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  • 5/27/2018 Confusables.pdf


    Vocabulary is a vast ocean and it would be well nigh impossibleto claim that one has managed to learn all words quite

    different from say Mathematics (Geometry) where we can claim

    to have learnt all the theorem / formulae.

    In an effort to provide structured Vocabulary reading, we bring

    to you some common words and their confusing alternatives.

    These could be words with similar spellings but differentpronunciations called heteronyms, or words with different

    spellings but similar pronunciations called homonyms.

    This is, of course, not a comprehensive list and the eagerstudent is urged to refer to some good vocabulary building

    book or internet resource to further augment his vocabulary.

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    words that have

    similar spellings or


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    Affect (v): To have an influence on as in affected hishealth

    Effect (v): To bring about as in effect changes

    Effect (n): result or (in the plural) property

    Amend: To improve

    Emend: (of a text) remove errors, edit

    Appraise: Estimate the value of

    Apprise: To inform

    Affluent : Wealthy

    Effluent : Waste Water

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    Adherence: firm attachment Adherent: advocate or supporter

    Ail: to cause trouble or discomfort Ale: alcoholic beverage

    Altar: the worship table Alter: change

    Antecedence: act of going before in time Antecedents: individuals who have gone before

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    Abjure : Renounce Adjure : Beseech , Plead

    Accent: way of speaking or emphasis Ascent: upward movement

    Assent: to agree

    Allusion: indirect or casual mention

    Illusion: presentation of a false or misleading idea

    Delusion: mistaken belief of a confused state of mind

    Elusion: clever escape

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    Allude: to refer indirectly or casually

    Elude: to avoid or to escape

    Allusion: indirect reference

    Illusion: false idea or image

    Amoral: not subject to or lacking moral distinctions

    Immoral: violating conscience or public morality

    Bail: security given for release from jail

    Bale: a large bundle

    Bass: deep or low in sound

    Base: bottom part which supports that above it

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    Born: come into existence Borne: carried or tolerated

    Broach: introduce (a topic)

    Brooch: ornamental pin

    Bouillon: clear soup with a strong flavor

    Bullion: precious metals, formed into bars

    Bloc: group with shared purpose

    Block: chunk, piece or hinder, oppose

    Bolder: more daring

    Boulder: a large rock

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    Balmy: Fragrant, Aromatic, Sweet Smelling Barmy: Crazy, Insane, Lunatic

    Cache: hidden storage

    Cash: money

    Cannon: A gun or a stroke in Billiards

    Canon: a clergyman, a law, or a term in music

    Canvas: a type of cloth

    Canvass: to ask for votes

    Callous: unfeeling

    Callus: hard thickened skin

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    Censer: container for incense (agarbatti) Censor: examines books, films etc before publicrelease

    Censure: to disapprove

    Confidant: someone in whom you confide

    Confident: bold and trusting

    Corps: a body of people Corpse: a dead body

    Copse: a group of trees

    Capitol :A building occupied by a state legislature Capital: A seat of government, Wealth

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    Cease: stop

    Seize: grab by force Siege: prolonged period of trouble. (The enemy laid

    siege to the town)

    Chic: stylishness, elegance Chick: small chicken or bird

    Clich: overused expression

    Click: make a light, sharp sound

    Clique: small, exclusive group of people

    Climactic: related to the climax Climatic: related to the climate

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    Conscious: (adj.) awake, perceiving

    Conscience: (n) sense of obligation to be good Conscientious: (adj.) careful or thorough

    Cite: quote

    Sight: vision

    Site: exact location

    Cede: yield Seed: beginning of a new plant

    Dinghy: a small boat

    Dingy: dirty, grimy, in a poor condition

    Discreet: tactful or prudent

    Discrete: distinct or separate

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    Expand: enlarge

    Expend: pay out money

    Expansive: broad

    Expensive: costing a lot of money

    Extant: still existing

    Extent: limit

    Expatiate: write or speak in great detail

    Expiate: atone or make amends for

    Ewe: female sheep Yew: a variety of evergreen tree

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    Exalt: glorify

    Exult: rejoice

    Essay: a short composition

    Assay: chemical analysis

    Erasable: of being rubbed out or removed

    Irascible: easily provoked to anger

    Envelop: enfold or surround completely

    Envelope: container for a letter

    Eminent: outstanding Imminent: impending, about to happen soon

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    Effective: producing the desired result

    Efficient: producing the desired result with the leastwaste

    Elicit: to draw forth Illicit: illegal

    Faun: a rural god or deity

    Fawn: a young deer OR to flatter

    Forbear: To abstain

    Forebear: An ancestor

    Fortuitous: Accidental

    Fortunate: lucky

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    Gourmet: a connoisseur of food Gourmand: Greedy

    Grisly: horrible

    Grizzly: a type of bear

    Hoard: to store, accumulate

    Horde: a tribe or a group

    Human: (n) referring to a person

    Humane: (adj.) kindness, benevolence, sympathy

    Immanent: Inherent, by birth, already present

    Imminent: impending, in the near future

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    Idea: (n) thought, belief Ideal: (n) something/ one embodies perfection

