Cec webinar 07_sept_12

How to become a Conscious Evolution Coach www.consciousevolutioncoaching.org I am the Shift coaching others to embody the Shift… through LOVE


The world needs a strategy for addressing seismic economic, social and environmental change. This entails a shift from a worldview where everything is separate to one where we are all connected energetically within a unifying life field, where essentially we are all One. Within this new paradigm, Conscious Evolution Coaching is a life strategy for coaches, therapists and healers. By changing ourselves together, we change the world as agents of conscious evolution. By individually experiencing an accelerated shift from lower to higher Self, from separation to Oneness, and from self-interest to serving the Highest Good, our goal is to be instrumental in decisively raising overall collective consciousness within the next 10 years to transition into the New Era. Through mutual group coaching and using a proven combination of traditional and modern energy-based spiritual tools and practices, we support each other to discover our true Life Purpose and to align our lower and higher Self with the co-creative evolutionary impulse of Source. These tools and practices enable us to free ourselves from our attachments to the current system and to prepare ourselves for emergence. These include Conscious Embodiment, Embodied Intuition, Emotional Release, and Re-framing Beliefs and Patterns. These are enhanced through the spiritual practices of Neutrality, Acceptance, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment. You can start by joining a small online group led by a program leader to directly experience the benefits of mutually supported practice. When you are ready you can run your own programs. Program leaders are paid for their work and train participants to set up their own programs. The organisation is designed to scale and is structured as a not-for-profit collaborative enterprise.

Transcript of Cec webinar 07_sept_12

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How to become a Conscious Evolution Coachwww.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

I am the Shiftcoaching others to embody the Shift…through LOVE

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Webinar Agenda

• Why make a difference and how?

• Why align with Source?

• Why belong and how?

• How to be fulfilled and earn a living?

• Where do I start?

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What is Conscious Evolution Coaching?www.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Conscious Evolution Coaching

• Our life conditions are changing• A new worldview is emerging• Our role: embody the change• I change myself…unconditionally• I raise my level of consciousness• Intention, practice, support• Extended sense of interconnectedness

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• From impotence to self-empowerment• Accelerated shift and integral alignment

• Lower and Higher Self• Separation and Oneness• Self-interest and Service

• Co-creative evolutionary impulse of Source• Discover and fulfill Life Purpose• Earn living through mutual coaching support

Conscious Evolution Coaching

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Shift Essentials

Traditional and modern body/mind practices

• Conscious Embodiment• Embodied Intuition• Embracing Emotions • Reframing Beliefs• Spiritual Tools

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Group Practice Programs

• Small group with Program Leader• One-to-one initiation sessions• Weekly mutual coaching• Weekly group coaching• Set up own programs• Business development/marketing support

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Where we are now?www.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Founders’ Team

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Our Next Step



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2 million by 2022

Over 700 on Hawkins Scale

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Program Leader?



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Why Conscious Evolution Coaching?www.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Our Hypothesis

a major shift in consciousness occurs when there is a major change

in life conditions

first the mountains move,then the rivers change their course

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Conscious Evolution

Conscious evolution• align with evolutionary impulse of Source• co-create our own evolution

Expecting major change in life conditions• global warming

Major shift in consciousness• Humanism to Energism• collapse of current system

Shift over next 10 years

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2012 and the ShiftClimate change

• single biggest crisis of our time• food and water

Global economy• massive debt • inflationary or deflationary depression

Health• chronic diseases – lowered immunity• pandemics

Oil dependency• threat of war

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Last Great Shiftwww.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Black Death

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Hundred Years War

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The Next Great Shiftwww.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Global Warming

2.0 degrees2040

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Over Population

FollowingBlack Death

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Global Carrying Capacity

2012 – 7 billion

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Global Soil Degradation

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Commercial Fish Stocks

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Population Overshoot

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James Lovelock – The Revenge of Gaia

Global warming is now irreversible, and nothing can prevent large parts of the planet becoming too hot to inhabit, or sinking underwater, resulting in mass migration, famine and epidemics. By 2100, the world’s population will have declined by 80% tomaximum 1 billion.

