2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer...

Thu 2/4/2016 Discuss SCM #2 assignment Turbulence closure Reminders/announcements: - WRF real-data case assignment, due Tuesday - Don’t procrastinate on this one! - Requires some computer resource, so mind queue, disk space - Next week: Project hypothesis assignment - Upcoming reading: PBL papers for next week - Now, ncview works on regular login nodes: Re-copy updates alias file in /gpfs_share/mea716/class

Transcript of 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer...

Page 1: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Thu 2/4/2016• Discuss SCM #2 assignment• Turbulence closure

Reminders/announcements:- WRF real-data case assignment, due Tuesday

- Don’t procrastinate on this one!- Requires some computer resource, so mind queue, disk space

- Next week: Project hypothesis assignment- Upcoming reading: PBL papers for next week- Now, ncview works on regular login nodes: Re-copy

updates alias file in /gpfs_share/mea716/class

Page 2: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Class web page:

Page 3: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

SCM #2: Default run1.) Downward trend in peak SWDOWN “mystery”

• 7 of 9 thought this trend indicated something was broken, wrong, or “unphysical” with WRF or radiation scheme

Page 4: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

SCM #2: Default run1.) Decreasing SWDOWN “mystery”

• What are some things that dim the sun?• Could clouds have been increasing in this sounding,

reducing the solar radiation? • Only 2 of 9 mentioned the word “clouds” in their write-up!


Cloud Ice mixing ratioCloud water mixing ratio

Page 5: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

SCM #2: Default runAside: Those were mixed-phase clouds (ice and

supercooled liquid water). Was it snowing aloft?


Page 6: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

SCM #2: Experiments• Hypothesis: Cloud-topped PBL is diminishing surface

shortwave in afternoon

• Increasing moisture each day sequentially increases depletion of solar radiation

• Related to large initial soil moisture, surface evapotranspiration

• Tests?• Reduce soil moisture - Gary• Dry out the sounding - Gary• Turn off cloud-radiative feedbacks (icloud = 0) Xia, Masih• Turn off microphysics scheme - Keith, James, Dylan, Pat

Page 7: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

SCM #2: Dry Soil experiment• Reduce soil moisture – by 50% in input_soil

Dry soil (50%)

Page 8: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

SCM #2: Dry soil and sounding• Reduce soil moisture and dry mixing ratio in initial sounding

Dry soil and sounding

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SCM #2 assignmentOh, and what really happened?

Page 10: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

SCM #2 assignment#2: Some thoughtful and thorough treatments

For surface properties to dominate, consider clear sky, strong insolation, weak synoptic forcing

Page 11: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Micrometeorology and Turbulence Parameterization

Page 12: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Outline1.) Review of turbulence and properties

- Characteristics, worksheet

- Definitions, TKE, introduction to closure problem

- Tendencies, and flux divergence

2.) Closure strategies- Bulk aerodynamic

- K-theory (mixing length)

- Local and non-local closures

- WRF schemes, examples

Page 13: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Re-Cap from Tuesday

• Focus on turbulent transport, and flux divergence (vertical)

• Reviewed PBL terminology (e.g., friction velocity, roughness length, etc.)

• TKE equation, and turbulence generation/transport mechanisms

• Began introduction of “closure problem”, thought experiment to express turbulent flux in terms of non-turbulent variables

• Goal: Become sufficiently familiar with PBL processes to be able to read, comment on PBL scheme papers

Page 14: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Turbulence Parameterization• Closure order named for highest order of prognostic (d/dt)

equations retained

• Suppose we parameterize 2nd order moments, but we also bring in prognostic equation for TKE

• This is not full 2nd order closure because we don’t have all prognostic equations for 2nd order moments: 1.5 Order

Page 15: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Stull (1989) text: “By definition, a parameterization is an approximation to nature. In other words, we are replacing the true equation describing a value with some artificially constructed approximation …. Parameterization will rarely be perfect. The hope is that it will be adequate.”

Rules:- Correct dimensions and properties, symmetries- Invariant to coordinate system- Satisfies same budget equations- Works universally across regimes, locations, seasons…

Turbulence Parameterization

Page 16: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Express turbulent fluxes in terms of other (grid-scale) variables

Consider turbulent heat or moisture fluxes- What environmental factors would affect strength?

- Working from your list, design a simple parameterization for the turbulent heat flux

Turbulence Parameterization

10 10H m m zow C V

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Bulk Aerodynamic closure- simplest and least accurate

PBL treated as uniform slab

Uz0 = 0

CD, CH are “exchange coefficients”, are functions of wind speed over water, and surface properties

Turbulence closure problem

10qE m sfcw q C V q

Page 18: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Substitute, integrate over HPBL:





tdd θθθ







Here, HPBL is the depth of the planetary boundary layer, and tendencies are valid for depth of PBL

Turbulence closure problem

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Do the proportionalities make physical sense?





tdd θθθ







Turbulence closure problem

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• Neglects vertical gradients within PBL

• Issue of PBL top: Entrainment?

• Worst best with neutral or well-established PBL

• Requires a lot of empirical data to set CD, CH, and CE

Bulk method: Limitations?

Page 21: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Model components for surface interaction

2.) Atmospheric Surface Layer (ASL)

3.) Land Surface Model (LSM)

1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL)

Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM

Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes LSM to PBL

Reynolds stress, over-water heat, moisture fluxes, ASL to PBL

Capping Inversion


(4) Ocean Model (OML and full)



bl_pbl_physics(5) Also urban


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Surface layer: Monin-Obukov Similarity


• Group variables into dimensionless number or ratio

• Conduct field experiments to obtain estimates for variables within group

• Fit dimensionless number with empirical equation

• Repeat experiments: Usually similar results, hence “similarity”

• Relation between dimensionless number, equation is called “similarity relationship”

Classic paper: Monin and Obukov (1954) – see www page.

Page 23: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

Turbulent Exchange in the Surface Layer

Use Monin-Obukov similarity theory between the surface and middle oflowest model layer

Vertical derivative of variable A is given by:





S* = F/u* where F is flux, u* is friction velocityF is an empirical similarity relation

L is the Monin-Obukov length, z is altitude in question

For neutral static stability or small z, ~ 1, integration in z yields log profile

L is function of stability, shear; u* determined by eq. like B11 in Braun & Tao

k is the von Karman constant (~ 0.4)

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Page 25: 2016 L07 MEA716 2 4 PBL3 - Nc State University · 2016. 5. 2. · 1.) Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heat, moisture exchange coefficients, ASL to LSM Land-surface heat, moisture fluxes

2 approaches to closure: Unstable PBL

• “Local” vs. “non-local” closure:

– Local: Parameterize using gradients of known variables at that point

• “small eddy” mindset• e.g., Mellor Yamada Janjic (MYJ)

– Non-local: Parameterize from known variables at many points, including those not local to point in question

• View turbulence as superposition of eddies of many scales

• e.g., Yonsei University (YSU)

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Local Closure: 1st Order







• Flux-Gradient (K) Theory: analog with molecular diffusion

Km, Kh are “eddy viscosity coefficients”

Challenge is to determine “K” values: Constants, or as functions of atmospheric conditions (e.g., stability, TKE, etc.)