
m 13 . . MOXBV.TOjLpAX—^Contlaned ! WE lend money '-on anything: low Interest; l«ur- } gains In unrcxteemed - pledges. . THE CITY 1 LOAN" OFFICE.' 613 Kearny st. nr.Comme.TiaL \ HERMAN -MURPHY. ' ! - "54(5 Market street. ! - .?*. an ' 3t s>v;< ' T!g mtits.. estate*/ lega«rle«.' etc. j GUARANTEE JewelVyifc;"optlcal~Co"., dlawoud*. { - watches; jewelry bcugiit and sold; repairing a > ._ ;«pec!alty. 215 3J eu. - - j ANY saai, Ist. -2d. SU " mortfsres, lntereijt in entateir. K. McCOLGAN, rooms 314-313, 2C M<>ntg(xm>rr, Ft.' ' ADVANCES oa dlamnndf as usual. Baldwin J.-vr- elry Co.. p^naanrnt cfßre .1261 Van.Ne»» ay. OX furniture awl pianos in Tjser no cotn*nli»s"©n.' V. TRF.MAIN. 720 Buchenan st. near Hayes. MORltJiLt/—Cash leaned to salaried men en note I wlthoot Sndora-r C 22 Monadr.'vtc h;:lM!ng. j MOXBY WAXTI'D ARE you 6atl&fi>d «ith 4 per c*ut Interest- wl»e-n - you can get as high as 7 per cent-net on erst ' mortgage, gilt edge real estate, security ? TALK IT OVER WITH. TS. I>O ITTODAY! ED.WABDS. CHKISTEXSEN & GOODWIN. -M.. Geary st. . ."" \u0084; -"•'\u25a0•- -'. ' % ... . \u25a0\u25a0-- WANTED—To borrow J5OO oa «t)od indorsed _jw»te* from private parties. Box 1771. Call. . MEDICAL x —-- _. , _-_ ~- DB..KING. 719 Van Ness ay. San Francisco's Leadinp Specialist . fpr Women. -*' Safety— RellaWlity. LADIES: Sooner or later every woman cmmls the seri-lres of a reliable, honest physician of education and experience,' TO BE A SPECIALIST ONE NEED3 TO h¥. A GRADUATE OF SOME MEDICAL OOLLEG*.:. In justice to rwself and my patients I wish to state that I AM THE ONLY \u25a0 BEUULAR GRADUATK.- PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST FOR j WOMEN ADVKETISINGIn San Franc!w-o whewe <I2aliarstica% are recognized by the hlgbest lnedi- 1 cal authority. - ~ ,' I fcave tbe LARGEST PRACTICE becatwe dur- ing my 2i ye*ra «f Bractfcr Ihave hatl NO FAILUKE3 NOR MADE ANY. MISXAK2 ia diagnosis. My offices ere perfectlr etpiinTM^ with *"very modem appliance ueeessary, f or tUeVorr^ct treat- ment of women. " ONE CALL will convince you that I can si* * ron IMMEDIATE ECLIEF wiibout opcratlMJ, drcsgiux <ir oeedlesj detention rtcm yoar Occupa- tion. It scakes no direrence- WHAT IRREGULAR- ITY. <Il6ea«e or trasbla you may come to me PRIVATELY and CONFIDENTLY and get my opinion »ael adrl?e VRET". roo hare ABSOLUTELY NO CXCCSF. fcr Ircstlng your life and hsvplaess in the band* cf PUETKNDING specialists, njldwives. ccedn- cated ani denseroas persons, whea for the price yon pay 'YOU CAN OBTAIN the terviccs of a man eslaent In tbe professloa and be assured of PROMPT. SAFE and HAPPY RESULTS. Ifewssary patients may go to my owe sani- tarium or any other. and hare my personal *.'.ten- tics. Lady attertlants. Bouts. 9 a. ta. to 8 p. m. Opes Sundays. DR. KING. Saa Francisco's Leedinc - Specialist for Women. 719 Van Ness ay.. Ssa Francisco. DXV C W. O'DONNELL. . THE WOBLDRENOWNKD SPECIALIST - FOR LADIES. : My professlonat standing •of 20 years' prsc- tJce Is a guarantee «f-my treatment snd •jnal- Ifies my sueceas; known !n all parts of tbe cocntry;- every case treated: no delay*; Imme- diate relief; I POSITIVELY -GUARANTEE RELIEF In cases of suppression \u25a0 and irregu- larities; treat all female diseases, no matter how loaf standing: the unfortunate helped: has relieved thousands of most obatinate. as all cases have benefit of highest medical skill. LOW FEES. In all eases of Irregularities I have cerer failed to effect 1 a cure, and I. will not fail in your case. . By -consulting, me save time acd money; relief when others \u25a0 fall. - <-- - V- FBEE CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE. Hours. 9 a. ta. to 4 p. m. '&. C:3O to 8:30 p m. Office * res.. 1720 Geacy bet. Fillmore 4 Web. DR. O. W. O'DONNELL. Tel. West 5357. AA— DR. JAMES NEAL, 1438 ELLIS ST. near Webster Reliable ' specialist " for female com- plaints and Irregularities;" no trifling; sanato- rlusj If desired: liours. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. A— MRS. DR. WYETH. reliable ladles* special- let for all female irregularities; Instant relief guaranteed; 30 years' successful practice. 1524 Webster st. nesr Geary:\ open Sundays. DB. KOHL, reliable ladles' specialist for all fe- male Irregularities; iastaat relief \u25a0 guaranteed.-' 1824 Webster tt. near Geary; open Sundays. DR. ODNN. 1632 Ellis St.. opp. Orpheum— Old- e»t. safect. most reliable ladles' specialist;] 'never falls; fee $10;. advice free. .- - "' DR. C. C O'Donnell, renowned female upeclalist, 812 Devisadero bet. McAllister and G. G. ay. DR. WEST, oftces 10SS Golden Gate ay.: ladles* specialist: Immediate r relief \u25a0 without" pain. DR. and MRS. DA VIES' method of treatment. 524 Valencia st. between 19th and 20th. : DR. ROSEN moved to 1269 4th ay.. Sunset, near H st. earline. .... .. - x DB. SYLVESTER'S OFFICE, 51T 23d at. cr. Telegraph ar., Oakland. CaL LEADING SPECIAUST FOR WOMEN.' Ladles If yon are •nfferlnx from any ailment peculiar to your sex, worried " about your condi- tion and need help, consult this famoas special- ist, because be Is truly the only regularly grad- uated physician specialist for women advertis- ing, having 13 years cf success WITHOUT ONE FAILURE— *e gives relief—AT ONCE— withoct , drugs, operation ior 1 needless 'detention from your occupation, " with orlgiaal—PAIN- LESS HARMLESS methods: with- high pro- fessional staadtag and qualifications recognized by tbe bigbeftt medical authority, with office well appointed and strictly private, he is -the SAFEST— AND " SUREST— MAN to consult WHEN YOU NEED HELP. - Consultation { and advic* absolutely free. Private " sanitarium whea necessary. Fees moderate. Hours, 9a. m. to ft p. a. Open Sundays. Telephone Oak- land 790 L x; ' ,V DR. , SYLVESTER'S OFFICE, BIT 23d st. ar. Telegraph ay.. Oakland. Cal. GAS FIXTURES AXD. LIGHTS SPECIAL sale for 3 days only; I . burner \u0084rss , stove, |151 5 2 tamers. $1.75; 8 burners, $3. Mission light store. 473 Valencia? st.' near 16th. FOR SALE Ml.cellancon. aaa— '\u25a0 - .-'\u25a0-"\u25a0 :\u25a0 \u25a0 "-" . •"""\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0n-'-atHJ Kow ts the time to buy plsmbisg material. Bath tubs, $10 up. Basins, (1.50 up. Sinks, $1.50 up. Boilers. 30 gal.. $5.25. new. | Oalv. > wash trays, $4.60,. 2 part- extra - heavy. Cement trays, 212.25;. 48 In. 2 part. Cast iron pipe and wrought pipe at a great reduction. - : . .. Brass - goods and -, trimmings S3 1-3 per cent - reduction. "\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ,::'\u25a0;.\u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0'\u25a0; . \u25a0- .' These prices by brisslss this ad pood until Oct. 12. 1907. ~ : Open Sunday, 9 to 4. , \u25a0.-'"' . - 1864 Post st ' CASH REGISTERS— Wt make and sell 99 per ctat cf the caih registers In the world. Oar '; guarantee la backed by .25 years* experience Id talking nothing but cash registers. We alto 1 s*ll all other makes at from 25c to 40c oa the Collar. A large stock .of second -hand Na- - tlcatla on hand at all times.' .Easy payments. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER ' CO., 1263-S5 Golden Gate avenae. . \u25a0 •-"•\u25a0. - Ban Francisco. - CaL \u25a0 '\u0084 1\u25a0- "\u25a0 CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION. - - FOR SALE. .•j- 1 ;-:",'' V: Structural : Iroa .: I beams, columns. - built . up ' work, window welgbu, anchors, band iron, Joist hangers, etcv.- . -:\u25a0-'-• " " \u25a0-- r -'-*£".- H. C. WHITE MACHINERY C 0.",; H4H 4 - 9th and Bryant sta." '\u25a0\u25a0>'\u0084 TENTS at f/etory- prices;* all' slses; send, for -catalogue. W. A. PLUMMER, 115.117 Druaun - St.. (Ban Francisco; tel. Temporary .3053. '.« r.d &GO-566 Franklin «t.. Oakland; teL Oak'd 2553. BEST equipped shop oa the coast for mefg. pat- en t articles, novelties, > tool making, - gear cutting." dies," etc. V. SOLLMAN, . 375 : Na- toma st.. near. 6th. - .' ,", HALLWOOD eaah registers:. total. adders; 523 to SJKi; also: Nationals.- CASH REGISTER : EX- CHANGE, Utt Market St.. Central Theater ' baildlag.. \u25a0'".. '\u25a0:--\u25a0 -. ;.- -.- -v. - ':,. ., \u25a0. . :":. ,-r.:'-- FOB reatauraat: work = end supplies see MAJE3- TIC SHEET METAL WORKS. 1068 McAllister: DRUMMERS' samples ladles* suits,- skirts, .funs. etc., retailed 'at -wholesale price*; big £ bar- gains. Drummers* Sample Shop, 163S Bnsh St. RELIA BLB. Wood Working company, 219-221 Bth (t.— Store and stffic* fixtures: call once, see our new stock of bar fixtures.".. M. '• P."JOHNSON. .;: LAUNCHES, new and \u25a0 slightly Dsed. Oat launch Works. > Psc. coast ( sgenti , for Peolasular mo- tor," Blaadlnp ay.'. Park ". sW. Alameda.: ' SAFES Richardson » 8r05.. , general agenta Cary Safe Co. rpermaaently ; located 950 ; Mission st EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereoptl- . cans; bargain. -GEO. BBECK, 552 Grove St. SECOND - band ; rrrach, range - broiler.. donkey ,- boilers,: steam beater, tanks. 1247. Webster at. WE make all' tbe latest styles. PACIFIC COAST RATTAN; CO.,i SII; GoIden iGste :**.Wi BLDDLE SBOB.. roof tanks, -creamery aad dulry «nppUea.t 1 80S ' Tth ; st.; £ pooae ;; Market ; 4903. yj McINTOSH i WOLPM ANN." second < band ' ma- .: chief rj': machine twoA.ll 813 1 Howard % st.-. ,.-, MECHANICS' * tools; '- cheapest \la '<\u25a0 town." BEX.'. XETT-' 8R05..~541 y Haight.^ 1034 J Mission. r;' KING'S VID > BOOK1STORK.'- SSI Golden Gate : . aT.r near sOctßvla*: «.WBooKB; BOUGHT.- . WEEKS - IIO WE EMEBSON CO.—They . make j "^fiacs and' flag, poles.*.. 61 "Market "St.*. * j ROOMS i FOH ; HOUSE ;KEEPJXG^~Con.. | SHR ADEB*st.f;- 806^3 j furnished j house .'keeping .-'.*; rooms.' :\u25a0 with <. gasV and ;\; \ running *: water;^ rent -, \u25a0\u25a0?; Ms:sto!«duits:t.- ss>;.v"r ; - : :'' '•- '-/^y- \u25a0- r .--v. : " ' ; SUNNY-' furniiihed^hou^e' keeping r»ms: .private j .;; kitchen ; iba tli ; gas ; laundry.' 80S * Dolores st., ' "'\u25a0 corner •of*.2.1&.i : : '< ' . \u25a0\u25a0-;-\u25a0\u25a0: - " .\u25a0- ~-\ ROOMS r> TO.LE.TS-Farn'd and "Unf rtr»*«V BAN?:>RE.\ro St- HOTEr,— Beautifully "^ furnUbed * rooms ;with;private •baths,"' If- Je«ired.^by^ths \u25a0 >---.\u25a0.. \u25a0. C*r: week *ml v\or. tu,: i on " the l i European \u25a0 plan. ' ij IW McAllister-St.* com Lagans. : Ptwne Market v3oG3:^B^F.;RlCKEß;jproprtftor:^/^.-- * Ma I*W ELD I rooißlnff-trouse. 2SO Orove ; stf - (oppo- : \u25a0 site ifVsn i Nesa theater) ;> S* ' room»: J bath; rooms >;' "50c Tper nlpbt : 12.50 ' aad •$3 per we*k ;peraoo- " ; : allyj conducted ,by J J. Vf, LEnp.RLE.^ manatT. i THE\CAEMEL,-.120 ••"d stY ni^rMuwlon— Fur- "-" nisbeU. : rt)oms. .s')c.i73c ; nnd/?l'; pcr .4 day; { l3 to $7 per ' week;' runninsr. wntpr -In* each > room." I: \u25a0'."'*\u25a0'--"'\u25a0' i-#. ft-V>- •.-• M. X. ':\u25a0 SCIIOFIELD.'I Prop. . TURK? *t.;-'. 811—El?gs at -newly: furnjihed- room*.' i i r ; en . salte,'; glnjrle; Suitable ; pr-)re»sli>aal \u25a0 man ' cr.j j lady;; reasonable; \ other .' rooms; i day.'.week,": mo. j AA^-^A-nicely \u25a0 furnished > front 'room; hotaml c«l<l.J r : water; \u25a0- stinuy '?. an<\ every-- convenient; j close ; to . Market : % et.; \ <!2.s»J;a^we<?k.; r gsa:;2l~st.v -- - :.' BROWN ; PALAQErr, 570 ; O'Farrell I nr.:Lea Te- n- worth—Day, 50c '-up;: special -rates -Week'y hot -\u25a0!• and Ccold~Vcnn!ng, water: '• Franklin '.. 3273..:' :' BUENAv; VISTA : ay.V 5. corner Ilaisht st.~2 sin-, t s gle -w rooms > for.. srcntlecaen : T: brijeh t '. and * sunny ; : '. newly < furnished ; •; $10 - and $S ' month. v^-iJ,f-;;, BBLCHER;st. ; .-"'2l. off. Fillmore : at' Duboee.av.—; % 3 furnished rmß.": for Jiouse keeping; reasonable.' BUSH-st.;jl23r."nr.- Hjde-rUnfumlshed double -'/parlors.-. , ; r .T.<V /\u25a0;:..•;''. ~. :\u25a0•'.::\u25a0 \u25a0':"'. : ..'.-,- ' i'-t«"i GOLDEN; .GATE ay.: . 10.11 A'— Nicely ' furnUhcd -front' parlor."; suitable- for;2-:or* : 3- persons.":"' v" MA YBELLEVs - 211 ?