05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM

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  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    Enterprise Applications:Part 2 Supply Chain


  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    Diferent EnterpriseApplications Enterprise System (Part 1)

    Supply Chain Management Systems(Part 2 this presentation)

    Customer elationship ManagementSystems (Part !)

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    Supply Chain

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    S"#CE "$ C"S%S

    S&'PP' C"S%S

    A* MA%E'A+S $"M MA, S"#CES

    MA#$AC%#' $"M MA, S"#CES

    C#S%"MES A++ "-E %&E *"+D M"-EME% "$ MA%E'A+ C"S%S M"E,

    '$ "% MAAED "P%'MA++,. S&'PP'C"S%S CA /E &'&

    '-E%", C"S%S

    S%"AE C"S%S

    '%EES% C"S%S

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    '-E%", C"S%S

    E-E,/"D, 'S &"+D' '-E%",*A'%' $" %&E "%&E PES" %""DE

    %,' #P M"E,

    'n0entory costs '%EES% C"S%S

    S%"AE C"S%S

    A+S" CA +EAD %" %&E /#++*&'P E$$EC%

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    /ull *hip Efect

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    /#++ *&'P E$$EC%

    SMA++ C&AE ' DEMAD +EADS%" +AE C&AES ' '-E%",

    (EAD PE%E SEE %&E $'$%&D'SC'P+'E)

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    S%EAD, S%A%E

    MA#$AC%#E MA#$AC%#ES:

    3 S&'PS 3 S%"C4S 3

    D'S%'/#%" "DES 3 S&'PS 3 S%"C4S 3

    E%A'+E "DES 3 SE++S 3 S%"C4S 3

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    Stea5y State

    etailer At 6eginning o7 8ee9 has units

    Sells 3 #nits

    At en5 o7 8ee9 has 3 units

    "r5ers 3 units

    At 6eginning o7 ne;t 8ee9 has units

    Same 8ith 5istri6utor an5manu7acturer

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    Consi5er Small Change

    etailer has units at start o7 8ee9

    etailer sells < units that 8ee9=

    etailer has 2 units at en5 o7 8ee9 o8 has to or5er 7or ne;t 8ee9

    *ants to 6e prepare5 7or higher sales

    &e sol5 < this 8ee9> 8ants to 6e rea5y7or sales o7 < again

    So ho8 much shoul5 he or5er?

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    etailer easoning

    Sales o7 < each 8ee9

    So he shoul5 ha0e 12 at 6eginning o78ee9

    &e has 2 in stoc9

    So he or5ers 1@. i=e=. (122)

    "%'CE: Small change in sales (2) increase5

    8ee9ly or5er 7rom 3 to 1@. i=e=. 6y still use5 6y manyorganiFations)

    ProGect 5eman5

    Ma9e pro5uct

    An5 8or9 0ery har5 to sell pro5uct A50ertising


    Pull (tren5 is to8ar5s this mo5el

    ) *ait till customer or5ers

    %hen ma9e an5 5eli0er

    Hust in time

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM



    Deli0er 6ase5 on nee5

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    DAES "$ H'%

    '$ %&EE 'S A /#P ' %&ES,S%EM. E-E,%&' CA C"ME %"A S%ADS%'++=

    $+# "$ 1I1

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    S#PP+, C&A' S"$%*AE 1

    S#PP+, C&A' P+A' $+EJ'/'+'%, $" D'$$EE% DEMAD


    '-E%", +E-E+S A* MA%E'A+

    '%EMED'A%E P"D#C%S

    $''S&ED P"D#C%S

    *&EE %" S%"E

    &"* %" %ASP"%

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    S#PP+, C&A' S"$%*AE 2

    Supply Chain E;ecution Systems%rac9s physical status

    &o8 much ma5e

    &o8 much in 8arehouse &o8 much in transit 8here

    '7 changes occur: e=g=. more nee5e5 's pro5uct a0aila6le in another location

    Can pro5uct 6e ma5e 's transportation a0aila6le

    's 8arehouse space a0aila6le

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    S"#CES "$ /#S'ESS-A+#E

    ED#CED '-E%", C"S%S

    /E%%E #%'+'KA%'" "$MA#$AC%#'

    A-"'D' S&"%AES

    ED#C' %ASP"%A%'" C"S%S

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    Supply Chain Management

    Supply Chain Push to Pull

    'n7ormation Systems an5 SupplyChain Management

    Supply Chain Mgmt So7t8are

    lo6al Supply Chain (' s9ippe5 thisrea5 in 6oo9)

    /usiness -alue

  • 7/23/2019 05B Chap9 Enterprise SCM


    Supply Chain Management: +ast


    4eep in0entory costs to a minimum

    4eep shippingBstorage costs to aminimum