D A I L Ynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031157/1896-05... · pic nJCust Bo *ti*ojiea, and Food...

DAILY '■< : j ; . , •*&■ V Q L 4 8 —N fO . lO T . ■_ M A Y (i, 18 9 6 . p r i c e : t w o mrm /- CQN3D-L GpENSRAJL LEE. EC© WJll li© Ac^m panftfl to-Cnhapy Ittnjor > J , VMM*- NEW Y ork , May* IL—A. Watetagftm ispecial Bays; Consol funeral, Fifediugh Leels tfebe actompamed to Havana by au pffiedr of the, tegular ajrtoy. W hen M r; 1 m w w apptpMed one of bfe first act* teM to ttiegraph to M ajor Edward. Hsyes, bf the seventh oaval- 'rr, better known among army officers 'and cm tha pining, as' “Captain Jack” Hayes, asking Wmcomeefc him iu W ash ington. _ Consul General Lee and Major Hayes'serred together in the aijny be fore tha war and, they ax© ■warm person al fnends Tlie two men met in WashT- Ingtpn, nnd Cocsul General Lee asked Major Hayee to go to Onbawith him. They tow the Pxeaidenfe and talked the matter over amd ifc was arranged that Major Hayes should go* ‘ - I t iS'Btated, liowewer, that he will pot have any official relations -with the con- ’ snlate, but will he im Oriba simply as an ■. a rm y officer on have of absence.. He will, however, give. Consul General Joe fcho boaefit of bis advice and assistance, ana bis hong expcrionco in the arm y, hflost o f it on fne jplains*, teill Ibe o f great service to tlio consul general in fnjdtoiagi&ini^ the' mil- •’ ifcnry sitnation om tho island, tajTarlpo 3DJs»«tera, Mites.,; % yfl.* -Tho r * steamer reportedl aBbora oh Peaked B ill BSr ia the BritiOi flterimef Forest Haims. Sheworked off the bar and proceeded towards Boston « t 5 :4Q a . m, Tlie veese.1 which went sshoxo afcCn- hoons Hollow at midnight ia tho Daniel B; Fe&dngi. Qigiitafn Clifford and drew Of eight men v?ew 'tajcasi «ff to tlie life toat by Cn^fdlil Cede and crew of Oa- liooiia HollowHro Saving station at two o'clockthiemomijig.' after a hard strug gle; with the w iadabdsea,, * Iho vessel W tllpiobablybo a total loss. She waa in renniuand of Captain - Ciifrord m d wap -from PliiMddpliia for Boston with coa3. She is owned by C. B.fieyndld?, oflNowporfc. ; ■» —. - - - :4—; Coal JDIteayerto., •'y' ’• Chicago, May <?.~A special from Ihunfcb, MinnV, Bays ;- V ast beds of an- tbradito coal, which aro said to: rival to richness and extent those uuPenmsylva- iita.llave beon discovcrectiu tbenorthcrn .. part of fbis stat©, .nndda?. J . Hill. prCBi- clent of tho Groak Northern, railroad, in thei* sole owner, ljaving rocently par-- elite od as.OOWacBes off theJiMid.on which, ‘the oool ielopfttta. Hoiir-new ddvelnp- iag the property- and will it Ia claimed : soon ,extendi-hto rmilfoad from Pork Rapids fo the coal Held*, which ate located to the odrantay bounded .by.,the, IfflSeFwE river tfi£&&lako Indian tepeiratton and, thi Koimtrr rWeitto the erijmdd 'Moethopidiaxtflfitenrijwe ■V tbksta. IfnyO —Tho xnnnidpal cn sib, •which has bfcen prolonged by the repeat ed, eloctioxi of 2)z Luogor, theantd-ocniito loader,-totlie o®co of burgomaster of Yien'ua nnd kisn'-jeettoii b y tlio. emperor, w as ondaci thla liwanfog b y the notion of- Letter frora iffisfs Clara Bar- ' ton. • "WILL HOT ABJimOIT TEE ¥«SK, TrieDiEs Misled by Bop-oits—Sli-o Writes tn^i> **'• , tito Fiej<dSttist|B«(Parried? the Pe#» p ic nJCust Bo *ti*ojiea, and Food Mi©SEedlcdiioBIuetB*aoh fHi-OMM . ' ‘ WASHiNrGTPji, M «r.6—MtssOIaiu Bax- toa, in a letter «dtt*ed Constantinople, April IS, to Red Ciosss officials here , dis poses o f the fears: fsrpreesed. some time ago that her missio:i would fail on ac- cdont of tbaopposifeon <of the Turkish authorities, and sliowvs thnt she has n» idea of abaaidoniugtlne work now so suc cessfully innuguratt®.. Xfriends, misled by report?' of tho (iiSficatity wo are on- conLnteriug, had liealdi of her return, aud torfiply she'writes;‘“ Il*ave» tv bo^y o f relielontbese iioMs Ihmndrads o f miles aw oyiii the niounGrriiae,© thbnsaud m iles from rae, tfiat I cortiliL nofc draw off in sfcs weeks. Tiio best -va conjd all do would bo toabandon ten, ibotsapcE. poor,, s i" suffering wretches to« -xvCate that bught to shock the entires toi I i L Pyjng, siok, foddlijss, naked, and mot o^'doctor and »o m odiclu* amiom|:gfche)x!t;.'wlioje m ties scenrgevl and le ft t h e ir fate, to die without u bnud rtto.raa eavo, the threo o r four rosolnio iiuisalonariea, : tired worn, (iod-serviaij! fli ' feheir sosts utitdl .- .tlie^y .drtjp, ' *The- .eivilized world ruutdug oyed' icdtli- sicillful. pbysi- eiiinfsiiidnot ono 6o pay expenses' take HpedaJ chargji. and! thus mako it poasible fur them tcj:«o. And we seeing licat stdte of things, hblditgb-oar-giaaprfcho reUefwobave been. sreJte jnepnriiip: and organiziog to anticipation of this, teo tmm back, draw off om li(ili*cr8, send baok the.doctcrs al ready rtarted, giv& alll up, because some body had said soittfilaing ; tho press had circulated i* ; Che wiockl had believed it _ our clisappolntod coiomitteefi 'had 'lost hevrfc m d groiwn «mb^ atruRgllng AHith anoconpaticn rather nowdot them, p d tho ptoplo had takaeu alarm and failed to nu'stain tiiam—was iliris mil thofe waa of, us? No pur 3 poa«p of oiic owTi? On -chauge lilto tiie prico o f wlicmt an fehe mot let f In tho naiuo of :God toud TiUHaaidty, tins, fipld maat b>o oarrieil ; these people must bb’rewraodskill, tare, nnediotoea aud food for the- aick inaii^rotuch.them- / - " Anct it t o U- . glafcd iKIghfc te niy p olto thhii o f Enfkaah' loops- r taking tfcesa, bands o f doctor* on «tp Maraah. - They dntm done it, • aucf iwre This very hour mamhlasbn).vritli Jliajm totholrfieldOf. Htog- wiiad; doe»;«»iiti cor^'^te diticiism, 'dUWJppiwfViil qt-ap^ilowiftl. w td * v ! fcfc* -?Ur o m w p t e * v :lik e _ lMiWe> Don t 1)® trembled-, fcffo p a . ftiarryat we nwii f io o d e r # ; 'ht»t iLumiioybd M id <JoA- h e l^ ’g; can'pawo dmr tocspitola I Jtias .BhrCon-'sarTil t S. uapoemhW tc> l deecrilie. the ioy of tlie ddeolatepeopLe iu woleomiug tfio rclbe! pnitaes. THE REV. WILLIAM N. CLEVELAND. The keVi Mr. Clevehnddirotljer of Piwidont .Clnvelanil, rt-oantly foat Ids pa®; ■ato ia CEjnmnont, N. Y ., Pulitif.9 oansed tho trouble, it ia alloged. Go roccjyod torato ttiQG aye&v. Tho prueidontgete $20,000. HILDRETH’S CASE. | , Tlio Xrlnl Dmuing to a Close. H ome, N.-. 'Yl , May 6 —Lawyer D: F. ! SLtoJetotto© tito Opening address-for t he > defense in tholHlIdi'otb casoi •tliis niorri- : tog. ;to the' ihegiitoiiig he ,8u,id he and - jh’iaipartner, Mr. Saylosj were there be*, (toii^ Hiey'i hflsd b « u ,"assigned by the [ court todefani the boy who is not able ; to pmcm'e t^ElLiBeL becaasa lio is poor} and tdfchoiit, means, and bcwiuso his : jEardly andrelafcivea are poor. He then i attacked the'Cehtxal railroad saying:, YVhile fonr-Ci' five days luvv.' bceU: spent a Wreck s onolor t\v nr.d wflsh' bvwl a« 1 anil'lrTnVvdof -teectatws'at-tiie St. Louis i conveatlon,' printing tipketh, etc. .T hatd timcof the wropfe and took oin- of Hil- ( dieth’s room, twti.kcl thnt she tuck cjvre ! cf 'fris Tooni abotit :I30 o!cl6ri. on thb j moriiltiR o f th;-,I'Uli Thiv.l’x-drlothlw..' v’drc ttoufeddoivn and th,- shape of the i Miiuieapi hpntiwuf. visibk in both pillows. Tlie I tails or slope wore in thi> pail usual. - -_- .......... _ ...... Henry YVilbort tf'stided that on tno morping pf - tlio. w roc k hoi found a soft hatywitba White lining llf, font uortli of tho fonco on the liorth sido of the. track1. Ho jmy e.tht' hut tn detectivo Lathani. Mr’. Saylps haiubsl him Hildt-oth’s hat, Whi-ch ho .said , resembled the. one Ke found.--, J',!>i; , Tbis fcestiihony wns pvninntlv intended California Republicans in Ses sion. - THEY WILL ENDORSE MOKINLEY. They Will Demand Vre« and I’nllmlted Colnago oX Silver—810,000 Tioketa Issaeil for tbe St, Jbottls Cwitvon- tlon—A [Bis Inflow of tUoney Expected. S acramento, Cal., May 6.—The Re publican state convention wiH resume its session this morning, when the re ports of committees win bo heard. I It is expected John JD. Sprcckles and Lionel Sheldon w ill be elected as two of : the delegates to tlie national convention, | the other two places being batweeu Ulysses S. Grant, Irving ’M, Scott, Geo. i A. Kfcight and J . M. Glenves. | Thp oomhtittee on resolutions held a j pr6tatet«fls©BSi(jn which lasted well into I the morning; Tlie oliairman of tlio committee was directed to withhold from reporters ruid all others tlie pro- ceodinpa of the session,but it was learned that the platform will embrace tho following plunks: * Free mid unlimited coinage of silver »t tho ratio o i 16 to 1 ; the recognition of tho Cuban tusurgenfa as bolligereflts:; the annexation of ; Hawaii ; proteat against undesirable immigration, and a plea for proteptien of .American labor againgt , pauper ' competition. Tho strongest kmtlof a nrotection plank will also be adopted. A refiolntioh WiH bo. adopted ehdorsttig McBLifcley ^ wad direct- ing the delegatos tc use all houoat moans to stouie .his nomination; AVasiiinoton, May Q . —Tim Byrnes, of oils, who has' in charge the de- Tlie i tails of accommodating the delegates ALBANY SPECIALS, m proviiig a •week 5 ono. or two days in proving thufc- Kyo rails were moved in- _____ ____ __________ __________ _ stood of ioveii r Wliile tho town :is full to contradict .that of Ariiott. th»> piuple’s of railroad luen and th'toctive*i .- svitnf8S, w ho snui InVfor.nd tho li at from Oswego tlff.Pqnghkoepsie, v-o fiiid a J U ir.n ii M arv;t>l tti.titt.ii tbat he was great an extraordinary interest ; a thuxt , employed l.y tht* Oentrul railroad twen - for blood on tligpart; of .this great soul- ; ty-sixdays Jparcliing for the. revolvers. T/uo AAtwtoMntin' ' kV/mi ttiknf too lmK«r » . . * - - less o6rpcrjvti<tr.‘ Ekoni 'what we lmow of it we kuowTt i* Jhot maktog.this o f - Mr: 6et»je-'8!Cid;maY.whilo track. S limi .been, rtepattud hetovthtv :.8ceno .of - the •iitisek:t»ote’Itefc4tffiiMid- tbifi spitogiytto. _____ trackd where tJrt1 ' but .found none. MM Trasiiel]. aged Al. grandmother of Pluto, testified thnt tho hammer in' evtdtiic© Was taken fn un her house bv a jxilicsmaiYcuf Nov: m . . , G iaarlcs \T#ul)PTralk or of Cmidon tea fletVthal; tiiA h.irb, h„ifrtr-A utdaV lust n ig h t: “ There will be 210,000 tickets printed, for tee are allowing for a five days’ convention with threo sessions a, day. * ' %' -1 , - “ Each, delegate will be given three tickets forcarh ef the days. ’ Arrange- > mente liavo been mado to provide for }18 working hew^paptur men. and , each of . toem w to-have a toaspb-tioket. •‘Tho pebple of St. Lofiis are expect itig.‘ an enrmnons iuffow of money; and they do not teuiiftlib conVuution curtailed: They aro constructing a buildtog that will coat 9C0,O00,and; erppct t|j morc than' pay for it ontfl! tiie tflnyenfcba.' ' ’ > "ThoaCTahgtto’ehtefar cajdiig for tfle crowd nre timplo, and every ono who goes to the.convention winhe well tokpjl care of - V ••:■*': The Venal Grist of News. Albany, May 6.— Mayor Wnister, of Brooklyu was among Governor Morton’s callors today.< The mayor said he was here to regard to ‘Brooklyn ’legislation which is awaiting executive action, Ex-Senator Persona, of Erie oounfcy, today called npon the new state agricul tural commissioner and presented the claims of Asa L . Twitch&ll, o f Buffalo, for tiie .position of deputy agricultural commissioner. The appropriation of $If,C00, asked for by the state board of boalfch to con duct; tuberculoeis investigations, and the appropriation of $8,000 to pay the claims for damages nnstog from the destraotion of glandered horses, were not allowed by tlie recent legislature. Ao a comsoqnenoe the state board cannot males any exom- inatibn of supposed tuheacnlosis nerds of csattie this yonr, and numerous applica tions have been received for the services of the cattle inspectors of tho hoard. The claims amounting to $3,600 which have already been allowed for glundored , horses femnin unpaid, as State Comp troller Roberts has no special fund to meet payments for such awanis. -' WALL 8TREEY- :‘f :v ' ■“ PO LIT iC JLJIFfll 'They Meet, in Cpnyent Batt3tpL«r9, opening t of 61.200,0 tito offices Dr. Luc^or was elected flrat vice burgomaster.. Herr Strckbach upon boing offtoially iiMfermcd of his election Biad he Yrould aoccpt theofllco, but de- clargd he would iquie the pest tho top, rucnt thnt Dr: Imflger should demand it. . A Fm attalenC VmMomcr. . UwttoiJtt, Heb., M ay G.