\u25a0 Van \u25a0 Ness— Newly - fumirted , <rooms; : also transients.:. Phone. Market ; 4544.' ; MCALLISTER, .1176. nr. ;Fillinor»-i-Newly fnrn." rooms; hot;" cold .water; traiisiont; liatlis: hkpg. SACRAMENTO; st.V< s 2323—Nice , ; l«rg& ; furnished fj. rooms conveniences ; \u25a0- rent s very Kasonable. THE i- BLKNHEIM. .--?. NX. * corner ... Franklin and \u25a0Bush Elegantly furnished, rooms; entirely new. THE \u25a0 Pioneer and Arcade—-Rooms 35c \u25a0 dally np; j^ transient.^ 143-151 Sdrstv \u0084" S 3 . \.;^-'..^ : -, TRUMBULL st.,"'.234—3 unfurnished . house keep- '-. lngrooms; rent'SlO; sun all day; -Mission cars. TCRK; st.v:. 1212A—Klegantlj- furnished -' rooms . (transients, a v specialty). ; : _ . .. .- jy< v ;: - - 22D st., ' 3477.- nr., Valencia— Sunny . front room ; rent reasonable.. ~ ' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 . .' .S V ROOMS AXD BO ARD—Berkeley - HAWTHORNE i VILLA, 2540 College ;Vav.— •\u25a0_* 'Snnny rooißH wlth.exf«"pnt t«oard: references.' qfROOMS I AXD BOARD OFFERED 24TH st.V. 3551, >\u25a0 beC ' Valencia _ and \u25a0\u25a0 Guerrero— .:.-"Large," sunny, well; furnished room, suitable for. ~2, wlt>; board;: BB; per week each, rv^; " .EDDY. st..' 134SJ— Room for 2 gentlemen;. with or without; board: private. family. ; V- y r- J- LARGE, sunny, -front- room.'"" nicely furnished, with first, class "board.. .3000 California; nt. - PIERCE ' »ti . 261,1 corner Page—Rooms, with or without board, -at. veryjreasonaMe_ rates.* \u25a0-. » : :. WILLARD 1432— FurnUhed ; rodms . with -" board : - n<»ar park. and Affiliated colleges: reas. BO ARD; AXD \u25a0 ROOMS WANTED YOCNG MAN -WISHES BOARD AND. ROOM MN PRIVATE FAMILY ONLY: NO ATTEN-* tion Paid >\u25a0 to :• rooming houses-, \u25a0•; vi- \u25a0- CINITY VAN 'NESS AY.; STATE'.TEBM3. BOX 3704, ' CALL OFFICE. YOUNG lady wants room ? and board In " private family. -Box V 1762."C«U. neat Fillmore: ft: A •_ _\u25a0; ; '• '\u25a0"^'.-"•{\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".'TRt'ssa [ ~ :^ : X\-—~'~'- '\u25a0'• SPECIALISTS In I truss fittings. > CLARKGAN- " DION COMPANY. 1258 G. G. av*Tnr. FlUmore. .-; : '.-; V PROPOSALS AND BIPSV \u25a0';""- -\u25a0"-"' '• NOTICE TO CONTBACTOBS. " ' -" * -jpFncß of'the board" of state har- bor COMMISSIONERS. Union Depot and Ferry House. . San Francisco. Cal., September 28," 1907. Sealed proposals s on = bids will-be ' received at this office -at. or'- prior rto 2:30 o'clock p. tn. oa THURSDAY, \u25a0 October 10, 1907, > tor : furnlsblag -materials: and labor for r the 'of : a wharf ; ; for ; th*» Union Oil Company In Central Basin, on the Water front of the Cltr and County of >Baa? Francisco,; la;accordance With "the plaa and - specifications prepared therefor by: the As- sistant *' State t Rngineer . - of«, tbe «< Board. - ' and adopted by;the , Board r September , 26,"" 1907," s and .on ... flle-s la v this i office, to % which - special » refer- ence Is 1hereby made. The materials Ito'be : used in this : work: will: connlnt-of - the requisite quan- tities ; of v treated +, and untreated « elo«e - srralned. first class 1 Douglas yellows fir' piles." \u25a0; merchant- able " yellow fir . lumber aad . tbe - necessary .- qn*n- tlty I of I wrought I Iron i holts, t wire I splkes."«- wire rope, < etc., all of the best \u25a0 quality -- specified. .-."; \ j No -bid - will be | received unless It I*made ioa a j blank - form ' furnished from t this ; office and Is accompanied by.: a - certified check - for <\u25a0 fiv« (5i per cent of tbe -amount of the bid. payable to the order of . the ' Secretary ! of . the \u25a0 Board, as a : guarantee on -the \u25a0 part -of \u25a0 the ; successful : bid- der : that be will, within: six (6> days after tbe acceptance of ; the ; bid enter Into ' a , written ' con* tract rto ' do ,' said : work." according ito ".the ' plan and:' specifications 'prepared r therefor.*: and will also execute and : file with -thta- Board.' a bond -in such"; sum-; as , the ;. Board may rtpem adequate with ' a I surety company," to I approved by j the Board cf ; State Harbor ComnrtMloners, ' and con- ditioned;' for.; the -faithful* performance - of -\u25a0 soeh contract," "- nor » will -«a !d , bid be : conßtdered <by this ' Board \u25a0 unless delivered to tbe Secretary, or to . tbe I Assistant I Secretary, at tbe > office of . the Secretary.' at . or prior ; to 2:30 ; o'clock p.; m. " ; on Thursday. * October 10. * 1007. -- at . which : time \u25a0 and place the bids will, be; opened. \u25a0 "; -. * ... .-:. v. Tbe \u25a0 Board <\u25a0 reserves b the \u25a0• right ' to '• reject any or »11 1 bids 'If deemed : for . the , best ' Interests \u25a0of the- State, i--.:- '\u25a0' "\u25a0 \u25a0--\u25a0 i :.-":'.-- '-.'•- •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0":*"--;•••---\u25a0••:."-\u25a0\u25a0.-."\u25a0'•.\u25a0 ; " Bidders are!lnvited to be present at the open- in, of the bids.: w ; , .. ' " HENRY J. ' CKOCKEB, * " W. E. DENNISON, , Board of State- Harbor 'Commissioners. \u25a0'" ; :.-; ' pALPH PARKER.^' -X'- - }-:.•:?•\u25a0!\u25a0- '\u25a0 Aeslstmt "State --Engineer^- ;\u25a0 -.s.W.-'B.JTnORPE.; Secretary .>-">\u25a0\u25a0/'• \u25a0*\u25a0.'*,-^_» . - NOTICE to Builders and Manufacturers of Steam •- Locomotives Office of tbe Board of State Har- ;• ' bor -; union . depot •'- and ~( ferry house. San i Francisco. Cal.7 September 2S. 1307. "'\u25a0 Sealed * propoe*ls "- or bids -.will - be received rat " - this office at '- or - prior .to\u25a0 8 ' o'clock 9 - m.\ on THURSDAY. \u25a0 October * 10. - 1907.'; tot i tile eon- v 1 structlon - aad * delivery Of i a six , wheel ' switch "locomotive at ;the round house of the Belt rail- road, :<: <city . and <\u25a0 cotmty ,of ( Ban '\u25a0' Francisco. * In' •? accordance" * withI the 5 specifications - prepared \u25a0 therefor by the ' assistant state engineer ! of|tbe . ; board and : adopted . by the board September 28. •"\u25a0-1907,1 and on file.lh thlt office, to wblch special \u25a0 reference %Is * hereby , made. ; - The .: bidder 2 must . also state ?In "j" j his 1 proposal ; tbe ' price > he ; win ' pay i for,;locomotive ? No. '<, V \u25a0\u25a0 which may; be f In- spected at > round i bouse : of \u25a0 the : B-.l1 1 railroad.' .-. No received unless it is made oa a * blank form * furnished ( from * this i office and ' la " accompanied *by-a •- certified i check ; of;five * (5): " per cent > of < the amount of tbe bid, . payable ; to. : "tbe orderiotrthe secretary 'of. the i board., as a guarantee on the part of the successful bidder ':": that -he r. wIU.V: within six . (6) \ days \u25a0; after the acceptance -1of ' : the ' bid." ; enter s Into a : written . contracts to 5 do « said * work ~ according -i to ; the * " specifications prepared : therefor.? and .will also .' execute - and : file with thli : board > a ~ bond -. lo 1 1such sum ' as | the.: board \u25a0 ma? | deem \ adequate. \u25a0 with ! a ! surety^ company ;.to ;be : approved ;by| the board ; of ' state ; harbor - commttslcners jt and ;"eon: :: * ditloned 5 for f.the :taltbful * performance * of . such r-i contract ; "* nor - will -\u25a0 said it bid '.be ' considered -; by * this board 'unless ; delivered , to \u25a0. the \u25a0 secretary -or v . to ' tbe * assistant : secretary.^ at 1 the * office ; of>the -secretary 5 at ; or f, prior to f. 3s" o'clock 'p. :\u25a0; m^ THURSDAY. October; 10,' i 1807,* at 'which i time : and pla«t; bids will; be 'Opened.^, The board re-" serves? the > right- to i reject ? any ;• or : all bids *If : deemed for the / best \u25a0' interest eof the i state. Bidders are ; Invited ' to be : present at i the \u25a0 open- :.' lag ' Of the bids.*" W.*. V.-!STAFFORD, > HENRY J. CROCKER,%.W;» E. 4; PENNISON.V board of Estate harbor commissioners.'; RALPH BARKER. \u25a0 assistant \u25a0\u25a0 state engineer. ' W. B:-lTHORPE, t'sefrctßry.--'.: ' ..•\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0'. ."--* •\u25a0"."•-." \u25a0-;, -- ':\u25a0*\u25a0 >-\u25a0'._- :: ;T^"rrßrw^TEßs7^pTsup MONARCH fVlelblel typewriter— ln 5 thY« Monarch v? Visible *> typewriter -all -of.- the awrltlpg its In - full , sight ; all ' of i the 3. time : i other makes, sec-L Z-. ond: hand.* at 'very.: reasonable ; prices;! we ;rent.". \u25a0 repair and Inspect : 1before purchasing . rlne ; up; ?r West "A 5609 % orii call Jat 51C28,?. Devisadero i st*' : ryiyy:'-;yr;i ALEXANDER '* & % CO.T^ typewriters * all -auakef a rented.': including Smith Premier;;desk«.i»halr%* ' - etc. ; *i ask v. for ;z prices s partly$ used \u25a0? machlae*.' : ALEX ANDERS 1820 : Fillmore st. ;.» phone j;Wesit 4 teSS.t^'J'^. :"\u25a0.:•;-'." \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 : -:- \u25a0 -: V.*-•\u25a0'\u25a0 - y- \u25a0 -.: s£isi FIRST CLASS typewriters ;' for from $23 ; t0 $!00; r s allsmakes,"Jiall/prlc*«T/;rentalsi i and s supplies. C The J Typewriter »E«b»nge. 41011 « Gulden -vGate ;>; ay. ; jtelephone * Park ', 973. ; V..'7 < ; -J> i- 7J>:i::' STEARNS I Visible i Typewriter; % tbe i only ; - with 1 decimal ?. tabula tor; I also j second : .hand.f all 'Jmakes: * rentn!« |and1 repairs.? .The : Typewrito-; iu rlum.l;l724^Flll»gore'Bt.tfA-.'". ' t \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 .-"\u25a0*>\u25a0•. \u25a0'\u25a0 -\u25a0;•;.' 'J .- FRED %WriVAUOHN?&} CO.:* Pacific: coast ;«tpaf." gS erst Oliver J standard ,? visible*t* f P* WI " lt 6r; >otber i; makef,^ »ec«n<V:han(!lfor r : sale?s: JKC^FlllnjoJTi*?.' ,WALT«B?A>ESCOTT;£I{'tI?FIIImore v i 523 j-V. Market :> phen^ Wt>st \u25a0 2^S:>r ' '-. \u25a0'-.??£&&& AA— HlGHESTlprlce'paid? fori second band cloth-" A— Wlirpay.alfsir price for ladles'. I^ cents'icloth* as lnit.^ tnmlw.'t'vallsfs.'XMr.'* Franks <Wl l Vslenela.- fSOS^.'-^ r '" ~ SHEET METAL : ; " V.V: '"'\u25a0 / '-'-\u25a0' -\ SHEET. METAL^AND : PATENT CHIMNEYS:? T. J -mV."' CLIFW>BD.~ 620 iTUBK.I TeLI Franklin I ea7- FOll S ALE r i-Ml.«icellr;nr'»n»7-Cor;tlisrip;d | JlO-^Ouaraate^d '. hlehlyl ni<*kel jJatol R<-lianc% | -' card -machines: "rnaij- v «ther barcaln*. /Mfils J N'ore: ty » Co.; 007 _;M ark<- I . f-V. '\u25a0 S. F. FOR sale—'c!ftanvd,spr.i>uil'.!isn<l brick; ?4 rervl,ooo.-V Can. p"3on« J l > arlr-:r*o7. .':-:". v j SAFKS— New. lin'i .«p«.ntl fcar-il.- Tbe -tl»?nn.inn.| Safe Co.. IiTO-ITO. F«*'-*nm : «t. '-\rr r . FOR sa!»> Couß;ers.*sbelvinc,:sl)£,wca.«(fs: cheap. 1 :1504 Church $V ". scar ,*27t"i. -, ; ' : ' , ' I ELKGANT M iscotpd ' top "surrevy 2 seated trap,' : cl'ea;». Ci'l 1804" . _-i . : NATIONALregister and shotgun for ga**;f cheap." : > 2104 Missioa Xt, "": . r \- -,>:*•""\u25a0.• \u25a0'.\u25a0'\u25a0":•:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 T. 5,.--' •' ~'\ |SAfALL safe for sale. -Can be seen at 'loo5 > Post I str^-ot.- \u25a0-\u25a0"-'--- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0- ...--.\ .';--- .-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.'.- \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ; MISCKLLAXKOUS' AVAATS i^~~- :—:: : '-'-- ;.--.;•.\u25a0•:-\u25a0--...-. WANTED— IOO second- band" saloon, ttore anil of-" \lice :fSxt«rcs;; hljtiest prioes t>»»4,* '300 \u25a0 OougQ' | "St.. coruer Fell;- tel. Market 5410. " :\u25a0 : : .:'-.. DRESS SHITS. TUXEDOS AND PRINCE; AL- BEHTS- BOUGHT. \u25a0\u25a0 L. SKOLLT TAILOR."707 :; GOLDEN. GATE. \ PHONE tMABKET/ 4G-31. >:?; i A— GENTS' spoond.- band ; : clbthlns -bouslit- and i--: tiold. MCSIN'S. I2f>oA Eddy --st. 'cyr^Buchanan; ! ";\u25a0 Jii'siCAi, i\sTnni exts - BUY. rent or eirehange," direct at: factory. \u25a0 pianos j g that sing their own praises. iWM.LVSCUMITZ'.i mfg.. tuner, repairer; every thiaK; Kiiarante«d; j 20 years in his own building,', 4S v Bartlett st." j ; ' bet. 1 21 st 'and r 2M. " I Valencia jand \u25a0 Mission sts. : j 1 HAVE left my Weber piano; on sale at \u25a0 14C6 j Bush «.: price $90; oesy: payments- arranged; 'cr will rent it to desirable j>jople. , Call. and * re« it. ; - -- \u25a0; .. -'; •; \u25a0;' - . •;\u25a0'. ; FULL Rise, . mabopany caFo" uprlsht.