A simple calculation of dielectric loss from dielectric dispersion …€¦ ·  · 2012-02-24A...

Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards • Vol. 50, No.1, January 1953 Research Paper 2382 A Simple Calculation of Dielectric Loss from Dielectric Dispersion for Polar Polymers Paul Ehrlich For polar polymers und ergoing orientation polarization it is possible to calc ula te dielec- t ri c losses from dielect ric const an t da ta by use of a single approximation already familiar from its appli cation to mechanical prop erties, if this a pproximation is applied to the real par t of the diel ect ri c constant on ly and if data over a suffi cient ly wide fr equ ency range are availabl e. Data obtained at fr equ encies fr om 102 to 108 cycles per seco nd for Bu tvar and for a copol ymer of sty r ene and met hyl methacr yl ate are a nal yzed and it is found t hat ob se rved and calculat ed values of the diel ect ric losses agree within 10 per cent or b ette r. Equations relating the real and the imaginary parts of th e dielectric co n stant have been giv en , but are not in general use because the equations involved are cumb ersome [1 , 2, 3).1 ",;Yorker s mt erested in the mechanical behavior of high polymers have shown ho v the real and the imaginary par t of the modulus of rigidity are rel ated t hrough a di strib ution function [4] and how this function can be obtained by anapprox- imation m ethod from the real part of the modulu [5 , 6] and from both real and imaginary parts [7]. I t will be shown how the dielectric loss can be calculated from dielectric con tant data by an analo go us ap proximation m ethod . The Debye equations [8 ], generalized fo r a di stri- bution of capacitan ce elements with r esistance ele- ments in parallel [9], each with its characteri st ic rel axat ion time, ma themati cally equivalent to a m e- chanical retardation tim e, are (1 a) (1 b) where e', e" are the real and the imagi nar y part of the dielectric con stant , withe angular frequ en cy, r is the rel axation time and y(r) i the di stribution of relaxa- tion times. For mathematical convenience, we d e- fin e y (r) dr = Y(ln r )d In r. Th e cut-off approxima- tion [5, 6, 7] assuming the integrand s in (la), (lb) to vanish for (tJr > 1 and to reduce to their numerators for wr 1 giv es 1 In .- E' - e ",= f _: Y(lnr)d ln T (2a) 1 In - e" = J _: wrY(lnr )dlllr. (2b) (2a) gives agreement with (la ) well within the graph- ical error involved in the calculations, wh ereas values of e" calculat ed from (2b) are generally 30 to 40 percent low when compared to those obtained from 1 Figures in br acket s indicate the literature refe ren ces at the end of this paper 19 (lb ). W·e therefore use the approximaLion ( 2a ) onl y. obtai ning w dl nw (3) by difl"crentiaLion of (2a) wi th resp ect Lo the upper limi t and carry out thi s operation gra phically. Th e exact eq (1 b) is then used to obtain e" 2 by a graphi cal integration for each valu e of w. Th e integration i done o -r aphically, because even the most widely ap- plicabl e equ ations that have been suggested for y (r) on semi empirical grounds [2, 10] and that might hav e b ee n ex pected to repr esent the results cited do not fi t the d ata over the entire frequ ency range and b e- cause, if the cur ve for Y(ln T) is approximated in sec- tions by simple anal yt ical ex pr ession s, integration often b ecom es impossibl e. Da ta are pr esent ed over a wide frequ ency rano·e, including either side of th e absorption maximum, for Bu tvar (polyvinylbutyral) [11], a m ater ial which, for an unpl astieiz ed polymer, has a fairly sh arp disper- s ion and for SM-2, a co polymer with a broad dis- persion made from 49-mole-percent styrene and 51- mole-percent m ethyl me thacrylate ; bo th polymers h aving n egligible d-c condu ct ivi ty (tabl es 1 a nd 2). In each case the calcul ated valu es of e", which can be obtained for points at least one decade inte ri or TABLE 1. Electrical properties of Butvar 1 '" Y I I ," (cal. ___ ' ___ ' ____ _ cul nted) cIs 10' .... ......... ••• .. 3.415 0. 0238 0.0130 2. 80 4X 1D' .. .. ........... 3.394 . 02il . 0152 3. 40 10' . . .. .. ........ . ... 3.382 .0301 . 0200 3.80 0. 032 3X1 D' ... ....... . .... 3.364 . 0387 . 0243 4. 275 . 041 10' .... .. .. .... .... .. 3. 336 . 0550 . 0317 4.80 . 056 3X 10' . _. __ __________ 3.307 . 0788 . 0433 5.275 .073 10' ____ . ____ . ___ . ____ 3. 233 . 104 . 062 5.80 . 094 3X 10' . .. . ____ . ___ ___ 3. 170 . 110 . 073 6. 275 . 107 10'. __ ._ . _________ ._. 3.075 . 111 . 078 6. 80 . 114 3X IO' . _ _. _________ ._ 2.988 . 101 .073 7. 275 . 111 107 •••• •• •.••• •• •• ••• 2.915 . 092 . 063 7.80 . 099 4X 1Q1 _ .• .. . .. . .... .. 2.83 .079 .059 8. 40 lOs ...•.. _ ... _ .. ..• .. 2.77 .072 . 053 8. &> I D ata we re obtained on a 3·terminal Schering b rid ge at fre quencies of 10' to 10' cIs and by resonance methods from l(P to ] 0' cIs . I J. D. Ferry a nd E. R. Fitzgerald (r eported before the Ameri can Physical SOCiety in March 1952 at Columbu s, Ohio) have also made similar calc ula tions, but use the cut·off approximation for both real and imaginary parts and then a pply a secon d a ppr oxi mation requiring a certain analytical formula t ion of their distribll tion funct ion.