—'William Loe,: apoxalytic, who, abcsqrding to his own confaaion, franatdeatly drew' a pension foryears in- howift hy iittpersonating hie brother,: Morgan Lbs, a wur veteran, came to ldnoaln on Monday and applied to commlSoner of public lands and buildings RuaeelC for admission to the Nebraska soldiers, homo. Ho .was afill masquctotiihg as M arpa Leo, bnt CoL Honell, Mio eeryrod in aalotea com}»ny hnd knevr Morgtoi Lee,’ denotuiced the bogusbro6hfet;,toieilly foroiuf? a conTea- snHi iroai Mta. "Wm. Led rioter served to-the w ar, and oE coarse wiU nofc ho ap.- taittefl. to tlioliPiixe, . ; FHOM SOUTH AFRICA Tlio ItsUima Oc«ri)i«ir «tl DnpOftimt }~' ToiJlllW. - Ro3iE. lla y received fxorat Gen. EaMsBertx. cctaiiiieiiiiiding tlio Ttal- iat foicea to' fktr^Bay.. that the Xtnl- ianR iu efcrorig force* are icow 'occnpyiug all o f the poeltvtinB stouiiitl AdJgrat,-f*oia which,' ; place t-hr6e . hundred ;aick ‘ -nnd- - yeoitadtsd.,- solddsfB have _ been ' -rtolosYcfe.- fco Other quarters. Tills- nevxi -has -causod great tojolciiig Iii Tome, 'fkhe otivices also say the: AliyBsiu kn leaulctrs, H as Ssbat a u i ! Ras MaugSsria. are. mow hotding pOBi- iious regpoct-ivedy;totlaoleft amd right of the Italinns, but ol their intenttona nollriiig. iskJiovvu. * -v ScatAUKieil to Sanff. Btreot, murdered Borfcraim Atwater. of Oliicago, in tfie sntrarbat vLHnge of Wehster-f-: Grove on the niglxt of: Jaa. SI, wets yes- tertoy sentenced fo bang on Jnue 28. Atwater teoson o -visiito his sweetheart, -5*-- engaged Smlfch to direct him to her 410 residence. He waa decoyed tp a_ lonely Rpot On tjie road and shot to death ior t h e jptfcfloao o f tolNhery, . Imlictf i l Y o r - M u r d o r . ’:-. . A kron, 0., Mn y R.—Tho graad juiy • lasfc' night-TOtTmi«ed .three laidicfinents against ftonraltis Oottell, alias > John Smith, for tmrder iu tho first degree. The indictments plittrge that he mnr. dered Alvto N'; Stone, Serena if. Stohe aindi 0 . it’. Stillsom. GgttCl will, be a r raigned Tlmmlus? lmornlng- He. win plead nob guilfcy. . . >(t ' , DliQstroiua R«xthq(ui^cc. j. l?sw York, May 0.—A correspondent to Guaynquil, EcBador/ telegi’aiiks that the province of Manuhi rafftjrod terribly on: Sunday from to., oarthquftkfii'. In Puerto yiogo houses were tliro wa dowii many persoiiB'wetie buried alive in tho ruins, and many others injured. The rovinco d f Atondtii im in t h e norfchoaet* Eouador. , - ern phrtof) L onj vor tii riUtath Catnip tiy Syiiooiio, don May 0 --Tliiy huquogt held ov or the body of Ool.North.tlio “ Nitrate linig “whc diedsnddeniy in,the ofiiceof tho Guano j ^haa ctqie. . Approros of ft. * Hbw Yokk M ar 0'“—A correspondent in San Salvador vStes 'that congress haa uuproved the tre»P M Aaiimln, -which iinltcs the ropublicH of i n Salvador, Hi* caragna aud Hondoras. Wife IkMifcoi'IjjuicIied. ’ WnJ-JA.srarowN'- K y ., M a r 0.— News 1ms reached here of tfio lynching of Dr. Tarrellut EUistoii^ Ky. Farroll was-A ■wife beater. He veufc home dcimk gad xvhipped his wife- Monday night a mob was organi*od aud he wos hfti* 'Tlsti »toa’iefeco»fdi; ' JS’ kw Y ook, M ay 0.— ^Eicrly th is mom ing.firo in Liib "foa* sftorjr brown sbona dwoLlinir iio-iise. .No. S? EBflt 2Sd occu; 000 d daniago totlao bmildtliig. S xravocn . May 5/-*Oue of the largo sforahoiiKes o f t.he Cimnd Union hofcei, locufccd on - -W«st Giitouldr sfcreot and Owned b y th© gtewtort ioirs -was. With conienis , toni<^i n6 im early hear tliis mnminr. Fbed M->cDonii©ll, who was ’Seejfifig iu-tlip bult-diiirg,. u i now in JW fiospitnl.suffrri.rtg frym : barns about the" fiend al’d l'fvbr If,- k tliouglit ,bf will Idto-’. l Th & brfgW o fJb -fires 6 .fmfaiown U atif i«beli<W'd tuh nvr->1'oeu i jiccndiajy. The building- u.ns vyni' fliscahco from the hotel. .. - Miners KldtatiL. ] -GgA-fifAXQioilv.. TcrM'_,Mtaff.ff«--*-;Yetite^ day afturnnovi Oeo. • Cannon nnd Th-es. Atherton, two imxn:« at Whitewell' entPred their ropiri Im the mines ana fixed n "Spot” ftiidi^iilrfedfhe TusolTlioy left tho teorn aiid w»itea • for the .ex- plosion, vvliicdi itot occinri'lag to the time expected iidtfrmeu x-cmi-iied t-o investi gate. .last as they tffiaclaed fhe puiut whotto tlisTtoirge haul beat, placed it ex- jdodedi Gto-non’shkCKa. iwas blown off aud A tlior tori died ioci litalf a n bour. Tlie P<rse6iito(l ATili«nl*n«i Ooystakt- dsopxr, Tiiiyy O .— Serious dis- flu buncos Iiave takeE plaee nt; Aksheln- between fcho H ard s riaiil Ai-nneniaua who are conaeeted w itlv ttoc work 6 f con- straoting- the railway between Aksheltr al.d Ho..ieji,.in Asia JBIIatn-.lint no detoils of the rioting -3mv<e yrefc tieeri received hero. The nrimber crianrssds off Arinexii- ans in tliisoity lias rtesaiitly been largely increased. isidte111!** - • y • from' .. tntii- , . , the dis* nvery of nn olopotxiciut off' one o f tlie y p u iig w ain en BtxtctetotSi ho»hise W . Gor- ley, nnd a barhor iiai3iMl Clf*r,eace De{fy. ily cf Sutton* V?, vm*.,:iafid wiH fall heir; t o '$25,000' mi her oi She if* now' IT, pretty iinsepitto birthday, m-dpoiiulor. ^ A n I&irly AtVjoiiJMUi»cnt- W asws ' oton, M ajr i. —The w ays arid saeaiw committee: of tlioiroiiBe li nsagrood to report a rcsolntiom piroridimg for ait ndjonrmaeiit of coi)g»» ou the ISth «f thus month. , fcd xw far n«vnv tlte roapoiiBit,ility for thec^HeOBnppfP- of- the emplovnfl... It's uot bCpauBO * tluey were afraid of a new made grave*- foi they h-fvi filled S-id graves along the hues of tho railrcW in tbohXBt year btrt ns long as tlior© is a di© triot attcruey xn fctofl cnuutj ivhovnJl bend the*-,pregnant « binges\ of his knees; and. isow and sdrapq for. the pianditfl of this railroad Its Cheaper to - hire detectives,' to pay, Liatlmm,. thd opptossor; .to pay W ilkei tor perjury. tlian to pay the damage© that fcho railroad would have to p ay if. |k i? steoidenfc tide to Qarelaismess. ’’ Iii epedldngrikt' -flto. io n o f Hildi'etli, .Mr. Sehrle aaid if ifc Were tmo that the boy was net gnilty of filter- der or Of, any effcuse save guilty know ledge, hut that fcho district .attorney had shown a thirst fcv Mood, such an todiet- tueufc would nut, have ibeeh ffinhdfi The hoy .said he did not havo onything to-do iv^tli it. He begged and pleaded with them fiofc. tbdo.it, to d tens Botry^^tixfit It \vas done. Tlie epnfeeBion, the lawyer said, was inspll'od by Hildreth’s fatu* o l Latiianiiihe doteothve. whom ho clllecl big,ocMffse andtcd-faced, justfeheperBon' to cause fear in ss, boy, / •’ '-"‘tShy* *witli' the sYoice o f Lafchana;, rtogtog ill his tour.” said Mr. Searle,' he_ would hare, said he cnicMed onr ' '' iteenhttodred y d to :teg(i if ^ . „ .vatold please Latlmm. He: d have iafii he aEsaesinated Garflold or btoooln orpajhofiyr .ehe. if he had thoughtit-wofhlaffiaoseLatham,” - The Rpeakw 8/atT,the books were fall of baees where hien' had confessed’ to ; hftli talking withuome,one. On the cross- : . «MHTiiiiatii>ii jt rai-mo out that law vor , y SuvI m w as t.lnv w it miexs s at turnev in a dlVui.Ji .suit.' -1 -- ......... Atio in a uirt- fir .., wtoqtiippod Charles Beokfir, ^2.500 of hte jhUShaUd’B UiQitoy. wan* a r raigned to the Oeiiter Rtreet poUco court this momiag and xoinanded until this , j , afternoon far. examinntiou. ' The sheriff nf ^uoudoto totmly. 0. F, A A » tin ,.x to 8: ,h,; i x to i ! : presentvvith a w urranrfor M *8Qiffey,’ tlio ecano of the w reck. Ho did not know ; wlnvi track tho tie canie town. Mrs. F.miria Hibbard, mother of Then- ' ^ -domi testified-thttkoL * a . N o y , 1». ; y be litorated before 8 sho wen. to T h e o d o r o ?s room and j foixad him solierixig ftum nosei 1. 1 , i ir .t t i tho w om an on n blet-di. lu* was than in bed. - THcrtjort ' Piafo- was With h im . B o th boys'took breakfast at the house at half pant- six or a quarter of seven. Sho said on the corcmur'a toijiitst that sha had nevor sf’rn Herbert Plato, but she ex plained tliat at. the tune offtW inquest she did not huow tho iianui-of the young x n a n -wh»> W a s a t : b r e a k f a s t w i t h T h e o dore. Thwiddro's brother Emerson testified that Theodore and Plato came homo at B.18G a. ri. en Nov. 19. The lawyare said the attempt to"arrest of stealing ' the $2,500 was absurd. its il belonged to her lmsbsmd, and the snprcme eotirt had long since decidod that a Wifo could not'stem -froifi her husband." • , Bncker, the' in an with Whom;. M rs. Gaffcy doped,i jvas hot to court* and" the detontives think bq has luff the City'. This afternoon. Magistrate Simms turned the prisoner over to Sheriff Aus tin. of ,Syracuse, and the latter started with her for the train. when Lawyer Mess, of the firm of Hoflre & Hummel, ItolM ^etU ^ t o l. mother of Fred Bristol, who died in jail Feb ST.testiflwi; fchai: ho w a s always sickly :; was unable j tomorrow -to do any work or to walk tor •without! ^ C , Gkiffey was tlvett given stopping to n«t. .Oh.the evening of the ****&*?*& 18th Trtd went jlqxvn t,nwnL-..«lifint-, J a t); . . , ... . r .. - .-... ; 6 ’clook. ,.jio got home ht .3:45 A. u : ,i . . tontfcorftiid Cheese MteReto 'After hd got home ho Went; up to his | NfwYoRk; May 6 .^-Bntfer—Desira- room, and went to bed. He liad a severe I Me stock works ont fairly."but the offer bougiiiuK spell and at 4 :15 tha witnass 1 5^ Awi*afiiteba,U,BplcA'- ^ ~ save him a tablet. ! Tht'.-riert •fB'oWhfl-fl tljoigh ficctasiGaallYa'kHfi' he was to bed when the offiOer cama iluotaatlo«»i»Dlftlireutito«k»-, ’*.. • N ew Y ork, May .0.—-10:10 a. m.-— StiKiks opened weak, aad lowar, prices declining h, to l 1.* per cent rigbfc through tlie list. Sugar, Tennessee Goal, tod Rubber common shared the greatest losses.. •* - --*• - >•■"? ii a . it.—StookB were heavy this nibrning ou angag'-epaente 2CK),OOOgold for shipineutto Europe toinorrthv, and on tho belief that the ox* ports for the week will reaoh slxmlUioaa. Thero was uo piouoancod pxoaaare to sell, however, and tho declino, except to a foxy instances; was ooufl»9d,‘ to fr?®- tions,. Bay.Sta,te' Ga8_b»k». 8 ,p0 r;coot: on realizations, while Rubber common fell to 23 on , liquidtntiGNia b y . N e w England holders. Sugar -fell ^ . Yroboocb L, NorthweetJ^. St.-Paul %, General. Eleotrio. fl*. Missouri Pacific >£, Sasqae- hiuina & w estern preferred ^.Tennessee Goal ;^h, and Now; Jeraov Gontral j^.- Business was extremely light and the trading <lovold, 6f exoiturnout, t Bpecula- tio Q h tJjo ’tiattit Wte Ayeak.» Ono ofthe letidiijg dealers of atorling itoohaugo re duced thu time rate of >j cent to ,489^. but:'this Uad no effect oa thteteoflk rn&r- 1 * ' / ’ ' u 2 :16 p. M.—Tradept at'tfc? si ohangQ succeeded J n 'brin, ' change Qf-jpri6«! .*fter had in thoir,£)teOi;goklte L0 IF 6 LIST Seoretary Woodroflt -ti#' 0 (l City Govenaiwwt j*C|t CtaftMFt . - St»y-Sfew Yojci - St*te'- 3UUW ‘: - . , ttMj- jfcMA* t* -Wai i n w y " : ^ : Org*nl»tloiia.'