^-'JiSO; ca^e dsaiajred in transit; >tt>* te -sold for: tbe -rail- road. HH'NR PIANO CO., 1341 Golden Gate ir. VICTOa, EDISON.'- COLUMBIA— AII k!nd« talk- * Ing machine and music box 'repairing; charges . moderate. Byron Mauzx, 1175 O'Farrell st.;-. NEARLY-- new upright, left to se.ll, party leaving j city. Uornuns's, 1554 Eddy. at:.; near. FUltncre. CUKAP' for cash'or payments.'-. aeir' and'. use£ : .p{. f anos. JOS. SCIiMITZ &• CO., 4ZO Devlsadero. ALMOST Riven away Storage ptado; dirt cheap. ' Whitefcead Storage, 403 San' Pablo av.VOabl'd. SOHMER,' Byron Mouiy pianos. Cecelian- piano plarers. BYRQN MAUZY. 1173 O'Farrell- st. BEAUTIFUL Werner upr'sht; cost $400 5 months fgo; 5175." .1341 GoMen Gate ar. V .:'"" - M ATRIMOXIAL ' DO not be deceived ; v the on!y i reliable j matri- monial : bureau you- will find «t MTftS.* . WOL- iTEIt'S. 1711 Geary st. ; e^tabf^hed la 1&00. \t MATRIMONIAL " bureau— lntroduces " personally or by mail. MRS. KOHLER. 1448 O'Farrell st. I^ADIFS and p;ntle!ii«»n wisliins to marry, "call at MRS.; MCCARTHY'S. ; 575 Hsigp.t st. ' MODEL AXD XOVELTy' MAMjF'RS : MODEL and experimental i work in all branches; meclianical Instruments: .. special fine milling&. universal frrlnding; tools & dies; , gears; presawork; novelties manufact'd. M.P, \u25a0 SCHELL. 1759 Union. st. tet- Octavla & Gouyb ' MIXES AND MIXIMJ:- ASSAYING 50c; pold. rich ore,- etc, ; boueh't. ! Pioneer Assay Company. 131f>th st. *nr.- Mint. ! S"MATEUMTV HOMES 1 S. F. LYING-IN HOME. 1181 Oak sty'near Park. DR. LORI) pby. In charge: dlppast-a of women. '' -'^ '_'" : .-\u25a0 TRAIXEP XTJRSB. _,.;-. :, : : : :' ''."'.' : YOCNG German lady wUbes position as -nurse -in conflnemtnt fiws. ' Ajtidre^s - 124 Hpary st. OPTICIAXS "-J'-V 1. POVELSEN, EXPERT OPTICIANTITTchurch st. near Market: Open evenings.- --"•..\u25a0 -•PHYSICAL CULTURE : : O PHYSICAL culture, .women.': children.- Audltor- lom b!dg.. 393 Fillmore. Mlss^lalrt- K. Donovan. - PAIXTIXGAXD PAPEr'hAXGIXG 'We paint, paper or tint your: vacant bouses or fiats; you pay half at completion -of job^balance when rented.-*" ' ' •' •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0'. -:\u25a0- \u25a0" ' I. B. : WILLIAMS * CO.. 2143 Market st. WALL PAPER, . WALL - LINING, 1 BURLAP, V- PAINTS" AND -"'OILS.-.; PAINTING. .TINTING i AND PAPERHANGING. N. BRACG. . 459 \u25a0 VALENCIA ST.--PHONB'MARK>iT : 432.V - ' . . . PLASTER DECORATORS " A. B. RUMCABDI A CO.. artistic or plain < work from drawings oorr r plans, v .t206 16th st r: " \u25a0:. OFFICES AXD STORES TO LET . _ __ —^ - - ' .-. ; , :;....\u25a0_; -^. - ; -.;-. 8 SCNN*Y connecting offices -en. 2d - floor, new brick- "juildlnjr, northwest corner' Eddy.:- and Glasgow: sta.,, adjoining' Eddy s:. city hall, near Market .and- Powell- ets.;* low rent; In- quire on premises, f Jv IEPH ; STB AUB, 2007 Sutter St.. corner Fillmore.- \u25a0•\u25a0 U - •\u25a0 \u25a0 '. , C LARGE stores, grilland basement;: reinforced concrete building; rent reasonable:- Turk and Larkin sts. ; apply ; premises. BEN; BKIL- LIANT.-,; '..-.',\u25a0 -,-. ;\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0- -\u25a0',-' \u25a0:\u25a0;- ,/'.- -\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 FOR rent—Maple floor ha 11, .72 feet; by 22 feet, -\u25a0"for lodge rooms and dances, with privilege. of :subleasing. Address box 3473,* Call of ace. - . GOOD business, . corner store;. 4 , rooms, yard, ~; basement: alterations: 24th and "Guerrero -sts. Apply --2572 \u25a0 Folsom st_. - "..'.•\u25a0-- :" -<-;:". : \u25a0; AN excellent location for drug ' store ;In '• St. George building,| Bth and Howard; . rent 840; \u25a0 Investigate.. - -• : --. .-; ; ; -V, - :: . ;.-'.>" ,\u25a0:•\u25a0]-:\u25a0 DIAMOND, > 619—Sunny store and ' kitchen ; j good for notions,, dry goods or" barber;: cheap 1 rent.' LARGE corner, store with basement 28x5S; - high ji celling; plate, windows. Market and 17th. sts. STORE at 1003 . Poet . St. for rent- Apply at : . 1005. Post : st.; . I^vy Electric . Co. : -- / .: NEW. store to ' let I very I cheap; suitable for any bnslness. Call «20 3d st. r - : : STORE. ISxSO, for lease; 303 Market st. corner Beale. F. '. W. BRACN. :,\u25a0 \u25a0-: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .STORES TO LEASE I- CHOICEST part of Ffllmore.' 23x87:6; will lease ' cheap- to -right party. --No .saloon" or cigar =, business." -\u25a0•' . \u25a0 ';:''\- '. 'v.'".= '.:\u25a0'-."..'\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0'•', Choice corner, suitable for any purpose, fac- ing -Coney Island amusment.. -i .".-:'-> '^i; Exclusive - with "' - \u25a0 \u25a0 i KINELY-VON BORSTEL - CO.; A Inc., : ; ' -•'-\u25a0- \u25a0"-'-'- " 1654 Ellis at- i'-'-v,'" '\u25a0\u25a0••-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 •': HOUSES i ; TO LET Unfurnished . PROPERTY owners, •.look Tout 3 for I leaky- roofs ; \u25a0 " keep 5; your ; ' tenants by - repairing •' and '* painting :. roofs .and '\u25a0 gutters i before /the s rains.'".. JJ.S B. WILLIAMS' A-CO.^; 2145 » Market ist/^wv 1 v ' : : HOUSES V TO ? LET^F^r-Blsihed f. .' \u25a0' McALLISTEB- et., 051 Vj, or.' Buchanan— Newly . furnished \u25a0house, B.r and, bath; rent f 100; or .-will sell reasonable.? lnquire between' 10 and 2. OAK, 419— Well? f urn..' detacbed.*;; sunny, '• mod?m «• icottape. 6 J rmsV. I bath/ 1 laundry ;; parden."* yard: \u25a0^ : :^-'-'^ o^^j c^TO '^' r^ : '-'''' '\u25a0';:\u25a0 COTTAGE,-' 3(. rooms. ; $14 ; H : MIsslon fst. < cars : to --\u25a0; Crescent ay., -on - to ; first y street .' to \u25a0 right. 17 \u25a0" . Boscoe .st.^QsfeßßHHßsaH - I "- 1 \u25a0"\u25a0-' SB 0 TO let—3 ' room f urnUbed \u25a0 cottage \u25a0In i Sausallto.', : Apply i3? E.:KlPP..: Sausallto.: Cal."-i;<^^; ;:/v 21ST ? st^ - 3520 Cottage %ofi 5 * large > rooms : and \u25a0-\u25a0 bath."' with : large attle;:-ln first class condition." APART^^^JIIOUSES^; JACKSON;APARTMENTS;;NE; r cor.' r , Jackson" and .': Leavenworth jets.—2e ts.— 2 ' and ; 3 s rooms Vand * bath ; ' all: sunny ;: marine.', view.and 1 - ' to business : center : ~ gas "stove, 7 wall; beds ; - rent -* »32.50,535"and f37. /:-:.•\u25a0/.•-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 --\u25a0^•^/\u25a0->-:-'.-'-n; CLINTON rAPARTMENTS;! NE.Cccr. 'Jones ' and ': y~ Washlngton-^-Open \u25a0• Oct.' \u25a0* 1 ; ft furniahed |or li un-7 ' -furnished apartments.of. '3, 4.0r. 0 ro>>ms; mag: A nlflcent 5. marine z, view; -' near. : Fairmont > Hotel ; . j ' - easy *-' access ;- to v business -". center; n air" outside j sunnj^rooms.; -MRS. :HELEN ;M.* HARDING, Pwp.'V- '.:.-- '*';\u25a0'-\u25a0"-,-:\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 "" \u25a0\u25a0'-^\u25a0-.y ::--- :':' CALIFORNIA : St.; - 25lt—Raymond Apartments— r,- An Ideal apartment fiat to rent; G large; sunny - rooms ' and 1 bath ; we 11 \ beds - and. 'every .. mod*m " convenience ; j new \u25a0» and :up •;. to ; date ; ">rent f $60 ; -:~t reference* \u25a0 required. -.-'V>' ; •„..*•;,?\u25a0"':'\u25a0:; - ''• :\u25a0;\u25a0~SVv.*: { \u25a0 , VAN- NKSS "APARTMENTS.';. '>" "\u25a0\u25a0;.- :\u25a0 -..\u25a0'.* 2l2-S -Van2Nesss'Avenue.t:,; ;::::;'-.;.; , v "Three :and'- four i rocm3 f umlsbed | Uonse sk«*p-" '0. lnp .": apartments:-* every ,g modern i^fiOnTfnlenc*; e»:elerantly.' fnrnixhrd'; ) beantlf ul; marine 'view.; - THE'i EUREKA* Apartments-=4| elegant \4\ riiom' J^ apartments; £eras , ranse,*! refrlgera tor Jsjjd^ Janl-"f iitorj service: : fine; vie w.-*j Market 'and 1 17 th < sta.%.j WEMI'E»' HOUSE.i 419 ' Oak ; st."=-.W*ell ; furnished, j ?:, sunny * rooms." en * wilte i or.' gincle : Xmodera.*t-ig'»ifi»- i "\u25a0\u25a0/:' "»'-' APARTMEXTS— -Berkeley^V - ;\u25a0;? ! - -'-" ' - -1* -V ,~ -'-"- ----.---'\u25a0•*-,--- *" ! \. '':'\u25a0" :u ~J.YLV.UVLI DEfLia.V.IK ! FIRST.' CLASS ; FURNISHED Ifj 2231 ; Shattuck - ay.. cor.i Klttridge ; st.,< Berkeley. ' _ .. . \u25a0\u25a0;,-. . ~ nELKVQUEXT. SAX.E;.XOTICBS—Cob. 444 to 451 both Ittcloslve * . \u25a0 .~' \u25a0--.-.\u25a0"' 453 " " ; \u25a0 ~. ' \u25a0 % } ' ' 4*53 47« . 4SO-- 4«2 to 41>r bottt Inclusive 493 to. 5".-> bom lacluslve ' . \u25a0 -.-.. - .'\u25a0 ---.. .507- .. .— \u25a0\u0084 , 510 to 511 bf»t«"lnclu»lv<» * \u25a0;-- •- 514 to" SIS both la>!o-«tv« •' - .-818 to sll> b->tb/'-3«lu*ive : ' \u25a0\u25a0'. . -\u25a0"- -\u25a0 . -5.T3 ' - . v\u25a0 ,- 538 to &fZ both iac!u*lv» r, -\u25a0; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -'\u25a0 »-W to 549 bwti -tasJtwlve 5.'! to 553 both Inclustva to .3."W both mclxulv* to 574 both laclualv* - * 5)»7 to 's*<9 both tacluslv* -; \u25a0 , - : 501 to 592 both laeluslvo | 584 to 505 both Inclustve I ' 50* ' ' r 607 to 612 botH lnclusl-ve .- 614 to Cf» both Inclusive \u25a0 ' '. '- \u25a0-* 62» \u25a0 ' \u25a0 634 -•" i ' 64ft 643 to 645 both Inclusive ~ 650 to «W bota lnelustv* - «s"i to 659 both Inclusive , 681 to fi'"fl> both luciuslv* ';--\ \u25a0 : - '\u25a0 " .' \u25a0:\u25a0 673; . -\u25a0' - . 675 . \u25a0 , \u25a0 677 to *«•«> both lnclnstv* 6^5 to aso both Inclusrv* 601 to 707 botalnctustv-j 722 to 723 both Inclusive . ' . " -"725" v \u25a0 "- -\u25a0-*\u25a0\u25a0 729 to 7SI both tnclnslTe '\u25a0 .'.-..\u25a0' "»• -TS3>." "• ' . 735 to 741 bota taclustv* 743 to 743 boti laclasiv* - 753 * > 738 to T5B bota mrfnsrf* ) -761 - _ 763 to 7W boti Inclusive \u25a0'\u25a0'•" \u25a0' -•' . - ' T72 : - / 775 777 to 753 botb Inclusive 735 to 7<W both Inclusive -- : - 792 , 799 to P«TO both loclusrv* 803 to . 811 both laclmU" ! Rl3 to 814 both tnclnstve 817 to 819 bnCi laelnslv* 828 to 527 both laclusiv« . 829 to 831 boti lnclustv* 833 to 839 both laelnslv» Ml to 842 both taclusive -. 844 to 847 bota lacluslv* x . .- 880 -..••• ' ' . ' ~ . 853 : \u25a0 «B3 ta 8M bota lachnKvn . \u25a0 86ft to ?«1 both laelwtv* ,%•» 868 to 870 botb lnctnatve 878 to 877 bota Inclustve " ': 879 to 851 boti taciusJve .888 - - '' 892 to 893 both bclcsiv* 897 to 903 both laeluatv* . , - 905 to -90» bota lactaalve , 921 to 924 bota Inclusive 928 to 927 930 to 936 bota iacluslve '" ' - . 833 »\u2666* to 94 s * botb tachtalve - - . - 950 to 9SI both lacluiiive 953 to ' 954 both. Inclusive "- 956 to &^4 both Inclusive . -- »8« \u25a0 . ' - . . ' . . W-3 970 to 971 both fciclustve -\u25a0 . - 973 to : 976 both iacrasive B*>2 to 987 both luclusrve 992 to 983 both Inclusive 993 to 999 bota inclusive . 993 1003 to 1004 boti Inclusive 1006 : 1008 to 1010. boti Inclusive 1013 to 1013 bota acluslve- \u25a0 .' ' '\u25a0 ' - " - "MIT * - 1020 . - - 1023 to 10C3 boti tacluslTe £*ZZ J * ~- 1025 Nj.-r 1027 ~" . : 1030 to 1033 boti laelnslv»> 103S to 1037 boti Inclusive - 1041 to 1046 bota laclwtvo . _ 1051 to 1062 boti Inclustve . 1054 to 1035 both lnciw'v* . - - \u25a0 1057 to 10fi7 both Inclusive < 1069 to 10<*4 boti tacluslv» 10S7 - \u25a0"-\u25a0.•:; 10$» to 1(«5 boti tnclustv* 1097 to 1112 both Inclnslve 1114 to 1115 both Inclusive. " 1117- to 1119 both. Inclusive 1123 to 1125 both Inclusive . , 1127 to 1131 boti Inclusive " 1134 to 1140 both Inclusive \ 1142 to 1145 both Inclnslve 1147 to 1148 boti Inclusive 1152 to 1174 boti Inclusive * \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 117« to 117* both tnetadtv* 1190 to 11«9 both laclcatvw - 1191 to 1194 both Inclusive 119 A to 1194 both tnclunlve 1202 to 1203 both Inclusive 1205 to 1206 boti Inclusive *:,."." ' 1211 to 1212 boti Inclusive >."-. 1514 to 1211 both Indus' v* JnU~*^-. .- 1217 to 1219 boti fnclualv* * 1221 to 1220 boti Inclusive •- -' - 1238" " ;i -\u0084 \u25a0;. I*3S to 1242 boti foettntve V-o* " I? * 3 to 1230 boti Inclusive -._">1252 to 1254 boti lnclnsive i'./J ' ' ". \u25a0 " .I=sB- - \u25a0 .: - 1258 to 12S1 boti laclnslve \u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0 1268 '\u25a0 .-- \u25a0\u25a0-. 1272- \u25a0•'\u25a0 \u25a0 - - \u25a0 ' -1274 to 127S boti Inclusive \u25a0 -- - -' \u25a0-\u25a0 12S1-.