Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy

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  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    First of all, I thank almighty for giving me the opportunity to complete my project


    I must admit my heart, soul and mind are even on search for the way in which I

    could express my humble gratitude to the unit manager Mr. . !uresh" #$ Manager

    and the sta% member Mr. &aramaguru of !aravana 'lobal (nergy )td. for showing

    tremendous patience and giving full freedom in guiding me towards the successful

    completion of my project.

    I would like to thank Mr. *****************************my project guide, for helping

    me and supporting me in making this report.

    +t last but not least I express my heartfelt thanks to my family members and all my

    friends who had helped me in each and every step I took to complete my project



  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    No professional curriculum is considered complete without work experience. Each individual

    who under takes management education has to pass this phase before he/ she considers him/

    herself fully qualified managers. I am lucky to have project in a company like

    aravana !lobal Energy "td.

    #uring this project$ a detailed study of the concept of absenteeism have benefited me a lot in

    terms of the practicality % understanding the concept of existence of &' department in every

    organi(ation. )his project will help me to correlate theoretical knowledge and its practical

    applications. It was a thrilling experience while studying working of aravana !lobal Energy

    "td. and understanding it.

    I am grateful to the senior executives of !aravana 'lobal (nergy )td. for their

    cooperation and interest in my project without which it could not have been possible

    to go ahead with my assignment.

    ith great pleasure, I present this project which consists of a brief study of

    absenteeism in !aravana 'lobal (nergy )td.

    &age /

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    -hapter &articulars &age no

    (xecutive !ummary

    -ompany pro0le




    'lobal &ower $esearch Institute

    +ccreditation and +ssociation

    echnical ie up

    -ustomer base


    / $eview of )iterature+bout +bsenteeism


    2asic features of +bsenteeism

    ypes of +bsenteeism

    -alculation of absenteeism rate

    -auses of absenteeism

    Measures to minimi3e absenteeism

    -ontrol of absenteeism

    4 1esign of the study

    5eed for the study

    6bjectives of the study

    $esearch methodology


    7 1ata +nalysis and interpretation

    8 Findings9 !uggestions

    &age 4

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    : +nnexure

    ; 2ibliography


    *rgani(ation is made up of people and function through people without people

    organi(ation cannot exist. )he recourses of man$ money$ materiel and machinery are collected

    coordinated and utili(ed through people. )hose resources by themselves cannot fulfill the

    objectives of an organi(ation. )hey need to be united in to a team. It is thought the complete

    effort of people that materiel and monetary resources are effectively utili(ed for the attain of

    comman objectives and goal. +ll the activities of an organi(ation therefore people are the most

    significant resources any organi(ation this research are called human resources and it is the most

    important factor production$ according to ".,.urwick business house are made broker in the long

    run not by markets or capital$ patents or equipment but by men of all the resources manpower in

    the only resources which does not appreciate with the passage of time.

    +bsenteeism in Indian industries is not a new phenomenon. It is the manifestation

    of a decision by employees not to present themselves at their place of work, at a

    time when it is planned by the management that they should be in attendance.

    Many research reports reveal that there has been a phenomenal increase in

    absenteeism in some industrial sectors. he absenteeism becomes a problem to

    organi3ational management particularly when employees absent from their work

    environment without giving su

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    #igh rate of absenteeism is neither desirable to employers nor good for the

    employees. In majority of organi3ations, high rate of absenteeism has an adverse

    e%ect on =uality and =uantity of production, es intention to

    ful0ll the new market demands. he absenteeism develops a considerable loss to

    organi3ation because work schedules gets upset and delayed and management has

    to provide overtime wages to meet the delivery dates.

    (mployee absenteeism is a global problem facing all companies. +lthough rates of

    absenteeism will vary respective of company si3e, company location, weather,

    industry type, and level of stress inherent in the job responsibility, the impact of this

    costly issue e%ects virtually all businesses. +t present, organi3ations in India take

    real interest in controlling absenteeism. Measures to prevent strikes and lockouts

    have received far and greater attention. 6ne reason for this situation may be that

    strikes and lockouts are more noisy and visible while absenteeism is silent and


    )he present study on employee-s absenteeism +'++N+ !"*+" ENE'!0

    "I1I)E#. )he survey has been conducted from employee in order to find out the absenteeism

    +'++N+ !"*+" ENE'!0 "I1I)E# and the sample si(e chosen for the study was 23

    employees. )he collected data were poled out and analy(ed by applying suitable statistical tools.

    &age 8

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )he findings and suggestions are given for further development and maintain employee-s

    absenteeism of the organi(ation.