. - - - B axtehork, M ay «—M any urea Id political reformers, engaged in tm 1 to improve the pres^nfc ineitkoias ■ ’ ‘ eintog municipalities, meifcin th© bly room off music hall tibia af .r and opened theannual joteferaac* < t mtioatil municipal ldagoe. The will ooBtinue until Triday a Dolegates from all part* off tho wero present,*; - . Jaa. O. Carter, ofPTow York, tho country’sleaduufiKriBts, i»l off tbo lehgn©. Ho- ,p«*M&d. ’anr-t sessions today. Heia an 6ntl beUeYor m orgairimi«Wh''’ tmd' m any beueflowd1 rtswltfc. in fc futUEO.' - ; rt'Olffutori _______ tho league, eoemea i* fopfirraltiM! tor’s mngntoe vievr w ho t tion - to dhe list1 <f ;>ab3o tingaished spdfiitoB. yrlri for - tho-. ntati^ , ! ' -tihroe - lending .riffle* ' w lt « *• oowgcBng > th* eidh of titei governments, Among-ti*«i -Waring, of INeteYxwkY; Chicago; Thoa, L. ladinaCn, Land.'and ’mauy' ctiora eqi kuowrn, I. - 1 The first addreet ot tike atn by Seoretary WoodritfS, He the year’s work in miuriky ,sey irig .to p**t; “A year ago 1 tato ooreelvqp thnt had, been municipal reform during ihtij deootio, and eepoqiabr d xatiou of the liatioiKil inteoli a t the PMladelphift City government, teorfeer* o f the’ - ' ’ .thfifcthe, warlike M< affairs. The g fcntJukas ’eitew-, h od 'W iY Jhicago Gaa. to Oe^^iuiii' *T6*»o to the Ino iaxxft, 29; ^C! Bloctrio ’Thfiio prfioee phow loeseefor tbedaycffl@2^jwtfOiiit. Th* railway' Itetflyffrided'i'uboufc "per cent But the dealtogs Wen©: ligmt: Loh-. dan bought about a thonsaria sharee of St. Paul afc the decline, bufc afc the same time eqld’ abont as jm udf LouiayiUe & Naaliville. "Wheto ifc. w ts ate- nonuced that eongreesY had 1 adcmtod a * reeclution to* tuljcom Mtxy 18 some of the early seUors mkhed Into cover and a rally per cent on- sned, the Industrials leadtoig.' Sugar roes to 12 0 4 and Tobuoco to Spots- ulntion at 3 :15 was steady. Sues 136,* OOOshore?; 8 .p. bL—Sngar was the featatie STUBS'. market* ih the tote trading and rope The general list oloeed quiet and firm. T. t h e , w il l f g w nd * , - ... -- ... —..UK .. . TfetOVWjRM* "Ifc»ytoi«tobei Oil tlie cro«s-examination the witness tvi ^ S * * ^ said it ivas uot trao thatHoa'aid Bvistol, * -~'iw 5” ' * ’ t o , htr oliier son.said ro Fred.in thi'presonVv' 1)^ fair, hchadvfm tout Mr. Saylea ^vnou , pi tii** ctSirer *• l hat lie had br»h out- all he detoed to te»-t-lmhOy.' ''A ct fc.irlond I rilgiifc Witii tiiat —-d littie'rod, hefld ’’ priesotst,’’ COlittptted the speaker; '‘a-; Hi>«ai-ri:Hristol w as s\ti>rrV iipvt room fall of-railroad detectives, aps-itius to weave thehwob m-onnd this little llPVt. sa'v Fred ilovvn toten in tho: evening abonfefiHo,went to U tic a ,at 8 -33 iriid rotnriled at 2:21. H o gi>t home nt five or ten iiimutes after threo. Fred .■tens Im b t'd -then. The Wi tu ess wont to b e d a b n n t U :8». .■ : . ,o Du tire: cross-examination ^ the wit ness of w -ilkcs— W ilk :e9 ,‘ ‘th e g am h lei''’ a s h o <gaidhedid not say anyt-liiiifr w h en the called hito.—nuff safd-he could1 hot un- ofilror dtem o abont his* brother having derstand why Ifilkes had been schooled [been ont- all; night. toy irijd throw off tiiij blame frfitotho railroad company , why teas it arqpufcable attorney was not pennittcd' to1 be ireserit?’’ V- : " " Mr. SoaHe ncrt thok up the testimanv to sOch outragfifixispeijnny, “Unless Mr. Klook wanted to impeach t-h© cojifOsaion I don’t see, said tho speaker, ‘‘why ho put it . in.. Is there any body Who ■wonld take the life of a cat because of anything such a,wii ness •» Wilkes said?’ If so, ho wduld duf lage lita own judgment.” Her 6 Mr Seailo road from the. coafes- 8 i©na staiement an which Hildreth said he bought a boot black s Rtrmdtera.litfl© ' ' oil Ur. JJ. E. W otmore, jail physician at ,U th'a, testified that Fred Bristol died -of (K 4 iis u n ip f io n, th at, h a d probably been rannliig six mbnths or a year. Recess. ' - . :“ ¥ e will show yon * said Mr. Searle, , “tbat- this boy was always kindly of heart, We Will show that his toother died when ho a baby ; that ho was lame for homo time and has always been ■Vfcakly’in body' Vt4 will show that ‘When he hved »n a farm the chickens ateddrigeahd hfirsos all loved: him. He never took Iff 0 , he always told - the tja./ Ferryzi Hildicth’s aunt, who ite/cotn-ii w p s .muon ^affected by liis vijrd?, hnd the abeais frequently rolled ddteii b ® fcheeks. HHdrethpaltor dbwn lit hto.ri|teir:teitli his; face partly csenv cthledbut^dKl not appear-to be in any 1 ^he- firgt wifeneiss for the defense was Steii.ff. W'eaver, who testified that the elawbnfweiRhril 25>^ponnds, the t-bree long "wrenohea Y pounds tt ounces, ? potMidB, 7 poumls 7 ounces ftepectively, The angle plates, woiglied S3 end 83 jporoida respectively. The defondant weiglis lie potoilsi and he Is fi feet and 1 Inch fall. j * Mrs. Jennie Oixfyor, who was chain- bormatdat the Temperance Hotel at the vary, isata- littie advance oyer quotatfons. * Oream- ©ry western extras Iff*, firstfi 44 !)al'fi, sec- ends litoihT thirds llal2;|‘ ergarietty state: 1 nnd Ppiinsylvania.extras Iii MnF".; state ilaily half 1fxjtfi? loa1:., fixsts:l3al4, seconds lia l 2 ; ..-XWLdr tuljs riticd'tiohs fafiey 1-itialfi, j firsts 18al 4 , seconds lla l 2 ; tubs, thirds j 16 ; old state daiiy tubs or firidl® 8 al f. ' Cheese—Choice new cheese is at full I prices but a rrivihg Vparingly; large -..white meeta with' most attention. Old ch(><\«p in rfioderatfi sale and steady for the best. ,-New cbetoe—^tote, full creaih , . large clioiee white b'.,a?,. good to prime ; cl^ ’uai" 7'»aS, colored choice'Th,, good to prim e' 7 a s m a l l colored choice SaS'*,,, white choice SaS'.j, light skims choice 5h,att, E a rt.skims good td prime 4a5, common to lir 2a3, full skims 2a2!s . j Old eheeBe-^Mtefffcdhcrtoto-'Mri^dfflH'' j made faney 9Wto!i4, choipe H^aOt^ .’gpod j to prime. Sahifi, common ;te fair 6a7, largo summer made ehoice.;7a 7L2 ,' coin* Civil 8er\ice Extetifiton. W^HirofloN, May 6 -^Tb© long talked ! o f extension 6 f Civil servieernjesi whicli -I -#9^ fa®. sumniei takes inehiof cierfa and S l y all tho -I high grade depaxtment oBlces, so as to . fv 'w .s k yh™? „ ?, H ,?’ prevent their removal except for cause, I Ooof mmou pidme 8a4)a,fali skims teas-trigned b y the JEteesideiJfc tQilay* It is ;4 . * . , - - 5Sij . Stciaon Got all - of th t It«a3 mu© Pev; j ' ' «onal Proper^. ; -|Tmy Yobk, May 6,-rA--Bosba, Mas?., special sayB: The will of Jokn Stetson h as been fcnind. It reads aa fflnows ; I give and bequeath to my wfifeiOatlierino ‘S. Steteofi, my entrro real eetate and pcis .soiial property. .- ■WitaesHes, , J ohn S ibtbon . ' GHtiA’A . BAtTEE, - - ’* - l-v O. C3; L & ley , 1 ■/’ '-'Y';'" 4 This wns dated April 16, two days be foro ho died. . - . fl- At a late hour last-, night came the j ttio't startling of all the sensational 'tiihda^to 'nunOTs of this strange and couiphcated. firkin tubs Mrss Stetson did *ot dxo a natural death. Shefioniniitted suicidle. So said rumor. 7 And still it was more thanmore rim or; it-was., stated as a positive fact by a well known actress, wbd is a friend, of the fam ily and, conversant with th© inside facts.- She is a woman of nnques- tioned totegrity and high standnng, She refuses: to givo her name for publication. She says Mrs. Stet-son comxuitfceil ani- died in terrible convulsions. The prostration whioh was ,publicly stated as the cause of her contiuexnent to the house after the funeral of her hus band was not theordinary nexvotis pr tration caused by^grief at ihe tLeatii off her husband: It waa far worse than that. - , , According to this friend of the family the incidents afe the deathbed, o f John Stetson and those immediately following caused M rs, Gteteon to teke heir jbten Ijfe*, John Sfcetson,whdle dying, had confeesod to her that she teas net M slcgol wife; that there were others tehoso claim to that title wtomcrtewtodtlraahearfi, , estitoiatedl th o t about 80,000 ofileials are iricludoflin itepioviBiofis. V Th© new rules cover all employes ex- A Dui'erlar Ganght. Ilooni.sTER, M ay 6 .—Officer Shepard ,. - . . . «, ** .eaiighi- » Buiglto tost night who had ceptiux thoso requiruig coiifli’niation by broken into the store of John Foster, at the senate and mere workmen. Every - 1pjo. 22 Elm street, and was working at Betweep-^ tiiese two totremesg<ms 1tiie .combinatitin oh . the; safe," and by under civilservice,': ... 1 qoick^ work got,..hito juBt; jfi: hqw*as" olimbirig out of a roar window. Tfle teohld-be thief |urhs out to be the son of the proprietor. Officer Shepard noticed a light inside ,the store and tried the door. , The light Was quickly extin guished. Going td the rettf of tije storo tiie man jumped from a window into Shepard's araaa. Mr. Foster* father ifci IlUis Aqyc'rtlsed. j Lostcoy;, M ay 'fi.ti-T^hdefs fo r stitoui- etes to.bnjtiseclin tfie qfcw; fcrapsAtladitic service, between Great Britain and the Dominion of CairadA, Were advertised for in tho. Lohdon newspaperl tlllB morn ing. In response ’to the advertisements. , . _ , . , --------- . ^ 0. nuiribor of interested persons applied borgtoir, says Sunday the boy h|ft at theUttaadidu. office today for infer- .mt- mhtiftw a^; to the conditions governing the aequisition of veBtels by tiie mana- gera offtho new enterprise. Oa for Eurotm. Niirvv Y oRK, M ay tt.—PciTy BelraonF fteilcd for Rvirope today on tho stcan’.er Now York. I home and did not return tilt Monday maniing. They had some word* in the .................................... fix tee eyouiig store on Monday, whereupon man pulled n revolvor and threatened kill Wm. They hod a long 9tmgg before, he was .disanued The*© wfts a targe tom 6f mriuey to tfiesafe. Of tbas the sen was aware. Yeung Foster . is thought to be' insane, as he has acted s trangely for some tune. Beceipta and Expcnilltwe*. -‘ - Albany, May G*—The Bbetoa Ss Al* bauy railroad company, for t&Bqulsrter ended March 81 last, reports: GreMtotn- 5 ; ,, .A imtookooc«io*ii n,miwl» h r o # « tho fffnfc stMM 'hKfji. ptttiedl^ tM nvaatoonv t e h i ® l p 9 r a a « ’ttp teifftt ’ * » ■ lfcyareaetfiing downtnifci BdontiOtoi endtiivor, jm m m lf. jtxdgmont. 'Wv'riUMeN' fltolip. Yfetidto that aturitiiAi aaflatafc. ersl, ao. nffttoL >*6 ©Itowslk./ ^ o r m botoiw* tft. oariplalLeSl^ frcrn the- oo&tegfc .In Belvaftof .ihetecsk tfatgr ten In ffikU « j b®rshij() v n to tSois off »> saeawMf**1 hi' 19M, Wi ... l ; an inqr«Me off iET p iii y o a w - ■': ; *. - Hew York stetete&li Ifc hto -lo muntoto«I»fl -. w ithixiite .bogdhto ttiak Ij lowirigwadtetoFafii ^ ^ . WoodWff in. _ ^ and iteriWm6aifoixK.teis m and- Aunmrioan htoitikpGMMftj thewtetld. Onr woci, league, and every cr»m .eteitt-itto to htokuffi Am eriom ptApe teSBM * i W rtoofcotffop _____ .r ____ __ spcilKDleri ana-masfiL©- . "Mr.- ¥<tedruffto rtepote teffifc.l cexvodt =— -•*-— ’*-— : Chas MorrmiHowiud^yeWttocr 4 Baltimore Reftnto Lea«to* S dress on the reoetowfo!*-: nng ua Baltunttrt. •: ‘ TheworkofYSfc ,<)li texnitterce” WMtiae 1 . Jfihnsriu,! Thqe. I Fedor* ..JMecr gfr iioootihe adopfctoani' tewrieerofdttfr*1’ : ‘ ^ ‘edototloa o f Olet&lttWf, vv. 9 . _ . ,702,586;; operating .1385,056 i net earatogil ^ S 1?,** fixed charges $148,168; » ® haoom.e Soma OontuMtors NEteARKjMay^—2 bnildiiig oontrtoteretj j, peaitera' demands fcmrl* f&76 pet day thi/t m 1 thei,3^3trto)toi stato" Board df Bring fcheetrji^ tojm thei ,359 ; cashfln hand $1,049*487 f prtoflt and loss (surplus) $183,049. T h e n?fctiu*» come for the same quarter last yew wns $558*197* , • , t-'J; ‘ 1 / -, . Colobrai.ltae U m »Bbea<> . N e w LofiDONi Qonn*, M a y ' oity totoy tolebrtgted h t e t o a anniversary. The aoldltos’ Snd ............. montunent w*s db|fiestad,*ttd toteconHr stone ef the Winthrop monaitt«nt tell laid, The oity w te thrcBigod telfch peo ple and w as gnily decorated. - : ;; op 1 en air - ortiolei ofFurnitulre, iutlM wayof l*w a 8eat» and Porch Seat* to . , Tm BpoLOtep* , -* t i

