions as may !e necessary to carry out itsduties' as may !e assi&ned to it !y the Parliamentary Assem!ly' or asmay !e a&reed !y the +ntities*


    •Council of Ministers• #tanding Committee

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    • Article &I: Constitutional Court

    • Article &II: Central Ban'• Article &III: "inances

    • Article I(: )eneral Provisions

    • Article (: Amendment• Article (I: *ransitional Arrangements

    • Article (II: $ntry into "orce 

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      Civilian aspects o" the peace settlement (ill entail a(ide ran&e o" activities /a considera!le num!er o"international or&ani%ations and a&encies (ill !ecalled upon to assist includin&:

    • humanitarian aid e""ort "or as lon& as necessary'• reha!ilitation o" in"rastructure and economic


    • the esta!lishment o" political and constitutional

    institutions in #osnia and $er%e&ovina'•  promotion o" respect "or human ri&hts and the returno" displaced persons and re"u&ees' and

    • holdin& o" "ree and "air elections*

    Annex 10 – Civilian Implementation

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    Mandate of High !epresentative and Methods of Coordination and +iaison

    The $i&h epresentative shall:

    • ;onitor the implementation o" the peace settlement8

    • ;aintain close contact (ith the Parties to promote their "ull compliance (ith allcivilian aspects o" the peace settlement and a hi&h level o" cooperation !et(een themand the or&ani%ations and a&encies participatin& in those aspects*

    • Coordinate the activities o" the civilian or&ani%ations and a&encies in #osnia and$er%e&ovina to ensure the e""icient implementation o" the civilian aspects o" the peacesettlement* The $i&h epresentative shall respect their autonomy (ithin their sphereso" operation (hile as necessary &ivin& &eneral &uidance to them a!out the impact o"

    their activities on the implementation o" the peace settlement* The civilianor&ani%ations and a&encies are re?uested to assist the $i&h epresentative in theexecution o" his or her responsi!ilities !y providin& all in"ormation relevant to theiroperations in #osnia and $er%e&ovina*

    • ,acilitate' as the $i&h epresentative 6ud&es necessary' the resolution o" anydi""iculties arisin& in connection (ith civilian implementation*

    • Participate in meetin&s o" donor or&ani%ations' particularly on issues o" reha!ilitationand reconstruction*

    • eport periodically on pro&ress in implementation o" the peace a&reement concernin&the tas-s set "orth in this A&reement to the @nited 9ations' +uropean @nion' @nited.tates' ussian ,ederation' and other interested &overnments' parties' andor&ani%ations*

    • Provide &uidance to' and receive reports "rom' the Commissioner o" the International

    Police Tas- ,orce esta!lished in Annex 11 to the 5eneral ,rame(or- A&reement*

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    • $i&h epresentative shall convene and chair oint CivilianCommission in #osnia and $er%e&ovina* It (ill comprise senior

     political representatives o" the Parties' the I,2 Commander or his

    representative' and representatives o" those civilian or&ani%ationsand a&encies the $i&h epresentative deems necessary*

    • The $i&h epresentative shall appoint sta""' as he or she deemsnecessary' to provide assistance in carryin& out the tas-s herein*

    • The $i&h epresentative shall en6oy' under the la(s o" #osnia and

    $er%e&ovina' such le&al capacity as may !e necessary "or theexercise o" his or her "unctions' includin& the capacity to contractand to ac?uire and dispose o" real and personal property*

    • The parties shall accord the $i&h epresentative and pro"essionalmem!ers o" his or her sta"" and their "amilies the same privile&es

    and immunities as are en6oyed !y diplomatic a&ents and their"amilies under the

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    Peace Implementation Council ,PIC-

    • ;ade up o" some >> states' international and non&overnmentalor&ani%ations*

    • #ody not esta!lished under the provisions o" the Dayton Peace Accords*• +sta!lished in Decem!er 1BB>* at the Peace Implementation

    Con"erence in ondon' to reali%e tas-s: –  ;ilitary disen&a&ement o" the Parties'

     –  A&reement on re&ional sta!ili%ation measures'

     –  Arran&ement to promote the return o" re"u&ees and displaced persons' –  $oldin& o" "ree and "air elections "or ne( democratic structures in #3$*

    • In its Communi?ues and Declarations' the PIC .teerin& #oard too- upsuch issues as: –  e&ulations on #3$ visas'

     –  Investi&ative actions o" the .tate Prosecutor re&ardin& alle&ations o" localla( violations'

     –  urisdiction o" 6udicial authorities over certain domestic le&al issues'

     –  #3$ "iscal sustaina!ility'

     –  > o!6ectives 7 conditions to !e delivered !y #3$ authorities prior to2$+@. transition*

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    • Peace Implementation Council' met in #onn' 5ermany' in Decem!er 1BBE' anddecided to FinterpretG Annex 10 o" Dayton Accords' and issued a statement sayin&that it:

    H(elcomes the $i&h epresentativeGs intention to ma-e !indin& decisionson interim measures (hen the parties are una!le to reach a&reement andJ

    other measures to ensure implementation o" the Peace A&reement .uch measuresmay include actions a&ainst persons holdin& pu!lic o""ice (ho are "ound !y the$i&h epresentative to !e in violation o" le&al commitments made under the PeaceA&reement*K

    • #et(een 1BB= and 700> inclusive' successive $i&h epresentatives issued E>Edecisions' removin& 11B people "rom pu!lic o""ice and imposin& 7= la(s oramendments to la(s*

    • Council o" +urope in une 7004 stated:Kthe Assem!ly considers it irreconcila!le(ith democratic principles' that the $i&h epresentative should !e a!le to ta-een"orcea!le decisions (ithout !ein& accounta!le "or them or o!li&ed to 6usti"y theirvalidity and (ithout there !ein& a le&al recourse*K

    • In 700>' the

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