Qftmrtor* ;liKp5IK »ynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031606/1888-06... · Qftmrtor*-*...

$$*;; . . Qftmrtor* -* 8AG-HAJLB0B, L. I. : SATURDAY , JfJKE 23 , 1SS8. fHCr. Bfelmoqt is not a Candidate , for f; * ! . . Re-electiQn. ~ ' . " . '* V Oar Representative in Congress , Ifon. ferry ISelmont , has clearly indicated "his ^@ ' tertn1 qg|ion not to b . e a candidate for . . '7; * .* - > /. - - •• * * ~ / renomination this Fall. ." ' ' 4 " Appreciating ia the highest degre e tire-confidence repo . sod , \n hirn A aa mani- fested b y fO jUr consecutive elections to the House of Representatives , ha now desires to retire from the arena of active pandi^aoy. ;Jn" doing so he does not withdraw Minaelf from continrial interest and ao> frwty in the.political affairs of the dis- triet and tlm nation. He still r-onqain s g resident ol the old First ftist>iet He etill ' prizes the personal and political attachments that have grpwq stronger with ius , representation of Suffolk , Queens , and Richmond, in our national le gislative halls- - lie will be a working Motor In the campai gn fpr Cleveland and ; tariff reform, an active partici pant ia the canvass for the success of Demo- oratia princi ples and candidates ^ He do . e# not retire from active political life, bfl, t he is not a candidate. . - ' Id Lis representative capacity he steps av& witn a record to be .proxyl of. and wbj yj h wa-are sura his constituency ap proves- - ;fle withdraws at " a . , tiin, e. when the- j l^moeracy is advancing with the presti ge of audces?, and the promise , of continued power and confidence. -The District Is Democratic and will r^m^ in so. In the advancement of the PSWty w ^©AY conteist^ and further y:e lories . Mr- Belmont will be noj> merely Ba' -interested spectator , but a worker an^ a ^ friend. And we doubt rjp£ in the future these are farther honors in store fo&V"?),.. ^JSha following is from the Washington. Sis^S oi^hnj adtiy evening, 21st inst. , - . JLernB^ESTATivE B ELMONT WILL SOT BOS AoiiKi^Mr. BHlmont , ch airman of the cojnmittee on forei gn affairs , was asked iU ; ^ae=comhjittee room this morning if ! , £' jgae ^ true. he had . determined not to be a , Candidate for renominajion. He re- p lied that ifc was* , and " added that one of ttiejcuief regiets hq felt , in coming to thiaideterminatiou , wus the severance of t f t^pleaa&nt relations which U, sid existed betjsesn ihe.raembers of the committee and hinigelf. They bad considered and reported on a number of importan t m^iiam^H ,. upon many of which -there w .45-r ,QCW.5o£ differences of opinion , bat ia ^ei& in^ttnf; ? tu§i? acupa had been unanimous. % _ had, not been % divided , coii^iitee on ayy q^ieatioft . dAiriag tluj present Congress , although comprising aaiorlget ila members such pconpanced re publicans as Messrs. . ^Pbol ps , Hitt and Me^Qw . . Sir. Belmont says , his . det . er- minftf^op ia ^fisi s^ ji ciit 50 l j %. i ;e ,Qan- sidered. "Hpn f R > C. McCormick of Jamaica, TRJ IO J was tho Kopublican nomine©, for ." Con*fMs& in this District against oar representative, Mr. Belmont , who was elected , is also. a . spn-ia-law of tho pres- enV nominee for Xiee -President on the Democratic ticket, Hon. Allen G- Thur- man. . Mo is too the Republican r . epre- $ent4liv0 . On the State Central Commit - fro m this district having recentl y sup^Janted Joh n Birdsall whom, the Ep- rj dijj ficape thfrow overboard . Mr. Mc- Qprmiok is placed in a rather enibar- rpfiginfj position and the question is will be^-tes^sn- Mrs. McCormick is said to bjB ^ a' . verj lovolj woman and entire ly loyal to. her father, as sho is to her hus- band; - lint'SIr- MeCormiok will scarcel y wish to hurt the feelings of his devoted , w ife , by i " .an active canvass against her, own father whom he also admires and r^specta. " .The missing Darkow boy of Ephp- mUrbaa been found , and hi? father is reliofod of euBpicion. Divid G. Muprd-to;j® ry L qyiling. hast/^O acres on Lily Rtag Lang; Apa- e\70gue, Elast ;rlamptbn ' ^-flki il : M i^- Edmund Tilh' nglias .t' : t<jH ' \fjo 0. iW- kins , Q acres on Main Sj;r^W-: ^aatpaiap ton Town ^ §1. - } " > - •:^^ ml ¦ m) %&Cp ' - ¦ ' Mary H. . F. Topp ing: fS^aryJt. l -Osr borne, 10 acres on bi^gr iy ieariihg from WateivMillslo .Obb^wid j Spto':: y- ^ . Mary <$ Elkins^|o>iWm^^^a^tir6 acres on Hopping lot ,^^W9Wpt6 jD ,f i i; John M. Parsons tor (JhhsSlt. Smith , 4 acres on east side of AcabS^' ao Creek, East Hampton Tovyu , $l-g|; John i: Gardiner to S^|ie 'f A. Sj ial y, land on east side of Bafi'Qber I/-\ne, Brid ge Hampton , S35Q. . #1 ^ ^ .. : ? Henry^ E. Huutfcing tlJiRichatd . ' H . Handley, 100 acres on ^iiver ' g.pi'ee .U, Hay Qround , SoutUau^ptfniTowu, §20, - 000. Ml ; John = H- Jiester to 'Jonalhl^nT.iGardi- ner , lot ou west Bide of®|['iin Street , East H;impton Town , : S5 .M| •/. . Chas. L.; Dodaon t(M | Wm: H uni- ting, 104= acres of , wopdIa^I, ^ eto.; called Russbl ' e Neck , Little; NoHll West, ' EJast Hamp ton Town , f^ 43. ; »• ' : ' , , ,;" ^Fulia A. R. farsohs to Mffbu ' a; B. Ed- wards, "Jdjulford" Meadow ' ^at Napeague, East Hampton town ,. §3 . | | | ! ^. ; \ ^" . . -| Joshua Bi. Sdwards auqt otuer . s .to Gabriel B. j ^dward, 15 acres on soiuthi west half of luiiP8toiie : lot£a*d.^*£- a<3res on Reed awampt Southaraiptou town , w* - . , | ¦ .: ¦ •*'¦- ¦ ¦ : ' : : JoBhu4 B. E-dwards and Qthers to Frances T. Couklin, ^0 , ac res pn jhjgh- wny leading to ' Abf^ham^Jlah^^g «nd 2 acj aii in lot of Napeaguo ; Piftea^^aBt Hamp ton town , &52. " ; ' ' * - " Charl es 15. Edwards and others , - - -fco Joshua B. Edwards , land , i ueudow , etc. in and about Napengue. $11 7. ~ Thomas ~() ¦ Overton t.o " :JtiiliViv:S . lowey, lot on east sji ^o of Howarc) / l^fcree^ %ig- bor , $32S. . ; . . . . - * , . , * .( : ¦ , ;. - , ; James Burns , lot ' on wiast side ' of Maiu . hi ghwny, Water Mil 1 H1 S. l&r DOr/DTFDi. CO3lU0NW.EAI,rit-3 WIIBItK -/• .Tua pOLD HO ' MAN 'S KEU STKKASIEllS MA, Y TinCMCllASxLiri^AVH ' ., The ¦ v 'Buekeyc " Sfi to. ' - '' * ¦" "" ' " ¦ - - - ¦ .. c-i- <i^l;roruiat. ': - - . '~e^s£f :~ ~ -^ . -. New York. T. - . InS^Uatia. ~1 '%' ¦ ~' ' ¦ ' ¦ , siichigAri:^' . ., 4i? M -: - ¦¦ ? . ' Wiseo!\siR. - ' ' . . ' . " ? - : . , Virsi^taV' l . :%, - ¦ :, ' -2kIassAc_ liusctta. ji ; =V •- ¦¦ - N-. - ' TT - . Hex-aid. Chainnau-^ v luu' stoA in- ,his; Qhjcago Convention opening spoooh Wiints , ' "the black anil white to lie down. to. peaceful slumber in the untroubled shadows of protected homes . .. " . ¦ ¦ . - - .: : Is this gutih or ' gosh \ Our : Republir can frie^.d. 3 having dug ur^tFtemont are probabl y going btu-k to miscegenation. GREES ^ OBT, WATER \Y'oitKS.!^rThe . Trus- tees of GreenpOrt' have .g^acite d ; to a Company the fi ' MlrMv ei priTileg©' of aup- ply ing water to- residents' bf lthat tillage for ten years. The incorporated 'Com- jpany has. a. capitalVefw^' oi^^o^pOO. -^rue i pnrchane s .^iv^^ bo ^oll ; gnarded and its rt^uiremen.bR. .; - ase ia the aa^erest'of the public, service. The capnciiy : of daily supply is to be j0b ;b00. ; vgjijlbnK N and Ciipable to nti increase of-/ 1 , 00 ^ 0 , 000. . The. ri ght is given the.; yillag p use fre e of qost two lover "driiiki . ug " hy- drants {also for . municipal bttilo/ihgsi en- •gine houses, pvibHe *" schools' ' ayd :churches on . tho lines of the. mains , jviilso the use of two hy drants for Water- oa ' rts =owned by the village ; also the; use of 'two douLiie-nose fij-e b^'draiit?. '' "' Our ancient , - but ever-yonthful;(para- doxical as .that may seem) cont emporary, the Sag. Harbor CdRiiECTOa/io^ntered upon the sixty se^eulh -ye^.^bf" -i tB. : -;jBp _ journ , a . hd ' \xiAh i u%n>pa , ired v . igqr cbh- t ' inuea to make iter npetfy ttje gi;* " The CoRUECTpa is ' hot a large papeF so'Ta^. afi size ' is; concerned , bftt there is-^uehTof value and Mterost coutjuned ; iu eyery is. sue, _ aE . d s?e r , eg^ai:d i . tas one of tibe niost welcom . o..xi piborfl to our, deak vr . ' - '5iOng may, it wivv . o. - '^S , Sv Si gnal- ; , ?i^ ^ . » >niiil*T*'* , * , " IM» The WATCHMAN; says ' Boss 'Boeoee^has shi ppod to Scabri ght , K. < fc , where they are to be teste d . two.new suri- boats for theTtiife Saving Service; ' They aSe built with ais- tight compartments .at.b qw.and , stern and- % copper water ttmk.under deck j; aiid» ' are ar.r,a . ngeS j sjb. Ra tiO^ b^self- r . ig bfeiijg and self bailiBg^; i* being Claim- ed that if turned ovec- - . i^-tt sea aH{ the water taken in will as -she -ri ghjba i run. qpt within ten minutes.. . j ^ > ^- " v- : ! v ~ L' ^. ' ::\ \ . Br. R ForeaA ^resib^ ondj w^Jn d Supervisor Hooper, of Amity villa were i p ^ashingtos, - the-latter parfc -of; last m&) £ : ' \ ; - i; J ;. ; ;>, " . - ' . /^. ' .