Transcript of D A I L Ynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031157/1896-05... · pic nJCust Bo *ti*ojiea, and Food...

Page 1: D A I L Ynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031157/1896-05... · pic nJCust Bo *ti*ojiea, and Food Mi©SEedlcdiioBIuetB*aoh fHi-OMM. ' ‘ ‘WASHiNrGTPji, M«r.6—MtssOIaiu Bax-

D A I L Y'■< :j ;

. , •*&■

V Q L 4 8 — N f O . l O T . ■_ M A Y ( i , 1 8 9 6 . p r i c e : t w o m r m

/ -


EC© WJll li© A c^m panftfl to-Cnhapy Ittnjor> J , VMM*-

NEW Y o rk , May* IL— A . W atetagftm ispecial Bays; Consol fu n e ra l, Fifediugh L e e ls tfebe actom pam ed to H avana by a u pffiedr o f the, tegular ajrtoy.

W h e n M r ; 1 m w w a p p tp M e d o n e o f b fe first act* t e M to ttie g r a p h to M a jo r E d w a r d . H s y e s , b f t h e se v e n th o a v a l- ' r r , b e tte r k n o w n a m o n g a r m y officers 'a n d cm th a pining, a s ' “ C a p ta in J a c k ” H a y e s , a s k in g W m com eefc h im iu W a s h ­in g to n . _ C o n s u l G e n e r a l L e e a n d M a jo r H a y e s 's e r r e d to g e th e r in th e a i j n y b e­fo r e t h a w a r and, th ey ax© ■warm p erson ­a l fn e n d s T l i e t w o m e n m e t in WashT- In g tp n , nnd C o c s u l G e n e ra l L e e a sk e d M a jo r H a y e e to go to O n b a w i t h him . T h e y t o w th e Pxeaidenfe a n d ta lk e d th e m a tte r o v e r am d ifc w a s a rra n g e d t h a t M a jo r H a y e s sh o u ld go*‘ - I t iS'Btated, liowewer, that h e w ill pot h ave a n y official relations -with the con-

’ snlate, but w ill h e im Oriba simply a s an ■. arm y officer on h a v e of absence..

