CHILMttfb HOPKINS The Family Newspaper. Warranted StxTrj...

the S -ALWAYS ^GÀIXST THE NEGRO.-Cop- perjohnson rebels and Democrats voted 0 against ñegro enfranchisement in Con¬ necticut; vofed iu Congress against col¬ ored suffrage in the District of Columbia and in the nbn-recoMteucted States ; and in the Legisiature at%Tashville against negro voting in Tennessee ; and in Ohio and New York against striking the word white out of their State Constitution ; and in Pennsylvania against allowin-j negroes to ride in the street cars. They are always openly against tho negro,! except whgç they set a trap to catch°hisl vote. A LECTURE^-Mrs. T. E. W. Harper will lecture sit the Wentworth street M. E. «Olvarch onj Thursday .evening the 16! h üristant at 8 o'clock. Subject-"The. progress of ajn idea." Tickets for ad- anissiöa 15 .ceints. Mrs.. ífarper has ex- .pöÄence and reputation as a popular lec¬ turer. S4 ANNIVERSARY OF THE FRIENDLY UNION SOCIETY. \ Charleston, May 7th 1S67. The folio whig Officers were elected to serve the ensuing year: Joseph Dereel', President. E. M. pjrray. Vice President. T. h. Maxwell, Secretary. Wm. McKinlay, Treasurer. J. Ü. Dei ce ; > Thos. Lesesne; > Stewards. Burial Ground Committee. J. M. F. Deieef, j A. Edv. E. White, j j B. Iv. iiuioch, « m. P. Dacostcr. Committee on RcYief. CTohn WUson, I J. D. Johnsen. HAYDEN LODGli No. 8, A. F. M. Attend an ¡extra communication of this LODGE on Monday evening next, 13th inst., a: 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance request¬ ed. By order W. M. E. Howard Jr. ; ¡Sec etary. GHBT THE BESr, A COMPBHENSIVE ;DICTíOÑARY OF THE! BIBLE. MAINLY ABRIDGED FROM ;I}R.\WJK. SOUTH'S DICTIONARY OF j, THE BIBLE. j WIT« 5 Important Additions und Improvements, ! and Five Hundred illustrations. ?Dr. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, pub-j pished in lStfO-%0*& and containing, in io loree j large octavo voluntes, ueai\v J.JJO pages, i> ii work of acknowledged excellence; out hs i size. cost, and scholarly etiaracter. musí pre- ¡1 vent any extensive circulation of it among j the great mass ot those vvlio desire and neeu j a-Dtciiouarv of the biUie. The ** Comm e-! hensive Dictionary**' on whicn nearly two years of editorial labor have already been \ expei.dxh owe? its origin io a settled convie- J tiou, on tue part oí* the Editor and Publish¬ ers, vf thc m ed of such a moditled abridg¬ ment ot'the ondina! work aa should ina.*«- ¿he results ol modern scholarship generally aec«*s>ioie. Tue Editor. I*ev. Samuel AV. Barnum. 31. A.. is well known among the graduales ot Yale College a> au accurate and thorough j scholar. His experience in 1645-"47. as me j principal as>i?jtanlol tlie hue Prot. Goodrich, in tue revision! of W costers Diciionary (un- , abridged and'royal octavo eui inns), made j him familiar vvUtlahe details of iexicograpny ; j amt his subsequent labors as an othcial ex-1 pounder ol tue Scriptures, gave him a prac- j tica! acquaintance with me wants ot the peo- j pie in me held of Biblical knowledge. Tuc Creaewj Principles which lia ve guided j in the preparation ol me present work have been :- JU To make1 every thing intelligible to those .who uudeistaael owly English, and to place them as ncalUy as possie on :. level with the scholars ¿no are familiar with the origi¬ nal languages of the Scriptures. II. To tho greatest possible j amount of valuable intortua ion imo one vol¬ ume of convenient si^e and moderate cost* III. Toguaid against all influences hostile to Christian fait h and love. Hie page is somewhat larger than that of Smith's Dicionary, and the type ot a heavier face» and more easily read. .No pams vcUi be spared io make me mechanical exe- cu ion accurate and beautiful« The Dictionary trill be issued ia semi-niontk- ly numbers of 2S royal octaco payes each. The tchole icork ucill probably be contained in about 22 numbers. PRICE OF EACH NUMBER IX A NEAT ? PAPER COVER. Thin» Cents. D. APPLETON & COMPANY, Pub- j Ushers, 4^3 .<£ 445 Broadivay^ Ketc Yuri:. Send for Specimen uumbers. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL TAUTS OE THE COLXTKY. To NEWSPAPERS.-Any Newspaper after InseMujg tliif advertisement 3 mo«., and no- j ticing each ^nmber as it appears, will receive a copy of the book by mail post-paid. Apr. 13 j 3ras. !- ? Headquarters Second Military District, } (NORTH CA ito LIX A AXI> SOUTH CAROLINA) \ «COLUilBIA, S. C., March 21st. 1SG7. ) [GENERALIZERS No 1.] I. IN COMPLIANCE WITH GENERAL OKDEKS Ko. 10, Headquarters cf the Army. March 11thj 1807, tlie undesigned hereby assumes command of the Second Military District cíuístittited by the Act of Congress, Public No. OS. 2d March. 1867, entitled "An Act for the more efficient government of the rebel States.]' ' . II. In the! execution -of the duty of the Ctomman<fln£ General » maintain ttotecml- *y o&thé 'inhabitants ia their persons) mid property, to suppress insurrection, disorder panel violence, ^ig^^i^-ö^caitse to be ! punished all disturbers of the public peace and criminals, the IocaÍ*chil tribunals will I be permittedto take jurisdiction of -and try ; offenders, excepting only such cases as may by tiie order of the Commanding General be refered to a Commission or other military tribunal for "trial. j III. The civil government now existing in North Carolina and South Carolina is provis- ional only, and in all respects subject to the p ramount authority of the United States, at any time to abolish, modify, control or su- nerccde the same. Local laws and municip¬ al regulations not inconsis:ent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, or the proclamations of the President, or with such regulations as are or may be pre¬ scribed in the orders ofthe Commanding General, are hereby declared to be in force, and, inconformity theiewith, civil officers are hereby authorized to continue the exercise of their proper functions, and will be r^pect- ¡ ed and oJ)eyed by the inhabitants, IV. Whenever any CivilOlHcer, Magistrate or Court neglects or refuses to perform au official act properly required of such tribunal or officer, whereby due and rightful security to person or property shall be denied, the' case witt be reported by the Post Comman¬ der to these Headquarters. V. Post Commanders will cause to be ar¬ rested persons charged with the commissi n of crimes and offences when tim civil author¬ ities fail to arrest and bring such offenders to trial, and will \iold the accused in custody for trial by Military Commission, Provost Court or o'jier tribunal organized pursuant to onie»;s from these Headquarters. Arrests l>y military authority will be reported promptly, The charges preferred will be accompanied by the evidence on which they aie founded, VI. The Commanding General, desiring to preserve tranquility and oilier hy means and agencies most congenial to the people, solicits the zealous and cordial co-operation of civil officers in the discharge of their du¬ ties, and ibo aid of all good citizens in pre¬ venting conduct tending to disturb the peace, and to lin end that occasion may seldom arise for the exercise of military authority in matters of ordinary civil administration, the Commanding General respect fully and ear¬ nestly commends to the people ami authori¬ ses of North and South Carolina unreserved obedience to the authority now established, and the diligent, considerate and impartial execution ofthe laws enacted for their gov¬ ernment. VII. All orders heretofore published to the Department ol' the South are hereby continued iti force. The following named officers are announc¬ ed as the staff of the Major Geueral Com- u.uitlîiig : Capt. J. VT. Clous, 3Slh U. S. Infantry, .Vet. Asst. Ailjt.Geu,and Aide-dc-Camp. Ca pt. Alexander Moore. 3Sth U. S. Infant¬ ry. Aide-de-Camp. i>vr. Maj. J. Ii. Myrick, 1st Lieut. 3«! Arr.. .Ville-de-< "amp and Act. Judge Advocate. Maj or dames P. Hoy, Ct h U. S. hilt.. Act. Asst. inspect. Gen, lt vt. MajorGeueral ll. 0. Tvler. Deputy Cluan i-rmaster Gen. U. S. A., Chief Quarter¬ master. . BvU Brig. General W. YT. Burns, Major and C. S., U. S. A.. Chief Commissary of Subsistence. Bvt. Lieut. Col. Charles Page, Surg. U. S. A., Med. Director D. E. SICKLES, Major General Commanding. Official : J. W. CLOUS. Aide-de-Camp. BARE CHANCE TO rUECIIASE G-JKC CEBIES. F. WEH1ANN. Wholesale and Retail GROCER. Ko 2S7 & 2S9 EAST BAY, CORSER OF LAURENS STREET. Has always on baud a large supply of BACON. . SUGAR, FLOUR, COFFEE* '/"EA. &G. «fcc Which will be sold at lowest market price for Cash only. KF* Strict attention given to country orders and satisfaction gauranteed. < sst mm -:o:- JTMiiE undersigned respectfully inform^ j his former customers and the public generally, that he has re-opened, for the season, his Saloon, No. S5 Calhoun Street opposite Elizabeth, where he will be happy to «erv« them. Having attentive attendant*, his efforts will be to please. The quality ot hin Cream is too well known for comment. Families supplied usual in quantities to suit, ar all hours. Pic Nie*. Maroons, etc., supplied at short- ¡est notice. In all case?. CREAM, QUALITY and QUAXTI- I TT warranted. No eharge if the Cream do'nt prove as re¬ commended. HENRY LARCOMBE. HENRY KNIGHT, ! PHOTOGRAPHIST I AND ! Booms. 339 King Street, 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. OISTE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. OUR SPRING STOCK is how ready, and comprises a better as¬ sortment of Clothing and Furnish¬ ing Ggods adapted to ihie meriel than we have ever offerd. We have given particular attention in get¬ ing up this stock to lightness cf fabric, strength of material and du¬ rability of color, Much the larger portion of our stock is made in our own workshop, and we warrant it in every respect equal to custom work. We have Goods not of our own manufacture, such as are usu¬ ally sold ready made, the difference we shall be glad to show our cus¬ tomers. In fixing our prices, from which we make no deviation, we have taken into con ideration the depressed state of the market and the universal desire to buy goods cheap. We give below some of our leading prices. CHECK CASSIMERE SUITS - - SS.00 ALL WOOL TWEaD SUITS-11.00 ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS - - - 13.00 BLACK AND WHITE MIX CASSIMERE SUITS, our own make - - - - 17,00 rilREE STYLES OF MIDDLESEX CAS¬ SI MEKE SUITS, DARK, MEDIUM AST) LIGHT MIXTURES ----- 18.00 BLACK AND WHITE MIX CASSIMERE SUITS - -- -- -- -- 22.00 SILK MIX TRICOT, DIFFERENT MIX¬ TURES-21*00 FINE BLACK GERMAN TRICOT SUITS - -- -- -- -- 07,00 DARK BROWN GRAIX Di-POUPER SUITS - -- -- -- -- 29.00 BLACK DRESS SUITS, ranging in price from -------- $10 to 02.00 LINEN SUITS, from - - - S3 to 20,00 In addition to the above we have many -ood st vies of LIGHT AND DARK FANCY CASSIMERE, IN FULL SUITS, AND IN PANTS AND VESTS. ALSO, ALPACA SACKS DRAP DFETE SUITS MARSEILLES VESTS, White and Fancy . BLUE FLANNEL SUITS of very fine qua I- ty HEAVY WniTE DUCK SUITS, *c. &c. FURNISHING GOODS-' In addition to our usual assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, we wish to call particular at¬ tention to our SHIRT DEPARTMENT. We have made arrangements to have our SHIRTS made by our own pattern, and we think they will compare favora- btv in style and fit with any Shirt in the market. THEY COMPRISE FOUS QUALITIES, $2, 50, S3, $3.50 and $4. We invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS and PLANTERS TO OUR STOCK, which we are selling in quantities at very low prices. MACTJLLAR WILLIAMS Sc PARKER, . 