Clear lens exchange treatment

Clear Lens Exchange Treatment Clear Lens Exchange Surgery

Transcript of Clear lens exchange treatment

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Clear Lens Exchange Treatment

Clear Lens Exchange Surgery

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CLE (Clear Lens Exchange) can turn the clock back for over 45s to restore both near and distance vision to youthful clarity. By replacing the natural lens with a tiny artificial lens, CLE also removes any possibility of developing cataracts in later life.

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As an alternative to laser treatment, AVC’s Clear Lens Exchange treatment is helping growing numbers of people over the age of 45 to turn back the clock and to a time when they didn’t need glasses or contact lenses.

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Unlike refractive procedures that change the shape of the cornea, CLE corrects vision by removing the eye’s crystalline lens and replacing it with an artificial lens.

CLE can be used to treat short-sight and long-sight as well as age-related presbyopia (where patients require reading glasses).

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Eliminate the risk of cataracts

CLE is particularly useful for patients who have been diagnosed with a early cataracts, and for those who have not yet reached that stage, they have the added benefit of never developing a cataract in their lifetime!

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Correct both distance and close vision

CLE lenses can have a multifocal element which means that not only can the surgery provide excellent distance vision, they will also correct near sight as well. In some cases, a minor prescription may remain but for most, multifocal lenses offer an excellent chance of being free of spectacles and contact lenses for the majority of the time for both distance and reading.

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At AVC we use bespoke lenses from a range of top companies including Alcon, Zeiss, Raynor and Topcon, along with the latest trifocal implants and M Plus lens technology, to meet your individual visual requirements.

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Your Suitability for Clear Lens Exchange

CLE is suitable for prescriptions up to:

Unlimited prescription range

Include prescriptions that fall outside the range for laser treatment

Complex prescriptions

Decisions are made on an individual case to case basis

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The personalised and rigorous assessment you will receive prior to your procedure allows us to determine the type of implant that is most appropriate for your lifestyle.

Our recommendation is always explained in length so you will have complete confidence that the procedure is right for you.

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A cover is placed around the eye and a small lid guard keeps the eye open during surgery. The eye is numbed with anaesthetic drops and a tiny self-sealing incision is made at the very edge of the eye, outside of the field of vision.

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An ultrasound probe is then used to fragment the natural lens inside the eye and the resulting fragments are removed with a gentle suction device.

The foldable implant is then placed in the same pocket as the natural lens and the eye is left to heal naturally without any need for stitches.

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As with all procedures at AVC, you can leave the clinic the same day and will be asked to return the next day for your first aftercare appointment.