Burdur (2)


Transcript of Burdur (2)

Page 1: Burdur (2)
Page 2: Burdur (2)
Page 3: Burdur (2)

Welcome to sunset,shade of the Welcome to sunset,shade of the mountains,delicate sway of teh mountains,delicate sway of teh migrating birds,at Eşe’s,icy spring migrating birds,at Eşe’s,icy spring water at Katrancı ,the sweet melody water at Katrancı ,the sweet melody of goat gon with the smell of thyme of goat gon with the smell of thyme at mountains of Salda lake, the at mountains of Salda lake, the blend of gren and blue at lake blend of gren and blue at lake vicinity,welcome to sweet city vicinity,welcome to sweet city BURDUR.BURDUR.

How about to know Burdur,to How about to know Burdur,to taste Dimlit grape,to rest at the taste Dimlit grape,to rest at the shore of a lake decorated by the shore of a lake decorated by the flamingos and (DİKKUYRUK)?flamingos and (DİKKUYRUK)?

Page 4: Burdur (2)

At the west section of mediterranean,Burdur placed at lkae land was called Polydorion at Byzantian period of time.As a claim the world of polydorion was “plydor”then it has changed to Burdur. It doesn’t known if Burdur was a settlementat the ancient time.But it is absolute that it was causing to settle because it is geographic location.The memory of the name Polydorion which was a present from Greeks is not form anicent period of time.It is from recent According to some source,Burdurs regions old name is limobrama which means”lake city”,this name comes from Limonobria word,and then changed to Burdur About another legend about the name of Burdur.It extends to Turcomans which assembled Burdur.When Kınalı oymağı form the Turcoman found here he said that”cennet buradadur(the heaven is here)then word “buradadur” changed to Burdur between people…

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Burdur the city of lakes Burdur the city of lakes and roses is at the west side and roses is at the west side of Mediterraneon.ıt ıs the of Mediterraneon.ıt ıs the smalest and the sweetest smalest and the sweetest cıty at the lakeland.It ıs cıty at the lakeland.It ıs surrounded by Antalya at the surrounded by Antalya at the East and South,Muğla at East and South,Muğla at Southwest ,Denizli at Southwest ,Denizli at west,Afyon and Isparta west,Afyon and Isparta administrative province at administrative province at North. Burdur which is a North. Burdur which is a passage between passage between Aegeon,Middle Anatolia and Aegeon,Middle Anatolia and Mediterraneon zone,has been Mediterraneon zone,has been always an archaic road which always an archaic road which ties west Mediterraneon and ties west Mediterraneon and Middle Anatolia in the Middle Anatolia in the history.history.

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This province looks like a plateu because of the mountains This province looks like a plateu because of the mountains and lakes remaining between of them it’s plains .The and lakes remaining between of them it’s plains .The boncuk mountains at the top of the Toros mountains at the boncuk mountains at the top of the Toros mountains at the South ,Elmalı and Katrancı mountains ,Kuyucak and Dedegöl South ,Elmalı and Katrancı mountains ,Kuyucak and Dedegöl mountains at the East on the toros mountains mountains at the East on the toros mountains extension,Burdur lake and Karakuş mountains at extension,Burdur lake and Karakuş mountains at North,Acıgöl and Eşeler mountains are the borders of North,Acıgöl and Eşeler mountains are the borders of Burdur.Burdur.

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Becouse of it’s characterstic of the settlement and olso Becouse of it’s characterstic of the settlement and olso becouse of it’s wideness of woter.Burdur has shased for becouse of it’s wideness of woter.Burdur has shased for many community.And with mouds ancient cities and many community.And with mouds ancient cities and monument Works Burdur is a 9 to thousende year monument Works Burdur is a 9 to thousende year culture city.We are going to start to take a trip from one culture city.We are going to start to take a trip from one of the most ancient settlements of Anatolia colled of the most ancient settlements of Anatolia colled Hacılar and take you about to first humans stoe Hacılar and take you about to first humans stoe equipments.And we will go on with the magic of Hacılar equipments.And we will go on with the magic of Hacılar and Kuruçay culture which is known at whole and Kuruçay culture which is known at whole world,between rich plant cover and natural beuty…world,between rich plant cover and natural beuty…

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Burdur lake which the name of (BURDUR) come Burdur lake which the name of (BURDUR) come from has been a very important element to from has been a very important element to introduce to Turkey and whole world.The introduce to Turkey and whole world.The Dikkuyruk ducks whichs sets at winter , gave a Dikkuyruk ducks whichs sets at winter , gave a new fame to lakes and to lakelands new fame to lakes and to lakelands

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At the beginning of the B.C. 2000 s Anatolia was one of the rich and cultivated countrys.When the Mesopotamian learned about this richness,they entered to trading with Anatolia by the advace of Asur state,with this way they pave the way for introduce alphabet in this country and caused Anatolia to enter the Anatolia’s history era,this period of time called Asur trade colony which goes over to B.C. 17th century Burdur’s history is quite dark.

After B.C. 17th century the old Hittite period starts at Anatolia.In this period ,at Pisidya,Pamfilya ano Likya region Arzava kingdom was reign.

Burdur’s period was inside ancient Pisidia zone at these period of time.Pisidya couldn’t acquire a political importance at history.For that reason the old period historian doesn’t take interest for Pisidia.Because of the insufficiency of source,scarty of investigation the information of this zone isn’t know and been a secret between.Aegean migration and Pers revolution ‘s middle

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At B.C. 700 s it entered under Lidta’s dominance with Frig state and a 546 it passed to lidya’s Perslere and Pers’ hegemony.At B.C. 334 the büyük İskender (The big Iskender)entered to Anatolia from çanakkale and captured Pamfilya,likya and Karya.He also passed from Aksu valley to Pisidya and restrained sagalassos and Kremna.With the death of İskender at B.C. 333 Anatolia which remains to his son Antigonas got under Selevkos’ domination then it passed to Rome dominance by tying to Bergama empire at B.C. 222

At Rome period a dense settling started,many new citys assembled,the old centers repaired at Pisidia.There can be seen architecture remains at most of the ancient city at our provinces border.