- \u25a0-'\u25a0-••\u25a0 1253 \u25a0 -.- . . -!,.,.... .-. . 1289-'-^v'--J \u25a0-\u25a0 1298 to 1294 boti faelttalve 1296 to 1297 boti Inclusive 1301 - 1304- .. 1307 to 1303 boti Inclnslve 1312 to 1313 both taclnsive ' - .1315 to 131S boti Inclusive .1318 to 1321 boti lnclnstv« 1330 to 1335. boti tneluslvt . 1337. to 1339 boti Inctoalva ...... 1812 . . 1544 * 1349 to 13AO bota laelmiTe 1354 ' 135S to t.W^ boti Inclustve ,- - ISSQ to 13S1 boti laclustv* .1368 \u25a0 13A8 to 1374 boti tnctua'v* - 1376 to 1399 boti Inclusive . And Ia acewtianco with law. aad an order oi the board of directors made on th* 26ti day of August. '.1907, .so many shares of eaei parcel of suci. stock as mar be necessary- will be. told at pablie auction at t*M office.of the company at 5$ Clay street. In tie city and couaty of San Francisco, stata of California, oa FRIDAY. October' l3. 1907,' at twelve (12) o'clock noon, oa such day. fo pay snei delinquent aaaessment thereon. . together with cost of advertising and ' expense* " or. saler -;--' ' . -r GEO. A. DOUGLASS. "Jecretsrj. Of3c» of * company. 68 Clay % street. city and coonty of- San Frtnelwcn. State <%t fS»lf<wnH. ~ . ASSESSMENT ;yOTIC*B9 ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT— OCEANIC STEAM- BHIP COMPANT. Location of prmelpal place of bu*ln*ss No. 80 (old No. . 58).day street. City ' aad \ County of Saa Francisco, - State of California. -. *^. . Notice la hereby, given that at a meettaz of the Board of Directors held October 3. . 1907. i aa Assessment of Tn:tflO*t Dollars per share .was levied upon tie Capital Stock of tie Cor- \u25a0 poratioo, payabla Immediately to th» Secre- "•' tary of tae Company at lt» = of ace. No. 90 (old No. 68) ,Clar street, la tie City i and County of Saa Francisco, State , of Callfarnla. Any stock upon which tils assessment soall - remain unpaid on the sixth day. of November. 1907. will . deltnouent and advertised for sale 4 at « public , anetloa. . and. r unlesa . payment la- mad* netore. win sold on Monday. No- vember \u25a0 twenty-fllth, ' 190 T. \u25a0at . th« - iour. of three o'clock p. a., to pay the delinquent as- sessment." together wlti - cc«ts of advertising 'aad expenses of "sale* r .:- •*\u25a0\u25a0 . * \u25a0;ir;D. K. GIBSON. Secretary Pro Tern. \u25a0I--.- OCttANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. '\u25a0 -'Offlco of Comp««y:No^9o (old No. 68) Clay street,' la ti« Cltj aad County of Saa Traa-. - cl>eo.-Btate of -Canforala. •\u25a0- - ,T, T - » : " ; ;:p^\TBEhfirrxo'<"MAOT*CTES..":. l DOMESTIC— Best, \u25a0" cheapest: j »11 *\u25a0 kinds' rented. -.repaired, 'tichanKed: needles and snppllei for alt makes. : J. W. Evans. , ajfent. 16M OTar- •;"'' rell . %%. , mesr ' TOlmore : ' pnoite /West - 3SOL \u25a0 WILCOX* GIBBS Sewing Machine" company— '•:.' Located .at 724 Turk \u25a0' st. near. Van Ness ay. Manafactnren of the genuine Automatic. SINGER. ;WbVrter JsWUsco. sold only by. Slnxer Sewtas Machine Co. A. C.: BROWN, lelllsz . agent.. B6l McAllister at. .near Polk. 20 SECOND ;haND machines to bo sold hnmedl- ately. P. H. a SHIRLEY. 1122 O. O. ar. Webarer. CHAS. PLAMBECK. 3312 l«ti st. nr.Dolores; .all kiTMls'for salet^retwitrliir guaranteed. :- '-» ~- SURGICAL' IXSTR"U3Ig?tT3 WALTER *:C0..'1534 - Geary St. abov» fill. .^ nacre.'- Ph«Tw aWe«»t S77S. \u25a0--_ \u25a0 -. >\u25a0* . ;\\*IXDOW; SH.UJES ADVANCE wladow: shad» f astory. : Onler* ailed jat short notice. OKO. \u25a0 WALCOM.- 037 Turk »t. WINDOW . shades made and repaired. \u25a0"J.--IV y HOTTER. gQ4 L»r»<n *t. I»1»<w» rr^ntttn ~<"a. ' SPECIAL",XOTICE9 '• CHILD BEN* - admitted" to " McKlnley * Orpiaaase. ; - 3*41 J 19th - st.;- from Joly .1 to <let. . X ; 1007. ' I Mrs.iI^ .; R.- Coorn«*n. : ms r»wo. Tener Cabr*!.- ; V:a*ed 12'jears-l ;mooth;,'HeTbert"Cabral; aged 10 :year»;. Mairdalena .. Gomes. ased .12. '. years .1 ' m«*tb;\u25a0 Bc^« ' Gome*. wJ 9 years ' 1 \u25a0 month; ' Nrili* ' A:~ Wheejer. \u25a0 ajed 13 ! years 3 .'. ' Bv»nthit:'Pere|Val-E.- Wheeler , sgtd II yesrs 9 \u25a0 months; Alice Whalea. aged 3 years I awatis; ',: 14a- C. Balllnser^a«ed 11- year*; f Belea P»- trcschka. F <aged;7 years 9 .atoatht.' \u25a0'\u25a0-. . : j Nonce Is hereby Intention to ap- tply -to :tb«:sui>r«nie court far . * recomuwad*. lion* for \u25a0 *stcarlv» \u25a0\u25a0 clemency. -.^MapMMHJ --\u25a0\u25a0-.-•:• ---\u25a0-\u25a0-- -. . . puiup seuox. ,, v LEGAL . XOTICES , \u25a0 !tq Whom tt^ May. Concenu.. Will sot r*- spuoslble "." for aaj unpaid \u25a0 claims .or \u25a0'. hills * axaiast - restaaraat at 407 Baisht at. - aftor a*tnrdax. Octobar i. 1907. PETES •"'»* v Ji ..j bELIXQUEXT .SALS NOTICES DELINQUENT " SALE *.: NOTICE— OCCIDENT AL '\u25a0'i v .\ r : '^'';/- oil company. ; ' r -*:j.-: ,': ;"", Location \- and ' place *of ,CJty an'l ! County of San. Francisco. State-' ©f. California; !Pi Notice—Tfcere ts delinqTient upon the f ollowlpj t described r . stock, 'on "\u25a0 account; of i assessment {>»>. I 2., levied \u25a0en . the \u25a0 2fi tb - day. of ,:AuffUst. \u25a0 1907. -the several 1amounts set - epposlte i the - names . of . the respective share holders, a* follows; :^ . ' v, V- -Names"! 0f ... 'Z \\ Certifies. te"|*-' r . -. /\u25a0"Share Holders.,-- " /No. Shares. Amount. 'Adams,' Emi1y. r;.....r455 - rr: 100 . * 10 -?2 Adams. iM1111e:".*.:;..;:*437 ZM '\u25a0X-QO Adams. : Mrs.. T.S .*4O<J . - 100 ;< . 10.00 Ahem,- Apnes J.......'093 . 1,000 100.W Ame5..:; Kate........... 540 258 25, 50 Amts,r- Kater..V. :;.... 131T .- -.153; \u25a0•; 13- St > Aaderaon.;: W..........1341 .100 10.00 Archer, Alice 8..':."... 372- I.ool^ 100.10 Axton,. Mrs. 2W - 90 - »•<» Banjum.~John-5.'.. ...: 74"» 200 - 20.00 Bartholomew. =F. X;..'. 9*4 .20 -2.00; Baxter.'R. W:..r.v.;:12M * -500 -- \u25a0* 50.0P I •Helding.; Mrs.- Mary.... 504- 100 '- 10.0TJ j I Belnap, -.'Emma L. ;.'.;.,454- "-50"' -5-0O- I Bennett,'.- Ma«lo.". ".r.V.1343 '. 100 IO.W> i lierriman, B. 1 F. . .....: 1264 100 .. " .10.00 t Bingbam. * Kate T 1442 ' 120" " . ' 12-00 |Bissett..~Ll»le-M:..-... £»- - -23 2-50 Bowen,-- Jennie.. V.r..""..i2lS \ 2OO „: 20.00 Bray;^Graadlnirr.."..-..VSIi%-:- 100 10.00 Breeden. MoUy .. Stark . 1243 -~" 1.500 >- 15a00 Campbell, VJH.......:V JH.......: 1345 100 .10.00 Campbell. Thomas F... 1210 100 10.00 Case, Clara.'.-.. ...r.. . 352 100 . , 10.00 Chamberlain, Allen M. 116 360 38.00 Chamberlain,; A. V..... ; 6 1 .10 Chamberlain, . A. V .. : .. 1409 \u25a0 '>- 45 \u25a0 ' 4.00 Chamberlain,- Clara..:: 112 j»360 . 36.00 Chamberlain, Emma .... 115 \u25a0• 250 25.00, Chamberlain. Eva. ." 113 _ 380 3«.00 ChamberUln. May E:.. 114 / 380 \ .36.00 Clark, -Helen- R. ....... -«38- * 150 '\u25a0-> 15.00 Clark.- Matilda. .'. .V. ...1439 TOO 70.00 Clßrk, "TUUe..... 1....; 63J> 70 --'. T.OO Ccj-gins,- Alice M...... 1309. 500 50.00 Cogirlns, CltJford. -...:. 1310 500 50.00 CorJes, P. , H.V. \u25a0 6SI ' ' 300 . 50.00 CordM. P. H.......... «H3 .230 23.00 Cordes, P.1H...:.;..;. 102*3 •_ 800--, 80-00 Ccrdes.-P." H. ...... ...1053 - ,800 \u25a0- 20.00 Cory; Harriet........-: S43' ', 200 J 20.00 CotUe, F. \u25a0' L.... ...... ; lSe- -" -'300- 30.00 Cottle. v >\- L ;."..: 1404 -.."£,000 "'\u25a0 JSOO-00 Cottle.. l 5adie......... V157 '200 '- 20.00 Craddock, C.J. ...:... 1846 100- 10.00 Crandall. F.L......... 1257 ' 1«7 18.T0 Creco. F10yd....:.,... «4« t , 50 5-00 Dahl. 'Joha.-. ..... .. .. ..1121*- -700 7aCO Davy/ R. 8. . ... ; ... ... 150 < : 1,000 " v 100.00 Davy, B, 8............ 151 ,\ .1.000 .: - 100.00 Davy. R. 8 ...... .......152 .1.000 100.00 Dening.vJaj ........... 1441 800 - W.CO Elliot. Agnes E.......V 550.. ..-: 10 - S-OO Essoa. R. Cr; ....:.. 238' * LOOO 100.00 Farson; Clara M. J;..'.:'88» \u2666 >. 100 10.00 Ferrant,' D............134T, 50 * - a.OO Forgrave. Mrs., M.; C. .1295 400 .. 40.00 Foster, Mary !...>.'.. . 331 50 B.CO F0x.;M..r...........^.120S- 8.720 ? 872.00 Graham. Martha 8..... "273 /60 , .6.00 Griffin,- Estelle M.....' 823 . 100 . 10.00 Grtfan.. EsteUe-M.:... 824 ' 100 10JX) Grlfftn, Estelle M.....825 100 ICOO Grlfan. Ralph \u25a0 D....V. 14S ~ 100 \ 10.00 GrUfla. Walter 8...... : 821 . 100 - 10.00 Griffin, Walter 8..v.;r:822 '.: 100 '. •--.' 10.00 Uua*aulis, Rnth E 460 - 165 . - 1f1.50 Gurney. \u25a0 Edgar Le Roy . »41 . '-\u25a0 500 ! 60.00 Gurney. Edgar Le Roy. 643 500 \u25a0 80.00 Hagadorn. Samuel A...- 85 . 500 . W.OO Haines.* Mary A;...... 197 100 10.00 Balnea," William H.T.. 198 "100 10.00 Hanna. Mrs. Mary.... 371 71 . 7.10 Harms, George W...;.1343- 200 ~ 20.00 Hay den. - Sallle D .'. . ; .-. 1340 \u25a0 I,ooo ' " .v- 100.00 Hendrtckson, Mrs. Eva. 1271 1.500 150.00 HUI, J. 8..;..'......, i SOB , 1.500 15aOO Hoeges. J.. .........;. IT* 1.000 '_• 100.00 Hoeges. J............. 179- 1.000 100.00 Hoeges, J.. ........... 180 1.000 100-00 Hoeges, J... .......... 181 1,000 100.00 Hoeges. .J.... \u0084..14S5:> 5,000 500.00 Holmberg,- Emma;..... 1123 300 :! 30.00 Holmoerg. G. 8.....:. 1429 1.811 181.50 Holmberg/Mrt. O. 8.. 809 15.435 - 1.543.80 Johnson. Bert .T ..838 190. . 19.00 Jones, Christina M.... 230 . 10 -1.00 Jung. - Fred '•< C... 871" 84 3.40 Keesllng, Edw to E...;. «0 400 40.00 Keesllng. Emma 8..*.. 69 500 50.00 Kennedy, B. D........ 785 275 . 27.50 Kennedy,. Mrs.^H. 8.::79« 23 : 2.50 Kldder, Katherlne..,.. 630 -" 210- 21.00 Langdon; Dr. T. C. .... : 561 . . 725 72.50 Leland," Gertrude" H:.. 493- 650 65.00 Lewis, -Jessie L. ....... 864 15 1.50 Luney. Anna A.. :;.... 751 , 50 5.C0 Maley,' Carrie.... . 291 : 100 10.00 Maley. B. J.; ..... .... 290 150 15.00 Marden,- Joseph W....' 382= -883 ~ . 88.20 Mason, Marion 5...... 1419 . 998= ; I 99.N) MaxweU,-HattleF..... 8«4 600 .. 60.00 McClelland., J0h0..:... 171., 100 10.00 McGulre.- James; ::«.... 130«^ 100 »\u25a0 10.00 McKeeban, - Lambert. . ..1351 100 -\u25a0 10.00 Mitchell. Mrs. H.G... 865, 15 \u0084 1.60 Moore.- Oliver -C. "...., 1273. _>; 100 10.00 Murray, Joseph.... 1408 600 60.00 Nash. J05eph........... 918 ..* 1,900 190.00 j Nash, J05eph.......... 1555 . -100 10.00 Nash.*- Joseph, trusteo. .2s 4,000 400.00 Nelson. C. A.. v....... 972 ... •* 800 . 80.00 Norval. . Joafphlne,...., .627 .150 .... 15.00 Nyman. 8ertha'....... .1448 503 60.30 Olsen.> J0hn... ."." . .". . .T. 570 >\u25a0„ . SOO 20.00 Page.-H. E. ...... 12» -^ 100* - iaOO Pearse. Lucy A ;...:... 93 : 200 2aoo Peery, A10n80T....... 311 ' 100 .10.00 Peery. Sarah "A........ 318 . .-100 10.00 Perry." M.. A.1..V...... 163 70 7.00 Plgott. Russell H ..... 1302 ' 1.000 100. CO Plgott. ' Russell H ..... 1308 '- - 1,000 , 100.CO Robb. H.C.. :......... 56*->ir 1.70 Robb, Mary H........ 565 .154 15.4U Roberts, J. 8.. ..1254 600 60.00 Robinson, J.......T..; 218 : " 500 60.00 Robinson, -J.. ......... 21T "" W0 60.00 Robinson, J........... 218 J 500 60.00 Robinson. J.... •.'.;....* 219 ". 600 60.00 Robinson, J....;...... 220* : 600 60.00 Robinson, J;.......;.. 221 "-'" 500 60.00 Robinson, J..:. ...;•.. 223: -130 . 15.00 Robinson, J.. :......'.. .223 ' 100, 10.00 Rockwell, Weltha ...... 534 .75 , 7.50 Rodgers, Jasper r.V... 1299 100 10.00 j Rogers. A. = W... ...... 843 600 60.00 Rogers,' Fred «.W. :..... r 347 .•* 200 20.00 ; Rogers, Lawrence..".... 844 . 25 .2.50; Rogers, -UlUn :..-...... "34ft 600 60.00 Rogers, i L0v15a. ; .;..... 10SS 100 - 10.00 Salyer, -i Add150n........ SB7 . 600 - 50.00 Salyer," Add150n...,;... 883 \u25a0 600 60.00 Salyer, Addison..r.X.-.. BSB 500 60.00 j Saly*r, Addlson;..:..;: 890 S43^ 84.10; Schloss.' Louls, v trustee. 1149 : -200^ 2O.0O ! Schloss.'- Louis, trustee. 1150 : \u25a0. : 1,000 -r 100.00 Schloss. - Louis, trustee. llsl '.«- 800 >T 80.00 5ch0nwa1d. 'K... ...;... 648 \ 130 . - 23.00 Sheerwood. Phoebe \u25a0 A.. 670 \u25a0 z 4OO .- . '• AOSA> Smith, Miss A. J......1367-. 800 . 80.00 Smith, Charles C.~..... 620 127 .-. - 12.7 a Smith, Miss M. N,.;..1852 - 200 \u25a0\u25a0 W.OO Snyder. = E............*. 671 \u25a0 60 5.00 Solomon." N.. R.V... ... -1333 .1.000 100.00 Spauldlnir. Bertha. : .. *.1407 ; 1,619 161.00 Bpence,VJ. U... ;. 