7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing:...

© The Betty Rocker Inc. All Rights Reserved www.thebettyrocker.com 1 MEAL PLAN Healy Eating 7-DAY

Transcript of 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing:...

Page 1: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

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MEAL PLANHealthy Eating7-DAY

Page 2: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

hello!It’s great to meet you!

I’m really looking forward to being a part of your life this week and being in the kitchen with you ☺

This guide contains the complete blueprint to set yourself up for successful eating for a full week.

I’ve also included some great tips on how to get started if this is new for you, and some of the strategies I use myself so you’ll have plenty of great ideas for how to continue long after this week is completed.

This is YOUR journey, and I support you!

From my kitchen to yours, lots of love – and happy eating!

-Betty Rocker

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Page 3: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 3

Welcome! 4

How to Use this Guide 7

Nutrients Chart 8

The Fit Body Cheat Sheet 11

Making the Plan Work for You 23

Grocery List 25

Kitchen Tools You’ll Need 26

Food Prep 27

Recipes 33

Daily Menus 49

Get Your Next Meal Plan 58

About Betty Rocker 59

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Page 4: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your


It’s so great to meet you!

Thanks so much for getting this 7-Day Meal Plan. I am really looking forward to getting to know you better, so be sure to check in on my Facebook page today to let me know you’re starting this guide, and introduce yourself!

In the beginning section of this program, I’ve added some helpful tips for you about healthy, sustainable, whole food eating for natural fat loss and support for exercise to help you get more out of this guide - and have some great information to carry forward.

I know how confusing and overwhelming it can be out there with all the different dieting strategies and information about health and nutrition - you’re busy, you don’t have time to try every different fad or count every calorie!

I struggled through this maze of information myself all through my 20’s, despite having studied nutrition in college, and it had me on a roller coaster with my health, body weight, and the way I felt about myself.

When “clean eating” and calorie counting didn’t seem to be working for me, I turned to exercise and would run myself ragged overdoing it, always seeking a result that never seemed to last.

Everything culminated for me in my early 30’s when I was diagnosed with severe adrenal fatigue. That forced me to re-evaluate what I was doing to my body, and more importantly how harshly I judged myself for my appearance.

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Page 5: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

I began my journey back to a truly sustainable healthy lifestyle with a return to my early studies, which had focused on nutrition in indigenous cultures. I began a period of deep self-study and personal experimentation that allowed me to not only reclaim my health and vitality, but also rock a better physique than I had in my 20’s!

The more I learned, the more fun I had with food and fitness, and I couldn’t help but to start sharing my recipes and workouts on my blog and instagram.

It was about a year into this that I got contacted by Whole Foods Market in Denver to tell me one of their store employees had lost 50 pounds reading my blog, and asked if I would come teach a cooking class.

I was thrilled - both to learn that what I’d been practicing and teaching was working so well for others, and to have the opportunity to practice making more healthy recipes.

Fast forward to now, in my 40’s, and I can’t help but be so thankful for all the things I tried along the way that didn’t work for me. I’m so grateful that I went on this journey and figured out a lifestyle that I can sustain.

Wherever you are at on your path of health, I support you and your self-experimentation - we are all a work in progress on an ever-evolving journey. I’m so glad to share it with you!

Making changes to the way you eat is a very personal thing.

Do not pressure yourself to do it all overnight or think you need to learn everything there is to know.

Soak up what appeals to you. Try it out. Make small changes and see what works. There are so many amazing people to learn from - and I’m honored that you are interested in learning what I have to share!

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Page 6: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

Getting results - whether you want to burn fat or build more muscle - comes form a combination of training smart and eating smart.

I always see a TON of progress right from the first 7 days in my 30-day challenges from the people who are using these guidelines and my clean eating program.

What I teach my clients is what I practice myself. Finding a fun and flexible way to make healthy eating a part of my daily life so it’s not time-consuming, difficult, or bland (ugh no chicken and broccoli, please).

Use every nugget in this guide that you find useful, and know that I have more for you when you’re ready:

The 30 Day Challenge Meal PlanThe Body Fuel System

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Page 7: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

How to Use this Guide

You can use this 7-day guide in multiple ways!


Browse through the recipes and pick a few that look good to you! Try them out this week. Slowly begin to add in more of the recipes, working your way toward using most of the weekly plan as it is written.


Follow the guide and make the recipes as described. You can do this either in a couple “batch sessions” - instructions provided in this guide - or one recipe at a time as you go throughout the week. Whatever works best for you!

If you choose this option, please feel free to make substitutions based on what is available in your region, your personal likes/dislikes, any intolerances /allergies, etc.


Most of us eat out some of the time, but some of us eat out most of the time. If this is you, try using the daily menus as a guideline to choosing foods when you are not the one cooking it. The introductory material in the guide about the nutrients will really help you start to see how to balance your plate, and you can use the menus and plan as an example of what foods to pick when you’re not following the plan.

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Nutrients Chart

Your at-a-glance guide to the nutrients included in your meal plans and recipes.

Protein (P): Lean, complete protein sources

Timing: Enjoy with every meal opportunity!

Amount: 1 serving for women (size of 1 palm) 2 servings for men (size of 2 palms)

Examples: Lean meats and beans* (ground beef, chicken, turkey, bison, venison, black beans, edamame, tempeh)Seafood (salmon, tuna, cod, roughy, scallops, shrimp)Eggs (whole eggs, egg whites)Full-fat Dairy (Greek yogurt, whole milk)Other: hemp seeds, high quality protein powder

Carbs (C): Properly prepared (i.e. soaked, sprouted or fermented) grains and grain products, starchy vegetables

Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your program) are usually first thing in the morning, and after a workout. You may also need an additional serving of carbs at another point in your day, depending on your energy output and fitness goals.

Whole-grain and starchy carbohydrates like whole grain bread, rice, oats, etc.: eat 1-2 hours after exercise

1. If your workout is in the afternoon or evening, be sure to include carbs with dinner.

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Page 9: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

2. If your workout is in the morning, you can still include your program-approved carbs with both your first meal and that day’s lunch.

3. If your workout is first thing but you’re not hungry for breakfast beforehand, it’s okay to wait and eat breakfast after your workout.

Amount: Varies daily depending on how active you are; a good starting baseline for women is approximately 1/2 - 3/4 cup of a starchy vegetable or grain (1 - 1 1/2 cups for men).