With the separation of the Rome empire Pisidya which is Burdur,remained to Byzantium dominance.They lost their worth and it continued until the Turk domination begin

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At 1299 Dündar Bey from Hamitoğulları announced his principality at Burdur.Then Yıldırım Beyazıt added the zone to Ottoman land at 1392.As today,this zone is on the çommunication network of Anatolia.This importance continued at Turk domimamce.It is possible to understand from Caravansary which is on Burdur.Antalya road.

Burdur which is at the west section of Mediterranean Zone,itshelters the trace of humans rich history with it’s rich history.Burdur province which shened for many settlement,with tumulus,ancient cities,monument works,caravansary of Seljuk and genuine Ottoman architectures models,it is an*Open Museum*.

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Burdur province, has been scaned to many Burdur province, has been scaned to many set tlements at the rich ancient period of set tlements at the rich ancient period of time which goes down till Neolotic period of time which goes down till Neolotic period of time.According to the investigation it time.According to the investigation it considerates that the setlement is providing considerates that the setlement is providing since old Stone age.Between B.C 6500 and since old Stone age.Between B.C 6500 and B.C 5400 period of time they were like the B.C 5400 period of time they were like the future world Messenger with , the hajis and future world Messenger with , the hajis and Kuruçay mounds architecture ruins,goddess Kuruçay mounds architecture ruins,goddess statue made of fired soil,pottery with colered statue made of fired soil,pottery with colered decaration and with Stone tools.decaration and with Stone tools.

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After the axcavation from Kuruçay and After the axcavation from Kuruçay and Hacılar, by many datum of many tumulus Hacılar, by many datum of many tumulus from the surface.They prooved the excistense from the surface.They prooved the excistense of Kalkolitic age which was coming after of Kalkolitic age which was coming after Neolatic age and layed until B.C 4000.After Neolatic age and layed until B.C 4000.After this period,which was imporatant for things this period,which was imporatant for things made from copper ,mini statues, pottery and made from copper ,mini statues, pottery and culture history , the old Tunc period came culture history , the old Tunc period came which appeared between B.C 3000 and which appeared between B.C 3000 and 2000.Even so by the data rom the surface 2000.Even so by the data rom the surface investigation from Kuruçay , which is the only investigation from Kuruçay , which is the only place that is excaveted for getting place that is excaveted for getting information abaout this period, we find out information abaout this period, we find out that the minning was develped and they that the minning was develped and they made a revolution with making bronze by made a revolution with making bronze by mixing capper and tin.mixing capper and tin.

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Today,Burdur is surrounded bl cities such as Antalya-Muğla-Denizli-Afyon & Ispart.In Archaic Ages,on the east there was Isavria & Lyconia on its south there was Pamphylia & Licyame karya,on the west there was Frigya & Galatio and on the north it lied the ancient Pisida.

Burdur’s history lies beyond the Prehistoric Ages up to Paleotic ages.Then Neolitic age between 8000-5500 ,Calholitic 5500-3200 remlics were found in Burdur during the ecavations around the areas Hacilar & Kuruçay.In the middle of 1950s there started the attempts to constitute a museum in Burdur as it has a huge cultural heritage left from both Classical & Prehistoric Ages.The excavations done in the Hacilar area for about four seasons between the years 1957-1960 drew the attention of the world to Burdur.And finally these contributions helped the Burdur museum to be opened officially in 1963.

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The museum’s buildings established near the ancient library built in 1923 with in the Madrasah of Sheikh Mustafa or formerly known as ‘küçük seyh Bulgurzade Ağa Madrasah’,began to serve the science.Burdur museum developed itself as far as the remnants of the ancient ages are concerned and the museum became one the finest with unique pieces however it isn’t really capable of displaying them successfully because of the funds shortage.The west side of the museum was established in 1992 and has spread up to 2285 m2 was added.With in the todays capabilities new storages & display saloons were added to museum at those years.

Not only the displays saloons but also they tried to use the garden as a displaying area.The sculptures of the greatest local craftmans,tombstones,epitaphs,baptise fonts,inscriptions in latin & greek,Ostotecks,columns,The epitaphs belonging to tne Ancient Mosque of Burdur & Pirkulzade Madrashas and some islamic tombstones are displayed in the yard of the Museum.

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Hacıalr tumus , which is 24 km far Hacıalr tumus , which is 24 km far from Burdur,is one of the old from Burdur,is one of the old settlement of Anatolia.At Hacılar settlement of Anatolia.At Hacılar excavation at the ende of 1950’s excavation at the ende of 1950’s exposed layer af the structure exposed layer af the structure related to Calcolatic and Neolatic related to Calcolatic and Neolatic turn,and it made a big acho at turn,and it made a big acho at whole world.1-5 structure contains whole world.1-5 structure contains Calcolatic period.These structure Calcolatic period.These structure Works are , sail potterys with Works are , sail potterys with many colours dedcoreted with red many colours dedcoreted with red and Brown point on cream colored and Brown point on cream colored ground , madher god figures made ground , madher god figures made from meturated sail, obdisyen from meturated sail, obdisyen lighter Stone , bone tools , Stone lighter Stone , bone tools , Stone axes , beads and necklassed .Their axes , beads and necklassed .Their housees are straight sail roof and housees are straight sail roof and it is surrounded by sun-dried brick it is surrounded by sun-dried brick city wall.Entrance and exit is with city wall.Entrance and exit is with roof ladder.At this period people roof ladder.At this period people passed to settled life from passed to settled life from migrant.They made straight roof migrant.They made straight roof house from sun dried brick walls, house from sun dried brick walls, domesticated the animals and domesticated the animals and sterted to ariculture and sterted to ariculture and pruduction.pruduction.

