API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland



Study abroad programs in England, Ireland, and Scotland

Transcript of API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

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G e n e R A l I n f o R m A t I o n –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––----------------------------------------------------------------------––––––––––––––––––---------------------––––––––––––––––––––


WHAt’s InclUDeD? 8

HoW to APPlY • API fAstfInD 12


sUBject offeRInGs BY locAtIon 15

tRAnsfeR cReDIts 26

s e m e s t e R , Q U A R t e R A n D A c A D e m I c Y e A R P R o G R A m s –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––----------------------------------------------------------------------––––––––––––––––––---------------------––––––––––––––––––––

england leedS 30UnIveRsItY of leeDs 32

england lOndOn 36UnIveRsItY of tHe ARts, lonDon 39UnIveRsItY colleGe lonDon 46scHool of oRIentAl AnD AfRIcAn stUDIes 48UnIveRsItY of WestmInsteR 50

IReland CORK 56UnIveRsItY colleGe coRk 58

IReland dUBlIn 64nAtIonAl UnIveRsItY of IRelAnD, mAYnootH 66 tRInItY colleGe DUBlIn 68UnIveRsItY colleGe DUBlIn 70

IReland galWaY 76nAtIonAl UnIveRsItY of IRelAnD, GAlWAY 78

IReland lIMeRICK 82UnIveRsItY of lImeRIck 84

SCOTland edInBURgH 90HeRIot-WAtt UnIveRsItY 92

SCOTland galaSHIelS 96HeRIot-WAtt UnIveRsItY 98

SCOTland STIRlIng 102UnIveRsItY of stIRlInG 104

s U m m e R P R o G R A m s –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––----------------------------------------------------------------------––––––––––––––––––---------------------––––––––––––––––––––

england leedS UnIveRsItY of leeDs 111

england lOndOn UnIveRsItY of tHe ARts, lonDon 112lonDon scHool of economIcs 114UnIveRsItY of WestmInsteR 116

IReland CORK UnIveRsItY colleGe coRk 119

IReland dUBlIn UnIveRsItY colleGe DUBlIn 121

IReland galWaY nAtIonAl UnIveRsItY of IRelAnD, GAlWAY 122

IReland lIMeRICK UnIveRsItY of lImeRIck 123

SCOTland STIRlIng UnIveRsItY of stIRlInG 126

t A B l e o f c o n t e n t s

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Fountains AbbeyHaworth



Temple Newsam

Harewood HousePendle Hill

Castle Howard

Lake District





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Ring of Kerry

Wicklow Mountains


Cliffs of Moher




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Loch NessThe Highlands

Saint Andrews



Rosslyn Chapel









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A P I G I v e s Y o U t H e m o s t I n c l U s I v e A n D H I G H e s t Q U A l I t Y s t U D Y A B R o A D e x P e R I e n c e f o R t H e P R I c e .

A W e A l t H o f o P t I o n sAPI offers study abroad programs year-round in 18 countries, in 40 cities. Programs can be as long as a full academic

year or as short as two weeks. With a wide variety of courses offered in almost every major discipline and in various

languages of instruction, it is easy for students to find a program that suits their academic interests. While courses

are available in english in many locations, if foreign language acquisition is the primary goal, API offers high-quality

language and culture programs for all levels of language learners.

f o c U s o n A c A D e m I c e x c e l l e n c eAll API students take courses at a partner institution or university based in their host country, rather than at a center

just for API students. API university and institutional partners are either fully accredited foreign universities or institutes

with U.s. schools of record.

c o m m I t m e n t t o e x c e P t I o n A l v A l U eAPI prides itself on the services and features it includes in its program costs so as to minimize out-of-pocket expenses

for students on-site. API programs are designed to offer students a complete study abroad experience. the cost of an

API program includes more than just tuition and housing. exciting overnight and day excursions, academic and cultural

support and resources, mobile phones, medical and life insurance, as well as social and cultural events are included in

the cost of the program. for most programs, the main out-of-pocket expenses are the cost of the international flight and

daily spending money for travel and meals. Additionally, once a student is accepted into an API program and quoted a

program price, it will not change. With API, a student can accomplish more for less money!

s U P e R I o R s t U D e n t s e R v I c e sstudying abroad is a very exciting process, but also one that leads to many questions. API Program managers and

other U.s.-based staff are knowledgeable and readily available to assist students throughout the pre-departure process

and into their session abroad. once abroad, on-site API directors support students through the cultural transition

process, provide academic support and guidance and serve as a source of reference both for everyday questions and

emergencies. Whether the concern relates to academics, housing or daily life abroad, API strives to provide students

with as much practical advice and guidance as possible.



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P R e - D e P A R t U R e s e R v I c e s––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––---––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

A D v I s I n GAPI staff members guide students through the administrative processes of the pre-departure phase of study abroad. students and parents may contact API staff as often as they desire with questions about academics, on-site logistics, special needs, visa procedures, etc. API staff members, in turn, are frequently in touch with students regarding program updates, essential travel tips and recommendations for having a successful experience abroad.

@ A P I o n l I n e s Y s t e mAll applicants have access to the @api online student account. this online system allows students to complete and check the status of their application, download and complete application and post-acceptance forms, and verify that payments have been credited to their account.

o R I e n t A t I o n m A t e R I A l s A n D R e s o U R c e s All API students receive orientation materials to help them prepare for their study abroad session. API students have access to a unique online service, the API toolbox, which includes orientation materials, diagnostic exams, and language reviews. the toolbox includes information on logistical details, cultural differences, what students can expect at their host university, health and safety concerns, travel tips and more. Additionally, in certain locations, API offers pre-departure orientation sessions for students and parents on the home campus.

m o B I l e P H o n eAll API students receive a free phone (only the sIm card has to be returned upon completion of the session abroad) with discounted calling packages. With these cell phones, parents, API Resident Directors, family and friends at home and abroad can communicate with students and more easily contact them in the event of an emergency. When in the host country, incoming calls are free for students. outgoing calls incur a per minute charge, and text messages also carry a fee per text.

P e e R m e n t o R sthe API Peer mentors are former API students who are available to speak to future API students about their program of interest. Peer mentors have completed extensive training sessions with API and can answer questions students may have about the student experience.



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s o c I A l n e t W o R k I n GAPI has created award-winning social networks which provide students the opportunity to communicate informally with past students, outbound students and API staff members, as well as to be notified of upcoming events and program developments.

FaCeBOOK facebook.com/APIstudyabroad TWITTeR twitter.com/APIstudyabroadInSTagRaM instagram.com/apistudyabroad gOOgle apistudyabroad.com/googleYOUTUBe youtube.com/user/APIstudyabroad FlICKR flickr.com/photos/APIstudyabroadTHe aPI BlOg apistudyabroad.com/blog TUMBlR apistudyabroad.tumblr.com

s c H o l A R s H I P sAPI awards over $400,000 in scholarships annually, in amounts ranging from $250-$1,000 per student. for more information on scholarship opportunities or to print an API scholarship application form, visit the API website.

o n - s I t e s e R v I c e s––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––---–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– A I R P o R t R e c e P t I o nAPI students are met at the airport by API staff on the program start date. students receive detailed flight instructions upon their acceptance into the API program and should wait to purchase a flight until receiving more information post-acceptance.

R e s I D e n t D I R e c t o R sAPI has highly qualified, trained and experienced english-speaking Resident Directors available to students throughout their session abroad. most Resident Directors are locals from the host country in which students will be studying and all are ready to provide practical information and insight into the host culture. our Resident Directors greet students at the airport, introduce students to the ways of life in their host country, help students to register at the host university and support students throughout their stay. they are available in case of any personal emergency and are ready to implement the API emergency response plans if needed.


“mY ResIDent DIRectoR WAs ABsolUtelY AmAzInG! sHe WAs

AlWAYs tHeRe foR me no mAtteR WHAt QUestIons I HAD oR

WHAt It WAs tHAt I neeDeD. HeR oUtGoInG PeRsonAlItY AnD

fRIenDlY nAtURe mADe me feel At Home. It ReAllY meAnt A

lot to HAve A Role moDel lIke RAcHel foR mY tIme ABRoAD

AnD I WoUlD HIGHlY RecommenD API!” - AmAnDA s.



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o n - s I t e o R I e n t A t I o nthe on-site orientation takes place during the first week of a student’s stay. API orientations include tours of the city as well as practical information about life in the host city, including transportation, safety and local culture. the orientation is designed to minimize adjustment difficulties upon arrival and gives students a chance to get to know other participants in the program.

H o U s I n GHousing is included in the API program fee. Depending on the host city, students may choose from various housing options, including apartments or student dormitories. students can request single rooms on their housing form for an additional cost, although some sites may have guaranteed single rooms as part of the program fee.

A $250 security deposit is due by the final payment deadline for all programs. A fee of $75 will be retained from all security deposits to cover standard cleaning fees and general maintenance fees, including minor repairs and standard touch-up painting. the remaining $175 is refundable provided that: 1) no additional fees are assessed on-site for incidentals, damages or excessive utility usage; and 2) the API program fee has been paid in full. Housing for all year students during the period between the fall and spring semesters is not included in the API program fee. most students take advantage of this time to return home to the U.s. or to travel around their host country. In most cases, API can arrange between-term housing for students in their host city for an additional fee. Refer to the city information sections for more specific housing information by location.


“I leARneD so mUcH AnD DeveloPeD Into A mUcH moRe

InDePenDent AnD confIDent PeRson. I WoUlDn’t tRADe tHIs

oPPoRtUnItY foR AnYtHInG In tHe WoRlD. tHe PeoPle WeRe

AmAzInG AnD tHe PRoGRAm WAs veRY Well oRGAnIzeD. BRAvo!”

- lAURen m.


t U I t I o nAll programs include a fixed number of credits per term as part of the standard fee. the number of credits that a student can earn each session is detailed on each program page, and varies from 12-18 credits per semester session and 3-8 credits per summer session.

m e D I c A l A n D l I f e I n s U R A n c emedical and life insurance is provided for all students during the program term. the coverage includes medical evacuation and repatriation, as well as 24-hour support services for medical issues.

e x c U R s I o n sDuring the program, students have the opportunity to broaden their classroom education through several organized excursions, which are included in the price of the program. overnight lodging, breakfast, entrance fees and transportation to and from the excursion locations are included. excursions are subject to change depending on availability, weather and other factors.

s o c I A l A n D c U l t U R A l A c t I v I t I e sstudents are offered monthly API-sponsored social and cultural activities, including outings to movies, concerts, theater performances, museums, cultural tours and more. All entrance fees are covered by API. students also enjoy welcome and farewell group meals.


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“I WAs oveRAll extRemelY ImPResseD BY API’s PRoGRAm, I loveD

It so mUcH I ReAllY WIsH I HAD Done A YeAR!” - BRooke c.


v o l U n t e e R o P P o R t U n I t I e seach session, API makes several volunteer opportunities available to students. volunteer opportunities are available at varying levels of involvement. students can choose to participate in the API Gives Back Projects, one-day group service events with other API staff and students serving local communities. students who are interested in making a greater commitment to serve have additional options available. All activities are specific to each location and are designed to allow students to give thanks and to give back to the communities that welcome them.

R e - e n t R Y s e R v I c e s––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––---––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

t R A n s c R I P tUpon completion of the academic session, an official transcript with a letter of translation (if necessary) is sent to each student’s home institution. API encourages students to discuss their academic choices with home school advisors to determine how credits reflected on the transcript might be transferred toward their degree plan.

A l U m n I n e t W o R k A n D P R o f e s s I o n A l D e v e l o P m e n t o P P o R t U n I t I e sReturning students have the opportunity to apply to become a Peer mentor with API for an academic year. Peer mentors serve as resources for outbound students, participating in their home school’s study abroad fair, serving as a study abroad advocate, giving presentations to student groups and the community at large, and helping API to keep its predeparture information relevant and student-focused. Upon completion of their year of service, Peer mentors may apply for an internship with API, a great résumé builder. students are also encouraged to join our alumni groups on facebook and linkedIn for additional post-program networking opportunities and resources.

G R A D U A t e P R o G R A m sstudents who are interested in continuing their studies at the graduate level may choose to pursue options in Dublin, london, and limerick.

Please contact an API Program manager at 1-800-844-4124 for details on graduate programs.


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f I n D I n G t H e R I G H tP R o G R A m f o R Y o U


lAnGUAGe of InstRUctIon • coURse offeRInGs

BIG cItY oR smAll toWn • HoUsInG • DURAtIon

cost of PRoGRAm AnD locAtIon • sPecIAl feAtURes

verify admission requirements and program deadlines.

Go to apistudyabroad.com to start your application.

submit supplementary application documents to API.




s t e P s t o G e t Y o U o n Y o U R W A Y !

narrow down the choices by focusing on programs that meet your academic needs and goals.

Decide when you want to go.

Apply for or renew a passport. start researching flights and your host country. Apply for API scholarships.

visit your study abroad and academic advisors to determine how study abroad works at your home university. stARtInG to PlAn At leAst A YeAR In ADvAnce Is HIGHlY encoURAGeD!

















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W H A t t o e x P e c t A f t e R s U B m I t t I n G A n A P P l I c A t I o n

c o n t I n U o U s A c c e s s t o A P P l I c A t I o n s t A t U sAfter submission of the application, API encourages students to visit their @api online account frequently to determine if there are any supplementary materials that must be submitted to complete the application.

P R o m P t n o t I f I c A t I o n o f A c c e P t A n c eonce a complete application has been received, API Program managers promptly notify the applicant of his/her acceptance. students are notified by phone and sent an acceptance e-mail with detailed instructions regarding post-acceptance materials and how to submit them to API.

U s e A P I f A s t f I n D t o D I s c o v e R m o R e

Go to apistudyabroad.com and enter the four digit code into the API fastfind box and hit the “Go” button.

voilà! You’re there! API fastfind takes you directly to the information you’re looking for. easy!



look for the API fastfind box located on the program pages throughout the catalog.

1API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse lIstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN98

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN99


API fAstfInD Is tHe 2013 GoABRoAD.com

InnovAtIve tecHnoloGY AWARD WInneR. tRY It oUt toDAY to see WHAt All of tHe PR AIse Is ABoUt.

Page 16: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

A P I s c H o l A R s H I P sAPI awards approximately $400,000 annually in both need and merit-based scholarships. visit the API website for more information on scholarship requirements, deadlines, and additional funding resources. key API scholarship opportunities include:

geneRal SCHOlaRSHIP the API General scholarship offers awards that range from $250-$800 per term.

FIRST geneRaTIOn SCHOlaRSHIP the API first Generation scholarship offers one deserving first generation college student a $750 award for a semester or academic year program.

S.T.e.M. SCHOlaRSHIP the API s.t.e.m. scholarship supports one deserving student on a semester or academic year program who is majoring in the science, technology, engineering or mathematics fields with a $750 award.

BenjaMIn a. gIlMan aWaRd the Gilman scholarship Program offers awards for undergraduate study abroad, and was established by the International Academic opportunity Act of 2000. this scholarship provides awards for U.s. undergraduate students who are receiving federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide.

students participating on an API program who have been awarded a Gilman scholarship will be eligible to receive up to $1,000 in matching contributions from API. to receive this funding, Gilman winners should submit their offer letters or other proof of the award. students who are awarded another API scholarship will receive a total of $1,000 between the scholarship and the Gilman matching award.

A P I P R o G R A m W I t H D R A W A l s A f e G U A R DAPI students have the option to purchase the API Program Withdrawal safeguard (PWs) as financial protection in case of an unanticipated event that requires withdrawal from an API program prior to departure. more information on PWs (including deadlines for enrollment, exclusions, and corresponding fees) can be found on the API website and is provided to students post-acceptance.

f I n A n c I A l A I D A n D s c H o l A R s H I P s f R o m Y o U R H o m e I n s t I t U t I o nAPI is happy to accept institutional and federal financial aid that is processed by the student’s home university. students who plan on using financial aid toward the cost of the study abroad session should meet with their school’s financial aid office eARlY! All students, even those who are not currently receiving financial aid, are encouraged to meet with financial aid representatives at their home university to determine eligibility for scholarships, grants, or loans available during the study abroad semester. some students are even eligible to increase the amount of their financial aid award based on the comparative cost of living abroad. API signs consortium agreements as necessary to ensure that financial aid can be applied to the API program cost.













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BUsIness ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCCOUnTIng england leedS

lOndOn soAs

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD





adveRTISIng/PUBlIC RelaTIOnS england leedS

lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

agRIBUSIneSS IReland dUBlIn UcD


BUSIneSS adMInISTRaTIOn england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH




COMPUTeR SCIenCe england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR • Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



eCOnOMICS england leedS

lOndOn soAs • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD






enTRePReneURSHIP england leedS

lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland dUBlIn mAYnootH


FInanCe england leedS

lOndOn soAs • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • UcD





HUMan ReSOURCe ManageMenT england leedS

lOndOn soAs • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland dUBlIn tcD • UcD



InFORMaTIOn TeCHnOlOgY/M.I.S. england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



InSURanCe/RISK ManageMenT IReland lIMeRICK


InTeRnaTIOnal BUSIneSSengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD



ManageMenT england leedS

lOndOn soAs • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD





MaRKeTIng england leedS

lOndOn soAs • UAl • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn UcD





MaTHeMaTICS england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD





OPeRaTIOnS ManageMenTengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland galWaY











/ Ye


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SPORTS MaRKeTIng/ManageMenTengland leedS

lOndOn UAl • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland dUBlIn UcD

STaTISTICS england leedS

lOndOn lse • Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn UcD




TaxaTIOn england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland dUBlIn UcD




TeCHnICal WRITIngengland leedS

IReland lIMeRICK

TOURISMengland lOndOn soAs • WestmInsteR

commUnIcAtIons ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

adveRTISIngengland leedS

lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

COMMUnICaTIOnSengland leedS • lOndOn Ucl • UAl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



CReaTIve WRITIng england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland galWaY

FIlM STUdIeSengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl • UAl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD



gRaPHIC deSIgn england lOndOn UAl


jOURnalISM england lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR


MaRKeTIngengland leedS

lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD




MedIa STUdIeSIReland dUBlIn mAYnootH • UcD


PHOTOgRaPHY england lOndOn UAl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD


PUBlIC RelaTIOnSengland leedS

lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

TeCHnICal WRITIng england leedS

IReland lIMeRICK

TOURISMengland lOndOn soAs

vIdeO PROdUCTIOnengland lOndOn UAl

enGIneeRInG ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

advanCed MaTeRIalSIReland lIMeRICK

aeROnaUTICal engIneeRIng IReland lIMeRICK

aRCHITeCTURe england leedS

lOndOn soAs • Ucl • UAl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn UcD




BIOCHeMICal engIneeRIngengland lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn UcD




16 sU










/ Y



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BIOMedICal engIneeRIngIReland dUBlIn UcD


BIOSYSTeMSengIneeRIngIReland dUBlIn UcD

CHeMICalengIneeRIngengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland dUBlIn tcD • UcD



CIvIl/envIROnMenTal engIneeRIngengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD




COMPUTeRengIneeRIngIReland dUBlIn tcD



COMPUTeR SCIenCe england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR • Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



eleCTRICalengIneeRIngengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD



envIROnMenTal engIneeRIngengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD



engIneeRIngengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • UcD



InFORMaTIOn TeCHnOlOgY/M.I.S. england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD





ManUFaCTURIng TeCHnOlOgY IReland dUBlIn tcD


MaTHeMaTICS england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

MaTeRIalS TeCHnOlOgYengland leedS

IReland lIMeRICK

MeCHanICalengIneeRIngengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD




PROCeSS engIneeRIng/TeCHnOlOgY england leedS

IReland CORK


PROdUCTIOn eqUIPMenT and TeCHnOlOgY england leedS

IReland dUBlIn mAYnootH














/ Ye


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foReIGn l AnGUAGe& l IteR AtURe ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aRaBIC england leedS lOndOn Ucl • soAs

BURMeSeengland lOndOn soAs

CHIneSe england leedS lOndOn Ucl • soAs

CzeCH england leedS

danISH england lOndOn Ucl

englISH england leedS

IReland CORK galWaY lIMeRICK


FRenCH england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK dUBlIn UcD galWaY lIMeRICK

gaelIC IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcDgalWaY lIMeRICK

geRMan england leedS lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcDgalWaY lIMeRICK

gReeKengland leedS

IReland CORK dUBlIn tcD • UcD galWaYlIMeRICK

HaUSaengland lOndOn soAs

HIndIengland lOndOn soAs

HeBReWengland leedS lOndOn soAs

ITalIan england leedS lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK dUBlIn tcD • UcD galWaY lIMeRICK

jaPaneSe england leedS lOndOn Ucl • soAs

IReland lIMeRICK

KOReanengland lOndOn soAs

laTIn england lOndOn lse

IReland CORK dUBlIn tcD galWaY

MOngOl england leedS

nePalIengland lOndOn soAs

nORWegIanengland lOndOn Ucl

PeRSIan england leedSlOndOn soAs

POlISH england leedS

PORTUgUeSe england leedS

IReland dUBlIn mAYnootHlIMeRICK

RUSSIan england leedS

IReland dUBlIn tcD

SanSKRITengland lOndOn soAs

SPanISH england leedS lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD galWaY lIMeRICK

SWaHIlIengland lOndOn soAs

THaIengland lOndOn soAs

TIBeTanengland lOndOn soAs

TRanSlaTIOn england leedSlOndOn soAs

IReland galWaY lIMeRICK

TURKISHengland lOndOn soAs

vIeTnaMeSeengland lOndOn soAs 18 s



t G








/ Y



Page 21: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

URdUengland lOndOn soAs

WelSH IReland galWaY

YORUBaengland lOndOn soAs

zUlUengland lOndOn soAs

l IBeR Al ARts & HUmAnItIes––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aFRICan STUdIeSengland lOndOn soAs

anTHROPOlOgYengland lOndOn soAs • Ucl

IReland dUBlIn mAYnootH

aRaBIC/ISlaMIC STUdIeSengland leedS lOndOn soAs • Ucl

aRCHITeCTURal HISTORY england leedS

IReland dUBlIn UcD

aRT HISTORY england leedS lOndOn soAs • UAl • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD


CelTIC and IRISH STUdIeSIReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcDgalWaY lIMeRICK

CHIna and InneR aSIan STUdIeSengland lOndOn soAs

ClaSSICal STUdIeS england leedSlOndOn soAs

IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD galWaY

CRIMInOlOgYengland leedS


CUlTURal STUdIeS england leedS lOndOn soAs • UAl • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK dUBlIn tcD • UcDgalWaY lIMeRICK

develOPMenT STUdIeSengland lOndOn soAs

eaST aSIan STUdIeSengland leedS lOndOn soAs

IReland CORK

eCOnOMICS england leedS lOndOn soAs • lse • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD galWaY lIMeRICK


edUCaTIOn IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD lIMeRICK


englISH lITeRaTURe england leedSlOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD galWaY lIMeRICK


eUROPean STUdIeSengland lOndOn Ucl

IReland dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD

FRenCH CUlTUReengland leedS

IReland dUBlIn mAYnootH • UcD

geOgRaPHY england leedS lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcDgalWaY lIMeRICK

gOveRnMenT and SOCIeTYengland lOndOn lse

HeBReW and jeWISH STUdIeSengland leedS lOndOn Ucl • soAs











/ Ye


Page 22: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

HISTORY england leedS

lOndOn soAs • WestmInsteR • Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD




HUMan ReSOURCeManageMenT IReland galWaY


InTeRnaTIOnal STUdIeSengland leedS

lOndOn lse • soAs

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • UcD



InTeRCUlTURal STUdIeSengland lOndOn soAs



dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD



ITalIan CUlTURe IReland galWaY

jaPaneSe STUdIeSengland lOndOn soAs

KORean STUdIeSengland lOndOn soAs

laTIn IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD


laW/legal STUdIeS england leedS

lOndOn soAs • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD




lIngUISTICS england leedS

lOndOn soAs • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland dUBlIn UcD


MedIeval STUdIeSengland leedS

PHIlOSOPHY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD



POlITICal SCIenCe england leedS

lOndOn soAs • Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD





PSYCHOlOgYengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD







dUBlIn UcD

SOCIOlOgY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD




SOUTH and eaST aSIan STUdIeSengland leedS

lOndOn soAs

SPanISH CUlTURe england leedS

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



20 sU










/ Y



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THeOlOgY/RelIgIOUS STUdIeS england leedS

lOndOn soAs

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD


URBan STUdIeSIReland galWaY


WOMen’S STUdIeS IReland galWaY


nAtUR Al scIences––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aRCHaeOlOgYengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK



anaTOMY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn UcD




aSTROnOMY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland dUBlIn UcD


BIOCHeMISTRYengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



BIOlOgY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD





BIOMedICal STUdIeSengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

BOTanY england lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD



BReWIng and dISTIllIngSCOTlandedInBURgH

CHeMISTRY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD




COlOR SCIenCeSengland leedS

eaRTH SCIenCeS england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK


eCOlOgY england lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

envIROnMenTal STUdIeS england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • UcD




eqUIne STUdIeS IReland lIMeRICK

FOOd TeCHnOlOgY england leedS

IReland CORK



geneTICS england leedS

IReland dUBlIn tcD • UcD

geOgRaPHY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD













/ Ye


Page 24: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

geOlOgY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD


MaRIne SCIenCeIReland galWaY


MaTHeMaTICS england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD





MedICal STUdIeS england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn UcD


MICROBIOlOgY england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



nURSIng england leedS

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



nUTRITIOn england lOndOn WestmInsteR

OCeanOgRaPHY IReland galWaY


PHaRMaCOlOgY england lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK


PHYSICal edUCaTIOn/PHYSIOlOgY england lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn UcD




PHYSICS england leedS

lOndOn Ucl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD



SPORTS SCIenCe england leedS

IReland dUBlIn UcD lIMeRICK



zOOlOgY england lOndOn Ucl

22 sU










/ Y



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stUDIo ARts––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

adveRTISIngengland leedS

lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

COMMUnICaTIOnSengland leedS • lOndOn Ucl • UAl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn tcD • UcD



CReaTIve WRITIng england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland galWaY

FaSHIOn deSIgnengland lOndOn UAl


FIlM STUdIeS/PROdUCTIOnengland leedS

lOndOn Ucl • UAl

IReland CORK



gRaPHIC deSIgn england lOndOn UAl


jOURnalISM england lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR


MaRKeTIngengland leedS

lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD




MedIa STUdIeSIReland dUBlIn mAYnootH • UcD


PHOTOgRaPHY england lOndOn UAl

IReland CORK

dUBlIn mAYnootH • tcD • UcD


PUBlIC RelaTIOnSengland leedS

lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

TeCHnICal WRITIng england leedS

IReland lIMeRICK











/ Ye


Page 26: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

BUsIness ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCCOUnTIng england lOndOn lse

BUSIneSS adMInISTRaTIOn england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR


eCOnOMICS england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR

FInanCe england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR

HUMan ReSOURCe ManageMenT england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR

InFORMaTIOn TeCHnOlOgY/M.I.S. england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR

InTeRnaTIOnal BUSIneSSengland lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR

IReland dUBlIn UcD

ManageMenT england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR

MaRKeTIng england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR


MaTHeMaTICS england leedS

lOndOn lse


STaTISTICS england lOndOn lse

commUnIcAtIons ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

COMMUnICaTIOnSengland lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

IReland lIMeRICK

CReaTIve WRITIng england

lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland lIMeRICK



gRaPHIC deSIgn england lOndOn UAl

MaRKeTIngengland lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR


PHOTOgRaPHY england lOndOn UAl


enGIneeRInG ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aRCHITeCTURe england lOndOn WestmInsteR


foReIGn l AnGUAGe& l IteR AtURe ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

gaelIC IReland galWaY

l IBeR Al ARts & HUmAnItIes––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aRT HISTORY england lOndOn lse • UAl • WestmInsteR





eCOnOMICS england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR

englISH lITeRaTURe england leedS

lOndOn Ucl • WestmInsteR

IReland CORK



gOveRnMenT & SOCIeTYengland lOndOn lse










Page 27: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

HISTORY england leedS

lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland CORK




InTeRnaTIOnal STUdIeSengland lOndOn lse

IReland dUBlIn UcD

laW/legal STUdIeS england lOndOn lse

IReland lIMeRICK


POlITICal SCIenCe england lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR


PSYCHOlOgYengland lOndOn WestmInsteR



SOCIOlOgY england leedS

IReland galWaY



nAtUR Al scIences––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aRCHaeOlOgYIReland galWaY


SPORTS SCIenCe england leedS


stUDIo ARts––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

COMMUnICaTIOnSengland lOndOn UAl • WestmInsteR

IReland lIMeRICK

CReaTIve WRITIng england lOndOn WestmInsteR

IReland lIMeRICK

FIlM STUdIeSIReland galWaY



gRaPHIC deSIgn england lOndOn UAl

jOURnalISM england lOndOn WestmInsteR

MaRKeTIngengland lOndOn lse • WestmInsteR


PHOTOgRaPHY england lOndOn WestmInsteR











Page 28: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland










H o W t o f A c I l I t A t e c R e D I t t R A n s f e R A t H o m e

t A l k t o A s t U D Y A B R o A D A D v I s o R A t H o m eeach U.s. university sets its own guidelines regarding how it accepts credit from abroad. All API program participants are advised to discuss credit transfer policies with their home university. API strongly recommends that students obtain pre-approval for coursework abroad whenever possible and speak with their study abroad advisor to obtain the necessary paperwork. students should also take an advisor’s contact information with them abroad, in the event that course offerings change once on-site. An official transcript from the accredited U.s. or foreign institution with an english translation (as needed) is sent to the registrar or study abroad advisor upon each student’s successful completion of a program.

U n D e R s t A n D H o W U n I v e R s I t I e s m e A s U R e c R e D I t sengland - leedSthe University of leeds operates on the British credit system. two British credits are equal to 1 ects credit, which in turn is worth 0.5 U.s. credits; in other words, to determine U.s. semester credit equivalency from British credits, divide by four. A full-time workload at leeds is generally around 60 British credits per semester, (or approximately 30 ects, or 15 U.s. credits). As modules (courses) at the University of leeds can equate to varying amounts of U.s. credit hours, all students should verify that they will complete the required amount of credit for their home university upon their arrival. It is advised that students choose at least one alternate for every module selected for pre-approval from their home university, to ensure that they have a full course load should there be any cancellations, time conflicts, etc. students usually complete 3-4 modules per term, each valued at 10 - 20 British credits.

leeds summer students take 2 modules worth 10 British credits (or 3 U.s. semester credits) each for a total of 20 British credits (or 6 U.s. credits).

england - lOndOnon UAl integrated programs, a standard course load for a full year is 120 UAl credits; a standard load for a term is 40 UAl credits. U.s. universities generally award 12 semester credits for a 40 UAl credit term. similarly, 6 U.s. credits are awarded for a 20 UAl credit course, and 3 U.s. credits for a 10 UAl credit course.

on UAl special semester and fesP programs, courses are typically worth from 1-4 U.s. credits for a total of 12-16 credits per semester.

students studying on most UAl programs during the summer earn 90 contact hours (6 U.s. semester credits). students studying at lcf during the summer earn 12 U.s. semester credits.

students at University college london (Ucl) take up to 16 U.s. credits per semester. course credits at Ucl are determined based on how many “units” they are worth. most Ucl courses are worth .5, 1, or 2 units, and a Ucl unit is the equivalent of 8 U.s. semester credits - in other words, a .5 unit course is worth 4 U.s. semester credits; a 1 unit course is worth 8 U.s. semester credits. credit amounts per course are indicated on the online course listings.

students studying at the school of oriental and African studies (soAs) take 4 units during an academic year (for 32 U.s. credits), or 4 courses (generally valued at 1/2 an academic year unit) during term 1 or terms 2&3 combined (for 16 U.s. credits). Academic year units are worth 8 U.s. semester credits, while semester courses are worth 4 U.s. semester credits.

students at the University of Westminster complete four modules (classes) per semester. each module is equivalent to 15 British credits or 4 U.s. credits (exact equivalency may depend on the home university’s transfer policies). semester students can expect to earn 16 U.s. credits per semester. summer students complete one class and earn 4 U.s. semester credits per summer session.

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summer school classes at the london school of economics (lse) are equivalent to 3 U.s. semester credits per summer session. classes normally consist of 48 contact hours over each three-week period. Due to the intensive nature of the program, students can expect to spend a full day on campus with a recommended 2-3 hours of independent study per day.

IReland - CORK and galWaYthe University college cork (Ucc), and the national University of Ireland, Galway (nUI, Galway) both award credit based on the european credit transfer system (ects). semester courses at the university are usually awarded 5 or 10 ects credits. Universities in the U.s. typically award .5 credit hour for every 1 ects credit. for example, a course worth 5 ects would transfer to the U.s. as 2.5 U.s. semester credit hours.

As the timetable for the semester is not available until after arrival in Ireland, students should obtain pre-approval for 10-12 classes per semester from their home university. this way students have alternates to choose from should their first choices not be available due to time conflicts or course cancellations.

At nUI, Galway, each class is worth 3 semester credits and students usually take two classes for a total of 6 semester credits. At Ucc, students take two classes for 6 credits.

IReland - dUBlIntrinity college Dublin (tcD), University college Dublin (UcD) and the national University of Ireland, maynooth (nUIm) all award credit based on the european credit transfer system (ects). semester courses at the university are usually awarded 5 or 10 ects credits. Universities in the U.s. typically award .5 credit hour for every 1 ects credit. for example, a course worth 5 ects would transfer to the U.s. as 2.5 U.s. semester credit hours. As the timetable for the semester is not available until after arrival in Ireland, students should obtain pre-approval for 10-12 classes per semester from their home university. this way students have alternates to choose from should their first choices not be available due to time conflicts or course cancellations.

the summer Internship Program at University college Dublin awards 3 semester credits for the internship and 3 semester credits for an Irish history or International Business course for a total of 6 semester credits.

IReland - lIMeRICKAt the University of limerick, each course is usually equivalent to 3 U.s. semester credits. A full load is considered 4-5 classes for a total of 12-15 semester credits. As the timetable for the semester is not available until the semester begins, students should obtain pre-approval for 10-12 classes per semester from their home university.

students receive 3 U.s. semester credit hours for the summer term.

SCOTland - edInBURgHHeriot-Watt University in edinburgh award credits based on the scottish credit and Qualifications framework (scQf). to determine U.s. semester credit equivalency, common practice is to divide the scQf amount by 4. Generally, one course at Heriot-Watt is worth 15 scQf credits, which equates to approximately 4 U.s. semester credits. students take 4 courses per semester and earn up to 16 U.s. semester credits.

SCOTland - STIRlIngthe University of stirling award credits based on the scottish credit and Qualifications framework (scQf). to determine U.s. semester credit equivalency, common practice is to divide the scQf amount by 4. Generally, one course at stirling is worth 22 scQf credits, which equates to approximately 5 U.s. semester credits. 3 stirling modules (66 scQf credits) is considered a full-semester load, and 6 course modules (132 scQf credits)is considered a full-year load. students take 3 courses per semester and earn up to 15 U.s. semester credits.

summer students at the University of stirling can earn 3 credits per course for a total of 6-12 U.s. semester credits over a four-eight week period.

stUDents WHo ARe UncleAR ABoUt cReDIt HoURs oR eQUIvAlencIes sHoUlD contAct tHe API offIce.

k n o W H o W G R A D e s A R e D e t e R m I n e D A B R o A DGrades abroad are affected by attendance and class participation in most programs. failing to meet the established attendance requirements may result in a failing final grade and no credit transfer. Grades are assigned by the host institution.


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Page 31: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

POPUlaTIOn 52,234,000

aRea 130,395 sQUARe mIles

MOTTO “DIeU et mon DRoIt” lAtIn

“GoD AnD mY RIGHt”


langUage SPOKen enGlIsH


contRIBUtIons tocUltURe AnD scIence


UnIqUe FaCTSPRIme meRIDIAn Goes tHRoUGH GReenWIcH (Gmt)

Host of 2012 sUmmeR olYmPIcs

BRItIsH emPIRe once coveReD eveRY contInent AnD coveReD 1/4 of tHe eARtH’s lAnD mAss

DRIve on ‘otHeR’ sIDe of tHe RoAD




to e





Page 32: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

“I’m GlAD I DIDn’t cHoose AnotHeR PRoGRAm oR AnotHeR cItY to stUDY In. eveRY DAY I knoW I mADe tHe RIGHt cHoIce In cHoosInG API leeDs.” -lIAnnA s.

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent DoRmItoRY/APARtment

g.P.a. 2.8 - 3.0

TeRMsemesteR • AcADemIc YeAR sUmmeR


Page 33: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

leeDs ResIDent DIRectoR

leeds overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 750,000

one of enGlAnD’s most PoPUlAR UnIveRsItIes

tHIRD lARGest cItY In enGlAnD

YoUnG PoPUlAtIon WItH oveR 200,000 UnIveRsItY stUDents

QUAInt enGlIsH HIstoRY meets moDeRn

cosmoPolItAn lIfestYle

Home of tHRIvInG mUsIc, tHeAteR AnD ARts scene

vIBRAnt AnD socIAllY toleRAnt cItY

Host UniversityUnIveRsItY of leeDs


WHaT dO YOU lIKe MOST aBOUT leedS? “the diversity of the people, rich cultural history,

the shopping possibilities, museums and theaters,

incredible nightlife and buzzing atmosphere of a city

that is being regenerated, renewed and re-populated

with people from all over the U.k.” -Rachel, leeds RD

UnIveRSITY OF leedS HIgHlIgHTS voted “Best University Destination

in the U.k.” by the Independent • easy to integrate with the locals • top-

rated english literature and business programs • 300 student clubs and

societies • emphasis on innovative research and investment in high-quality

facilities and first-rate infrastructure • Widest range of undergraduate

courses in england








Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Director

• on-site orientation

• Housing • tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• language and culture tools

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD DAY

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell

Group meals

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities


Page 34: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of leeDs

Highlights• classes taught in english

• Housing: student dormitories/apartments BetWeen teRm HoUsInG InclUDeD foR AcADemIc YeAR stUDents


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Good academic standing at home university

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• solid preparation in area of specialization (major)

• Program of study statement

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014mid-january - late-may, 204 $16,650

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014early september 2014 - mid-january, 2015 $16,650

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015early september, 2014 - late-may 2015 $30,600

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 12-15 semesteR cReDIts

API students at the University of leeds generally select 3-4 courses from a range of undergraduate classes open to British and international students. classes at leeds are referred to as modules and a comprehensive list of the most up-to-date module information is available on the API website.

Fall COURSe OPTIOnSthe fall semester at the University of leeds runs through january. If the academic calendar at a student’s home institution requires them to begin their spring term in early january, they may have the option of taking classes allowing a December return (like most U.s. fall quarters/semesters). students should look for ‘semester 1’ courses, and then check to see if the method of Assessment indicates an exam; if not, then the student should be able to finish coursework in December and return home as scheduled per a regular U.s. fall semester term. students may also have the opportunity to complete fall exams upon their return home. contact API for details.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOnthe University of leeds operates on the British credit system. two British credits are equal to 1 ects credit, which in turn is worth 0.5 U.s. credits; in other words, to determine U.s. semester credit equivalency from British credits, divide by four. A full-time workload at leeds is generally around 60 British credits per semester, (or approximately 30 ects, or 15 U.s. credits). As modules (courses) at the University of leeds can equate to varying amounts of U.s. credit hours, all students should verify that they will complete the required amount of credit for their home university upon their arrival. It is advised that students choose at least one alternate for every module selected for pre-approval from their home university, to ensure that they have a full course load should there be any cancellations, time conflicts, etc. students usually complete 3-4 modules per term, each valued at 10 - 20 British credits.

ReSTRICTIOnSsome modules and some departments/subjects are not available to study abroad students, and other departments/subjects may require portfolio samples. for further information, consult the leeds course offerings page on the API website.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive an official transcript from the University of leeds upon successful completion of their program.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LE01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LE02



Page 35: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

subject offeringsAccountingArabic studiesArchitectureAstronomyBiochemistryBiological sciencesBiomedical sciencesBusinesschemistryclassicsclinical sciencescolor sciencecommunication studiescomputingcreative Writingcriminal justicecultural studiesDanceDrawingearth and environmenteast Asian studieseconomicseducation


chemical civil electrical electronics environmental mechanical Processenglishentrepreneurshipenvironmental studiesfashion Designfine Artfood science and nutritionfrenchGeographyGermanGraphic DesignHealth careHistoryHistory of ArtHistory and Philosophy of science

Imaging sciencesInternational studiesItalianlawlinguistics and Phoneticsmanagementmarketingmathematicsmechanicalmedical Physicsmedical Researchmedieval studiesmicrobiologymiddle eastern studiesmidwiferymodern languages and culturesmolecular Biologymolecular nanosciencemusicnursing educationPathology

Performance and cultural IndustriesPhilosophyPhysicsPoliticsProduct DesignPsychology Renewable energyRussian and slavonic studiessociology and social Policy spanish, Portuguese and latin American studiessports and exercise sciencetextilestheology and Religious studiestransport studiesvisual Arts

SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR


Page 36: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland









API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of england outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API leeds programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

e D I n B U R G H , s c o t l A n D F a l ledinburgh is scotland’s capital city, with a skyline that is dominated by the impressive 12th century edinburgh castle, perched on an extinct volcano and occupied since the 9th century Bc. edinburgh has a thriving cultural scene and you can also visit the elephant House coffee shop where j.k. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books! just outside edinburgh is the enigmatic 15th century Rosslyn chapel, of Da vinci code fame, where practically every surface of the chapel is covered with stone carvings of figures and scenes.

H A R e W o o D H o U s e S P R I n g • F a l l • S U M M e R Harewood House is a stately home. It was designed by john carr in 1759 with interiors by Robert Adam and is home to the Queen’s cousin, the earl of Harewood and his wife, the countess of Harewood. the House has beautiful original furnishings, splendid state rooms, and outstanding art collections.

l A k e D I s t R I c t S P R I n gthe lake District is a unique corner of england which is home to its largest national Park. the stunning scenery includes scafell Pike, the highest mountain in england; Wastwater, its deepest lake; and thriving communities like keswick and Bowness-on-Windermere.

l I n c o l n S P R I n glincoln is one of the finest of england’s historic cities. Approached through the medieval arch of exchequergate, the triple towers of the magnificent 11th century lincoln cathedral dominate the city from their location atop a hill and can be seen from 25 miles in any direction. the town has a 3rd century Roman wall and a 2nd century Roman newport Arch. there are rows of medieval houses and a medieval Bishop’s Palace. the 12th century lincoln castle houses one of four surviving copies of the magna carta.

l o n D o n S P R I n g • S U M M e R london is the largest city in western europe, home of the kings and Queens of england since time immemorial. students will visit the tower of london, Westminster Abbey, the houses of Parliament, Big Ben and many other historic london landmarks. london is a magical city with plenty to offer any visitor.

Y o R k s H I R e cAstle HoWARD, foUntAIns ABBeY, YoRk F a l l York is a charming city that retains the feel of a medieval english town with its winding cobbled streets spreading out within the original medieval city walls. castle Howard dates from the early 18th century and is one of the grandest private residences in the country with its world-class gardens covering over 1,000 acres. fountains Abbey, founded in 1132, soon became one of the largest and richest cistercian abbeys in Britain, before being closed by Henry vIII in 1539.

W H I t B Y F a l lWhitby is a charming and traditional seaside town, with a busy fishing harbor, an inviting beach sweeping along a dramatic coastline of cliffs, narrow medieval shopping streets culminating in an 18th century market place. the imposing cliff top ruins of Whitby Abbey date from the 11th century and overlook the city that was the point of arrival in england of “Dracula”, in Bram stoker’s book of the same name.

s U m m e R t R I P s summer students trips vary based on modules taken. some examples are listed below. check the API website for updates. BRontes moDUle Haworth and Bronte Parsonage coUntRY HoUse moDUle temple newsam, castle Howard and Harewood HouseelectRonIc mUsIc moDUle Roundhay music studios and HarrogateInDUstRIAl RevolUtIon moDUle liverpool, national coal mining museumPoP mUsIc moDUle manchesterReneWABle eneRGY moDUle Drax Power stationsPoRts moDUle manchesterWItcHes moDUle Pendle Hill

Page 37: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

all aPI HOUSIng In leedS InClUdeS WI-FI InTeRneT aCCeSSle


s H




s t U D e n t A P A R t m e n t / D o R m I t o R Y meAls AnD lAUnDRY seRvIce not InclUDeD


semester students in leeds live in the University of leeds student apartments or dorms, known as “the halls of residence.” All API students are accommodated in one of the halls of residence, which are located throughout leeds. each API student is placed in a single room in a shared apartment, with approximately four to eight students. Apartments usually include a common eat-in kitchen, as well as a shared bathroom. Housing in the period between fall and spring terms is included for academic year students.

summer students will live in a charming victorian residence on the University of leeds campus. each student will have a single room, shared kitchen and bathroom, and dining facilities in the building.


“I lIkeD HoW close tHe HoUsInG WAs to cAmPUs. It mADe It

eAsY to Get to AnD fRom clAss AnD It WAs eAsY to Access

tHe cItY centeR AnD All of tHe sHoPs.” - jennIfeR l.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


Page 38: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

G R A D U At e P R o G R A m s AvA I l A B l e I n lo n D o nAt t H e U n I v e R s I t Y o f W e s t m I n s t e R

v I s I t A P I s t U DYA B R o A D.c o m / G R A D U At e f o R m o R e I n f o R m At I o n .