    Ideal: (adj.) embodying an ultimate standard ofexcellence or perfection

    Lumbar: the lower back of the human body

    Lumber (n): wood, timber

    Lumber (v): to walk slowly and heavily

    Lightening: make brighter or less heavy

    Lighting: illumination

    Lightning: electrical discharge in the atmosphere

    Levee: raised portion along a river to prevent flooding

    Levy: impose or collect

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    Marital: relating to marriage

    Marshal: peace officer Martial: military or warlike

    Material: fabric

    Materiel: equipment and supplies of an army or anorganization

    Mean: lacking kindness

    Mien: a persons manner or appearance

    Moral: good according to a standard of right and wrong

    Morale: spirit or attitude

    Meet: come together

    Mete: apportion

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    Official: authorized

    Officious: meddlesome or intrusive

    Ordinance: regulation or law

    Ordnance: military weapons and equipment

    Overdue: past the expected time

    Overdo: do too much or go too far

    Pail: bucket with a handle

    Pale: lacking color

    Partially: to some extent (partially blind) Partly: in some parts (. based partly on facts..)

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    Peak: highest point

    Pique: feeling of sharp anger or resentment Peek: a quick look

    Pedal: use a foot operated lever (pedal my bicycle)

    Peddle: go from place to place selling (peddle his wares)

    Peer: equal

    Pier: landing place for ships

    Perpetrate: perform or commit

    Perpetuate: preserve forever

    Perquisite: special privilege accorded a position or office

    Prerequisite: something required in advance

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    Plaintiff: brings a case in court of law

    Plaintive: sad, mournful

    Palate: roof of ones mouth

    Palette: a flat plate for mixing paints, used byartists

    Pallet: a platform or a mattress

    Pellet: a small capsule

    Persecute: harass, maltreat, oppress

    Prosecute: take legal action against

    Precede: go ahead of Proceed: go forward

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    Physic: medicine

    Physics: a subject Physique: well developed body structure

    Populace: all the inhabitants of a place

    Populous: having many inhabitants

    Practicable: workable or feasible

    Practical: useful, based on past performance

    Prescribe: give as a direction to be followed

    Proscribe: prohibit, ban or condemn

    Presentiment: premonition, sixth sense

    Presentment: offering of a note or bill of exchange foracceptance or payment

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    Root: origin OR cheer for

    Rout: terrible defeat Route: a well planned path

    Review: a survey or a report

    Revue: a musical show

    Rhyme: matching of sounds in verse

    Rime: frost

    Scull: oar to row a boat

    Skull: the bone of the head

    Satire: make fun of, sarcasm

    Satyr: a woodland deity / god

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    Suit: a legal action, a matched set of clothes, meet

    the requirement Suite: matched furniture or connected rooms

    Stake: strong stick or post

    Steak: slice of meat or fish

    Spacious: roomy

    Specious: counterfeit, misleading, false

    Soluble: capable of being dissolved in anothersubstance

    Solvable: capable of being solved or explained

    Sleight: skill and dexterity

    Slight: slender

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    Stationary: unmoving, fixed

    Stationery: writing materials

    Stile: steps, especially wooden

    Style: shape or manner

    Troop: a company of people

    Troupe: company of performers

    Tare: a plant used as a cover crop; net weight

    Tear: rip apart

    Tear: drop of fluid from the eye

    Tier: layer or row of vertical arrangement

    Told: the past tense of tell

    Tolled: to ring as in: the bells tolled

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    Undo: cancel or reverse

    Undue: beyond what is appropriate

    Urban: relating to a city or city life

    Urbane: refined and sophisticated

    Vice: defect or fault

    Vise: tool having two jaws that can be tightened

    Waiver: voluntary relinquishment of a right

    Waver: go back and forth on a decision

    Yoke: crosspiece holding two things together Yolk: yellow part of an egg

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    Two words


    one word ?

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    All together: (adv.) considered as a whole

    Altogether: (adv.) completely, entirely

    All together, there are 32 students in the class.

    His comment raises an altogether different issue.

    Anyone: (pronoun) any person at all

    Any one: (adj.+ noun) specific item in a group

    Anyway: (Adv.) in any case, nonetheless

    Any way: (adj.+ noun) any particular course, direction,or manner

    Every one: each, without exception

    Everyone: all

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    All ready: (adj.) complete preparedness

    Already: (adv.) expressing timeAt last I was all ready to go, but everyone had alreadyleft.

    Awhile: (adv.) for a short time. Doesnt require apreposition

    A while: (article + noun) period of time, usually usedwith for

    Please wait awhile.We talked for a while.

    Maybe: (adv.) perhaps

    May be: (verb)Maybe we should wait until the rain stops.

    This may be our only chance to escape.

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    No one: nobody

    None: not oneNo one came to the party

    None of the children finished lunch

    No body: no group Nobody: no person

    No body of laws can be called perfect.

    Nobody spoke to him. Some time: a period of time

    Sometime: at an unspecified time

    Sometimes: now and then

    I will need some time to think.

    We must have lunch sometime.

    Sometimes I feel the need to shout aloud