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The standing flat women statues The standing flat women statues made from the sail at all Hacılar made from the sail at all Hacılar Tumulus husees proves a local Tumulus husees proves a local culures existense.The thing that culures existense.The thing that made famous Hacılat at whole made famous Hacılat at whole world is because mother gods world is because mother gods were sitting an e leopard or they were sitting an e leopard or they were standing by holding a young were standing by holding a young leopard and because they were leopard and because they were destcriped with a destcriped with a children.Sometimes they are children.Sometimes they are named , sometimes they wear named , sometimes they wear some white dress looks like a bikini some white dress looks like a bikini and sometimes they are wearing and sometimes they are wearing an apron or lond striped an apron or lond striped dress.Hacılar people i who are dress.Hacılar people i who are producing good fired and bright producing good fired and bright pottery , knew knit basket and pottery , knew knit basket and weaving.Conical weight and the weaving.Conical weight and the voriety of row meterial is a sing voriety of row meterial is a sing that there was hug trade with lake that there was hug trade with lake vicinity and middle Anatolia.vicinity and middle Anatolia.

Between B.C 6500 and 4750 Between B.C 6500 and 4750 Hacılar gave 3 huge culture Hacılar gave 3 huge culture revalition and today the revalition and today the unmatched foundings are shown at unmatched foundings are shown at many museums at whole many museums at whole world.Today agriculture is made at world.Today agriculture is made at Hacılar and the biggest section is Hacılar and the biggest section is located at Anatolian Civilzation located at Anatolian Civilzation Museum.Museum.

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Kuruçay is a ssettlement formed Kuruçay is a ssettlement formed by 30-40 houses on a hill wichs by 30-40 houses on a hill wichs looks to Burdur lake.The past of looks to Burdur lake.The past of Kuruçay is based on B.C 5000 and Kuruçay is based on B.C 5000 and 6000 years and at on excovation 6000 years and at on excovation 11 structure layer were 11 structure layer were removed.At Kuruçay, which is one removed.At Kuruçay, which is one of tyhe oldest humanity of tyhe oldest humanity settlement, a little par of settlement, a little par of Anatolian archeological dark point Anatolian archeological dark point become informed.become informed.

Kuruçay Tumulus gives Kuruçay Tumulus gives Neolatic, First Tunç,Late Calcolatic Neolatic, First Tunç,Late Calcolatic and Early Calcolatic period.There and Early Calcolatic period.There is a temple in the middle of is a temple in the middle of Kuruçay.A house chain were Kuruçay.A house chain were made to protect the prince of the made to protect the prince of the city and important buildings at city and important buildings at the middle .İn this way the the middle .İn this way the settlement was surrounded by a settlement was surrounded by a defending system.defending system.

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At Late Calcollitic the houses At Late Calcollitic the houses canains only one room.There is canains only one room.There is a oven at the corner of the a oven at the corner of the room and there is a wall made room and there is a wall made with sun dried brick.The houses with sun dried brick.The houses of Early Calcolitic contains one of Early Calcolitic contains one room and it is based ın Stone room and it is based ın Stone and it looks an indepentent and it looks an indepentent structure in on area surrounded structure in on area surrounded but exterior walls.but exterior walls.

The foundigs at the battom The foundigs at the battom part of the tumulus are olso part of the tumulus are olso beautiful and good quality like beautiful and good quality like Hacılar.Kuruçay Tumus is Hacılar.Kuruçay Tumus is important because of filling the important because of filling the blank of before history period blank of before history period of time and Hacılar.of time and Hacılar.

Kuruçay’s painted and Kuruçay’s painted and decorated pottery, mother decorated pottery, mother goddesss statues , Stone an goddesss statues , Stone an mine tools with decoration mine tools with decoration things are shown at Burdur and things are shown at Burdur and Ankara Anatolian Civilzation Ankara Anatolian Civilzation Museum.The architecture Museum.The architecture remains are standing with remains are standing with magnificence in spite of the magnificence in spite of the nature.nature.

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The oldest sttlement in Calssic Period ar Burdur is in The oldest sttlement in Calssic Period ar Burdur is in Düğer ,village.Tymbrianassus the ancient city which hits Grecian archaic Düğer ,village.Tymbrianassus the ancient city which hits Grecian archaic period and Shows Frig culture charecteristic is placed on a penisule at the period and Shows Frig culture charecteristic is placed on a penisule at the east coast of Yarışlı lake.The city is assembled at the and of 6th century.A east coast of Yarışlı lake.The city is assembled at the and of 6th century.A scientific ezcavation made at Düğer,and most of the foundling from scientific ezcavation made at Düğer,and most of the foundling from fugitive excavation were gathered at Burdur Archeological Museum.fugitive excavation were gathered at Burdur Archeological Museum.

Between founded work , there are some coated panel which is Between founded work , there are some coated panel which is thought that they were same tablet of a temples doors.These tablets thought that they were same tablet of a temples doors.These tablets were made to protect from nature exhausting and fire.Ther is a ‘Grifon’ were made to protect from nature exhausting and fire.Ther is a ‘Grifon’ figure which is a head of an animal , on the tablets which is protecting the figure which is a head of an animal , on the tablets which is protecting the buildings from bad soul as a religious belief.Decaration motif at that buildings from bad soul as a religious belief.Decaration motif at that period was four leaf clever.period was four leaf clever.

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It is located at Burdur’s district Gölhisar.It is built on three small It is located at Burdur’s district Gölhisar.It is built on three small hill.The ancient city which thought that it was surrounded by hill.The ancient city which thought that it was surrounded by strong city wall was capital of four Tetrapolis formed by the union strong city wall was capital of four Tetrapolis formed by the union of Kibyra , Oinoande,Balbura and Buban states.of Kibyra , Oinoande,Balbura and Buban states.