Examples: Sprouted grains (rice, quinoa, oats, sprouted grain bread)Root vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets)Squash (pumpkin, butternut squash)Beans* (black, white, garbanzo, kidney)

Exercise recovery drink (during exercise only)Simple sugars and highly processed starches (minimize intake - soda, fruit juice, ice cream, etc.)

Greens (G): Raw or cooked fruits, greens and non-starchy vegetables

Timing: Eaten with each meal, emphasis on veggies.

Amounts: Aim for 5-10 servings per day, emphasis on veggies.

One serving size of fruits/vegetables is equivalent to:

1 cup of leafy veggies1 medium sized fruit1/2 cup chopped fruit/veggies

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Page 10: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

To optimize fat loss, balance your fruit-to-vegetable ratio to 1(fruit) to 5 (vegetable). For the average person, that would look like 1-2 pieces of fruit per day.

To optimize muscle gain, balance your fruit-to-vegetable ratio to 1 (fruit) to 3 (vegetable).

Fats (F): All-natural, non-hydrogenated, unprocessed oils, nuts, nut butters, seeds, seed butters, and whole dairy products

Timing: The only time you need to limit fat with a meal is immediately post-workout (to allow for rapid nutrient intake from glucose in your carbs).

Amount: Varies in fluctuation with other nutrients represented on your plate in this meal plan. Use the meals and recommended foods as a good indicator of how much fat is appropriate for each full dish.

Saturated fat: Aim to get 1/3 of your total fat intake from animal fats, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil

Monounsaturated fat: Aim to get 1/3 of your total fat intake from olive oil, nuts, nut butters, and avocado

Polyunsaturated fat: Aim to get 1/3 of your total fat intake from omega-3 fats - flax seeds, fish oil, nuts and nut butters

*beans are a great source of protein AND carbohydrates

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The Fit Body Cheat Sheet

1. Eat every 2-4 hours.2. Include complete, lean protein with each meal opportunity.3. Eat greens, vegetables and fruits (in the suggested ratio) with each meal

opportunity.4. Include optimal carbs in the morning and after exercise.5. Eat healthy fats daily.

These are the 5 questions to ask yourself in almost any situation, whether you are at a restaurant, traveling, busy, or cooking at home.

1: When did you last eat?

If it’s been longer than 2-4 hours, it’s time to eat. Fueling regularly helps maintain blood sugar, hormone balance, and energy levels.

Some days you’ll notice you’re hungrier than others - this can be influenced by many things including water balance, your monthly cycle, what foods you’re choosing to eat, and how much you’re exercising.

Don’t ignore hunger pangs. Skipping meals is the quickest way to pad the body with fat, as it triggers your system to think it’s not going to get a meal soon so it needs to hold onto its protective fat even harder.

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2: Where is the complete protein?

Are you about to eat at least 1 serving (20-30 g or about the size of your palm) of complete protein? If not, find some protein. Women get 1 serving, men get 2.

Protein is the foundation of every vital function in our body, and I don’t want you to make the mistake of leaving it out!

Eating protein isn’t going to bulk you up. It’s even hard for men to add lean muscle, even with their higher testosterone levels. The super-bulky guys you see are often taking hormone and protein supplements, in addition to eating a massive amount of food and lifting heavy weights.

So don’t worry if I am inviting you to eat more protein than you’re used to - eating the right amount of protein as a woman will help you shape and tone the muscle in your body, lower body fat, and support many metabolic functions.

One thing to know is if you're constantly craving sugar or sweets, it is important to take a look at the nutrients in your daily dietary intake to

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check whether you're getting enough protein, fat, and complex, wholesome carbohydrates.

Protein is even more satiating than fat or carbs, and it can boost your metabolic rate while lowering your appetite.

Animal protein is generally a complete protein (meaning it contains all the essential amino acids your body needs) while plant protein (with a few exceptions) is generally incomplete - which just means you want to eat a variety of plant foods to get the full essential amino acid spectrum.

To meet your daily protein needs, supplementing with a quality protein powder can help you achieve your desired goals without having to cook every meal. I tend to have a serving of protein powder in a green smoothie or a shake, or I’ll bake the powder into muffins, pancakes, or snacks - all great ways to ensure I’m getting an adequate amount for my needs.

Bonus Healthy Protein Meals:

• Pumpkin Protein Breakfast Pudding• Mango Basil Protein Smoothie• Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup• Edamame Burgers• Baked Fish

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Page 14: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

3: Where are the fruits and veggies?

Are you about to eat at least 2 servings of greens? Prepare them any way you like, but eat them with every meal or snack. One serving is about 1/2 - 1 cup and your target is 5-10 cups per day.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, what I collectively refer to as “Greens,” contain many micro nutrients - vitamins and minerals that your body needs to carry out important cellular functions, keeping you healthy and strong.

Fruits and vegetables are also a great source of phytochemicals, which can help bolster our immune system, enhance our metabolic response, and have been shown to help prevent disease.

Additionally, the fiber you get from these plant foods is essential for a healthy digestive system and the health of your gut. Eating fiber rich foods increases our feeling of fullness, lowers blood fat and cholesterol, reduces the risk of colon cancer, increases proper intestinal movement, and boosts overall gut health.

I make a green smoothie pretty much daily as a quick and convenient way to get an extra serving of greens in my system. In this plan, you’ll find 2

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smoothies that have complimentary ingredients - which is a great rule of thumb to both save money and include variety when you’re planning your own weekly menu.

Sometimes people ask me, “smoothies or juicing?” My answer is always that both are great! I tend to keep smoothies in regular rotation because I like getting the fiber from ingredients, but I’ll also have a juice some days too, because I love the concentrated dose of nutrients. Doesn’t matter how - just make sure you’re getting lots of vegetables and fruit in your body.

Sometimes it's tough to prepare (or get access to) enough greens to meet your daily needs. In those cases, it’s recommended to use a greens powder like Organifi, which is made by my friend Drew Canole. I really appreciate this product and use it when I travel, as well as when I’m at home but short on a good variety of green food.

Bonus Greens and Fruit Recipes:

• Blackberry Honeydew Breakfast Salad• Mint Mojito Smoothie• Simple Cleansing Green Smoothie• Pear Crisp Green Smoothie• Peach Salad

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Page 16: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

4: Where are the carbs?

Carbohydrates are made up of fiber, starch, and sugar. The quality of a carbohydrate food depends on how much of each of these it contains. Fiber and starch are complex carbs, while sugar is a simple carb.

Ideally you want to go for carbs that are higher in fiber, because they digest more slowly, which also makes them more filling. That means they’re a good option if you’re focused on fat loss or maintenance.