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What Future My Granddaughter?

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Why 2 million 700+?www.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Map of Consciousness• Dr David R. Hawkins

• Power vs Force (1995)

• Applied Kinesiology• Log scale 1 – 1000• Christ/Buddha consciousness

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Lower Levels of Consciousnesslevel log emotion

courage 200 affirmation

pride 175 scorn

anger 150 hate

desire 125 craving

fear 100 anxiety

grief 75 regret

apathy 50 despair

guilt 30 blame

shame 20 humiliation

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Higher Levels of Consciousnesslevel log emotion

enlightenment 700 – 1,000 ineffable

peace 600 bliss

joy 540 serenity

love 500 reverence

reason 400 understanding

acceptance 350 forgiveness

willingness 310 optimism

neutrality 250 trust

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Collective Global Consciousness



2022 – 2 million

1995 - 600

2012 – 26,000


500 - Love

700 - Enlightenment

1000 – Oneness with Source

350 - Acceptance

200 - Courage

100 - Fear



2022 - 351

2012 - 235 1995 - 207

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Strategies for Thriving

Threats• Emotional responses

• anger, fear, impotence

• Actions• fight, flight, or freeze

Opportunities• Conscious Evolution and co-creation• Conscious Evolution Coaching – supporting agents• Fulfilment thru a greater dimension of reality

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From Humanism to Energismwww.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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HumanismMan as the Measure of All Things

• The rise of science• Dualistic, mind and matter separate• Power over self, others, nature• Causal, rational• Analytical, reductionist• Differentiating, especially through language• Judgemental• Competitive• Materialistic

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EnergismEverything is Connected

• Connected powerfully with self, other, nature• In the moment, in the now, interconnected• Direct sensation, not-knowing, intuition• Acceptance, acknowledgement, neutrality • Non-judgemental• Open, not afraid to be vulnerable, without fear,• Able to hold, embrace, process one's own pain, the

collective pain• Transcends and includes duality

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Bohm’s Holographic Paradigm of Reality• Every point contains the whole. • The holographic image changes depending on

the viewpoint of the observer - the observer’s intention affects what he observes

• There is an unseen realm (implicate order) that is governing everything that occurs in the observable world

• “the unbroken wholeness of the totality of existence as an undivided flowing movement without borders.”

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Separateness is an Illusion

• There is no objective reality

• We can’t understand the world by dissecting it

• I am the universe and the universe is me

• I am you and you are me – no separation

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Our Role• Through us, the “Implicate Order is getting to

know itself better”. We are responsible for the transformation of collective consciousness.

• “It is the intense heightening of individuals who have • released their attachments to the current system,• who come close to a trusting relationship with

one another (relating at the Higher Self), who can• begin to generate the immense power needed to

ignite the whole consciousness of the world.”

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The New Cosmology

The Ground of All Existence“Implicate Order”

Matter: Animate and Inanimate“Explicate Order”


The Cosmic Apex

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The New Cosmology

Emergent Self

Lower Self

Higher Self

Supreme Self

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Leanardo’s Humanist Image of Man

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Energy Beings in an Energy Universe

Energy LinesEnergy CentresChi/Ki/Prana = Unconditional love

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Connecting Energetically


Chi/Ki/Prana = Unconditional Love

Holographic UniverseLower Belly

From Humanism to Energism

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My Journey – From Fear to Lovewww.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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My Parents’ Threats

Nuremburg 1936

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My Mother’s FamilyVienna 1938

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From Family History - 1939

January 30 - Hitler promises to annihilate the Jews.

February 26 – My mother's ship leaves.

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Flight or Freeze

Acceptance ???

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Embracing Catastrophewith LOVE???

The Alchemy of FEAR and LOVE???