The hourses and the man at asrms of Kibyra was famous , and The hourses and the man at asrms of Kibyra was famous , and their stock raising was devoloped .At down agora there was their stock raising was devoloped .At down agora there was leather work.The mine and the iron mine at natural structureof leather work.The mine and the iron mine at natural structureof the land proves teh existense of mining art at Kibyra.the land proves teh existense of mining art at Kibyra.

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The history of Kibyra lies down until Helenistik period,the most The history of Kibyra lies down until Helenistik period,the most brilliant period of them was at A.C 2nd century.Fİrs nation Of brilliant period of them was at A.C 2nd century.Fİrs nation Of Kibyra,are Milias origin Pisidion.The city built on a volcanic lond Kibyra,are Milias origin Pisidion.The city built on a volcanic lond had often earthquake disaster.After the last earthquake paople had often earthquake disaster.After the last earthquake paople started to retreated bit by bit and they continued their started to retreated bit by bit and they continued their existense in a small settlement at Byzantium periıod of time.existense in a small settlement at Byzantium periıod of time.

Kibyra is one of the good protected ancient cities at Burdur Kibyra is one of the good protected ancient cities at Burdur vicinity .The stadium ,theater , odeon Kibyra which could get 4 vicinity .The stadium ,theater , odeon Kibyra which could get 4 thousend people and with the social and cultural existense thousend people and with the social and cultural existense shows that cultured people were living at the city .Kibyra whick shows that cultured people were living at the city .Kibyra whick forms a transition zone between Ancient Frigya,Pisidya,Likya forms a transition zone between Ancient Frigya,Pisidya,Likya and Karya .And it carries common culture character of these and Karya .And it carries common culture character of these four ancient culture.four ancient culture.

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It is a Bucak discricts Çamlık village at Burdur .It is assemblbed on It is a Bucak discricts Çamlık village at Burdur .It is assemblbed on a hill which looks to Aksu volley .Becouse it’s position it is colled a hill which looks to Aksu volley .Becouse it’s position it is colled ^abyss^ which means kremna in an old Grek.^abyss^ which means kremna in an old Grek.

Kreman which is one of the important cities of Ancient Pisidia is Kreman which is one of the important cities of Ancient Pisidia is one of the oldest Solymoslu people .The ancient city, stayed under one of the oldest Solymoslu people .The ancient city, stayed under the dominance of Lidya,Pers,Macedonia Bergama Kingdom,Rome the dominance of Lidya,Pers,Macedonia Bergama Kingdom,Rome and Byzantium.A.C 2nd century was the most brilliant period.The and Byzantium.A.C 2nd century was the most brilliant period.The ramains of Kremna are about Rome period.The ramains of Kremna are about Rome period.The Athene ,Leto,Nemesis,Asklepios,Hygeia Herakles and Apollon Athene ,Leto,Nemesis,Asklepios,Hygeia Herakles and Apollon statues were found at an excavation made between at 1970 and statues were found at an excavation made between at 1970 and 1972 and they are shown at Burdur Museum today.1972 and they are shown at Burdur Museum today.

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It i a 7 km northeast of Ağlasun district which is 33 km east from Burdur.At It i a 7 km northeast of Ağlasun district which is 33 km east from Burdur.At the 1700 m altitude of Akdağ , İt is formed with terrace at the North of the the 1700 m altitude of Akdağ , İt is formed with terrace at the North of the city same with Bergama ancient city.city same with Bergama ancient city.

Sagalassos which gives remains of Helenistic and Roma , had a brilliant Sagalassos which gives remains of Helenistic and Roma , had a brilliant period at A.C 2nd century.The excavation work is stil going on and the period at A.C 2nd century.The excavation work is stil going on and the most important structures are Antonious Pius ,Heron Temple ,the big street, most important structures are Antonious Pius ,Heron Temple ,the big street, Down Agora,Upper Agora,theater ,royal place , Helenistic fountain, library , Down Agora,Upper Agora,theater ,royal place , Helenistic fountain, library , hammock, circular monument ,Valentinion monument and smalll temple.hammock, circular monument ,Valentinion monument and smalll temple.

Ceramic ovens which were founded at the excavation ,shows that Ceramic ovens which were founded at the excavation ,shows that Sagalossos was one of the important ceramic center in Sagalossos was one of the important ceramic center in Anatolia.Sagoalassos ceramics were exported to Egypt and Syria at ancient Anatolia.Sagoalassos ceramics were exported to Egypt and Syria at ancient time.time.

Today , the Works removed from the excavation are shown at the Burdur Today , the Works removed from the excavation are shown at the Burdur Museum.Museum.

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It is a place collled Dikmen hill at the near of İbecik village in Gölhiasr It is a place collled Dikmen hill at the near of İbecik village in Gölhiasr district.Ancient Bubon city , cancealed by close bushes called Pırnar district.Ancient Bubon city , cancealed by close bushes called Pırnar Oak .It had a big loooting at 1960’s and many bronze statues and Oak .It had a big loooting at 1960’s and many bronze statues and statue head were captured before they were taken to other nations statue head were captured before they were taken to other nations and right now they are the Burdur Museum.These ruins , prooves the and right now they are the Burdur Museum.These ruins , prooves the existense of the bronze sculpture scholl and studio at Bubon.At the existense of the bronze sculpture scholl and studio at Bubon.At the illegal excavation the city had abig damage ,we understand that illegal excavation the city had abig damage ,we understand that there were agoras ,theaters , water cisterns ,fountains,and temples there were agoras ,theaters , water cisterns ,fountains,and temples from the ruins.from the ruins.