H e w ill, however, g iv e . Consul General Jo e fcho boaefit o f b is advice and assistance, an a b is hong expcrionco in the arm y, hflost o f it on fne jplains*, teill Ibe o f great service to tlio consul general in f n jd t o ia g i& in i^ the' mil-

•’ ifcnry sitnation om tho island,

tajTarlpo 3DJs»«tera,Mites.,; % y f l .* -Tho

r *

steamer reportedl aBbora oh Peaked B ill B Sr ia the BritiO i flterimef Forest Haims. Shew orked off the b a r and proceeded towards Boston « t 5 :4Q a . m,

T lie veese.1 which w ent sshoxo afcCn- hoons Hollow at midnight ia tho Daniel B ; Fe&dngi. Qigiitafn C lifford and drew Of eight m en v?ew 'tajcasi « ff t o tlie life toat by Cn^fdlil Cede an d crew of Oa- liooiia HollowH ro Saving station at two o 'clockth iem om ijig.' after a hard strug­gle; w ith the w ia d a b d s e a , , *

Ih o vessel W tllp io b a b ly b o a total loss. She waa in renniuand of Captain

- Ciifrord m d w ap -from PliiM ddpliia fo r Boston with coa3. She is owned b y C. B .fieyn d ld ?, oflNowporfc. ; ■» —. -

■ - - :4—; Coal JDIteayerto., • 'y ' ’•C hicago, M ay <?.~A special from

Ihunfcb, MinnV, B ays ;- V a s t beds of an- tbradito coal, which aro said to: riva l to richness and extent those uuPenmsylva- iita.llave beon discovcrectiu tbenorthcrn

.. part o f fb is stat©, .nndda?. J . Hill. prCBi- clent o f tho Groak Northern, railroad, in thei* sole owner, ljavin g rocently par-- elite od as.OOWacBes off theJiMid.on which,

‘ the oool ielopfttta. H oiir-new ddvelnp- ia g the property- and w ill i t Ia claimed

: soon ,extendi-hto rmilfoad from Pork Rapids fo th e coal Held*, which ate

■ located to the odrantay bounded .by., the, I f f lS e F w E r iv e r t f i £ & & l a k o Indian tepeiratton and, th i Koimtrr rW eitto the erijm dd 'M oethopidiaxtflfitenrijwe

■Vtbksta. IfnyO —Tho xnnnidpal c n sib, •which h a s bfcen prolonged by the repeat­ed, eloctioxi o f 2)z Luogor, theantd-ocniito load er,-to tlie o ®c o of burgom aster of Yien'ua nnd kisn'-jeettoii b y tlio. emperor, w a s ondaci thla liwanfog b y th e notion of-

L e t t e r f r o r a i f f i s f s C la r a B a r -

' t o n . •

"WILL HOT A B Jim O IT T E E ¥ « S K ,

TrieDiEs Misled by Bop-oits—Sli-o Writes tn i> **'• , tito Fiej<dSttist|B«(Parried? the Pe#»

p ic nJCust Bo *ti*ojiea, and Food Mi©SEedlcdiioBIuetB*aoh

fHi-OMM. ' ‘‘ WASHiNrGTPji, M «r.6—M tssO Iaiu Bax-

toa, in a letter «dtt*ed Constantinople, A pril IS , to R ed Ciosss officials here , d is­poses o f the fears: fsrpreesed. some time ago that h e r missio:i would fa il on ac- cdont o f tbaopposifeon <of the Turkish authorities, and sliowvs thnt she has n » id ea of abaaidoniugtlne w o rk now so suc­cessfully innuguratt®.. Xfriends, m isled by report?' of tho (iiSficatity wo a re on- conLnteriug, had liealdi of h er return, aud torfip ly sh e 'w rites;‘“ Il*ave» tv bo^y o f re lie lo n tb e se iioMs Ihmndrads o f m iles aw o y iii the niounGrriiae,© thbnsaud m iles from rae, tfiat I cortiliL nofc draw o ff in sfcs weeks. Tiio best -va conjd a l l do w ould bo toabandon ten, ibotsapcE. poor,, s i " suffering w retch es to« -xvCate that b ugh t to shock the entires t o iIiL P y jn g , siok, foddlijss, naked, and mot o ^ 'd o c to r and »o m odiclu* amiom|:gfche)x!t;.'wlioje m ties scenrgevl and l e f t t h e i r fa te , to d ie without u bnud rtto.raa eavo, the threo o r fo u r rosolnio iiuisalonariea, : tired worn, (iod-serviaij! f l i ' feheir sosts utitdl .- .tlie y .drtjp, ' *The- .e iv ilized world ruutdug oyed' icdtli- sicillful. pbysi- eiiin fsiiidnot ono 6o p a y expenses'take HpedaJ chargji. and! thus mako i t poasible fur them tcj:«o.

And w e seeing licat std te of things, hblditgb-oar-giaaprfcho re U e fw o b a v e been. sreJte jnepnriiip: and organiziog to anticipation of this, teo tmm back, d raw off om li(ili*cr8, send baok the.doctcrs a l­ready rtarted, g iv& alll up, because some­body had said soittfilaing ; tho press had circulated i * ; Che wiockl had believed it _ our clisappolntod coiomitteefi 'had 'lost hevrfc m d groiwn «mb^ atruRgllng AHith anoconpaticn rather nowdot them, p d tho ptoplo had takaeu a la rm and failed to nu'stain tiiam—w as iliris mil thofe waa of, us? No pur3poa«p of oiic owTi? On -chauge lilto tiie prico o f wlicmt a n fehe mot le t f In tho naiuo o f :God toud TiUHaaidty, tins, fipld maat b>o oarrieil ; these people m ust bb’ re w ra o d sk ill, tare, nnediotoea aud food for the- aick inaii^rotuch.them- /- " Anct it t o U- . glafcd iKIghfc te niy p o l t o t h h i i o f Enfkaah' loops- r tak ing tfcesa, bands o f doctor* on «tp M araah. - T h e y

dntm done it, • aucf iwre This very h ou r m am h lasbn ).vritli Jliajm to th o lrfie ld O f. Htog- w iiad; doe»;«»iiti cor^'^te diticiism, 'dUWJppiwfViil qt-ap^ilowiftl. w td*v! fcfc* -?Ur o m w p t e * v : l ik e _ lMiWe> Don t 1)® trembled-, fcffo p a . ftiarryat we nwii f io o d e r # ; 'ht»t iLumiioybd Mid <JoA- h e l ^ ’g; can'pawo dmr tocspitola

I Jtias .BhrCon-'sarTil t S. uapoemhW tc> l deecrilie. the ioy of tlie ddeolatepeopLe iu woleomiug tfio rclbe! pnitaes.

T H E R E V . W IL L IA M N . C L E V E L A N D .The keVi Mr. Clevehnddirotljer of Piwidont .Clnvelanil, rt-oantly foat Ids pa®;

■ato ia CEjnmnont, N. Y ., Pulitif.9 oansed tho trouble, it ia alloged. Go roccjyodtoratottiQG aye&v. T h o prueidontgete $20,000.


, Tlio Xrlnl D m uing to a Close.Home, N.-. 'Yl , M ay 6 — Lawyer D: F . !

SLtoJetotto© tito Opening address-for t he > defense in tholHlIdi'otb casoi • tliis niorri- : tog. ; t o the' ihegiitoiiig he ,8u,id h e an d - jh’iaipartner, M r. Saylosj were there b e * , (to ii^ H iey 'i hflsd b « u ,"assigned b y the [ cou rt to d e fa n i the boy who is not able ; t o pmcm'e t^ElLiBeL becaasa lio is poor} a n d tdfchoiit, m eans, and bcwiuso his : jEardly andrelafcivea are poor. H e then i attacked the'Cehtxal railroad sa y in g :,

YVhile fonr-Ci' five days luvv.' bceU: spent a Wreck s onolor t\v

nr.d wflsh' bvwl a« 1 anil'lrTnVvdof -teectatws'at-tiie St. Louis i conveatlon,' printing tipketh, etc. .T hatd

tim cof the wropfe and took oin- of Hil- ( dieth’s room, tw ti.kcl thnt she tuck cjvre ! c f 'fris Tooni abotit :I30 o!cl6ri. on thb j moriiltiR o f th;-,I'Uli Thiv.l’x-drlothlw..' v’drc ttoufeddoivn and th,- shape of the i Miiuieapi hpntiwuf. v i s i b k in both pillows. T l i e I tails or slope wore in thi> pail usual. - -_-.......... _ ■ ......

H enry YVilbort tf'stided that on tno morping p f - tlio. w roc k hoi found a soft hatywitba White lining llf, font uortli of tho fonco on the liorth sido o f the. track1.Ho jmy e.tht' hut tn detectivo Lathani.Mr’. Saylps haiubsl him Hildt-oth’s hat,Whi-ch ho .sa id , resembled the. one Ke found.--, J' , !> i ; ,

Tbis fcestiihony wns pvninntlv intended

C a l i fo r n ia R e p u b l ic a n s in S e s ­

s io n . -

THEY WILL ENDORSE MOKINLEY.T h e y W ill D e m a n d V re« a n d I ’n llm lte d

C o ln ag o oX S i lv e r —8 1 0 ,0 0 0 T io k e ta I s s a e i l f o r t b e S t, Jbottls C w itvon-

t lo n —A [B is In flo w o f tU oney E x p e c te d .

S acramento, Cal., M ay 6.—The Re­publican state convention wiH resume its session this morning, when the re­ports of committees w in bo heard.

I It is expected John JD. Sprcckles and Lionel Sheldon w ill be elected as tw o of

: the delegates to tlie national convention,| the other two places being batweeu Ulysses S. G ra n t, Irv ing ’M, Scott, Geo.

i A. Kfcight and J . M. Glenves.| Thp oomhtittee on resolutions held a j pr6tatet«fls©BSi(jn which lasted w ell into I the morning; T lie oliairman o f tlio committee w as directed to withhold from reporters ruid all others tlie pro- ceodinpa of the session,but it w a s learned that the platform w ill embrace tho follow ing plunks: *

F ree mid unlimited coinage o f silver »t tho ratio o i 16 to 1 ; the recognition o f tho Cuban tusurgenfa as bolligereflts:; the annexation o f ; Hawaii ; proteat against undesirable immigration, an d a plea for proteptien of .American labor againgt , pauper ' competition. Tho strongest km tlo f a nrotection plank w ill also be adopted. A refiolntioh WiH bo. adopted ehdorsttig McBLifcley w addirect- ing the delegatos tc use a ll houoat moans to stouie .his nomination;

AVasiiinoton, M ay Q. —Tim B yrnes, of oils, who has' in charge the de-

T l i e i tails of accommodating the delegates


m p r o v i i i g a •w eek 5 o n o . o r t w o d a y s i n

proving thufc- Kyo rails were m o v e d in- _____ ____ __________ ___________stood o f ioveii r Wliile tho town :is fu ll to contradict .that o f Ariiott. th»> piuple’so f railroad luen a n d ■ t h ' t o c t i v e * i .- svitnf8S, w h o s n u i InVfor.nd tho l i a t

from Oswego tlff.Pqnghkoepsie, v -o f i i i d a J • U i r . n i i M a rv ;t> l tti.titt.ii tbat he was g re a t an extraordinary interest ; a th u x t , employed l .y tht* O entrul railroad twen - fo r blood on tlig p a rt; o f . this great soul- ; ty-sixd ays Jparcliing for the. revolvers.T/uo AAtwtoMntin' ' kV/mi ttiknf too lmK«r » . . * - -less o6rpcrjvti<tr.‘ Ekoni 'what we lmow o f it we ku ow T t i* Jhot maktog.this o f -

Mr: 6et»je-'8!Cid;maY.whilo track. S limi .been, rtepattud hetovthtv :.8ceno .of - the•iitisek:t»ote’Itefc4tffiiMid- tbifi spitogiytto. _____

trackd where tJrt1 '

but .found none.MM Trasiiel]. aged Al. grandmother

of Pluto, testified thnt tho hammer in' evtdtiic© Was taken fn un her house bv a jxilicsmaiYcuf Nov: m . . ,

G ia a r lc s \T # u l)P T ra lk or o f Cm idon te afletVthal; tiiA h.irb, h„ ifrtr-A utdaV

lust n ig h t : “ There w ill be 210,000 tickets printed, for tee are allowing for a five days’ convention with threo sessions a, day. * ■ ' % ' ‘ ■ - 1 , -

“ Each, delegate w ill be given three tickets fo rcarh e f the days. ’ Arrange-

> mente liavo been mado to provide for }18 working hew^paptur men. and , each of

. toem w to-have a toaspb-tioket.•‘Tho pebple o f St. Lofiis are expect itig.‘

an enrmnons iuffow of money; and they do not teu iiftlib conVuution curtailed: They aro constructing a buildtog that w ill coat 9C0,O00,and; erppct t|j morc than' pay fo r it ontfl! tiie tflnyenfcba.' ' ’ >■ "ThoaCTahgtto’eh tefar cajdiig for tfle

crowd nre timplo, and every ono who goes to the.convention w in h e well tokpjl care of - V ••:■*':

T h e V enal G rist of N ew s.

