Colonization and Independence of Latin America



Colonization and Independence of Latin America. Slavery in Latin America. Finding cheap labor was a goal of the Europeans in America in the 1500s. Gold and silver found by conquistadors made Spain and Portugal wealthy. The wealth also made them powerful countries. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Colonization and Independence of Latin America

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SLAVERY IN LATIN AMERICA Finding cheap labor was a goal of the

Europeans in America in the 1500s. Gold and silver found by conquistadors

made Spain and Portugal wealthy. The wealth also made them powerful

countries. At first, these metals could be taken from

the native people. As these supplies were used up, the

Europeans decided to try to set up mines to get more.

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SLAVERY IN LATIN AMERICA As more Europeans came to the

Americas, some tried to find ways to grow crops that could be sold in Europe.

Sugar cane grew well in the Caribbean and in the tropics of Central and South America.

The sugar cane was used to make sugar, molasses, and rum.

Both of these projects required a large and cheap labor force.

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SLAVERY IN LATIN AMERICA The native people were not a good choice for

labor. Millions died from diseases brought by the

Europeans. More died because of violence with the

Europeans. Natives that were forced to farm or work in

mines faced harsh conditions. Many of them died as well. Many of the indigenous people simply retreated

into the mountains or into the jungles. The Europeans then looked to Africa for labor.

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SLAVERY IN LATIN AMERICA Africans were brought to the Americas by ship. For many, the difficult journey ended in death

by starvation or disease. Once they arrived in the New World, the

Africans were forced to work on plantations or in mines.

Long working hours, poor housing, and poor nutrition made life difficult.

Children born to the Africans were considered slaves too.

They faced a lifetime of work with no chance of freedom.

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SLAVERY IN LATIN AMERICA For about three hundred years, businesses

that depended on slavery grew. The laborers—slaves—grew in numbers as

the plantations expanded. Most of them lived in the tropical areas

near the coast where large farms could be built.

This labor force helped to build many of the countries of Latin America, but most of the wealth was sent back to Europe.

As different countries gained freedom from Europe in the 1800s, they ended slavery.

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COLONIAL LATIN AMERICA The governments of Spain and Portugal

ruled most of Latin America for nearly three hundred years.

In that time, there were numerous battles for control of the lands.

At times, the people who were being ruled by the Europeans grew restless.

They thought about what it would be like to be free.

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INDEPENDENCE COMES The American Revolution in 1776 gave

some in Latin America the idea that they too could be free.

In 1789, the French Revolution showed that the kings and queens of Europe could be overcome.

These events encouraged Latin Americans in the belief that they might be able to overcome their European rulers.

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Toussaint L’Ouverture was a famous black freedom fighter.

He was a major leader of the slave revolts in Saint Domingue (present-day Haiti).

He was later made governor of Saint Domingue.

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TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE Francois-Domingue Toussaint was born a

slave in the mid-1700s. His father had been a free African who

was captured and sold into slavery in Saint Domingue.

He told his son about freedom and what life was like before his capture.

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TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE Toussaint was lucky because the

plantation owner allowed him to learn to read and write.

Toussaint read every book that he could. He read books that were popular in

France. These books had ideas about freedom

and equality for all men.

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TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE In 1789, the French Revolution occurred. The

new government in France granted freedom to all free blacks and mulattoes (those with African and European ancestors).

However, the plantation owners in Saint Domingue were furious.

In 1791, the French government changed its mind and took back the freedom it had given to blacks and mulattoes.

This time, the slaves were furious. Toussaint led a slave army and defeated the

French troops.

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TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE By 1793, the French government

abolished slavery altogether. Toussaint then led his men against

invading British and Spanish troops. During this time, he was nicknamed

Toussaint L’Ouverture, or “opening,” because he seemed to be able to find openings in the defenses of his enemies.

In the end, Toussaint L’Ouverture was left in charge of Saint Domingue even though it was officially a French colony.

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TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE In 1802, the French emperor Napoleon sent

troops to regain control. Some thought that he also wanted to reinstate

slavery. Toossaint L’Ouverture was invited to a meeting

with a French general to discuss a peace treaty. Instead, Toussaint was captured, arrested, and

sent to France. He was imprisoned and died shortly after. Within two years, the people of Saint

Dominigue declared their independence and renamed their country Haiti.

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Simon Bolivar was a leader in the wars for independence in South America.

He and other leaders fought against Spanish rule.

They wanted independence for all the people in Latin America.

Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela won their independence through his efforts.

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SIMON BOLIVAR Bolivar was born in 1783, in Caracas, in

what is now Venezuela. He was from a wealthy family. He had an excellent education and read

many books with ideas on freedom and equality.

He lived at the time of the French Revolution and through that learned of the defeat of the French royal family.

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SIMON BOLIVAR From 1810 to 1824, Bolivar led different

groups of troops against Spanish rule. He fought in the lands that are now

Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama. He was able to finally defeat the

Spanish in 1824 and end Spanish rule in South America.

The country of Bolivia was named for Bolivar, and he wrote a constitution to organize the country.

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SIMON BOLIVAR Bolivar is known as “The Liberator” in

South America. He is also sometimes called the “George

Washington of South America.” He became dictator and tried to create a

single, large South American country called Gran Colombia.

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SIMON BOLIVAR It covered the entire northern part of

South America. Fights among different groups caused

the different countries to break up. Bolivar became infected with

tuberculosis and died from the disease in 1830.

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Miguel Hidalgo is known as the father of Mexican independence.

He was a priest who led a peasant army against the Spanish army in Mexico, which was then called New Spain.

His force won some victories, but Hidalgo did not live to see independence.

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MIGUEL HIDALGO Hidalgo was born in 1753. His family

saw that he got a good education. As he grew up, he read books with

ideas on freedom and equality. He saw that there was not equality for

the peasant workers in Mexico. He also saw that those born in Spain got

special treatment, compared to citizens born in Mexico.

After training to be a priest, he worked among the native people and peasants.

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MIGUEL HIDALGO In 1808, France invaded Spain, and the

king was removed. This created problems in Mexico. People were not sure they supported

the new French government. Others did not support the old Spanish

government. A third group thought it was time for

Mexico to be independent. Hidalgo and his friends were for the

third choice.

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MIGUEL HIDALGO In 1810, Hidalgo was warned that he was

going to be arrested. Those loyal to the French government had

turned him in. On September 16, instead of running away,

he ran to his church and rang the bell. People from the countryside came in. Instead of having a church service, the

people got a speech. In this speech, Hidalgo said it was time for

Mexico to be free.

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MIGUEL HIDALGO At first, thousands of people followed

Hidalgo. They won several victories against the

Spanish army. However, they did not have training,

and they did not have many weapons. Eventually, the Spanish army pulled its

forces together and mounted an attack.

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MIGUEL HIDALGO They defeated a group of the rebels and

captured Hidalgo. He was tried for treason and found

guilty. He was executed by Spanish soldiers on

July 30, 1811, but the war for independence continued.

Mexico did not win its independence for another ten years.

In 1821, Spain withdrew the last of its troops from Mexico.

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SUMMARY Describe the influence of African slavery

on the development of the Americas. Explain the Latin American

independence movement; include the importance of Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and Miguel Hidalgo.