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  • 8/4/2019 Assign Society



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    Discussion 2.1


  • 8/4/2019 Assign Society


    Can you think of some industries established industries that have been under mind

    by technological advance?

    Indian Irons are the traditional charcoal powered iron. There are basically two types of

    Indian irons. First, put the burning charcoal inside the metal container (iron). Second,

    uses a burning furnace and heat the iron over it. Most of them use the charcoal heated

    iron. Indian irons are heavy pieces of iron and not easy to use. On June 6, 1882, Henry

    W. Seely of NYC patented the electric iron, at the time it was called the electric flatiron.

    Early electric irons used a carbon arc to create heat. However, this was not a safe method.

    In 1892, hand irons using electrical resistance were introduced by Crompton and Co. and

    the General Electric Company. During the early 1950s electric steam irons were

    introduced. The purposes electrical iron for mostly tailors and house hold

    Nowadays the electrical irons are high technologically modified. There is a heat

    regulator which we can control the maximum temperature suitable for the type of cloth

    we are ironing. The electrical irons have heavy and light pieces of iron. So, people at now

    can choose the suitable iron for easy to uses whether they want heavy and light pieces of


    What industries might be threatened in the near future?

    Television is one example that industries might be threatened in the near future.

    The technology of television has changed since its early days using a mechanical system.

    Television has had such an impact in today's life. Today there are many television add-

    ons including video game consoles, VCRs, Set-top boxes for Cable, Satellite and DVB-T

    compliant Digital Television reception, DVD players, or Digital Video Recorders

    (including personal video recorders, PVRs). The add-on market continues to grow as new

    technologies are developed. Computers, the internet, and even pocket devices such as the

    iPod provide other ways to consume video content.

    Discussion 2.2

  • 8/4/2019 Assign Society


    Were the Luddites justified in mounting their attacks on machinery? How else

    might they have expressed their grievances? Would other kinds of actions have been

    more successful?

    The Luddites should not destroy the machine. The new technology such as machine will

    make people more efficient. It has the ability to create shortcuts in working and can make

    tasks easier. The original Luddites formed in Regency era England to protest the

    automation of the textile industry, primarily through the use of Jacquard looms. Their

    technique of protest has been called collective bargaining by riot. In other words, they

    destroyed the machines that threatened their livelihoods. Some groups branched out and

    pulled up railroad tracks and destroyed other machines that were taking the place of semi-

    skilled labor. Luddites were protesting against changes they thought would make their

    lives much worse, changes that were part of a new market system. Before this time,

    craftspeople would do their work for a set price, the usual price. They did not want this

    new system that involved working out how much work they did, how much materials

    cost, and how much profit there would be for the factory owner. Luddites typically have

    laudable goals and valid concerns. However, banning a useful technology is rarely

    effective, and even if it could be effective it would be very costly. After all, banning the

    technology means foregoing the benefits as well as the potential risks.

    Many historians would deem the Luddite riots as unsuccessful, while many others would

    say that they had a huge impact on society. The Luddites changed the views of people

    during the Industrial Revolution. They brought the rights of the workers to the attention

    of England. A turning point in history is often thought of as a well-known and dramatic

    event that took place and completely changed the world. The riots of the Luddites are not

    very well-known. However, their actions led to many significant changes in the world.

    Politically, the actions of the Luddites brought the idea of having a society based on

    industrialization into the eyes of the public and open to debate. People were forced to

    look more closely at the positive and negative effects of having an industrial society. The

    "machine question" continues to be unanswered today. The riots became a turning point

    because the flaws of the Industrial Revolution were brought to the surface and the

    government could no longer ignore the opinions of the working class.

  • 8/4/2019 Assign Society


    The Luddites stories circulated England, showing the strong resistance and bravery of the

    English men. People realized that if one is disciplined and organized, he will besuccessful in his battles. The Luddites also brought about the ideas that technology is

    never neutral and some are even hurtful. For example, while the while the Spinning Jenny

    was beneficial to the textile industry, it also put several spinners out of business. The

    Luddite rebels uncovered the dark side to the Industrial Revolution. Today the word

    'Luddite' is used to mock someone who dislikes new technology like computers.

    Discussion 2.3

    What examples of technological fixes can you think of? Have they been successful

    or not? What are your criteria for judging success and failure?

    There are many examples of technology Fixes in this world. 3G is the one of them.

    Generally, 3G is the Third-Generation of wireless technology which is commonly

    associated with wireless mobility standards, specifications that offer high bandwidth for

    voice and data (144 Kbps up to 384 Kbps). Actually, this technology is successfully

    done, because we can download and make a video call faster without wasting time.

    Discussion 2.4

  • 8/4/2019 Assign Society


    Political leaders are occasionally described as technocrats. What are the

    implications at this description? Would you be more or less likely to vote for

    somebody who was described in this way? Why?

    As people knew, a Technocrat is a human whose abilities are based on knowledge and

    skill. Technocrats acquire strength and power to create from knowledge and skills acting

    altogether. A technocrat is not a person with experience only or the person with

    knowledge only, a technocrat has them both in a specific domain and knows the reason

    for things that has to be done in that domain. In other words, a technocrat is a skilled

    expert in a specific domain who strives to improve the human condition by creating new

    things or modifying. Anyone who has knowledge and a skill in a specific matter, such as

    a scientist, an engineer, a sociologist, a psychologist, a worker, a builder or anybody who

    knows how to do things and is doing things through knowing is a Technocrat. When we

    talk about political leaders that been described as technocrats, we talk about some

    politicians that have both specific knowledge and experience in some particular field. If

    someone that have such as influence and people to follow their lead, it easy for them to

    make some of the improvement in certain matter because they knew about the things that

    they done. They can monitor and explain to others about the project for an example

    because they had the knowledge. They do not simply say beautiful promises to people as

    they want to win their majority or trust and then at the end, they cannot do anything.

    They ask others to handle the project and if there is anything goes wrong within the

    development of the project, they can be cheating by others because they do not anything

    about it. That kind of situation will happen if the political leaders are also no technocrats.

    For me, I will raise my hand up and vote for this kind of person because they can bring

    some changes to our society.