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent APARtments

g.P.a. 2.75 - 3.3

TeRMsemesteR • QUARteRAcADemIc YeAR • sUmmeR


Page 39: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

lonDon ResIDent DIRectoR

london overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 7,500,000

InteRnAtIonAl centeR of ARt AnD DesIGn

GloBAl PolItIcAl economIc/BUsIness

WeAltH of GAlleRIes, mUseUms & stUDIos

HIstoRIc sItes AnD cAstles

WoRlD RenoWneD tHeAteR

one of eURoPe’s most fAscInAtInG cItIes

Host UniversitiesUnIveRsItY of tHe ARts, lonDon

UnIveRsItY colleGe lonDon

scHool of oRIentAl AnD AfRIcAn stUDIes

UnIveRsItY of WestmInsteR

lonDon scHool of economIcs


WHaT IS IT THaT YOU lIKe MOST aBOUT lOndOn? “my favorite thing about london is the cultural and social diversity and tolerance of its people! there are so many different kinds of people with different attitudes and beliefs, all living here together rather peacefully. It makes for an exciting city with a wonderful energy and the opportunity to experience all kinds of food, art, music, and ways of life. We also have so many things to do, excellent transport, and we’re so close to mainland europe- you’ll definitely never run out of adventure!” - carmen, london Resident Director








Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Directors

• on-site orientation

• Housing

• tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• language and culture tools

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD DAY

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell

Group meals

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities


Page 40: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland
Page 41: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of tHe ARts, lonDon

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 40 Ual CRedITS PeR TeRM 12-16 semesteR cReDIts

the University of the Arts, london is a university comprising 6 internationally renowned colleges of art, design, communications, fashion and the performing arts, and as such is the largest provider of higher level education in the arts in europe. All the colleges are located within london and each college is at the heart of their respective communities. Drawing on and contributing to the local culture, they foster closely-knit and welcoming environments in which to study, supported by all the resources of the larger University and the wider arts community. the University’s 1,228 teaching staff; as active professional artists, practitioners, designers, critics and theorists, lead the way on creative and experimental practice alongside historical and theoretical analysis. the combination of a varied student group, cutting-edge research and highly-experienced staff creates a unique, multifaceted learning experience for students at the University.

TYPeS OF PROgRaMS aT Ualthe colleges offer the University’s 20,000 students a diverse range of courses, with some of the colleges offering a different focus or area of study within the same discipline. As these courses often have the same course title across the colleges and as each college has its own personality, we encourage students to read carefully both the descriptions of each college and the course descriptions (on the API website) before making a careful choice of which to apply for. there are two main types of study programs at UAl:

InTegRaTed PROgRaMS 40 Ual credits per term (12 semester credits)students in an integrated program at UAl will enroll directly alongside local undergraduate students who are full-time, degree-seeking students. students are required to work more independently than they may be accustomed to at their home institution. While teaching is not conducted in a traditional U.s. lecture-based class setting, students receive guidance from faculty and are helped to identify the resources they need to reach course goals. course content is delivered in a variety of ways, including individual and group tutorials, projects, seminars, lectures, and museum, gallery and studio visits. It is important to note that the term ‘course’ refers to a course of study, rather than an individual class.

SPeCIal SeMeSTeR STUdY aBROad PROgRaMS 12-16 semester creditsthese programs are designed specifically with study abroad students in mind. the teaching is more structured and there is more faculty support than on the integrated programs. the dates also more closely match the Us semester calendar. Designed for international students, these programs are in most cases 40% integrated with local students and 60% tailored to study abroad students. the exception to this is the fesP at central saint martin’s and the london college of fashion programs, which are entirely designed for the study abroad student.

PORTFOlIO adMISSIOn ReqUIReMenTS most Integrated Programs, and some special semester study Abroad Programs, require supporting documentation, for example a portfolio, show reel or piece of written work. consult the course descriptions on the API website and/or your API Program manager for more information.

U n I v e R s I t Y o f t H e A R t s , lo n D o n H I G H l I G H t s

• the colleges were originally established from the mid-19th century to the early 20th century and were brought together in 1986. • located within london, each college is at the heart of their respective communities. • camberwell college of Arts has its main building on Peckham Road in south london.• the london college of communication is based at elephant and castle, south london.• Wimbledon college of Art is based at merton Hall Road, Wimbledon in south london.• central st. martin’s is now located in a converted warehouse at kings cross, north london.• chelsea college is located next to tate Britain on john Islip street in Pimlico, central london.• london college of fashion has its main site at john Prince’s street, oxford circus, central london and other campuses at lime Grove, shepherd’s Bush, West london, mare street, Hackney, east london and at curtain Road, east london.• the cordwainers college campus, part of the london college of fashion, is at Golden lane, near Barbican, east london.


Page 42: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN05

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN06


UnIveRsIt Y of tHe ARts, lonDoncAmBeRWell colleGe of ARts

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 12-16 semesteR cReDIts

camberwell college of Arts is a century old institution at the heart of a bohemian community that values inventiveness, collaboration and curiosity. the college is located next to the south london Gallery, in one of the city’s most vibrant, urban boroughs - a lively, friendly environment, brimming with artist’s studios. students can choose to pursue a course of study from an Integrated Program or a special semester study Abroad Program.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnIntegrated Programs - 40 Ual credits per term (12 semester credits)students enroll directly alongside local undergraduate students who are full-time, degree-seeking students. students are required to work more independently than they may be accustomed to at their home institution. While teaching is not conducted in a traditional U.s. lecture-based class setting, students receive guidance from faculty and are helped to identify the resources they need to reach course goals. course content is delivered in a variety of ways, including individual and group tutorials, projects, seminars, lectures, and museum, gallery and studio visits. It is important to note that the term ‘course’ refers to a course of study, rather than an individual class.

• 3D Design • Drawing • Graphic Design • Illustration • Painting • Photography • sculpture

Special Semester Study abroad Programs - 12-16 semester creditsthese programs are designed specifically with study abroad students in mind. the teaching is more structured and there is more faculty support than on the integrated programs. the dates also more closely match the Us semester calendar. these programs are in most cases 40% integrated with local students and 60% tailored to study abroad students.

• london contemporary Art theory

eUROPean aRT HISTORY MOdUle this 2-week, 3-credit module is included as part of the special semester study abroad options at chelsea and camberwell. It may be added to an integrated program at chelsea, camberwell, or Wimbledon for an additional fee of $1,700. students study alongside other international students and visit a wide range of london galleries and museums, as well as undertaking a visit to Amsterdam, Berlin or Barcelona in the autumn, or to Paris in the spring. During the term there will be an additional visit to another British location. the 2-week module takes place at the beginning of the fall term and the end of the spring term.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of the Arts, london upon completion of their program. students are assessed on the basis of project work, preparatory materials, the log and written assignments, and/or work completed during the semester.

qUaRTeR • SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

Highlights• classes taught in english

• International excursion with special semester Program

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• completed API application

• Program of study statement

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months


Dates and feesWInTeR qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmearly january - mid-march, 2014 $16,280

WInTeR & SPRIng qUaRTeRS 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmearly january - late-june, 2014 $27,380

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmmid-september - mid-December, 2014 $16,280

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmmid-september, 2014 - late june 2015 $41,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014 sPecIAl semesteRearly-january - late march, 2014 $17,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014 sPecIAl semesteR early september - mid-December, 2014


aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.40

Page 43: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN03

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN04


UnIveRsIt Y of tHe ARts, lonDoncHelseA colleGe of ARt AnD DesIGn

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 12-16 semesteR cReDIts

chelsea college of Art and Design offers cutting edge, modern teaching from its buildings overlooking the thames and next to the inspiring tate Britain gallery. facilities include an outstanding art and design library and spacious, specialist workshops where you will meet passionate students from a wide range of disciplines. students can choose to pursue a course of study from an Integrated Program or a special semester study Abroad Program.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnIntegrated Programs - 40 Ual credits per term (12 semester credits)students enroll directly alongside local undergraduate students who are full-time, degree-seeking students. students are required to work more independently than they may be accustomed to at their home institution. While teaching is not conducted in a traditional U.s. lecture-based class setting, students receive guidance from faculty and are helped to identify the resources they need to reach course goals. course content is delivered in a variety of ways, including individual and group tutorials, projects, seminars, lectures, and museum, gallery and studio visits. It is important to note that the term ‘course’ refers to a course of study, rather than an individual class.

• fine Art • Graphic Design communication• Interior and spatial Design • textile Design

Special Semester Study abroad Programs - 12-16 semester creditsthese programs are designed specifically with study abroad students in mind. the teaching is more structured and there is more faculty support than on the integrated programs. the dates also more closely match the Us semester calendar. these programs are in most cases 40% integrated with local students and 60% tailored to study abroad students.

• Graphic Design communication • Interior and spatial Design

eUROPean aRT HISTORY MOdUle this 2-week, 3-credit module is included as part of the special semester study abroad options at chelsea and camberwell. It may be added to an integrated program at chelsea, camberwell, or Wimbledon for an additional fee of $1,700. students study alongside other international students and visit a wide range of london galleries and museums, as well as undertaking a visit to Amsterdam, Berlin or Barcelona in the autumn, or to Paris in the spring. During the term there will be an additional visit to another British location. the 2-week module takes place at the beginning of the fall term and the end of the spring term.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of the Arts, london upon completion of their program. students are assessed on the basis of project work, preparatory materials, the log and written assignments, and/or work completed during the semester.

qUaRTeR • SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

Highlights• classes taught in english

• International excursion with special semester Program

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months


Dates and feesWInTeR qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmearly january - mid-march, 2014 $16,280

WInTeR & SPRIng qUaRTeRS 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmearly january - late-june, 2014 $27,380

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmmid-september - mid-December, 2014 $16,280

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmmid-september, 2014 - late june 2015 $41,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014 sPecIAl semesteRearly-january - late march, 2014 $17,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014 sPecIAl semesteR early september - mid-December, 2014 $17,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.


Page 44: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of tHe ARts, lonDoncentRAl sAInt mARtIns colleGe of ARts AnD DesIGn

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 12-16 semesteR cReDIts

central saint martins college of Arts and Design’s large, purpose-built campus is an exciting and energetic creative factory, bringing together students from the widest range of disciplines under one roof. Independent, risk-taking students who embrace the challenge of self direction thrive here. students can choose to pursue a course of study from an Integrated semester Program or the free elective semester Program.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnIntegrated Programs - 40 Ual credits per term (12 semester credits)students enroll directly alongside local undergraduate students who are full-time, degree-seeking students. students are required to work more independently than they may be accustomed to at their home institution. While teaching is not conducted in a traditional U.s. lecture-based class setting, students receive guidance from faculty and are helped to identify the resources they need to reach course goals. course content is delivered in a variety of ways, including individual and group tutorials, projects, seminars, lectures, and museum, gallery and studio visits. It is important to note that the term ‘course’ refers to a course of study, rather than an individual class.

• Acting • Architecture • ceramic Design• criticism • Directing • fashion • fine Art • Graphic Design • jewelry Design • Product Design • textile Design • Performance Design

Free elective Semester Program (FeSP) - 12-16 semester creditsthe free elective semester Program was designed specifically with study abroad students in mind. the teaching is more structured and there is more faculty support than on the integrated programs. the dates also more closely match the Us semester calendar. students in the fesP program choose their elective modules from one of following three tracks. elective courses are listed on the API website.

• fashion Design • Graphic Design • studio Art

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of the Arts, london upon completion of their program. students are assessed on the basis of project work, preparatory materials, the log and written assignments, and/or work completed during the semester.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN09

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN10


qUaRTeR • SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

Highlights• classes taught in english

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• completed API application

• Program of study statement

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting

documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months


Dates and feesWInTeR qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmearly january - mid-march, 2014 $16,280

WInTeR & SPRIng qUaRTeRS 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmearly january - late-june, 2014 $27,380

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmmid-september - mid-December, 2014 $16,280

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmmid-september, 2014 - late june 2015 $41,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014 sPecIAl semesteR (fesP)early-january - mid-April, 2014 $17,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014 sPecIAl semesteR (fesP)mid-september - mid-December, 2014 $17,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.


Page 45: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of tHe ARts, lonDonlonDon colleGe of commUnIcAtIon

Highlights• classes taught in english

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• completed API application

• Program of study statement

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months


Dates and feesWInTeR qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAm

early january - mid-march, 2014 $16,280

WInTeR & SPRIng qUaRTeRS 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAm

early january - late-june, 2014 $27,380

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013


Fall qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAm

mid-september - mid-December, 2014 $16,280

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015 InteGRAteD PRoGRAm

mid-september, 2014 - mid-may 2015 $41,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014


exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 40 Ual CRedITS PeR TeRM 12 semesteR cReDIts

london college of communication’s modern central london campus is the best possible springboard for students wanting to progress in the rapidly expanding design, broadcasting, publishing, advertising, film and media industries. lcc is wired into these industries more than any other British university. the structure of lcc embodies their ethos of “learning by doing.” All programs at lcc are of the integrated model.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnIntegrated Programs - 40 Ual credits per term (12 semester credits)students enroll directly alongside local undergraduate students who are full-time, degree-seeking students. students are required to work more independently than they may be accustomed to at their home institution. While teaching is not conducted in a traditional U.s. lecture-based class setting, students receive guidance from faculty and are helped to identify the resources they need to reach course goals. course content is delivered in a variety of ways, including individual and group tutorials, projects, seminars, lectures, and museum, gallery and studio visits. It is important to note that the term ‘course’ refers to a course of study, rather than an individual class.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of the Arts, london upon completion of their program. students are assessed on the basis of project work, preparatory materials, the log and written assignments, and/or work completed during the semester.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN31

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN32


qUaRTeR • SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

• Advertising • Design for Interaction and moving Image• film and television • Graphic and media Design• Illustration and visual media • journalism• magazine Publishing

• media communications• media and cultural studies • Photography• Photojournalism • Public Relations• sound Arts and Design


Page 46: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN07

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN08


UnIveRsIt Y of tHe ARts, lonDonWImBleDon colleGe of ARt

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 40 Ual CRedITS PeR TeRM 12 semesteR cReDIts

Wimbledon college of Art is a small, specialist art college with an outstanding reputation in fine art and theater. students join a close-knit and friendly community, far enough away from the center of london to have space to think and work in the leafy outskirts of london, but just a 15-minute rail journey to the city’s rich cultural center. All programs at Wimbledon college of Art are of the integrated model.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnIntegrated Programs - 40 Ual credits per term (12 semester credits)students enroll directly alongside local undergraduate students who are full-time, degree-seeking students. students are required to work more independently than they may be accustomed to at their home institution. While teaching is not conducted in a traditional U.s. lecture-based class setting, students receive guidance from faculty and are helped to identify the resources they need to reach course goals. course content is delivered in a variety of ways, including individual and group tutorials, projects, seminars, lectures, and museum, gallery and studio visits. It is important to note that the term ‘course’ refers to a course of study, rather than an individual class.

• fine Art: Painting • theater & screen: costume Design• fine Art: Print & time Based media • theater & screen: costume Interpretation• fine Art: sculpture • theater & screen: set Design for screen• theater & screen: theater Design • theater & screen: technical Arts & special effects

OPTIOnal eUROPean aRT HISTORY MOdUlethis 2-week, 3-credit module can be added to the integrated study abroad options at chelsea, camberwell and Wimbledon for an additional fee of $1,700. students study alongside other international students and visit a wide range of london galleries and museums, as well as undertaking a visit to Amsterdam, Berlin or Barcelona in the autumn, or to Paris in the spring. During the term there will be an additional visit to another British location. the 2-week module takes place at the beginning of the fall term and the end of the spring term.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of the Arts, london upon completion of their program. students are assessed on the basis of project work, preparatory materials, the log and written assignments, and/or work completed during the semester.

qUaRTeR • SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

Highlights• classes taught in english

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months


Dates and feesWInTeR qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmearly january - mid-march, 2014 $16,280

WInTeR & SPRIng qUaRTeRS 2014 InteGRAteDearly january - late-june, 2014 $27,380

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall qUaRTeR 2014 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmmid-september - mid-December, 2014 $16,280

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015 InteGRAteD PRoGRAmmid-september, 2014 - late june 2015 $41,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-----–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most cur-rent information and official program dates for each session.


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Page 48: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland


UnIveRsIt Y colleGe lonDon

Highlights• courses with British students

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• 3.3 overall G.P.A. 3.5 AnD GooD BAckGRoUnD In mAjoR AReA of stUDY

• open to juniors and seniors only

• Program of study statement

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• two letters of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months

• note: students should apply to a department in which they have a background of study in (major or minor)


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014early january - mid-june, 2014 Band 1 $25,500

Band 2 $29,800

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne september 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne october 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014mid-september - mid-December, 2014 Band 1 $19,980

Band 2 $23,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne march 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015mid-september, 2014 - mid-june 2015 Band 1 $44,480

Band 2 $52,200

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne march 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR UP to 16 semesteR cReDIts

University college london (Ucl) is a modern, outward-looking institution, committed to engaging with the major issues of the day. It is ranked as one of the top 10 universities in the world, and only admits the highest caliber of students. more than 20 alumni hold nobel Prizes, and the university has been named the top research university in the U.k. over 22,000 students from more than 140 countries call Ucl home, and Ucl has the highest number of professors of any university in the U.k. Ucl was the first university in england to admit students of all races, religions, and classes, and the first to give female students equal standing to their male counterparts. Ucl was also a pioneer in study abroad, admitting japanese students as early as 1863!

CRedIT InFORMaTIOnstudents at Ucl take up to 16 U.s. credits per semester. course credits at Ucl are determined based on how many “units” they are worth. most Ucl courses are worth .5, 1, or 2 units, and a Ucl unit is the equivalent of 8 U.s. semester credits - in other words, a .5 unit course is worth 4 U.s. semester credits; a 1 unit course is worth 8 U.s. semester credits. credit amounts per course are indicated on the online listings.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from University college london upon successful completion of their program.


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COURSe InFORMaTIOnstudents study alongside British and other international students, and have a wide range of academic departments from which to select. students must state their preferred admitting department on their course form, and must take at least half of their coursework in that department (generally 2 courses). students are advised to select a second choice department in case they are not accepted into their first choice. most Ucl admitting departments expect students either to be majoring in that subject area or for it to feature significantly as a minor. this particularly applies to the high demand subject areas such as economics, english, and history.

certain departments carry restrictions on the kinds and levels of courses available (e.g. students may only take level 2 and 3 courses in history of art, law, english literature, or economics if they selected those as their admitting departments). consult the API website for course listing information within each admitting department. course times, course descriptions and the semester a course is offered are subject to change and no course is guaranteed.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

Band 2 dePaRTMenTS HIGHeR fees




Biochemical engineering

Biomedical sciences and neuroscience

Biological sciences

chemical engineering


civil, environmental and Geomatic engineering

computer science

earth science

electronic and electrical engineering

fine Art


Global Health

Infection and Immunity

management science and Innovation (i.e. Business)

mechanical engineering

molecular Biosciences

Pediatrics and child Health

Physics and Astronomy


Project management for construction


speech science

Band 1 dePaRTMenTS loWeR fees


english language and literature

european languages, culture, and society

european social and Political studies

Greek and latin


Hebrew and jewish studies


History of Art

International Relations




Political science

science and technology studies

statistical science

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN02


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR


P R I c I n G I n f o R m A t I o nThe program price varies based on the admitting department. A breakdown of the departments follows on this page.

courses in Band (or category) 1 carry a lower tuition cost than courses in Band (or category) 2. students who take courses from Band 1 and Band 2 simultaneously may be able to apply under the lower program cost if they are taking 2 or fewer courses from a Band 2 department. In this case, students should apply to the Band 1 department as their admitting department on the API application.

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scHool of oRIentAl AnD AfRIcAn stUDIes

Highlights• courses with British students

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• 3.3 overall G.P.A. 3.0 WIll Be consIDeReD on cAse-BY-cAse BAsIs

• open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors fResHmen & soPHomoRes onlY elIGIBle to tAke 1st YeAR coURses

• Program of study statement

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014early january - early june, 2014 $26,750

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne september 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne october 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014mid-september - mid-December, 2014 $21,500

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015mid-september, 2014 - early june 2015 $44,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 16 semesteR cReDIts

the school of oriental and African studies (soAs) is the only higher education institution in the Uk specializing in the study of Asia, Africa and the near and middle east and is one of the world’s leading institutions of its kind. soAs is part of the federal University of london (like API’s program at University college london). the school has expanded rapidly in recent years to over 5,000 students from more than 130 countries but still retains its characteristic friendliness and warmth.

the specialties offered at soAs have increasing relevance in today’s complex world. economic, political, cultural and environmental changes have all led to a growing need to understand the world from a range of perspectives. soAs has a long and distinguished tradition of widening the horizons of its students and helping them to gain the skills required in an international environment. At soAs students are guided by scholars at the forefront of their fields who engage students in a challenging and dynamic learning experience. soAs values its study abroad students very highly. they are fully integrated into the academic and social life of the school. study abroad students are able to choose from over 400 courses and can build a unique program, exploring the range of specialist courses available at soAs that may not be available in their home institution.

soAs students enjoy a campus environment in the heart of london. the Russell square campus is situated in a quiet area in the center of london known as Bloomsbury, surrounded by other colleges and buildings of the University of london. the British museum, oxford street, covent Garden and the West end are all within easy walking distance. the school is also very well served by all forms of public transport. the nearest underground station, Russell square, offers a direct link to Heathrow and several of london’s main railway stations are within easy reach. the vernon square campus is located between kings cross and Islington, a 15 minute walk away from Russell square.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOnstudents studying at the soAs take 4 units during an academic year (for 32 U.s. credits), or 4 courses (generally valued at 1/2 an academic year unit) during term 1 or terms 2 & 3 combined (for 16 U.s. credits). Academic year units are worth 8 U.s. semester credits, while semester courses are worth 4 U.s. semester credits.


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COURSe lOad and aSSeSSMenTsoAs does not operate on a semester system. this means that the majority of courses are taught over the full academic year (september - june), and are referred to as full units. However, soAs also offers half units which are usually taught over term 1 or terms 2 & 3. All study abroad students, whether full Year, term 1 only or terms 2 & 3, take 4 courses during their time at soAs.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnstudents can choose from hundreds of courses across three faculties and seventeen different departments at soAs. When looking at available courses, bear the following in mind:• An offer of a place is based on the student’s suitability for the program, rather than for the individual courses. the courses that students indicate on their application form are not guaranteed. final course confirmation takes place during the first two weeks of term.• If a student’s home institution requires them to study specific courses, the student must let API know in advance so that we can confirm that the course is running and gain pre-approval on the student’s behalf.

SOAS offers a wide range of Asian and African languages, all of which are available from beginning to advanced levels.