We need carbs for energy. When you eat them, they are either broken down by the body into glucose and used for immediate energy, or stored in your muscle tissue and liver as glycogen for energy use later.

Being active and exercising means you’re going to go through your energy reserves faster and will need to replenish them more regularly.

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But overeating - or choosing the wrong kind of carbs too often - can cause weight gain. If and when your body has more glucose than it can use as energy or convert to glycogen for storage, the excess is converted to fat.

A note on “good carbs” vs. “bad carbs”

Instead of “good vs. bad” carbs, I more like to think along the lines of “superior vs. inferior” or “optimal vs. sub-optimal.” That’s because I think it’s important not to be too restrictive on yourself. As long as you’re eating on purpose, you can leave space for those special occasions, weekend treats, and what I call “NSA meals.”

For me, NSA - or “no strings attached” - is the answer to the “cheat meal.” “Cheating” implies we’re doing something wrong, or not natural, when actually, eating is the most natural thing there is. We just need to have balance.

That’s why I came up with the NSA concept - a suspension of self-judgement to make room for the natural inclination to occasionally indulge in foods that fall outside of the realm of “the most nutritious.”

For me, having a good balance comes from understanding how food works in my body and feeling empowered to use food to my advantage.

That’s why I stick to optimal carbs most of the time, but don’t restrict myself from having some NSA fun when the situation calls for it!

So what are optimal carbs and sub-optimal carbs?

Simply put, how much has the carbohydrate food been processed? If it’s been altered from its natural, whole food state in any way, it’s most likely a sub-optimal choice.

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A lot of “health” food carbs that we buy in a box or bag - like breakfast cereal, instant oatmeal, white or whole wheat bread/tortillas, many

condiments, and snack foods - are all a processed version of a whole food and the processing alters the nutritional density of that food. In most cases, the fiber content is lower, the available micro and macronutrients are lower, the sugar content is high, and the potential to irritate your gut is higher. All of this equates to the carbs’ increased ability to increase fat storage.

Remember what I said at the beginning of this section - carbs are made up of fiber, starch, and sugar - and the processed carbs contain more sugar than anything else. Dumping excess sugar into our body beyond what we can use or store causes fat storage.

Which brings us to the optimal carbs. Eating optimal carbs from whole food sources ensures you’ll have the fuel you need for your workouts, as well as steady energy and a healthy metabolism so you can burn off extra fat while supporting a healthy, fit physique.

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Page 19: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

Some of the best whole-food carbohydrates include steel-cut oats, Ezekiel bread, sprouted grains like quinoa or rice (and notice I said “sprouted” - soaking, sprouting and fermenting grains helps to partially break down the grain’s external coating, making the nutrients more available and the grain easier to digest in your system), sweet potatoes, potatoes, and squash.

The best times to eat optimal carbs (if you’re wanting to get leaner or stay lean) are:

1: Morning - Your body is looking for energy and glucose after fasting all night during sleep. It’s gone through its stored glycogen. When you eat carbs first thing in the morning, your body uses them right away to replenish what you used overnight. Those carbs do not get stored as fat.

My breakfast always includes carbs like overnight steel cut oatmeal, eggs with a sprouted-grain or gluten-free toast, or a protein pancake topped with fruit. It’s always best to consume protein along with your carbs.

2: Before you work out - “Pre-workout” supplements are not necessary, though they’re fine if you’re into them. I focus on eating normally prior to working out and I make sure I included carbs in the meal I had prior to exercise.

3: Post workout - No need to complicate this, just be sure you eat carbs with your next meal after exercise, for the same reason you want to eat them in the morning. You use

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your muscle’s stored glycogen when you train hard, so you need to replenish it with carbs after your workout.

It’s optimal to get those nutrients in your system within the hour, which is why it can be convenient to have something like a protein shake with fruit if you’re on the go, or hours away from a full meal.

Carbs help deliver insulin to the muscle cells, which speeds up the delivery of nutrients (like protein) to the broken down muscle tissue.

Don’t skip your post-workout carbs if you want to see the results of your workout sessions! If you skip them, your body won’t recover as quickly, you’ll be more sore, and over time you may even lose muscle tissue.

Keep in mind, it’s that muscle tissue we carry that burns more calories at rest, keeps our metabolism working optimally, and gives our body both its tone and shape! So feed your muscles, and remember to get your carbs from the best whole-food sources you can.

With your 7-Day Meal Plan, it’s ok to mix up your meals a bit! Feel free to move your carb servings around between lunch and dinner depending on what time of day you prefer to exercise.

Bonus Carb Recipes:

• Quinoa-Apple Stuffed Mushrooms• Overnight Oatmeal• Apple-Cinnamon Oatmeal• Sweet Potato Spread

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5: Where are your healthy fats coming from?

Fat is the preferred fuel of muscle tissue at rest (make sure you get plenty of sleep to maximize this benefit), AND it protects your muscle's valuable protein stores while being burned for energy along with glucose and glycogen during exercise.

Eating fat provides your body with the means to absorb the micro-nutrients in foods (like vegetables and greens) by shuttling and dissolving their fat-soluble vitamins and phytochemicals. This alone makes fat a powerful ally in optimal health.

To get the maximum benefits from all those green smoothies, you need fat in your diet!

We lose out when foods are stripped of their natural fat (for example, “fat-free” yogurt) because the beneficial, fat-soluble vitamins they contain are lost along with it.

Balance is key in fat consumption; eating enough of the optimal, unprocessed fats like nuts, avocados, flax, salmon, seeds, whole dairy (full-

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fat yogurt, full-fat grass fed butter, etc.) promotes weight loss and weight maintenance.

Remember the optimal/sub-optimal conversation we had about carbs? The same is true about fats. The more processed fats are, the less of them we should consume in a sitting.

You don’t have to cut them out entirely to be healthy - I think balance is the key to that! Just make your choices based on the result you’re going for and enjoy your ice cream, cake, pastries, pizza when you’re having your NSA meal. :)

Muscle vs. Fat

Keep in mind that while a pound of fat and a pound of muscle might weigh the same, their appearance is vastly different. Muscle is far denser than fat, so as you lose fat and gain muscle, your body composition will change and your clothes will fit differently - but your weight on the scale may not move as drastically as you’d expect!

This is very important to understand when it comes to eating and exercise - so if you’ve ever been curious about your body weight and how it works, give The Truth About Your Weight a read!

*If you are traveling/eating out here’s a great resource with some healthy tips.