    CHAPTER -1



    SARAVANA GLOBAL ENERGY LIMITED (SGEL) is a reputed manufacturer f A!umina prce!ain and

    "mpsite Insu!atrs fr a!! app!icatins frm ##$V t #%&&$V fr supp!' t a!! custmers suc as

    SEBs E*"s OEMs *+er Grid "rpratin f India NT*" Rai!+a' E!ectrificatin and E,prt


    Te prmters f SGEL a.e /een successfu! in ter /usinesses in Tami!nadu fr mre tan fur

    decades and t$ .er te tta! assets f Sesasa'ee Industries Limited (SIL) in %&&% and cmmenced

    cmmercia! prductin in %&&0-

    Bui!din1 n te cre stren1t f SIL as ne f te first p!ants in India t prduce i1 stren1t A!umina

    prce!ain and pr.ide imprt su/stitute t S!id "re and 2!!+ Insu!atrs te prmters cm/ined

    te e,pertise f SIL persnne! in *rductin Tecni3ues and added mdern maciner' and

    mana1ement apprac t enance 4ua!it' *rducti.it' and Efficienc'- In srt span f 5 'ears te

    cmpan' as emer1ed as te !eadin1 supp!ier in India .er ta$in1 man' e,istin1 p!a'ers-


    SGEL Unit 1:*rce!ain *!ant +it #%&&& MT annua! prductin capacities at *-N- 6uppam "udda!re

    &age 9

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    district Tami!nadu7 a/ut 8& 6m frm *udducerr' and %%& 6m frm "ennai-

    SGEL Unit 2:"mpsite p!ant +it state f art 2TV In9ectin M!din1 macines at Maduranta$ama/ut 8& 6m frm "ennai Internatina! Airprt-


    1! Hi"# Volta"$ Proc$lain Inulator

    Ln1:Rd T'pe Insu!atrs; 58 6V Ran1e Standards app!ica/!e IE" ANSI DIN

    Line:*st Insu!atrs;

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    %! Co&'oit$ Silicon$ Ru(($r Inulator

    Ln1:Rd T'pe Insu!atrs; 58 6V Ran1e Standards app!ica/!e IE" and ANSI-

    Line:*st Insu!atrs; ANSL%@-#= and an' re!e.ant internatina! standards-

    se f /t 2TV and LSR 1rades f si!icne ru//er dependin1 upn te re3uirement f te prduct-

    se f Si!icne Ru//er "mpund frm G!/a! supp!iers !i$e Cac$er Mmenti.e D+ "rnin1 etc-

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    Sailent Features

    An NABL accredited La/ratr'

    Test Reprt accepted /' a!! State EBs *G"IL NT*" ? ter Natina! Bdies-

    S'stematic E!ectrica! Testin1 upt 0&&$V fr

    Transmissin Line ? E3uipment Insu!atrs





    Line 2ard+are

    Accessries etc-

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    latest de#elop!ents in the industr$

    ape! SA *!and fr prce!ain Ln1 rd Insu!atrs up t >58$V and %#&$N- ape! is in tis

    /usiness fr .er 5& 'ears and is admired fr its 3ua!it'-

    "an1 Ge Stne *+er E3uipment "- Ltd fr "mpsite Ln1 rd Insu!atrs7 te' are ne f

    te fe+ cmpanies in te +r!d t de.e!p 2VD" "mpsite Insu!atrs-

    %usto!er &ase:

    Appr.ed B' *G"IL NT*" fr S"*I LRI upt >58 6V

    Re1u!ar Supp!ier t a!! E*"s suc as ABB AREVA B2EL "GL SIEMENS L?T EM"O E"I GET Tata *r9ects S'ama *+er etc

    Appr.ed /' a!! SEBs suc as MSET"L TNEB GET"O A*TRANS"O **T"L RRV*NL


    RDSO appr.ed

    Appr.ed /' a!! OEMs and ma9r "ircuit Brea$er manufacturers in India-


    Austra!ia BraJi! Sut Africa Ita!'

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    CHAPTER -%


    A(out A($nt$$i&

    1any researchers have conducted many studies on absenteeism. ome of the research studies are

    as follows P C Tri'at#iin his book 4PERSONNEL MANA)EMENT AN. IN.USTRIAL

    REATIONS/&as defined absenteeism as 4absence of worker from his work when he is under

    an obligation to work and when work and is available to him5

    +ccording to his point of view affects quantity and quality there is a great need to

    investigate into the nature and cause of absence. 1any studies were conducted on this topic in

    different organi(ation6 various factors attributing to absenteeism given as a result of the studies

    the research findings help the respective management to make suitable measures.

    St$'#$n P!Ro((in in his book OR)ANI0ATIONS EHAVIOUR has defined

    absenteeism as failure in reporting to work. It is obviously difficult for organi(ations to operate

    smoothly and attain targets if the employees fail to report to their jobs. 7ork flow is disrupted

    and often important decisions are delayed.

    T!Mi2oric# and 3o#n ,!ond$ra& in the book PERSONNEL4HUMEN RESOURCE

    MANA)EMENT has defined absenteeism as the time lost in industrial establishment

    navoidable or unavoidable absence of employees. &e also defines absenteeism as the total man

    shifts lost because of the absence as percentage of total number of man shifts scheduled to work.

    'esources have taken idea from his books to conduct the study on absenteeism.


  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    V!V!Pata2 516768 conducted a study on indutrial conc$rn in aroda! &e conducted his study

    with 823 chronic absentees and his study revels none of the factors responsible for absenteeism.