^ V- 11*1 Wtuiio 11 , in. Busmoiij jr .;- . . ' %££ " ¦ ' ¦ In th is ago of extreme notivitjf- aad wonderful ;dti?olopu1ont j. Tfi^lpiiofcQ ; worthy fj ict that ms ' ny. .woma^'\Fi ' axe made their own^rfay .m > " mercft31 tilQ . . .:lifo J and successfully compete with men in many linos of buainoH Bi . ¦ ¦ " .. .;. . ; ;./ >¦ . Women whether^; ¦ they ^ - lnbdr^ in the household; OP .ig. ;t . h8. .stb« e ;-4arp all liable to auffer f riorh fuactional derange- " monts and the cares off ranfeBrnity For all troubles known u«d«r the ca tegory of '"feihiUo weaknesses, "^' ¦ - Drr^ Pierce ' s lEavorite - . Proscrip tion / is a j tOrj ip-^nd tried speoifio: It rolieyes tho ' greatest, snf^rers , and . restores- the patient to vigorous health audi strengths ' li is.the only medicine for women, soldi by-dimg- * gists , under a positivia g^prantt ee j^om the man u faeturerfl , that it w$l glva.sat- isfaction in every case, or mqnpy^ will be refunded , . r - This -guarantee-has been printed on tho botUu^wrappar ajid ffliith- fully carried out for many> yea ' rs^ <r " ' Dr. Pieree ' a . PellQts qure consti pation , aillioueness. sick headache , bJI Kons head- ache, and all .derangements of Jthp . ' at om- aph, liver and.bowels. ' ;;. . - fj : ; Jl ' . _ If you want-a good cigar/ ; try a': Grisley N, 0. 1 . - Etccp ' nt Kpcbrt|cd Co|Hioyaij ccs . ; . I-Uc l.!i«*i or f tas fiar()or f'Jpor, vln the list of soa going Merchant ves- sels of-;the United States for the year 3888 there appear the names of onl y three Teasels built in Sag Harbor. These are, the little schooner S AN DIEGO qf 58 tons ^hat Capt. Jared Wade sailed to California. She was built in 1850 and still hails from San Francisco as her home port. , . ¦ * . ' The schooner S. S. S MITH- built at the foot of M.iin-Sfcreefc in 186S by J. & E. Smith. Her tonnage is 83iB3 and her home port was Fall River , Mass. We believe she was the last vessel of any si^e built at this port. . The OSCAR " F. HAW ^ EV built in Sag- Harbor in 1853 now hails from Port Jefferson and B- S. Ty ler is the princi- pal owner- Her tonnage is' 115V . . ;i . The EOBERT T C LARKH built in Fort Jefferson in 1873. 180 tons , Jas. A- San- derson, master , veg istered in Sag Har- bor as tho hqine port. Walter ' s ' ?&tmi$T8J® ™%*l - "'T - ' . ' Absolutely M6*a^ SH%les . ww ' p "^? rm,! ' ' " - DURABLE AND OBNAMBNTAL. Illustrated catalogue ajwl- price list Iree. ' SiATIO^TAI. SHEET META, D Jf OOVipiffi CCS i ' " o * ' > 5i2 v pst \wii . St., Kcw YcirK City > iw<4 Washington is a paradise for bicyclists. The smooth, noiseless, asphalt avenues are just fittea for wheelmen- .A large organization of them exists in the capi- tal city. The National League j of these mechanical riders has been in session in BaliirqQre this week. Severa l hundred of them came over here on Thursday and almost took possession of the city. Men are scooting about on wheels every- where, arid they are in lqve with Wash- ington notwithstanding the mercury has risen to 90 degrees to-day. There are some women among the riders who get along quite gracefull y. Soina of oqr Republican exchanges were rather too previous \a their cutting allusions to the presence of Democratic office holders at the St. Hjouis Conven- tion. There is auiple opportunit y to retort upon our opponents this week. The Rep ublican side of Congress has been practically deserted. Senators and OQPgressiaen . h ^ve b . oHed for Chicago, by the dozens. There were n ,at more than twenty ^epublic^n repreae^ilatives ia fchejr spais in |he HQUH. S yesterday, (Tuesday.) In the Senate not « ' half dozen could he mustered. Those who have not gone to pull the wirosj ore elsewhere at {\m ead ye?5 b .v\§ il y watch - ing them . The Natmnul Deninavaiw Cp.mniittee and the 25«itiQwUio.n Oftinuiittee ap- poiutt'd nt "it. Ijnuis will meet in this city oii Tuesday nq^t at the Arling ton. TheBre^ulont \y;ll be (oi'mall y no . tifiod 0$ his noizjuRtiou that ufleruooji . Both Committees will be at. the Arlington on the satne day- ^ and the Columlun Club are making arrangements to oaloi'tnin thara. The ^.)ti/i<Tntion> 0>imiin ' tiee will go next to Ohio an^ give formal noli?e to Jndge Thurman. The Republican members of the House are not in the inost " ¦ agreable humori Whether it is the stifling hot weather or the mixed condition ol things at Chicago is a question , but certainl y they do not act good naturedl y, nor have they any opinion s to express as to the probable nominee of the Convention. When they do say anything " they geem to incline toward Blaine, or a dark horse. Funston of Ejansas sajs : "ifv. Blaine heretofore has pushed; hirxtself on the Republican party ; now that he has voluntaril y re- tired , the party is pushing itself on BJaine. " 3lo thinks that the aeeonyno- dating nature of the gentleman from ly&uno \yill cause ym to accep t the uomjnfttioflt Thq C ORBEOTOB has entered u^pn ,. the S . 'Jth year of publication. It is a good papor , though veiy decidedly democrat- it. It is smali ' but e^'clive. —L.T. Travel,^ ?- ¦ - - " ¦ . . .VS eil . if. we accomplish soniolhing in a small way it is better than being too effusive. ' Some of our blanket sheets spread out very, thin , bc^t in this respect we have no reference to the TBATELEB, which under its new management is a bri g ht and well conducted sheet. The deadlock aas boonbrougli u about by the majority of the Committee on Rules, Messrs. Read and Cannon , Re- publicans, and riandall ; protection Dem- ocrat. Mr. Carlisle did not approve the recommendation of the Committee in re- gard ip i^he ipirect Tux Bill. Mr. Mills the other uiembi-r of the .Committee is away eick. The Committee on Rules was never before known to make , with regard to. sjiy bill , such a. discrimination, as they made in this cice ia . Jcyor Q! the District 'i' ox BilL Tho red bandanna seems to hare a. similar; e ffect upon our Republican friends as a similar cojey ^dpes/bn a mad bull. The N. Y. S UK explains this in a few words, vii: "ilr. Tijnjrman . is %. very large and, unpleasant fupj i foe the. Re- publioan a , arid , they wou]di like, to , get bim ont of tliQ. wfij." They ooraplajn. of hia age. They wjjl likel y fipd him a \cary lively old. raftp, bafor . e, h&. gots tbioji ^ ^itb them. The Republican Conven tion, at Chica- go has benn " going ijb " un der high; pres- aure a'l the wgek. The weatbos has . been hot, the convention hotter , and the msmbers hottest. Oiit of the supor- abundanco of oalorie and* " fltGaru " has come some personal al tercations, some bitter contests ^ some hard words, and eora e campaign lies i bnt as^ye t (IJlriduyj no nomination. ^5hg Republican platform denies , thais the Demooratin party has ever restored one acre of public lands to the peop le. Congressman S pringer says that this is. the most stupendous lie on record , apd declared in Congress on Thursday last that the Deniocratie-party had recovered 80 , 000, 000 of aorog from , the land-grab- bers. Patchogue hoisted the first political banner in this county this year. On the eamfe day of Thur^aan ' s. nomination fpr the Yice Presidency a . fipe banner bear ing the names of Cleveland, apd Thur- man was flung to the bre^so. Washington . The symptoms of Biliousness are unhap- pily but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. 