270 KING, CORNER OF HASEL-STREET, Charleston, S. C. Msyf TAKE NOTICE. HOPKINS ÊAS COME -A.C3--AJE2STI T MUSIC &c. ITmklSS MUSIC SCHOOL OF ADMIKKD AIRS» j [3 srill at Ins old stand, No. 37 Henrietta Street; Charleston, So. Ca. Joux T. HOPKINS, Haren 10 (A colored professor.) LANDRETH'S Warranted Garden Seeds Flare been familiarly known to thc American PuUic for upwards of three-quarters ofa cea turv. THEY SPEAK THEIR OWN PRAISE WtiËRfîVEB PLANTED. Dealers in Seeds Vvhether Country Merchants, Booksellers. Druggists, or Regular Seedsmen, not already customers of the subscribers are Invited to become su. h. ^G^HptVtt WHOLESALE J»KtCE LIST, Published to die Trade Only will ho mailed to all dealers who appty. LANDRE VIVS ^URAL REGISTER & ALMANAC FOR 1SG7 Containing numerous hints on Horticulture. »viii be m 1 to all applicants who encloseing a two cent sianp with their address to PAVIP LAXPRETH & SOX, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. CHARTERED BY ACT OF CONGRESS. K OFFICERS M. T. tIEWITT, President, »V. S. GRIFFITH. First Vice-president A. S. BARNES. Second vice-President. Kev. J IV. ALVOR1). Corresponding Sec'iv. D. LANSING LAMBERT, Re Ording Secty. San:l L. HARRIS. Gen. Financial Inspector. Principal office. 87 CEDAR-STREET (Amer¬ ican Exchange Bank Building.) New York City. " Branch at Charleston, S.O. 9 STATE-STREET. I Open every day, Sundays and Holidays !c e4*rfO> from 10 A. AI., io o P.M. and 3 to í e 4 r\4 r i -:o:- J DjrOHTS OF ONE DOLLAR OK MORE RECEIVED. Ç htei£st payable in January and July, in 11 eaci }*<|lr' ! * ¿Ml Aposits will be repaid with interest due wÂîn required. i v JS)] t ie protits belong to the depositors, j I Brat mes have been established in the a priuciï il cities from New York to New Or- c leans, mil accounts can be transferred from j J one Bwnch to another, without charge or i'J inter/iipting ihe interest, I c Investments J re only made in securities of the rated States, EKJ1ARP H.CAIN, Chairman Advisory Committee. ffcANCIS L. CAUDOZA, Secretary, X, LTHAN RITTER, Mardi 1G 1 y'r Act'-ng Cashier. .nfoiomnu S Coif of East Bay and Vernon Streets. Charles toil. South Carolina- jf FACULTY. RftT. T. WILLARD LEWIS, A. M.Trfident, Professor of Languages and fyurch Polity, JäjF, ALONZO WEBSTER, A. M. ProjásoTof TJieology and Elocuton. ¿J. M. G. CAMPLIN, Lecturer on ^Wp#W am* ZZwo* of Health . M CHARLES P. WOLHAUP- TEff* Instructor in Scientific Depart- ? ment I I ?? 0 : ".. Spri'Ä Term of Eleven Weeks commenc- i7ig Wednesday, March 27 18G7 pall I Eleven " « " Oct 2, Wirti" " " M " Thursday, Jan.' 1868. peaters °f the 3fethodist Episcopal Chttrá designing to devote themselves to the &Tr*try, way be admitted as members of ti'Slustitute, by recommendation of a Quarry Couference or the Presiding El¬ der. M Xiylp Free. Aid granted to those who are rely and worthy. Cf^y^ates for the Ministry in other Chris¬ tian DPdlCS received on liberal terms. TOgWustees are determined to give to this gcjiQ/fell the elements and efficiency ufa first-ciis Theological Institute. I Trustees. T WILARD LEWIS, H. JUDGE MOORE, uoszï WEBSTER. JOSHUA WILSON*, SAHCEt WESTON, JANUARY HOLMES, JMTSWOX I.EAVTTT. .ÎACOB MlLL*, NEW YORK TRIBUNE. THE LABGEST AHD CHEAPEST- Notwithstanding thc fact that the size of TUE TKIKUXE ' US been iiic*re»s«d more than one quarter, thc price will rem .in thc Mum«. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOB The Great Family Newspaper. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE ti britited on a large dougie medium sheet, making eight pages of six broad columns each. It contains all the important Editori¬ als published in THE DAILY TRIBUNE, except those of merely local interest; also Literary and Scientific Intelligence ; Reviews of the most interesting and important New Books; thc Letters from our large corps of corres¬ pondents; the latest news received bj Tele¬ graph from Washington, and all otherparts of the country ; a Summary of all important intelligence In this city and elsewhere; a Sy¬ nopsis of the Proceedings of Congress arid State Legislature when in session; Exclu¬ sive Reports of the Proceedings of the Far¬ mers' Club of the Americ.-m Institute; Talks about Fruit, and other Horticultural and Ag¬ ricultural information essential to country residents; Stock. Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods and Genend Harket Reports ; making it. both for variety and completeness, alto¬ gether the most valuable, interesting and In¬ structive WEEKLY XEWSPAFEU published in the world. The Full Reports of the American Institute Farm: rs/ Club, and the various Agricultural Reports, in each number, are richly worth a year's subscription. TERMS. Mail subscribers, single copy, 1 year-32 numbera .$2 00 Mail subscribers. Clubs of live.9 00 l'en copies, addressed to names of subscri¬ bers. . 17 50 Twenty copies, addressed to nama* of sub¬ scribers . ..... .3400 l'eu copies, tQ. one address_........ 16 00 Twenty copies to one address ...... . 