674- 700 70.00 SpeneeV J.C. ........ 929 .800 3G.O<» Spence, ; J. U. . ..... ... 601 1,000 100.00 Spence!:J. U... ....*?.. 1036 1,000 IOO'W Strong. France* L...... 270 400 40.00, Thacher. Mrs. Mary B. 1251 :- -- 50 . S.OO' Tinkham, O. E........ 923 SOO ' 8-XOO TopllUVJo»enh:B......l2oo» -300 60.0U visii, ,r.< m.....-..'... .w00: 400 - 40.00 Vlers, Earl E... r.V...; 653- . 10.. -I.W Warner.-r Mrs. A. -„C. ... 259 . 100 10.00 Warner. Mrs. A.; C.. .1143 100- ie.oo Webb.'Mary E 1039 . -100 ld.oo Weller,- Car1......:.... 827 600 .\u25a0 50.fi0 Weller, Carl.-.. ....... -323 500'" SO.OO Weller, 'Car 1........... 825K 5»)0 •; 60.«J0 "Wells. WUlard; .... . . ..1353 200 ' 20.00 Werry. B.i W....;V-..'.1440 60 . 6.00 Whelpleyr Charles H...4?2 600. 60.00 Whelpley.Dell G.:.;.". : 461' 100 ; 10.00 Whltlock, Mrs. M. 1... 874 ;- 200 . 20.00 Wbltlock." Mrs. M.:*J.V. 875 600' 50.00 Winters, ,C.'8.v.....v.1314 » > :: 100 00 W01ff.* F.vw..*.::;...;.i4i7. a,0»4. ... jos-jo Wolff.':Mrs. :.B."A.T.T.^ .l4lB ... 676 , ' 37.00 Wright. B«ssle.r.-.r.... 1230 ,400 - 4aoo Unknown"- owners. ;'rep- » resented -by the . f ol- lowlnr certificates, \u25a0 j numbered: 143.061 14.3D0.10 - . .. ----- \u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0- \u25a0-. ':-' i 5 .\u25a0'\u25a0' 5 :: - : - .- - ' - :, Bto ; IS both inclnslve ' - : j ; ' : : \u25a0 ' . r 20 : to " 24 bota inclusive ' .v29 to 36 both lncloslva ''f- T '\ 41 to 4? both ' tnclualva : ; ; ' ;' l 6O to 6S . bota incluaJTO : 64 to :i\ both taelns]v«";/' \; 73 to 75 bath lacraslra . ; :" r . '.':- ;: ' .77, to. Sl : both Inclusive . '.'-,. > 83. to :94 both Inclusive . \u25a0 : 96 to '/- 99 both Inclusive N . : 103, t0 111 " both meJualvV " -, .'- ,".;-. - 117 to\lS4 both iacluale* r '.'.:' 129 to .i 131 both. laeluslve - . * . 135 to -140 both locluslv* ". 142 to 14(5 both Inclusive '-. ' . . -" - . 149;-----, ,-- >. _. .. >' :•?>;-*- - '\u25a0; - 156 to , 150 both Inclusive - v-.'-v- >•>. .-\u25a0 i6i ••"\u25a0_\u25a0-._-;_---.-. \u25a0 \u25a0%£: •.r-.*,-''-,'-;-' . -163.t0 167 both ineluslvs 169 to 17f» both ln?luslv# ; ' "ISO to 195 both iaclusly* *3;' ' ; 202 to 215 both Inclusfv - 22« to 22"",N>th ln»ln»ive \u25a0 '*^H! -220: t0 -2*"' both lneln.«lve - v-OTH 234 to "235 both inclusive " . 239 to : : 240 ' both lnclii(i«v«V -_ 243 ; to ; 247 both lacluslve - '- : ,259 to' 2W both'lnclnslT.- '- - 274 to- 277 both Inelmive .. 253 to . 2P7 botb-tncluslvß .-\u25a0:%-.;\u25a0\u25a0' -"--*.; 297 - zs .; :2t»? to.? 3C2 both lnclnslvt : 304. to 307 both . lacloalvo .'*.", . \u0084-313. t0r'3 17 both'tortaslv»y.- '.:'!."' Sl9 to J; S2O both i tnclu \u25a0- Ire - ; - . . ; ' 34S to . .v.l : both Inclusive - " * -- 354 \u25a0> 35G to* .XTS.botkjßiluslvo', 3«3 to 367 both lnclnilve ,-, > \u25a0'.: ' \u25a0-\u25a0;: 373t0 377 both.tncla^lv* ' --. \u25a0 •' : \u25a0 : .- :. :\u25a0-:\u25a0-.— ; asiv- \u25a0. i?v--- >'\u25a0--:\u25a0 \u25a0 . "";;Sa-J both "ndnslv* -\u0084; -f 400 to "402 botb; Inclusive . \u25a0 ' i ."-\u25a0-• t...^: «Q5 -~- - .' ..- -\u0084 - -. ::. ' 407= to both* Inclusive ". :412 to -421. both Inclusive : : ;. -\u25a0 - - - aai- - --- ; . "' .•'\u25a0\u25a0•.\u25a0C;f U. HOTELS ivL-A-i^:! : ? i : \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0;\u25a0"'.""". .*..-" ;: ~ " ' j .• \u25a0\u25a0',-'\u25a0' po6t " st.-.'T near i Jones. '•.; ..-v^ *_ ! : Sotter st' cars, if Phone < Franklin i 2«70. .-*•. ! N>V'- rppd« < rn.*^cJownton'n'."hotel;T.l-tO?rooms. : . ' •'" T." -- p-lTßte bstfcs."/^'.•"Appointments: and -'.-. '\u25a0'\u0084 . ' ! '•-\u25a0\u25a0fura'jsLinss-Btrlcrlr^rst^ c1a55.';.*. ;,,:.;,,: \u25a0 " J \ I Kura{.i»»n plan. .-. Ha fessl per. day op. 1 . wltUjirt rate bath $i;so«ip.i rates to vpcrraan«-nU.:;t5M*» JOHNSON.", 1T0p...- !.-»\u25a0 f ortcerly \u25a0' of Johnson's : Itestauraat.V \u0084: : THE*: MASON. -JO Fnlton "st.* near Larkin—Hand-* "'• somely fcrnUh«<l ' rooias : ' modern conveniences ;' ! '"' steam , heat; \u25ba electric ; lishts, sas.'J hot "and cold ; ! ' vrattr;: call * ljeUs;*aH-!«utslUe 'rooms;- reason- able; central, location;* near -City; Hall. \u25a0 .'' -jr- HOTEL : CALIFORNIA, r •\u25a0 . " "-NE. corner California \u25a0aaJ'HydP.stn.,*- will open abont : . October 10 ; :Crst \u25a0 c'* 851 •' fi * « Hy- hotel ; j . pJiones in eai-h roomi-stesm -Scut' and e!ev«tur; j •* 'iltreet i\csr llne«, '-,. Ca*l/6rnia r st.':^ from :\u25a0 ferry.^ OTarreil from Market ; si. 'Apply on prpmlses j j-'for reservations. '•'> S, W. .-POWELI..-'-.Maniiger/.| i \u25a0 \u25a0-.- HOTEL AMERICA. *i : ; ; - < . 1045 Market St. r " \u25a0 - \u25a0 * :.50c-to: $2 ' per. "day. \u25a0 : ";- Special rates by \u25a0 the : week •or month." A medium priced -hotel,' wltb- all j mouern ' cqp- ; venlences. ...:.. \u25a0-,-. J. ; H.- GAGE,- Manager."'* HOTEL' SPHIKJt, NE. cor. 4th and Folsom sta.—" .100 modern rooms wlthieas and' electric ".".Rhta V and vt.lvpt carpets laid' solid throogbont; roams .'wlthrdonble bed "0r.2 single beds; from 50c np; I 1I 1 snecial rates' by: week* or: month;* new ;honse; [\u25a0\u25a0'? newi fßrnlture;-. btgt^mattreeses; best bouse; in p.-, £&n:'Francisco. ' \u25a0\*~-: \u25a0: ;..-'-'-' \u25a0---'', \u25a0''\u25a0?'"'.\u25a0". \u25a0 I :KOOMS—3Oc TO $1.50 PER'DAY— UOOMS :.' \u25a0 PLANTERS'. HOTEL *. ; . •\u25a0" /' COR'-2DJAND^FOLSOM ;STS. . ' - ' .:-150 neatly \ f ufnlsUed l outside ' rooms; ' hot \u25a0 and !, cold water; la- every :reom;» electric, lighted; . ' weekly rate $2.50; :15t class cafe in conjunction. ST. GEORGE." Bth and Howard st?.--*OO nntfide ..' ningle rooms, 20c to 25c; per night. $1 to $1.T3 , .{per , week; -hot \u25a0 aud cold \u25a0 water; large reading \u25a0; : room; \u25a0;.;' :-"--.\u25a0.":. \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ';: : :: - •'I. : * ':''.':'': - ::: '?".\u25a0:. UOTEL FENTON, 259 "th.Jbelow P. O.—E<jnal to j any $1.50 room in &.F.; rates. 35c to -75c. das; $2 to $3 a , treek ; Mission or Folsom csrs from ferry to 7th st.; leading family, business hotel; baths. HOTEL*; NORDBN. 75S Howard bet. >; ttd . and 4th; : hot-cold water and: steam heat In'every room; ' elevator! service; rooms 50c," 75c* $1 per night; $3 per. week. e-r. CHRISTENf?EN .. & \u0084 SHAW. .. Preps." First class trrill and caf e In connection. HOTEL ' BERLIN, 059 Valencia \u25a0 st.".: near ; 16th— i * Jost ; opened;-;bot and- cold'- water-; in z every room; ~~ free bath», u reading -and billiard-rooms I I on main fioor: also Isrtirs' -parlor; phone and " call b"lN: ratrs ; $2 to $4 per week, r KOYAL HOUSE, >; cor. ; 4tb and \u25a0'.: Howard—Just -._- opened ; \u25a0*• European " plan;.-!rates .; 00c %75c," $1, ' r SI. Mi per :-d*y; , reduced weekly -rates;: reading I .: room; hot and cold water in every room;. baths.- HOTEL ST.^ ANN." San' Francisco s most elabo- { rately furnished .'hotel:' European ''plan; up to date; reasonable; 'phone. -bath •!(!<: each room. Northeast corner, Turk.and Taylor sts.^; \u25a0:/-•.\u25a0. THE NEW WALDORF, •* Pierce and ; Sutter sts. V Every thing new and modern; single and suite; 13 room apartment with ' kitchen left; ' prices reasonable. Phone West 8141. ?'•v..:. w v . \u25a0 ; MECHANICS* :- HOTKL=-100 /;- alc»ly. furainhed > rooms . $2 to $5 per ' week ; :\u25a0 the - best - hotel -la . Ean Francisco for the money. 279 13 th st. . near glasg works. ' \u25a0.'•_ ; \- ,^y,y.'"; '.:>.'.;": j MARLBORO, '; 1544 -. Polk , st. ;:from ferries. take , : .Sutter cars, -transfer on Polk; European ;;sln- ' gle or suite,' s4 weekly; special rates. monthly; transient. ~s _• .'.;: .-.* \u25a0;\u25a0.;--;.. •. rv:-;V--/;^>. w ;: - .-;\u25a0 THE HUMBOLDT, : 1134 Mission : st,, half block ! -from: postofflce; sample rooms and- restaurant - attached; :>rates' 60 ; cents op; Vs2 per i week '-" and'up.*; \u25a0-,•;'*\u25a0:.\u25a0 ''.'/.. .;-""-t:r.'-..;'.- --. ; --- '\u25a0- \u25a0 .:"'\u25a0\u25a0- .* THE ANGELUS, .'"- 224 4th ftt, : ; near.; Howard— Hot ' and : cold 1 running I water; sunny.- rooms ; -, bath; All \ cars , trans, to ,4th; $2 'weekly up. HOTEL \u25a0 ST. : GERMAIN-^-Modern - furnlshlnss; . centrally located; 1 rates reasonable; fine sunny \u25a0 -rooms. . MRS.' J.; J,,CASS,' 69I Folsom cor. 34.. THE ROSEMONT.-214 Haight—New, elaborately i . - furnished :\u25a0\u25a0 apartments. - frith bath; \u25a0 also' single rocms; bot water; modern. Mrs. J. J. Anderson. HOTKL OAKLIN,45. Franklin.'. now open: new. modern, fur. rooms, ap^s.; offices; walkingdls- : taace to ' business 'centers aad ; theaters.^*,;;;-.v> THE ADAMS— Hot water; call-bells; newly for- - " nlshcd; all outside rooms, $2.soweek up. SW \u25a0: < comer, of .= EH Is and i Lea venworth ' sts. ~. HOTKL CHEROKEE.^ 629 Golden Gate ar. bet. - . Van: - Ness :*' and Krantltc—Beautiful " sunny ;. rocms, with free ~. bath;. si:np..", •;;;\u25a0- ; .?.' - HCNTEIt HOUSE-^Fnrnlshed rooms by: the day. \u25a0; week or month; rooms 25c up; reading room -for gneg.ts. f6Bl'Hbvfard st.? \u25a0: ::-_ : . : THE KEARNY—NewIy'\u25a0 furnished : throurhoot ; ; rooms by the day, week or month. " 712 Kearny -.:.; Bt., ; ..Tel.. i Temporary 2510. « \u25a0\u25a0**.;,-;,v-«"V«-r- \u25a0-; -\u0084.. HOTEL CLAY.i 378 3d St.— soe a * day. $2.50 . a «week;;hot and; cold, water la every, room; elec- :.trlc lights; bell;. baths. .^v./.Aa .. . \ r : " THF< LOYAL.HOUSE; fine, sunny rooms; 25c. " 50c, fl; transient especially. 654 Howard St.; \u25a0 reading rooms'for;guests.*r- : :i-;.,. •;'^ : . \u0084 : ._: THE ARCADE HOUSE—The cleanest and best ventilated house '_ for r the -price;: large reading room ; i rates ; 2sc. '7 42 ; Clay, st. - -.- ix - ' v - •; -. STANDARD HOTEL, , coraer -. 6th : and;. Folsom ' sts. ; 400 single rooms; Ssc. and 50c per night; '.'\u25a0 $1.50 and ;. $3 \u25a0\u25a0 per , week. ?*;.."-. '\u25a0\u25a0 - . : .-, , -, \u25a0 *?r-sl : HOTEL OSIOYA—IOO fine rooms,: 25c up dally; ,'$1,50 np weekly. ... 4 St. Mary's place cor. Pine ••-\u25a0"\u25a0 near; Kearny ."'\u25a0:.' '. \u25a0 - ' - ./':\u25a0\u25a0; :': ' ':'\u25a0',. ~ \u25a0 NEW; POSTOFFICE HOTEL, 1 " W)8 Stsrenson ; st. : - or: 1093 Market '\u25a0 st. Rooms \u25a0 25c 'up to $2 per '.. - week.V--':->-.< "y,;V>--;'. T->".-.?i"y \u25a0' "-'• v---*-.^v ---*-.^"'ii-^L'**?" METROPOLITAN i HOTEL Nice, sunay I rooms; = bath ; free; $1.75 week \u25a0 and; up. ;. : 876 Harrison.' HOTEL"CRYSTAL— Modern: transient a special-" ty. Tel: Mkt.- 2103/ 571 McAllister; 543 Franklin. THE MADRONE. 1«00 Fell, cor. Central ay., fae- -.lng panhandle;. ruany rooms; excellent table. - HOTEL ARCADE^-100 :rooms; running water; ,75c to. $1.50. perl day j- trantrient. 151 Sd \u25a0 st. -;; CASA LOSIA,' " NE. : ror:;Pell , and - Flllmore— Just :\u25a0- opened; f phone In every room; 'sunny rooms.:,? THE KENSINGTOS," 226 ; «th St.—Elegantly fur. \u25a0 v nUhed.and sunny rooms : reasonable rates. ,' HOTEL,- ST.* DANIEIv 259 6th: st— Every room - modern ; 35c - np; , $2.25 ; .. transient. >?, RCSS HOUSE. * 520 Hayes, newly furnished; ; En- rjropean plan; .75c, Pp.~Phon»: Market 'B4BB. ?',-.\u25a0' THE JULIET.* 246 Grove St.- nr. Van Ness; just ,'\u25a0 opened ; 5modem; J transient : :: reasonable.' - . " \u25a0 HOTEL *:• LEWlS—Modern i roonV, - 60c up; $3 a __wggvr_aiS'r>th''iit..^ corner Folsom. -• -----\u25a0. - ; \u25a0 '. -.-\u25a0'\u25a0. '\u25a0\u25a0' : /: : vHOTEL9ITOJiB*T^^/; i--.^lii --.^li , HOTEL* to7rent-~3B'- : rooma,'=snear»-lronTworks; V: cheap ;t; to :• right'' partr."?&Inquire > P.",0.v HOL- STEADY 20th ' and Looislana sU..' Potrero. " - - v i BBODERICK-st.', s !»3l^-Nlce I lower;flat, f5f 5 rooms . '. and \u25a0 bath ; in ; first class ; condition;. water ' free; ! :rrnt $30. ::Zj r ;-.'i*\~'' i :i*.~'~C-'\-'.tj- '.\u25a0.-:^'-<, BHOTWELL 'st -, cor. : 15th Elegant, snnny 4 '-"\u25a0• rooms and bath:' rent reasonable; CENTER A :^SPADER.;agenUi;..