    P!C!A"ar9al conducted study absenteeism among laborers in a C#$&ical :$rtili;$r :actor

    aim was find out the factors responsible for absenteeism and his study revealed the followed

    factors like lack of motivation$ heat$ and heavy worked and monotonous environment.

    A!A!=#an conducted a study on absenteeism in Indutrial tin (o+ &anu:acturin" indutri$

    in o&(a

    responsible for absenteeism$ they are socio 9 economic condition. ickness$ marriage religious


    Sin#a 516618 found as many as twenty variables in relation to absenteeism under the following

    heading in plant causes$ personal factors$ community and social causes.

    M!Carri$ Mand$r 5%>>?8 has undergone a project on the topic healthy employees and

    workplace absenteeism in &untington bank. )he researches have perceived the healthy of

    employees is directly related to absenteeism. arious factors which affect heath are

    "ack of physical exercise.

    moking or drinking.

    *verweight or obese.

    &age /

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    )he labour (ur$au 516@%8 defines absenteeism as the total shifts lost ecause as

    percentage of the total number of man shifts scheduled to work. imilarly of social science

    observes that A($nt$$i& as the time lost in Industrial establishment by avoidable or

    unavoidable absence of employees. )he lost by the strikes or by lateness amounting to an hour or

    : is not usually Included.

    + noticeable feature in the industrial life in India is the absenteeism and "abor turnover.

    Experience has shown that more man days are lost on account +bsenteeism rather than of

    industrial dispute and other happenings.

    +bsenteeism among the labour of an industry is more dangerous to its ;. Economy than any

    other factor. It affects adversely the employees and Employers due to loss of wages and

    production respectively.

    +bsenteeism among the workers fundamentally depends on the environment the working

    condition and resultant attitude of the labor class to their work. )he incidence of industrial

    fatigue dry climate universal malnutrition and the hard working condition aggravate for feeling

    of change among industrial workers and sometimes repel them to visit their village homes

    frequently for rest and relaxation.

    )he consequent lack of commitment on the part of the workforce also leads to


    In the opinion of .A=LEY 516?B8

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )raditionally$ absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator of poor

    individualperformance$ as well as a breach of an implicit contract between employee and

    employer6 it was seen as a management problem$ and framed in economic or quasi=economic

    terms. 1ore recent scholarship seeks to understand absenteeism as an indicator of psychological$

    medical$ or social adjustment to work.

    In short absenteeism signifies the prescience of an employee from work when he is

    scheduled to be at work.


    +A +bsenteeism is lowest on pay day. It increases considerably on day following

    the payment of wages and bonus.

    2A +bsenteeism is generally high among workers below /8 years of age and

    those above 7@ years of age.

    -A +bsenteeism is higher among female workers than in male workers.

    1A he rate of absenteeism varies from department to department.

    (A he percentage of absenteeism is higher in the night shifts than in day shifts.

    FA he percentage absenteeism is seasonal in character and is highest during


    'A +bsenteeism is high in coal and mica mining industries.


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    If an employee is absent himself from work by taking permission from his superior

    and applying for leave, such absenteeism is called authori3ed absenteeism.

    Unauthorized Absenteeism:

    If an employee is absent himself from work without informing or taking permission

    and without applying for leave, such absenteeism is called unauthori3ed


    Innocent Absenteeism

    Innocent absenteeism refers to employees who are absent for reasons beyond their

    controlB like sickness and injury. Innocent absenteeism is not culpable which means

    that it is blameless. In a labor relations context this means that it cannot be

    remedied or treated by disciplinary measures.

    Cu!abe Absenteeism

    -ulpable absenteeism refers to employees who are absent without authori3ation for

    reasons which are within their control.

    Cacuations o" Absenteeism rate:

    +bsenteeism can be calculated with the help of the following formula.

    5o of total man shifts lost

    $ate of +bsenteeism C """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" D @@

    &age 8

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    5o of total man shifts schedule

    +bsenteeism rate can be calculated for di%erent employees and for di%erent time

    periods like month E year.

    he fre=uency rate reects the incidence of absence and is usually expressed as the

    no. of separate absence in a given period, irrespective of absence. he fre=uency

    rate represents the average no of absence per worker in a given period.

    #re$uenc% rateG otal no. of times in which the leave was availed D @@

    otal no. of shiftHs schedules to work

    &e'erit% rate:

    !everity rate is the average length of time lost per absence and is calculated by

    using the following.

    !everity rate G otal no. of days absent during a period D @@

    otal no. of times absent during that period

    + high severity rate indicates that the employee is absent for longer duration each

    time. #igh fre=uency and severity rates indicates that the employee is absent more

    fre=uently and for longer durationHs each time resulting in high +bsenteeism even in

    absolute terms.


    +bsenteeism is no specialty of our country alone. It is always associated with the

    industrial world irrespective of geographical considerations. ut the cause of absenteeism may

    differ from industry to .industry and from country to country. )here may be a number of things

    that compels the employees to become absent.