Beginning level courses are only available for students starting in september (term 1 or Academic Year students). students who begin in january and wish to take a language then must have prior knowledge of the language. When looking at the language options please also note that all language acquisition courses are taught over one year. the half-unit courses (those taught over only one term) are normally not language acquisition courses, but language use i.e. literature, drama.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from soAs upon successful completion of program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly into that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

African studiesAnthropologyArabic and middle eastern studiesArchaeologyArt Historychina and Inner Asian studiescultural studiesDevelopment studieseast Asian studieseconomicsfinance

foreign language and linguisticsHistoryjapan and korean studiesmarketingmusicPolitical sciencesouth and east Asian studiestheology and Religious studiestourism

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN29

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN30


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR


Page 52: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of WestmInsteR

Highlights• courses with British students excePt lonDon-focUseD coURses

• Internships available (for credit)

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 2.8 G.P.A. meDIA & DesIGn stUDents mUst HAve A 3.0

• Portfolio of work must be submitted if applying for practical modules at the school of media, Art and Design

• Program of study statement

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents for stays under 6 months or valid passport with student visa for stays over 6 months


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014early january - late may, 2014 $18,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 1, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne october 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014mid-september - mid-December, 2014 $16,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015mid-september, 2014 - late may, 2015 $34,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 16 semesteR cReDIts

the University of Westminster, with 24,000 students, is divided into four campuses. every campus has its own individual character and is home to a significant international student body, its own library and catering facilities. the central campuses are all just a short distance from many famous london landmarks.

students are encouraged to choose all their classes from one campus; students enroll in up to four classes per semester (only two practical modules per semester). each class (module) at the University of Westminster is equivalent to 15 U.k. credits or 4 U.s. credits. students usually earn a total of 60 U.k. credits or 16 U.s. semester credits per semester.

final registration and course confirmation do not occur prior to program departure. timetables are not available until registration on campus, and courses may fill. As such, students are required to choose four courses, and indicate one alternate per course on the application. students are restricted to taking two practical modules per semester (e.g. studio based courses). there is an add/drop period at Westminster during the first week of classes. After that time, no changes can be made.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of Westminster upon successful completion of program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

ArchitectureArt & DesignArt HistoryBiological sciencesBiomedical sciencesBusinesscommunicationscomputer sciencecriminologycultural studiesDevelopment studieseconomics

englishfashionfilmfinanceforeign languagesHistoryHumanitiesInternational Relationsjournalismlawmanagement marketing

musicPhotographyPoliticsPsychologysocial sciencessociologystudio ArtstourismUrban Designvisual culture

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN21

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN22


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

In addition to the subjects above, there are a number of London-focused courses intended solely for study abroad students. Visit the Westminster Course Descriptions page on the API website for details.

InTeRnSHIPS avaIlaBle


Page 53: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

Gain Work experience in london 4 CRedITSstudents can apply for an internship as part of a single semester or year-long study abroad program at the University of Westminster. Intern placements are competitive as only 50 students will be admitted each semester. the internship option requires students to complete the “Personal and Professional Development” module and is available to U.s. students only. the internship equates to 4 U.s. credits and is taken along with three other modules.

InteRnsHIP DetAIls

• A visa is required for any students participating in the internship program.

• students normally work between 16 to 20 hours per week and the maximum duration of the internship is one semester.

• All internships are voluntary and therefore unpaid.

• the Business experience team (Bet) endeavours to secure students an internship in their chosen field by the end of the third week of classes. students in the past have secured placement in the following areas: Architecture, Arts, catering management, ceramics, environmental organizations, fashion and Design, Business and trade, charities and nGos, finance and Accounting, Human Resources, journalism, Information technology, libraries, media and Publishing, music and theater, Politics, Psychology, and many more!

• students who wish to apply for the internship program must indicate this preference on the API application. In addition, students must complete and submit the internship application along with their cv/résumé, personal statement, a passport-sized photo, and signed code of conduct (found on the API website) by the application deadline. students are encouraged to apply early!

InTeRnSHIP deadlIneS: SPRIng octoBeR 1 • Fall APRIl 15

SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

InteRnsHIP oPtIon foR UnIveRsIt Y of WestmInsteR


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n e






API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of england outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API london programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

B R I G H t o n W I n T e R • S P R I n g • S U M M e RBrighton is england’s most popular coastal resort on the english channel. In the early 19th century, George Iv made Brighton his personal “playground” when he built his summer home, the Royal Pavilion, with each room lavishly and sometimes outrageously decorated in the oriental style. Brighton’s most well-known attraction is Palace Pier, a collection of rides, arcade games and other amusements.

c A m B R I D G e W I n T e R • S P R I n gcambridge is living history, a university town whose skyline is dominated by the magnificent chapel of king’s college (dating from 1441) and the cambridge University library. students can visit the north and south Poles in the scott Polar Institute, see Ancient egyptian wonders in the fitzwilliam museum, and see Darwin’s original specimens from his 5 year voyage around the world in the University museum of zoology. Another unique destination is the Round church, which was built by the knights templar.

c A n t e R B U R Y F a l l canterbury’s magnificent cathedral is the oldest in england. But the cathedral is only part of the story. the ancient ruins of st. Augustine’s Abbey and st martin’s church form canterbury’s Unesco World Heritage site, while other ancient ruins such as the castle are reminders of the city’s history, heritage and culture.

t H e H A R R Y P o t t e R s t U D I o F a l l • W I n T e R • S P R I n gthe Harry Potter studio tour london provides a unique showcase of the extraordinary British artistry, technology and talent that went into making one of the most successful film series of all time. students have the chance to go behind-the-scenes and see many things the camera never showed. from breathtakingly detailed sets to stunning costumes, to props and animatronics. students explore a huge array of beautiful sets, costumes and props. some closely guarded secrets, including facts about the special effects and animatronics, will be revealed.

o x f o R D F a l l oxford is england’s oldest university town. Prestigious alma mater of prime ministers, nobel Prize winners, writers, scientists and philosophers, oxford is also home to the real Alice in Wonderland, Hogwart’s dining hall and the colleges where c.s. lewis and j.R.R. tolkien taught.

P A R I s , f R A n c e InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn l C F S T U d e n T S O n lYone of the most intriguing cities in the world, Paris is full of amazing museums, architecture, music, fashion and beauty. one of the great cultural and intellectual centers of the West, it is felt by many to be the heart, soul, and imagination of france.

W I n D s o R c A s t l e S U M M e RWindsor castle is the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world. It has been the family home of British kings and queens for almost 1,000 years. It is an official residence of Her majesty the Queen and Windsor is still very much a working royal palace. the castle is used regularly for ceremonial and state occasions. It is here that the Queen often hosts state visits from overseas monarchs and presidents.

*summer excursions vary depending on the host university program and term (summer 1 or summer 2). Please see the API website for details.

Page 55: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland



n H




s t U D e n t A P A R t m e n t s meAls not InclUDeD


All API london students will be housed close to each other in privately owned student accommodations centrally located in tranquil Bloomsbury, close to the British museum and in the midst of Bloomsbury’s many garden squares. the shopper’s paradise of oxford street is just around the corner, as are the West end and covent Garden. All of the API london universities are easily reached from the housing (some in as little as a 5– to 15-minute walk). there are excellent transport links in the area for travel around london, the Uk and further afield, with the eurostar terminal just a short distance away for trains to Paris and Brussels. the buildings are Georgian townhouses and the accommodation is laid out in apartments, with 2 – 8 students sharing a flat. All flats have quality furnishings, living rooms with sofas, a television and phone line and kitchens are fully equipped, including cooking utensils and crockery. Wireless internet is provided and there are free laundry facilities in each building. there is a weekly cleaning service included, towels and linens are provided and changed weekly and a 24-hour emergency call out. Housing is not provided between terms for year students.


“I loveD HAvInG A commUnAl kItcHen! It WAs A GReAt PlAce to meet

PeoPle As We cookeD AnD Ate DInneR AnD It BecAme tHe PlAce WHeRe

All mY flAtmAtes AnD I WoUlD HAnG oUt. I DID enjoY HAvInG tHe

PRIvAcY of mY oWn sleePInG QUARteRs BUt It WAs GReAt to Be ABle to

HAve one PlAce WHeRe We coUlD All HAnG oUt.”

- meGAn m.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


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Page 57: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland




31,520 sQUARe mIles


“ÉIRe Go Deo” lAtIn

“IRelAnD foReveR”



langUageS SPOKen

enGlIsH, GAelIc


lUsH sceneRY

lIteRAtURe AnD leGenDs


WoRlDWIDe cUltURAl InflUence


settleD BY vIkInGs

neWGRAnGe RUIns olDeR tHAn eGYPt’s PYRAmIDs

lonGest PlAce nAme IsmUckAnAGHeDeRDAUHAUlIA In coUntY GAlWAY

GUIness BReWeRY HAs A9,000 YeAR leAse In DUBlIn

sYmBol of IRelAnD Is celtIc HARP (not sHAmRock)




to I




Page 58: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent APARtments

g.P.a. 2.85 - 3.0

TeRMsemesteR AcADemIc YeAR sUmmeR

“DeBoRAH (API ResIDent DIRectoR) Is A veRY kInD AnD WelcomInG PeRson. sHe HelPeD to mAke mY tRAnsItIon to IRelAnD A veRY eAsY PRocess. sHe Is eAsY to tAlk to AnD Is WIllInG to HelP In AnY WAY tHAt sHe cAn.” - jAjAI Q.


Page 59: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

cork overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 120,000

WelcomInG AnD vIBRAnt UnIveRsItY

st. PAtRIck stReet sHoPPInG, GAlleRIes AnD RestAURAnts

nAtURAl BeAUtY AnD RIveRsIDe settInGs foR HIkInG oR RelAxInG

InteRnAtIonAl fIlm, cHoRAl, folk AnD jAzz festIvAls

st. fInBARR’s cAtHeDRAl

locAteD onlY A feW mIles fRom tHe fAmoUs BlARneY cAstle AnD BlARneY stone

Host UniversityUnIveRsItY colleGe coRk


PaST exPeRIenCeS InClUde• Giving back through Ucc clubs and societies• Working with cork’s homeless community• charitable fund-raisers

api gives backcork

WHaT aRe YOUR FavORITe THIngS aBOUT CORK? “I love cork because it is the best of both worlds. cork city center has everything you need, highstreet shops, restaurants and parks, as well as indoor and outdoor markets that are perfect to stroll through and that capture the vibrancy and rich culture of the city. or you can visit the nearby maritime towns of kinsale and cobh, go hiking in the Gougane Barra national Park or kiss the Blarney stone (which is only a twenty minute drive from the city) so what’s not to love!” - Deborah, cork Resident Director








Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Director

• on-site orientation

• Housing

• tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• tutoring

• language and culture tools

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD InteRnAtIonAl

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell Group meals

• volunteer opportunities

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities

coRk ResIDent DIRectoR


Page 60: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y colleGe coRknAtIonAl UnIveRsIt Y of IRel AnD

Highlights• special early start programs for fall and year study abroad students

• Internships available (for credit)

• International excursion included

• Housing: student apartments BetWeen teRm HoUsInG InclUDeD foR AcADemIc YeAR stUDents


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A. oR 2.8 WItH 3.0 oR HIGHeR In RelAteD coURseWoRk

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014early january - late may, 2014 $18,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 10, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014 eaRlY STaRTmid-August - mid-December, 2014 $19,800

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014mid-september - mid-December, 2014 $17,800

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014*PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015 eaRlY STaRTmid-August, 2014 - late may 2015 $34,980

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015mid-september, 2014 - late may 2015 $32,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014*PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

*space in the early start programs is limited. It is recommended that students apply early if interested in the early start programs.

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 12-20 semesteR cReDIts

students at the University college cork - national University of Ireland (Ucc) choose from a range of undergraduate courses (called modules) offered in the faculties of Arts, celtic studies, commerce, engineering, food science and technology, law (full-year students only) and science. courses are arranged in the seminar and lecture style, and grades are based predominantly on work submitted during the semester and by final exam. In order to integrate into the Irish system as fully as possible, spring semester and academic year students complete standard end-of-the-year exams. other exam arrangements are made for fall semester students for most courses. math and engineering courses are only available to students studying for the spring semester or the full academic year, as exams for these courses are only held at the end of may. law courses are also only open to students studying for the full academic year.

ExTrA fEES Apply fOr STudEnTS whO EnrOll in All SciEncE Or EnginEEring cOurSES.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive their transcript from the University college cork - national University of Ireland.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons CK01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees CK02



Ucc is ranked in the top 100 institutions worldwide for modern languages, law, and biological sciences, and is the top Irish institution for electrical engineering and environmental sciences

Ucc was named the “Irish University of the Year 2011-2012”

Ucc was named the “World’s first Green campus” for their sustainability efforts


Page 61: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

subject offeringsAccounting AnatomyApplied mathematics Applied PsychologyArchaeology ArchitectureBiochemistry Biology celtic civilization chemistry chinese studiescomputer science Drama and theater earth science ecology economics educationenGIneeRInG civil electrical electronics environmental Processenglish

environmental science and environmental studies epidemiology and Public Health ethnologyeuropean studiesfinancefinancial mathematicsfolklore/Béaloideasfood Business and Development food science food science and technologyfrenchGaeilge/IrishGeographyGeologyGermanGovernmentGreekGreek and Roman civilizationHistory History of ArtItalian language and literaturelatinlaw

management management Information systems marketing mathematical studies microbiologymolecular BiologymusicneurosciencenutritionnursingPediatrics and child Health PharmacologyPhilosophyPhysicsPhysiologyPlant sciencePoliticsPortugueseReligions and Global Diversitysocial Policysociologyspanishstatisticszoology

SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR


InTeRnSHIPS avaIlaBle

Page 62: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

specialty ProgramsIn addition to the normal class offerings at Ucc, API students may participate in one of several specialty programs, such as the early start Programs, Internship Programs and certificate/Diploma Programs. As space in these programs is limited, it is recommended that students apply early if they are interested in one of these options.

early start Programsthese programs offer a carefully guided introduction to Ireland’s history, culture, civilization and environment. they allow students to acclimate to the Irish university system, better preparing them to be able to integrate with the local Irish students when regular fall classes begin. It is recommended that students apply early if they are interested in one of the early start programs.

Six separate programs are offered: • History and modern Ireland • Irish Archaeology • Irish folklore and tradition • Irish traditional music • literatures in Ireland • management and marketing in the european Union

students who participate in the early start Programs follow an intensive pre-session course in mid-August, consisting of hands-on learning and field trips. In early september, students begin with the regular semester. students earn the equivalent of an additional 5 U.s. semester credits for completion of the early start Program (with prior approval from their home institution).

Internship Programs2.5 CRedITSAvailable on-campus internships may include placement in the following departments: the Boole library • the granery Theater • glucksman gallery • Faculty of law • Center for Sustainable livelihoods • department of government • Multimedia Center for Urban and Regional ethnology • Freshwater ecology laboratory • department of zoology, ecology and Plant Science • Faculty of Science.

students can earn 2.5 U.s. semester credits (in addition to their regular course load) for participating in an internship program, though they will not receive a grade for the internship. In addition to their completed application, students wishing to apply must provide an outline of their academic background, along with a two-page statement on the reasons for applying for the internship. Applicants also need to provide the name of a faculty sponsor who can provide a recommendation. contact API for further information.

CeRTIFICaTe In IRISH STUdIeS (YeaR) this program draws on a number of academic disciplines. It provides a comprehensive overview of the whole range of the rich indigenous Irish cultural tradition over two millennia. the contributing departments are early and medieval Irish, modern Irish, Archaeology, History and folklore. students are required to take a number of core classes and the remainder from those offered by the contributing departments. A total of 50 Ucc credits are awarded for completion of the certificate (or approximately 25 U.s. semester credits). this program has a series of required and elective modules. for more information, contact the API office.

CeRTIFICaTe In POlITICal ISSUeS In IReland TOdaY spring semester students may choose to enroll in the certificate in Political Issues in Ireland today. this program provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues dominating political debates on the island of Ireland. It examines the unique political systems of the Republic of Ireland and northern Ireland. Particular attention is paid to: • structures of government in the Republic of Ireland • theories and practice of policy-making in the Republic of Ireland • the conflict in northern Ireland • the role of the U.s. as a peacemaker in northern Ireland • the impact of the eU on Irish politics • critical evaluation of the Good friday Agreement • Post-Agreement northern Ireland • the political institutions and structures of the eU

dIPlOMa In IRISH TRadITIOnal MUSIC this one-year program is designed for students seeking to increase their proficiency and knowledge of Irish traditional music by taking a range of specialized courses in this area taught by the Department of music. students are expected to have either some experience with Irish traditional music or extensive musical abilities in other genres of music, and must demonstrate to the Head of the Department of music that they have the skills required to undertake the program. Applicants may be required to submit an audition tape.

dIPlOMa In COMMOn laW - eUROPean this one-year program is designed for students who would like an introduction to law and to the Irish legal system within the european legal context. During the program, students experience the wide variety of legal subjects on offer at Ucc, and gain a taste of what the study and practice of law has come to offer. the program is of particular interest to those considering applying to law school in the U.s. or practicing law elsewhere.

foR moRe InfoRmAtIon ABoUt sPecIAltY PRoGRAms, contAct tHe API offIce.

SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

eARlY stARt, InteRnsHIP, AnD sPecIAlIt Y PRoGRAmsAt tHe UnIveRsIt Y colleGe coRk


Page 63: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland
Page 64: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland









API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Ireland outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API cork programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

B l A R n e Y c A s t l e S P R I n g • F a l lBuilt in 1446, Blarney castle is now the most popular tourist attraction in Ireland. the site is known for its mystical powers and legend has it that eloquence is bestowed upon those who kiss the Blarney stone.

B o W e n ’ s c o U R t S U M M e RBuilt in the 1770s by Henry cole Bowen this house was the seat of the Bowen family until 1959 when it was sold by the author elizabeth Bowen, an author whose work is studied closely on the summer program.

c o B H S P R I n g • F a l lcobh is a beautiful, colorful seaside town that still carries traces of its past. It is home to the “Queenstown story,” a cultural center housed in an old train station that explores the origin, history and legacy of cobh, the titanic, and the lusitania.

c o R k S U M M e Rcork is a delightful city where students can enjoy themselves just by wandering down narrow lanes or up unexpected flights of steps. this is an up-and-down town, built on more hills than Rome, and that is reflected both in the steps and the gloriously up-and-down accent of the true bornand-bred corkonian. It is also a city of rivers, with many tributaries, channels and streams.

D I n G l e S P R I n g Dingle, in county kerry, is renowned for its landscape panoramic views and also for the warmth of its people. It is a small fishing village that has become a popular tourist town. Beautiful mountainous and coastal countryside with castle ruins, ancient monuments, standing stones, and archaeological sites are waiting to be discovered in the surrounding region.

D U B l I n S P R I n g • F a l l • S U M M e RDublin, located on the east coast of the island, is the capital of the Republic of Ireland. Dublin is a lively city filled with history and youth, ancient architecture and contemporary structures. students may visit the national museum, the national Gallery, Dublin castle, kilmainham jail, and the Garden of Remembrance.

e D I n B U R G H , s c o t l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn S P R I n gedinburgh is scotland’s capital city, with a skyline that is dominated by the impressive 12th-century edinburgh castle, perched on an extinct volcano and occupied since the 9th century Bc. edinburgh’s streets are steeped in history. edinburgh has a thriving cultural scene where students can visit the elephant House coffee shop where j.k. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books!

k I n s A l e F a l l kinsale is known throughout Ireland for its extraordinary beauty, fascinating history and for being the gourmet capital of Ireland. Highlights include charles fort, one of the best-preserved 17th-century forts, and Desmond castle, which was a prison and a workhouse during the famine.

l o n D o n , e n G l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn F a l l london is the largest city in western europe. the tower of london, with its Beefeaters and grisly past, is a prominent landmark. Westminster Abbey, st. Paul’s cathedral, the houses of Parliament and Big Ben are all equally famous historical buildings. london is a magical city with plenty to offer any visitor.

R I n G o f k e R R Y F a l l the Ring of kerry is a tourist trail and part of the mystical and unspoiled region of Ireland that has attracted visitors for hundreds of years. Its spectacular beauty provides an amazing insight into the ancient heritage of Ireland and takes in some of the most spectacular landscapes of Ireland’s southwest.

t H e R o c k o f c A s H e l S P R I n g • S U M M e R the Rock of cashel is perched on a dramatic outcrop of rock and was the traditional seat of the kings of munster for several hundred years prior to the norman invasion. Including a round tower and cathedral, the complex has a character of its own, unique and native, and is one of the most remarkable collections of celtic art and medieval architecture to be found anywhere.

Page 65: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland



k H




s t U D e n t A P A R t m e n t meAls AnD lAUnDRY seRvIce not InclUDeD


API students live in student apartments located within 10-15 minutes walking distance from campus. Apartments generally consist of 3-5 single bedrooms, a shared living area, shared bathroom and kitchen. During the semester, API students may be housed with Irish and other international students, while summer students live alongside American and other international students. It is common for apartments to be co-ed.


“HAvInG YoUR oWn Room AnD BAtHRoom Is AmAzInG. sHARInG

WItH 4 PeoPle Is sUcH A BReeze. I Also loveD HAvInG A kItcHen -

I cookeD All of mY meAls! tHese AccommoDAtIons ARe mUcH

nIceR tHAn At mY Home UnIveRsItY.” - mARIselA l.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


Page 66: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent APARtments

g.P.a. 3.0 - 3.3

TeRMsemesteRAcADemIc YeAR sUmmeR

GRADUAte PRoGRAms AvAIl ABle In DUBlIn At nAtIonAl UnIveRsIt Y of IRel AnD, mAYnootH,

tRInIt Y colleGe DUBlIn AnD UnIveRsIt Y colleGe DUBlIn.v I s I t A P I s t U DYA B R o A D.c o m / G R A D U At e f o R m o R e I n f o R m At I o n .