^:.;-"i~:-J ; --"':- ;-\u25a0> --\u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0:\u25a0<-; BIGI transfer cor.; exquisite flats; - northeast - cor.' .^California , st.*andi6thtav/:';"^ -;; ."•';-'"-;^ : ,-. CALIFORNIA"; at,' 25W, cor.' '\u25a0 . Pterce— Sunay 4 room Cat; rent $25.-; :<\u25a0%:*•- - . . \u25a0 COETLANDav.. 1227—5 rooms and bath; /acd; new and modern: rest $20. --• s?r -- I ". '.»\u25a0.\u25a0-\u25a0.*:-. EUREKA :.C st * : »130; Anear Xl«th— Light snnny .- flat [4 % rooms ; ; bath.':: basement. $ yard; . $22,50. .-. ; MISSION- ."'st.;:'i2To«A;*i'cor.'^ 23d— Modern ? sunay >1 corner. flat;, 6 rooms and bath; reasonable. - ; MODEL " fla t, ' 4 rooms * and * bath ; S rent : $22.50T -'Apply^s379|l7th st.!\above|Clara ar. 1 \u25a0 : : . NEW., modern, : sunny | flat of ; s ! rooms | and bath. =:,, See; owner, *T-1405.f Noe> St.," , , NOB" st.T t -" t l-19-l--Sunny Slower "flat," of -:3 " rooms '!\u25a0: * and 1 bath ; ' rent s reasonable .t : : '. "'" ' . \u25a0 ' . - •'.. SV NN V. fla t Of 8 rooms ; and ' ba th. \ 1420 Gner- >. .rero;st '*.;\u25a0\u25a0 ;-',,V,:.'v* "-xi^r;*.^'^..^:- -'.•:-': ',-\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 22D ? st., >3554, 1 "': near * Dolores—s l sunny rooms ; » bath ;; reat * cheap to good > tenant"' : .\u25a0\u25a0 - \ : *,-.. ;." .: _ - - FLAT¥\TOJjM3T^Fur»lahed \u25a0'. [ FORt sale-r-Onel of I the? finest « furnished ' fiats * in 9i84nl Francisco;: entlrelyi new ,"5 cost"- $2,000,'.- for T * $1,250; S;: terms *lf J necessary ;j ! . 6 - rooms ;h rent V- $57.50 per * month"; .'206 :• Frederick T st. \u25a0 Apply U LINDHOLM i FUB. % CO., j Van \ New\ and \ Eddy. GOLDEN; GATE ar.Tj 1529-^Flat i of 4 , rooms,* fnr- \u25a0 v ibhed complete"- for,house keeping ; [call . 10 ,to 5. I FURNISHED; flat ' of J7? rooms S for | sale; > 3;year I ;\u25a0;•, lease : "j reasonable J rent'v? 1243 i Masonic ; av. •;. -'\u25a0', FURNISHED.; be.antlfulfv sunny,"? comers flat; ; 8 >„ rooms and i bath.' ';\u25a0 2397, Sntter sty,-f .\u2666 \u25a0--\u0084 iZgy&jq \u25a0: {\u25a0 V \u25a0 FLATsTforI SALE-^Fiiril«ked'.;;- ; ':; FOR sale-^-4 ] room l flat 1 * 1502 1 Hayes : st*nr.r Lyon; K~ cost \u25a0$550; ; for i sales at 1$375 ;i- entirely ! modern. X' Apply 3LINDHOLM * FURNITURE '} COMPANY," >aVaniNesstav:>apd«Ed<iyist.^r* - - .^~"^k? . ? : :,,^IIOOMS|FORi_HOVSB|KBEPING^:/i: OAK \u25a0 st4i 2001;l phone] Page' 814^NlceTrooms ! for I a, nice home. for:. nice people;- panhandle; best [V* c«r \u25a0 service ; 7, plenty!of -. son ; *on t corner ; * mod- '--.- erate \ rates \ to i desirable! people; « this tea hone -\u0084 proper;:, proper; : house keeping. * \u25a0 ; -- 1 - . . :: ~- \u25a0 HOTEL*"BERLIN * just *opened*. |6ot» J st.*- near,lßtb— House keeping rooms;; hot; and; cold j,% water r ; calI . bells;; ratea ' $2,to ; »4 ? per we«*Cg»jt ! LYON I st.T-. 41*— Fine I sunny,.' bedroom ; * use f> of 1~-; kitchen; s block i from '% Park* Panhandle; } refer- '^ences^reaulred/f -*\u25a0':, $r* ; '-""' '\u25a0;'</ '-''' \u25a0'-\u25a0"\u25a0!\u25a0 :'i '\u25a0 COI" NTH Y UK*.L ESTATE GRKAT AUCTION SAI.K «>K RF.AL ESTATE—. On i-rMtr, Ocf>t>er 11. 19C7. a lanre tract «• \u25a0 !snd «-»-a>iir!*iap most «»f t! c Treat orchard, will 'tw ftrli! ia if-, Z" *:kI -Ji core tracts. Thr»» lands " arf s!taal<^l 3 inilm fr<mi Bixif«. 7 mn»s fma Orov!Jif. and > m\'ts frocn OriOloy, In B»?ttr 'wnnty. Cal. Thcr rvmprtse vl>e rlcn. ; ; allsvinl isrwi al«-oc tl-«» UenutiM aud fir f«m«l I>srher ri^er. where tbe finest fmltn « and aifsifs in t!'r statr rpp cfiiiva and require* Co irritj«t'<ra. Ti^e N«>rtl;westem njc^trie rail- n.xs. <-xTcrHi!nt from £ji.-Tniapato to Oitoo acd Orovr.le, ntns ttroittb tUlu land. T^rns of ' ta!e. *4 dorra. bslacce i"i S ypsrfr najmenta. Now Is tlie tim* to bnr itbSe land rhefin. ttfai w5Il aak'- yor. In<i?r>eo<s«"'it In a few year*. \u25a0On a CTw»t r>srt «f tiiif «->r^hanl ff.e fruit will r*r ?-Mt ttie >H':d In one y**r. Trains win stop \u25a0-^a tb*> gltmsds «!)>' fj^'ot tbe sa!». and p'ea- tr \'S fat j*tl drink wHI be furnished to all. - Kor fr.rO.rr r>.irt!«nilars inc*iire of D. S. . B^Jrtrtn. ta !k> f>>?md *t t!ie law of»3ce of 2. R. E:lcr. In t!:p «Jiol>e bul'dlntr. OrMley. CsL P. P. BrXKMAV. 5-"r. hey* .'UP cf onr 5 «sd 10 acre tracts of \u25a0 rid!, lerfl Isn3 '.n Alsmeda <wrniy: 2 rail- . r'*tl» End 2 »-tsf!<>rs 00 the land: «irro>iad»<S •tr fine orchards and r::rser'M;; par *£3 aad •• fr**iir-'' '• srrv*. balance foil monthly pay- rnrol*: t.c.r bpfnrf the raise next month; we ra-Tsintf* to r>!«»as«> Ton. Ptr;i VAIJ.FY T.ANP CO.. S4S Market st. CALIFORNIA land SI ncre. bal.tace entire par- rh«ff- Si _w*rk f^r e»r|i 5 tier**: no tas«»: no 'nt-T'-st: 5 arre tracts: "\u2666'vel. rich, clear; ready 1a f>!.-»w: mder trrleßttna;- pemetaul water r!~H; imTr.«llaf<> possp'w'nn -+rrn : particclars. .*• mans. pJiotocmpli' 1 f^r 2? (trap. Stevlnsoa Crtonv. roam t'X. 703 Van Xess ay.. San Fraa- •» els'"*. ' IT>a »a> or rxrhanee for desirable S. F. p?ep- V «\u25a0*"*•— A heantiful modem 12 rorm resident. ". with larcc. \u2666•Impact grinds: etab>. carrlut* : ::3uw. «<•.: Flin.nted no a comer of tie raaJa thor»nr'iJ*ri» in San *?hsc. Cal. For rarttra- lar» acd fiei'.cr descrlptloa address or iaqclr*. *' < *** v '*' a n--^'"'aren --^'"'are aad Tool Co.. 1428 Market. CAIJ. «; «t;r rffi.-# nnd f^e the soil, airalfa mirt v \u25a0. *?zttr I**-!* rai«»^s oa our otate lands: 1.590 *k acRN *< 'U tUI* weoi: »om» gn&t l<y*atleas still *ft; r>>nry r>f Tester for lrrJj-sitkm: $2 per st*: haTf.rt.^wn. bsiwrt 'n tS years: Best! V.'«*i:r-* rfl":*:- n. R.: the createst chisce <>t ;<^r •;.>. Vaxes & TTHELAN. 753 Market, j FAUUIRj p»:ti r-cl! tf j-cu !t a* we do: \u25a0r-* 1 . i'^r-STjCWiO In bnp. jrra!a end pasta-? lah^s p«rrio? over fIOO.OW tcrsally: write cr call tt prosr*ectT:s to see ls«nr tcmi pan nTr.Ur it dst T-Uh $2^^> or mere. AMHRICAX nOP COM- . I-AXT. DC Ca!!forr.!a at. MONKV MAKING !::tle farm; very lerd. wltb hert tf BotL cnaalu, csariet. ciicnte. water; vfrr cs*t teros: "itnd *s clteap: elestrl; R. R. CAPT. OBKBMETER. Van Xess » Rmve. S. T. IRIitGATKDFwaII raras; Kar3<» soil: low price; exfr puTment*: book tr*: Write C M. VVC-QSTKR CQifrANT. 702 Market, M flaor. . INf*a!"ta Clara conntr. 38 acre* v*cf.nt U'il Und. ' F«r T>artlcnlars r.ddrpus box 3470. C*lL OH'NTRV hocec; *mA tot catatocue. C. M. TVOrxTFff CO.. 702 Murket *t.. 2d Boor. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE DESIRABLE—SUBURBAN—HOME. 13 -rooms: electricity >and gaa throcchont •••\u25a0«.<• snd barn: lot 70x270: trees, tawo aad tthmbbery; forc&re and hot water beatiov throughout house; early possesslca raa pjven. IXTEHfOR WOODWORK VEST BgAUTIFUL— rNSCHPASSED. FINE STA BIX FOR 3 HORSES; COW STABLE IN HEAR. 'Will be sold without stable Ifdesired. WITHIN 3 MIXTTEJ"' WAIJC TO PIEDMOST KEY ROUTE STATION. The arwre Is aa enasnal opportuidty ror tfmf comfort, with plenty of grossd for your- selves and fnr cl'Hdrea. ' A. J A FEW FINE LOTS IN PIEDMONT. APPLY AT OFFICE OF THE PIEDMONT rEHSS. 11"»-5S- TA'rbstn- st. bet. 13th and I4fh, op^r>slte Narrrrw Ga'ire termlaal statioa. $100 CASn. HO per mmih. w«l boy a »500 lot: « :-'\u25a0*•:. sewer and BMpwalks complete: S blocks froai S. F. trains, l'from streetcars: Jsst the ->>-.- to bcSd a Kinall rest killer. Box 1200, On ofSre. Oakland. HEAL ESTATE WANTED * WANTED. To boy abcot 20 acres Und near the city, with railroad facilities {«imr track), also water facilities, if possible. S&bmlt foil particulars It l«-TTer to . .H. S. WHITE MACHINEBY CO.. *>:h and Hrrsnt rt*.. Sgn Francisco. CaL/ PROPERTY WAJTTED ' 2 1-: -1 3 Sets. Western addition. Sunset. Rich- mond and Mission ; most be modern and well situated. ; Ki.vrxr-rov borstel co., lai^.- ics* niiift WANTKD I want to pcrrhase a small act it flats fn tbe Western addition; not ovar $10,000; n*UKt he modern and in good condition. Ad- dress box 3455. Call. ' . I WANT lot: prefer one with temporary cottage en it; city. Oakland or sabnrbs; JIOO to $150 down. Address A. LACRISTON JR.. 85 Al- viirs^o St.. S. F. .; WILL v*J fn>m $7,000 to $9,000 spot cash for modern flat* near' the park panhandle.. Ad- dress *jos 3715. Call office. I TAN sfll mar ranch; Write to me. GEORGE W. AUSTIN, 101S Broadway. Oakland. CaL WANTED—Lot ia Sonth Park; good location and rrice. Box 3718. Call office. - - - TO LEASE % ~~^r : - irriT St.. 132-134 WiU lease for term of 4 years ; fise location for wholesale or light man- ufacturing; plate glass front; cheap rest. Ap- ply Argonaut Maanfaetorlng Co.. C5l McAllis- ter st. "-:#•;. .- \u25a0-.. 14.T/)0 «iuare feet loft; reinforced concrete class A br.::iinr; Usht 8 sides; front aad rear entrance; freight and passesxer clevatot s^nic* free; 5 aad 10 years lease. Apply F. W. BBACN, SO3 Mtrtet st. TO le«se^-WUI lease for 25 years 100 fooTcoraer lots ia best bnslneas section of Ban Diego. Address lock box 152. San Diego. C*l. *oxlo8 CLAY nr. Kearny, opp. hall Justice; 3 frontages. Owner. 1777 Pace: lest letN. 1 EXCHANGE '" TWO first class antomoDOrs la good condition , to exchange for city lots. Rtag <rp Market Si. DETECTIVES DETECTIVE work by aa expert detective:. 35 1 years' experience; shadowing and all branches of <jpt*filve wort. Bot 12. 561 Hayes st. ' INVALID CHAIRS . T I COLO, rested, exchanged; ma&afactanr Easts tricycle cfaalr. lhOf Market st- Tel. Ken 3811. , MONEY TO MAX MONET LOANED on furniture, pianos and otber •ecority: lowest rates; most favorable terms in tke cltr: sec others, then SEE ME AND BE CONVINCED. I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. $2.25 week repays S5O loan and costs. GEORGE W. MILLER, Room S5. SW. cor. . Mission and leth sts. MISSION LOAN COMPANY— Loans -oa Paml- tcre. Pianos and raloables; also on salaries. On Fnrnltnre, etc Monthly.Betal-no. Weekly. 1 »40—Pay back .....W.SO »2.40 t1.20 2 Other sums In proportioa; business confidential, \u25a0 Em. 6, NW. cor. Mission and 15th. Mkt. 293 T. AA— Before borrowing get our terns. Loans on fumltnre, pianos,- borsea, etc. (without re- moval); $10 to (200. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.. room 70. 509 Golden Gat« ay. . at Polk. ?\u25a0•-••:.'\u25a0: Market 3329, or . room 3, Macdosoogh bclMing. Oakland. .- . ' MONEY loaned salaried people and others open their own names \u25a0 wltbont security: cheapest ratpc; easiest paymentE; of Sees In ?3 priaeipal cities; save yourself, money by getting otrr terms first. TOLMAN. 787 Market, room 137. THE STRINGER LOAN COMPANY i afekes loan* to salaried people wltbont **cnr- Ity. repayable la email : weekly - or " monthly payments. Boom 21. 10 3d st. adjoining Tbe Call. Room 6, 1015*4 Broadway. OakUad. EAKY payment loans oa furniture," pianos, wsre- bouse receipts or security cf any kind: bnsl- nes6 strictly confidential; give n 1 call. ILLINOIS TRUST CO, 151« Eddy st; fcalf block from FlHmore; telephone -.West 0745. ' UONEY to loan; one fund of $75,000 In amounts °ef $2,000 to $15,000: Ist mortgage real estate oaly. TALK IT OVER WITH US. DO IT today: edwabds. chkistensen * GOOnwiN. 55 Geary st. . - .\u25a0 AA QUICK loans; Ist and 2d njortgarea, notes, etc. It ran Co not see this '{d again, dent forget pcrmssest location. Pacific Coast Trust Co.. iliC Ctronlcle baildlag. . ' U^NKY Advanced salaried people; low rates; con- t'l-ziizi: D. D. DRAKE. » Dean (Mlldlng. 860 Market «t.: 12 Bacoa block. OskUcd; Bank of Rl'tai-iad bMg.. Point Richmond. :.-?•.* •: IALAUr loans— Ladles tnd gentlemen, wittoat wocrltv; notes and eomwerclal paper bought; ee<iy payments. Urn. BU.> Merchants*. Exch. t PV'.l crnt on rcrnltcre. planoi aad other *e- <^rtty; co conmiselcn: .wtttoot i. removal or \u25a0^sftblVitr: easy terms.-. 1443 Tlllraore. rm- 22. Vy\ . arnoncf on teat «Ute. " first or second mfmyajre. or 09 acy T •\u2666curlty : -. 00 1 delay. . O. W. UECKGTL 2111 FlUmoi* aear Csllformla.' I— <K«U3KN CATE AY." LOAN*: OFFICE.-* 1282 ColJea Gate ay.. 1 Coos b«low FUlmore tt. .*

