Brief 3 Layout

“Con artists and magicians are cut from the same cloth.” Nick Fedoroff “There is a fine line between a con artist, and a magician.” David Blaine

Transcript of Brief 3 Layout

Page 1: Brief 3 Layout

“Con artists and magicians are cut from the same

cloth.”Nick Fedoroff

“There is a fine line between a con artist, and a

magician.” David Blaine

Page 2: Brief 3 Layout

Facinaton Wizadry

Illusion Distraction


Swift Performance Prestidigitation

Charming Confidence

Distract ion Misdirection PromptPerformanceChiseler


Page 3: Brief 3 Layout

People amazed by


People un-aware about cons...

Peter, London

“These are worthless people that don’t deserve a LIFE”Josh, Newcastle

Louise, Manchester

Mike, USA

‘Bloody hell! and we

were only drinking water!’

“Still talking about his

magic, and wondering. So many of the things I

saw him do, I cannot

explain, and seem quite

impossible!”“Hang him or the electric chair for scams like him ! All the money must be returned to the people!”

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Page 5: Brief 3 Layout

The fastest

magician alive is Eldon Wigton who performed 225 tricks in 2 minutes for a World Record attempt in 1991 The largest magic club (International Brotherhood of Magicians) has close to 25,000 members.

David Copper-

field is the first living magician to have a star on the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame. The only other magician is Harry


Magic is bigger than you


lat-est official fig-ures, 84,078 people are currently in prison in the UK. Male pris-oners outnum-ber female prisoners by more than 21 to one In 2009 the cost of organised crime in the UK is £40billion a year.

The word ‘criminal’ has been in the language since around 1400 but ‘policeman’ arrived only in 1788 and ‘detective’ in 1843.

how-ever Con Artists are big-ger...