We don’t know much about the ancient city .At B.C 190s Bubon We don’t know much about the ancient city .At B.C 190s Bubon joined to a war as Araxs’s ally then Burbon,which places at Tetrapolis joined to a war as Araxs’s ally then Burbon,which places at Tetrapolis farmed by Oianda,Balbura,Kibyra passed to Likya and at A.C 1st farmed by Oianda,Balbura,Kibyra passed to Likya and at A.C 1st century.century.

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It is near or Kestel village which is tied to Burdur It is near or Kestel village which is tied to Burdur district.The name Kestel comes from ancient Kotrula.It district.The name Kestel comes from ancient Kotrula.It keeped to beeng as a settlement from Helenistic period keeped to beeng as a settlement from Helenistic period until Byzantium period of time .The buildings of the until Byzantium period of time .The buildings of the ancient city goes down to slape from the hill.Theres a ancient city goes down to slape from the hill.Theres a big unknown construction at foot of hill and at east part big unknown construction at foot of hill and at east part of this construction,at Dor line there is a of this construction,at Dor line there is a temple .Nekropol is outside of the city wall ruins made temple .Nekropol is outside of the city wall ruins made from cube shaped stones.from cube shaped stones.

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It is in Kraot village that is tied to Kızılkaya nook in Bucak It is in Kraot village that is tied to Kızılkaya nook in Bucak districk.The Sia Ancient City is colled ‘Tasdandam’ beccouse of the districk.The Sia Ancient City is colled ‘Tasdandam’ beccouse of the ruins.It is a Pomfilya city.The city that is settled on the Taştandam ruins.It is a Pomfilya city.The city that is settled on the Taştandam hill and the South and west piedmant is surrounded with citywalls hill and the South and west piedmant is surrounded with citywalls that are strengthened anda re two or three flooors hight.The flat that are strengthened anda re two or three flooors hight.The flat and piny places at the skirt of the mountain are the city sacred and piny places at the skirt of the mountain are the city sacred and the skirt of the mountain are the city’s sacred and nekrapol and the skirt of the mountain are the city’s sacred and nekrapol places .The grove monuments are here too .The city that gives us places .The grove monuments are here too .The city that gives us ruins related to the Helenistic and Rome periods ,is very good ruins related to the Helenistic and Rome periods ,is very good protected until this time because it’s not for away from the city protected until this time because it’s not for away from the city center.center.

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PLACES AND THE PERİODSPLACES AND THE PERİODS MOATRA:MOATRA:Bereket village connected to headquarter ,Classical Bereket village connected to headquarter ,Classical

period Rome city.period Rome city. KORMASA:KORMASA:Boğaziçi village connected to headquarter ,Classical Boğaziçi village connected to headquarter ,Classical

period Pisidya city.period Pisidya city. MALLOS:MALLOS: Karacören village connected to headquarter ,Classical Karacören village connected to headquarter ,Classical

period Rome city.period Rome city. LİSİNİA:LİSİNİA:İlyas village connected to headquarter ,Classical period İlyas village connected to headquarter ,Classical period

Rome city.Rome city. MALGASA:MALGASA:Gavacık village connected to headquarter ,Pisidya Gavacık village connected to headquarter ,Pisidya

city.city. OLBASA:OLBASA: Belenli village connected to headquarter ,Classical Belenli village connected to headquarter ,Classical

period Rome city.period Rome city. PALAİPOLİS:PALAİPOLİS: Akören village connected to headquarter ,Classical Akören village connected to headquarter ,Classical

period Rome city.period Rome city. KERAİTAİ:KERAİTAİ: Bucak Belören village ,Classical period Rome city. Bucak Belören village ,Classical period Rome city. KOMAMA:KOMAMA: Ürkütlü village connected to Bucak ,Classical period Ürkütlü village connected to Bucak ,Classical period

Greek settlemnt place. Greek settlemnt place. NEKROPOL:NEKROPOL:Uylupınar village ,Frig,Pers period cemetry area. Uylupınar village ,Frig,Pers period cemetry area.

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POLYETTA: POLYETTA: Yarışlı village in Yeşilova,pisidya city.Yarışlı village in Yeşilova,pisidya city. TAKİNA:TAKİNA: Yarışlı village in Yeşilova,pisidya city. Yarışlı village in Yeşilova,pisidya city. TÜMÜLÜS:TÜMÜLÜS:Yuvalar village in Tefenni.Yuvalar village in Tefenni. ÜÇTEPELER TÜMÜLÜS:ÜÇTEPELER TÜMÜLÜS:Mürseller village in Mürseller village in

Yeşilova,Clasiccal period.Yeşilova,Clasiccal period. MABET KALINTISI:MABET KALINTISI: Burdur city center ,Frig Burdur city center ,Frig

periodperiod KAYA KABARTMASI:KAYA KABARTMASI: Yuvalr village in Yuvalr village in

Tefenni,Classical period Greek era.Tefenni,Classical period Greek era. MALYASTARA:MALYASTARA:Lengüme village connected to Lengüme village connected to

headquarter ,Psidya city.headquarter ,Psidya city. PANEMOTİCHOS:PANEMOTİCHOS:Bucak Boğazköy,Rome period.Bucak Boğazköy,Rome period. KALBASA:KALBASA:Bucak Kuşbaba village Bucak Kuşbaba village KARAEİTİA:KARAEİTİA:Bucak Belören village,Rome period Bucak Belören village,Rome period

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It is one of the regarded Traditional Turkish civilian architecture at 17th century.It is build as store and stable at lower floor,living room at top floor.It takes its names because of the main room was made from cube shabed stones.

The oldest and original part of the structure is a room called “main room”.There are larges and cupboards at the entrance of the room,cupboards and fireplace at front wall,there is a stone base place seperated with Bursa belt and ends with issuing at the right.The shutter of the window and mirrors of cupboard door are surrounded with gold sheet.Doors of the cupboards deçorated with gold and silver sheet,and the surface of the silver leaf were decorated weth pencil work plant figure.At Taşoda”stone room”the hall and head room were made froom wood with hand draw.And it dazzles with it’s gold,silver leaf decoration.It used in to use as Ethnology museum.

