Campaign Overview | MailChimp · Campaign Overview | MailChimp Author: Joke Created Date:...

Looking back, 2015 seems a kaleidoscope of contradic9ons— a merging of good and bad in a year where conflict and violence con9nued unabated in many countries, and the consequent wave of forced displacement and migra9on caused terrible hardship for many families. And, as so oDen, it is the children whose rights suffer during such 9mes: their healthy development can be at risk through lack of a secure environment, trauma9c experiences, limited medical care and months and months without access to educa9on. But we did see a world that increasingly recognises the righIul needs of our children and the importance of their future. This was also borne out by a global concern for our natural environment and commitment to take ac9on on climate change. And as we look back over 15 years of work on the Millennium Development Goals of the United Na9ons, it is good to realise that today 84 million fewer children and adolescents are out of school than in 1999. Also, global enrolments in preSprimary educa9on increased by twoSthirds since 1999, rising to 184 million. Looking ahead, the adop9on of the Sustainable Development Goals, with an end date of 2030 (one of which calls for inclusive quality educa9on opportuni9es for all) heralded a recommitment to social jus9ce and human rights. The goal on inclusive educa9on has, what is in my view a very “Montessori” statement, as one of its targets:

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