    &age 9

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    0oung employees may be interested to work part time which may make them feel tired

    which may force them to be absent for the next day

    !! )he working condition may not be so friendly so that the health of the employee may

    be affected which urges him to take leave.

    ! No proper training is also a cause for absenteeism. ecause it creates a sense of

    frustration in the minds of the employees if they are not able to produce the required output.

    !!No proper salary will be the main reason for absenteeism in any concern generally .

    ! "ack of growth opportunity

    !! 'elation with their superiors

    !! tress


    +bsenteeism a%ects the organi3ation from multiple angles. It severely a%ects

    the production process and the business process. he e%ect of unauthori3ed

    absenteeism is more compared other types of absenteeism. #owever, it would be


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    A !electing the employees by testing them thoroughly regarding their aspirations

    value systems, responsibility and sensitiveness.

    /A +dopting a humanistic approach in dealing with the personal problems of


    4A Following or proactive approach in identifying and redressing employee


    7A &roviding hygienic working conditions.

    8A &roviding welfare measures and fringe bene0ts, balancing the need for the

    employee and the ability of the organi3ation.

    9A &roviding high wages and allowances based on the organi3ational 0nancial


    :A Impressing the communication network particularly the upward


    ;A &roviding leave facility based on the needs of the employees and

    organi3ational re=uirement.

    ?A &roviding safety E health measures.

    @A &roviding cordial human relations E Industrial relations.

    A (ducating the workers.

    /A -ounseling the workers about their carrier, income E expenditure habits E


    4A Free ow of information, exchanging of ideas problems etc... 2w subordinate

    E superior.

    7A 'ranting leave and 0nancial assistance liberally in case of sickness of

    employee E his family members.

    8A 6%ering attendance bonus E inducements.

    9A &roviding extensive training, encouragement, special allowance in cash for

    technological advancements.

    &age ;

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    -ontrol of absenteeism depends upon its causes. hen its causes are

    uncovered by study and analysis, steps can be taken to reduce them. !ome of the

    causes are relatively simple to isolate and attack, but others are very complex and

    management may have no control over them For instance, if it is found that

    sickness of employees is the major cause of absenteeism, thenJK there is a real

    problem of how to combat the illness. !ome organi3ations have found vitamin

    tablets of use in such cases, some have insisted upon health examination, and other

    haveL installed job rotation plans with success. In essence, there is no single sure

    cure for causes of absenteeism. #owever, the management may use the following

    measures to control absenteeism.

    +, -ro!er Induction .he new employees should be inducted in such a

    way that their critical attitude is reduced as =uickly as possible to avoid

    absenteeism from this source.

    /, In'esti0ation .he management should properly analy3e the various

    causes of absenteeism and classify the chronic o%enders. his issue

    should also be discussed with the representatives of the unions. he

    management should try to remove the causes of absenteeism which are

    under its control.

    &age ?

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    1, -unishment 22efore taking any disciplinary action against the chronic

    o%enders, their names should be ade=uately published in the

    organi3ation. If the need arises, the chronic o%enders may be disciplined

    by layo%s, discharges and loss of promotion and other privileges.

    3, Counsein0 2+ll absent workers should be interviewed upon their return

    to determine causes and to impress upon the seriousness of their


    4, -re'ention o" Accidents .Industrial accidents or even fear of industrial

    accidents increase absenteeism. he management should take ade=uate

    safety measures to minimi3e industrial accidents in the workshop.

    5, E6ecti'e &u!er'ision 2+bsenteeism can be reduced to a great extent

    by e%ective supervision. !upervisors and foreman should be given

    ade=uate training to deal with various problems of workers. +bsenteeism

    will be at a low level if the supervisors are able to win the con0dence of


    &age /@

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    NEED #O( T7E &TUD8

    (mployeesH presence at the work place during the schedule time is highly

    essential for the smooth running of the production process in particular and theorgani3ation in general. 1espite the signi0cance of presence, employees sometime

    fail to report to the work place during the scheduled time, which is known as


    nexpected absence disturbs the e

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    Pri&ar< o($cti9$

    )o study about the employee absenteeism level of 4+'+ +N+ !"*+"

    ENE'!0 ")#5.

    S$condar< o($cti9$

    ; )o identify the causes of absenteeism.

    ; )o identify the working condition of the employees.

    ; )o identify the work load assigned to the employee

    ;)o find out the personal factors and organi(ation factors of absenteeism

    ; )o find out the methods for avoiding absenteeism level


    + research design is a framework to prepare plan or study. It is useful as a guide to collect the

    data and analy(ing it. It is a blue print that is followed in completing the study. 'esearch design

    is the conceptual structure within which the research will be conduct.

    ype of $esearch C he study is 1escriptive in nature.

    Sa&'lin" 'lan

    )he sampling plan is having three parts >or? divisions are as follows.

    8. ampling method

    :. ampling unit@. ample si(e

    &age //

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    1! Sa&'l$ &$t#od

    imple random sampling techniques used for collecting the data.