30 00 An extra copy wtfj be seut for each club )f ten, THE XEW^YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE s published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, md contains «11 the Editorial articles, not nerdy locnl in diameter ; Literary Reviews nd Art Criticism; Letters from our large orps of F reign and Domestic Correspond¬ ing ; Special ami Associated Press Tel«*rra;>li y of Foreign and Domestic News ; Exclusive leports of the Proceedings of the Fanners' .lub of the American Institute; Talks abotu ¡Yiiit, and other Horticultural and Agricul- ural Information; Stock. Financial. Cattle. )ry Goods and General Marked Reports. are published in THE DAILY TRI- JUNE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE .Iso gives, in the course of a year, THREE >r FOUR of the BEST AXD LATEST 90PULAR NOVELS, by living authors. L'he cost o! these alone, if bought in book >rm, would be from si* to eight dollars. If purchased in the KN" G USU MAGA SIXES, from which they are carefully se- ected, the cost would be three or four times hat snm. Nowhere else can so much cur¬ ent intelligence and permanent literary natter be had at so che «p a rate as in the SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Those who >elieve in the principles and approve of the .haracter of THE TKIBCNE can increase its )ower and inti nene by joining with their leighbors in forming clubs to subscribe for L'IIE SEMI-WEEKLY Edition. It will. in that vay be supplied to them at the lowest price br winch sirh a paper can be printed. Hail subscribers. 1 cop}', I year-104 num¬ bers. . -.H 00 Hail subscribers. 2 copies, 1 year . . »4. , 7 00 i% 5 copies, or over, lor each copy 3 00 5ersons remitting fox \0> copies, $30, will re¬ live an extra copy for 6 months. Persons remitting tor 15 copies. $45, will re¬ live an extra copy for one vear. THE NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE is mblished every morning and evening ( Sun- lays excepted ) at $10 per year ; $5 for six months. Terms, cash in advance. Drafts cn New York, or Post-Offlce orders lavable to the order THE TRIBUNE, being :afer, are preferable to any other mode of .emittance. Address THE TRIBUNE, New-York. MARK YOUR CLOTHING! CLARK'S PATENT INDELIBLE PENCIL. "Much more convenient than Ink. ami ?qually good it to perraanance-we judge ifter several months trial."-Am. AgncuU urist. '.Invaluable for marking Buen."- Chicago Tribune. "Remarkable for the ease and neatness with which they can be used."-Detroit Tri¬ bune. -One of the greatest conveniences that jan be presented to a housekeeper."_Char¬ leston (Á- C.) ¿Teles* Manufactured and sold at wholesale by The Indelible Pencil Co.* Northampton Maa. Every Pencil Warranted. FRANK S. DAME. No. 18 Commerciale Place, New Orleans. Geal. A^ent for the South.*«**. »w*i4t. I CIVE YOUR CHILMttfb THE CHEAPEST AN2> IBS BEST.' THE LITTLE HLUQI% EDITED *T j GRACE GREENWOOD, gives more reading mutter, of a better quaint and for a «maller price, than any CHILD S MARETO PUBLISSED! TERMS: StxTrj^xa^ YEA*: Seud for a specimen copy, containing club terms and list of premiums, to LËAXDER K. L1PPIXCOTT, No 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. AYER'S AGUE CUBE, TOS TBA SPEEDY CUBS OT Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague, Remittent Fever« Chill Fever« Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases origina¬ ting in biliary derangement, caused bf the malaria of miasmatic countries. ßFever and Ague is not the only c6n sequence of the miasmatic A great varietv of disorder! ardi* from its irritation, m malarious se iricts, among which are Neuralgia. Rheuma* tism. Gout, Headache, Blindness, To Schacht Earache, Catarrh, AsthniaV Palpitation,. Painful! Affection ef the spleen. Hysteric*, Pain in the Bowels, Calió, Paralv4a. and Do» rangement of the Stomach, ali of which, when originating in this cause, put Oil th» intermittent type, or become periodical* ?)& "CUKE" expels the poison from tba Mood, and thus cures them all alike, lt is not outr tile most effectual remedy ever discovered for this class of complaints/but it U thé *fe*fP* est, and. moreover, is perfectly sale. No harm can arise from its use. andthepfltflil. when cured, is left, as healthy as if be had never had the (fcc***. Can tUU he**¡¿4¿ any other cure lor Chills and JtaF«*f it ie. true of this, and its importance to thom af¬ flicted with the complaint can not be overea* ii mated. So sure is it to cure the Farer amt Ague, that it may be truthfully said te he & .ertain remedy. One dealer complains tatt it is not a good medicine to sell, because oa& bottle cures a whole netgUbûafeood. Prepared by J. C. ATE» <t Co.^LoweU^ Mass.. and sold by all Druggists COE'S DYSPEPSIA CUBE! rHlS GRE VT REMEDY fOa At! *IS£a*a* of the STOMACH, s the discovery of the Invention o/J5fiA¿__. uor ibr his own health, lt cured Cramp UL, he Stomach for him w\»\c\* *m6ammat*m id to nothing but chloroform. The almost daily testimony from various )arts of the country encourage us ta beliefs hat there is no disease caused by a disorder* id stemach it will not speedily cure. Physicians Indorse and Use ft! Viinisters Give Testmony to its Efficacy I ind from .all direction we receive tidia*. ef eire* jerformed. Dyspepsia 1 It is sure to eure. Heartburn ! One dose will cvi. Sick Headach I It cured hundreds otease* Headache and Dixzinenm ! It stops in thirty miaute«. Acidity of the Stomach t It corrects at ones. Rising of the Food ! It steps immediately. Distress After Eating ! One dose will remO-Vk. Choler a-Merbua ! Yields readily to a taw doses. Bad Breath, I WU1 he changed with hali a lottie, IT IS PERFECTLY HARML8SS! NORTHEASTERN RAIL R9AB, gHORTEST, QUICKEST AND ONLT DIRECT ROUTE TO SEW YORK PHIIATOLPHIA &ALTIMOE& WASHINGTON RICHMOXP POTSÇgBCKG WELDON *m> WILMIKaitW. rime through by Empress Train to New fork 44 hours ! ! Fara WI i : Tickets good by either of the three fellow* " ng routes : RICÍIMOND AND WASHINGTON BAY I4KE AND BALTIHQR&- NORFQLE AKPWOAWÄtt. Baggage Checked through to any pom*. Tickets good undi used. S. 9. SOLOMONS, SuptrintsmVaL UNION BOARDING BOtJH», (COLOBED,) Sa. M CAIJM6S fSBSBV BOARDING BY THE WQXQe MONTH AT THC MOST REASONABLE KATES.. CIDEOM Cftta Fllfi lum v