Transcript of A simple calculation of dielectric loss from dielectric dispersion …€¦ ·  · 2012-02-24A...

Page 1: A simple calculation of dielectric loss from dielectric dispersion …€¦ ·  · 2012-02-24A Simple Calculation of Dielectric Loss from Dielectric ... relaxation time, ... A simple

Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards • Vol. 50, No.1, January 1953 Research Paper 2382

A Simple Calculation of Dielectric Loss from Dielectric Dispersion for Polar Polymers

Paul Ehrlich

For polar polymers undergoing orientation polarization it is possible to calcula te dielec­tric losses from dielectric constant data by use of a single approximation already familiar from its application to mechanical properties, if t his approximation is applied to t he real part of t he dielectric constant only and if data over a sufficiently wide frequency range are available. Data obtained at frequen cies from 102 to 108 cycles per second for Butvar and for a copolymer of styrene and methyl methacrylate are analyzed and it is fou nd that observed and calculated values of t he dielectric losses agree wi thin 10 percent or better .

Equations r elating the real and the imaginary parts of the dielectric constant have been given , but are not in general use because the equations involved are cumbersome [1 , 2, 3).1 ",;Yorkers mter ested in the mechanical behavior of high polymers h ave shown ho v the real and the imaginary par t of the modulus of rigidity are related through a distribu tion function [4] and how this function can be obtained by anapprox­imation method from the real par t of the modulu [5, 6] and from both r eal and imaginary parts [7]. I t will be shown how the dielectric loss can be calculated from dielectric con tant data by an analogous approximation method.

The Debye equations [8], generalized for a distri­bution of capacitance elemen ts wi th resistance ele­ments in parallel [9], each with its characteristic relaxation time, mathematically equivalen t to a me­chanical retardation time, are

(1 a)

(1 b)

where e', e" are the r eal and the imaginary part of the dielectric constant, withe angular frequency, r is the relaxation t ime and y (r) i the distribution of relaxa­tion times. For mathematical convenience, we de­fine y (r) dr = Y(ln r )d In r. The cut-off approxima­tion [5, 6, 7] assuming the integrands in (la), (lb) to vanish for (tJr> 1 and to reduce to their numerators for wr ~ 1 gives

1 In .-

E' - e",= f _: Y(lnr)d ln T (2a)

1 In -

e" = J _: wrY(lnr)dlllr. (2b)

(2a) gives agreement with (la) well within the graph­ical error involved in the calculations, whereas values of e" calculated from (2b) are generally 30 to 40 percent low when compared to those obtained from

1 Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of th is paper


(lb). W·e therefore use the approximaLion (2a) only. obtaining

Y(ln ~)=-~ w d lnw (3)

by difl"crentiaLion of (2a) wi th respect Lo the upper limi t and carry out this operation graphically. The exact eq (1 b ) is then used to obtain e"2 by a graphical in tegration for each value of w. The integration i done o-raphically, because even the most widely ap­plicabl e equations that have been suggested for y (r) on semi empirical grounds [2, 10] and that might have been expected to represent the results cited do no t fi t the data over the en tire frequency range and be­cause, if the curve for Y(ln T) is approximated in sec­tions by simple analytical expressions, in tegration often becom es impossible.