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Making the Plan Work for You

This plan doesn’t use calorie counts to adjust portion sizes. The meals are composed of balanced, nutrient-dense whole foods so you get the right combination of fiber, greens, protein, carbs, and fat throughout the day.

You can increase or decrease your portion sizes based on your hunger level, but don’t skip any meals. This ensures you’ll get the spectrum of healthy nutrients regularly in your system.

The portion amounts listed in your daily menus are a great place to start, but you are unique and your daily energy needs may fluctuate, which may mean you are hungrier or less hungry on certain days.

I want you to begin to listen to your body’s biofeedback - that’s when your body says “I’m hungry, feed me!” and “I’m full, stop eating!”

Your body knows that it’s full because of volume (how much you ate is literally expanding your stomach to its volume capacity) or nutrient density (the nutrients in the food you ate are triggering your fullness because you’ve gotten what you need).

You know how sometimes you just can’t stop eating certain foods until your stomach literally starts to hurt? That’s the volume capacity being reached, but not the nutrient density. You aren’t getting the nutrients you need, so your body just doesn’t feel “full” or satisfied until your gut is literally stretching.

Eating less wholesome foods (processed, packaged, additive-loaded, refined, etc) stimulates your system to crave more, constantly. Cravings are not true hunger - they are your body trying to get you to feed it the nutrients it is lacking. When you instead give your body empty calories

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with little-to-no nutritional value, your body will eat to capacity every time, which will leave you feeling ill more often than not.

While falsely stimulating your natural taste receptors of sweet/salty, those foods are secret cesspools of additives, harsh chemicals, and animal byproducts that can turn you into a sugar and/or salt addict. Not only that, but they lead to long-term health complications like diabetes, heart attacks, heart disease, and many of the (often avoidable) medical problems that plague our "advanced" society.

So! As you’re getting started with the plan, I encourage you to start out with the suggested amounts. If you’re still hungry, increase your portions by about 25%. Make sure you’re not leaving out any of the food groups, and start by increasing your carbs and your protein both slightly. Please feel free to write me and the team if you’re having any questions come up as you start - we are so happy to help you!

Getting back in touch with the messages your body sends you is a lot easier when you’re eating real, whole foods like in this plan. You are going to be on the right track whether you incorporate a few, most, or all of these recipes!

This guide (and what I practice in my own life) is about enjoying real food that TASTES GOOD and creates lasting, healthy, LIFESTYLE habits to naturally balance our weight, eliminate inflammation, energize us, and heal us from within.

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Grocery List

FRUITS & VEGETABLES• 12 oz Strawberries• 12 oz Berries (your choice)• 4 Bananas• 16 oz Pineapple - fresh or frozen• 2 Lemons• 7 cups/handfuls dark (approx. 10

oz), leafy greens (kale, spinach, baby kale, chard, etc.)

• 6 oz Mixed salad greens• 8 oz Baby spinach• 8 oz Mushrooms• 2 Cucumbers• 1 pint Cherry tomatoes - or 1 whole• 1 Avocado• 1 Zucchini• Fresh Basil - you need 1/3 cup• Fresh Rosemary - you need 1 T fresh

or 1 tsp dried• Garlic - you need 5 cloves

GRAINS, SEEDS, NUTS• Gluten free or sprouted grain bread

- 3-6 slices• Steel-cut oats - 3/4 cup• Walnuts - 1 1/4 cup• Hemp seeds - 1 1/2 cups• Peanut butter• Quinoa - 1 1/2 cups• Almonds - 1 3/4 cups

PROTEINS• Eggs - 7• Egg whites - 1/2 cup• Chicken breast - 1.25 lb• Lean ground meat - (your choice, for

burgers) 1.25 lb• Tuna - 2 cans• 2 (6 oz) Fish filets (your choice of type

of fish)• Protein powder - 2 servings (your

choice of flavor for pancakes)• Protein powder - 3 servings (chocolate

or vanilla for PB&J smoothie)• Chocolate protein powder - 1/2 cup

PANTRY ITEMS• Chicken stock/broth• Coconut milk - 1 can• Almond milk• Coconut water (optional)• Dates - 1-1 1/2 cups• Cacao nibs (optional)• Raisins• Vanilla extract• Cacao powder• Olive oil• Dijon mustard• Balsamic vinegar (optional)• Dried oregano• Dried basil• Sea salt and Pepper

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Kitchen Tools You’ll Need

• Blender• Food processor• Muffin tin• Baking dish (9x9” or

8x8”)• Baking sheet• Cutting board• Knives• Saute pan• Mixing bowls• Whisk• Measuring cups and

spoons• Medium sized pot• Skillet• Spatulas• Stirring spoon• Aluminum foil• Garlic press (optional)

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Food Prep

It’s a revolutionary concept that simply cooking & eating your own food throughout the week is the fastest path to shedding unwanted fat, supporting lean muscle, and feeling and looking our best. But it’s the truth.

If you like to cook, and are comfortable starting out right away with a grocery list, recipes, and prep when you get home, start with the Efficiency Batch Prep or the Spread Out Daily Prep.

If you are short on time, new to cooking, or just want to wing it this week, skip to the Simple Prep section just below.

Efficiency Batch Prep:

If you prefer to prepare the bulk of your food for the week all at one, you can follow the steps below to get one main food prep session done.

Try to set aside time to shop and prep on the same day so your food is as fresh as possible and your week is as smooth as possible. It can take some schedule adjusting, but creating a ritual around this kind of self-care during your weekend is ideal.

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Efficiency Batch Prep Method:

1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. While that heats, start cooking the Overnight Oatmeal and Coconut Basil Quinoa on the stove.

2. When the oven is ready, mix up the Breakfast Muffins and get them in the oven.

3. Using the food processor, mix up the Chocolate Protein Bars and store them in the fridge before cutting.

4. Mix up the marinade for the Lemon Mustard Chicken and let it stand for 10 minutes.

5. Chop the vegetables and mix up the Mixed Greens Salad and store the dressing separately.

6. Mix and store the Trail Mix.7. Get the the chicken on the stove once the oatmeal and quinoa are done

cooking. 8. Mix up the Burgers and cook all 4.9. If you’re making your Green Smoothie bags, do those now. Or you can

follow my guidelines below.

Spread Out Daily Prep

Another great option is to spread out your cooking over the week. You can cook all your meals for the day first thing in the morning if you have time, or cook 2-3 staple recipes one day and cook as you go throughout the week.

If you’re going to do it over the course of the week, you’ll make each dish as you go and you’ll always have enough leftovers for the rest of the meals.