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It is one of the most beautiful example of Ottoman civilian architecture.It was made at 17th century.It is constructed on a stone ground with wood and sundried brick.The ceiling,life section and especially the main room were decorated with gold,silver arabesque,flower design.It is restored as “Museum Room” because of its rarely beauty.

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Mısırlılar evi(Egyptian house)is at oluklaraltı neighborhood at town center.It is one of the civilian architecture sample with it’s exterior plan,decoration and with beauty.This building which dated at XIX century places at a smaal garden with two floors.The bottom floor is made from stone.Top floor is made with Bağdadi technique

Mısırlılar evi(Egyptian house) a beautiful example of late period Ottoman architecture and it is decorated with plaster,sherbet,wood cupboards and wood ceiling.At the ceiling of başoda(mainroom)tnere is a short decorated with flower motif in the middle of a baklacva piece.

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It is next to Tabak mosque that It is next to Tabak mosque that is Northeast to is Northeast to Ulucami.According to the Ulucami.According to the foundation enrollment,it was foundation enrollment,it was made by Sir Şeyhülislam made by Sir Şeyhülislam Bedayi.The warm parts are Bedayi.The warm parts are wooden roofed.The square wooden roofed.The square planned dressind room has planned dressind room has salient parts on two sides.This salient parts on two sides.This special feature is puculiar to special feature is puculiar to treditional Türkish boaths.The treditional Türkish boaths.The Windows and doors who take Windows and doors who take part at the rubble wall are part at the rubble wall are decorated with projekting hewn decorated with projekting hewn store .The doorjamb and the store .The doorjamb and the molding are olso a peculianity to molding are olso a peculianity to the Late Period.The wooden the Late Period.The wooden lantern that’s lighting the lantern that’s lighting the dressing place from up above is dressing place from up above is placed in the middle of the clay placed in the middle of the clay tile roof.tile roof.

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The türkish bath is supposed tobe the oldest The türkish bath is supposed tobe the oldest building of Burdur and is in Çeşmedamı building of Burdur and is in Çeşmedamı neighborhood.The construction date or period neighborhood.The construction date or period isn’t known.It’s very deep under the land level.isn’t known.It’s very deep under the land level.

It is in Üçdibek neighborhood,next to Eskiyeni mosque .It is one of Burdur’s oldest buildings.The both belongs to the foundations.It is to be believe that this both was made by Mehmet Kethüda.

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Hamitoğlu Dündar bey made it build at a high mountain top.The minaret that was destroyed in the earthquake of 1914,there was an inscription on it that says that it was build in the year 1300.It has three doors on the east,north and west.It is half dome on the inside.Three domes are covering the place crowd at the north door.It is restored after the Burdur earthquake in 1971.

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DIVANBABA MASQUE It is in Değirmendere neighborhood.On the

inscription of the minaret is written that it was build by Tilurizade Hacı Süleyman Bey in 1775,but the construction date isn’t known.It is restored after the earthquake in 1971.

TAS MASQUE The Taş Mosque in Yenice neighborhood was

build in Hacı molla in 1782.The mosque was ruined in the earthquake of 1914 and was build again of wood.The minaret is from faceted stone.

ŞEYH MASQUE It is in Sinan neighborhood.The mosque was

build by Çelik Mehmet Paşa with the mardassah in 1776.The fine minaret made from Burdur faceted stone was ruined in the earthquake of 1914

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It takes ıts name from burdur city.ramsar contract which is aimed It takes ıts name from burdur city.ramsar contract which is aimed to protect marshy places which has internatıonal to protect marshy places which has internatıonal importance,announced Burdur Lake as 1st degree natural sıt importance,announced Burdur Lake as 1st degree natural sıt area.Burdur with its mineral water and 100m of dept,hosts about area.Burdur with its mineral water and 100m of dept,hosts about 300 thousand of birds in winter.300 thousand of birds in winter.

Burdur has 150 thousands of populatıon around it.The most Burdur has 150 thousands of populatıon around it.The most ımportant characteristic of Burdur lake is that the 70 percent of ımportant characteristic of Burdur lake is that the 70 percent of Dikkuyruk ducks which is under the risk hosts in winter at Burdur Dikkuyruk ducks which is under the risk hosts in winter at Burdur lake and it attrarct intentıon of the world here in Turkey.lake and it attrarct intentıon of the world here in Turkey.

The fish called^^ABHANICIOUS BURDURICOUS^^ is a rare kınd The fish called^^ABHANICIOUS BURDURICOUS^^ is a rare kınd of fish which lıves at Burdur Lake endured its name to world of fish which lıves at Burdur Lake endured its name to world specıeslist andı t stıffed Burdur Lakes importance.specıeslist andı t stıffed Burdur Lakes importance.

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Burdur Lake,doesn’t have importance only for Dikkuyruks Burdur Lake,doesn’t have importance only for Dikkuyruks and other lıvıngs.It has also vital importance for people who and other lıvıngs.It has also vital importance for people who lıve around here.The story aboout people who set sup at the lıve around here.The story aboout people who set sup at the coaast of burdur lake stated 9 thousand years ago..NEolatic coaast of burdur lake stated 9 thousand years ago..NEolatic settlements at the near of the lake exsist since Hacılar and settlements at the near of the lake exsist since Hacılar and Kuruçay Kuruçay TTumuluses with people at thıs area and thıs lıfe umuluses with people at thıs area and thıs lıfe goıng today.Burdur lake is a place where people who lıves goıng today.Burdur lake is a place where people who lıves arond come to rest and havıng fun.It is the only place to rest arond come to rest and havıng fun.It is the only place to rest between the mountaıns.Burdur lake whıch has an important between the mountaıns.Burdur lake whıch has an important place at whole world and wit and interstıc locatıon was take place at whole world and wit and interstıc locatıon was take to internatıonal to internatıonal

protectıng program whıch places Burdur Municipality to protectıng program whıch places Burdur Municipality to disolve its problems. disolve its problems.

