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Who are you?I am Name, representing “INA” , “CWS”, “VA?”

Where are you from?I’m from Lindköping and I started writing together with INA, when we still were named Only Night Kids, ONK. It was the little brother to one of those who started the crew OS and some other crazy kids from Lindköping. We taught it was fun to paint, and we just got hooked on painting. A lot of love and a good crew that pushed each other.

How long have you been writing?I started back in 97, and I started sketching in 96. So it’s about 15 years now I’ve been going at it. What do you do when you’re not painting?Oh shit! I relax a lot. Trying to get my chaotic life in order, and battle with my urge to paint all the time.Sometimes I take a break from painting and do other stuff like paintings and decoration.

What do you do when you’re not painting?I relax a lot. Trying to get my chaotic life in order, and battle with my urge to paint all the time.Sometimes I take a break from painting and do other stuff like paintings and decoration.

How would you describe your style?It’s kinda clean, I’ve been trying to think more in a typographic way the last couple of years. I want everyone to see my name but I also want some style in it. My pieces should have motion in them, but still be easy to read. Sure it’s fun to wild out, but I think it’s fun to keep it simple. It’s all about what you feel like painting.

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Why graffiti?Good question! It just started as something fun to do, nothing serious. I always taught it was fun to paint and draw, ever since I was about three years old. Graffiti has always had this mystique and it was always cool to do. Tags and pieces just looked so cool. When I was 9 I travelled on the autobahn trough Germany and all I saw pieces, big color pieces and odd lettering. I taught to myself, who did these pieces? How in the hell did they do that? After that I started to draw all kinds of letter com-binations. I spent a whole summer just drawing, but after a while that just faded away.

At what age did you realise that this was something for you?It happened really fast, I always got props for my sketches, but the can control was kinda bad. I blame it on that the cans, they were harder to paint with back then. But after a few years I felt that this is something for me, and I was hooked. Sometimes I don’t even paint a piece for 2 years, but graffiti is always there for me - It’s a state of mind.

Where do you find your inspiration?I get inspired by everything, I’ve had a period now when I’m really inspired by 50-70s typographical material. And of course I find a lot of inspiration in other peoples work.

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Who do you think pushes the game forward?I’ve always been a big fan of Kegr(DK), Rizot(FR) and Kaos(SE). I’ve also looked in to some of Ikaros paintings and pieces. Devine and Ikaros have done some really cool pieces and paintings. But I don’t think it’s so much about the old schoolers anymore. Those who push the game forward are the guys with the mentality of getting up every-where. It can be the guy who just want to beef all the time or the guy who sits at home, sketches and produces the most brutal piece. People push each other to being more creative and to be more innovative.

What do you think of this new wave that everybody is a writer?Haha, I’ve seen that a lot. Back in 97 in Lindköping everybody was a writer. The most obscure people had tags, and it was cool. Every 3 and 4 years there’s a wave of new writers, but 90% of them disappear with-in a year. Which I understand, because you have to be a bit fucked up. But it’s good with new blood and new fresh ideas. The more graffiti, the happier I become.

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What’s your history to Creative Venue?It was very odd, I met some of the people who was involved in it a night when I was painting. I stood and painted a worker’s shed then all of the sudden 2 guys came around the corner. I hid under the workers shed and watched what they were doing. They looked a little suspicious and when one of the guys drew a tag on the door I knew everything was alright. So I stood up and the two guys just flew up in the air like they’ve seen a ghost. We started talking, and things were chill. We painted all night, and started to bond and talk. That’s how I got to know them. I like their idea with how you get things done. Just a bunch of creative people with a cool ideas. It was so random how we met, we gave each other a heart attack and that was that you know.

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