Transcript of CHILMttfb HOPKINS The Family Newspaper. Warranted StxTrj...

Page 1: CHILMttfb HOPKINS The Family Newspaper. Warranted StxTrj · CTohnWUson, I J. D.Johnsen. HAYDENLODGliNo.8, A.F.

the S

-ALWAYS ^GÀIXST THE NEGRO.-Cop-perjohnson rebels and Democrats voted

0 against ñegro enfranchisement in Con¬necticut; vofed iu Congress against col¬ored suffrage in the District of Columbiaand in the nbn-recoMteucted States ; andin the Legisiature at%Tashville againstnegro voting in Tennessee ; and in Ohioand New York against striking the wordwhite out of their State Constitution ;and in Pennsylvania against allowin-jnegroes to ride in the street cars. Theyare always openly against tho negro,!except whgç they set a trap to catch°hislvote.

A LECTURE^-Mrs. T. E. W. Harperwill lecture sit the Wentworth street M.E. «Olvarch onj Thursday .evening the 16! hüristant at 8 o'clock. Subject-"The.progress of ajn idea." Tickets for ad-anissiöa 15 .ceints. Mrs.. ífarper has ex-.pöÄence and reputation as a popular lec¬turer.


FRIENDLY UNION SOCIETY.\ Charleston, May 7th 1S67.

The foliowhig Officers were elected toserve the ensuing year:

Joseph Dereel', President.E. M. pjrray. Vice President.T. h. Maxwell, Secretary.Wm. McKinlay, Treasurer.

J. Ü. Dei ce ; >Thos. Lesesne; > Stewards.

Burial Ground Committee.J. M. F. Deieef, j A. Edv.E. White, j j B. Iv. iiuioch,

« m. P. Dacostcr.Committee on RcYief.

CTohn WUson, I J. D. Johnsen.

HAYDEN LODGli No. 8, A. F. M.Attend an ¡extra communication of this

LODGE on Monday evening next, 13th inst.,a: 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance request¬ed.

By order W. M. E. Howard Jr.; ¡Sec etary.





WIT« 5

Important Additions und Improvements, !and Five Hundred illustrations.

?Dr. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, pub-jpished in lStfO-%0*& and containing, in io loree jlarge octavo voluntes, ueai\v J.JJO pages, i>ii work of acknowledged excellence; out hs isize. cost, and scholarly etiaracter. musí pre- ¡1vent any extensive circulation of it among jthe great mass ot those vvlio desire and neeu ja-Dtciiouarv of the biUie. The ** Comm e-!hensive Dictionary**' on whicn nearly two

years of editorial labor have already been \expei.dxh owe? its origin io a settled convie- Jtiou, on tue part oí* the Editor and Publish¬ers, vf thc m ed of such a moditled abridg¬ment ot'the ondina! work aa should ina.*«-

¿he results ol modern scholarship generallyaec«*s>ioie.Tue Editor. I*ev. Samuel AV. Barnum. 31.

A.. is well known among the graduales ot

Yale College a> au accurate and thorough jscholar. His experience in 1645-"47. as me jprincipal as>i?jtanlol tlie hue Prot. Goodrich,in tue revision! of W costers Diciionary (un- ,abridged and'royal octavo eui inns), made jhim familiar vvUtlahe details ofiexicograpny ; jamt his subsequent labors as an othcial ex-1

pounder ol tue Scriptures, gave him a prac- jtica! acquaintance with me wants ot the peo- jpie in me held of Biblical knowledge.Tuc Creaewj Principles which lia ve guided j

in the preparation ol me present work havebeen :-

JU To make1every thing intelligible to those.who uudeistaael owly English, and to placethem as ncalUy as possie on :. level withthe scholars ¿no are familiar with the origi¬nal languages of the Scriptures.

II. To tho greatest possible jamount of valuable intortua ion imo one vol¬

ume of convenient si^e and moderate cost*III. Toguaid against all influences hostile

to Christian fait h and love.Hie page is somewhat larger than

that of Smith's Dicionary, and the type ot a

heavier face» and more easily read. .No pamsvcUi be spared io make me mechanical exe-

cu ion accurate and beautiful«The Dictionary trill be issued ia semi-niontk-

ly numbers of 2S royal octaco payes each. Thetchole icork ucill probably be contained in about22 numbers.PRICE OF EACHNUMBER IXA NEAT

? PAPER COVER. Thin» Cents.