Page 67: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

DUBlIn ResIDent DIRectoR

Dublin overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 505,739

cAPItAl of IRelAnD

A cItY tHAt feels moRe lIke A lARGe vIllAGe

stRonG ARtIstIc, lIteRARY AnD mUsIcAl tRADItIons

toP tIeR UnIveRsItIes

HUB foR eURoPeAn tRAvel


Host UniversitiesnAtIonAl UnIveRsItY of IRelAnD, mAYnootH

tRInItY colleGe DUBlIn

UnIveRsItY colleGe DUBlIn


PaST exPeRIenCeS InClUde

• Giving back to their host community through university clubs and societies

api gives backdublin








Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Director

• on-site orientation

• Housing

• tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• tutoring

• language and culture tools

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD InteRnAtIonAl

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell Group meals

• volunteer opportunities

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities


WHaT dO YOU lOve MOST aBOUT dUBlIn? “What I love most about Dublin is the friendly atmosphere, people are open and very willing to chat to visitors and locals alike. life in Dublin is bustling but with the laid back pace unique to Ireland. the city is a compact and it combines old-world charm with modern living, from vintage markets to film festivals, traditional Irish music to street art, it’s a city to satisfy every interest!” - eimear, Dublin Resident Director

Page 68: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

nAtIonAl UnIveRsIt Y of IRel AnD, mAYnootH

Highlights• courses with Irish and other international students

• International excursion included

• Authentic Irish immersion experience

• Housing: university owned student apartments


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014late january - early june, 2014 $15,950

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 10, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014mid-september - late December, 2014 $15,950

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015mid-september, 2014 - early june, 2015 $29,880

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 12-15 cReDIts PeR semesteR

API students at the national University of Ireland, maynooth (nUIm) choose from a range of undergraduate courses as offered in the faculty of Arts, celtic studies and Philosophy, the faculty of science and engineering, and the faculty of social sciences. courses are arranged in the seminar and lecture styles. A selection of available subjects at nUIm is listed on the following page, and a comprehensive list of courses appears on the API website.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOn the national University of Ireland, maynooth awards credit based on the european credit transfer system (ects). semester courses at the university are usually awarded 5 or 10 ects credits. Universities in the U.s. typically award .5 credit hour for every 1 ects credit. for example, a course worth 5 ects would transfer to the U.s. as 2.5 semester credit hours. It is very important that students planning on studying at nUIm discuss the transfer of credits with an advisor at their home university - some universities have different standards for transferring ects credits. Based on the ects credits awarded per course, students usually take 5-6 classes in order to receive 12-15 credit hours per semester. students are responsible for ensuring that they are enrolled in the required amount of semester credits to meet requirements of the home university. most courses at nUIm do not have specific prerequisites, though certain disciplines may (languages, mathematics, and sciences). courses offered on a year-long basis can only be taken by students visiting for the full academic year.

Registration takes place upon arrival; however, we recommend that (after consulting the API website for course listings), students have 10 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes. there is a 2-week add/drop period at the beginning of the semester at nUIm.

visit the API website for complete course listings by semester and use these course listings when completing the course preregistration form (available in the student’s @api account) for the API application. course times, course descriptions and the semester a course is offered are subject to change and no course is guaranteed.

CeRTIFICaTe In IRISH STUdIeS 10 cReDIts SeMeSTeR API students who are participating for one semester only may opt to join the certificate in Irish studies program. semester students may take other courses at nUIm for additional credits in order to retain full-time status (12 semester credits). for more information on the certificate option, visit the nUIm course offerings page on the API website.

CeRTIFICaTe In PeaCe & COnFlICT In IRISH SOCIeTY, nORTH and SOUTH 10 cReDIts SeMeSTeR this semester-long certificate provides a comprehensive and comparative overview of key institutional and community settings, where students will come face to face with the real human forces that drive peace and conflict on both sides of the border: Incorporating classroom, field excursion, and independent research experience. this certificate is offered in association with the edward m. kennedy Institute for conflict Intervention.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive a transcript from the national University of Ireland, maynooth upon successful completion of the program.


Page 69: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

subject offeringsaRTS, HUManITIeS and SOCIal SCIenCeSAncient GreekAccountingAdult and community educationAnthropologyApplied social studies InclUDInG socIAl PolIcY, socIAl WelfARe, YoUtH & commUnItY WoRk

Business InclUDInG eQUIne BUsIness, mARketInG, entRePReneURsHIP, mAnAGement

economicseducationenglisheuropean studiesfinanceGeography InclUDInG clImAte cHAnGe, HUmAn GeoGRAPHY, envIRonmentAl PolItIcs

Greek and Roman civilizationHistorylanguages cHInese, fRencH, GAelIc/IRIsH, GeRmAn, PoRtUGUese, sPAnIsH

latinPre-law InclUDInG contRAct, constItUtIonAl, cRImInAl, eURoPeAn lAW, AnD mootH coURt

media studies meDIA moDUles ARe lImIteD

music InclUDInG mUsIc tecHnoloGY, comPosItIon, PeRfoRmAnce, electRonIc mUsIc

PhilosophyProduct Design mARketInG, InnovAtIon, mAteRIAl PRoPeRtIes

sociologyPoliticstheology tHeoloGY clAsses ARe PRovIDeD BY tHe PontIfIcAl UnIveRsItY of st. PAtRIck’s colleGe mAYnootH, WItH WHIcH nUIm sHARes A cAmPUs

SCIenCe & engIneeRIngBiologyBiomedical sciencesBiotechnologychemistry InclUDInG PHARmAceUtIcAl, oRGAnIc, InoRGAnIc, PHYsIcAl

computer scienceelectronic engineeringexperimental Physics InclUDInG oPtIcs, electRomAGnetIsm, mecHAnIcs, AstRoPHYsIcs, AstRonomY, QUAntUm PHYsIcs

mathematics InclUDInG stAtIstIcs, QUAntItAtIve metHoDs, cAlcUlUs

mathematical PhysicsPharmaceutical and Biomedical chemistryPsychology

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons du01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees du02


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

nUI mAYnootH mentoR PRoGR Am

API students at nUIm have the exciting opportunity to participate in a university-sponsored mentoring program. nUIm’s mentoring Program facilitates intercultural exchange by matching full-time Irish students with recently arrived study abroad students. It is a program with mutual benefits! the local Irish student mentors are eager to share the area they know so well with their API student mentee, and the API students are encouraged to integrate with local students and learn more about Irish life, both inside and out of the university setting.

nUI mAYnootH HIGHl IGHts

Part of the Princeton Review’s Best colleges guidebook in 2012 and 2013 - the only university outside north America to hold this honor.

students have ranked nUI maynooth first out of all the universities in Ireland in terms of the quality of academic teaching and learning and the overall student experience in the recent International student Barometer survey completed by 238 universities globally.

the new edward m. kennedy Institute honors the late senator edward m. kennedy for his lifelong commitment to justice, equality, human rights, education for all and environmental protection and in particular for his contribution to the northern Ireland peace process. the Institute also honors what one could argue is his most remarkable achievement

of all – his ability to articulate a future where the causes of conflict, however ingrained, can be transcended; a future where society, economics, education and politics are organized in ways that support individuals, groups, communities and nations to work together for the benefit of all. see information about the certificate in Peace & conflict in Irish society, north and south, offered by the kennedy Institute.


Page 70: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

tRInIt Y colleGe DUBlIn

Highlights• semester start up programs for fall/year students

• International excursion included• courses with Irish and other international students• Housing: student dorms–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Requirements• minimum 3.3 G.P.A.• open to juniors and seniors only• completed API application• University contact Information form• one letter of recommendation• official transcript• Program of study statement• Passport-sized photo• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014early january - late may, 2014 $21,800

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 10, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014 SeMeSTeR STaRT UPlate August - mid-December, 2014 $22,600

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014late september - mid-December, 2014 $20,300–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015 SeMeSTeR STaRT UPlate August, 2014 - late may, 2015 $41,800

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015late september, 2014 - late may, 2015 $39,500–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall/aCadeMIC YeaR SeMeSTeR STaRT UPaPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall/aCadeMIC YeaR aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 30, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 12-15 semesteR cReDIts

trinity college Dublin (tcD) is the oldest college in Ireland and one of the most prestigious colleges in the world. API students at tcD choose from a range of undergraduate classes in the arts, humanities, engineering, and sciences open to Irish and international students.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOn trinity college Dublin awards credit based on the european credit transfer system (ects). semester courses at the university are usually awarded 5 or 10 ects credits. Universities in the U.s. typically award .5 credit hour for every 1 ects credit. for example, a course worth 5 ects would transfer to the U.s. as 2.5 semester credit hours. It is very important that students planning on studying at tcD discuss the transfer of credits with an advisor at their home university - some universities have different standards for transferring ects credits. Based on the ects credits awarded per course, students usually take 5-6 classes in order to receive 12-15 credit hours per semester. students are responsible for ensuring that they are enrolled in the required amount of semester credits to meet requirements of the home university. In all faculties, entrance to specific courses is subject to the approval of tcD and the completion of certain prerequisites. courses offered on a year-long basis can only be taken by students visiting for the full academic year.

COURSe InFORMaTIOn courses are arranged in the seminar and lecture style. not all courses are offered every semester or every year. the course selection may vary, and no course is guaranteed. some courses may have prerequisites, and some courses may require minimal additional fees for labs, equipment, etc.

Registration takes place upon arrival; however, we recommend that after consulting the API website for course listings, students have 10 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes. there is a 2-week add/drop period at the beginning of the semester at tcD.

SeMeSTeR STaRT UP PROgRaMthe innovative semester start Up Program (or ssP) at trinity college provides international students with an ideal introduction to a full semester’s (or a full year’s) study at Ireland’s leading university. the fall/academic year ssP, which runs for three weeks in August, covers the first one-sixth (5 ects or 2.5 U.s. semester credits) of a student’s semester commitment at trinity, with the remainder being covered by the other undergraduate courses that students choose to take during october-December. the three week ssP is unique in Ireland, combining an interdisciplinary approach to undergraduate study with the highest academic and educational standards. more information, along with a module description, can be found on the API website.

addITIOnal Fee InFORMaTIOnthe prices to the left reflect tuition for courses in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. STudEnTS whO ArE inTErESTEd in TAking cOurSES in ThE fiEldS Of EnginEEring, mATh, And SciEncE will bE SubjEcT TO An AddiTiOnAl fEE Of $3,500 pEr SEmESTEr, $7,000 pEr yEAr.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from trinity college Dublin upon successful completion of their program.


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API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons du05

cURRent DAtes AnD fees du06


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

subject offeringsaRTS, HUManITIeS and SOCIal SCIenCeS

Business studies


Drama & film




european studies


Germanic studies

Hispanic studies


History of Art



language and communication studies



near and middle eastern studies


Political science


Religions and theology


social studies


engIneeRIng, MaTHeMaTICS and SCIenCe





computer science









Page 72: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y colleGe DUBlIn

Highlights• courses with Irish and other international students

• International excursion included

• Unique course offerings

• AAcsB and eQUIs accredited business school

• Housing: university-owned student apartments


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• copy of passport/birth certificate

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014mid-january - late may, 2014 $18,900

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 10, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014early september - late December, 2014 $18,900

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 30, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 30, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015early september, 2014 - late may, 2015 $36,200

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 30, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 30 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 15 semesteR cReDIts

students at the University college Dublin (UcD) choose from a range of undergraduate courses offered in the faculties of American studies, Arts and celtic studies, Business, engineering, Human sciences, law, life sciences, and mathematical and Physical sciences.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOn UcD awards credit based on the european credit transfer system (ects). semester courses at the university are usually awarded 5 or 10 ects credits. Universities in the U.s. typically award .5 credit hour for every 1 ects credit. for example, a course worth 5 ects would transfer to the U.s. as 2.5 semester credit hours. It is very important that students planning on studying at UcD discuss the transfer of credits with an advisor at their home university - some universities have different standards for transferring ects credits. Based on the ects credits awarded per course, students usually take 5-6 classes in order to receive 12-15 credit hours per semester. students are responsible for ensuring that they are enrolled in the required amount of semester credits to meet requirements of the home university. In all faculties, entrance to specific courses is subject to the approval of UcD and the completion of certain prerequisites. courses offered on a year-long basis can only be taken by students visiting for the full academic year.


A D D I t I o n A l f e e I n f o R m A t I o nthe prices indicated are the standard price for a student who wants to take the following combination of courses:1) 6 COURSeS from the following: college of Arts, celtic studies and Human sciences; clinton Institute for American studies; school of sports management; school of law2) 4 COURSeS from the clinton Institute for American studies, school of sports management; school of law -- PlUs 2 courses from any other school3) 4 COURSeS from the school of Business PlUs 1 Irish History course4) 4 COURSeS from the school of Business PlUs 1 Irish History course PlUs 1 course from any other school5) 5 COURSeS from the college of Arts, celtic studies and Human sciences PlUs 1 course from any other school

*If students want to take 4 courses from the schools of Agriculture, Architecture, nursing or science, or from the college of engineering, PlUs 2 courses from any other school at UcD, they will be assessed the following additional fees: $1,800 for one semester; $2,600 for an academic year.

If students want to take All of their courses from the schools of Agriculture, Architecture, nursing or science, or from the college of engineering, they will be assessed the following additional fees: $3,250 for one semester; $5,600 for an academic year. Please contact the API office with any questions about the course fee structure at UcD.

If students elect to participate in the Pre-med program and take either 4 Pre-med courses and two outside electives oR all 6 courses from the Pre-med offerings, they are assessed the following fees: $4,650 for one semester; $9,000 for an academic year.

Page 73: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

COURSe InFORMaTIOn courses are arranged in the seminar and lecture style. most courses at UcD are equivalent to 2.5 U.s. semester credits. students take 6 courses and receive 15 credit hours per semester. students in the business school take 5 courses, 4 of which must be Business courses + a required course in Irish History (run by the Business school). students in the college of Arts, celtic studies and Human sciences may take up to five Arts courses + an optional elective from any other school or college (Business, science etc ). All the other programs - engineering, science, Agriculture, sport & exercise, nursing & midwifery, Architecture, Pre-law, Pre-medicine and Pre-veterinary - permit students to take 4 courses from their chosen faculty and 2 from any other school at UcD. the tuition portion of the API program price varies based on the combination of courses chosen. Please check the ‘Dates, Deadlines, and fees’ link or contact the API office for further details.

not all courses are offered every semester or every year. the course selection may vary, and no course is guaranteed. some courses may have prerequisites, and some courses may require minimal additional fees for labs, equipment, etc.

students will be pre-registered for courses prior to arrival. API recommends that (after consulting the API website for course listings), students have 10 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes. there is a 2-week add/drop period at the beginning of the semester at UcD.

visit the API website for complete course listings by semester and use these course listings when completing the course preregistration form for the API application. course times, course descriptions and the semester a course is offered are subject to change and no course is guaranteed.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcript from University college Dublin upon successful completion of their program.

subject offeringsagRICUlTURe, FOOd and nUTRITIOnAgri-environmental sciencesAnimal and crop ProductionAnimal science Animal science - equineDairy Businessengineering technologyfood & Agribusiness managementfood scienceforestryHorticulture, landscape and sportsturf managementHuman nutrition


America Abroad

American and Globalization

Ireland and the Usjournalism: Reporting conflictPublic Diplomacytransnational narrativesUs foreign PolicY

aRCHITeCTUReArchitecturelandscape Design


ArchaeologyArt Historyceltic civilizationDrama studiesearly Irisheconomicsenglishfilm studiesfrenchGeographyGermanGreekGreek and Roman civilizationHistoryInformation studiesIrishIrish folkloreIrish studiesItalianlatinlinguisticsmathematical studiesmusicPhilosophyPoliticsPsychologysociology

SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons du09

cURRent DAtes AnD fees du10



Page 74: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

social PolicyspanishstatisticsWelshWomen’s studies

BUSIneSSAccountingBanking and financeBusiness management and International BusinesseconomicsIndustrial Relations and Human Resource managementmanagement Information systemsmarketing

engIneeRIngBiomedical engineeringBiosystems engineeringchemical engineeringcivil engineeringelectrical engineeringelectronic engineeringenergy systems engineeringmechanical engineering

nURSIng & MIdWIFeRYmental Healthmidwiferynursingnursing - children’s

SPORT & exeRCISeApplied exercise managementcommunication and media in sporteconomics of sportevent managementexercise science Principlesfinancial managementfundamentals of strength and conditioningPlayer Development and WelfarePrinciples of exercise managementsports marketing and sponsorshipsports operational managementsports tourismtheory of coaching

SCIenCeApplied and computational mathematicsBiochemistry and molecular Biologycell and molecular Biology

chemistryclimate and earth system sciencecomputer scienceenvironmental BiologyGeneticsGeologymathematical sciencemathematicsmedicinal chemistry and chemical BiologymicrobiologyneurosciencePharmacologyPhysicsPhysics with Astronomy and space sciencePhysiologyPlant Genetic engineeringstatisticstheoretical Physicszoology

PRofessIonAl PRoGR Am oPtIons

UcD has developed a series of programs for study abroad students focused on specific professional disciplines.

THeSe InClUde THe FOllOWIng:Pre-law Pre-medicalPre-Physical therapy Pre-veterinary

for more information about these professional program options, contact the API office.


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Page 76: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland



n e






API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Ireland outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API Dublin programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

A R A n I s l A n D s S P R I n g on the very edge of europe is a group of three islands, rich in the language, culture and heritage of Ireland, unique in its geology and archaeology and in their long tradition of gentle hospitality. Here is a place to sense the spirit of Gaelic Ireland. It is a timeless land in an endless sea, weathered monuments on awesome cliffs, great labyrinths of limestone, patchwork fields, quiet beaches and welcoming island people.

B e l f A s t , n o R t H e R n I R e l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn S P R I n g • S U M M e R U c D B U s I n e s s

Belfast offers the buzz and vibrancy of a capital city while being a gateway to the rural retreat of northern Ireland. students will spend the weekend enjoying many of the area’s attractions while learning about the significance of the city throughout Irish and world history. students will take a walking tour with local guides who will explain the complicated history of the north Irish conflict from both sides of the divide.

c o n n e m A R A / G A l W A Y c I t Y S P R I n g • F a l l famous Irish wit, oscar Wilde, described connemara as a “savage beauty.” known for its amazing light and landscape connemara is one of the few unspoiled areas in Ireland. Galway city is the third largest city and one of the most beautiful in Ireland. elegant and seductive, the city stretches along the corrib River through winding medieval streets, vibrant arts culture and lively atmosphere.

c o R k F a l l cork is a delightful city where students can enjoy themselves just by wandering down narrow lanes or up unexpected flights of steps. this is an up-and-down town, built on more hills than Rome, and that is reflected both in the steps and the gloriously up-and-down accent of the true bornand-bred corkonian.

e D I n B U R G H , s c o t l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn S P R I n g • S U M M e R U c D B U s I n e s s & n U R s I n G

edinburgh is scotland’s capital city perched on an extinct volcano and occupied since the 9th century Bc. edinburgh’s streets are steeped in history and has a thriving cultural scene. students can visit the elephant House coffee shop where j.k. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books! just outside edinburgh is the enigmatic 15th-century Rosslyn chapel, of Da vinci code fame, where practically every surface of the chapel is covered with stone carvings of figures and scenes.

l I m e R I c k S P R I n g limerick city is located in county limerick and is the capital of the shannon region. the city was founded by the vikings in the 10th century, making it the oldest chartered city in Ireland. the beautiful west coast of the country, mountshannon, the Burren and the cliffs of moher are all easily accessible.

l o n D o n , e n G l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn F a l l london is the largest city in western europe. the tower of london, with its Beefeaters and grisly past, is a prominent landmark situated next to the famous tower Bridge. Westminster Abbey, st. Paul’s cathedral, the houses of Parliament and Big Ben are all equally famous historical buildings.

n e W G R A n G e S U M M e R • F a l lnewgrange is a pre-celtic stone Age Passage tomb located in the Boyne valley of Ireland and is one of Ireland’s most breathtaking historic sites. Attracting over 200,000 visitors each year from around the world, newgrange is older than stonehenge and has been called Ireland’s “answer to the pyramids.”

W e s t c o A s t o f I R e l A n D S U M M e R U c D B U s I n e s s

this trip may include visits to API locations in Galway and limerick, as well as potential stops through the Aran Islands and connemara.

W I c k l o W m o U n t A I n s S U M M e R U c D B U s I n e s s

As soon as one leaves the city behind, they will forget about the hustle and bustle of civilization and become immersed in the Irish countryside. known as the Garden of Ireland, county Wicklow is one of Ireland’s true scenic treasures. streams flow beside most of the roads. the air is said to be so fresh, that many locals surpass the age of 100!

Page 77: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland






s t U D e n t A P A R t m e n t s o R D o R m s meAls AnD lAUnDRY seRvIce not InclUDeD


naTIOnal UnIveRSITY OF IReland MaYnOOTH HOUSIngAPI students live in university-owned student apartments located less than 5 minutes walking distance of the university. Apartments generally consist of 5 single bedrooms with a private bathroom in each, a shared living area and a shared kitchen. API students will live with Irish and international students and apartments are co-ed.

TRInITY COllege dUBlIn HOUSIngAPI students live in local student dorms in one of the city center’s trendiest areas. the apartments consist of 2 twin rooms (API students will share a room with other API students where possible), shared bathroom, kitchen and sitting room. the dorms have 24-hour security with biometric gate access after 10pm. API students will live with international and Irish students in single-sex apartments.

UnIveRSITY COllege dUBlIn HOUSIngAPI students live in university-owned student apartments located within 5 minutes walking distance from the university. Apartments generally consist of 3-5 single bedrooms, a shared living area, and a shared bathroom and kitchen. During the semester, API students may be housed with Irish and other international students, while summer students live alongside American and other international students. It is common for apartments to be co-ed.


“PeRfect locAtIon foR BUsIness stUDents BecAUse It Is so

close. mY PlAce WAs veRY Home AnD I loveD mY RoommAtes.” - kARA c.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


Page 78: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent APARtments

g.P.a. 3.0

TeRMsemesteR AcADemIc YeARsUmmeR

“I leARneD so mUcH AnD DeveloPeD Into A mUcH moRe InDePenDent AnD confIDent PeRson. I loveD tHIs oPPoRtUnItY AnD I WoUlDn’t tRADe It foR AnYtHInG In tHe WoRlD. tHe PeoPle WeRe AmAzInG AnD tHe PRoGRAm WAs Well oRGAnIzeD. BRAvo!” - mollY c.


Page 79: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

GAlWAY ResIDent DIRectoR

Galway overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 65,000

seAt of GAelIc lAnGUAGe AnD HeRItAGe

cUltURAl cAPItAl of IRelAnD

one of tHe YoUnGest PoPUlAtIons In eURoPe

toP DestInAtIon foR IRIsH WAteR sPoRts AnD HIkInG

80+ AcADemIc, AtHletIc AnD stUDent socIAl clUBs

stAte-of-tHe-ARt AtHletIc fAcIlItIes

mAnY festIvAls YeAR-RoUnD

Host UniversitynAtIonAl UnIveRsItY of IRelAnD, GAlWAY


PaST exPeRIenCeS InClUde

• Giving back to students’ host community through nUIG

clubs and societies, in addition to other API activities

api gives backgalway

HOW WOUld YOU deSCRIBe galWaY? “Galway! It’s just one of

those places, those special, magical places that everyone wants to

visit if they’ve never been there; that every visitor wants to return to;

and that anyone lucky enough to live in, never, ever wants to leave.”

