Cinema verite

Assignment #3 Cinema verite Maria younes

Transcript of Cinema verite

Page 1: Cinema verite

Assignment #3 Cinema verite

Maria younes

Page 2: Cinema verite

What is cinema verite?

Cinema verite is all constructed and made to look like a documentary.

Saving private Ryan is an example of cinema verite.

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History of Cinema Verite

Cinema verite film makers found it the best way to tell the truth about cinema.

Cinema verite often wants to reveal the truth about something and wipe out any other observations that the audience as thought about before.

This sort of “realism” was later then criticised for its deceptive construction of reality.

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Saving private Ryan: Hand held camera was used to create a sense of realism.

Showing the camera through the mirror to show that there is no one controlling it.

Titles and date and time to show “real times footage”

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Using the hand held camera and POV to show that it is “real footage” and that whatever happens it has no been “staged”. It puts the audience in their shoes.