D. APPLETON & COMPANY, Pub- jUshers,

4^3 .<£ 445 Broadivay^ Ketc Yuri:.

Send for Specimen uumbers.AGENTS WANTED IN ALL TAUTS OE THE

COLXTKY.To NEWSPAPERS.-Any Newspaper after

InseMujg tliif advertisement 3 mo«., and no- jticing each ^nmber as it appears, will receivea copy of the book by mail post-paid.Apr. 13 j 3ras.


Headquarters Second Military District, }(NORTH CA itoLIX A AXI> SOUTH CAROLINA) \

«COLUilBIA, S. C., March 21st. 1SG7. )[GENERALIZERS No 1.]

I. IN COMPLIANCE WITH GENERALOKDEKS Ko. 10, Headquarters cfthe Army.March 11thj 1807, tlie undesigned herebyassumes command of the Second MilitaryDistrict cíuístittited by the Act of Congress,Public No. OS. 2d March. 1867, entitled "An

Act for the more efficient government of therebel States.]' '


II. In the! execution-of the duty of theCtomman<fln£ General » maintain ttotecml-

*y o&thé 'inhabitants ia their persons) midproperty, to suppress insurrection, disorderpanel violence, ^ig^^i^-ö^caitse to be

! punished all disturbers of the public peaceand criminals, the IocaÍ*chil tribunals will

I be permittedto take jurisdiction of -and try; offenders, excepting only such cases as mayby tiie order of the Commanding General berefered to a Commission or other militarytribunal for "trial.

j III. The civil government now existing inNorth Carolina and South Carolina is provis-ional only, and in all respects subject to thep ramount authority of the United States, atany time to abolish, modify, control or su-nerccde the same. Local laws and municip¬al regulations not inconsis:ent with theConstitution and laws of the United States,or the proclamations of the President, or

with such regulations as are or may be pre¬scribed in the orders ofthe CommandingGeneral, are hereby declared to be in force,and, inconformity theiewith, civil officersare hereby authorized to continue the exerciseof their proper functions, and will be r^pect- ¡ed and oJ)eyed by the inhabitants,

IV. Whenever any CivilOlHcer, Magistrateor Court neglects or refuses to perform auofficial act properly required ofsuch tribunalor officer, whereby due and rightful securityto person or property shall be denied, the'case witt be reported by the Post Comman¬der to these Headquarters.V. Post Commanders will cause to be ar¬

rested persons charged with the commissi nof crimes and offences when tim civil author¬ities fail to arrest and bring such offendersto trial, and will \iold the accused in custodyfor trial by Military Commission, ProvostCourt or o'jier tribunal organized pursuantto onie»;s from these Headquarters. Arrestsl>y military authority will be reportedpromptly, The charges preferred will beaccompanied by the evidence on which theyaie founded,VI. The Commanding General, desiring

to preserve tranquility and oilier hy means

and agencies most congenial to the people,solicits the zealous and cordial co-operationof civil officers in the discharge of their du¬ties, and ibo aid of all good citizens in pre¬venting conduct tending to disturb the peace,and to lin end that occasion may seldomarise for the exercise of military authority inmatters of ordinary civil administration, theCommanding General respect fully and ear¬

nestly commends to the people ami authori¬ses of North and South Carolina unreservedobedience to the authority now established,and the diligent, considerate and impartialexecution ofthe laws enacted for their gov¬ernment.VII. All orders heretofore published to

the Department ol' the South are herebycontinued iti force.The following named officers are announc¬

ed as the staff of the Major Geueral Com-u.uitlîiig :

Capt. J. VT. Clous, 3Slh U. S. Infantry,.Vet. Asst. Ailjt.Geu,and Aide-dc-Camp.Ca pt. Alexander Moore. 3Sth U. S. Infant¬

ry. Aide-de-Camp.i>vr. Maj. J. Ii. Myrick, 1st Lieut. 3«! Arr..

.Ville-de-< "amp and Act. Judge Advocate.Maj or dames P. Hoy, Ct h U. S. hilt.. Act.

Asst. inspect. Gen,lt vt. MajorGeueral ll. 0. Tvler. Deputy

Cluan i-rmaster Gen. U. S. A., ChiefQuarter¬master. .

BvU Brig. General W. YT. Burns, Majorand C. S., U. S. A.. Chief Commissary ofSubsistence.

Bvt. Lieut. Col. Charles Page, Surg. U.S. A., Med. Director

D. E. SICKLES,Major General Commanding.

Official : J. W. CLOUS. Aide-de-Camp.



F. WEH1ANN.Wholesale and Retail


LAURENS STREET.Has always on baud a large supply of



COFFEE*'/"EA.&G. «fcc

Which will be sold at lowest market pricefor Cash only.KF* Strict attention given to country

orders and satisfaction gauranteed. <

sst mm-:o:-

JTMiiE undersigned respectfully inform^

j his former customers and the publicgenerally, that he has re-opened, for

the season, his Saloon, No. S5 Calhoun Streetopposite Elizabeth, where he will be happyto «erv« them. Having attentive attendant*,his efforts will be to please. The quality othin Cream is too well known for comment.

Families supplied a» usual in quantities tosuit, ar all hours.

Pic Nie*. Maroons, etc., supplied at short-¡est notice.

In all case?. CREAM, QUALITY and QUAXTI-I TT warranted.

No eharge if the Cream do'nt prove as re¬




! Booms. 339 King Street,1 CHARLESTON, S. C.



OUR SPRING STOCK is howready, and comprises a better as¬sortment of Clothing and Furnish¬ing Ggods adapted to ihie merielthan we have ever offerd. We havegiven particular attention in get¬ing up this stock to lightness cffabric, strength of material and du¬rability of color, Much the largerportion of our stock is made in ourown workshop, and we warrant itin every respect equal to customwork. We have Goods not of ourown manufacture, such as are usu¬ally sold ready made, the differencewe shall be glad to show our cus¬tomers.