4 Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas , he has an excellent appetite for li quids bnt none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly hear inspection at any time ; if it is not white and furyed, it is rough ,- afc.aU events, . The digestive system is wholl y qut of brdeif flhq Diarrhea br 'Constipation may he a symptom or the two raay alternate. There are 'often Hemorrhoids ov even" loss of blood. There may bo giddiness and often headache ' and aeiditv or flatulence and ten . dern . aa3 in the p it of the stomach. To oorreot all this if not effnot a qure try Chreen ' s •Au .gj iist ^Iower f it costs 'but a trifip and thpqsayds . £\ttest its efficacy. . . WHAT AMI TO DQ ? MORTGAGE SALE , WIIEUEAS, default, has been mad e in the pay- ment of the Hum of two hundred dollars ol principal find uinety-eiglit dollars and Hfty-flv« cents of interest , making together tlie sum of two hun- dred an<l nincty-eislit dollars and (Ifty-llve cents claimed to be due on the day of tlie first publication of this-notice, on a certain mbrlpage, d ated the 4tb day ol April , I87T , executed by John A. Slulfonl and Mayla M. Mulford ,. his wife , to A^dre.w Eldreilge , anil recorded in the - billce of the Clerk- of Suffolk County, in Liiicr 131 of Mortgages, at page 238, on the 6th day of April , 1.S7T , at S o ' clock , A.M.. aj id as sigded to tlie aubscribei- l»y tlie aaut Audrcw El- dredge on the suth (lay of April, 1831 , said aaslgu. ment being ' record, ed in, the otilce of the Cleric of Suffolk County, - iu Liber Ha of Mortgages, at page 330, on the 2M day of June , issi , at 3 o ' clock aiul 30 minutes, r. M. .. ' How , there fore , Th e said liiortgccge ' wlll : b " o forc- clospd, by a sal, e of the preinlsea tlierein described by virtue of tlie power of sale therein contained' , which sale will be mad e by the subscriber at public auction !fl front of the shop of C. M. BIydcnburg-, iu Rtvcr- head , in Suffolk County, N. Y on tho 20th DAY OV SEPTEiiiiEn , 1 SSS , at 10 o . ' clo/;k in the. foreupon. The. premises are described In the said mortgage as fol- lows : All . that certain tract or parcel, of .laud lyins ia the. parish , and town of Southampton , aforesaid, aiyl bounded non iterl y by land- of tho hens of kciiben Ilalsey, deceased; easterly patjtljv by the lan4; 0f the. afovesaii! heirs anil )>urily by a highway called "Major ' s . rath ;. " westerly by tho. hlshvtay or road running to North Sea—the said traot ,.of laud cominti to a point between said highways or roads , and con- taining about eleven acres, mure or less. Dated Jtiiie.lDt.lt , ISSrV - " LEWIS SCOTT , Mortgagee. - IIAltUI M. HOWELL , Attorney. ivi ' Vi l^TOTICE is heroGy given thnt under -LN tlie in^wisloiiof Section '2 , CGT, of the co ' e oC Civil Procedure , tlie uudersJgne/i oeine; a daugliter of Hiram I.. Topping, deceased , late of the village ¦ Of Sag Harbor . County of- Suffolk, State of New ¦ York , intends applying for letters ot administration ' aboh the estate of the said ' Hiram L. ' Toppliig. and >aii creditrf>r8. ofi thc , said Hiram L. Topping are here- by notified Id present their, claims to James U. 'l' ut- hn);Surrojrato'oI the Coiyky d' t ' Suffolk , at nls ofllce in Kiycrlicaa , N. Y., on or r b.ef(j *j. t , hi» ictli tlay of uuly. isss; . " ' - ' Dated this 12th day of Juno , ISSS . .BBKTIU IMTOPlfliSa. , xnos; F, Disooon , Attoruej, | . bag Harbor, N, Y. . ¦ -: .WOO EEWARB. . TJhe abb-vjo sum-will bo paid for iiiforoia , - tion leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons guilty of causing the recent tires in . the -\zoods at or near North West , in . . this to.wi^ GEOBOE A I M1LI1ES4 S' .i.perviaor, . Town of East £T amx>ton , f > . -.- J^T\. *t to CfcAKIC'S BnsIneBS College^ ¦ " ' p \ ft DRftEj ^A., ^ College of Coin- £' B f ir . " ' m mcrccj. BnflhIo, N. V., for f MS^ « -J~ circulars. Tho best and cheap- f fyf/vL JTy i os * sohoolain America. Actual I Jy^ ///fyfjf ^XobusineBsihtorchonpe. Scholoix ' \ # ' %/ l* rl/K ^ *^r Bhi ps goqd in either College. ^ Gtaduates assisted to positions. Mention this paper. - - . CliAKK. «& PJSKKXNj rrpp^iclQra. , Rooms to Let. Kqpma Ipr family use on the, second floor of tne Iletlctja! lI, ousg, MahtHU;eet , are to let ' . ' Water on the ilQPFi For tonus nppw to " -" ¦ M i IJK. Il. 0- . SLE^Gai^ y. _ 35 Division St., Sag Har , bor v WAJVIKD. —L2VE ARBNTS.—Write Geo. A. Sanborn. Secretary Buffalo Mutual , Llle , Acci- . dent and Sick BeneUt Association/Buffalo , N. Y. ' v ' ¦ : r M'^^MI8!3^ WANTED £21?: For gin s ! FTigt C?"t~» «'i t=»y. . " By CEOKOB BIDIFELL , tbe lender In the alleged $6,000, 000 forgery on the Bank of England- -Amar-! - velous story of lug operations in this country and in Europe. A complete history of the gi gantic forgery. : : Hjs arrest , trial and , 'J4 " years ' experience In English, prisons acd dungeons. Sure ta create a. GCDIO. rion. j^noruiouM snlc siHHtircri. J3cok8 ordered- If/oreapope printed . Speak quickly for territory, sirj d senator iflustrated description and special terms* ' > Address S. 8. S IJKJLJJTOM & Co., Ilartlord , Conn, ' : ' ¦ C.BLAJB ' . ' 'N. . . BBl . OWN ^ SAG: HARBOR, L,. L . AGENT FOK LSiartfor^ IT-ise Insu^^aiice Coani»any oiie of the oldest and bes t Companies in Amerlna. Capital and Assets over, Fiv e Mllllon . Dollara. Now is the time to insure before you are burned out. Insures all kinds of prpperty including Mve Stock and against Lightning. Farmers , this Is the safe Company for you as the rates are low. . ' Ofllco " , s Su ffolk Street, or at the store of Geo.B. lirOYfn . k, Soa. 33 AGENTS WANTED FOR "WONDERS OF NEW YORK ClTr , its Sights. Secrets and Sins, " an ele- gant volume of 900-pp. and 50 full-page illustrations. The grcateft sensation of the age. : Outsclls'aU other books three to one. More entertaining than romance and . far more instructive and profitable. PABK P CBLISUINU Co., UARTFOUD , Cosx. ' TO E\V tSOOUS received every wee k by i> UEO. U. BHOWiJ t6H. 1QQQ SP RTOQ - |QQA On and aft er Thursday, March . 15 tb, . 1 , 58?, ^ St .9a . me? MAN1MSET , CAFT. JAMES F. SMITH, Will commence to make Daily Trips, Sundays ox- ceiijed,, u, titU further notice , botw . een ' ISfew London , Greenporfc v Shelter Island and Sag Harbor , leaving 5cw London at S. no A. Til., arriving in Urcenport at m.zii , cotmectirirr with liOiig Tsland Kallro ad going wyi; Sag Har, bo); at-ll. rrfi , connect- ing with Long Island IitUlroad , South. Side, to all points west. RETUIfNING-^-beave Sag Harbor at 12.20, V M., making close con nection with tfou:U i -Side train from the west ; (iroonport , 1 .20 V. W .. emmoatinsr wiiii , f.ong Is . l^n\l Kailroiv. l going wor;t anifruin t . hc west. , arriving in Kew boiiilon about 4 r. ~M., cniiiiectiug! with trains on Shore Lltie liailroad wesj , Boston Ex- press east , due at Boston 7.05. F. M also New L011- . don Northern Railroail . Kofregtimouts sorvoil on tu)ara.diirinrr.lru> .9oasnii. FARE Irom Mew London to nroenporl . Sag llarbnr anai^enpediat^ lainljn^s , fl.00- ' Through tickets ' sold.to llo.sf.on.und- Fi-oviilence and baggage checked tfl.all important points on Shore Lino Kayojoad. E. P, MOIUiAN , S<w> - y. ai ul Trcas. .PESSE RERVIW , Afj ont, fJ^ehport. JO&N UO.MAX. Aaent , Saii iiuxbor. Th-UNITDLKACIIED SIIEETINOS , S? Vcry,clieap.at CROWNS. . EVA SPUING GOODS , ~ J u?fe opened at BROWNS. I ADIKS' DRESS. GOODS in, great variety just. B >ypened by GEO. ll .nKOWN & SOX. CANTON FLANNELS w.Ith.a large Stock of ottr LQr Flannels cheap ap, BltOWS ' a B ADLES' AND MISSES- WATEItZritOOV "" cOATS &9 and ' Circulars BltOWNS. "VT EW C1{01> TiJA > ju ?t. received by. J3I % G. B. BKp\VS i,SO.N- . . STANDARD CXFFE-E-rZQ cts. a pound, at iJRO W . Nii; MOURNIN G. GOODS. mack French Caslimcrc, Tamisc Cloth , Henrietta , Clptli I. 15»yrlU., ClQth , 4«., at COOI'ERy. ;liKp5IK »y See the Store. It ia a tecininpf place of suggestions < teeming with ffoods, garments , articles and homo furnishings. More exclusive* nesH, more elegance iu costumes, wraps , jackets , millinery, parasplfl , fine under- wear , regal laces, dress trimmings , rich street and evening: silks , high novelty and p lain dress stuffs , up holsteries, art . embroidery, brie a brnc , curios, ceram- ics, bisques ' , bronzes, brasses, - clocks ,fur- niture , than could have been dreainpt of a year ago. . . No impeaching the quality or charucter of a single thing. The assortment of each line is as comp lete in size, sty le, make, finish , combination , shade, desi gn as comp lete can 'be, Tlie 'Prices. ' Are your- prices, made'Sufficientl y low to make you feel that there is one . yast dis- .. tributing centre in Brooklyn whero your interest and our interest are identical ; a store where every one can be ' tnade ' to feel they carry their own private latch key to the freedom and privilege s of the establishments . 