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İt is a crater lake at 50 km west from Burdur at the near of İt is a crater lake at 50 km west from Burdur at the near of Yeşilova the district.With 187 m depth it is the deepest lake in Yeşilova the district.With 187 m depth it is the deepest lake in Turkey with Neprutla.It so clean that you can drınk ıt while you are Turkey with Neprutla.It so clean that you can drınk ıt while you are swımmıng.At the day tıme,because of the deepness ıt shows every swımmıng.At the day tıme,because of the deepness ıt shows every tone of blue and green.It is a natural wonder with silent pine odor tone of blue and green.It is a natural wonder with silent pine odor and air full of oxygen.It ıs surrounded by pine forrest fruit and air full of oxygen.It ıs surrounded by pine forrest fruit gardens cords and natural cove beaches.At winter its sets up for gardens cords and natural cove beaches.At winter its sets up for many birds.And it announced as SIT area at 1989 and ıt got under many birds.And it announced as SIT area at 1989 and ıt got under protection.protection.

Salda,it is a small water world near Yeşilova discrict.Salda,it is a small water world near Yeşilova discrict.

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The firs and the biggest touristic cave of Turkey is 13 km away The firs and the biggest touristic cave of Turkey is 13 km away from the Burdur –Antalya highway.The cave was the discovered from the Burdur –Antalya highway.The cave was the discovered by cave scientist geologist dr. Temuçin Aygen and was opened to by cave scientist geologist dr. Temuçin Aygen and was opened to tourism in 1996.tourism in 1996.

The forming of the cave is founded on 10 milyon years.The The forming of the cave is founded on 10 milyon years.The columns formed of the limy waters dropping from above and the columns formed of the limy waters dropping from above and the limestone accumilations hanging from the ceiling made the cave limestone accumilations hanging from the ceiling made the cave look like a palace.With the 6 metres long stalakmite it is the look like a palace.With the 6 metres long stalakmite it is the biggest stalakmite in Turkey and is a real nature wonder biggest stalakmite in Turkey and is a real nature wonder

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During the intervening time the 2 km long new part of the During the intervening time the 2 km long new part of the cave has been toured.The cave was thought to be 6 km cave has been toured.The cave was thought to be 6 km long.At the and of the mysterious trip from Büyükgöl there long.At the and of the mysterious trip from Büyükgöl there were kalsit crystals found .These crytals are forming a were kalsit crystals found .These crytals are forming a crystals garden.Gallerıes decorated with stallacmıtes and crystals garden.Gallerıes decorated with stallacmıtes and stallactıtes,corıdors,lakes and splennedid cave forms were stallactıtes,corıdors,lakes and splennedid cave forms were found durıng thıs trip.thıs new parts are waıtıng for cave found durıng thıs trip.thıs new parts are waıtıng for cave scientisit and adventure loving tourıstscientisit and adventure loving tourıst

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FOLKLORE IN BURDUR Anatolia is full with various Turkish culture richness.And as it is in Anatolia,every zone and region has his own folklore culture.In Burdur,the land of roses,folklore has a big importance. Folklore is a nations peculiarity total.Culture products are being transfered on the grapevine from mouth to mouth and consequently from generation to generation.While that it undergoes some changes and at that point it becomes anonymus’.This means that it catches between communities personality.But within these changes it never loses its ground work,in other words;authenticity never changes. Teke(goat)Zortlatması:Our folk dances reflect human-nature relations and take teke zortlatması expresses the behaviors of goat,i.e. Male polard

Teke(goat)zeybeği:Playing with a time of 9/8,it is the fastest kind of zeybek.It has different melodies namely;Sarı(yellow) zeybek,Şu dimrilin Çalgısı(Instrument of Dimril),Haymanalı,kozağaç zeybeği. Serenler zeybeği: It is a deduction zeybek and played with a time of 9/8.During singing,players stops dancing and after that the play starts.

Alyazma zeybeği:It is played with a time of 9/8.It is slower than Serenler zeybeği.

Avşar zeybeği:It is played with a time of 9/4.It is one of the most favorite slow zeybeks of the region

Kezban yenge(Sister-in-law Kezban): It is played by women by stopping on the foot base and then rising on the toe from beginning to the end in a very fast fashion

İğnem düştü(My pin is dropped):It is a woman zeybek with lyrics played with a time of 9/8

Gabardıç(Kaba ardıç)[Abrupt Juniper]:It is played by women and men.It is played with lyrics and with a time of 2/4

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TRADITIONAL HANDICRAFTSTRADITIONAL HANDICRAFTS WEAVERWORKWEAVERWORK İt’s Burdur’s old folk art.It has been means of lıvelıhood fort he İt’s Burdur’s old folk art.It has been means of lıvelıhood fort he

families at the town centers since 1950.At work benches in old families at the town centers since 1950.At work benches in old houses^^Burdur pıet^^ and ^^Burdur clothe^^ was weaving.houses^^Burdur pıet^^ and ^^Burdur clothe^^ was weaving.

CLOTHWEAVİNGCLOTHWEAVİNG İt is a handicraft devoloped at mountaıns raises goats.It is weaved İt is a handicraft devoloped at mountaıns raises goats.It is weaved

with goat hair at special counters.The tents of Yuruks who lıve with goat hair at special counters.The tents of Yuruks who lıve mıgrant are made by haircloths. And it doesn’t passen rain and mıgrant are made by haircloths. And it doesn’t passen rain and wind.wind.