In fixing our prices, from which we

make no deviation, we have taken intocon ideration the depressed state of themarket and the universal desire to buygoods cheap.We give below some of our leading







BLACK DRESS SUITS, ranging in pricefrom -------- $10 to 02.00

LINEN SUITS, from - - - S3 to 20,00

In addition to the above we have many-ood stvies of LIGHT AND DARKFANCY CASSIMERE, IN FULL




BLUE FLANNEL SUITS of very fine qua I-


FURNISHING GOODS-'In addition to our usual assortment

of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGGOODS, we wish to call particular at¬

tention to our

SHIRT DEPARTMENT.We have made arrangements to have

our SHIRTS made by our own pattern,and we think they will compare favora-

btv in style and fit with any Shirt in the


50, S3, $3.50 and $4.

We invite the attention ofCOUNTRYMERCHANTS and PLANTERS TOOUR STOCK, which we are selling in

quantities at very low prices.



Charleston, S. C.Msyf




j [3 srill at Ins old stand, No. 37 HenriettaStreet; Charleston, So. Ca.

Joux T. HOPKINS,Haren 10 (A colored professor.)

LANDRETH'SWarranted Garden Seeds

Flare been familiarly known to thc AmericanPuUic for upwards of three-quarters ofa ceaturv.


Dealers in SeedsVvhether Country Merchants, Booksellers.Druggists, or Regular Seedsmen, not alreadycustomers of the subscribers are Invited tobecome su. h.^G^HptVtt WHOLESALE J»KtCE LIST,Published to die Trade Only will ho mailedto all dealers who appty.


Containing numerous hints on Horticulture.»viii be m 1 to all applicants who encloseinga two cent sianp with their address to

PAVIP LAXPRETH & SOX,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,





M. T. tIEWITT, President,»V. S. GRIFFITH. First Vice-presidentA. S. BARNES. Second vice-President.Kev. J IV. ALVOR1). Corresponding Sec'iv.D. LANSING LAMBERT, Re Ording Secty.San:l L. HARRIS. Gen. Financial Inspector.Principal office. 87 CEDAR-STREET (Amer¬ican Exchange Bank Building.) New YorkCity. "

Branch at Charleston, S.O.9 STATE-STREET.


Open every day, Sundays and Holidays !ce4*rfO> from 10 A. AI., io o P.M. and 3 to í e4 r\4r


htei£st payable in January and July, in 11eaci }*<|lr' ! *

¿Ml Aposits will be repaid with interestdue wÂîn required. i v

JS)] t ie protits belong to the depositors, j IBrat mes have been established in the a

priuciï il cities from New York to New Or- c

leans, mil accounts can be transferred from j Jone Bwnch to another, without charge or i'J

inter/iipting ihe interest, I c

Investments J re only made in securities ofthe rated States,

EKJ1ARP H.CAIN,Chairman Advisory Committee.

ffcANCIS L. CAUDOZA,Secretary,

X, LTHAN RITTER,Mardi 1G 1 y'r Act'-ng Cashier.

.nfoiomnu SCoif of East Bay and Vernon Streets.

Charlestoil. South Carolina- jf


M.Trfident, Professor of Languagesand fyurch Polity,


ProjásoTof TJieology and Elocuton.

¿J. M. G. CAMPLIN, Lecturer on

^Wp#W am* ZZwo* of Health .

M CHARLES P. WOLHAUP-TEff* Instructor in Scientific Depart-


ment I

I ?? 0 : "..

Spri'Ä Term of Eleven Weeks commenc-

i7ig Wednesday, March 27 18G7

pall I Eleven " « " Oct 2,

Wirti" " " M " Thursday,Jan.' 1868.

peaters °f the 3fethodist EpiscopalChttrá designing to devote themselves to

the &Tr*try, way be admitted as membersof ti'Slustitute, by recommendation of a

Quarry Couference or the Presiding El¬der. MXiylp Free. Aid granted to those who

are rely and worthy.Cf^y^ates for the Ministry in other Chris¬

tian DPdlCS received on liberal terms.

TOgWustees are determined to give to this

gcjiQ/fell the elements and efficiency ufafirst-ciis Theological Institute.






Notwithstanding thc fact that the size ofTUE TKIKUXE '

US been iiic*re»s«d more thanone quarter, thc price will rem .in thc Mum«.NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOB

The Great Family Newspaper.



ti britited on a large dougie medium sheet,making eight pages of six broad columnseach. It contains all the important Editori¬als published in THEDAILYTRIBUNE, exceptthose of merely local interest; also Literaryand Scientific Intelligence ; Reviews of themost interesting and important New Books;thc Letters from our large corps of corres¬

pondents; the latest news received bj Tele¬graph from Washington, and all otherpartsof the country ; a Summary of all importantintelligence In this city and elsewhere; a Sy¬nopsis ofthe Proceedings of Congress aridState Legislature when in session; Exclu¬sive Reports of the Proceedings of the Far¬mers' Club of the Americ.-m Institute; Talksabout Fruit, and other Horticultural and Ag¬ricultural information essential to countryresidents; Stock. Financial, Cattle, DryGoods and Genend Harket Reports ; makingit. both for variety and completeness, alto¬gether the most valuable, interesting and In¬structive WEEKLY XEWSPAFEU published inthe world.The Full Reports of the American Institute

Farm: rs/ Club, and the various AgriculturalReports, in each number, are richly worth a

year's subscription.TERMS.