1- •Extra-Silks New. ludias—a full _ range of India allie s ^ plain or printed , deai gns and colors carefull y chosen..,. .......... 75c. and G5c. Beugitliues—a full , carefull y selected lino •of bengaline silks , plain and patterned 95c. mid Si.25 Surahs—All tho suruh silks iu p laids * checks , stri pes with p laids to match ... .„ ¦ ...... . .. . . . . , \. . ... .. . .. . .,. .. ,, K 75c. and SI Moires—A. liae of moires in colors unci Wtick ,..,,.. . ... ., 9Dc . . " . sufca—£.c «, CCJIUC * . i ¦ Dress Stuffs, ' ; JBiCxttCT---A/c—/V jy*Il—'&ir\/ ' s,:v *l ' r»ricQR - l ^fi piocos Froneh Suitings, pure wool , in checks, plaids and other neat designs and fancy weaves, 52 inches wide , seasonabl e, newest colors ; no sale so far to- our knowledge this season for less than SI.5.0 Next week 89o. 81 hew fancy checks iacluding black and v/hite , 42 inches wide, for street or carriage costumes * next week 69o. S1.25' grade of new Scotch cheviots I- 1 yards wide . . . ...90a. All.of the high novelty dress goods will. be shown. The new spring cloaking elsths also* Should any of these values be sold out ,. others equall y as attractive will take lha - place. . B'r>ea: G00O&—Ooc£rcv left.. Those Costumes* Well—we' re doing so nicely with those- ready-made costumes ^ dssignod. and, built by oar own . coups o5 aiifiists on the, preraises , that v«:e ' ve got all? wse can do tO) keep the assortment up, 5Q» distinct. sty lee. no' t%v o alike. The skirt is SQucLy t yo ' a know, the wakit wo mnUo to youc measure, §30' to $G5. Between you antj us, out of town stores are ordering them from, cs to be used acd. displayed , a. s. modeis in their estatjirsbments , sains. price to them us to our patrons , ho trade- discount * lowermost notch, was reached; in the lirafe pnice. Jackets of the same character .,. handsoma.^ ly finished with eilvor . aud\ gpld , braid; , ... . . ..... ^ .. a . .^.. ........... . ..J^U tO v **lvy! Specimen of riding habits shown ; built; and. equ/ij in every way to ones gotten- at §125 - , . ours.. . . ... . .. . .. .. ... ... .S7 . 5V Dressmaking Parlors—Fourth,. tlooiy. eievatp rs ^ Wraps-Jackets. ' April will , we " feel certain , be a heavy> month in (lie.sale of Spring Wraps and! Jackets. We dare say tlie reasons, are as . clear to y. -3u ; . wiio hav e beeu .kop t . fr.oin» Coming for ihom as.it is- 10 us who haro been, kep t from getting at you- to-seli' them. To facilitate . matters , to enable. y. o a> to decide ou the style and price- of the garment- you- wan? befo re you-r . eaph , the store and ming le with the many. like- , iy to be abend; of you we' ve carefull y, selected from among a ' tremendous, stock:—fully .5 , O0C» wraps, and j ackets *, some splendid lines thai we can recom- rnegd i in every .. way ; , our . word . fpr it , , too,, they' re a generous value. Wrng8-^ wrtii boftded : sliouldjBr8, . trimm0(ll with lace aud passementerie *. 9.50, U. .5H Shoulder .wraps. , o f TTaille or -Ottoman , with, handsome trimmings of job and lace, 18.00 *. 22.50, 25.00 to . ' . . . 5t).08i Faille Erancaiso Mantles, suitable for, - stout fi gures, trimmed with passecnen- . torio and laoo, 1&; B0 lo. 45.00) Beaded Grenadine Mantles, trimmed: with lace and jot , sizes 3-1 to 4G bust ,, . . . ._. .. _ .. .... ' . . . . . UoSO and 25.00 Wo enow a GolhiCtiou of . over 125 im- ported; novelties in all the Iciest mate- , rials and shapes , in beads and- p laj n pas- sementeries,, a, selection . which wo claim, eaiinot . be equalled ; prices 30.00 to,§, 5Q. Stockinette Jackets 3.50 to llt-50> Goi-kscr . ew Cloth Jackets . .3.90 to 22.50. P«ncy Stri pes and Mixtures 2.50 to 10.00/, Plain Broadcloth . . . . . . .8.50 to 15.00. Braided Jackets in many desi gns with, vest fronts or without- . . Many, imported garments of uov. el . wqrkr- nymehip will be shown . Wraps. Jackets—second noon . B" TvT'f ^ Tt TiT^"? 53*773 \i/TCHS£Sl MD vS xi &. M\ &*z sv Ti 14 71 oM IK * Apim|lnrl^ 3 Entrancoo Fulton St., Galatin Place , Livingston St . . Brooklyn. The Mcm-femk S-taaisfeoajt Co. (I JDIITEI } ), issa. For Ori&at , (i-rccMiijourt .^ S1 I , <;HCJJ ^-<]aii«l S' . o.tteiiolct. ^. IL .I «a^-tI«.rl>OJC. . . '- -X-inJ' . -ii ^ £2T?. £- - •:-• *" ¦ - ' "r'r ^-fWrar- 1 •*~ " - -^>*-c:£-i= CI5 rais=!i«w.~rt3 On and after Fl kTny, March Sj.b , 5S8S , THE STEAMER SHELTER ISLAND , G*ro G ^0> O. ^LBSS, Lfiay . es-New-York, Pier 29, B; . R., . foot Qf . Bse . kman St Tuesdays, Thursdays , and Saturdays, A^n o. ' clpck is>' , ' _ R, etarn ' i ng I . etKve ' s Sag^Harbor Mondays; Wedncsdaye , and Fridays, . ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' A* 4;30 O' clocK V. if* ' " . J. E.GIHUS, , Agenfc, Oillce . oc^hp Pier. H. FREJipiL Agen t, Sag Harbor. - " FOR PliESIDENT , Creve r GtgVeistnd. . -- . - . QE"KEVif YftRK . . * i . : ' : " FOE VJCB : JPRE3IDENT . A^en G. Thurman , - * ' ' "" _ ¦ ' " r, p|? OHIO. ' * ¦ \s2$& ijh&Si ScLwalbacb ^ ilillllyi!^ 9tn Ave. and Wni. oa . Sjt., I^^^ H^^. rj»osr330T l'AiiS, ^^^BL BROOKLYN ^ Bicycles and Tricycles . Sole agent for Lopg Is- -land , New Mail and Columbia Machines. Second band machines for salp at auction pr , ices- Jlepairr ing skillfully-executed . Send for descriptive -cata- logue . . Orders by mail, recciv. c prompt att.qut .iQp. Kvurythiuf^ in the bicycle ljnp for sqle ; parts , su;i- urics; clothing. sUqea. ' & ' c. " ' ' ozw* ¦5'IEZ rtJOS'fl' GiiiJlPLEWE TEAB BOOK r*rsiif-^«isEO» ¦ THE BROOKLYN' Eagle Alm&nae For 18m 3?-Bj ;CE 25 . CEOTS. . Mailed t<> Any Adcjress for 30>CeM. tis Acour^ Qo^cige , Comp lete. Aa Invaluable Gompendiam of/ InJormatlou r . elall*;a lO,Long Island , Brooklyn, aa4. tUii. . wbflii ai . Large . " , , t It contains.a compl ete . ' GA3ETTSER CF LONG ISLAR'Dj Giving the Bopillalipn of every Village and Ilamict , distances froni-ltrooKl^i , and tlic KailroaO.) Character.of.eacli place , and the. ' namq.oj, - Postaiagtpr, Also a valuable Ust ql s Lgng. Island- . sjss»ij i.n i\:i.m,Es , WllU, lliGir moauiug. A full rocord.of Long Island Scelctios , Churches, Institution 1 ! and Public OAcials , with, full EleetioU i iteturiis aud-a Now Map of tlie-Island* A vast laud of general tuto raiaUon . SEND. ORDERS TO>ALMANAC- OLEUK- 5&gle Office, JBKOOKL. -XN , N, X\ w " JONES HBZPAYS THE FREIGHT" , f- Scales of all Sizes; V5 Ton Wagon Scale ;with Brass Tare Beam and Beam Box, ' §60, . For fr<4 Ju ries £iitpf ali iin ' Us , address JONES OF BINCHAMTON. 8 BINOHHKTON. «. V, FOR HARTFORD, NEW LONDON, SHELTER ISLAND, GREENPOET , , AND SAG-HARBOR. SEASON OF _ I8S8, Or; and . after- Thursday, June 14U1 , the Stcanier OABT. H, A. BATES , Will run as follows \ heave Hartford fro m foot of state street , every TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY , At ' s.SO A^ srU stopping at all regular river- laadiiigs. Connects at Cromwell from Merlden , at Middlctcwn from New Uritain , at Lyme with 11. 05 A. M. train from Neiy Haven , - at New -London- with Shore Line ExpV£S^ wa .;riiaa ,vmg noato. ua, tl v, M. x stopping at Qreenport and arriving at Sag Harbor aboutl.ao P. M . Manhanset . aud rrospect are signal landings, lie- turning, leajve Sag-Harbor every . ' MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY, At G45» Prospect T.3 . 0, Orocnport T.dft. and Manlinoaet T.40 A. jr ., stopping at Now Londou aud Niautie , aud arriving at Hartford about C v. M. CONNECTIONS , At; New Loudon with N. V., N.H . . & H., Boston and Providence, and New Loudou! Northevn K. K, At SaybrouK with C. V. K. R. At MlihUc town \xitU B. erlin BrancU of the N . V" . N II. & H. R. It. At Cromwell with Merlden and Cromwell HaUrc-Ad to and from Merjden. " At Hartford with If. Y. N. II. HartlQrd aud Springllcld 11. It. FARKS—To Now L6n, d6n " si ; cxcursioa$1.50. To, narttord,$1,40 ; excursion $2.50. - . 'rno ' s . onoss, JU .^ see^ %