COPPER WORKSCOPPER WORKS I t is one of the oldest handicrafts of Burdur.In old days the sounds I t is one of the oldest handicrafts of Burdur.In old days the sounds

‘tac tac’ was decorating the copper smiths.With the usage and ‘tac tac’ was decorating the copper smiths.With the usage and widesparating of the aluminium and steel at the kitchens copper widesparating of the aluminium and steel at the kitchens copper Works lost its inportance .But copper beating is still continuing.Works lost its inportance .But copper beating is still continuing.

STOCK RAİSİNGSTOCK RAİSİNG At last years the milk stock rasising was considerated and At last years the milk stock rasising was considerated and

because of the fattener based feding techinique ilde milk because of the fattener based feding techinique ilde milk production incresed.In this way the bad pressure on forrest and production incresed.In this way the bad pressure on forrest and pastures decreased and the bad conditions for natural environs pastures decreased and the bad conditions for natural environs lowered.Also milk production increased.lowered.Also milk production increased.

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TESTİ KEBABITESTİ KEBABI This food belongs to Burdur and its special feature is that the This food belongs to Burdur and its special feature is that the

testi’s mouth is tight.It is usually made t grape harvest nd mesire testi’s mouth is tight.It is usually made t grape harvest nd mesire places.take the oily rib cage from sheep cut them into slices.Put it places.take the oily rib cage from sheep cut them into slices.Put it into the testi with salt .Then put it at the middle of fire.Tie it’s into the testi with salt .Then put it at the middle of fire.Tie it’s mouth with a clean cloth .Hold from handle and shke it time to time.mouth with a clean cloth .Hold from handle and shke it time to time.

After 35-40 minutes can put small cleaned anion, patto , eggplant After 35-40 minutes can put small cleaned anion, patto , eggplant and gren papper.It is up to you .Then tie its mouth and put it in the and gren papper.It is up to you .Then tie its mouth and put it in the fire again.Shake it time .Then bread cumin before you service.fire again.Shake it time .Then bread cumin before you service.

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SKEWER MEAT BALLSKEWER MEAT BALL Put a piece of meat called cage lair to the Put a piece of meat called cage lair to the

ground meatground meat Normally 300 gr of tail oil is placed to 10 kg of Normally 300 gr of tail oil is placed to 10 kg of

ground meat nd salt.Then knead it.After that put ground meat nd salt.Then knead it.After that put the meat to iron skewers and cook them on grill the meat to iron skewers and cook them on grill brzier.It is popularly esteemed to eat it juicy.brzier.It is popularly esteemed to eat it juicy.

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WALNUT SQUASHWALNUT SQUASH Ingredients :Ingredients : 1000 gr Semolina,1000 gr squashed walnut,one glass of 1000 gr Semolina,1000 gr squashed walnut,one glass of

water .water . Make:Make: Put the semolina and the walnut into plate.At the other side Put the semolina and the walnut into plate.At the other side

warm the water and add 1000 gr sugar into the plate filled warm the water and add 1000 gr sugar into the plate filled with walnut and semolina and mix it.After that sprinkle with walnut and semolina and mix it.After that sprinkle powder sugar on a tray.Pour the mixture on the tray and powder sugar on a tray.Pour the mixture on the tray and disperse it equally on the tray .Then cut it like baklawa.disperse it equally on the tray .Then cut it like baklawa.

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Ağlasun is 32 km far away from The province centre.With its “Sagalassos Antique City” it has became one of the most attractive tourism counties of Burdur.Due to the abundant amount of the under ground waters.there are many trout facilities.The most important facilities if trout if the province are in this county.The akdağ Mountain with the height of 2276 metres is quite available for the climbing and trekking.With its nature.it is the most beautiful county of Burdur.It is famous with its walnut and cherries.

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Altınyayla is 125 km far away from the province centre.It is a nice county on the Denizli-Fethiye highway.Its highlands and monuments trees are famous.At its southwest there is the Balbura Antique city which is an important Lycia city.The “Dirmil oil Wrestling”which is organised one week after the Kırkpınar oiled wrestling is a tradition.Its forests and canyons are famous.

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Bucak is at the 45 km far away from Burdur.It is on the Antalya Highway and the biggest county of Burdur.Marble is the most important means of subsistance in the county.There are “Cremna Antique City”of the Roman period at the northwest;”Milias and Sia Antique Cities” on the Toros Mountains in Kocaaliler Town and “Kodrula Antique City” in Kestel village.The Susuz caravansary and the Incirhan Caravansary on the Silk Road are the most important Seljukian works.

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Gölhisar is 107 km far away from the province centre.It is the second biggest county if the province.Carrot and anise agriculture is common in the county on the Denizli –Fethiye Highway.It has a significant tourism potential with the “Cibyra Antique City”and “Bubon Antique City”in Ibecik town.

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Çavdır is 95 km far away from the province centre.It is on the cross-road of the Antalya-Fethiye –Denizli highways.The agriculture and cattle breeding is developed in the county.There are lots of tumulus,mound and rock relieves in the county.

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Çeltikçi is 30 km far way from the province centre.It is on the Antalya Highway.It is the nearest county of the province.It is the most important county which is engaged in the agriculture if vegetables and fruits.

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Karamanlı county:The distance from the city centre is 63 km.Walnut production is common in the country.There are a lot of tumuluses in the county.

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It is 40 km far away from the province centre.Agriculture and cattle breeding are highly developed in the county.It has an antique city named Olbasa.

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The distance from the city center is 70 km.Apart from agriculture and cattle breeding,the county is known with Barutlusu mineral spring which is famed with its help in passin kidney stones out of the body.In çamur tumulus in the northern part pf the county,archaeological research indicates that the vounty is a very old settling area.

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The distance from the city centre is 60 km.In the county which is a very old settling area,as a result of archaeological research in Dereköy and Gençali within regional boundaries,potteries belonging to the Chalcolithic Age were found.

It is advisable to vacation in Eşeler Mountains for skiing in winter and in Salda Lake for camping in summer.