Mail subscribers, single copy, 1 year-32numbera .$2 00Mail subscribers. Clubs oflive.9 00l'en copies, addressed to names of subscri¬bers. . 17 50Twenty copies, addressed to nama* of sub¬scribers . ..... .3400l'eu copies, tQ. one address_........ 16 00Twenty copies to one address ...... . 30 00An extra copy wtfj be seut for each club

)f ten,


s published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY,md contains «11 the Editorial articles, notnerdy locnl in diameter ; Literary Reviewsnd Art Criticism; Letters from our largeorps of F reign and Domestic Correspond¬ing ; Special ami Associated Press Tel«*rra;>li

y ofForeign and Domestic News ; Exclusiveleports of the Proceedings of the Fanners'.lub of the American Institute; Talks abotu¡Yiiit, and other Horticultural and Agricul-ural Information; Stock. Financial. Cattle.)ry Goods and General Marked Reports.

are published in THE DAILY TRI-JUNE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE.Iso gives, in the course of a year, THREE>r FOUR of the BEST AXD LATEST90PULAR NOVELS, by living authors.L'he cost o! these alone, if bought in book>rm, would be from si* to eight dollars.If purchased in the KN"GUSU MAGASIXES, from which they are carefully se-

ected, the cost would be three or four timeshat snm. Nowhere else can so much cur¬

ent intelligence and permanent literarynatter be had at so che «p a rate as in theSEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Those who>elieve in the principles and approve of the.haracter of THE TKIBCNE can increase its)ower and intinene by joining with theirleighbors in forming clubs to subscribe forL'IIE SEMI-WEEKLY Edition. It will. in thatvay be supplied to them at the lowest pricebr winch sirh a paper can be printed.Hail subscribers. 1 cop}', I year-104 num¬

bers. .-.H00Hail subscribers. 2 copies, 1 year . . »4. , 7 00

i% 5 copies, or over, lor each copy 3 005ersons remitting fox \0> copies, $30, will re¬

live an extra copy for 6 months.Persons remitting tor 15 copies. $45, will re¬live an extra copy for one vear.

THE NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE ismblished every morning and evening ( Sun-lays excepted ) at $10 per year ; $5 for sixmonths.

Terms, cash in advance.Drafts cn New York, or Post-Offlce orders

lavable to the order oí THE TRIBUNE, being:afer, are preferable to any other mode of.emittance.Address THE TRIBUNE, New-York.


"Much more convenient than Ink. ami?qually good it to perraanance-we judgeifter several months trial."-Am. AgncuUurist.'.Invaluable for marking Buen."-ChicagoTribune."Remarkable for the ease and neatnesswith which they can be used."-Detroit Tri¬bune.-One of the greatest conveniences thatjan be presented to a housekeeper."_Char¬leston (Á- C.) ¿Teles*

Manufactured and sold at wholesale byThe Indelible Pencil Co.* Northampton Maa.

Every Pencil Warranted.

FRANK S. DAME. No. 18 CommercialePlace, New Orleans. Geal. A^ent for the

South.*«**. »w*i4t.




gives more reading mutter, of a betterquaintand for a «maller price, than any


Seud for a specimen copy, containing clubterms and list of premiums, to

LËAXDER K. L1PPIXCOTT,No 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia.


Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague,Remittent Fever« Chill Fever« DumbAgue, Periodical Headache or BiliousHeadache, and Bilious Fevers, indeedfor the whole class of diseases origina¬ting in biliary derangement, caused bfthe malaria of miasmatic countries.

ßFever and Ague is not the only c6nsequence of the miasmatic poison.siA great varietv of disorder! ardi*from its irritation, m malarious se

iricts, among which are Neuralgia. Rheuma*tism. Gout, Headache, Blindness, To SchachtEarache, Catarrh, AsthniaV Palpitation,.Painful! Affection ef the spleen. Hysteric*,Pain in the Bowels, Calió, Paralv4a. and Do»rangement of the Stomach, ali of which,when originating in this cause, put Oil th»intermittent type, or become periodical* ?)&"CUKE" expels the poison from tba Mood,and thus cures them all alike, lt is not outrtile most effectual remedy ever discovered forthis class of complaints/but it U thé *fe*fP*est, and. moreover, is perfectly sale. Noharm can arise from its use. andthepfltflil.when cured, is left, as healthy as if be hadnever had the (fcc***. Can tUU he**¡¿4¿any other cure lor Chills and JtaF«*f it ie.true of this, and its importance to thom af¬flicted with the complaint can not be overea*iimated. So sure is it to cure the Farer amtAgue, that it may be truthfully said te he &.ertain remedy. One dealer complains tattit is not a good medicine to sell, becauseoa&bottle cures a whole netgUbûafeood.

Prepared by J. C. ATE» <t Co.^LoweU^Mass.. and sold by all Druggists


of the

STOMACH,s the discovery of the Invention o/J5fiA¿__.uor ibr his own health, lt cured Cramp UL,he Stomach for him w\»\c\* *m6ammat*mid to nothing but chloroform.The almost daily testimony from various

)arts of the country encourage us ta beliefshat there is no disease caused by a disorder*id stemach it will not speedily cure.

Physicians Indorse and Use ft!Viinisters Give Testmony to its Efficacy Iind from .all direction we receive tidia*. ef eire*jerformed.Dyspepsia 1

It is sure to eure.

Heartburn !One dose will cvi.

Sick Headach IIt cured hundreds otease*

Headache and Dixzinenm !It stops in thirty miaute«.

Acidity ofthe Stomach tIt corrects at ones.

Rising of the Food !It steps immediately.

Distress After Eating !One dose will remO-Vk.

Cholera-Merbua !Yields readily toataw doses.

Bad Breath, IWU1 he changed with hali a






rime through by Empress Train to Newfork 44 hours !! FaraWI i :Tickets good by either of the three fellow* "

ng routes :


NORFQLEAKPWOAWÄtt.Baggage Checked throughto any pom*.Tickets good undi used.

S. 9. SOLOMONS,SuptrintsmVaL




CIDEOM Cftta Fllfilumv