Data are presented over a wide frequency rano·e, including ei ther side of the absorption maximum, for Butvar (polyvinylbutyral) [11], a material which, for an unplastieized polymer, has a fairly sharp disper­sion and for SM-2, a copolymer with a broad dis­persion made from 49-mole-percent styr ene and 51-mole-percent m ethyl methacrylate ; bo th polymers having n egligible d-c conductivi ty (tables 1 and 2). In each case the calculated values of e", which can be obtained for points at least one decade interior

TABLE 1. Electrical properties of Butvar 1

F · '" Y I I ," (cal. _~~ ___ ' ___ ' _____ ~ culnted)

cIs 10' .... .........••• . . 3.415 0. 0238 0.0130 2.80 4X 1D' .. . . ........... 3.394 . 02il . 0152 3. 40 10' . . .. . . ........ . ... 3.382 . 0301 . 0200 3.80 0. 032 3X1D' ... ....... . .... 3.364 . 0387 . 0243 4. 275 . 041 10' .... . . .. .... .. .. .. 3. 336 . 0550 . 0317 4.80 . 056

3X 10' . _ . __ __________ 3.307 . 0788 . 0433 5.275 .073 10' ____ . ____ . ___ . ____ 3. 233 . 104 . 062 5.80 . 094 3X 10' . .. . ____ . ___ ___ 3. 170 . 110 . 073 6. 275 . 107 10' . __ ._ . _________ ._. 3.075 . 111 . 078 6. 80 . 114 3X IO' . __ . _________ ._ 2.988 . 101 .073 7. 275 . 111

107 •• •• • • •.••• •• • • ••• 2.915 . 092 . 063 7.80 . 099 4X 1Q1_ .• .. . .. . .. .. .. 2.83 . 079 . 059 8. 40 lOs ...•.. _ ... _ .. ..• .. 2.77 .072 . 053 8. &>

I D ata were obtained on a 3·terminal Schering bridge at frequencies of 10' to 10' cIs and by resonance methods from l(P to ]0' cIs.

I J . D . Ferry and E. R. Fitzgerald (reported before the American Physical SOCiety in March 1952 at Columbus, Ohio) have also made similar calcula tions, b ut use the cut·off approximation for both real and imaginary parts and then apply a secon d approximation requiring a certain analytical formulat ion of their distribll tion function.

Page 2: A simple calculation of dielectric loss from dielectric dispersion …€¦ ·  · 2012-02-24A Simple Calculation of Dielectric Loss from Dielectric ... relaxation time, ... A simple

TABLE 2. Elecl1'ical pmperties IJf copolymer SJ1iJ-2 I


cis 10'____ ______ _______ 3.090 103____ ______________ 2.g90 10'_ __ _______________ 2.89 10'_ __ _______________ 2.81S 10'____ _________ _____ 2.74U 10' _ .. __ ______________ 2. 679

0.0667 • 0705 .0681 . 0605 .0504 . 0400


0.0443 .04 17 .0399 .0360 .0303 .0217

- IOgT

2.80 3.80 4.80 5.80 6.80 7. SO

E" (cal- I culated)

0.068 . 064 . 0.58 . 046

I Data were obtained on a three-terminal Schering bridgo at frequencies of to' to 105 cis ami by resonance methods from 10' to lOS cis.

to the frequency limits, agree within 10 percent or better with the experimental ones, a discrepanc~T that can be accounted for by the graphical elTor. This suggests that the method described is applicable to polar polymers in the region in which they undergo orientation polarization , if the dispersion range is wide. It should be possible to deal with nonpoly­meric materials in the same way, provided their elec­trical behavior meets these requircments.

The author has profited from discussions with R. S. Marvin and R. G. Breckenridge.

[11 B. Gross, Phys. Rev. 59, 748 (19H). i2] R. M . Fuoss and J . G. Kirkwood, J . Am. Chem. Soc. 63,

385 (1941). [3] J . R . McDonald, J . Chem. Ph~- s . 20, 1107 (1952) . [4] T . Alfrey Jr .. Yf echanical behavior of high polymers

(Interscience Publi shers. New York, K. Y., 1948) . [5] D. G. Ivey, B. A. ::\frowca. E. Guth, J. Applied Ph ys. 20,

486 (1949). [6] A. W. Nolle, J . Polymer Sci. 5, 1 (1950). [7] J. D. Ferry, W. :'If. Sawyer, G. V. B rowning, A. H _

Groth, J . Applied Phys. 21, 513 (1950). [8] P . Debye, Polar molecules (Dover Publi shers, New York,

r. Y .). [9J H. Frohlich, Theory of dielectrics, p. 92 t o 94 (Oxford

Univ. Press, 1950). [10] K. S. Cole and R. H . Cole, J. Chern. Phys. 9, 341 (1941 ). [11] A. H. Scott, J . H . Beardsley, P . Ehrlich, E. C. Bamberger

and D. R. Tilley, Unpuhlished data, obtained in Divs. 1 and 14 of NBS under the supervision of A. H _ Scott and J. L . Dalke.

WASHINGTON, May 20, 1952 .