    %! Sa&'l$ unit

    )he sample unit selected for the study was the employees. )he employees of

    aravana !lobal Energy "imited

    D! Sa&'l$ i;$

    23 employees were selected for the survey in the various departments.

    M$t#od o: data coll$ction

    #ata-s were collected through survey method by using a structured questionnaire.

    Sourc$ o: data coll$ction

    )he research has used both the primary data % secondary data.

    Pri&ar< data

    #ata was being collected from the employees directly from the work field for the first

    time by the researcher is called primary data. &ere questionnaire was filled up by the employees

    of aravana !lobal Energy "td.

    S$condar< data

    )he secondary data is collected from various books$ maga(ines and company records. It

    is also used to this project.

    Tool u$d

    )he main tool used for data analysis is percentage analysis.

    P$rc$nta"$ anal

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    No. of respondents favorable A 833

    )otal respondents


    8?. )his project is restricted to study purpose only and can be used keeping in view the object

    that is made for.

    :?. )he respondent in the project may not reveal important / confidential information

    pertaining to the company policy and for this the project should be used keeping in viewthe said limitation.

    @? ample si(e is very less.

    B?. +ll the secondary data required will not be available.

    2?. ,inding of the study will be based on the assumptions that respondents have given correct


    C?. )he study is not necessarily the solution to the problem that exists.

    D?. )he study is focused on a very general level rather than a full scale detailed report

    &age /7

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    CHAPTER -?


    )+"E 9 8

    +!E 7IE "+I,I+)I*N

    S!No A"$ )rou' No! o: r$'ond$nt '$rc$nta"$

    8 elow :3 0ears C /N

    :etween :8 = @3 0ears 8F


    4etween @8 = B3 0ears 8B


    7 +bove B3 0ears 8: /7N

    &age /8

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    8)otal 23



    ,rom the table it is observed that @C the respondents belong :8=@3 age groups$ :F of the

    respondents belong to @8 9 B3 age groups$ :B of the respondents belong to above B3 years of

    age group and remaining 8:of the respondents belong below :3years age groups

    )+"E 9 :

    !EN#E' 7IE "+I,I+)I*N

    S!No A"$ )rou' )$nd$r '$rc$nta"$


    1ale 23


    ,emale 3


    )otal 23

    &age /9

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the above table it is inferred that the 833 of the respondents are 1ale and 3 of

    respondent are female.

    )+"E 9 @

    E#J+)I*N+" KJ+"I,I+)I*N

    S!No Educational uali:ication No!o:!R$'ond$nt '$rc$nta"$

    8 I ) I 8B :F

    : !raduate L 8F

    @ G.! B F

    B Non Educated :@ BC

    &age /:

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )otal 23 833


    ,rom the above table it is inferred that BC were non Educated$ :F of respondents were

    I.).I$ 8F of respondents have !raduate #egree and remaining F were having Gost graduate


    )+"E 9 B

    7*'M EAGE'IENE "+I,I+)I*N

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt '$rc$nta"$

    8 elow : years 82 @3

    : : to 2 0ears 8C @:

    @ 2 to D years 8@ :C

    &age /;

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    B +bove D years C 8:

    )otal 23 833


    ,rom the above table it is inferred that the @: of respondents belongs to : to 2

    years of experience$ @3 of respondents belongs to elow : years experience$ :C of

    respondents had 2 to D years Experience and remaining 8: of respondents had +bove D years

    of experience.

    )+"E 9 2

    GE'*NE" ,+)*' *, +EN)EEI1

    &E+")& *N)I)I*N

    &age /?

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the above table it is inferred that D3 respondents were some time absent due to

    health conditions and 8C of the respondents were every time absent due to health condition and

    remaining 8B of the respondents were never absent for &ealth condition.

    )+"E 9 C

    &age 4@

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8 Every time F 8C

    : ome time @2 D3

    @ Never D 8B

    )otal 23 833

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )'+NG*') G'*"E1

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. Every time 8F @C

    :. ome time 82 @3

    @ Never 8D @B

    )otal 23 833


    ,rom the above table inferred that @C of respondents were having transport problem every

    time$ and @B respondents were having transport problem sometimes and remaining @3 of

    employees never have problem in transporting

    )+"E 9 D

    &age 4

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    +EN)EEI1 #JE )* ,+1I"0 G'*"E1

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. Every time 83 :3

    :. ome time 88 ::

    @ Never :L 2F

    )otal 23 833


    ,rom the above table shows that 2F respondents were absent due to family problem$ ::

    of respondent were sometimes absent due to family problem and :3 of the respondents were everytime

    absent due to family problem.

    )+"E 9 F

    1EN)E" )'E

    &age 4/

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. Every time 8 :

    :. ome time :3 B3

    @ Never :L 2F

    )otal 23 833


    ,rom the above table inferred that 2F of the respondents were

    never absent due to mental stress and B3 of the respondents sometimes absent due to mental

    stress and :: of the respondents were every time absent due to mental stress.

