Academic excellence

Achieving Academic Excellence by Mr. O.B. Sanni HOD, Humanities In order to cope with the rapidity with which knowledge itself changes, today’s student must seek to achieve academic excellence. Proverbs 22vs 29 1peter 2; 9 Seeth thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men

Transcript of Academic excellence

Achieving Academic Excellence by Mr. O.B. Sanni

HOD, Humanities

In order to cope with the rapidity with which knowledge itself changes, today’s student must seek to achieve academic excellence.

Proverbs 22vs 29 1peter 2; 9

Seeth thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men

What does it mean to achieve something? Or what is achievement? in a lay man dictionary achievement means the action of accomplishing something, or something that is achieved successfully.

What is academic excellence?• Academic excellence is the demonstrated ability to

perform, achieve, and/or excel in scholastic activities. Academic excellence has been identified with achieving high grades and superior performance.

• But academic excellence is more than just making good grades. It is the maximum development of your intellectual capacities and skills in service to humanity.

How can you achieve academic excellence?

Achieving academic excellence is a process of both formal and informal education. Indeed, education is a limitless and unending process to be enjoyed for a lifetime. As you continue your academic career, consider the following suggestions which can help you achieve academic excellence.

• Select a major which has a strong basic curriculum  as a course of study.

• Complete a strong liberal arts and science background in addition to your major field of study. Learn from other departments

• Learn from your students- 4th mainland bridge- eko and carter, Afolabis

• Learn to use the library and use it often, since it offers a wealth of historical and current information which can greatly enhance your classroom experiences and your general understanding.

• Develop self-confidence, persistence and leadership abilities.

• Develop an attitude of social responsibility and an understanding of cultural and intellectual differences.

• Participate in honors and enrichment programs. Surf the internet for online programmes that will enrich your credentials. E.g. ALISON

• Select friends who are dedicated and are serious about they do in their chosen careers. Don’t just be a friend with mediocre rather choose your friends wisely.

• Learn efficient management of your time. Stop procrastination as much as possible

• Participate in summer enrichment programs such as, summer research programs, or internships.

• If you have the opportunity, study abroad

• Attend lectures, concerts, art exhibits, theatrical performances, seminars, and other cultural activities whenever possible.

• Get involved in a club or activity directly related to your major as a means of meeting other colleagues, faculty and professionals in your study area.

• Seek opportunities to work with professors on special projects in a research or teaching area of interest.


• Individual Risk Factors • Low self-esteem• Academic Performance• Student Behaviors • Adult Responsibilities • Family Influence • Socioeconomic Status• Family Structure• Socio-cultural Values • Family Mobility • Parenting Effects • High School Effects • Location and School Type• Student Demographics • Academic Policies and Practices• Graduation Requirements • School Structure Size and Organization

What are the benefits of achieving academic excellence?

• Making a meaningful contribution to society throughout your life.

• Receiving academic scholarships. • Selection for membership in professional and honor societies • Admission to graduate or professional schools. • Being competitive in the job market. • Selection for competitive academic programs such as

summer enrichment programs or other special studies programs during your undergraduate or postgraduate studies. • Being in a position to be of service to those with whom you interact