Transcript of Qftmrtor* ;liKp5IK »ynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031606/1888-06... · Qftmrtor*-*...

Page 1: Qftmrtor* ;liKp5IK »ynyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031606/1888-06... · Qftmrtor*-* 8AG-HAJLB0B, L. I.: SATURDAY, JfJKE 23, 1SS8. fHCr. Bfelmoqt is not a Candidate, for f; *

$$*;;. . Qftmrtor*-*



fHCr. Bfelmoqt is not a Candidate, forf ; * !. . Re-electiQn. ~ ' . " . ' * V

Oar Representative in Congress, Ifon.ferry ISelmont, has clearly indicated "his^@'tertn1qg|ion not to b.e a candidate for. .'7;* .* - > / . - - •• * * ~ /renomination this Fall. ."' '

4" Appreciating ia the highest degreetire-confidence repo.sod, \n hirnA aa mani-fested by fOjUr consecutive elections tothe House of Representatives, ha nowdesires to retire from the arena of activepandi^aoy.

;Jn" doing so he does not withdrawMinaelf from continrial interest and ao>frwty in the.political affairs of the dis-triet and tlm nation. He still r-onqain sg resident ol the old First ftist>iet Heetill ' prizes the personal and politicalattachments that have grpwq strongerwith ius, representation of Suffolk,Queens, and Richmond, in our nationallegislative halls- - lie will be a workingMotor In the campaign fpr Clevelandand; tariff reform, an active participantia the canvass for the success of Demo-oratia principles and candidates Hedo.e# not retire from active political life,bfl,t he is not a candidate..-' Id Lis representative capacity he steps

av&witn a record to be .proxyl of. andwbjyjh wa-are sura his constituency approves-- ;fle withdraws at "a. ,tiin,e. whenthe-jl^moeracy is advancing with theprestige of audces?, and the promise , ofcontinued power and confidence.

-The District Is Democratic and will

r^m in so. In the advancement of thePSWty w ^©AY conteist^

and further y:elories. Mr- Belmont will be noj> merelyBa'-interested spectator , but a workeran^ a^

friend. And we doubt rjp£ in the

future these are farther honors in store

fo&V"?),..^JSha following is from the Washington.

Sis S oi^hnj adtiy evening, 21st inst.,-. JLernB^ESTATivE BELMONT WILL SOT BOS

AoiiKi^Mr. BHlmont, chairman of thecojnmittee on foreign affairs, was askediU ; ae=comhj ittee room this morning if!,£'jgae true. he had .determined not to bea, Candidate for renominajion. He re-plied that ifc was*, and "added that one ofttiej cuief regiets hq felt, in coming tothiaideterminatiou, wus the severance oftft^pleaa&nt relations which U,sid existedbetjsesn ihe.raembers of the committeeand hinigelf. They bad considered andreported on a number of importantm^iiam^H,. upon many of which -therew.45-r,QCW.5o£ differences of opinion , batia^ei&in^ttnf;? tu§i? acupa had

beenunanimous. %_ had, not been % divided,coii^iitee

on ayy q^ieatioft . dAiriag tlujpresent Congress, although comprisingaaiorlget ila members such pconpancedrepublicans as Messrs.. ^Pbolps, Hitt andMe^Qw.. Sir. Belmont says, his. det.er-minftf^op ia ^fisi s ji ciit 50 lj %. i;e,Qan-sidered.

"Hpnf R> C. McCormick of Jamaica,TRJIOJ was„ tho Kopublican nomine©, for."Con*fMs& in this District against oarrepresentative, Mr. Belmont, who waselected, is also. a. spn-ia-law of tho pres-

enVnominee for Xiee -President on theDemocratic ticket, Hon. Allen G- Thur-man. . Mo is too the Republican r.epre-$ent4liv0. On the State Central CommitV»-from this district having recentlysup^Janted John Birdsall whom, the Ep-rjdijjficape thfrow overboard . Mr. Mc-Qprmiok is placed in a rather enibar-rpfiginfj position and the question is willbe^-tes^sn- Mrs. McCormick is said tobjB a'.verj lovolj woman and entirelyloyal to. her father, as sho is to her hus-band;- lint'SIr- MeCormiok will scarcelywish to hurt the feelings of his devoted,wife, by i".an active canvass against her,own father whom he also admires andr^specta."

.The missing Darkow boy of Ephp-mUrbaa been found, and hi? father isreliofod of euBpicion.

Divid G. Muprd-to;j® ry L qyiling.hast/^O acres on Lily Rtag Lang; Apa-e\70gue, Elast;rlamptbn'^-flkiil:M i^-

Edmund Tilh'nglias.t':t<jH ' \ f jo 0. iW-kins, Q acres on Main Sj;r^W-: ^aatpaiapton Town ^ §1.- } "> ••-•:^^

ml ¦ m) %&Cp '-¦'

Mary H.. F. Topping: fS^aryJt.l -Osrborne, 10 acres on bi^gr iy ieariihgfrom WateivMillslo.Obb^widjSpto':: y- .

Mary <$ Elkins^|o>iWm^^^a tir6acres on Hopping lot,^^W9Wpt6jD,f ii;

John M. Parsons tor (JhhsSlt. Smith, 4acres on east side of AcabS^'ao Creek,East Hampton Tovyu, $l-g|;

John i: Gardiner to S |ie'f A. Sj ialy,land on east side of Bafi'Qber I/-\ne,Bridge Hampton, S35Q.. #1 ^ ..: ? Henry^ E. Huutfcing tlJiRichatd .'H.Handley, 100 acres on ^iiver'g.pi'ee.U,Hay Qround, SoutUau^ptfniTowu, §20,-000. Ml • ; •

John = H- Jiester to'Jonalhl^nT.iGardi-ner, lot ou west Bide of®|['iin Street ,East H;impton Town, :S5.M| • / . .

Chas. L.; Dodaon t(M| Wm: H uni-ting, 104= acres of,wopdIa^I, eto.; calledRussbl'e Neck, Little; NoHll West,' EJastHampton Town, f^43. ; »•':',,,;"

^Fulia A. R. farsohs to Mffbu'a; B. Ed-wards, "Jdjulford" Meadow' at Napeague,East Hampton town,. §3.||| ! ^ . ; \ ^" ..- | Joshua Bi. Sdwards auqt otuer.s .toGabriel B. j ^dward, 15 acres on soiuthiwest half of luiiP8toiie:lot£a*d.^*£-a<3reson Reed awampt Southaraiptou town,w* - . ,|

¦. : ¦•*'¦-¦¦ : ' :: JoBhu4 B. E-dwards an d Qthers toFrances T. Couklin, ^0 ,ac res pn jhjgh-wny leading to ' Abf^ham^Jlah^^g «nd2 acjaii in lot of Napeaguo; Piftea^^aBtHamp ton town, &52. " ; ' ' * - " •

Charles 15. Edwards and others,---fcoJoshua B. Edwards, land , i ueudow, etc.in and about Napengue. $11 7. ~

Thomas~()¦ Overton t.o":JtiiliViv:S.lowey,lot on east sji ^o of Howarc) / l^fcree^ %ig-bor, $32S. .; . . . .- * , . , *.( :¦, ;. - ,;

James Burns , lot 'on wiast side 'ofMaiu .highwny, Water Mil 1H1 S.l&r

DOr/DTFDi. CO3lU0NW.EAI,rit-3 WIIBItK -/•.TuapOLD HO' MAN 'S KEU STKKASIEllS MA,Y TinCMCllASxLiri^AVH'.,The ¦v'Buekeyc" Sfito.'- '' * ¦" ""'"¦ - - - ¦ . . c-i- <i l;roruiat. ': - -.'~e s£f :~ ~ - . -.

New York.T.- . InS^Uatia. ~1 '%' ¦ ~''¦'¦, siichigAri:^' . ., 4i? M -: -¦¦?. 'Wiseo!\siR. - ' '.. '."? - :. , Virsi^taV' l . : % , - ¦:,'

-2kIassAc_liusctta. j i ;=V• - • ¦ ¦ - —N-.-'TT-. Hex-aid.

Chainnau-^vluu'stoA in- ,his; QhjcagoConvention opening spoooh Wiints,' "theblack anil white to lie down. to. peacefulslumber in the untroubled shadows ofprotected homes...".

¦¦• . -- .: :Is this gutih or 'gosh \ Our :Republir

can frie^.d.3 having dug ur^tFtemont areprobably going btu-k to miscegenation.

GREES^OBT,WATER \Y'oitKS.!^rThe.Trus-tees of GreenpOrt' have .g^acited ;

to a

Company the fi'MlrMvei priTileg©'of aup-plying water to- residents' bf lthat tillagefor ten years. The incorporated 'Com-

jpany has. a. capitalVefw^'oi^^o^pOO.-^ruei pnrchane s. iv^^ bo ^oll; gnarded andits rt^uiremen.bR..;- ase ia the aa^erest'ofthe public, service. The capnciiy: ofdaily supply is to be j0b ;b00.;vgj ijlbnK Nand Ciipable to nti increase of-/ 1,000,000..