Transcript of 13.....


.. MOXBV.TOjLpAX—^Contlaned !WE lend money '-on anything: low Interest; l«ur- }

gains In unrcxteemed-pledges. . THE CITY 1

LOAN"OFFICE.' 613 Kearny st. nr.Comme.TiaL \HERMAN -MURPHY. ' !-"54(5 Market street. !

•-.?*. an'3t s>v;<'T!g mtits..•estate*/ lega«rle«.' etc. j

GUARANTEE JewelVyifc;"optlcal~Co"., dlawoud*. {- watches; jewelry bcugiit and sold; repairing a >._ ;«pec!alty. 215 3J eu.

- -j

ANY saai, Ist. -2d. SU "mortfsres, lntereijt in

entateir. K. McCOLGAN, rooms 314-313, 2CM<>ntg(xm>rr, Ft.'


ADVANCES oa dlamnndf as usual. Baldwin J.-vr-elry Co.. p^naanrnt cfßre .1261 Van.Ne»» ay.

OX furniture awl pianos in Tjser no cotn*nli»s"©n.'V. TRF.MAIN. 720 Buchenan st. near Hayes.

MORltJiLt/—Cash leaned to salaried men en note Iwlthoot Sndora-r C22 Monadr.'vtc h;:lM!ng. j

MOXBY WAXTI'DARE you 6atl&fi>d «ith 4 per c*ut Interest- wl»e-n-

you can get as high as 7 per cent-net on erst'mortgage, gilt edge real estate, security ?TALKITOVER WITH. TS. I>O ITTODAY!ED.WABDS. CHKISTEXSEN & GOODWIN.

-M..Geary st. .."" \u0084; -"•'\u25a0•- -'.'

% ... . \u25a0\u25a0--

WANTED—To borrow J5OO oa «t)od indorsed_jw»te* from private parties. Box 1771. Call.

. MEDICAL x—--_. , _-_ ~-

DB..KING.719 Van Ness ay.

San Francisco's Leadinp Specialist .fpr Women.-*'Safety— RellaWlity.

LADIES:Sooner or later every woman cmmls the seri-lres

of a reliable, honest physician of education andexperience,'


In justice to rwself and my patients Iwishto state that IAM THE ONLY \u25a0 BEUULARGRADUATK.-PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST FOR

jWOMEN ADVKETISINGIn San Franc!w-o whewe<I2aliarstica% are recognized by the hlgbest lnedi-

1 cal authority. - ~,' Ifcave tbe LARGEST PRACTICE becatwe dur-ing my 2i ye*ra «f Bractfcr Ihave hatl NOFAILUKE3 NOR MADE ANY.MISXAK2 iadiagnosis.

My offices ere perfectlr etpiinTM^ with *"very

modem appliance ueeessary, for tUeVorr^ct treat-ment of women.

