chankya chant book review

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  • 7/29/2019 chankya chant book review


    Chanakyas chant

    Book review:Chanakyas chant was the second book of ashwin sanghi. And I must say that the

    book was very well crafted. I really enjoyed reading this book,The book has a nice balance of

    historical facts and fiction. It weaves these in magnificent ways to bring out the political

    realities of today and the life of Chanakya 2300 years ago. The storyline follows the rise of

    Chandini Gupta to the position of power in New Delhi and Chandragupta Maurya to the

    position of power in Pataliputra in Magadha in an India 2300 years ago. Their rise is backed

    by the two 'godfathers', Pandit Gangasagar Mishra for Chandini and Chanakya for


    It is towards the middle of the book that the link between how the story was progressing in

    the present and 2300 years ago becomes clearer. Both the stories almost have similar names -

    Chandini Gupta and Chandra Gupta. The story moves slowly to the centers of power, New

    Delhi in modern India and Pataliputra in the India from 2300 years ago. The involvement of

    Pakistan and China for political gains within India parallels the help taken from the fictional

    kingdoms of Gandhar and Kaikey which share the geographical location by Chanakya. There

    was nice symmetry in the stories as well. Having a man achieve power in India 2300 years

    ago and a woman do the same in modern India.

    The storyline is filled with political tactics employed by the godfather of that time to

    this time. I am not sure many of the tactics would work in the modern world. I am also not

    sure if many of the suggestions suggested or used to solve modern problems are practical. It

    was a nice instrument to offer suggestions in governance. The book also points to the idea of

    being okay with a little corruption for political gains while ensuring the work gets done

    mindset that several people in India have. I was a little uncomfortable with that suggestion. I

    understand that the idea was not to portray a clean Prime Minister but rather paint a more

    realistic picture of the position of Prime Minister.

    I think the book is well timed, fast and inspiring read. At the back cover, the book asks aquestion, does Chanakya's chant succeed in modern day India? I think that is for every reader

    to answer for himself

    The book is acutely well-written with apt quotes thrown in between which makes it a very

    pleasant experience. However, I strongly recommend against picking up this book for

    everyone and specially mbas & for those interested in politics, economics.

  • 7/29/2019 chankya chant book review