The. right is given the .; yillagp usefree of qost two lover "driiiki .ug " hy-drants {also for. municipal bttilo/ihgsi en-

•gine houses, pvibHe*" schools'' ayd:churches on. tho lines of the. mains, jviilsothe use of two hydrants for Water- oa'rts

=owned by the village ; also the; use of'two douLiie-nose fij -e b^'draiit?.'' "'

Our ancient ,- but ever-yonthful;(para-doxical as .that may seem) contemporary,the Sag. Harbor CdRiiECTOa/io^nteredupon the sixty se^eulh -ye^.^bf"-i tB.:-;jBp _journ , a.hd' \xiAhi u%n>pa,ired v.igqr cbh-t'inuea to make iter npe tf y ttjegi;*" TheCoRUECTpa is' hot a large papeF so'Ta^.afisize' is; concerned, bftt there is-^uehTofvalue and Mterost coutjuned ;iu eyery is.sue,_ aE.d s?e r,eg^ai:d i.tas one of tibe niostwelcom.o..xipiborfl to our, deakvr .'-'5iOngmay, it wivv.o.-' S, Sv Signal- ; ,?i^ ^ .

— »>niiil*T*'*,*,"" IM»

The WATCHMAN; says' Boss 'Boeoee^hasshippod to Scabright, K. <f c , where theyare to be tested.two.new suri- boats fortheTtiife Saving Service; ' They aSe builtwith ais- tight compartments.at.bqw.and,stern and- % copper water ttmk.underdeck j; aiid»'are ar.r,a.ngeSj sjb.Ra tiO^ b^self-r.igbfeiij g and self bailiBg^; i* being Claim-ed that if turned ovec--.i^-tt sea aH{ thewater taken in will as -she -righjbai run.qpt within ten minutes.. . j ^ > ^-"v-

: ! v ~ L' ^. '::\ \. Br. R ForeaA resib^ ondj w^Jnd

Supervisor Hooper, of Amity villa wereip ^ashingtos, - the-latter parfc -of; lastm&) £ :'\ ;- i;J ;.; ;>, ". - './^.'. V- 11*1

Wtuiio 11, in. Busmoiijjr .;-.. '%££"¦'¦In this ago of extreme notivitjf- aad

wonderful ;dti?olopu1ontj . Tfi^lpiiofcQ;worthy fj ict that ms'ny. .woma^'\Fi'axemade their own^rfay .m>"mercft31tilQ...:lifo Jand successfully compete with menin many linos of buainoH Bi .¦¦" ...;. . ; ;./>¦.

Women whether^; ¦ they^ - lnbdr^ inthe household; OP .ig. ;t.h8..stb«e;-4arp allliable to auffer f riorh fuactional derange-"monts and the cares off ranfeBrnity Forall troubles known u«d«r the categoryof '"feihiUo weaknesses," '¦- Drr^ Pierce'slEavorite -.Proscription / is a jtOrj ip-^ndtried speoifio: It rolieyes tho' greatest,snf^rers, and. restores- the patient tovigorous health audi strengths ' li is.theonly medicine for women, soldi by-dimg-*gists, under a positivia g^prantteej ^omthe man ufaeturerfl, that it w$l glva.sat-isfaction in every case, or mqnpy^will berefunded, . r- This -guarantee-has beenprinted on tho botUu^wrappar ajid ffliith-fully carried out for many> yea'rs^<r " '

Dr. Pieree'a.PellQts qure constipation,aillioueness. sick headache, bJIKons head-ache, and all .derangements of Jthp .'atom-aph, liver and.bowels. ' ;;..- f j : ; Jl '._

If you want-a good cigar/ ;try a': GrisleyN,0. 1. -

Etccp'nt Kpcbrt|cd Co|Hioyaij ccs. ;. I-Uc l.!i«*i or f tas fiar()or f'Jpor,

vln the list of soa going Merchant ves-sels of-;the United States for the year3888 there appear the names of onlythree Teasels built in Sag Harbor.

These are, the little schooner SANDIEGO qf 58 tons ^hat Capt. Jared Wadesailed to California. She was built in1850 and still hails from San Franciscoas her home port . ,.¦*. ' The schooner S. S. SMITH- built atthe foot of M.iin-Sfcreefc in 186S by J. &E. Smith. Her tonnage is 83iB3 andher home port was Fall River, Mass.We believe she was the last vessel ofany si^e built at this port . .


EV built in Sag-Harbor in 1853 now hails from PortJefferson and B- S. Tyler is the princi-pal owner- Her tonnage is' 115V . . ;i. The EOBERT T CLARKH built in FortJefferson in 1873. 180 tons, Jas. A- San-derson, master, vegistered in Sag Har-bor as tho hqine port.

Walter's '?&tmi$T8J® ™%*l-"'T - ' . ' Absolutely

M6*a^SH%les.ww' p" ?rm,!' • '"• - DURABLE AND OBNAMBNTAL.

Illustrated catalogue ajwl- price list Iree.' SiATIO^TAI. SHEET META,D Jf OOVipiffi CCS

i' "o * '> 5i2vpst \wii.St., Kcw YcirK City> iw<4

Washington is a paradise for bicyclists.The smooth, noiseless, asphalt avenuesare just fittea for wheelmen- .A largeorganization of them exists in the capi-tal city. The National League jof thesemechanical riders has been in session inBaliirqQre this week. Several hundredof them came over here on Thursdayand almost took possession of the city.Men are scooting about on wheels every-where, arid they are in lqve with Wash-ington notwithstanding the mercury hasrisen to 90 degrees to-day. There aresome women among the riders who getalong quite gracefully.

Soina of oqr Republican exchangeswere rather too previous \a their cuttingallusions to the presence of Democraticoffice holders at the St. Hjouis Conven-tion. There is auiple opportunity toretort upon our opponents this week.The Republican side of Congress hasbeen practically deserted. Senators andOQPgressiaen. h^ve b.oHed for Chicago,by the dozens. There were n,at morethan twenty ^epublic^n repreae^ilativesia fchejr spais in |he HQUH.S yesterday,(Tuesday.) In the Senate not «' halfdozen could he mustered. Those whohave not gone to pull the wirosj oreelsewhere at {\m ead ye?5 b.v\§ily watch -ing them.

The Natmnul Deninavaiw Cp.mniitteeand the 25«itiQwUio.n Oftinuiittee ap-poiutt'd nt "it. Ijnuis will meet in thiscity oii Tuesday nq^t at the Arlington.TheBre^ulont \y;ll be (oi'mally no.tifiod0$ his noizjuRtiou that ufleruooj i. BothCommittees will be at. the Arlington onthe satne day- and the Columlun Clubare making arrangements to oaloi'tninthara. The ^.)ti/i<Tntion> 0>imiin'tiee willgo next to Ohio an^ give formal noli?eto Jndge Thurman.

The Republican members of the Houseare not in the inost "¦ agreable humoriWhether it is the stifling hot weather orthe mixed condition ol things at Chicagois a question, but certainly they do notact good naturedly, nor have they anyopinions to express as to the probablenominee of the Convention. When theydo say anything "they geem to inclinetoward Blaine, or a dark horse. Funstonof Ejansas sajs : "ifv. Blaine heretoforehas pushed; hirxtself on the Republicanparty ; now that he has voluntarily re-tired, the party is pushing itself onBJaine." 3lo thinks that the aeeonyno-dating nature of the gentleman fromly&uno \yill cause ym to accept theuomjnfttioflt

Thq CORBEOTOB has entered u^pn,. theS.'Jth year of publication. It is a goodpapor, though veiy decidedly democrat-it. It is smali ' but e^'clive.—L.T.Travel, ?- ¦ -- "¦ .

. .VSeil. if. we accomplish soniolhing in a

small way it is better than being tooeffusive. ' Some of our blanket sheetsspread out very, thin, bc^t in this respectwe have no reference to the TBATELEB,which under its new management is abright and well conducted sheet.

The deadlock aas boonbrougli u aboutby the majority of the Committee onRules, Messrs. Read and Cannon, Re-publicans, and riandall; protection Dem-ocrat. Mr. Carlisle did not approve therecommendation of the Committee in re-gard ip i^he ipirect Tux Bill. Mr. Millsthe other uiembi-r of the .Committee isaway eick. The Committee on Ruleswas never before known to make, withregard to. sjiy bill, such a. discrimination,as they made in this cice ia. Jcyor Q! theDistrict 'i'ox BilL

Tho red bandanna seems to hare a.similar ; effect upon our Republicanfriends as a similar cojey ^dpes/bn a madbull. The N. Y. SUK explains this in afew words, vii: "ilr. Tijnj rman. is %. verylarge and, unpleasant fupj i foe the. Re-publioana, arid, they wou]di like, to, getbim ont of tliQ. wfij." They ooraplajn. ofhia age. They wjjl likely fipd him a\cary lively old. raftp, bafor.e, h&. gotstbioji^^itb them.

The Republican Conven tion, at Chica-go has benn "going ijb" under high; pres-aure a'l the wgek. The weatbos has.been hot, the convention hotter, and themsmbers hottest. Oiit of the supor-abundanco of oalorie and* "fltGaru" hascome some personal al tercations, somebitter contests^ some hard words, andeorae campaign lies i bnt as^yet (IJlriduyjno nomination.

^5hg Republican platform denies, thaisthe Demooratin party has ever restoredone acre of public lands to the people.Congressman Springer says that this is.the most stupendous lie on record , apddeclared in Congress on Thursday lastthat the Deniocratie-party had recovered80,000,000 of aorog from, the land-grab-bers.

Patchogue hoisted the first politicalbanner in this county this year. On theeamfe day of Thur^aan's. nomination fprthe Yice Presidency a. fipe banner bear •ing the names of Cleveland, apd Thur-man was flung to the bre^so.


. The symptoms of Biliousness are unhap-pily but too well known. They differ indifferent individuals to some extent. 4Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater.Too frequently, alas, he has an excellentappetite for liquids bnt none for solids ofa morning. His tongue will hardly hearinspection at any time ; if it is not whiteand furyed, it is rough,- afc.aU events, .

