
Life Life on Life Team Discipleship


Li fe o n Li fe Team Discip leship Mercy Ministries Apprentices Church Planter Administrator Administration Justice and Mercy Education With these words, Jesus called twelve men unto Himself. For three years they lived with Him, walked with Him, ate with Him, learned from Him. When they were ready, Jesus sent them out to build His Church. Biblical Truth … for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ … Ephesians 4:12 “Follow Me.”

Transcript of BEAMM_E4_Brochure

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LifeLifeon Life Team Discipleship

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Church Planter



Mercy Ministries

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“Follow Me.”

With these words, Jesus called twelve men unto Himself. For three years

they lived with Him, walked with Him, ate with Him, learned from Him.

When they were ready, Jesus sent them out to build His Church.

For many years now, the method for equipping new leaders for God’s

Church has been focused on the classroom, imparting head knowledge,

with little practical experience or character development. In addition,

individuals are sent out by themselves with the hope that they will be able

to plant a church in a particular area. In many instances we find these men

doing what they were taught, imparting head knowledge, but lacking in

bringing others to a strong personal relationship with the risen Christ.

Today, BEAMM is returning to Jesus’ model of life-on-life discipleship,

but within a team context, through E4 Teams. Each E4 Team is made up

of persons with expertise in Evangelism, Church Planting, Education,

Justice and Mercy, and Administration. As a team, they disciple

apprentices, equipping them as future leaders of God’s Church not only

through theological training, but also with relational practical experience.

These apprentices will one day spearhead the planting of other churches,

while at the same time equipping others for the work of ministry.

Biblical Truth


Church Planting


Justice and Mercy


… for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ …

Ephesians 4:12

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Biblical TruthWe are a Christ-centered ministry. This means that we consider it both a

joy and a responsibility to live for and serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Truth

is defined as "the actual state of the matter; conformity with fact or reality."

Praying for His disciples, Jesus said: "Sanctify them by the truth, your

word is truth" (John 17:17). The truth is found in God's Word and that

Word has been entrusted to God's people (Rom. 3:2). We are to keep the

Word (the whole counsel of God), and to transmit it pure, by means of

teaching, preaching, and doing works of mercy, to believers and

unbelievers, taking special care that nothing be added, and nothing


By continuing in the Word of Jesus, we grow in the truth (John 8:31,32)

and our lives will reflect our union with Jesus Christ who is “the truth.”

The truth sets us free because the Son sets us free (John 8:32,36). “The

truth” therefore is not just a title for Jesus and academic knowledge alone

will not set anyone free from sin; but the saving grace of Jesus does.  And

so in John 14:6, the way, truth, and life are all parallel - truth is a way of

life. And the truth is that it is only by God's grace in Christ that we can live

and serve in this life, as it has been revealed in the Bible.

Biblical Truth


Church Planting


Justice and Mercy


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EvangelismThe gospel is the most powerful message the world has ever known. Paul

states in Romans 1:16 that it is the dynamite of God for salvation to

everyone who believes. How then will they call on Him in whom they have

not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard?

And how will they hear without a preacher? (Rom 10:14)

The BEAMM E4 TEAM will proclaim the gospel in word and deed to

men, women, and children along the border region as they labor to

establish the church among those who have not heard.

The E4 Team Evangelist models personal evangelism and is responsible

to train others in the art of personal evangelism, but also plays a vital role

in motivating, organizing, and mobilizing the local church to actively reach

out to its community with the gospel. The men and women equipped by

the team will go on to reach other communities for the glory of God.

Biblical Truth


Church Planting


Justice and Mercy


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Church PlantingAlthough the U.S./Mexico border culture may have a view that the church is irrelevant or primarily for social action, Jesus’ words and actions unmistakably esteem the church: “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18) Also, Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…”

The Apostle Paul, the greatest missionary in history, loved the church and had a clear and simple strategy for reaching a new city - he planted churches in it. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) of Jesus is not simply to proclaim the gospel or to make disciples, but to baptize. Baptism, which speaks of our union with Christ, points to our inclusion and incorporation into a worshipping community of believers, a church body.

The church then owes its being and doing to its Lord and Savior Jesus. He initiates and preserves his church, and he purposed that the proclamation of the gospel, the evangelization of the nations, the ministries of mercy and justice, and the equipping of the saints originate and flow from the community of believers.

The E4 Team Church Planter trains future leaders to work in tandem with the evangelists, the ministries of mercy, the educators, and administrators to plant new gospel communities. As new churches are planted, border cities and new generations of Hispanic border people will be greeted with the same gospel grace that birthed the church in the first place. No wonder missiologist C. Peter Wagner said, “Planting new churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under heaven.”

Biblical Truth


Church Planting


Justice and Mercy


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Education“What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, the same entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

(2Tim 2:2 ESV)

The E4 Team aims to entrust to faithful men biblical truth that will be

applied to their lives in the context of gaining experience in the diverse

ministries that comprise church planting. Learning that is isolated to a

classroom is limited by the lack of practical, hands-on experience that

enriches and broadens the learner’s experience and assimilation of biblical

truth and ministry skills. Therefore, learning must take place in the context

of ministry so that theory and practice are wed together impacting the

whole person. Those so trained will naturally train others in a like manner

thereby providing a movement of future church planters and trainers.

While all members of the E4 Team are involved in the educational

program, the E4 Team Education Coordinator is responsible to monitor

the apprentice’s involvement in the various aspects of the ministry, helps

them to discover and develop their spiritual gifts and talents, equips and

encourages them in the development of ministry skills such as leadership,

teaching, and preaching, and guides them in gaining the knowledge they

need of the scriptures and theology.

Biblical Truth


Church Planting


Justice and Mercy


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Justice and MercyGod spoke through his prophet Micah long ago, “He has told you...what

is good...what does the LORD require of you but to do justice and to love

kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (6:8) God called his

people Israel to repent of thinking that to present their offerings and

sacrifices in the Temple was good enough, while at the same time ignoring

the oppressed and the poor. Jesus came and declared that he was the One

anointed by the Spirit to “proclaim good news to the proclaim

liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty

those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” He

came to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom.

So the E4 Team Mercy Ministries Coordinator prepares apprentices in

deaconal ministry, equipping them to equip others in the ministry of the

Gospel to the poor and needy, widows and orphans, enabling them to

identify needs and resources and develop plans for community restoration.

He gives leadership to and is involved in community development

projects. He also connects short-term teams to the efforts of the local

church in mercy ministry outreach, as well as keeps the team and the

congregation aware of new ideas and resources in mercy ministries.  

Biblical Truth


Church Planting


Justice and Mercy


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AdministrationMany people view administration as “overhead” or a “necessary evil.”

However, few organizations, companies, or ministries run well without

good administration, especially in the areas of planning, budgeting, and

staff relationships. Many times, the “success” of a church depends upon

how well its leadership relates to organizations and people, performs

administrative responsibilities, and develops leadership and ministry skills.

On the border, many leaders lack good administrative skills. Therefore,

the E4 Team Administrator is charged with enabling apprentices to lead

God’s church through good planning techniques, developing budgets,

overseeing personnel, and training others to be good stewards of the

resources that God has provided.

He also helps these men and women to develop in the areas of character,

integrity, and being Christ-centered in their leadership.

Biblical Truth


Church Planting


Justice and Mercy


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Border Evangelism And Mercy Ministries4856 Cuartel LaneEl Paso, TX 79912(915) 838-3747

[email protected]