- fionnghuala, Galway Resident Director








Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Directors

• on-site orientation

• Housing • tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• tutoring

• language and culture tools

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD InteRnAtIonAl

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell Group meals

• volunteer opportunities

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities


Page 80: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

nAtIonAl UnIveRsIt Y of IRel AnD, GAlWAY

Highlights• Housing: student apartments BetWeen teRm HoUsInG InclUDeD foR AcADemIc YeAR stUDents

• International excursion included

• volunteer opportunities for credit


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to juniors and seniors only

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• Program of study statement

• Passport-sized photo

• two academic referees from professors or faculty who can be contacted if necessary

• copy of passport/birth certificate

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014january - mid-may, 2014 $16,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 10, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014september - December, 2014 $16,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015september, 2014 - mid-may 2015 $30,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 12-15 cReDItsCRedITS vaRY PeR COURSe; TOTal IS nOT OFFICIallY deTeRMIned UnTIl RegISTRaTIOn

API students at the national University of Ireland, Galway (nUI, Galway) study with Irish and international students and may choose from a range of undergraduate courses as offered in the areas of arts and humanities, business, engineering, and science.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOnthe national University of Ireland, Galway awards credit based on the european credit transfer system (ects). semester courses at the university are usually awarded 5, 6 or 10 ects credits. Universities in the U.s. typically award .5 credit hour for every 1 ects credit. for example, a course worth 5 ects would transfer to the U.s. as 2.5 semester credit hours. It is very important that students planning on studying in Galway discuss the transfer of credits with an advisor at their home university - some universities have different standards for transferring ects credits. Based on the ects credits awarded per course, students usually take 5-6 classes in order to receive 12-15 credit hours per semester. students are responsible for ensuring that they are enrolled in the required amount of semester credits to meet requirements of the home university. In all faculties, entrance to specific courses is subject to the approval of nUI, Galway and the completion of certain prerequisites. courses offered on a year-long basis can only be taken by students visiting for the full academic year.


A D D I t I o n A l f e e I n f o R m A t I o nthe prices to the left reflect tuition for courses in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. students who are interested in taking courses in the fields of engineering and science will be subject to an additional fee of $2,000 per semester, $4,000 per year. Generally, the extra fees apply to students who enroll in more than 10 ects of science/ engineering/ or nursing modules. students are encouraged to contact the API office for further details.

Page 81: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

COURSe InFORMaTIOncourses are taught in the seminar and lecture styles, and grades are often based on one final exam. the courses offered for visiting students at nUI, Galway are listed on the API website. In order to determine the level of a particular class, students should pay attention to the number in the course title. courses that begin with 1 are 1st year courses; courses that begin with 2 are 2nd year courses; courses that begin with 3 and/or 4 are 3rd and 4th year courses, respectively.

not all courses are offered every semester or every year. the course selection may vary, and no course is guaranteed. some courses may have prerequisites, and some courses may require additional fees for labs, equipment, etc.

Registration takes place upon arrival; however, we recommend that (after consulting the API website for course listings)”, students have 10 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes. there is a 2-week add/drop period at the beginning of the semester in Galway. voluntary, non-credit Irish language courses (Gaelic) are also available.

students can visit the API website for the complete course listings by semester and use these course listings when completing the course preregistration form (available in the student’s @api account) for the API application. course times, course descriptions and the semester in which a course is offered are subject to change and no course is guaranteed.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcript from the national University of Ireland, Galway upon completion of their program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

COllege OF aRTS and CelTIC STUdIeSArchaeologyceltic civilization classics economicsenglishfilm studiesfrenchGaeilge (Gaelic)GeographyGermanHistoryInformation technologyIrish studiesItalianlawmathematicsPhilosophyPsychologysociological and Political studiesspanishWelshWomen’s studies

COllege OF BUSIneSS, PUBlIC POlICY and laWAccountingeconomicsHuman Resource managementIndustrial engineeringInsurance law

International trade lawmanagementm.I.s.marketing

COllege OF engIneeRIngand InFORMaTICSBiomedical engineeringcivil and environmental engineeringelectrical engineeringengineering HydrologyIndustrial engineering and Information systemsInformation technologymechanical engineering

COllege OF SCIenCeAnatomyBiochemistry Botany chemistrycomputer scienceearth scienceengineering HydrologyGeologymarine sciencemicrobiologyPharmacologyPhysiology

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons GA01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees GA02


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

* Additional fees apply for students who enroll in nursing, science or engineering classes


seRv Ice le ARnInG/volUnteeR oPtIon

nUI Galway has introduced a service learning module designed specifically for study abroad students. this semester long, credit-bearing course, ‘literacy and learning in the community”, teaches students about literacy, reading awareness and reading strategies and involves working on a one-to-one basis with elementary and high school students in homework clubs based in Galway.

visiting students who do not get the opportunity to participate in this course can volunteer their services through the University’s AlIve program (A learning Initiative and the volunteering experience). contact API for more information on these opportunities.

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Y e






API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Ireland outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API Dublin programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

A R A n I s l A n D s S U M M e R on the very edge of europe is a group of three islands, rich in the language, culture and heritage of Ireland, unique in its geology and archaeology and in their long tradition of gentle hospitality. Here is a place to sense the spirit of Gaelic Ireland. Aran takes you back to an Ireland of celts and early christians. It is a timeless land in an endless sea, weathered monuments on awesome cliffs, great labyrinths of limestone, meandering walls, patchwork fields, quiet beaches and welcoming island people.

B U R R e n n A t I o n A l P A R k , c o . c l A R e S P R I n gthe “great rock”, is one of the largest karst landscapes in europe. Burren is rich with historical and archaeological sites. there are more than 90 megalithic tombs in the area, portal dolmens, a celtic high cross in the village of kilfenora, and a number of ring forts. this area has a long history of traditional Irish music.

c o n n e m A R A S P R I n g • F a l lthe mountains, lakes and terrain of this area west of Galway in the heart of the Gaelgeacht area (Irish speaking zone) of Ireland are a wonderful reminder of the natural beauty of Ireland. the mountainous 12 peaks that hug lough (lake) corrib and lough mask dominate the landscape. the region is also filled with an abundance of Irish character - old castles, abbeys, cottages and pre-famine artifacts.

D I n G l e S U M M e RDingle, in county kerry, is renowned for its landscape panoramic views and also for the warmth of its people. It is a small fishing village that has become a popular tourist town. Beautiful mountainous and coastal countryside with castle ruins, ancient monuments, standing stones, and archaeological sites are waiting to be discovered in the surrounding region.

D U B l I n S P R I n g • F a l l • S U M M e RDublin, located on the east coast of the island, is the capital of the Republic of Ireland. Dublin is a lively city filled with history and youth, ancient architecture and contemporary structures. In addition to the national museum, the national Gallery, Dublin castle, and kilmainham jail, Dublin also features wonderful gardens, including the Garden of Remembrance and the national Botanic Gardens.

e A s t c o . G A l W A Y A n D e A s t c o . c l A R e F a l l • S U M M e Reast county Galway and east county clare lie in one of the most unspoiled destinations in Ireland, a part of the country where life is enjoyed at a different pace. It is a place where people are ready to share their culture, lifestyle and music with you. the area is also home to the fields of Athenry, coole Park nature Reserve, Bunratty castle and its traditional folk park.

e D I n B U R G H , s c o t l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn S P R I n gedinburgh is scotland’s capital city, with a skyline that is dominated by the impressive 12th century edinburgh castle, perched on an extinct volcano and occupied since the 9th century Bc. edinburgh is home to the scottish Parliament and has a thriving cultural scene as well as the elephant House - the coffee shop where j.k. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books!

l o n D o n , e n G l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn F a l l london is the largest city in western europe. the tower of london, with its Beefeaters and grisly past, is a prominent landmark. It is situated next to the famous tower Bridge, which spans the River thames. Westminster Abbey, st. Paul’s cathedral, the houses of Parliament and Big Ben are all equally famous historical buildings. london is a magical city with plenty to offer any visitor.

n e W G R A n G e F a l l the megalithic Passage tomb at newgrange was built about 3200 Bc and it is arguably one of the finest monuments of european pre-history. It was built during the neolithic era by a wealthy farming community that prospered on the rich lands of the Boyne valley. the kidney shaped mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art. newgrange was much more than a place of burial. It housed the spirits of their ancestors, providing a link for the living community to the world of their deities and serving as a focal point for ritual and celebration.

Page 83: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

all aPI HOUSIng In galWaY InClUdeS WI-FI InTeRneT aCCeSSG






s t U D e n t A P A R t m e n t meAls AnD lAUnDRY seRvIce not InclUDeD


API students live in student apartments located within 20-25 minutes walking distance of the university. Apartments generally consist of 3-5 double bedrooms, a shared living area, and kitchen. each bedroom has a private bathroom. During the semester, API students may be housed with Irish and other international students, while summer students live alongside American and other international students. It is common for apartments to be co-ed.

membership at the nUI, Galway gym is also included.


“I loveD lIvInG WItH IRIsH stUDents!” - lAURen G.


“I lIkeD tHe locAtIon of tHe HoUsInG AnD BeInG ABle to lIve

In A comPlex WItH otHeR stUDents.” - colleen s.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


Page 84: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent APARtments

g.P.a. 2.9

TeRMsemesteRAcADemIc YeAR sUmmeR

GRADUAte PRoGRAms AvAIl ABle In lImeRIck At tHe UnIveRsIt Y of lImeRIck.

v I s I t A P I s t U DYA B R o A D.c o m / G R A D U At e f o R m o R e I n f o R m At I o n .


Page 85: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

lImeRIck ResIDent DIRectoR

limerick overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 85,000

foUnDeD BY tHe vIkInGs In tHe 10tH centURY, mAkInG It tHe olDest cHARteReD cItY In IRelAnD

tHIRD lARGest cItY In IRelAnD

oveR 400 cAstles In coUntY lImeRIck

fABUloUs HIkInG/BIkInG tRAIls AnD IRIsH WAteR sPoRts

oveR 70 AcADemIc, socIAl & sPoRts clUBs

UnIveRsItY of lImeRIck voteD Best stUDent exPeRIence sUPPoRt AnD WARmest Welcome In IRelAnD

Host UniversityUnIveRsItY of lImeRIck


PaST exPeRIenCeS InClUde• Giving back to students’ host community through Ul clubs and societies, in addition to other API activities

api gives backlimerick

What I love most about limerick is it’s colorful history, from viking limerick to the medieval city to the Georgian Period, the city has a very interesting tale to tell. History lovers will be spoiled for choice with king john’s castle, the treaty stone and st. mary’s cathedral to name but a few historic sights to enjoy in the city. limerick is the oldest chartered city in Ireland and this is reflected in it’s fascinating historical life. so take a trip to the city that lies on the banks of the majestic River shannon to experience all that an ancient and historic city has to offer, you won’t be disappointed. - maria, API limerick Resident Director









Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Director

• on-site orientation

• Housing

• tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• tutoring

• language and culture tools

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD InteRnAtIonAl

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell Group meals

• volunteer opportunities

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities


Page 86: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of lImeRIck

Highlights• Housing: student apartments BetWeen teRm HoUsInG InclUDeD foR AcADemIc YeAR stUDents

• volunteer opportunities

• International excursion included


Requirements• minimum 2.9 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• Passport-sized photo

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014mid-january - mid-may, 2014 $16,200

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 10, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014late August - mid-December, 2014 $15,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015late August, 2014 - mid-may, 2015 $29,800

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne may 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne june 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 12-15 cReDIts

API students at the University of limerick (Ul) have access to all four faculties on the Ul campus for undergraduate and graduate studies. courses are taught mainly by Irish instructors. course choices are selected from the following disciplines: business, education, engineering, humanities, informatics and electronics, Irish studies and science.

COURSe InFORMaTIOncourses are arranged in the seminar and lecture style, and grades are based on one final exam or a combination of assessments and a final exam. In order to determine what level a particular class is, pay attention to the last number in the course title. courses that end in a 0, 1 or 2 are 1st year courses (lower division); courses that end in 3 or 4 are 2nd year courses (lower division); courses that end in a 5 or 6 are 3rd year courses (upper division); and courses that end in a 7 or 8 are 4th year courses (upper division). most courses at Ul are equivalent to 3 U.s. semester credits. students take 4-5 courses and receive 12-15 credit hours per semester, or approximately 3 semester credit hours per class.

not all courses are offered every semester or every year. the course selection may vary, and no course is guaranteed. some courses may have prerequisites, and some courses may require minimal additional fees for labs, equipment, etc. there are limited spaces available for international students in the equine studies classes. most students are not be able to take more than one of these courses. Please contact the API office for further details.

Registration takes place upon arrival; however, we recommend that (after consulting the API website for course listings), students have 10 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes. students are asked to indicate their choices in order of preference on the application form. there is a 2-week add/drop period at the beginning of the semester in limerick.

visit the API website for complete course listings by semester and use these course listings when completing the course preregistration form (available in the student’s @api account) for the API application. courses in sports science and equine studies, among other specific courses, are limited in availability to study abroad students. course times, course descriptions and the semester a course is offered are subject to change and no course is guaranteed.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive a transcript from the University of limerick upon completion of their program.


Page 87: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

IRISH WORld aCadeMY OF MUSIC and danCeAudio-visual technologymusic and DancePerformance song

aRTS, HUManITIeS and SOCIal SCIenCeScultural studieseconomicsenglisheuropean studiesfrenchGaelicGermanGeographyHistoryHumanitiesIrish studiesjapaneselawlanguages and linguisticsnew mediaPublic AdministrationPublic PlanningPoliticssociology spanishtechnical WritingWomen’s studies/feminism

KeMMY BUSIneSS SCHOOlAccountingAgribusinessBusinesscommunications

economicsentrepreneurshipfinancefinancial mathematicsHuman Resource management Information managementInsurance and Risk managementmanagementmarketingmathematical scienceProduction managementtaxation

edUCaTIOn and HealTH SCIenCeSAnatomy*Biometrics*coaching*education*midwiferyPhysical education and sports science*PhysiotherapyPsychology and sociology

InFORMaTICS and eleCTROnICScomputer science electronics technologymathematicsmathematics for Businessmathematics for science

SCIenCe and engIneeRIngArchitectureBiochemistryBiology chemistry computer Game Designcomputer systemsDigital media DesignengIneeRIng Aeronautical Biomedical chemical civil computer construction electrical mechanical Roboticenvironmental studiesfood science and Healthequine studies*Health InfomaticsHorticultureIndustrial Designmanufacturing techmaterials technologymobile comm. & securitymusic technologyPharmaceutical and Industrial chemistryPhysicsProcess technologyProduction technologyWood technology

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LI01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LI02


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR

A D D - o n R U G B Y o P t I o n

limerick is the home of Irish rugby and is without doubt one of the premier destinations in the world for any student wishing to develop as a rugby player. API students at the University of limerick, for an additional semester fee of $725, may participate in this unique and exciting Rugby program option and become an active member of the Ul Bohemian Rfc. the rugby option is open to students of all abilities, both male and female.

Rugby program participants receive the following benefits:• Recreational playing membership for Ul Bohemian Rfc and a complementary Ul Bohemian playing kit• tickets to two munster Heineken cup matches and one Ireland international match.

established rugby players may also have an opportunity to play Irish inter varsity rugby with the Ul men’s or women’s teams, while elite players have additional opportunities in the Ul Bohemian Rugby Academy.

*only a few spaces per semester are open to visiting students in these disciplines and additional application materials may be required.


seRv Ice le ARnInG/volUnteeR oPtIon

Ul has introduced a service learning module designed specifically for study abroad students. this semester long, credit-bearing course, ‘literacy and learning in the community”, teaches students about literacy, reading awareness and reading strategies and involves working on a one-to-one basis with elementary and high school students in homework clubs based in limerick.

Additional volunteer opportunities and recognition are available through the University of limerick’s President’s volunteer Award project. contact API for more information on these opportunities.

Page 88: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland










API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Ireland outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API limerick programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

A R A n I s l A n D s S P R I n g on the very edge of europe is a group of three islands, rich in the language, culture and heritage of Ireland, unique in its geology and archaeology and in their long tradition of gentle hospitality. Here is a place to sense the spirit of Gaelic Ireland. It is a timeless land with weathered monuments on awesome cliffs, great labyrinths of limestone, patchwork fields, quiet beaches and welcoming island people.

B l A R n e Y c A s t l e & c o R k c I t Y F a l l • S U M M e RBuilt in 1446, Blarney castle is now the most popular tourist attraction in all of Ireland. the site is renowned for its mystical powers and legend has it that eloquence is bestowed upon anyone who kisses the Blarney stone. cork is a city of rivers and built on more hills than Rome.

B U n R A t t Y c A s t l e A n D f o l k P A R k S P R I n g • F a l l • S U M M e RBuilt in 1425, the Bunratty castle and the surrounding folk Park grounds shine a light on the daily lives of its 15th- and 16th-century inhabitants. In the 1640s the castle and grounds were abandoned and left to ruin for centuries. However, in the 1950s the process of restoring it to its former grandeur began. open to the public, it is a labyrinth of staircases and rooms that one can wander and explore while imagining a life long ago. Bunratty folk Park recreates rural and urban life in 19th-century victorian Ireland. there is an extensive array of vernacular buildings; indicative of all of the social strata from the poorest one-room dwelling to Bunratty House, a fine example of a Georgian residence for the gentry.

t H e B U R R e n • A I l W e e c A v e s S P R I n g • S U M M e Rone of the most characteristic places of Ireland, the Burren is well known for its flora, with a spectacular array of over 70% of Ireland native species. for many people, it’s the archaeology that is of most interest: it hosts over 500 ring forts and over 80 known neolithic tombs. for others, the main source of attraction is the landscape itself, the unique panoramas of grey that provide such a stark contrast to Ireland’s proverbial ‘forty shades of green’. the Burren hills are teeming with such geological oddities as labyrinthine cave systems, disappearing streams and lakes, tiered hillsides and oddly dissected pavements.

D U B l I n S P R I n g • F a l l • S U M M e RDublin, located on the east coast of the island, is the capital of the Republic of Ireland. Dublin is a lively city filled with history and youth, ancient architecture and contemporary structures. students may visit the national museum, the national Gallery, Dublin castle, kilmainham jail, and the Garden of Remembrance.

e D I n B U R G H , s c o t l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn S P R I n gedinburgh is scotland’s capital city, with a skyline that is dominated by the impressive 12th century edinburgh castle, perched on an extinct volcano and occupied since the 9th-century Bc. edinburgh’s streets are steeped in history and are home also to the scottish Parliament, the Palace of Holyrood House, the Royal mile, the Royal Yacht Britannia and Arthur’s seat. edinburgh has a thriving cultural scene as well as the elephant House - the coffee shop where j.k. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books!

l o n D o n , e n G l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn F a l l london is the largest city in western europe. the tower of london, with its Beefeaters and grisly past, is a prominent landmark. students can visit the tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey, st. Paul’s cathedral, the houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

R I n G o f k e R R Y F a l l the Ring of kerry is a tourist trail and part of the mystical and unspoiled region of Ireland that has attracted visitors for hundreds of years. Its spectacular beauty is beyond question. Above all, the Ring of kerry provides an amazing insight into the ancient heritage of Ireland and takes in some of the most spectacular landscapes of Ireland’s southwest. this excursion includes incredible scenery, historical and archaeological sites of national importance, ceilí dancing, traditional music, Gaelic football, meeting local people, visiting a Gaelic speaking area and learning about local traditions. students get to experience life in kerry and visit places most tourists never see.

Page 89: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

all aPI HOUSIng In lIMeRICK InClUdeS InTeRneT aCCeSSlIm






s t U D e n t A P A R t m e n t meAls ARe not InclUDeD In tHe semesteR/AcADemIc YeAR lImeRIck HoUsInG.

tHRee meAls PeR DAY ARe InclUDeD foR sUmmeR stUDents.


API students live in university-owned student apartments located a short distance from the University of limerick campus. Apartments generally consist of 6 single bedrooms, a shared living area, and shared kitchen. each room has a private bathroom, and standard apartments are non-smoking. During the semester, API students may be housed with Irish and other international students, while summer students live alongside American and other international students. It is common for apartments to be co-ed.


“I ABsolUtelY loveD tHe HoUsInG HeRe. I HAD A veRY InteRnAtIonAl

APARtment WItH RoommAtes fRom 5 DIffeRent coUntRIes. tHe

APARtment WAs Also QUIte BIG AnD I HAD mY oWn BeDRoom AnD

BAtHRoom, WHIcH WAs nIce.” - stAcY j.


“tHe HoUsInG Is excellent - PeoPle coUlD not BelIeve I HAD mY oWn

BeDRoom AnD BAtHRoom RIGHt on cAmPUs! All of mY otHeR fRIenDs

stUDYInG ABRoAD lIveD In DoUBles oR tRIPles AnD WeRe locAteD

veRY fAR AWAY fRom tHeIR clAsses oR cAmPUs.” - kImBeRlY B.


“lIvInG WItH All IRIsH stUDents WAs A GReAt exPeRIence.” - cAssIDY P.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


Page 90: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland
Page 91: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland




30,414 sQUARe mIles


“In mY Defense GoD me DefenD”


PoUnD steRlInG

langUageS SPOKen


scottIsH GAelIc











comPARABle In sIze to czecH RePUBlIc, UAe, AnD mAIne

lARGest oIl ReseRves In tHe eURoPeAn UnIon

eDInBURGH WAs tHe fIRst cItY In tHe WoRlD WItH A fIRe DePARtment

790 IslAnDs WItH onlY130 InHABIteD W









Page 92: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent DoRms

g.P.a. 3.0

TeRMsemesteRAcADemIc YeAR

“I WAs veRY ImPResseD BY tHe HosPItAlItY AnD tHe fRIenDlIness of tHe scottIsH PeoPle!” - kAtHRYn D.


Page 93: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland


edinburgh overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 470,000

comPAct cItY centeR

veRY WAlkABle

YeAR-RoUnD sPoRtInG AnD cUltURAl ActIvItY InclUDInG comeDY, tHeAteR, lIteRAtURe, fIlm, DAnce, mUsIc, RUGBY InteRnAtIonAls, footBAll, Ice HockeY AnD tennIs

WoRlD fAmoUs festIvAls

cosmoPolItAn cItY sURRoUnDeD BY A DRAmAtIc lAnDscAPe of moUntAIns, vAlleYs AnD locHs

Host University

HeRIot-WAtt UnIveRsItY


HOW WOUld YOU deSCRIBe edInBURgH? “cobble-stoned streets, the magnificent castle sitting on an extinct volcano, the edinburgh festival and tattoo, the Royal mile, the contrast of the medieval old town and the Georgian new town. But best of all, the city’s deepest secret, the warren of streets under the old town that have remained frozen in time since the 17th century. edinburgh is unmistakably the home of Harry Potter!” - Rachel, edinburgh Resident Director










Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Director

• on-site orientation

• Housing • tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD DAY

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell

Group meals

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities


Page 94: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

HeRIot-WAtt UnIveRsIt Y

Highlights• Housing: student dorms BetWeen teRm HoUsInG InclUDeD foR AcADemIc YeAR stUDents


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• copy of passport

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014early january - mid-may, 2014 $16,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014mid-september - late December, 2014 $16,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015mid-september, 2014 - mid-may 2015 $30,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 15 cReDIts

API students in edinburgh enroll in courses with scottish and other international students at Heriot-Watt University - one of the leading academic institutions in scotland. Heriot-Watt specializes in a variety of science and engineering subjects, but is also a leader in subjects such as brewing and distilling, business, fashion, design, and textiles.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOn courses at Heriot Watt University are assigned credit based on the scottish credit and Qualifications framework (scQf). students take 60 scQf credits (or approximately 15 U.s. credits) per semester. courses are normally worth 15 scQf credits (3.75 U.s.), meaning that students would normally take 4 courses in each semester and earn up to 15 U.s. semester credits.