The digestive system is wholly qut ofbrdeif flhq Diarrhea br 'Constipation may hea symptom or the two raay alternate. Thereare 'often Hemorrhoids ov even" loss ofblood. There may bo giddiness and oftenheadache ' and aeiditv or flatulence andten.dern.aa3 in the pit of the stomach. Tooorreot all this if not effnot a qure tryChreen 's •Au.gj iist ^Iowerf it costs'but a trifipand thpqsayds .£\ttest its efficacy.

. . WHAT A M I TO DQ ?

MORTGAGE SALE,WIIEUEAS, default, has been made in the pay-

ment of the Hum of two hundred dollars olprincipal find uinety-eiglit dollars and Hfty-flv« centsof interest , making together tlie sum of two hun-dred an<l nincty-eislit dollars and (Ifty-llve centsclaimed to be due on the day of tlie first publicationof this-notice, on a certain mbrlpage, dated the 4tbday ol April , I87T, executed by John A. Slulfonl andMayla M. Mulford ,. his wife , to A^dre.w Eldreilge,anil recorded in the- billce of the Clerk- of SuffolkCounty, in Liiicr 131 of Mortgages, at page 238, onthe 6th day of April , 1.S7T, at S o'clock, A.M.. aj idassigded to tlie aubscribei- l»y tlie aaut Audrcw El-dredge on the suth (lay of April, 1831, said aaslgu.ment being'record,ed in, the otilce of the Cleric ofSuffolk County,- iu Liber Ha of Mortgages, at page330, on the 2M day of June, issi, at 3 o'clock aiul30 minutes, r. M. ..' How, there fore,The said liiortgccge ' wlll :b"o forc-clospd, by a sal,e of the preinlsea tlierein described byvirtue of tlie power of sale therein contained', whichsale will be made by the subscriber at public auction!fl front of the shop of C. M. BIydcnburg-, iu Rtvcr-head, in Suffolk County, N. Y„ on tho 20th DAY OVSEPTEiiiiEn, 1SSS, at 10 o.'clo/;k in the. foreupon. The.premises are described In the said mortgage as fol-lows :

All. that certain tract or parcel, of .laud lyins ia the.parish, and town of Southampton , aforesaid, aiylbounded non iterl y by land- of tho hens of kciibenIlalsey, deceased; easterly patjtlj v by the lan4;0f the.afovesaii! heirs anil )>urily by a highway called"Major 's.rath;." westerly by tho. hlshvtay or roadrunning to North Sea—the said traot,.of laud comintito a point between said highways or roads, and con-taining about eleven acres, mure or less.

Dated Jtiiie.lDt.lt , ISSrV- " LEWIS SCOTT, Mortgagee.

- IIAltUI M. HOWELL, Attorney. ivi'Vi

l^TOTICE is heroGy given thnt under

-LN tlie in^wisloiiof Section'2 ,CGT, of the co ' e oCCivil Procedure, tlie uudersJgne/i oeine; a daugliterof Hiram I.. Topping, deceased , late of the village¦ Of Sag Harbor. County of- Suffolk, State of New¦ York , intends applying for letters ot administration'aboh the estate of the said 'Hiram L.'Toppliig. and>aii creditrf>r8.ofi thc ,said Hiram L. Topping are here-by notified Id present their, claims to James U. 'l'ut-hn);Surrojrato'oI the Coiyky d't'Suffolk, at nls ofllcein Kiycrlicaa , N. Y., on orr b.ef(j *j. t,hi» ictli tlay ofuuly. isss; •. " ' • - •' Dated this 12th day of Juno, ISSS

. .BBKTIU IMTOPlfliSa., xnos; F, Disooon, Attoruej,| . bag Harbor, N, Y.

.¦- : .WOO EEWARB..TJhe abb-vjo sum-will bo paid for iiiforoia,-

tion leading to the arrest and convictionof the person or persons guilty of causingthe recent tires in. the -\zoods at or nearNorth West, in ..this to.wi^

GEOBOE A I M1LI1ES4 S'.i.perviaor,. Town of East £Tamx>ton,

f > .-.- J^T\. *t to CfcAKIC'S BnsIneBS College ^¦ " 'p \ f t DRftEj ^A., ^

College of Coin-£' B f i r . " ' m mcrccj .BnflhIo, N. V.,forf MS^ « -J~ circulars. Tho best and cheap-f f y f / v L JTy i os* sohoolain America. ActualI Jy / / / f y f j f ^XobusineBsihtorchonpe. Scholoix'\#' %/ l*rl/K^*r Bhips goqd in either College.Gtaduates assisted to positions. Mention this paper.- - . CliAKK.«& PJSKKXNj rrpp^iclQra.,

Rooms to Let.Kqpma Ipr family use on the, second floor of tne

Iletlctja! lI,ousg, MahtHU;eet , are to let'.' Water onthe ilQPFi For tonus nppw to" -"¦ MiIJK. Il. 0-. SLE^Gai^

y. _ 35 Division St., Sag Har,borv

WAJVIKD.—L2VE ARBNTS.—Write Geo. A.Sanborn. Secretary Buffalo Mutual, Llle , Acci-.

dent and Sick BeneUt Association/Buffalo, N. Y.'v '

¦ :

r M' ^MI8!3^ WANTED £21?:

Forgins !FTigt C?"t~» «'ir» t=»y.." By CEOKOB BIDIFELL, tbe lender In the alleged

$6,000,000 forgery on the Bank of England- -Amar-! -velous story of lug operations in this country and inEurope. A complete history of the gigantic forgery.:: Hjs arrest, trial and ,'J4 "years' experience In English,prisons acd dungeons. Sure ta create a. GCDIO.rion. j^noruiouM snlc siHHtircri. J3cok8 ordered-I f/ oreapope printed. Speak quickly for territory,sirjd senator iflustrated description and special terms*'

> Address S. 8. SIJKJLJJTOM & Co., Ilartlord, Conn,' :


LSiartfor^ IT-ise Insu^^aiice Coani»anyoiie of the oldest and best Companies in Amerlna.

• Capital and Assets over,Five Mllllon .Dollara.Now is the time to insure before you are burnedout. Insures all kinds of prpperty including MveStock and against Lightning. Farmers, this Is thesafe Company for you as the rates are low.. ' Ofllco", s Suffolk Street, or at the store of Geo.B.lirOYfn. k, Soa. 33

AGENTS WANTED FOR "WONDERS OF NEWYORK ClTr, its Sights. Secrets and Sins," an ele-

gant volume of 900-pp. and 50 full-page illustrations.The grcateft sensation of the age.: Outsclls'aU otherbooks three to one. More entertaining than romanceand. far more instructive and profitable.

PABK PCBLISUINU Co., UARTFOUD, Cosx.'TO E\V tSOOUS received every week byi> UEO. U. BHOWiJ t6H.

1QQQ SPRTOQ - |QQAOn and aft er Thursday, March. 15tb,. 1,58?, St.9a.me?


Will commence to make Daily Trips, Sundays ox-ceiijed,, u,titU further notice, botw.een '

ISfew London , Greenporfc v Shelter Islandand Sag Harbor,

leaving 5cw London at S.no A. Til., arriving inUrcenport at m.zii, cotmectirirr with liOiig TslandKallroad going wyi; Sag Har,bo); at-ll.rrf i, connect-ing with Long Island IitUlroad , South. Side, to allpoints west.

RETUIfNING-^-beave Sag Harbor at 12.20, V M.,making close con nection with tfou:Ui -Side train fromthe west ; (iroonport , 1.20 V. W .. emmoatinsr wiiii,f.ong Is.l^n\l Kailroiv.l going wor;t anifruin t.hc west.,arriving in Kew boiiilon about 4 r. ~M., cniiiiectiug!with trains on Shore Lltie liailroad wesj, Boston Ex-press east, due at Boston 7.05. F. M „ also New L011-.don Northern Railroail .

Kofregtimouts sorvoil on tu)ara.diirinr r. lru>.9oasnii.FARE Irom Mew London to nroenporl . Sag llarbnr

anai^enpediat^ lainljn^s, fl.00- ' Through tickets'sold.to llo.sf.on.und- Fi-oviilence and baggage checkedtfl.all important points on Shore Lino Kayojoad.

E. P, MOIUiAN , S<w>-y. aiul Trcas..PESSE RERVIW , Afj ont , fJ^ehport.JO&N UO.MAX. Aaent , Saii iiuxbor.


EVA SPUING GOODS, ~J u?fe opened at BROWNS.

I ADIKS' DRESS. GOODS in, great variety just.B >ypened by GEO. ll.nKOWN & SOX.

CANTON FLANNELS w.Ith.a large Stock of ottrLQr Flannels cheap ap, BltOWS'aB ADLES' AND MISSES- WATEItZritOOV""cOATS&9 and' Circulars BltOWNS.

"VT EW C1{01> TiJA> ju ?t. received by.J3I % G. B. BKp\VS i,SO.N-..STANDARD CXFFE-E-rZQ cts. a pound, at


MOURNING. GOODS.mack French Caslimcrc, Tamisc Cloth , Henrietta ,

Clptli I.15»yrlU.,ClQth , 4«., at COOI'ERy .

;liKp5IK »y

See the Store.It ia a tecininpf place of suggestions <teeming with ffoods, garments , articlesand homo furnishings. More exclusive*nesH, more elegance iu costumes, wraps,jackets, millinery, parasplfl , fine under-wear, regal laces, dress trimmings, richstreet and evening: silks, high noveltyand plain dress stuffs, upholsteries, art .embroidery, brie a brnc, curios, ceram-ics, bisques', bronzes, brasses,- clocks,fur-niture, than could have been dreainpt ofa year ago. . .No impeaching the quality or charucterof a single thing. The assortment ofeach line is as complete in size, style,make, finish , combination, shade, designas comp lete can 'be,

Tlie 'Prices.' Are your- prices, made'Sufficiently low tomake you feel that there is one. yast dis-..tributing centre in Brooklyn whero yourinterest and our interest are identical ;a store where every one can be' tnade 'tofeel they carry their own private latchkey to the freedom and privileges of theestablishments .