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Persecution of the Jews

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Mau Mau Terrorism

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Healing and Transformation

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Conscious Embodimentwww.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Why Conscious Embodiment?

Powerful energetic interconnection• Body/mind/spirit• With each other• With Nature• With the Universe

The basis of healing• Acceptance• Resolving resistance

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Conscious Embodiment• Breathing into the lower abdomen

• I am centred• I extend and am the centre of the universe• I connect powerfully with the universe• through Chi/Ki/Prana = Love

• I resolve the resistance and pain of separation• My practice: Mindfulness of breathing

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What is Conscious Embodiment?Lower belly breathing

• I unify my body/mind• I am centred and grounded• I experience energy as Chi/Ki/Prana = Love• I interconnect powerfully with universal Love• I resolve resistance, conflict and pain of separation• I test strong

Practice• Meditation• Transformational body/mind arts

• Yoga, QiGong, Tai Chi, Aikido• Mindfulness in daily life

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The Qualities of Conscious Embodiment

Being centred, having space to hold and connect• Being in the moment, in the now, interconnected• Experiencing direct sensation, not-knowing, intuition• Accepting, acknowledging what is, not judging • Being open, allowing, vulnerable, without fear

Connecting powerfully with self, other, and nature• Embracing my own and another’s pain• Darkness into light, crucifixion into transfiguration • Holding paradox, opposites, polarities• Transcending and including duality

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Conscious Embodiment

• Conscious embodiment is the manifestation of our capacity to • stay in the present• hold the space of the moment• be with our body sensations

• Enable us to see and to navigate skilfully and align our Separation and Oneness with Source.

• Embrace both darkness and light

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Conscious Embodiment - Affirmations

• I am stable, grounded and powerful• I hold infinite space• I harmonise with whatever is, in the moment• I transform energy positively• I resolve resistance and flow like water• I raise my energy vibrations• I attract higher energy vibrations• I can serve, and be served• I am protected, I am immune

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Program Leaderswww.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Embodied Intuition – Embracing Emotions Ellen Kratka


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My Unique Service

• Spiritual counseling, coaching in letting the heart lead, and mentoring in Lightwork, as well as

• Energetic optimization (direct communication with and correction of one’s energy system), and other modalities, which together support a triad of: • Letting go of old baggage with maximum speed• Developing spiritual understanding• Functioning independently of me and “paying it


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My purpose is…

• To embody love and model this for others through my work and personal life.

• To provide a tried and true path that others may follow toward the higher dimensions.

• To enjoy my time here. (I especially love dance, music and humor.)

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How I got to CEC

• Many victories…

• A dream fulfilled…

• Totally in alignment with my Purpose

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Benefits I’ve already received from Conscious Evolution Coaching

Doing the modalities we teach has helped me:

• Let go of my core belief that I am not enough as well as eons of trauma, attachments and limitation.

• Create much more abundance in my life, from my own work, than I ever thought possible.

• Feel totally connected to Spirit, no longer alone or needy.

• Heal my relationship with my daughter.

• Experience the full extent of my power and value.

• Feel younger and more alive every day.

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Intro to Embodied Intuition

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What you can do with Embodied Intuition

Access different sources of guidance by– connecting with your deepest intention

Detect incongruence and align– different levels of your Being– your Lower and Higher Self– with the co-creative evolutionary impulse of Source

Connect with multiple energetic frequencies, through– bodily sensations, feelings and emotions– memories, including in the womb– thoughts and beliefs– Inter-generational connections– spirit connections– experiences from other timelines

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Methods of Testing

• Using your body as a pendulum• Testing strength or range of motion of a

muscle• Using a device such as a pendulum• Sensing strength vs. weakness• Feeling a signal in your body (energetic

movement or other quality)

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Benefits for me

How it’s helped me embody the Shift:• I let go of all worry, knowing I have all the answers I need, as

well as access to all qualities and other energetic resources as part of my Divine nature.

