Channel 4 logo dimensions

Channel four much like a lot of the media industry are trying to make their websites available on a variety of platforms, these two images are from the online article; g/our-work/ostmodern-channel4- define-new-future-4od-all4/ #.VFJbx1eWxFh The fact that Channel four are planning to make their website available on a variety of platforms particularly a phone means that Channel four are trying to advertise their shows on a smaller scale, therefore it may be wise for me to consider how this could affect my documentary. I believe that by advertising channel fours shows on more platforms means that channel four are able to appeal to a wider audience, a large portion of the population in the U.K. own a phone and it is not prejudice to a specific demographic age group of class and status. Therefore while creating my documentary and designing the advertisement banner I should also consider whether I should be

Transcript of Channel 4 logo dimensions

Channel four much like a lot of the media industry are trying to make their websites available on a variety of platforms, these two images are from the online article;

The fact that Channel four are planning to make their website available on a variety of platforms particularly a phone means that Channel four are trying to advertise their shows on a smaller scale, therefore it may be wise for me to consider how this could affect my documentary. Therefore I am going to try and keep the advertisement of the documentary simplistic and concentrate on the image of my mum, I am going to develop my flare for editing cinematography and photography when designing the advertisement banner for the documentary.

I believe that by advertising channel fours shows on more platforms means that channel four are able to appeal to a wider audience, a large portion of the population in the U.K. own a phone and it is not prejudice to a specific demographic age group of class and status. Therefore while creating my documentary and designing the advertisement banner I should also consider whether I should be targeting another demographic audience or a wider audience to boost the likelihood of my documentary being successful

From this image it signifies that channel four are going to try and create an app on phones which are as easily accessible as possible, by using drop down boxes a search button and three main tabs; On demand, Now, on soon. By using these three tabs following the style of Channel fours current website they are able to give the audience solutions to not being able to watch a specific show at the time of air, wanting to re-watch a show or wanting to see extra clips before a programme is aired on Channel fours channel on the T.V.

However some difficulties users of the new app could face is multiple tabs being opened at once, the screen being too small to watch the programme to a good quality or the app draining your battery life or internet allowance on phone contracts.

This website is the source of these images;

It is essential when I am designing my documentary advertisement banner that I use a current Channel four logo which hasn’t been edited in any way as it is then not an actual channel four logo. I must also write to Channel four and ask for their permission to use their logo in my media texts so that I do not infringe on any copyright issues as I do not own the rights of the channel four logo.

These images connote that the conventional and unique placement of the channel four logo is conventionally placed in the centre right position in comparison to other companies who conventionally place their logos in the bottom right position on the page. These blue boxes show the placement of the channel four logo when using different shaped banners and advertisement. By looking at these images I will be able to identify the correct placement of the channel four logo when creating my own advertisement banner.