•Extra-Silks New.ludias—a full _ range of India allies^ plainor printed , deaigns and colors carefullychosen..,. . . . . . . . . . . 75c . and G5c.Beugitliues—a full , carefully selected lino•of bengaline silks, plain and patterned

95c. mid Si.25Surahs—All tho suruh silks iu plaids*checks, stripes with plaids to match ....„ ¦....... ... .. . ,\ .. .... .. ... .,. .. ,, K 75c. and SIMoires—A. liae of moires in colors unciWtick , . . , , . ......, 9Dc.

." . sufca—£.c«, CCJIUC* .i¦ Dress Stuffs, ' ;

JBiCxttCT---A/c—/Vjy*Il—'&ir\/ 's,:v *l ' r»ricQR - l fipiocos Froneh Suitings, pure wool, inchecks, plaids and other neat designs andfancy weaves, 52 inches wide, seasonable,newest colors ; no sale so far to- ourknowledge this season for less than SI.5.0Next week 89o. 81 hew fancy checksiacluding black and v/hite, 42 incheswide, for street or carriage costumes*next week 69o. S1.25' grade of newScotch cheviots I-1 yards wide ... ...90a.All .of the high novelty dress goods will.be shown.The new spring cloaking elsths also*Should any of these values be sold out ,.others equally as attractive will take lha -place..

B'r>ea: G00O&—Ooc£rcv left..

Those Costumes*Well—we're doing so nicely with those-ready-made costumes dssignod. and,built by oar own . coups o5 aiifiists on the,preraises, that v«:e've got all? wse can do tO)keep the assortment up, 5Q» distinct.sty lee. no' t%vo alike. The skirt is SQucLytyo'a know, the wakit wo mnUo to youcmeasure, §30' to $G5. Between you antjus, out of town stores are ordering themfrom, cs to be used acd. displayed, a.s.modeis in their estatj irsbments, sains.price to them us to our patrons, ho trade-discount* lowermost notch, was reached;in the lirafe pnice.Jackets of the same character.,.handsoma.^ly finished with eilvor . aud\ gpld, braid;,.......... ..a ..^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..J^U tO v**lvy!Specimen of riding habits shown ; built;and. equ/ij in every way to ones gotten-at §125 -,. ours.. ........ ... .. ... ... .S7.5V

Dressmaking Parlors—Fourth,. tlooiy.eievatprs^

Wraps-Jackets.'April will , we" feel certain, be a heavy>month in (lie.sale of Spring Wraps and!Jackets. We dare say tlie reasons, areas .clear to y.-3u;.wiio have beeu .kopt.fr.oin»Coming for ihom as.it is- 10 us who harobeen, kep t from getting at you- to-seli'them. To facilitate . matters, to enable.y.oa> to decide ou the style and price- ofthe garment- you- wan? before you-r.eaph,the store and ming le with the many. like-,iy to be abend; of you we've carefully,selected from among a ' tremendous,stock:—fully .5,O0C» wraps, and j ackets*,some splendid lines thai we can recom-rnegdi in every ..way ;, our. word.fpr it ,,too,, they're a generous value.Wrng8-^wrtii boftded :sliouldjBr8, .trimm0(llwith lace aud passementerie*. 9.50, U..5H

Shoulder .wraps., of TTaille or -Ottoman,with, handsome trimmings of job andlace, 18.00*. 22.50, 25.00 to .'...5t).08iFaille Erancaiso Mantles, suitable for,-stout figures, trimmed with passecnen-.torio and laoo, 1&;B0 lo. 45.00)Beaded Grenadine Mantles, trimmed:with lace and jot , sizes 3-1 to 4G bust,,.. .._..._ .. .... '..... UoSO and 25.00Wo enow a GolhiCtiou of. over 125 im-ported; novelties in all the Iciest mate-,rials and shapes, in beads and- plajn pas-sementeries,, a, selection . which wo claim,eaiinot.be equalled ; prices 30.00 to,§, 5Q.Stockinette Jackets 3.50 to llt-50>Goi-kscr.ew Cloth Jackets . .3.90 to 22.50.P«ncy Stripes and Mixtures 2.50 to 10.00/,Plain Broadcloth .... ...8.50 to 15.00.Braided Jackets in many designs with ,vest fronts or without-..Many, imported garments of uov.el. wqrkr-nymehip will be shown .

Wraps. Jackets—second noon.

B" TvT 'f Tt TiT^"? 53*773\i/TCHS£Sl MDvS xi &. M \ &*z sv Ti 14 71 oMIK * Apim|lnrl^

3 Entrancoo Fulton St., Galatin Place , Livingston St ..Brooklyn.

The Mcm-femk S-taaisfeoajt Co.• (IJDIITEI}),issa.

For Ori&at, (i-rccMiij ourt. S1I,<;HCJJ ^-<]aii«lS'.o.tteiiolct. .IL .I «a^-tI«.rl>OJC..

™. '--X-inJ'.-ii^

£2T?.£--•:-•*"¦ -'"r'r ^-fWrar-1•*~ " - — - >*-c:£-i= CI5rais=!i«w.~rt3

On and after Fl kTny, March Sj.b, 5S8S,THE STEAMER


Lfiay.es-New-York, Pier 29, B;.R.,.foot Qf.Bse.kman StTuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays,A^n o.'clpck is>','_ R,etarn'ing I.etKve's Sag^HarborMondays; Wedncsdaye, and Fridays,

. '¦¦' ¦ ' A* 4;30 O'clocK V. if* ' ". J. E.GIHUS,, Agenfc,

Oillce. oc^hp Pier.H. FREJipiL Agent, Sag Harbor.


Crever GtgVeistnd.. - - .- . QE"KEVif YftRK . . *

i .:':" FOE VJCB:JPRE3IDENT.A^en G. Thurman,-*' • '"" _¦' " r,

p|? OHIO. ' *

¦\s2$& ij h&Si ScLwalbacb^ilillllyi!

9tn Ave. and Wni.oa.Sjt.,

I^^H^ . rj»osr330T l'AiiS,


Bicycles and Tricycles. Sole agent for Lopg Is--land , New Mail and Columbia Machines. Secondband machines for salp at auction pr,ices- Jlepairring skillfully-executed . Send for descriptive -cata-logue.. Orders by mail, recciv.c prompt att.qut.iQp.Kvurythiuf^

in the bicycle ljnp for sqle ; parts, su;i-urics; clothing. sUqea. '&'c. " ' ' ozw*

¦5'IEZ rtJOS'fl' GiiiJlPLEWE

TEAB BOOK• r*rsiif-^«isEO» ¦


Eagle Alm&naeFor 18m •

3?-Bj;CE 25. CEOTS..Mailed t<> Any Adcjress for 30>CeM.tis

Acour^Qo^cige, Complete.Aa Invaluable Gompendiam of/ InJormatlou r.elall*;a

lO,Long Island, Brooklyn, aa4. tUii.. wbflii ai . Large.",, t

It contains.a complete .' GA3ETTSER CF LONG ISLAR'Dj

Giving the Bopillalipn of every Village and Ilamict ,distances froni-ltrooKl^i, and tlic KailroaO.)

Character.of.eacli place, and the. 'namq.oj ,- Postaiagtpr,

Also a valuable Ust qls Lgng. Island-.sjss»ij i.n i\:i.m,Es,WllU,lliGir moauiug.

A full rocord.of Long Island Scelctios, Churches,Institution 1! and Public OAcials, with, full EleetioU iiteturiis aud-a Now Map of tlie-Island*

A vast laud of general tuto raiaUon.SEND. ORDERS TO>ALMANAC- OLEUK-

5&gle Office,JBKOOKL.-XN, N, X\

w"JONESH B Z P A Y S THE FREIGHT",f - Scales of all Sizes; V5 Ton Wagon Scale

;with Brass Tare Beam and Beam Box,'§60, . For f r < 4 Juries £iitpf ali iin'Us, address




SEASON OF _ I8S8,Or; and. after- Thursday, June 14U1, the Stcanier

OABT. H, A. BATES,Will run as follows \ heave Hartford from foot ofstate street, everyTUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY,At 's.SO A^ srU stopping at all regular river- laadiiigs.Connects at Cromwell from Merlden, at Middlctcwnfrom New Uritain , at Lyme with 11.05 A. M. trainfrom Neiy Haven,- at New -London- with • Shore LineExpV£S^wa.;riiaa,vmg noato.ua,t l v, M.x stopping atQreenport and arriving at Sag Harbor aboutl.ao P.M .Manhanset .aud rrospect are signal landings, lie-turning, leajve Sag-Harbor every.' MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY,At G45» Prospect T.3.0, Orocnport T.dft. and ManlinoaetT.40 A. jr., stopping at Now Londou aud Niautie, audarriving at Hartford about C v. M.

CONNECTIONS,—At; New Loudon with N. V., N.H..& H., Boston and Providence, and New Loudou!Northevn K. K, At SaybrouK with C. V. K. R. AtMlihUctown \xitU B.erlin BrancU of the N. V". N II. &H. R. It. At Cromwell with Merlden and CromwellHaUrc-Ad to and from Merj den. " At Hartford with If.Y. N. II. HartlQrd aud Springllcld 11. It.

FARKS—To Now L6n,d6n"si ; cxcursioa$1.50. To,narttord,$1,40 ; excursion $2.50. - .'rno's. onoss, JU. see %