HeR Iot-WAt tHIGHl IGHts

Heriot-Watt was recently named the “scottish University of the Year” for 2012 & 2013

Heriot-Watt also honored as having the “scottish student Union of the Year”

the national student survey (2012) namedHeriot-Watt the #1 university in scotland.

18th ranked university in the Uk (2nd in scotland) - the Guardian, 2013

top 5 programs in the Uk (1st in scotland) for chemistry, civil engineering, Urban Planning, and

chemical engineering - the Guardian, 2013


Page 95: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

COURSe InFORMaTIOn students are allowed to choose courses from the first, second and third year classes. not all courses are offered every semester or every year. the course selection may vary, and no course is guaranteed. some courses may have prerequisites, and some courses may require additional fees for labs, equipment, etc.

Registration takes place upon arrival; however, we recommend that (after consulting the API website for course listings), students have 6-8 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes.

students can visit the API website for the complete course listings by semester and use these course listings when completing the course preregistration form (available in the student’s @api account) for the API application. course times, course descriptions and the semester in which a course is offered are subject to change and no course is guaranteed.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcript from Heriot-Watt University upon completion of their program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

BUSIneSSAccountingBusiness managementeconomicsfinance

engIneeRIng and aRCHITeCTUReArchitectural engineeringchemical engineeringcivil and structural engineeringconstruction management and surveyingelectrical, electronic and computer engineeringengineeringmechanical engineeringUrban studies

lIBeRal aRTSIntercultural studieslanguages

SCIenCeActuarial mathematics and statisticsApplied PsychologyBiologyBrewing and Distillingcomputer sciencefood sciencemarine sciencemathematicsPhysics

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons Ed01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees Ed02


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR


Page 96: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland











API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of scotland outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API edinburgh programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

A l n W I c k c A s t l e A n D B e R W I c k U P o n t W e e D F a l l * Alnwick castle has been the mighty fortress home of the Percy family, the Dukes of northumberland since 1309. they still live there today! It is one of the finest medieval castles in Britain, and it was also the backdrop for Harry Potter’s first flying lesson. the castle also has amazing landscaped gardens with one of the world’s largest tree houses. Berwick-upon-tweed is a traditional market town, which sits on the coast right on the scottish/english border and is the northernmost town in england.

e D I n B U R G H o R I e n t A t I o n S P R I n g • F a l l edinburgh is scotland’s capital city, with a skyline that is dominated by the impressive 12th century edinburgh castle, perched on an extinct volcano and occupied since the 9th century Bc. edinburgh’s streets are steeped in history. edinburgh has a thriving cultural scene where students can also visit the elephant House coffee shop where j.k. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books!

G l A s G o W F a l l * Glasgow is the largest city in scotland and is home to an outstanding variety of museums, galleries and performance venues. once the 2nd city of the British empire and a major centre of trade with the UsA, Glasgow now wears its victorian splendor with pride.

l o c H n e s s & t H e H I G H l A n D s S P R I n g • F a l l the romantic ruins of Urquhurt castle are located on the banks of the world’s most mysterious stretch of water, loch ness. A boat cruise of the 23 mile, 700 feet deep loch is a great way to try and spot “nessie”, the infamous loch ness monster. the Highlands are home to scotland’s most dramatic scenery where students can expect to see rugged mountains, forest filled glens (valleys) and lochs.

l o n D o n , e n G l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn S P R I n g london is the largest city in western europe. the tower of london, with its Beefeaters and grisly past, is a prominent landmark. It is situated next to the famous tower Bridge, which spans the River thames. Westminster Abbey, st. Paul’s cathedral, the houses of Parliament and Big Ben are all equally famous historical buildings. london is a magical city with plenty to offer any visitor.

s A I n t A n D R e W s F a l l * saint Andrews is a stunning medieval city, home of golf and scotland’s finest coastal town. It is also home to the oldest university in scotland where Prince William and kate middleton studied and met.

t H e s c o t t I s H B o R D e R s S P R I n g • F a l l * covering about 1800 square miles, the valleys and forests of the scottish Borders stretch from the rolling hills and moorland in the west, through valleys to the high agricultural plains of the east, and on to the rocky Berwickshire coastline with its secluded coves and picturesque fishing villages. the visit will include plenty of amazing scenery and castles, abbeys and stately homes, as well as entrances into some sites such as melrose Abbey and/or Abbottsford House, the former home of sir Walter scott.

Y o R k s H I R e W e e k e n D , c A s t l e H o W A R D f o U n t A I n s A B B e Y F a l l

InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn York is a charming city that retains the feel of a medieval english town with its winding cobbled streets spreading out within the original medieval city walls. from almost everywhere in York one can see York minster, the oldest Gothic cathedral in Britain, erected between 1220 and 1470. castle Howard dates from the early 18th century and is one of the grandest private residences in the country. there are world-class gardens within 1,000 acres of landscape filled with temples, lakes, statues and fountains. fountains Abbey, founded in 1132, soon became one of the largest and richest cistercian abbeys in Britain, before being closed by Henry vIII in 1539. A striking landscape was created around the ruins of the cistercian fountains Abbey and fountains Hall castle, in Yorkshire.

*Fall students will participate in 2 of the 3 asterisked day trips.

Page 97: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

all aPI HOUSIng In SCOTland InClUdeS InTeRneT aCCeSSe








s t U D e n t D o R m I t o R Y meAls AnD lAUnDRY seRvIce not InclUDeD


students in edinburgh live in Heriot-Watt University housing conveniently located on campus just minutes from class and 20 minutes from central edinburgh. All API students are accommodated in one of four different halls of residence on campus. the rooms are individual rooms with private bathrooms and all are self-catered. the study bedrooms are grouped around community lounges and kitchens shared by 4-6 students. the kitchen/dining areas are furnished but students need to provide their own cooking utensils, crockery and cutlery. each room has a telephone, university network and broadband internet connections. laundry facilities are available, and student wardens

at each residence hall are available to help students adjust to life on campus and to settle in. –––


“I loveD mY lIvInG sItUAtIon, It lets YoU Be An InDIvIDUAl In

A DIffeRent coUntRY AnD It Also enABles YoU to leARn tHe

cUltURe AnD ImmeRse YoURself As mUcH As one WAnts.” - kAlInA n.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


Page 98: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent DoRms/APARtments

g.P.a. 3.0

TeRMsemesteRAcADemIc YeAR sUmmeR

“tHe API stAff WAs BeYonD fRIenDlY AnD WAs ABle to AnsWeR All QUestIons tHAt I HAD tHRoUGHoUt tHe PRocess.” - kAtHRYn D.


Page 99: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

GAlAsHIels ResIDent DIRectoR

Galashiels overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 12,400

mAjoR commeRcIAl centeR In scottIsH BoRDeRlAnDs

knoWn foR textIle PRoDUctIon

IntImAte cAmPUs AnD leARnInG envIRonment

neW stUDent HoUsInG

BReAtHtAkInG sceneRY

mUsIc AnD cUltURe festIvAls

GAlAsHIels meAns DWellInGs BY tHe GAlA WAteR

Host UniversityHeRIot-WAtt UnIveRsItY


HOW WOUld YOU deSCRIBe galaSHIelS? “the picturesque scenery features castles, abbeys, stately homes and

ancient ruins, all of which contribute to the Borders’ rich history and sense of local pride. central to this legacy is the

scottish textiles industry which continues to thrive internationally and boasts the highest quality manufacture of cashmere

and tweed fabrics in the world. International brands including chanel, louis vitton and Alexander mcQueen are amongst

numerous design houses who regularly visit and manufacture in the region.” - marnie c., Instructor at Heriot-Watt









Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Director

• on-site orientation

• Housing • tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD DAY

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell

Group meals

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities


Page 100: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

HeRIot-WAtt UnIveRsIt Y textIles AnD fAsHIon DesIGn

Highlights• Housing: student dorms on campus BetWeen teRm HoUsInG InclUDeD foR AcADemIc YeAR stUDents


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• copy of passport

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014early january - mid-may, 2014 $17,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 15, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne november 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014mid-september - late December, 2014 $17,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015mid-september, 2014 - mid-may, 2015 $32,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 15 cReDIts

Home to the school of textiles & Design, the scottish Borders campus is located in the town of Galashiels. students will find a friendly, lively community on a compact campus that makes it easy to access all of the Heriot-Watt facilities.

the campus recently underwent a multi-million pound refurbishment to create an inspiring learning environment and center for excellence. the university has established integrated learning facilities, computer suites, specialized workshops, spacious studios, a library and a gallery. the campus offers a range of support services for students and has a lively students’ Association with strong links to its partner on HW’s edinburgh campus.

Galashiels is located only an hour’s drive edinburgh, which is easily accessed by regular bus service between campuses.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOn courses at Heriot Watt University are assigned credit based on the scottish credit and Qualifications framework (scQf). students take 60 scQf credits (or approximately 15 U.s. credits) per semester. courses are normally worth 15 scQf credits (3.75 U.s.), meaning that students would normally take 4 courses in each semester and earn up to 15 U.s. semester credits.

HeR Iot-WAt tHIGHl IGHts

Heriot-Watt was recently named the “scottish University of the Year” for 2012 & 2013.

Heriot-Watt also honored as having the “scottish student Union of the Year”

the national student survey (2012) namedHeriot-Watt the #1 university in scotland.


Page 101: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

COURSe InFORMaTIOn students are allowed to choose courses from the first, second and third year classes. not all courses are offered every semester or every year. the course selection may vary, and no course is guaranteed. some courses may have prerequisites, and some courses may require additional fees for labs, equipment, etc.

Registration takes place upon arrival; however, we recommend that (after consulting the API website for course listings), students have 6-8 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes.

students can visit the API website for the complete course listings by semester and use these course listings when completing the course preregistration form (available in the student’s @api account) for the API application. course times, course descriptions and the semester in which a course is offered are subject to change and no course is guaranteed.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcript from Heriot-Watt University upon completion of their program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

InTeRIOR and FaSHIOn deSIgnDesign for textiles fAsHIon, InteRIoR, ARt

fashionInclUDInG mensWeAR, WomensWeAR, commUnIcAtIon, AnD mARketInG AnD RetAIlInG

fashion technologyInterior Design

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons GS01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees GS02


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR


Page 102: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland





s e






API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of scotland outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API Galashiels programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

A l n W I c k c A s t l e A n D B e R W I c k U P o n t W e e D F a l l * Alnwick castle has been the mighty fortress home of the Percy family, the Dukes of northumberland since 1309. they still live there today! It is one of the finest medieval castles in Britain, and it was also the backdrop for Harry Potter’s first flying lesson. the castle also has amazing landscaped gardens with one of the world’s largest tree houses. Berwick-upon-tweed is a traditional market town, which sits on the coast right on the scottish/english border and is the northernmost town in england.

e D I n B U R G H o R I e n t A t I o n S P R I n g • F a l l edinburgh is scotland’s capital city, with a skyline that is dominated by the impressive 12th century edinburgh castle, perched on an extinct volcano and occupied since the 9th century Bc. edinburgh’s streets are steeped in history. edinburgh has a thriving cultural scene where students can also visit the elephant House coffee shop where j.k. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books!

G l A s G o W F a l l * Glasgow is the largest city in scotland and is home to an outstanding variety of museums, galleries and performance venues. once the 2nd city of the British empire and a major centre of trade with the UsA, Glasgow now wears its victorian splendor with pride.

l o c H n e s s & t H e H I G H l A n D s S P R I n g • F a l l the romantic ruins of Urquhurt castle are located on the banks of the world’s most mysterious stretch of water, loch ness. A boat cruise of the 23 mile, 700 feet deep loch is a great way to try and spot “nessie”, the infamous loch ness monster. the Highlands are home to scotland’s most dramatic scenery where students can expect to see rugged mountains, forest filled glens (valleys) and lochs.

l o n D o n , e n G l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn S P R I n g london is the largest city in western europe. the tower of london, with its Beefeaters and grisly past, is a prominent landmark. It is situated next to the famous tower Bridge, which spans the River thames. Westminster Abbey, st. Paul’s cathedral, the houses of Parliament and Big Ben are all equally famous historical buildings. london is a magical city with plenty to offer any visitor.

s A I n t A n D R e W s F a l l * saint Andrews is a stunning medieval city, home of golf and scotland’s finest coastal town. It is also home to the oldest university in scotland where Prince William and kate middleton studied and met.

t H e s c o t t I s H B o R D e R s S P R I n g • F a l l * covering about 1800 square miles, the valleys and forests of the scottish Borders stretch from the rolling hills and moorland in the west, through valleys to the high agricultural plains of the east, and on to the rocky Berwickshire coastline with its secluded coves and picturesque fishing villages. the visit will include plenty of amazing scenery and castles, abbeys and stately homes, as well as entrances into some sites such as melrose Abbey and/or Abbottsford House, the former home of sir Walter scott.

Y o R k s H I R e W e e k e n D , c A s t l e H o W A R D f o U n t A I n s A B B e Y F a l l

InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn York is a charming city that retains the feel of a medieval english town with its winding cobbled streets spreading out within the original medieval city walls. from almost everywhere in York one can see York minster, the oldest Gothic cathedral in Britain, erected between 1220 and 1470. castle Howard dates from the early 18th century and is one of the grandest private residences in the country. there are world-class gardens within 1,000 acres of landscape filled with temples, lakes, statues and fountains. fountains Abbey, founded in 1132, soon became one of the largest and richest cistercian abbeys in Britain, before being closed by Henry vIII in 1539. A striking landscape was created around the ruins of the cistercian fountains Abbey and fountains Hall castle, in Yorkshire.

*Fall students will participate in 2 of the 3 asterisked day trips.

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all aPI HOUSIng In SCOTland InClUdeS InTeRneT aCCeSSG








s t U D e n t D o R m I t o R Y meAls AnD lAUnDRY seRvIce not InclUDeD


students in edinburgh live in Heriot-Watt University housing conveniently located on campus just minutes from class and 20 minutes from central edinburgh. All API students are accommodated in one of four different halls of residence on campus. the rooms are individual rooms with private bathrooms and all are self-catered. the study bedrooms are grouped around community lounges and kitchens shared by 4-6 students. the kitchen/dining areas are furnished but students need to provide their own cooking utensils, crockery and cutlery. each room has a telephone, university network and broadband internet connections. laundry facilities are available, and student wardens at each residence hall are available to help students adjust to life on campus and to settle in.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


Page 104: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

ClaSSeS TaUgHT In enGlIsH

HOUSIng stUDent DoRms/APARtments

g.P.a. 3.0

TeRMsemesteRAcADemIc YeAR sUmmeR

“I ReAllY lIkeD HoW tHe PRoGRAm WAs stRUctUReD - veRY oRGAnIzeD, BUt At tHe sAme tIme, I neveR felt lIke I WAs BeInG BABYsAt. tHe oRGAnIzAtIon of API mADe BotH mY PARents AnD me less WoRRIeD ABoUt tRAvelInG to A neW coUntRY.” - DevAn m.


Page 105: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

stIRlInG ResIDent DIRectoR

stirling overviewPOPUlaTIOn: 40,000

oveR 300 sUBject AReAs to cHoose fRom

toP RAteD ReseARcH DePARtments

cAmPUs HAs Its oWn locH AnD cAstle

centRAl locAtIon BetWeen eDInBURGH, GlAsGoW, AnD HIGHlAnDs

smAll toWn WItH lARGe stUDent PoPUlAtIon

veRY DIveRse commUnItY

AmAzInG sPoRts fAcIlItIes

vIBRAnt nIGHtlIfe

Host UniversityUnIveRsItY of stIRlInG


HOW WOUld YOU deSCRIBe STIRlIng? “the best of both worlds! A perfect historic compact city to explore

on foot, history and culture meets buzzing young student city, surrounded with breathtaking countryside. there are

even woodlands and a loch on campus! And yet it is less than an hour to the big cities of Glasgow and edinburgh

with all the museums, galleries and nightlife they have to offer.” - Rachel, stirling Resident Director








Program IncludesPRe-DePARtURe seRvIces

• Advising

• @api online Resources

• orientation materials and support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• social networking

• scholarships

on-sIte seRvIces

• Airport Reception

• Resident Director

• on-site orientation

• Housing • tuition

on-sIte seRvIces COnTInUed

• medical and life Insurance

• excursions oveRnIGHt AnD DAY

• social and cultural Activities

• Welcome and farewell

Group meals

Re-entRY seRvIces

• Re-entry materials and support

• Post-Program evaluation

• transcript

• Alumni network and Development opportunities


Page 106: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of stIRlInG

Highlights• Ancient capital of scotland; home to William Wallace

• Housing: student dorms/apartments BetWeen teRm HoUsInG InclUDeD foR AcADemIc YeAR stUDents


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSPRIng SeMeSTeR 2014early february - early june, 2014 $15,300

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne october 1, 2013PaYMenT deadlIne october 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Fall SeMeSTeR 2014september - December, 2014 $15,300

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne march 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aCadeMIC YeaR 2014-2015september, 2014 - early june 2015 $29,400

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne march 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 15 semesteR cReDIts

API students in stirling enroll in courses with scottish and other international students at the University of stirling - one of the most popular universities in scotland. the university offers courses across five major areas, including health and well-being, culture and society, environment, enterprise and the economy, and sport.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOn courses at the University of stirling are assigned credit based on the scottish credit and Qualifications framework (scQf). one stirling course module is equivalent to 22 scQf credits. this is equivalent to approximately 5 U.s. credits (in systems with a 30 credit academic year). three stirling modules (66 scQf credits or 15 U.s. credits) is considered a full semester load and 6 course modules (132 scQf credits or 30 U.s. credits) is considered a full year load.

aCadeMIC leveleach course at the University of stirling is assigned an scQf level ranging from 8-10. level 8 courses are generally first year courses, level 9 are normally second year courses which require some background knowledge, and level 10 courses are usually third and fourth year courses which are at an advanced level and require considerable background in this subject area. Please note that students who are not first year students at their home university are not permitted to register for more than one level 8 module because of limited availability of spaces on first year modules.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnthe first 3 characters of the code indicate the department, and the second three the course module itself. Where a code ends in “1” or “2”, the module is generally offered in semester one or two of the stirling degree program (first/freshman year courses); “3” or “4” indicates semester three or semester four of the degree program (second/junior year course) etc. If the code ends in a letter, the module is almost always available only to students in semesters 5-8 (junior/senior year) of the degree program who have a strong academic background in the subject.

not all courses are offered every semester or every year. the course selection may vary, and no course is guaranteed. some courses may have prerequisites, and some courses may require additional fees for labs, equipment, etc.

Registration takes place upon arrival; however, we recommend that (after consulting the API website for course listings), students have 6-8 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes.


Page 107: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

students can visit the API website for the complete course listings by semester and use these course listings when completing the course preregistration form (available in the student’s @api account) for the API application. course times, course descriptions and the semester in which a course is offered are subject to change and no course is guaranteed.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcripts from the University of stirling upon completion of their program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

Accounting Aquatic sciencesBiological sciencesBusiness studiescomputer sciencecriminologyeconomicseducationenglish studiesenvironmental sciencefilm and mediafinancefrenchGlobal cinema and cultureHistoryHuman Resources management

journalism studieslawmanagementmarketingmathematicsnursingPhilosophyPoliticsPsychologyReligious studiessociologysocial Policyspanish and latin American studiessports studies

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons St01

cURRent DAtes AnD fees St02


SeMeSTeR • aCadeMIC YeaR


UnIveRsIt Y of s t IRl InGHIGHl IGHts

11,000+ students

100+ nationalities represented

23% students from overseas

Ranked #1 in scotland and #8 in the Ukin the times Higher education 100 Under

50 table, which ranks the world’s best 100 universities under 50 years old

scottish University of the Year 2009/2010

Best student living experience in the Uk (national student Housing survey 2010)

RanKIngS In SCOTland#1 in communications & media

#1 in education#1 in sport • #2 in social Work

#2 in computer science#2 in social Policy • #3 in sociology

(the times Good University Guide, the Guardian University Guide, the complete University Guide)

Page 108: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland










API students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of scotland outside of the host city. the following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for API stirling programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the API website for the most up-to-date excursions.

A l n W I c k c A s t l e A n D B e R W I c k U P o n t W e e D F a l l * Alnwick castle has been the mighty fortress home of the Percy family, the Dukes of northumberland since 1309. they still live there today! It is one of the finest medieval castles in Britain, and it was also the backdrop for Harry Potter’s first flying lesson. the castle also has amazing landscaped gardens with one of the world’s largest tree houses. Berwick-upon-tweed is a traditional market town, which sits on the coast right on the scottish/english border and is the northernmost town in england.

e D I n B U R G H o R I e n t A t I o n S P R I n g • F a l l edinburgh is scotland’s capital city, with a skyline that is dominated by the impressive 12th century edinburgh castle, perched on an extinct volcano and occupied since the 9th century Bc. edinburgh’s streets are steeped in history. edinburgh has a thriving cultural scene where students can also visit the elephant House coffee shop where j.k. Rowling wrote the early Harry Potter books!

G l A s G o W F a l l * Glasgow is the largest city in scotland and is home to an outstanding variety of museums, galleries and performance venues. once the 2nd city of the British empire and a major centre of trade with the UsA, Glasgow now wears its victorian splendor with pride.

l o c H n e s s & t H e H I G H l A n D s S P R I n g • F a l l the romantic ruins of Urquhurt castle are located on the banks of the world’s most mysterious stretch of water, loch ness. A boat cruise of the 23 mile, 700 feet deep loch is a great way to try and spot “nessie”, the infamous loch ness monster. the Highlands are home to scotland’s most dramatic scenery where students can expect to see rugged mountains, forest filled glens (valleys) and lochs.

l o n D o n , e n G l A n D InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn S P R I n g london is the largest city in western europe. the tower of london, with its Beefeaters and grisly past, is a prominent landmark. It is situated next to the famous tower Bridge, which spans the River thames. Westminster Abbey, st. Paul’s cathedral, the houses of Parliament and Big Ben are all equally famous historical buildings. london is a magical city with plenty to offer any visitor.

s A I n t A n D R e W s F a l l * saint Andrews is a stunning medieval city, home of golf and scotland’s finest coastal town. It is also home to the oldest university in scotland where Prince William and kate middleton studied and met.

t H e s c o t t I s H B o R D e R s S P R I n g • F a l l * covering about 1800 square miles, the valleys and forests of the scottish Borders stretch from the rolling hills and moorland in the west, through valleys to the high agricultural plains of the east, and on to the rocky Berwickshire coastline with its secluded coves and picturesque fishing villages. the visit will include plenty of amazing scenery and castles, abbeys and stately homes, as well as entrances into some sites such as melrose Abbey and/or Abbottsford House, the former home of sir Walter scott.