In either case, I recommend always starting by washing fruits and vegetables and organizing your pantry and refrigerator to keep your cooking space tidy and easy to work with.

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Super Basic Prep

3 things to do as a beginner (and why)

1. Smoothie - why2. Breakfast - why3. Prep Staple Proteins +Carbs simply

This is great if you are brand new to this or super short on time.

If you choose this option, you won’t need to make all the recipes in the plan right off the bat or buy all the groceries; you can instead simply make some basic staples (a breakfast, a carb/side, a protein, and something green) and buy some alternatives for the snacks instead of making them.

For this meal plan to be even more simplified, here is what I would prep, and here is what I’d buy to cut down on prep time:

Prep/Cook:(these recipe can be found in your plan below)

• Breakfast Muffins p. 32• Coconut Basil Quinoa p. 37• Mixed Greens Salad p. 38• Burgers p. 43

With these 4 prepped foods you have a breakfast option, side/carb, entree, and greens. With the food you buy and have on hand, you can throw together smoothies, snacks, and a quick lunch. Feel free to also buy ingredients for any of the other entrees in the plan if you will have time to cook dinner some days during the week.

Your food prep time will be significantly reduced but making those 4 recipes will help you get through each day - so instead of making ALL of

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the recipes, you’re just making enough food to make meals and also buying some items like protein bars and hummus for snacks that are easy to take with you.

This way of prepping may not exactly match the outlined menus in the plan, but that’s ok! You will still be getting all of the nutrients you need without spending too much time in the kitchen.

You can cook some of the other entrees fresh and use the leftovers as lunches. Instead of buying all of the smoothie ingredients in the grocery list, you can get creative and use any fruits, greens, liquid and protein source that you buy. The smoothie recipes in this plan are fairly simple though, so feel free to follow those exactly instead of improvising.

You may just eat the same breakfast a few days in a row or skip the pancakes - but if you have extra time one day, treat yourself to the pancakes and save the leftovers for a snack the next day.

Meal Plan Shortcuts for Beginners and If You’re Short on Time:

• Protein bars -(I’ve listed my favorite ones on page 39) - check for ones made with real food ingredients and without refined sugar. A good snack bar would have 15-20g of protein, so check the label before you buy.• Tuna - throw together a quick tuna avocado salad• Avocado - for tuna avocado salad or top your salad for extra healthy fats• Raw Nuts and Dried Fruit - to throw together for a quick “trail mix”• Greens - for salads and smoothies• Fruit - for snacking and smoothies

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• Veggies - for snacking and smoothies• Protein Powder - for smoothies• Hemp Seeds - for smoothies or trail mix for added protein• Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread (or gluten free bread)• Almond Milk or Coconut Water - for smoothies• Hummus - great option for a quick snack with sliced veggies

Weekly Green Smoothie Prep

When I get home, the first thing I do is wash my fruits and vegetables in a basin of warm water with a little apple cider vinegar (approximately 1/4 cup for a sink half full of water).

Since some of my fruits and veggies are going into smoothies this week, I’ll sometimes save myself time later by bagging up ingredients like the greens and some fruits now and setting them aside for quick smoothie making.

I’ll also chop up any greens I plan to cook with later as it’s super convenient to have pre-washed and ready veggies on hand. For example, I’ll take the stalky stems off the kale and chunk it up into a bag so I can quickly cook it when it’s time.

These are all optional ideas to help you get organized - try them out to see what you like and find most helpful. Here is a quick video to show you how I sometimes do green smoothie set-ups.

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Use the recipes for this week’s green smoothies.

>>Click to Watch a Helpful Green Smoothie Set-Up Video

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Breakfastsbreakfast muffinsYield: 6 muffins or 3 servingsYou will need: muffin tins, cutting board and knife, garlic press (optional), sauté pan, mixing bowl, whisk, measuring cups, cooking oil spray

2 cloves garlic, minced1 cup spinach, chopped1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped1 T fresh rosemary (or 1 tsp dried), minced3 eggs 1/2 cup egg whites1/4 tsp sea salt1/4 tsp pepper

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.2. Heat a medium sized skillet and spray with cooking oil. Add spinach

and garlic, and sauté for 2-3 minutes, until spinach is wilted.3. Add chopped mushrooms and cook for several more minutes, then add

rosemary. Stir together and remove from heat.4. Mix eggs and egg whites in a bowl. Add salt and pepper.5. Prep muffin tins with a little cooking oil spray, and distribute eggs

evenly.6. Distribute vegetables evenly amongst the cups.7. Bake for 18 minutes, or until slightly dark around edges and cooked


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overnight oatmealYield: 3 servings You will need: measuring cups and spoons, medium sized pot

The night before:3/4 cup steel cut oats1 cup filtered water2 T acidic medium (any of these: yogurt, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, etc.)

Additional ingredients:3/4 cup walnuts, chopped2 tsp vanilla extract1 1/2 cups berries of your choice

1. Place oats in a large bowl and cover with 1 cup water, and add in your acidic medium.

2. Cover and leave on the counter (not the fridge) for at least 7 hours, but no longer than 24 hours.

3. After soaking, rinse and strain off any excess liquid and set the oats aside.

4. Combine soaked oats with 1 cup fresh, filtered water on the stovetop. Allow to simmer for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Remove from heat and stir in the walnuts, vanilla extract, and berries. Cover and store. You’ll top each serving with 3 T hemp seeds. It’s ready to eat right away, and you can serve it with some additional fruit, almond milk, Greek yogurt or other toppings.

Make Overnight Oatmeal with me in this video and learn more about how soaking your oats overnight makes a big difference to your body.

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5-Minute Protein PancakesYield: 2 servings You will need: blender, skillet, spatula, cooking oil spray

2 ripe bananas4 eggs2 servings protein powder (flavor is your choice)

1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until very smooth.2. Heat a skillet sprayed with cooking oil to medium.3. Once the skillet is heated, pour the batter from the blender into small/

medium sized pancakes (easier to flip).4. Cook until bubbles start to form on the surface and then flip.