    )+"E 9 L

    ,IN+NE G'*"E1

    &age 44

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. Every time @ C

    :. ome time 8D @B

    @ Never @3 C3

    )otal 23 833


    ,rom the above table inferred that C3 of the respondent never absent due to

    finance problem$ @B of the respondents sometime absent due to finance problem and remaining

    C of the respondent were every time absent due to finance problem.

    &age 47

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )+"E 9 83

    +)I,I+)I*N *, 7*'MIN! )I1E

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. &ighly satisfied 82 @3

    :. atisfied @3 C3

    @. #issatisfied 2 83

    )otal :2 833


    ,rom the above table inferred that C3 of the respondent were satisfied of

    working time and @3 of the respondent were have highly satisfied of working time and

    remaining 83 of the respondent were dissatisfied of working time.

    &age 48

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )+"E 988

    IN+#EKJ+)E 7+!E 0)E1

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. 0es @2 D3

    :. No 82 @3

    )otal 23 833


    ,orm the above table shows that D3 of the respondents believe there is

    inadequate wage system and remaining @3 of the respondents said there is no inadequate wage


    &age 49

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )+"E 9 8:

    "E+E G+))E'N IN *'!+NI+)I*N

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. &ighly satisfied @ C

    :. atisfied 8: :B

    @. #issatisfied @2 D3

    )otal 23 833


    ,rom the above table shows that D3 of the respondents were dissatisfied of

    leave pattern in organi(ation and :B of the respondents were satisfied of leave pattern in

    organi(ation and remaining C of the respondents were highly satisfied of leave pattern of the


    &age 4:

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )+"E 9 8@


    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. &ighly satisfied @ C

    :. atisfied 8D @B

    @. #issatisfied @3 C3

    )otal 23 833


    &age 4;

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    ,rom the above table inferred that C3 of the respondents were dissatisfied with

    environmental factor of organi(ation$ @B of the respondents were satisfied with environmental

    factor and remaining C of the respondents were highly satisfied in environmental factor.

    )+"E 9 8B

    *'!+NI+)I*N *N)I#I*N

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. &ighly satisfied 82 @3

    :. atisfied :2 23

    @. #issatisfied 83 :3

    )otal 23 833


    &age 4?

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    ,rom the above table inferred that 23 of the respondents were satisfied with

    organi(ation condition$ @3 of the respondents were satisfied with organi(ation condition and remaining

    :3 of respondents were dissatisfied with organi(ation condition.

    )+"E 9 82

    * &+N!IN!

    S!No Particular No! o: R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8.0es @3 C3

    :. No :3 B3)otal 23 833


    ,rom the above table inferred that C3 of the respondents believe that job

    changing is one of the reason for absenteeism and remaining B3 of the respondent don-t believe


    &age 7@

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )+"E 9 8C

    7E",+'E ,+I"I)IE

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. &ighly satisfied 3 3

    :. atisfied 83 :3

    @. #issatisfied B3 F3

    )otal 23 833


    &age 7

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    ,rom the above table inferred that F3 of the respondents were dissatisfied with

    welfare facilities$ :3 of the respondents were satisfied with welfare facilities and there is no

    one who is highly satisfied with the welfare facilities.

    )+"E 9 8D

    'J"E 'E!+'#IN! "E+E +GE)

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. 0es @: CB

    :. No 8F @C

    )otal 23 833


    &age 7/

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    ,rom the above table inferred that CB of the respondents were satisfied with the

    rules regarding leave aspect and @C of the respondent were not satisfied with the rules

    regarding leave aspect.

    )+"E 9 8F

    'E"+)I*N&IG 7I)& )&E JGE'I*'

    S!No Particular No! o: R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. &ighly satisfied 83 :3

    :. atisfied :2 23

    @. #issatisfied 82 @3

    )otal 23 833

    &age 74

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the above inferred that 23 of the respondents were satisfied with the

    relationship with the supervisor and @3 of the respondent were dissatisfied with relationship

    with the supervisor and :3 of the respondents were highly satisfied relationship with the


    )+"E 9 8L

    &E+0 7*'M"*+#IN! *, E1G"*0EE

    &age 77

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. 0es B2 L3

    :. No 2 83

    )otal 23 833

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the table inferred that L3 of the respondents believe that they are having

    heavy workload and remaining 83 of the respondents said there is no heavy work load.

    )+"E 9 :3

    'E"+)I*N&IG 7I)& )&E * 7*'ME'

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. &ighly satisfied 8@ :C

    :. atisfied :: BB

    @. #issatisfied 82 @3

    )otal 23 833


    &age 78

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    ,rom the above table inferred that 23 of the respondent were satisfied with the

    relationship of co 9worker$ @3 of the respondent were dissatisfied relationship with the co 9

    worker and remaining :C of the respondents were highly dissatisfied.

    )+"E 9 :8

    *'!+NI+)I*N 'EE)IN! *N "E+E ,*' 'E*N+"E +JE

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. +lways :2 23

    :. ome time :3 B3

    @. Never 32 83

    )otal 23 833

    &age 79

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the above table inferred that 23 of the respondents said organi(ation

    always rejects of leave for reasonable cause$ B3 of respondents said organi(ation sometimes

    rejects and 83 of the respondent said organi(ation never rejects leave.