A l b a n y , M ay 6 .— M ayor W nister, o f Brooklyu was am ong Governor Morton’s callors today.< The mayor said h e was here to regard to ‘Brooklyn ’legislation which is aw aitin g executive action,

Ex-Senator Persona, of E rie oounfcy, today called npon the new state agricul­tural commissioner and presented the claims of A sa L . Twitch&ll, o f Buffalo, for tiie .position o f deputy agricultural commissioner.

The appropriation o f $If,C00, asked for by the state board o f boalfch to con­duct; tuberculoeis investigations, and the appropriation o f $8,000 to pay the claim s for damages nnstog from the destraotion of glandered horses, were not allowed b y tlie recent legislature. Ao a comsoqnenoe the state board cannot males an y exom- inatibn of supposed tuheacnlosis nerds o f csattie this yonr, and numerous applica­tions have been received for the services of the cattle inspectors of tho hoard.

The claims amounting to $3,600 which have already been allowed for glundored

, horses femnin unpaid, as State Comp­troller Roberts has no special fund to meet paym ents for such awanis.

-' WALL 8TREEY- :‘f :v ' ■“

P O L I T i C J L J I F f l l

'They Meet, in Cpnyent B att3tp L «r9 ,

opening t o f 61.200,0

tito offices D r. Luc^or w a s elected flrat v ice burgomaster.. Herr Strckbach upon boing offtoially iiMfermcd of his election Biad he Yrould aoccpt theofllco, but de- clargd he would iquie the pest tho top, rucnt thnt D r: Im flger should demand it.

. A F m a t ta le n C V m M om cr.

. UwttoiJtt, Heb., M ay G.—'William Loe,: apoxalytic, who, abcsqrding to h is own confaaion , franatdeatly drew ' a pension foryears in- howift h y iittpersonating hie brother,: M organ Lbs, a wur veteran, cam e to ldnoaln o n M onday and applied to com m lSoner of public lands and buildings RuaeelC for admission to the N ebraska soldiers, homo. Ho .w as a fill m asquctotiihg as M a r p a Leo, bnt CoL H o n ell, M io eeryrod in a a lo tea com }»ny hnd knevr Morgtoi Lee,’ denotuiced the bogusbro6hfet;,toieilly foroiuf? a conTea- snHi iro a i Mta. "Wm. Led rioter served to-the w a r, and oE coarse w iU nofc ho ap.- taittefl. to tlioliPiixe, . ‘ ;


Tlio ItsUima Oc«ri)i«ir «tl DnpOftimt }~' ToiJlllW.- Ro3iE. l l a y received fxoratGen. EaMsBertx. cctaiiiieiiiiiding tlio Ttal- ia t fo icea to ' f k t r ^ B a y . . th at the Xtnl- ianR iu efcrorig force* are icow 'occnpyiug a ll o f the poeltvtinB stouiiitl AdJgrat,-f*oia w h ic h ,' ; p lace t-hr6e . hundred;aick ‘ -nnd- - yeoitadtsd.,- solddsfBh ave _ been ' -rtolosYcfe.- fco Other quarters. Tills- nevxi -has -causod great tojolciiig Iii Tome, 'fkhe otivices also say the: AliyBsiu kn leaulctrs, H as Ssbat a u i

! Ras M augSsria. are. mow hotding pOBi- iious regpoct-ivedy; to tlao le ft amd rig h t of the Italinns, but ol their intenttona nollriiig. iskJiovvu. * -v

ScatAUKieil to Sanff.

B treot,

murdered Borfcraim Atwater. of Oliicago, in tfie sn trarbat vLHnge o f Wehster-f-: G rove on the niglxt of: J a a . S I, w ets yes- te rto y sentenced fo bang on Jn u e 28. A tw ater teoson o - v is iito h is sweetheart, -5*--

engaged Smlfch to direct him to h er 410 residence. He waa decoyed tp a_ lonely Rpot On tjie road and shot to death io r th e jptfcfloao o f tolNhery,

. Imlictf i lY o r - M u r d o r . ’:-.

. A kron, 0 ., Mn y R.—Tho graad ju iy • lasfc' night-TOtTmi«ed .three laidicfinents

against ftonraltis Oottell, alias > John Sm ith, fo r tm rd er iu tho first degree.T he indictments plittrge that h e mnr. dered A lv to N'; Stone, Serena i f . Stohe aindi 0 . it’. Stillsom. GgttCl will, be a r ­raigned Tlmmlus? lmornlng- He. w in plead nob guilfcy. . . >( t '

■ , D liQ stro iu a R «xthq(ui^cc. j .

l? sw Y o rk , M ay 0.— A correspondent to Guaynquil, EcBador/ telegi’aiiks that the province o f Manuhi rafftjrod terribly on: Sunday from to., oarthquftkfii'. In Puerto yiogo houses were tliro w a dowii m an y persoiiB'wetie buried alive in tho ruins, and many others injured. The

rovinco d f Atondtii im in th e norfchoaet* Eouador. , -ern p h r t o f )

Lonj vor tii

riUtath Catnip tiy Syiiooiio,don M ay 0 --Tliiy huquogt held

ov or the body o f O ol.N orth .tlio “ N itrate l in ig “whc diedsnddeniy in,the ofiiceof tho Guano j ^haa


■ . Approros of f t . *Hbw Y o k k M a r 0'“—A correspondent

in San Salvador vStes 'that congress haa uuproved the t r e » P M Aaiimln, -which iinltcs the ropublicH of i n Salvador, Hi* caragna aud Hondoras.

Wife IkMifcoi'IjjuicIied. ’WnJ-JA.srarowN'- K y ., M a r 0.— News

1ms reached here o f tfio lynching o f Dr. T arre llu t EUistoii^ K y . Farroll was-A ■wife beater. He veufc home dcim k gad xvhipped h is wife- Monday night a mob w a s organi*od aud he wos hfti*

'Tlsti »toa’iefeco»fdi; 'JS’k w Y ook, May 0.— ^Eicrly this mom

ing.firo in Liib "fo a* sftorjr brown sbona dwoLlinir iio-iise. .No. S? EBflt 2Sd occu;000 ddaniago totlao bmildtliig.

S xravocn . May 5/-*Oue o f the largo sforahoiiKes o f t.he Cimnd Union hofcei, locufccd on - -W«st Giitouldr sfcreot andOwned b y th© gtewtort io irs -was. With conienis , toni<^i n6 im early hear tliis m nm inr. Fbed M->cDonii©ll, who was ’Seejfifig iu-tlip bult-diiirg,. u i now in J W fiospitnl.suffrri.rtg frym : barns about the" fiend al’d l'fvbr If,- k tliouglit ,b f willIdto-’. l Th & brfgW o f J b -fires 6 .fmfaiown U a tif i«beli<W'd tuh nvr-> 1'oeu i jiccndiajy. The building- u.ns vyni' fliscahco from the hotel. .. -

Miners KldtatiL. ]

-GgA-fifAXQioilv.. TcrM'_,Mtaff.ff«--*-;Yetite^ d ay afturnnovi Oeo. • C annon nnd Th-es. Atherton, tw o imxn:« a t W hitew ell' entPred th e ir rop iri Im th e m in e s an a fixed n "Spot” ftiidi^iilrfedfhe TusolTlioy le f t th o teorn a iid w »itea • fo r th e .ex- plosion, vvliicdi ito t occinri'lag t o th e tim e expected iid tfrm eu x-cmi-iied t-o investi­gate. .last as th e y tffiaclaed fhe puiut whotto tlisT toirge haul b e a t , placed it ex- jdodedi G to-non’shkCKa. iwas b low n off au d A tlio r tori died ioci litalf a n b o u r.

Tlie P<rse6iito(l ATili«nl*n«iOoystakt-dsopxr, Tiiiyy O.— Serious dis-

flu buncos Iiave tak eE p laee nt; Aksheln- between fcho H ards riaiil Ai-nneniaua who are conaeeted w it lv ttoc w o rk 6 f con- straoting- the ra ilw ay betw een Aksheltr al.d Ho..ieji,.in Asia JBIIatn-.lint no detoils o f the rioting -3mv<e yrefc tieeri received hero. The nrimber crianrssds off Arinexii- ans in tliisoity lias rtesaiitly been largely increased.

isidte111!** - • y •from'

.. tntii-, . , the dis*

nvery of nn olopotxiciut off' one o f tlie ypuiig wainen BtxtctetotSi ho»hise W . Gor- ley , nnd a barhor iiai3iMl Clf*r,eace D e{fy.

i ly cf Sutton* V?, vm*.,:iafid wiH fa ll heir;to ' $25,000' mi her oi S h e if* now' IT , p re tty

iinsepitto birthday, m-dpoiiulor.

^ A n I&irly AtVjoiiJMUi»cnt-W asw s ' oton, M a jr i. —The w a y s arid

saeaiw committee: of tlioiroiiBe li nsagrood to report a rcsolntiom piroridimg fo r ait ndjonrmaeiit o f c o i) g » » ou the ISth « f thus month.

, fcd xw far n«vnv tlte roapoiiBit,ility for thec^HeOBnppfP- of- the emplovnfl... I t 's uot bCpauBO * tluey were afraid of a new m ade grave*- fo i they h-fvi filled S-id graves along th e hues o f tho railrcW in tbohXBt year btrt ns long as tlior© is a di© trio t attcruey xn fctofl cnuutj ivhovnJl bend the*-,pregnant « binges\ o f h is kn ees; and. isow and sdrapq for. th e pianditfl o f this railroadIts Cheaper to - hire detectives,' to pay, Liatlmm,. thd opptossor; .to pay W ilke i to r perjury. tlian to pay the damage© that fcho railroad would have to p a y if. |k i? steoidenfc tide to Qarelaismess. ’’

Iii epedldngrikt' -flto. io n o f Hildi'etli, .Mr. Sehrle aaid i f ifc Were tm o that the boy was net gn ilty of filter- der o r Of, an y effcuse save guilty k n o w ­ledge, hut that fcho district .attorney had shown a thirst fc v Mood, such an todiet- tueufc would nut, have ibeeh ffinhdfi The hoy .said he did not havo onything to-do iv^tli it. He begged and pleaded with them fiofc. tb do .it, to d tens Botry^ tixfit I t \vas done. T lie epnfeeBion, the law yer said, w as inspll'od b y Hildreth’s f atu* o l L atiian iiih e doteothve. whom ho clllecl big,ocMffse andtcd-faced , justfeheperBon' to cause fear in ss, boy, / •’'-"‘tShy* *witli' the sYoice o f Lafchana;,

rtogtog ill h is tour.” said Mr. Searle,' he_ would h are , said h e cnicM ed onr

' '' ite en h tto d re d y d t o :teg(i i f ^ . „ .vatold please Latlmm. He:

d have iafii he aEsaesinated Garflold or btoooln orp a jh o fiyr .ehe. i f he had thoughtit-w ofhlaffiaoseLatham ,” -

T h e Rpeakw 8/atT,the books w ere fa ll of baees where hien' had confessed’ to

; hftli t a lk in g w ith u o m e ,o n e . O n t h e c r o s s - : . «MHTiiiiatii>ii j t rai-mo o u t th a t la w v o r , y S u vI m w a s t.lnv w i t m ie x s s a t tu r n e v in a

dlVui.Ji .suit.' -1 -- .........A t io

in a uirt-

’ f ir.., wtoqtiippod

C h a r l e s B e o k f i r ,

^2.500 of hte jhUShaUd’B UiQitoy. wan* ar­raigned to the Oeiiter Rtreet poUco court this m om iag and xoinanded until this

, j , afternoon far. examinntiou. ' T h e sheriffnf ^ u o u d o t o t o t m l y . 0 . F , A A » t i n , . x t o 8:

, h , ; i x t o i ! : p r e s e n t v v i t h a w u r r a n r f o r M * 8 Q i f f e y , ’

t l i o e c a n o o f t h e w r e c k . H o d i d n o t k n o w ;

w l n v i t r a c k t h o t i e c a n i e t o w n .