• I became the co-creative power center of my own life.

• I experienced the accomplishment of my intentions by molding my energetic configuration to align with my Highest Good, removing what doesn’t serve me and strengthening what does. [few causes– many effects]

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Tips to strengthen intuition

• Check your hydration.

• Use your breath to invoke your “team”.

• Connect fully, deeply first – with yourself, with Earth. [Conscious Embodiment]

• Make statements rather than questions.

• Think “play” rather than work.

• Decide to trust your knowing.

• Only test on things you’re neutral to, unless you’re testing your subconscious beliefs

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Embodied Intuition – Embracing Emotions Ellen Kratka


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Reframing BeliefsMike Bell


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Why I joined CEC

What I am learning

How I’m accelerating my shift + Reframing Beliefs

My unique service

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Why I Joined CEC

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Why I Joined CEC

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Why I Joined CEC

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Why I Joined CEC

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What I Am Learning

I am not able to attract people to CEC

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How I’m Accelerating My Shift + Reframing Beliefs

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Affirmations and Truth Statements

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Developing a Truth Statement

I attract people to CEC

It is safe for me to attract people to CEC

I wish it is safe for me to attract people to CEC

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Reframing Beliefs

I do attract people to CEC!

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My Unique Service

Personal Transformation through spiritual coaching to identify and release old patterns, unhealthy beliefs and destructive memories that keep you from your highest potential.

Guidance on the next step of your spiritual journey particularly if you are feeling ‘stuck’.

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My Unique Service

Informed and supported by:

My own 25 year Personal Transformation Journey - I offer the benefit of having walked a path myself.

Maps of Wholeness and Balance – a bundle of ancient Medicine Wheel teachings.

Teaching Advanced Personal Transformation- for 10 years in Europe and US.

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Reframing BeliefsMike Bell


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Embodied Intuition – Embracing Emotions Morag Paterson


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Why I joined CEC

What I am learning

How I am accelerating myShift

My purpose & passion

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Why I joined CECLife on the EdgeCardboard Cutout Love of metaphysics, natural systems, power of intention, energy, metamedicine, Spiral Dynamics

Evolution in Action - Accelerated!Honing and living core truthsConnection - vibration - at homeEarn a living being myselfCo-creating to learn and earnReplicate for optimum effectDream come true!

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What I am learningNew paradigm of ‘Edgelander’= Evolutionary

Meaning of unconditional love, acceptance & togetherness (tribe, collective, wholeness)

Seeing, feeling, experiencing the power of intention and our interconnectivity

Confidence in changing my stateand that of others - I can

Feeling expansive, radiant, more alive


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Benefits of practicing CEC

Consolidating all that I have known to be true

Deepening my understanding of love, life & the universe

Embracing my deep and hidden feelings - physical healing

The thrill of being at One, and seeing /feeling my own and others’ shifts

Knowing this is the ‘Highest Education’

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How I am accelerating my shiftwith Spiritual Tools

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What are Spiritual Tools?• Conscious intentional practice • proven over time and across cultures • change states, beliefs and behaviors • promote inner joy, peace, harmony and bliss• Shift from Lower to Higher Self• releasing attachments to past and future• path to discovering and fulfilling Life Purpose• transition from self-interest to service

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Lower Levels of Consciousnesslevel log emotion

courage 200 affirmation

pride 175 scorn

anger 150 hate

desire 125 craving

fear 100 anxiety

grief 75 regret

apathy 50 despair

guilt 30 blame

shame 20 humiliation

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Higher Levels of Consciousnesslevel log emotion


700 – 1,000 ineffable

peace 600 bliss

joy 540 serenity

love 500 reverence

reason 400 understanding

acceptance 350 forgiveness

willingness 310 optimism

neutrality 250 trust

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Five Effective Spiritual Tools

