2 nd SEMESTER EXAM REVIEW Part 2 May - 2015 ADD THIS INFO: Identify Columns: Doric, Ionic and...

2 nd SEMESTER EXAM REVIEW Part 2 May - 2015

Transcript of 2 nd SEMESTER EXAM REVIEW Part 2 May - 2015 ADD THIS INFO: Identify Columns: Doric, Ionic and...

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Part 2May - 2015

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ADD THIS INFO:Identify Columns:

Doric, Ionic and Corinthian


Doric Ionic Corinthian

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Know the differences between the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic

churches (leader, language, main holiday and marriage of priests).


Greek Orthodox

1. Language is Greek

2. Easter is the main holiday

3. Priests can marry

4. The Patriarchs are the leaders

Roman Catholic

1. Language is Latin

2. Christmas is the main holiday

3. Priests can not marry

4. The Pope is the leader

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Define laity.

Regular church members who are

not ordained


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What is the Edict of Milan?

Who was the emperor who signed it?


It is the document that made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire; it granted religious freedom to all



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When was Jesus born?


4 B.C.

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When did Jesus die?


AD 29

How old was he?33 years old

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Where was Jesus born?#47


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Where did Jesus die?



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Define parable.• A story that uses everyday

life events to express spiritual ideas; Jesus taught

using parables


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What does resurrection mean?

To rise from the dead


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Define doctrine.


Official church teachings

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Define martyr.

Someone who dies for their

religious beliefs


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What is a Gentile?


A non-Jew

(Are you a Gentile???)

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What are catacombs?

Underground tombs for early Christians

Catacombs were also used as secret meeting places for Christians in the Roman Empire


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Describe the achievements of:Judas Iscariot – he betrayed Jesus ChristPeter – one of Jesus’ followers; he became

the first bishop (pope) of Rome; he was crucified upside down

Cyril – he created an alphabet (the Cyrillic alphabet) which was used to spread Christianity in the Byzantine Empire

Paul – a great missionary; one who helped spread Christianity to the Gentiles


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Define Messiah

A savior sent by God; the Jews were looking

for a messiah during the Roman Empire


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What does “gospel” mean?


“good news”

Where are they located?

What are the 4 gospels?

First 4 books of the New Testament

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

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What is another name for the bishop of Rome?

The Pope


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What happened when the Jews rebelled in . . .

The Romans destroyed their temple in Jerusalem


A.D. 132?

A.D. 70?

The Jews were driven from Jerusalem; this is known as a diaspora

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What was Jesus celebrating when he took the Last Supper?



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List the countries of Scandinavia(where the Vikings are from)

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List the countries of Scandinavia

(where the Vikings are from)• Norway

• Sweden

• Denmark

• Finland

• Iceland

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What does the word Viking mean?

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What does the word Viking mean?

Sea Raider Raid from the sea

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Define excommunication

Exclude from church membership

Exclude an entire region or kingdom


Define interdict.

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What is a coat of arms?

Family’s identify crest granted by the king


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List and describe two types of juries.

Grand jury

Decides if there is enough evidence to be



Trial jury

guilty or innocent

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Name the goal of a manor.




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Define knight.Mounted, armed warrior

Describe the three steps in becoming a knight

1.Page: age 7- learn basic skills of being a knight

2.Squire: age 14- accompany a knight into battle



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Define chivalry.

Code of conduct


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What is a fief?

Land granted to a vassal as an honor

or reward


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Define guild.

Business organization of craftspeople or merchants



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When was the Battle of Tours?AD 732


Why was it significant?

Stopped Islam from spreading in western Europe/Christianity remained

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What did Charlemagne stress?



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Define crusade.

Holy war10 in all


Who fought in them?

Christians v. Muslim Turks

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Define relic.

Bones or personal belongings of a saint.


What does Notre Dame mean?

“Our Lady”St. Mary- mother of Jesus

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What was the Inquisition?


Church Court to arrest & punish heretics

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Define heresy.

Beliefs that go against official church teachings


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What is anti-Semitism?

Prejudice against Jews


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When was the Battle of Hastings?

AD 1066


What happened as a result of it?William, Duke of Normandy became

William the Conqueror, king of England

What is the Domesday Book?

Census for tax purposes

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What was the Concordat of Worms?

Edict that allowed pope to select church leaders


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What does Magna Carta mean?

Great Charter; it was signed in 1215 and it

limited the king’s rights


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Where did the Black Death occur?

Asia & China Spread by Silk Rd & Mongols


How was it spread?


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France & England


Who fought in the Hundred Wars?

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Heresy & wearing men’s clothes

French peasant who led troops in the

Hundred Years’ War

50Who was Joan of Arc?

What was she charged with?

What happened to her?

Burned at the stake

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Know the countries of Europe and the

capitals. This is 32 questions on your