**Great toppings for these pancakes are fruit, coconut “whipped cream”, plain Greek yogurt, and real maple syrup**

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Side Dishes and Snacks

skin cleansing green smoothieYield: 1 smoothieYou will need: blender, measuring cups and spoons, cutting board, knife

1 cup/handful dark leafy greens (kale, baby kale, baby spinach or mixed spring greens)1 cup (add more as needed) water or coconut water1/2 cup pineapple (frozen is great)1/2 cucumber4 T hemp seeds or 1 serving protein powder

1. Place the greens and liquid in a blender and blend on high until smooth.

2. Add in the fruit and blend again.3. Finally, add the hemp seeds (or protein powder) and blend until creamy.

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pb&j green smoothieYield: 1 smoothieYou will need: blender, measuring cups and spoons, cutting board, knife

1 cup of greens1 cup almond milk or other milk1 serving vanilla or chocolate protein powder1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 banana1 T peanut butter

1. Place the greens and liquid in a blender and blend on high until smooth.2. Add in the fruit and blend again.3. Finally, add the protein powder and peanut butter and blend until


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Read more of my protein powder recommendations and get some great tips for choosing the right one, and calculating your protein needs.

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coconut basil quinoaYield: 6 servings You will need: measuring cup and spoon, pot, stirring spoon, cutting board, knife

1 1/2 cups coconut milk2 cups chicken stock1 1/2 cups quinoa1/3 cup fresh basil1 tsp sea salt

1. Pre-rinse* quinoa and soak it in a bowl for at least 7 hours –or look for sprouted quinoa.

2. Drain and place in a pot. Add coconut milk and chicken stock.

3. Cook on the stovetop over medium heat at a simmer until all the liquid has been absorbed – about 15-20 minutes.

4. Chop basil and stir it in along with the sea salt once the quinoa has absorbed all of the liquid.

*Pre-soaking and rinsing your quinoa get rid of the chalky coating on the outside of the plant, and also make it easier to digest.

Watch this short video and learn about Quinoa’s health benefits.

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mixed greens saladYield: 7 servings You will need: cutting board, knife, mixing bowl

This salad can be eaten cold on the side, or optionally tossed into your sauté pan with eggs in the morning

6 oz mixed dark leafy greens1 pint cherry tomatoes - halved (or 1 whole tomato, diced)1/2 cucumber, diced1/2 cup slivered almonds (buy pre slivered or slice yourself)

Dressing 1/2 lemon, juice of3-4 T olive oil (or avocado oil)sea salt and pepper

1. Mix together the greens, tomatoes, cucumber and almonds. Store in the fridge.

2. Whisk up the dressing ingredients and store in a separate container.

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chocolate protein bar Yield: 12 energy bars (you only need 4, so freeze the rest and save for another week)You will need: food processor, measuring cups and spoons, 9×9″ or 8×8″ baking dish

1 cup almonds (or other nut of your choice – try to find sprouted nuts if you can)1/2 cup chocolate protein powder 2 T cacao powder (dark chocolate powder)1/2 tsp sea salt1- 1 1/2 cup pitted dates (I use medjools)1/4 cup cacao nibs (optional)

1. In the food processor, grind the almonds to a fine powder.

2. Add the protein powder, cacao powder and sea salt and blend until well mixed.

3. Add the pitted dates, a few at a time. I say 1 to 1 1/2 cups of dates because you’re looking for the mixture to cling together and different climates will make it act differently.

4. Your mixture should have a sticky, tar-like consistency when it’s ready. If it seems really dry, you may add a few drops of water (or try espresso…it’s awesome!).

5. Turn it out into an ungreased 9×9 baking dish and press the mixture down with your hands to distribute it evenly.

6. Sprinkle with cacao nibs (if using) and press everything together with a spatula.

Here are my favorite pre-made protein bars in case you’re short on time:Core BarsEpic BarsRise Bars

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trail mixYield: 2 servingsYou will need: measuring cups

1/2 cup walnuts1/4 cup almonds1/4 cup raisins

1. Measure, mix and store in an airtight container. Each serving is 1/2 cup.

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lemon mustard chickenYield: 4 servings You will need: cutting board, knife, bowl, measuring cups and spoons, garlic press (optional), skillet, cooking oil spray

1/3 cup lemon juice (approximately 1 fresh lemon, juiced)1/3 cup Dijon mustard1 T olive oil1 T dried oregano3 cloves garlic, minced1.25 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 3/4" cubes

1. Mix the lemon juice, dijon mustard, oregano and garlic together in a medium sized bowl.

2. Add the chicken breast pieces to a bowl, coat them with the mixture. Allow it to stand for 10 minutes.

3. Heat a medium sized skillet and coat it with cooking spray. Cook the chicken breasts for approximately 7-10 minutes, turning to cook them evenly. If there is any remaining sauce, pour it over them as they cook.

Optional Balsamic Glaze:2 T Dijon mustard1 tsp balsamic1/4 fresh lemon, juice of

1. Mix in a small bowl.2. Serve over cooked chicken.

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meatless option: baked lemon mustard tempehYield: approximately 4 servings You will need: cutting board, knife, mixing bowl, baking dish (9x13”), spatula

1 lb plain tempeh, cut into rectangular pieces 1/3 cup lemon juice (approximately 1 fresh lemon, juiced)1/3 cup Dijon mustard1 T olive oil1 T dried oregano3 cloves garlic, minced

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.2. Mix the lemon juice, dijon mustard, oregano and garlic together in a

medium sized bowl.3. Layer the tempeh into a baking dish and spread lemon-dijon mixture

over it evenly.4. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the sauce has been absorbed, and tops

are golden brown. At the halfway point you can mix the tempeh pieces around in the marinade a bit if you have a couple layers of them.

Optional Balsamic Glaze:2 T Dijon mustard1 tsp balsamic1/4 fresh lemon, juice of

1. Mix in a small bowl.2. Serve over baked tempeh.

Add to grocery list: 1 lb tempehRemove from grocery list: 1 lb chicken

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burgersYield: 4 servingsYou will need: mixing bowl, measuring spoons, skillet, spatula, cooking oil spray

1.25 lb lean ground meat (beef, turkey, chicken, etc.)1 tsp dried oregano1/2 tsp sea salt1/4 tsp pepper

1. Mix the ingredients together using your hands and form into 4 evenly sized patties.

2. Heat a skillet to medium and spray with cooking oil.3. Cook the burgers until browned and cooked through, flipping half way.

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meatless option: black bean and quinoa burgerYield: 4 servingsYou will need: skillet, knife, cutting board, spatula, food processor, measuring cups and spoons, baking sheet, parchment paper, garlic press

1 tsp olive oil1/2 of a small yellow onion, chopped1 can black beans, rinsed and drained, divided1 tsp dried steak seasoning1 clove garlic, minced 1 cup cooked quinoa, divided1/2 cup water

1. Preheat the oven to 375 F. 2. Heat a skillet to medium and pour in the olive oil. Sauté the onions for

about 5 minutes.3. Stir in 1/2 of the black beans, the steak seasoning, and garlic. Add 1/2

cup of water and stir. 4. Let it come to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes, or until

most of the liquid is absorbed. 5. In a food processor, place the bean-onion mixture along with 1/2 cup of

the quinoa and process until smooth.6. Stir in the remaining 1/2 cup quinoa and black beans. Season with salt

and pepper.7. Form into 4 patties and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment

paper.8. Bake for 10-15 minutes, flip, and bake another 10-15 minutes until crispy

on the outside.