• Acceptance• “this is what is” for whatever is happening now• Contrition• I feel and release shame, guilt and remorse• Forgiveness• I feel and release anger, resentment and hatred• Love• I love everyone and everything unconditionally• Gratitude• I am totally grateful for what is

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Evolution Tracker - example

Feelings, beliefs, patterns, practice

- What is getting in the way?health issue - fibroids, severe pain in ovaries, heavy bleeding

- Feelings unresolved pain, emotionally hurt, feminine principle attacked, disempowered, wounded, abandoned, tension, (second chakra)

- Beliefs not worthy, don’t deserve, struggle, difficulty, can’t let go, stuck, bloody, can’t forgive, can’t give birth to self, what strong feminine? just can’t ...

- Patterns....

19 07 12

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Evolution Tracker - example I accept the pain I have carried, and understand why it is there

I accept and love that it is there for a reason - pay attention

I am sorry for (O so much), I am sorry about (O so much), I am sorry that ... (O so much)

I accept we were all doing our best at the time

I forgive myself and others (including .. ex husband and partner)

(and, it turns out, many others ...)

I thank and honour my womb, my femininity, my sacred self, my being, my creativity, all that has happened, all past events

I love and rejoice in being myself - all is very very well (whatever, whenever, whyever, however, whoever, whenever)

Current feelings, beliefs, patterns, practice19 07 12

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Evolution Tracker - Morag linking to Modalities/Shift Essentials

centred breathing (again and again)

focus on compassion and forgiveness - self & others

EFT, Matrix Reimprinting & energy exercises (Donna Eden), with love and laughter

Truth Focus Statement / affirmation

visualisation - sending love & light to cells, ‘womb’ 2nd chakra

prayer - meditation - exercise - nutrition - nature - community

regularly & consciously throughout day

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Evolution Tracker - Morag Now (September 2012)symptoms clear - happy, healthy ovaries

family dynamics clear - multiple ripple effects

feeling empowered, creative, light, lovely, One

“as I heal my own feminine wounds, I help others”

“everything is connected to everything else; we are one”

“Universal/Source energy expands as I expand - through raising my vibration”

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My Passion & Service

Spiritual and energy coaching - guiding, supporting, inspiring, shifting vibration upwards, include & transcend Teaching an integral, holistic process - integrating mind, body, spirit, shadow with ethics, work, relationships, creativity, environment & soul

What I am missing in my life I give to others, so healing myself and others, so helping you heal yourself and others, so raisingvibration

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My Passion & Service

Key areas of healing/coaching: disconnection, lack of feeling, identity, boundaries, feminine principles, personal power, authenticity -whoever, whatever, whyever, wherever, whenever, however

Sharing learnings & lessons from a wide life experience

Lively sense of fun and humour ...

I warmly invite you to join our conscious evolution shift!

Please visit consciousevolutioncoaching.org/morag-paterson

and visit Ellen and Mike’s too - see what resonates!

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Embodied Intuition – Embracing Emotions Morag Paterson


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Original Art by Julia Watkins

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Co-creation Model

• In Higher Self relationship• in spirit of co-creative evolutionary emergence

• Co-creating a simple earnings model• $97 per month subscription• Minimum 6 months• 60:40 revenue split• $80k plus earnings in Year 2

• Next milestone• 10 participants each for three programs

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Coaching Process

Integrates the Shift Essentials• Conscious Embodiment• Embodied Intuition• Embracing Emotions• Reframing Beliefs/Patterns• Spiritual Tools

Experiential– Easy to teach– Easy to learn– Easy to practice– Easy to transfer

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Three Core Elements

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Are you committed to

•dealing with your Core Issues?•relating through Higher Self and being the Shift?•co-creating the CEC practice? •running your own programs?•being willing to show up wherever necessary to connect?•being willing to learning to use the appropriate technology?

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How to become a Conscious Evolution Coachwww.consciousevolutioncoaching.org

I am the Shiftcoaching others to embody the Shift…through LOVE