Mrs. F.miria H i b b a r d , m o t h e r o f T h e n - ' ^- d o m i t e s t i f i e d - t h t t k o L * a . N o y , 1 » . ; y b e l i t o r a t e d b e f o r e 8

s h o w e n . t o T h e o d o r o ?s r o o m a n d j ’

f o i x a d h i m s o l i e r i x i g f t u m n o s e i „1. 1, i i r „ . t t i t h o w o m a n o n nb le t - d i . lu * w a s t h a n i n b e d . -

T H c r t jo r t ' P i a f o - w a s With h i m . B o t h

b o y s ' t o o k b r e a k f a s t a t t h e h o u s e a t h a l f

p a n t - s ix o r a q u a r t e r o f s e v e n . S h o s a i d

o n t h e c o r c m u r 'a t o i j i i t s t t h a t s h a h a d

n e v o r s f ’ r n H e r b e r t P l a t o , b u t s h e e x ­

p l a i n e d t l i a t a t . t h e t u n e o f f t W i n q u e s t

s h e d i d not h u o w t h o i i a n u i - o f t h e y o u n g

x n a n -wh»> W a s a t : b r e a k f a s t w i t h T h e o ­

d o r e .

T h w i d d r o ' s b r o t h e r E m e r s o n t e s t i f i e d

t h a t T h e o d o r e a n d P l a t o c a m e h o m o a t

B.18G a. r i . e n N o v . 1 9 .

The law yare said the attempt to"arrest of stealing ' the

$2,500 w as absurd. its i l belonged to her lmsbsmd, and the snprcme eotirt had long since decidod th at a Wifo could not'stem -froifi her husband." • • ,

Bncker, the' in an with Whom;. Mrs. G affcy doped,i jvas hot to court* and" the detontives think bq has lu ff the City'.

This a ftern oon . Magistrate Simms turned the prisoner over to Sheriff Aus­tin. o f , Syracuse, and the latter started with her for the train. when L aw yerMess, of the firm o f Hoflre & Hum m el,

I t o l M ^ e t U ^ t o l . mother o f F red Bristol, w ho died in ja il F eb ST.testiflwi;fchai: ho w as a lw a y s s ic k ly :; was unable j ’ t omor r ow

-to do any w o r k or t o w a lk tor •w ithout! ^ C, Gkiffey w as tlvett givens t o p p in g to n«t. .Oh.the evening o f the * * * * & * ? * &18th T rtd went jlqxvn t,nwnL-..«lifint-, J a t ) ; . . , ... . r . . - . -... ;6 ’clook . , . j i o g o t h o m e h t .3:45 A. u : ,i . . tontfcorftiid Cheese MteReto'A fter h d g o t h o m e h o W ent; up t o h i s | N fw Y o R k ; M ay 6 .^ -B n t fe r — D e s ir a - room , a n d w e n t to b e d . H e liad a s e v e r e I M e s to c k w o r k s o n t f a ir ly ." b u t t h e o f fe r b o u g ii iu K sp e ll a n d a t 4 :15 th a w i t n a s s 1 5^ A w i*afiiteba,U ,B plcA '- ^ ~s a v e h i m a ta b le t . ! T h t ' .- r ie r t •fB 'oW h fl-fl t l j o i g h ficctasiG aallY a'k H fi' h e w a s t o b e d w h e n t h e offiO er c a m a

iluotaatlo«»i»Dlftlireutito«k»-, ’*.. •N ew Y ork, M ay .0.—-10:10 a. m.-—

StiKiks opened weak, aad low ar, prices declining h, to l 1.* per cent rigbfc through tlie list. Sugar, Tennessee Goal, to d Rubber common shared the greatest losses.. •* - --*• - >•■"?

i i a . it.—StookB were h ea vythis nibrning ou angag'-epaente

2CK),OOO gold for shipineutto Europe toinorrthv, and on tho belief that the ox* ports for the week w ill reaoh slxmlUioaa. Thero w as uo piouoancod pxoaaare to sell, however, and tho declino, except to a foxy instances; w as ooufl»9d,‘ to fr? ® -tions,. Bay.Sta,te' G a8_b»k». 8 ,p0r;coot:on realizations, w hile Rubber common fell to 23 on , liquidtntiGNia by. New England holders. Sugar -fell ^ . Yroboocb L , N orthw eetJ^. St.-Paul %, General. Eleotrio. fl*. Missouri Pacific >£, Sasqae- hiuina & w estern preferred ^.T ennessee Goal ;^h, and N o w ; Jeraov Gontral j^.- Business w as extrem ely light and the trading <lovold, 6f exoiturnout, t Bpecula- t io Q h t J jo ’tiattit Wte Ayeak.» Ono o fth e letidiijg dealers of atorling itoohaugo re­duced thu tim e rate o f >j cent to ,489^.but:'this Uad no effect o a thteteoflk rn&r-

1 ■ * ' / ’ ' u “2 :16 p. M.—Tradept at'tfc? si

ohangQ succeeded J n 'brin, ' change Qf-jpri6«! .*fter had in thoir,£)teOi;goklte

L0IF6 LISTS e o r e ta r y W o o d ro flt -ti# '

O«0(l City Govenaiwwt j*C|t CtaftMFt . - S t» y -S fe w Y ojci - S t* te '- 3 U U W ‘:

- . , ttMj- jfcMA* t* -Wai i n w y " : ^: Org*nl»tloiia.'. - - -

B axte h o rk , M ay «—M an y urea Id political reformers, engaged in tm 1 to improve the pres^nfc ineitkoias ■’ ‘ e intog municipalities, meifcin th© bly room off music hall tibia a f .r and opened theannual joteferaac* <t m tioatil municipal ldagoe. The w ill ooBtinue until T riday a Dolegates from a ll part* off tho w ero present,*; - .

Jaa . O. Carter, o fPT ow Y ork , tho country’sleaduufiKriBts, i» l off tbo lehgn©. Ho- ,p«*M&d. ’an r-t sessions today. H e i a a n 6ntl beUeYor m orgairimi«Wh''’ tm d' m a n y beueflowd1 rtswltfc. in fc futUEO.' - ;rt'Olffutori _______

tho league, eoemea i* fopfirraltiM ! tor’s m ngntoe v ie v r w h o t tion - to dhe list1 <f ;>ab3o tingaished spdfiitoB. yrlri fo r - tho-. n t a t i ^ , ! ' -tihroe -

lending .riffle* ' w l t « *• oowgcBng > th * eidh of tite i governments, Among-ti*«i

-Waring, o f INeteYxwkY; C hicago; Thoa, L . ladinaCn, Land.'and ’m auy' ctio ra eqi kuowrn, I. -1 The first addreet ot tike a tn b y Seoretary WoodritfS, H e the y e a r ’s w ork in miuriky ,sey ir ig .to p **t;

“A year ago 1 tato ooreelvqp thnt had, beenmunicipal reform during ih tij deootio, and eepoqiabr d xatiou o f the liatioiKil inteoli a t the PMladelphift City government, teorfeer* o f th e ’ - ' ’

.thfifcthe, w arlike M< a ffa irs. The

g fcntJukas ’eitew-, hod'W iY

Jhicago G aa. to O e^ ^ iu iii' *T6*»o

to the Ino iaxxft,29; C!Bloctrio ’ Thfiio prfioee phowloeseefor tb ed aycffl@ 2^ jw tfO iiit. Th*railw ay' Itetflyffrided'i'uboufc "percent But the dealtogs Wen©: ligmt: Loh-. dan bought about ‘ a thonsaria sharee o f St. P a u l afc the decline, bufc afc the sam e tim e eqld’ abont as jm u d f LouiayiUe & Naaliville. "Wheto ifc. w ts ate- nonuced that eongreesY had 1 adcmtod a * reeclution to* tuljcom Mtxy 18 some of the early seUors mkhed In to cover and a rally per cen t on-sned, the Industrials leadtoig.' Sugar roes to 1 2 0 4 and Tobuoco to Spots- ulntion at 3 :15 w as steady. S u e s 136,* OOO shore?;

8 .p. bL—Sn g a r was the featatie STUBS'. market* ih the tote trading and rope

T h e general list oloeed quiet andfirm.

T . t h e , w i l l f g w n d *

, - ... -- ... —..UK ... TfetOVWjRM*

"Ifc » y to i« to b e i

Oil tlie cro«s-examination the witnesstvi^ S * • * ^ sai d it ivas uot trao thatH oa'aid Bvistol,

* -~ 'iw 5” ' * “ ’ t o , h tr o liier son.said ro Fred.in thi'presonVv'1) fair, h c h a d v fm tout Mr. Saylea vnou , p i tii** ctSirer *• l hat lie had br»h out- allhe detoed to te»-t-lmhOy.' ''A c t fc.irlond I rilgiifc Witii tiiat —-d littie'rod, hefld ’ ’priesotst,’’ COlittptted the speaker; '‘a-; Hi>«ai-ri:Hristol was s\ti>rrV iipvt H° room fa ll of-railroad detectives, aps-itius to weave th e h w o b m-onnd this l it t le

llPVt.s a ' v F r e d ilovvn toten i n tho: evening a b o n f e f i H o , w e n t to U t i c a ,at 8 -33 i r i i d rotnriled at 2 : 2 1 . H o g i> t home nt f i v e o r ten iiimutes after threo. Fred

.■ tens I m b t ' d -then. The W i t u e s s wont to b e d a b n n t U :8 » . .■ :

. ,o Du tire: cross-examination the wit nesso f w - i l k c s — W i l k : e 9 , ‘ ‘t h e g a m h l e i ' ' ’ a s h o < g a i d h e d i d n o t say a n y t - l i i i i f r w h e n the c a l l e d h i t o . — n u f f s a f d - h e could1 h o t u n - ofilror d t e m o a b o n t his* b r o t h e r h a v i n g

d e r s t a n d w h y I f i l k e s h a d b e e n s c h o o l e d [ b e e n o n t- a l l ; n i g h t .

toy irijd throw off tiiij blame frfitotho railroad company ,why teas it arqpufcable attorney was not pennittcd' to1 be ireserit?’ ’ V- : " "

Mr. SoaHe ncrt thok up the testimanv

to sOch outragfifixispeijnny, “ Unless Mr. Klook wanted to impeach t-h© cojifOsaion I don’t see, said tho speaker, ‘ ‘ w hy ho put it . in.. Is there any body Who ■wonld take the life o f a cat because of anything such a,w ii ness • » W ilkes said?’ If so, ho wduld duf lage lita own judgm ent.”