Add to grocery list: 1/2 small yellow onion, 1 can black beans, steak seasoning, 1 clove garlic, 1/2 cup dry quinoaRemove from grocery list: lean ground meat

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tuna avocado saladYield: 2 servings You will need: measuring spoon, fork, bowl, knife

2 cans packed-in water, no-salt added white tuna1 avocado2 T Dijon mustardsea salt and pepper to taste

1. Drain tuna and mix it in a bowl using a fork.

2. Mash avocado into the tuna and add Dijon. Add a little salt and pepper.

fish-less option: white bean avocado saladMakes: 2 servings You will need: measuring spoon, fork, bowl, knife

1 can white beans1 avocado2 T Dijon mustardsea salt and pepper to taste

1. Drain beans and mash in a bowl.2. Mash avocado into the beans. Add Dijon, salt, and pepper.

Add to grocery list: 1 15-oz can white beansRemove from grocery list: 2 cans tuna

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easy poached fish & veggiesYield: 2 servings You will need: cookie sheet, aluminum foil, skillet, wooden spoon or spatula, cutting board, knife

1 zucchini, chopped or sliced 5-6 mushrooms, halved1/2 tsp sea salt and sprinkle of fresh ground pepper2 6oz fish filets (white fish, salmon, etc.)1 tsp dried oregano1 tsp dried basil1/2 lemon, juice of

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.2. Spread 2 pieces of foil on a cookie sheet. Place the chopped veggies

inside the first one.3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and close up the foil around the

vegetables, making a pouch.4. Lay your fish filets on the second piece of foil. Sprinkle with herbs and

wrap with foil.5. Bake the veggies and the salmon for 15-18 minutes. Serve with fresh

lemon juice.

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fish-less option: easy black bean soupYield: 3 servings You will need: measuring cups and spoons, saucepan

1 1/2 cups vegetable broth1 zucchini squash, diced5-6 mushrooms, sliced2 15 oz can black beans, rinsed and drained2 tsp extra virgin olive oil1 1/2 tsp onion powder1 pinch garlic powder1/2 tsp ground oregano1/4 tsp sea salt

1. Pour vegetable broth in a saucepan and add zucchini and mushrooms, and allow it come to a low boil.

2. Turn down the heat and keep the broth simmering. Stir in the beans.3. Reduce heat to medium and add oil, onion powder, garlic powder,

oregano, and salt.4. Cook on medium heat for 15 minutes or until veggies are softened.

Add to grocery list: vegetable stock, 2 cans black beans, onion powder, garlic powderRemove from grocery list: 2 fish filets, 1/2 lemon

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Daily Menus

Pack any meals needed when you're away from home. Do this daily! Check out the meal plan ahead of time for the next day in case you want to set up breakfast or pack your lunch the night before. Wash your blender Keep your kitchen area clean Mix up the order of the meals you eat daily to suit your exercise schedule Gauge your meal intake on your activity level and adjust portion sizes to suit your hunger.All measured amounts are suggested servings to work from as a basis. As you go through, you’ll see whether you need more or less.

How to See the Nutrients in Your Meals

In each of your meals, I’ve used a letter to represent which nutrients are included to help you recognize them.

P: ProteinC: CarbG: Greens/VeggiesF: Fat

V: the Vegetarian/meatless option - will include the nutrients for you as well.

This can be super helpful if you are trying to swap out different foods for the foods in your meals - if for example you are dining out, or haven’t done all of your prep yet and looking for good alternatives that would work just as well as what’s on the daily menu.

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Daily Menus at a Glance

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

M1Breakfast Muffins +

Toast + Salad

Berry Oatmeal +

Hemp Seeds

Breakfast Muffins +

Toast + Salad

Berry Oatmeal +

Hemp Seeds

5-Minute Protein


Berry Oatmeal +

Hemp Seeds

Breakfast Muffins +

Toast + Salad


Cleansing Green


PB&J Green Smoothie

Skin Cleansing

Green Smoothie

PB&J Green Smoothie

Skin Cleansing

Green Smoothie

PB&J Green Smoothie

Skin Cleansing

Green Smoothie


Mustard Chicken +


V: Lemon Mustard

Tempeh + Salad

Poached Fish and Veggies + Quinoa

V: Black Bean Soup

1 Burger + Quinoa

V: Black Bean Burger

Lemon Mustard

Chicken + Quinoa

V: Lemon Mustard Tempeh

Lemon Mustard

Chicken + Quinoa

V: Lemon Mustard Tempeh

5-Minute Protein


1 Chocolate Protein Bar

M41 Chocolate Protein Bar

Trail Mix 1 Chocolate Protein Bar

Trail Mix 1 Chocolate

Protein Bar

Tuna Avocado


V: White Bean

Avocado Salad

Tuna Avocado


V: White Bean

Avocado Salad

M5Poached Fish and Veggies

V: Black Bean Soup

1 Burger + Salad

V: Black Bean

Burgers + Salad

Lemon Mustard

Chicken + Salad

V: Lemon Mustard

Tempeh + Salad

1 Burger + Salad

V: Black Bean Burger

+ Salad

1 Burger + Salad

V: Black Bean

Burger + Salad

Room to Eat Out (NSA)

Room to Eat Out (NSA)

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Day 1

1. 1 serving Breakfast Muffins (P, F, G)1-2 slices Toast (C)

1 serving Mixed Greens Salad (G, F)

2. Skin Cleansing Green Smoothie (G, P, C)

3. 1 serving Lemon Mustard Chicken (P)1 serving Coconut Basil Quinoa (C, G, F)

V: 1 serving Lemon Mustard Tempeh (C, P) and 1 serving Mixed Greens Salad (G)

4. 1 Chocolate Protein Bar (P, F, C)

5. 1 serving Poached Fish and Veggies (P, G)

V: 1 serving Easy Black Bean Soup (C, P, G)

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Day 2

1. 1 serving Berry Overnight Oatmeal (C)3 T Hemp Seeds (P, F)