    )+"E 9 ::

    I 0*J' 7*'M )I'IN! O

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. +lways :D 2B

    :. ome times 8F @C

    @. Never 32 83

    &age 7:

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )otal :2 833


    ,rom the above table inferred that 2B of the respondent said their work is

    always tiring$ @C of the employees said their work is sometimes tiring and 83 of respondents

    said their work is never tiring.

    )+"E 9 :@

    *E' )I1IN! IN 0*J' *

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. +lways 8@ :C

    :. ome times :2 23

    @. Never 8: :B

    )otal 23 833

    &age 7;

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the above table inferred that 23 of the respondents said sometimes

    overtime is required in our works$ :C of respondent said always overtime is required and

    remaining :B of respondents said overtime is never required.

    )+"E 9 :B

    #* 0*J !E) "E+E 7&ENEE' 0*J 'EKJI'E

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. +lways 82 @3

    :. ome times :@ BC

    @. Never 8: :B

    )otal 23 833

    &age 7?

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the above table inferred that BC of the respondent said sometimes they get

    leave whenever required$ @3 of the respondents they always get leave whenever required and

    :B of the respondents said they never get leave whenever required.

    )+"E 9 :2

    N* *, #+0 +EN) IN G+) *NE 0E+'

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. elow 83 days 8@ :C

    :. 83 9 :3 #ays :2 23

    @. :8 9 @3 days 8: :B

    B. +bove @3 days 3 3

    )otal 23 833

    &age 8@

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the above table inferred that 23 of the respondent were absent between 83

    =:3 days in past one tears and :B of the respondent were absent between :8=@3 days and :C

    of the respondent were absent below 83 days.

    )+"E 9 :C

    'E+N ,*' "*N! +ENE

    S!No Particular No!o:!R$'ond$nt P$rc$nta"$

    8. ,amily matter @3 C3

    :. ocial matter D 8B

    @. "egal matter 8@ :C

    )otal 23 833

    &age 8

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy



    ,rom the above table inferred that C3 of the respondent said reason for long absence is

    ,amily matter and :C of the respondent said social matter and 8B said legal matter.

    &age 8/

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy




    ,ollowing are the findings of the studyH

    @C the respondents belong :8=@3 age groups$ :F of the respondents belong to @8 9 B3

    age groups$ :B of the respondents belong to above B3 years of age group.

    833 of the respondents are 1ale.

    BC were non Educated$ :F of respondents were I.).I$ 8F of respondents have

    !raduate #egree and remaining F were having Gost graduate degree.

    @: of respondents belongs to : to 2 years of experience$ @3 of respondents belongs to

    elow : years- experience.

    D3 respondents were some time absent due to health conditions.

    @C of respondents were having transport problem every time$ and @B respondents

    were having transport problem sometimes and remaining @3 of employees never have

    problem in transporting.

    2F respondents were absent due to family problem$ :: of respondent were sometimes

    absent due to family problem.

    2F of the respondents were never absent due to mental stress and B3 of the

    respondents sometimes absent due to mental stress.

    C3 of the respondent never absent due to finance problem$ @B of the respondents

    sometime absent due to finance problem.

    C3 of the respondent were satisfied of working time and @3 of the respondent were

    have highly satisfied of working time.

    D3 of the respondents believe there is inadequate wage system and remaining @3 of

    the respondents said there is no inadequate wage system.

    D3 of the respondents were dissatisfied of leave pattern in organi(ation and :B of the

    respondents were satisfied of leave pattern in organi(ation.

    C3 of the respondents were dissatisfied with environmental factor of organi(ation$ @B

    of the respondents were satisfied with environmental factor.

    &age 84

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    23 of the respondents were satisfied with organi(ation condition$ @3 of the

    respondents were satisfied with organi(ation condition.

    C3 of the respondents believe that job changing is one of the reason for absenteeism

    and remaining B3 of the respondent don-t believe this.

    F3 of the respondents were dissatisfied with welfare facilities.

    CB of the respondents were satisfied with the rules regarding leave aspect and @C of

    the respondents were not satisfied with the rules regarding leave aspect.

    23 of the respondents were satisfied with the relationship with the supervisor and @3

    of the respondents were dissatisfied with relationship with the supervisor.

    L3 of the respondents believe that they are having heavy workload and remaining 83

    of the respondents said there is no heavy work load.

    23 of the respondent were satisfied with the relationship of co 9worker$ @3 of the

    respondent were dissatisfied relationship with the co 9worker.

    23 of the respondents said organi(ation always rejects of leave for reasonable cause$

    B3 of respondents said organi(ation sometimes rejects the leaves.

    2B of the respondent said their work is always tiring$ @C of the employees said their

    work is sometimes tiring.

    23 of the respondents said sometimes overtime is required in our works$ :C of

    respondent said always overtime is required.