H er6 M r S ea ilo road from the. coafes- 8i©na staiement an which Hildreth said he bought a boot black s Rtrmdtera.litfl© ' ‘ ' oil

U r . J J . E . W o t m o r e , j a i l p h y s i c i a n a t

, U t h ' a , t e s t i f i e d t h a t F r e d B r i s t o l d i e d -o f

( K 4 i i s u n i p f i o n , t h a t , h a d p r o b a b l y b e e n

r a n n l i i g s i x m b n t h s o r a y e a r .

R e c e s s . ' - .

:“ ¥ e will show yon * said Mr. Searle,, “tbat- this boy w as alw ays k in d ly o f heart, W e Will show that his toother died w hen ho a baby ; that ho w as lame for homo tim e and has alw ays been ■Vfcakly’ in body' V t4 w ill show that ‘When he hved »n a farm the chickens ateddrigeahd hfirsos a ll loved: him. He never took I ff0 , he alw ays told - the

tja./ F e r r y z i H ild ic th ’s au n t, w h o ite/cotn-ii w p s .m uon ^affected b y liis

v ijr d ? , h n d th e abeais fre q u e n tly ro lled d dteii b ® fcheeks. H H d re th p a lto r d b w n lit h to .ri|te ir:te itli h is ; fa c e p a rtly csenv cth led bu t^dK l n o t a p p e a r-to b e in a n y

1 ^ he- firgt wifeneiss fo r the defense was Steii.ff. W'eaver, who testified that the e law b n fw eiR h ril 25>^ponnds, the t-bree long "wrenohea Y pounds tt ounces, ? potMidB, 7 poumls 7 ounces ftepectively, T h e an gle plates, woiglied S3 en d 83 jporoida respectively. The defondant w eig lis l i e potoilsi and h e Is fi feet and 1 Inch fa ll. j* M r s . Je n n ie Oixfyor, w h o w a s ch a in -

b o r m a td a t th e T e m p e ra n c e H otel a t the

vary, isata-

littie advance oyer quotatfons. * Oream- ©ry western extras Iff*, firstfi 44 ! ) al'fi, sec-

■ ends litoihT thirds llal2;|‘ ergarietty state:1 nnd Ppiinsylvania.extras Iii ’ MnF".; state ila ily half 1 fx jtfi? loa1:., fixsts: l3al4, seconds l i a l 2 ;..-XWLdr t u l j s riticd'tiohs fafiey 1-itialfi, j firsts 1 8 a l 4 , seconds l l a l 2 ; tubs, thirds j 16 ; old state d a iiy tubs or f ir id l® 8al f .' Cheese—Choice new cheese is at fu ll I prices but a rriv ihg Vparingly; large -..white meeta with' most attention. Old■ ch(><\«p in rfioderatfi sale and steady for the best. , -New cbetoe— tote, fu ll creaih , . large clioiee white b '.,a? ,. good to prime ; cl^ ’uai" 7'»aS, colored choice'Th,, good to p rim e'7 a s m a l l colored choice SaS'*,,, white choice SaS'.j, light skims choice 5h,att,

Ea r t .skims good td prime 4a5, common to lir 2a3, full skim s 2a2!s .

j Old eheeBe-^Mtefffcdhcrtoto-'Mri^dfflH'' j made faney 9Wto!i4, choipe H^aOt^ . ’gpod j to prime. Sahifi, common ;te fa ir 6a7, largo summer m ade ehoice.;7a7L2 ,' coin*Civil 8er\ice Extetifiton.

W ^HirofloN, M ay 6 -^Tb© long talked ! o f extension 6f Civil servieernjesi whicli -I - # 9 ^ fa®. sumnieitakes in e h io f c ierfa and S l y a ll tho -Ihigh grade depaxtment oBlces, so as to . f v 'w . s k yh ™ ? „ ?, H ,? ’ prevent th eir removal except for cause, I Ooof mmou pidme 8a4)a ,fa li skims teas-trigned b y the JEteesideiJfc tQilay* It is ; 4 . * • . , - -

5Si j . S tc ia o n G o t a l l - o f t h t I t« a3 mu© P e v ; j ' ' « o n a l P r o p e r ^ .

; -|Tmy Y obk, M ay 6,-rA--Bosba, Mas?., special sayB : T h e w ill of Jo k n Stetson h a s been fcnind. I t reads aa fflnows ; I g ive and bequeath to m y wfifeiOatlierino ‘S . Steteofi, m y entrro real eetate and pcis .soiial property. ‘ . -

■WitaesHes, , J ohn Sib t b o n .' GHtiA’A . BAtTEE, - - ’* - ■

l-v O. C3; L & l e y , 1 ■/’ '- 'Y '; '"4 This wns dated A p ril 16, two d ays be­foro ho died. . - .fl- A t a la te hour last-, night cam e the

j ttio't startling of all the sensational'tiihda^to 'nunOTs o f this strange and couiphcated.

firkin tubs Mrss Stetson did *ot dxo a naturaldeath. Shefioniniitted suicidle. So said rumor. 7 And still it was more thanmore r im o r ; it-was., stated as a positive fact b y a w ell known actress, wbd is a friend, o f the fam ily a n d , conversant w ith th© inside facts.- She is a woman of nnques- tioned totegrity and high standnng, She refuses: to givo her name for publication. She says Mrs. Stet-son comxuitfceil ani-

died in terrible convulsions. T he prostration whioh w as ,publicly

stated as the cause o f her contiuexnent to the house after the funeral o f her hus­band was not th eordinary nexvotis p r tration caused b y^grief at ih e tLeatii off her husband: I t w aa far w o rse than that. - , ,

According to this frien d of the fam ily the incidents afe the deathbed, o f Jo h n Stetson and those immediately follow ing caused M rs, Gteteon to teke heir jbten Ijfe*, Joh n Sfcetson,whdle dying , h ad confeesod to her that she teas net M slc g o l w ife ; that there w ere others tehoso claim to that title wtom crtewtodtlraahearfi, ,

estitoiatedl t h o t about 80,000 ofileials are iricludoflin itepioviBiofis. V

Th© new rules cover all employes ex-A Dui'erlar Ganght.

Ilooni.sTER, M ay 6 .—Officer Shepard ,. - . . . «, ** .eaiighi- » B uiglto tost night who hadceptiux thoso requiruig coiifli’niation by broken into the store o f John Foster, a t the senate and mere workmen. E very - 1 pjo. 22 Elm street, and w as w orking at

Betweep- tiiese two totremesg<ms 1 tiie .combinatitin oh . th e ; safe," and by under c iv ilse rv ic e ,': .. . 1 qoick^ work got,..hito juBt; j f i : hqw*as"

olimbirig out o f a roar window. T fle teohld-be th ief |u rh s out to b e th e son of the proprietor. Officer Shepard noticed a light inside , the store and tried the door. , The light Was quickly extin­guished. Going td the rettf o f t ije storo tiie man jumped from a window into Shepard's araaa. M r. Foster* father ifci

IlUis Aqyc'rtlsed.

j Lostcoy;, M ay 'fi.ti-T^hdefs fo r stitoui- etes to.bnjtiseclin tfie qfcw; fcrapsAtladitic service, between G reat Britain and the Dominion of CairadA, Were advertised fo r in tho. Lohdon newspaperl tlllB morn­ing. In response ’to the advertisem ents. , . _ , . , --------- . ^0. nuiribor of interested persons applied borgtoir, says Sunday the b oy h|ft a t theUttaadidu. office today for infer- .mt-mhtiftw a^; to the conditions governing the aequisition o f veBtels b y tiie mana- gera offtho new enterprise.

Oa for Eurotm.Niirvv Y oRK, M ay tt.—PciTy BelraonF

fteilcd for Rvirope today on tho stcan’.erNow York.


home and did not return tilt Monday maniing. They had some word* in the

.................................... fix teeeyouiigstore on Monday, whereupon man pulled n revolvor and threatened kill Wm. They hod a long 9tm gg before, he was .disanued The*© wfts a targe tom 6f mriuey to tfiesafe. Of tbas the sen was aware. Yeung F o ste r . is thought to be' insane, as he h as acted s trangely fo r some tune.

B e c e ip ta a n d E x p c n i l l tw e * . -‘ -A lb a n y , M ay G*—The Bbetoa Ss Al*

bauy ra ilroad com pany, for t&Bqulsrter ended M arch 81 last, reports: GreMtotn-

•5 ; , , ■ .Aim to o k o o c « io * ii

n,m iw l» h r o # «

tho fffnfc stM M 'hKfji. p t t t i e d l^ tM nvaatoonv te h i® lp 9 ra a « ’ttp teifftt ’ *»■ lfcyareaetfiing dow ntnifci BdontiOtoi end tiivo r,j m m m l f . jtxdgmont. 'Wv'riUMeN' fltolip. Yfetidto th at a tu r it iiA i aaflatafc . ersl, ao. n ffttoL >*6 © Itow slk ./ ^ o r m botoiw* tft.

oariplalLeSl^frcrn the- oo&tegfc .In Belvaftof .ih etecsk tfatgr ten

In f f i k U « jb®rshij() v n t o tS o is off »>

s a e a w M f**1hi' 19M, W i ...

l ; an inqr«Me off iE T p i i i yoaw - ■': ■; *.- H ew Y o rk stetete&li Ifc h to -lo m untoto«I»fl -. w ith ix iite .bogdhto tt ia k Ij lo w irig w a d te to F a fii ^ ^ . W oodW ff in. _ ^

and iteriW m6aifoixK.teis m

and- Aunmrioan htoitikpGM M ftj thew tetld. O nr w o ci , league, and every c r» m ’ .eteitt-itto to h tokuffi A m erio m p tA p e teSB M * i

Wrtoofcotffop _____ . r ____ __spcilKDleri ana-masfiL©- .

"Mr.- ¥<tedruffto rtepote teffifc.l cexvodt =— -•*-— ’*-—:

C has MorrmiHowiud^yeW ttocr 4 Baltim ore Reftnto Lea«to* S dress on the re o e to w fo !*-: n n g ua Baltunttrt. •:

‘ T hew orkofY Sfc ,<)li texnitterce” WMtiae

1 . Jfih n sriu ,!Thqe. I F ed or*..JM ecr gfr iioootihe adopfctoani'tewrieerofdttfr*1’ : ‘ ^

‘edototloa o f Olet&lttWf, vv. 9

. _ . ,702,586;; operating. 1 3 8 5 , 0 5 6 i net earatogil ^ S 1?,** fixed charges $148,168; » ® haoom.e

Soma OontuMtors

N EteA R K jM ay^—2 bnildiiig oontrtoteretj j, peaitera' demands fcmrl* f&76 p et d a y thi/t m 1 th ei,3^ 3trto )to i stato" Board df Bring fcheetrji^ to jm


,359 ; cashfln hand $1,049*487 f prtoflt and loss (surplus) $183,049. T h e n?fctiu*» come for the same quarter last y e w wns$558*197* , • , t -'J ; ‘ 1 /

-, . Colobrai.ltae Um» Bbea<>. N e w LofiDONi Qonn*, M ay ' oity totoy tolebrtgted h t e t o aanniversary. The aoldltos’ S n d .............montunent w *s db|fiestad,*ttd toteconHr stone e f the W inthrop monaitt«nt t e l l laid, The oity w te thrcBigod telfch peo­ple and w as g n ily decorated. - :: ; ;

op1en™ a ir -ortiolei ofFurnitulre, iu tlM w a yo f l * w a 8eat» and Porch Seat* to

. , T m BpoLOtep*

, - * t i