2. PB&J Green Smoothie (G, P, C, F)

3. 1 serving Poached Fish and Veggies (P, G)1 serving Coconut Basil Quinoa (C, G, F)

V: 1 serving Easy Black Bean Soup (C, P, G)

4. 1 serving Trail Mix (F, P)

5. 1 serving Burger (P)1 serving Mixed Greens Salad (G)

V: 1 serving Black Bean Quinoa Burger (C, P) + 1 serving Salad (G)

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Page 53: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

Day 3

1. 1 serving Breakfast Muffins (P, F, G)1-2 slices Toast (C)

1 serving Mixed Greens Salad (G, F)

2. Skin Cleansing Green Smoothie (G, P, C)

3. 1 serving Burger (P)1 serving Coconut Basil Quinoa (C, G, F)

V: 1 serving Black Bean Quinoa Burger (P, C)

4. 1 Chocolate Protein Bar (P, F, C)

5. 1 serving Lemon Mustard Chicken (P)1 serving Mixed Greens Salad (G)

V: 1 serving Lemon Mustard Tempeh (C, P) and 1 serving Mixed Greens Salad (G)

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Page 54: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

Day 4

1. 1 serving Berry Overnight Oatmeal (C)3 T Hemp Seeds (P, F)

2. PB&J Green Smoothie (G, P, C, F)

3. 1 serving Lemon Mustard Chicken (P)1 serving Coconut Basil Quinoa (C, G, F)

V: 1 serving Lemon Mustard Tempeh (C, P)

4. 1 serving Trail Mix (F, P)

5. 1 serving Burger (P)1 serving Mixed Greens Salad (G)

V: 1 serving Black Bean Quinoa Burger (C, P) + 1 serving Salad (G)

© The Betty Rocker Inc. All Rights Reserved www.thebettyrocker.com !54

Page 55: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

Day 5

1. 1 serving 5-Minute Protein Pancakes (P, C, F)

2. Skin Cleansing Green Smoothie (G, P, C)

3. 1 serving Lemon Mustard Chicken (P)1 serving Coconut Basil Quinoa (C, G, F)

V: 1 serving Lemon Mustard Tempeh (C, P) and 1 serving Coconut Basil Quinoa (C, G, F)

4. 1 Chocolate Protein Bar (P, F, C)

5. 1 serving Burger (P)1 serving Mixed Greens Salad (G, F)

V: 1 serving Black Bean Quinoa Burger (C, P) + 1 serving Salad (G, F)

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Page 56: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

**Because days 6 & 7 are the weekend for most people, I’ve left you some room for eating out which is why there are just 4 meals listed.**

Day 6

1. 1 serving Berry Overnight Oatmeal (C)3 T Hemp Seeds (P, F)

2. PB&J Green Smoothie (G, C, P, F)

3. 1 serving 5- Minute Protein Pancakes (P, C, F)

4. 1 serving Tuna Avocado Salad (P, F, G)

V: 1 serving White Bean Avocado Salad (P, C, F, G)

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Page 57: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

Day 7

1. 1 serving Breakfast Muffins (P, F, G)1-2 slices Toast (C)

1 serving Mixed Green Salad (G, F)

2. Skin Cleansing Green Smoothie (G, P, C)

3. 1 Chocolate Protein Bar (P, F, C)

4. 1 serving Tuna Avocado Salad (P, F, G)1 serving Coconut Basil Quinoa (C, G, F)

V: 1 serving White Bean Avocado Salad (P, C, F, G)

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Page 58: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

Get Your Next Meal Plan

Shop All Betty Rocker Nutrition and Fitness Programs Here

Complete Betty Rocker


Step 1: 7 Day Meal Plan: the perfect place to start, complete beginner’s guide to nutrition and 7 day meal plan!

Step 2: The Body Fuel System: Take your nutrition and body knowledge to the next level with the BODY FUEL SYSTEM - a 30-day done for you Meal Plan and complete guide to making balanced eating a long-term lifestyle.

Step 3: The 30-Day Challenge Meal Plan: continue to progress and master healthy nutrient-dense cooking and healthy eating with this 30-day done for you Meal Plan and 4 additional cookbooks!

Step 4: The 90 Day Challenge: Add workouts! This program is a perfect compliment to either of the 30 day guides, as it comes with an 8-week done for you meal plan (meal plans are different ineach program) and a 12-Week Home Workout Program!

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Page 59: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

About Betty Rocker

Bree Argetsinger, aka The Betty Rocker is an internationally known health and fitness coach, innovative entrepreneur and motivator of self growth.

She began her education in nutrition at Tufts University, received her structural alignment certification in 2007, and is a C.H.E.K. (Corrective Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology), certified exercise coach and ISSA certified Fitness Nutrition Expert.

With a background in structural alignment and manual therapy, she incorporates a strong, holistic focus on body balancing and alignment into her fitness programs.

A regular guest chef at Whole Foods for 2 years, she received early acclaim for her ability to teach simple, delicious, nutrition based cooking that made it easy for people to put great meals together and see a better result in their energy, physique and overall health.

Exercise, nutrition, mindset and lifestyle are all gateways to self growth. They all work together to serve you in the quality of life you live.

Betty Rocker's mission is to empower people to live a healthy, happy and balanced life and achieve their dreams and goals by teaching them about food and their bodies - and how to consciously integrate this information into their lives in a meaningful way.

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Page 60: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your

She is the host of the now world-famous 30-day Fitness Challenge that has transformed thousands of people's lives and bodies, and the author of multiple nutrition-based meal plans and workout guides.

You can connect with her on her blog, www.TheBettyRocker.com for recipes, home workouts and motivation!

Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter

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Page 61: 7 Day MP Updated 4 11 2017 - Amazon S3Day...grains and grain products, starchy vegetables Timing: The best times to stabilize your energy with quality carbs (like the ones in your


I am not a dietitian or a doctor. Any nutrition or fitness advice that I give is my opinion based on my own experiences. You should always seek the advice of a professional before acting on something that I have published or recommended.

Please understand that there are some links contained in this guide that I may benefit from financially. The material in this guide may include information, products, or services by third parties. Third party materials comprise of the products and opinions expressed by their owners. As such, I do not assume responsibility or liability for any Third Party material or opinions.

The publication of such third party materials does not constitute my guarantee of any information, instruction, opinion, products, or services contained within the third party material. The use of recommended third party material does not guarantee any result to your weight loss goals or health. Publication of such third party material is simply a recommendation and an expression of my own opinion of that material.

No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any form, without the prior written consent of the author. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this guide are the property of their respective owners.

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