    BC of the respondent said sometimes they get leave whenever required$ @3 of the

    respondents they always get leave whenever required.

    23 of the respondent were absent between 83 =:3 days in past one tears and :B of the

    respondent were absent between :8=@3 days and :C of the respondent were absent

    below 83 days.

    C3 of the respondent said reason for long absence is ,amily matter and :C of the

    respondent said social matter and 8B said legal matter.

    &age 87

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    &+G)E' 9 C


    Follo*in" ar$ t#$ u""$tion

    )o provide proper work loading to the employees based on skill of employees because

    most of the employees have not highly qualified.

    )he company needs to put the Puggestion box- in working place and get opinion about

    the employees regarding absenteeism and help to avoiding it.

    )he company needs to revise wage system so that employee should not feel inadequacy

    about wage.

    )he company has to provide the safety measure to the employees to reducing the

    industrial accident.

    )he company needs to arrange proper transport and conveyance system to the employees.

    )he organi(ation has to provide proper welfare facilities in the organi(ation and

    improving the canteen in have organi(ation.

    1any of the workers agree that they have good relationship with higher authorities. ome

    may fear to talk with superior. )he supervisors may build a better relationship with the

    employees as only 23 of the employees find satisfied with their supervisor-s relation

    with them. ompany can make working environment health by improving the

    communication network$ particularly the upward communication.

    ompany can reduce absenteeism by selecting the workers by testing them thoroughlyregarding their aspirations$ value system$ and sense of responsibility.

    &age 88

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    )he management should conduct regular seminars$ group-s discussions$ social gathering

    orientations programmes on the problems of absenteeism.

    )he personnel department >&'#? of the factory must conduct the interviews of the

    absenteeism cases and give proper counseling to the workers. ,rom the findings it-s found that more number of employees is absent due to health

    problems$ so the company may concentrate on welfare programs for employees$ like

    conducting medical check ups regularly and may have campaign related to health and

    safety measures while working.

    )raining in technical aspect of work like workshops and lecture from experts may be

    conducted regularly for less experienced persons.

    +llocation of overtime may be reduced. +s most of the employees feel it stress full.

    &age 89

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    -#+&($ " :



    + )J#0 *N E1G"*0EE +EN)EEI1 IN +'++N+ !"*+" ENE'!0 "I1I)E#

    Name H

    +ge H

    Educational Kualification H

    sex H

    Experience H

    P$ronal :actor

    &ealth condition H a? Every time b? sometimes c? never

    )ransportation problem H a? Every time b? sometimes c? never

    ,amily problem H a? Every time b? sometimes c? never

    1ental stress H a? Every time b? sometimes c? never

    ,inance problem H a? Every time b? sometimes c? never


    8? +re you satisfied with the working timeO

    a? &igh atisfied b? atisfied ? #is atisfied

    :? #o you fat the inadequate wage system in one of the reason for absenteeism

    a? 0es b? no

    @? +re you satisfied with the leave pattern followed in the organisationOa? &igh atisfied b? atisfied ? #is atisfied

    &age 8:

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy


    B? +re you satisfied with the environment factors of the companyO

    a? &igh atisfied b? atisfied ? #is atisfied

    2? 7orking condition of the organi(ation in one of the reason for absenteeismO

    a? +ny time b? some time c? never

    C? ob changing is one of reason for absenteeismO

    a?yes b? no

    D? #o you satisfied with the welfare facilities provided by the company O

    a? &igh atisfied b? atisfied ? #issatisfied

    F? #o you think that the company is strict in following the rules regarding leave aspectO

    a? 0es b? no

    L? &ow is your relationship with your superiorO

    a? &igh atisfied b? atisfied ? #is atisfied

    83? +re you feel that the work load causes absenteeismO

    a? 0es b? no

    88? &ow is your relationship with you co=workerO

    a? &igh atisfied b? atisfied ? #is atisfied

    8:? 7hether the organisation is rejecting the leave on reasonable causesO

    a? +lways b? sometimes c? never

    8@? Is your work tiringO

    a? +lways b? sometimes c? never

    8B? +re you required over time in your jobO

    a? +lways b? sometimes c? never

    82? Is it possible for you to get leave whenever you requireO

    a? +lways b? sometimes c? never

    8C? No. of days absent in past one yearO

    a? elow 83 days b? 83 9 :3 days c? :3 =@3 days d? above @3 days

    8D? 7hat reason do you prefer long absenceO

    a? ,amily mater b? ocial mater c? "egal mater

    8F? If you feel about the absenteeism how to avoid it state the reasonO

    &age 8;

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy




    oo2 r$:$rr$d

    &uman resource development

    &uman resource development by !arry #essler

    &uman resource and development by ubba 'ao

    &uman relations management by ..G.'ao

    'esearch methodology by .'.kothari








    3ournal r$:$rr$d

    4&uman capital5 4management "abour tudies5 $4 &uman resource development5$ ournal of

    &uman research5$ 4 +dvance In #eveloping &'5

    &age 8?

  • 7/24/2019 Absenteeism at Saravana Global Energy