Y o R k s H I R e W e e k e n D , c A s t l e H o W A R D f o U n t A I n s A B B e Y F a l l

InTeRnaTIOnal exCURSIOn York is a charming city that retains the feel of a medieval english town with its winding cobbled streets spreading out within the original medieval city walls. from almost everywhere in York one can see York minster, the oldest Gothic cathedral in Britain, erected between 1220 and 1470. castle Howard dates from the early 18th century and is one of the grandest private residences in the country. there are world-class gardens within 1,000 acres of landscape filled with temples, lakes, statues and fountains. fountains Abbey, founded in 1132, soon became one of the largest and richest cistercian abbeys in Britain, before being closed by Henry vIII in 1539. A striking landscape was created around the ruins of the cistercian fountains Abbey and fountains Hall castle, in Yorkshire.

*Fall students will participate in 2 of the 3 asterisked day trips.

Page 109: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

all aPI HOUSIng In STIRlIng InClUdeS InTeRneT aCCeSSs






s t U D e n t A P A R t m e n t s o R D o R m I t o R I e smeAls AnD lAUnDRY seRvIce not InclUDeD


API students are either housed in University of stirling accommodations on campus or in university-run 4–6 bedroom student flats located 10 minutes from campus. All accommodations are self-catered and students have access to well-equipped kitchens with cooking and storage facilities. Additionally, the university’s catering department offers superb value catering options on campus. All rooms are single. on-campus housing has sinks in the bedroom and all housing has shared shower and toilet facilities. All housing is fully networked, enabling residents to access the University’s computing resources, including internet. students in off-campus housing have limited utilities included. All housing has 24-hour concierge services on-site.

summer students will have linens are with on-campus housing, which are laundered by the University.


HoUsInG PHotos on tHIs PAGe RePResent tHe stAnDARD API stUDent AccommoDAtIons. PlAcements WIll vARY BAseD on AvAIlABIlItY.


Page 110: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

s a m h r a d h

s u m m e r

s i m m e r

Page 111: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

s U m m e R P R o G R A m s

Page 112: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

e n G l A n D

foR excURsIon AnD HoUsInG InfoRmAtIon, PleAse see tHe semesteR sectIon of cAtAloG.

Page 113: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Yof leeDs

Highlights• classes taught in english

• Housing: student apartment

• class field trips and athletic center pass included


Requirements• minimum 2.8 G.P.A.

• open to freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• copy of home university placement offer fResHmen onlY

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 2014mid-june - early-july, 2014 $6,300

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 30, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 6 U.s. semesteR cReDIts

students participating in leeds International summer school have a fantastic opportunity to live and learn in one of england’s most exciting student cities. students experience the U.k. education system at one of the U.k.’s leading universities with fellow international students and immerse themselves in genuine British culture. students will learn from leeds academic staff about the fascinating and beautiful area of Yorkshire, famous for its lush green scenery, long social and artistic history, and warm, friendly people. through experiential learning and field trips, students will spend considerable time outside of the classroom, enjoying hands-on learning that will offer insights into British culture, history and society that even the Brits will envy!

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of leeds upon successful completion of their program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

British HistoryBritish literature

musicRenewable energy


coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LE03

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LE04




A fe W Re Asons to cHoose leeDs foR tHe sUmmeR

• A top U.k. research-led University in the prestigious Russell Group

• A city center campus. only a 10 minute walk from the 3rd largest city in the U.k.

• An unrivaled nightlife and vibrant music scene

• A city surrounded by culture, history and outstanding national parks

• located 2 1/2 hours from london and 2 hours from edinburgh

l e e D s

Page 114: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of tHe ARts, lonDon centRAl sAInt mARtIns colleGe of ARts AnD DesIGn

Highlights• classes taught in english

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• csm courses are generally for students who have one year’s experience in the subject of choice. freshmen may be admitted as long as they have had some background in the subject to which they are applying.

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• Program of study statement

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 1 2014june, 2014 $5,380–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMeR 1 & 2 2014june - july, 2014 $8,990–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

deadlIneS FOR all SUMMeR PROgRaMS

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SUMMeR 6 semesteR cReDIts

summer study abroad at central saint martins is a great opportunity to attend an intensive course that gives a taste of the full-time degree course programs at the University of the Arts, london. students work more independently than they may be used to at their home institution. teaching is not conducted in a traditional U.s. lecture-based setting; however, students receive guidance from faculty and help in identifying the resources needed to reach course goals. courses are delivered in a variety of ways including individual and group tutorials, projects, seminars, lectures, and museum, gallery and studio visits.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of the Arts, london (in conjunction with central saint martins college of Arts and Design) upon completion of the program. students are assessed on the basis of project work, preparatory materials, the log and written assignments.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

ArchitectureArt Historycommunication

fashion Designfine Art Graphic Design

Interior Design textile Design

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN19

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN20



l o n D o n


Page 115: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of tHe ARts, lonDonlonDon colleGe of fAsHIon

Highlights• classes taught in english

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• suitable for beginning level students• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.• completed API application • University contact Information form• two letters of recommendation• official transcript• Program of study statement• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Paris fashion and culture tripBoth summer tracks at lcf include a trip to Paris! After starting with a boat trip, students explore this capital of culture, art, style and inspiration through participation in a variety of carefully planned activities, walks and visits. students visit a selection of museums, galleries, food markets, flea markets, designer boutiques, department stores, typical shopping districts as well as major sights, including: le tour eiffel, l’Arc de triomphe, sainte chapelle, louvre, montmartre, notre Dame, musée d’orsay, le marais, champs elysées and any major fashion/textiles exhibitions.


Dates and feesFaSHIOn deSIgn & MeRCHandISIng mid-june - August, 2014 $12,980–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FOOTWeaR deSIgnmid-june - August, 2014 $13,180–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 12 semesteR cReDIts

london college of fashion has an international reputation as one of the most creative and forward-thinking educational establishments in the world, as a result of their unique relationship with the fashion, lifestyle and beauty industries. they offer the chance to study a range of specifically tailored, professional, career-oriented courses in fashion and footwear design. the programs are carefully designed to ensure a balance of theory and skills-based learning, underpinned by valuable historical and cultural study. students also benefit from experiencing the stimulating cultural resources of london and its fashion industry.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnfAsHIon DesIGn AnD meRcHAnDIsInG oR footWeAR DesIGn teaching is not conducted in a traditional U.s. lecture-based setting; however, students receive guidance from faculty and help in identifying the resources needed to reach course goals. courses are delivered in a variety of ways including individual and group tutorials, projects, seminars, lectures, and museum, gallery and studio visits. some courses may require evening and/or saturday work. this may cause students to miss certain API cultural events/excursions. contact the API office for further information. some courses require additional fees for labs, equipment, etc. these fees are not included in the program cost.

CRedIT InFORMaTIOnstudents can expect to earn 12 semester credits through participation in the fashion Design and merchandising or footwear Design summer schools. the former is comprised of 6 units (courses) + the Paris field trip; the latter is comprised of 3 units + the Paris field trip. each unit (course) is worth two, three or six study abroad credits. A 2 credit unit receives 20 hours of instruction (contact time) within a session, and 10 non-class hours (self directed study/homework) are expected in addition to this. A six credit unit will receive 60 hours of instruction (contact time) within a session, and 30 non-class hours (self directed study/homework) are expected in addition to this.

PORTFOlIO ReqUIReMenTS students applying for the footwear Design track should demonstrate prior experience in the field, by submitting a maximum of 5 pieces of their best work on cD along with their application.

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive an official transcript from the University of the Arts, london (in conjunction with the london college of fashion) upon completion of the program. students are assessed on the basis of assignment work.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN11

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN12




l o n D o n

Page 116: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

lonDon scHool of economIcs (lse)

Highlights• Internationally renowned program

• selective admission

• classes taught in english

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A. stUDents APPlYInG to 200/300 level clAsses mAY ReQUIRe A HIGHeR G.P.A.

• open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• must have met course prerequisites

• contact information for one academic reference

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 1 2014early july - late july, 2014 $5,290*–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMeR 2 2014late july - mid-August, 2014 $5,290*–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMeR 1 & 2 COMBIned 2014early july - mid-August 2014 $8,980*–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

deadlIneS FOR all SUMMeR PROgRaMS

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 30, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

*Additional tuition fees apply for professional applicants, i.e. those not currently enrolled in a U.s. university as a full-time student.

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS SeMeSTeR 3 cReDIts

the internationally renowned lse summer school offers an extensive range of courses in accounting and finance, economics, international studies, law and management, taught by the same leading lse faculty who lead the academic year programs. It allows students an insight into the leading-edge thinking in each discipline. courses are academically challenging and intellectually stimulating, as they are condensed versions of the courses offered during the semester. It is the largest summer school program in the U.k., with over 4,500 participants representing more than 120 countries. there is also a significant professional representation in the courses and students may find that they have representatives from the United nations, the european commission and leading international banks in their classes. the faculty are all experts in their fields and are actively involved in academic research and many act as advisors and consultants to companies and government bodies.

students can participate in both summer sessions for a total of 6 U.s. semester credits. All lse summer school students are encouraged to make full use of lse facilities. these include the lse library (the major U.k. national library of social sciences), It services, lse Health center, school cafeterias, and lse sports facilities.

levelS and PReReqUISITeS SeleCTIvITYPlease note that for admission to courses that require prerequisites, it is not enough to have simply taken the prerequisite course. In most cases, students must have passed the prerequisite course with a B+ (3.3) or higher.

100 level COURSeS these courses are equivalent to introductory level university courses. they have no specific prerequisites in their own subject but may require some mathematics or other related subjects. the 100 level course minimum entry requirement is that applicants must have graduated from high school and have been accepted to a college or university.

200 level COURSeS these courses are equivalent to intermediate level university courses. they have prerequisites in the form of university-level introductory courses in the same, or a closely related, subject.

300 level COURSeS these courses are advanced and equivalent to either final year undergraduate or first year graduate courses. they have prerequisites of university level intermediate courses. students taking classes of this level need to be aware that they will have to put in a great deal of work and should only attempt these courses if they have a solid background and excel in the subject area. students are advised to register for 300 level courses only if they are currently taking upper-level courses for that subject at their home university.

aCadeMIC ReFeRee the application requires students to provide contact information for one academic reference, but it is not necessary to include a written letter of recommendation. lse will contact the referee directly if further information is required.


Page 117: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

CRedITS and TeaCHIng MeTHOdS summer school courses are full-time and normally consist of 48 contact hours over the three-week period, taking the form of 36 hours of lectures and 12 hours of classes. each course is worth 3 U.s. credits.

Due to the intensive nature of the program, students can expect to spend a full day on campus. lectures, attended by all students, take place in either the morning (10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) or afternoon (2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.). they are supplemented by additional one-hour classes with approximately 15 students, either in the morning or the afternoon. classes, which may also be called tutorials, are an opportunity to work through problem sets or case studies or to present and discuss seminar papers. In addition, 2-3 hours of independent study are recommended per day.

COURSe TexTS course textbooks are used to complement the lectures and classes. While it may not be necessary to undertake a large amount of pre-course reading, it may be advantageous to read the first few chapters of the main text in advance.

many of the books on the reading list are available in the lse library, however API advises students to buy the main text(s) and use the lse library for supplementary reading. Details of the required text(s) will be confirmed post-acceptance.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive a transcript from the london school of economics upon successful completion of their program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

AccountingeconomicsfinanceGovernment and society

International Relationslawmanagement

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN27

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN28




l se lec tURe seR Ies

All lse summer students are eligible to attend the lse Public lecture series at no additional cost. speakers include internationally renowned professors and researchers.

l o n D o n

Page 118: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

UnIveRsIt Y of WestmInsteR

Highlights• classes taught in english

• Housing: student apartments


Requirements• minimum 2.8 G.P.A. fResHmen mUst HAve A mInImUm HIGH scHool G.P.A. of 3.0

• open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 1 2014mid-june - mid-july, 2014 $4,980–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMeR 2 2014mid-july - late july, 2014 $4,980–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMeR 1 & 2 COMBIned 2014mid-june - late july, 2014 $8,600–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

deadlIneS FOR all SUMMeR PROgRaMS

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 4 semesteR cReDIts foR 1 sessIon8 semesteR cReDIts foR tWo sessIons comBIneD

API offers three summer academic pathways at the University of Westminster. each program is approximately 3 weeks long. • media Arts and Design • International Business • liberal Arts, including law and Architecture

TRanSCRIPTSstudents receive a transcript from the University of Westminster upon successful completion of their program.

subject offerings

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

ArchitectureArt Historycommunicationscreative Writingeconomicsenglishfashion Design

fashion merchandisingfinanceHistoryInternational BusinessInternational Relationsjournalismliterature

managementmedia ArtsmarketingPhotographyPolitical sciencePsychology

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LN23

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LN24




l o n D o n

Page 119: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland
Page 120: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

I R e l A n D

foR excURsIon AnD HoUsInG InfoRmAtIon, PleAse see tHe semesteR sectIon of cAtAloG.

Page 121: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

sUmmeR scHool In IRIsH stUDIes UnIveRsItY colleGe coRk - nAtIonAl UnIveRsItY of IRelAnD

Highlights• Housing student apartments

• courses in english with international students


Requirements• minimum 2.85 G.P.A.

• open to students with at least one semester of college study

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 1 2014late june - late july, 2014 $5,280

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 6 semesteR cReDIts

the University college cork summer school in Irish studies endeavors to create a unique learning experience through a fusion of culture, landscape and rigorous history and literature examinations. the school is conducted at the 300 level (upper division) and is suitable for undergraduate students of history and literature, post-graduates, teachers and researchers in Irish studies and those generally interested in Irish culture. During the summer session students explore the history, literature, and culture of the Irish through the ages.

In the first two weeks of the program students delve into the historical foundations of Irish identity and culture. In recent past years, students have explored Ireland’s history by using its landscape, political evolution and contribution to the development of western civilization as a vehicle for this exploration.

the second two weeks of the program introduce students to the strong literary pulse that gives Ireland its vibrant reputation for literary legends. some of the literature figures that have been used in the past include oscar Wilde, james joyce, William Butler Yeats, frank o’connor and Patrick kavanagh. students examine how these authors defined a culture by their works and literary observations.

COURSe/CRedIT InFORMaTIOnstudents take two classes, for a total of 6 semester credits, 3 cReDIts In HIstoRY AnD 3 cReDIts In lIteRAtURe. the course selection may vary and no course is guaranteed.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcript from the University college cork - national University of Ireland upon completion of their program.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons CK03

cURRent DAtes AnD fees CK04




c o R k

Page 122: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland
Page 123: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

sUmmeR InteRnsHIP PRoGRAm UnIveRsIt Y colleGe DUBlIn

Highlights• earn credit for internship and academic work

• Housing: student apartments in city-center locations


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• official transcript

• copy of passport/birth certificate

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesIRISH HISTORYearly june - late july, 2014 $9,200

InTeRnaTIOnal BUSIneSSearly june - late july, 2014 $9,200

BUSIneSS analYTICSearly june - late july, 2014 $9,200

nURSIngearly june - late july, 2014 $8,900

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne march 15, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 6 semesteR cReDIts

today’s global economy demands graduates with a global perspective. the UcD summer Internship Program provides challenging international work experience in a uniquely stimulating location - the modern european city of Dublin. the rich culture of Dublin experienced through the lens of an internship offers students the opportunity to integrate into Irish life. students benefit greatly by fine-tuning their communication skills and developing practical professional skills. Placements are in prestigious Irish and international companies in varied industry sectors, in addition to smaller, innovative organizations.

CUlTURal and SOCIal PROgRaM An essential element of the UcD summer Internship Program is for students to experience Irish society and culture through an extensive series of excursions and field trips in Dublin and across the island of Ireland. Activities may include: Wicklow mountain walk; hurling match; trip to the west of Ireland; castle tour; Irish dancing and traditional Irish music.

InTeRnSHIP COURSe (3 U.S. CRedITS) In addition to an internship placement, students take a special module focusing on their track topic. this module is taught intensively during the first week of the program. students choose to participate in either the Irish History track, International Business track, Business Analytics track, or nursing track. field trips to places of historical interest are an integral component of this module.

InTeRnSHIP PlaCeMenT (3 U.S. CRedITS) the 6-8 week program consists of a 4-6-week internship placement at a leading Irish company. the internship team can provide a broad spectrum of intellectually engaging placements based on any field of interest, goals, and skills. students are assessed on the internship through a weekly reflective journal, a research paper, and class presentation. students also complete a research paper for the Irish history module in the final week of the program.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcript from University college Dublin upon completion of their program.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons du13

cURRent DAtes AnD fees du14




D U B l I n

Page 124: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

sUmmeR scHool In IRIsH stUDIesnAtIonAl UnIveRsIt Y of IRel AnD, GAlWAY

Highlights• Housing: student apartments

• Great opportunity to study Irish literature and history!


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• Passport-sized photo

• copy of passport/birth certificate

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 1 2014late june - late july, 2014 $5,980

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 6 semesteR cReDIts

this program provides an integrated introduction to Irish studies, incorporating elements from all the contributing disciplines. It consists of a series of interdisciplinary seminars focusing on key themes in Irish studies such as identity, emigration, and religion, and a broad range of elective courses. the series of field trips is designed to complement the courses taught in the various modules and is an integral element in the overall program structure. In addition, as part of the Irish studies program, an introductory non-credit class in the Irish language (Gaelic) is provided for interested students.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnRegistration takes place upon arrival; however, API recommends that students have 3 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for scheduling conflicts and the possible unavailability of certain classes. students are asked to indicate their choices in order of preference on the course pre-registration form, available in the student’s @api online account.

each student chooses two Irish culture courses, for a total of 6 semester credits.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcript from the national University of Ireland, Galway upon completion of their program.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons GA03

cURRent DAtes AnD fees GA04



G A l W A Y


Page 125: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

sUmmeR scHool In IRIsH stUDIesUnIveRsIt Y of lImeRIck

Highlights• Housing: on campus student apartments WItH 3 meAls PeR DAY

• earn 3 credits in just 3 weeks!


Requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• students must have completed freshman year

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• Passport-sized photo

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 1 2014late may - mid-june, 2014 $5,480

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 3 semesteR cReDIts

this program is taught at the 300 level. this is a challenging and enjoyable summer school program, which will combine academic rigor with opportunities to experience contemporary life in Ireland and view some spectacular scenery. As an additional component of this summer program, students participate in three program excursions through Ul.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnRegistration takes place upon arrival; however, we recommend that students have 2-3 courses approved by their home university prior to departure, in order to allow for the possible unavailability of classes. students will be asked to indicate their choices in order of preference on the course pre-registration form, available in the student’s @api online account.

students will choose one Irish culture course for a total of 3 semester credits.

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive a transcript from the University of limerick upon completion of their program.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LI03

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LI04




l I m e R I c k

Page 126: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

enGIneeRInG sUmmeR scHoolUnIveRsIt Y of lImeRIck

Highlights• Housing: on campus student apartments WItH 3 meAls PeR DAY

• Unique opportunity to study engineering during the summer at one of Ireland’s top universities


Requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• students must have completed freshman year

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• Passport-sized photo

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 1 2014late may - mid-june, 2014 $5,480

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 4 semesteR cReDIts

students who would like to study abroad in limerick during the summer with API can choose to focus on engineering studies through this intensive 3-week program. the summer school is run by the Department of mechanical, Aeronautical & Biomedical engineering which is one of three engineering departments in the faculty of science and engineering at the University of limerick. this program is taught at the 300 level, and is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. As an additional component of this summer program, students participate in several program excursions through Ul.

COURSe InFORMaTIOnRegistration takes place upon arrival. students will take 1 course (technical communication for engineering).

TRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive a transcript from the University of limerick upon completion of their program.

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons LI05

cURRent DAtes AnD fees LI06



l I m e R I c k


Page 127: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

s c o t l A n D

foR excURsIon AnD HoUsInG InfoRmAtIon, PleAse see tHe semesteR sectIon of cAtAloG.

Page 128: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

sUmmeR scHool UnIveRsIt Y of stIRlInG

Highlights• Housing: student dorms/apartments

• Internships available


Requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• open to sophomores, juniors & seniors

• completed API application

• University contact Information form

• one letter of recommendation

• official transcript

• copy of passport/birth certificate

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


Dates and feesSUMMeR 1 2014mid-june - mid-july, 2014 $5,990

SUMMeR 2 2014mid-july - mid-August, 2014 $5,990

SUMMeR 1&2 COMBIned 2014mid-june - mid-August, 2014 $11,200

aPPlICaTIOn deadlIne April 1, 2014PaYMenT deadlIne April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

exCURSIOnS, COURSeS, enTRY ReqUIReMenTS, PROgRaM daTeS and FeeS aRe SUBjeCT TO CHange. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramTOTal CRedIT HOURS 6-12 semesteR cReDIts

the summer modules/classes are offered over two four-week blocks. each module consists of in-class and excursion components, giving students the opportunity to enjoy university teaching both in and out of the classroom. modules are assessed by a combination of exam, essay, presentation and fieldwork. students may select an internship option during the second term.

courses at the University of stirling are assigned credit based on the scottish credit and Qualifications framework (scQf). each stirling module earns 11 scQf credits, or approximately 3 U.s. credits. students are thus able to earn 6 U.s. credits (during a four-week block) or 9 to 12 U.s. credits (during an eight-week block).

API fastfind tm

for additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the API fastfind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. this will take you directly to that information in an instant. Two letters. Two numbers. You’re there.

coURse l IstInGs AnD DescRIPtIons St03

cURRent DAtes AnD fees St04



subject offeringsoffeReD oveR tWo teRms (Blocks), coURse sUBjects mAY InclUDe:



environmental studies

International Relations

Internships 2nD sessIoneARlY APPlIcAtIon encoURAGeD





Religion and conflict

scottish folklore

scottish literature

sports scienceTRanSCRIPTSAPI students receive their transcript from the University of stirling upon completion of their program.

s t I R l I n G s U m m e R I n t e R n s H I P

An internship option available during the 2nd summer session. students who are interested in this option must also participate in the summer 1 session, and are strongly encouraged to apply by march 15, as placements fill quickly.

s t I R l I n G

InTeRnSHIPS avaIlaBle


Page 129: API Study Abroad Catalog - England, Ireland, Scotland

call 512-469-9089 or visitculturalembracebyapi.comto apply and for more info. V O L U N T E E R • I N T E R N • T E A C H • W O R K

learning transformed. life transforming.

Paid Work & teachInternships

volunteer Programslanguage living

Group trips cUstomIzeD & PRe-DesIGneD ItIneRARIes


cHInA • colomBIA • costA RIcA • ecUADoR • fRAnce • GUAtemAlA • InDIA • InDonesIA • ItAlY

mexIco • neW zeAlAnD • PeRU • soUtH AfRIcA • sPAIn • tHAIlAnD • tURkeY • vIetnAm

take your study abroad experience further.

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