"ONE CALL will convince you that Ican si**

ron IMMEDIATE ECLIEF wiibout opcratlMJ,drcsgiux <ir oeedlesj detention rtcm yoar Occupa-tion.It scakes no direrence- WHAT IRREGULAR-

ITY. <Il6ea«e or trasbla you may come to mePRIVATELY and CONFIDENTLY and get myopinion »ael adrl?e VRET".roo hare ABSOLUTELY NO CXCCSF. fcrIrcstlng your life and hsvplaess in the band* cfPUETKNDING specialists, njldwives. ccedn-cated ani denseroas persons, whea for the priceyon pay 'YOU CAN OBTAIN the terviccs of aman eslaent In tbe professloa and be assuredof PROMPT. SAFE and HAPPY RESULTS.Ifewssary patients may go to my owe sani-

tarium or any other. and hare my personal *.'.ten-tics.

Lady attertlants. Bouts. 9 a. ta. to 8 p. m.Opes Sundays.

DR. KING.Saa Francisco's Leedinc

-Specialist for Women.

719 Van Ness ay.. Ssa Francisco.DXV C W. O'DONNELL. .

THE WOBLDRENOWNKD SPECIALIST- FOR LADIES. :My professlonat standing •of 20 years' prsc-

tJce Is a guarantee «f-my treatment snd •jnal-Ifies my sueceas; known !n all parts of tbecocntry;- every case treated: no delay*; Imme-diate relief; IPOSITIVELY -GUARANTEERELIEF In cases of•suppression \u25a0 and irregu-larities; treat all female diseases, no matterhow loaf standing: the unfortunate helped:has relieved thousands of most obatinate. asall cases have benefit of highest medical skill.

LOW FEES.In all eases of Irregularities Ihave cerer

failed to effect 1 a cure, and I.will not fail inyour case. . By -consulting, me save time acdmoney; relief • when others \u25a0 fall.


Hours. 9 a. ta. to 4 p. m. '&.C:3O to 8:30 pm.Office *res.. 1720 Geacy bet. Fillmore 4 Web.

DR. O. W. O'DONNELL. Tel. West 5357.

AA—DR. JAMES NEAL, 1438 ELLIS ST. nearWebster

—Reliable 'specialist

"for female com-

plaints and Irregularities;" no trifling; sanato-rlusj Ifdesired: liours. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.

A—MRS. DR. WYETH. reliable ladles* special-let for all female irregularities; Instant reliefguaranteed; 30 years' successful practice. 1524Webster st. nesr Geary:\ open Sundays.

DB. KOHL, reliable ladles' specialist for all fe-male Irregularities; iastaat relief \u25a0 guaranteed.-'1824 Webster tt. near Geary; open Sundays.

DR. ODNN. 1632 Ellis St.. opp. Orpheum— Old-e»t. safect. most reliable ladles' specialist;]

'never falls; fee $10;. advice free. .- - "'DR. C. C O'Donnell, renowned female upeclalist,

812 Devisadero bet. McAllister and G. G. ay.

DR. WEST, oftces 10SS Golden Gate ay.: ladles*specialist: Immediate r relief \u25a0 without" pain.

DR. and MRS. DAVIES' method of treatment.524 Valencia st. between 19th and 20th.:

DR. ROSEN moved to 1269 4th ay.. Sunset, nearH st. earline. .... . . -


51T 23d at. cr. Telegraph ar., Oakland. CaLLEADING SPECIAUST FOR WOMEN.'

Ladles—If yon are •nfferlnx from any ailment

peculiar to your sex, worried"about your condi-

tion and need help, consult this famoas special-ist, because be Is truly the only regularly grad-uated physician specialist for women advertis-ing, having 13 years cf success


ONE FAILURE—*e gives relief—AT ONCE—withoct ,drugs, operation ior 1 needless 'detentionfrom your occupation,

"with orlgiaal—PAIN-



methods: with- high pro-fessional staadtag and qualifications recognizedby tbe bigbeftt medical authority, with officewell appointed and strictly private, he is -theSAFEST— AND


-Consultation { and

advic* absolutely free. Private "sanitarium

whea necessary. Fees moderate. Hours, 9a. ft p. a. Open Sundays. Telephone Oak-land 790 Lx;' ,V

DR. ,SYLVESTER'S OFFICE,BIT 23d st. ar. Telegraph ay.. Oakland. Cal.

GAS FIXTURES AXD.LIGHTSSPECIAL sale for 3 days •only; I.burner \u0084rss, stove, •

|151 5 2 tamers. $1.75; 8 burners, $3.Mission lightstore. 473 Valencia? st.' near 16th.



aaa— '\u25a0- .-'\u25a0-"\u25a0 :\u25a0 \u25a0 "-". •"""\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0n-'-atHJKow ts the time to buy plsmbisg material.

Bath tubs, $10 up.Basins, (1.50 up.Sinks, $1.50 up.Boilers. 30 gal.. $5.25. new. |Oalv. > wash trays, $4.60,. 2 part- extra -heavy.Cement trays, 212.25;. 48 In. 2 part.Cast iron pipe and wrought pipe at a great

reduction.- :... Brass

- goods and -, trimmings S3 1-3 per cent- • reduction. "\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ,::'\u25a0;.\u25a0 \u25a0

-\u25a0'\u25a0; . \u25a0- .'

These prices by brisslss this ad pood untilOct. 12. 1907.


Open Sunday, 9 to 4. , \u25a0.-'"' . -1864 Post st


CASH REGISTERS— Wt make and sell 99 perctat cf the caih registers In the world. Oar

';guarantee la backed by .25 years* experienceId talking nothing but cash registers. We alto

1s*ll all other makes at from 25c to 40c oa theCollar. A large stock .of second -hand Na--tlcatla on hand at all times.' .Easy payments.THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER 'CO.,

1263-S5 Golden Gate avenae. .\u25a0 •-"•\u25a0.

-Ban Francisco.

-CaL \u25a0 '\u0084

1\u25a0- "\u25a0 CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION.- -

FOR SALE. .•j-1;-:",''V:Structural :Iroa .:Ibeams, columns.


'work, window welgbu, anchors, band iron,Joist hangers, etcv.- . -:\u25a0-'-•

" "\u25a0--r-'-*£".-

H. C. WHITE MACHINERY C0.",; H4H 4-9th and Bryant sta." '\u25a0\u25a0>'\u0084

TENTS at f/etory- prices;* all' slses; send, for-catalogue. W. A. PLUMMER, 115.117 Druaun-

St.. (Ban Francisco; tel. Temporary .3053. '.«r.d&GO-566 Franklin «t.. Oakland; teL Oak'd 2553.

BEST equipped shop oa the coast for mefg. pat-ent articles, • novelties, > tool making,


cutting." dies," etc. V. SOLLMAN,. 375 :Na-toma st.. near. 6th.

-.' ,",

HALLWOOD eaah registers:. total. adders; 523 toSJKi; also: Nationals.- CASH REGISTER:EX-CHANGE, Utt Market St.. Central Theater'baildlag.. \u25a0'".. '\u25a0:--\u25a0 -. ;.- -.- -v. - ':,. ., \u25a0. . :":.,-r.:'--

FOB reatauraat: work =end supplies see MAJE3-TIC SHEET METAL WORKS. 1068 McAllister:

DRUMMERS' samples ladles* suits,- skirts, .funs.etc., retailed 'at -wholesale price*; big£ bar-gains. Drummers* Sample Shop, 163S Bnsh St.

RELIABLB.Wood Working company, 219-221 Bth(t.—Store and stffic* fixtures: call once, see ournew stock of bar fixtures.".. M.'• P."JOHNSON. .;:

LAUNCHES, new and \u25a0 slightly Dsed. Oat launchWorks. >Psc. coast ( sgenti,for Peolasular mo-tor," Blaadlnp ay.'. Park ".sW. Alameda.: '


Richardson »8r05..,general agenta CarySafe Co.rpermaaently ;located 950 ;Mission st

EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereoptl-. cans; bargain. -GEO. BBECK, 552 Grove St.SECOND

-band ;rrrach, range -broiler.. donkey,- boilers,: steam beater, tanks. 1247. Webster at.

WE make all' tbe latest styles. PACIFICCOAST RATTAN;CO.,i SII;GoIden iGste :**.Wi

BLDDLE SBOB.. roof tanks, -creamery aad dulry«nppUea.t 180S 'Tth;st.;£pooae ;; Market;4903. yj

McINTOSH •iWOLPMANN." second <band'ma-

.:chief rj': machine twoA.ll813 1Howard % st.-. ,.-,MECHANICS'*tools; '-cheapest \la '<\u25a0 town." BEX.'.

XETT-'8R05..~541 y Haight.^ 1034JMission. r;'

KING'S VID> BOOK1STORK.'- SSI • Golden Gate:.aT.r near sOctßvla*:«.WBooKB; BOUGHT.- .WEEKS

-IIOWE • EMEBSON CO.—They. make j

"^fiacs and' flag, poles.*.. 61 "Market "St.*. *

jROOMSiFOH ;HOUSE ;KEEPJXG^~Con..|SHR ADEB*st.f;-806^3 jfurnished jhouse .'keeping.-'.*; rooms.' :\u25a0 with<. gasV and ;\;\ running*:water;^ rent -,

\u25a0\u25a0?; Ms:sto!«duits:t.- ss>;.v"r;-::'' '•- '-/^y-\u25a0-r.--v.:"


SUNNY-' furniiihed^hou^e' keeping r»ms: .private j.;;kitchen ;iba tli;•gas ;•laundry.' 80S

*Dolores st., '

"'\u25a0 corner •of*.2.1&.i ::'<' . \u25a0\u25a0-;-\u25a0\u25a0:

- ".\u25a0- ~-\

ROOMS r>TO.LE.TS-Farn'd and "Unfrtr»*«VBAN?:>RE.\ro St- HOTEr,—Beautifully "^furnUbed*rooms ;with;private •baths,"' If-Je«ired.^by^ths \u25a0

>---.\u25a0.. \u25a0. C*r: week *mlv\or. tu,:ion"theliEuropean \u25a0 plan.'

ijIW McAllister-St.* com Lagans. :Ptwne Marketv3oG3:^B^F.;RlCKEß;jproprtftor:^/^.--


MaI*WELDIrooißlnff-trouse. 2SO Orove ;stf-

(oppo- •:\u25a0 site ifVsniNesa theater) ;>S*

'room»: Jbath; rooms>;'"50c Tper nlpbt:12.50 'aad •$3 per we*k;peraoo-";:allyjconducted ,by JJ.Vf,LEnp.RLE.^ manatT. i

THE\CAEMEL,-.120 ••"d stY ni^rMuwlon—Fur-"-"nisbeU.:rt)oms. .s')c.i73c ;nnd/?l'; pcr .4 day; {l3 to

$7 per 'week;' runninsr. wntpr -In*each > room."I: \u25a0'."'*\u25a0'--"'\u25a0'i-#.ft-V>- •.-• M. X.':\u25a0 SCIIOFIELD.'IProp. .

TURK? *t.;-'.811—El?gs at -newly:furnjihed-room*.'iir;en .salte,'; glnjrle;Suitable ;pr-)re»sli>aal \u25a0man


j lady;;reasonable; \other .' rooms; iday.'.week,": mo. j

AA^-^A-nicely \u25a0 furnished > front 'room; hotaml c«l<l.Jr :water; \u25a0- stinuy '?. an<\ every-- convenient; jclose ;to. Market:

%et.;\<!2.s»J;a^we<?k.; r gsa:;2l~st.v

-- -:.'

BROWN ;PALAQErr,570 ;O'FarrellInr.:Lea Te-n- worth—Day, 50c '-up;: special -rates -Week'y hot

-\u25a0!• and Ccold~Vcnn!ng, water: '•Franklin '.. 3273..:' :'BUENAv;VISTA:ay.V5. corner Ilaisht st.~2 sin-,tsgle -w rooms > for..srcntlecaen :T: brijeht '. and

*sunny ;:'.newly<furnished ;•;$10

-and $S

'month. v^-iJ,f-;;,

BBLCHER;st.;.-"'2l. off.Fillmore:at'Duboee.av.—;% 3 furnished rmß.": forJiouse keeping; reasonable.'BUSH-st.;jl23r."nr.- Hjde-rUnfumlshed double-'/parlors.-. ,;r.T.<V /\u25a0;:..•;''. ~. :\u25a0•'.::\u25a0 \u25a0':"'. : ..'.-,- 'i'-t«"iGOLDEN;.GATE ay.: .10.11A'—Nicely'furnUhcd-front' parlor.";suitable- for;2-:or*:3-persons.":"' v"


211 ?\u25a0 Van \u25a0 Ness— Newly- fumirted,<rooms; :also transients.:. Phone. Market;4544.' ;

MCALLISTER,.1176. nr.;Fillinor»-i-Newly fnrn."rooms; hot;" cold .water; traiisiont; liatlis: hkpg.

SACRAMENTO;st.V<s 2323—Nice,;l«rg&;furnishedfj.rooms

•conveniences ;\u25a0- rents very Kasonable.

THE i-BLKNHEIM..--?. NX.* corner... Franklin and\u25a0Bush

—Elegantly furnished, rooms; entirelynew.

THE \u25a0 Pioneer and Arcade— -Rooms 35c \u25a0 dally np;j^ transient.^ 143-151 Sdrstv \u0084"S 3 . \.;^-'..^:-,TRUMBULL st.,"'.234—3 unfurnished .house keep-'-. lngrooms; rent'SlO; sun all day; -Mission cars.TCRK;st.v:. 1212A—Klegantlj- furnished -' rooms. (transients, a v specialty). ;:_... .- jy<v;:

- -22D st.,

'3477.- nr., Valencia— Sunny .front room;

rent reasonable..~ '

\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 . .' .S


HAWTHORNE i VILLA, 2540 College ;Vav.—•\u25a0_*'Snnny rooißH wlth.exf«"pnt t«oard: references.'

qfROOMSIAXD BOARD OFFERED24TH st.V. 3551, >\u25a0 beC 'Valencia _and \u25a0\u25a0 Guerrero—.:.-"Large," sunny, well;furnished room, suitable for.~2, wlt>;board;: BB;per week each, rv^;

"' 134SJ— Room for 2 gentlemen;. with orwithout;board: private. family.;V- y r- J-

LARGE, sunny, -front- room.'"" nicely furnished,with first,class "board.. .3000 California;nt.


'»ti.261,1 corner Page—Rooms, with or

without board, -at. veryjreasonaMe_ rates.* \u25a0-. » ::.WILLARD 1432—FurnUhed ;rodms . with-" board:

-n<»ar park.and Affiliated colleges: reas.



tion Paid >\u25a0 to :• rooming •houses-, \u25a0•; vi-\u25a0- CINITY VAN 'NESS AY.; STATE'.TEBM3.

BOX 3704,'


YOUNG lady wants room ? and board In"private

family. -Box V 1762."C«U. neat Fillmore: ft:A

•_ _\u25a0; ;'•'\u25a0"^'.-"•{\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".'TRt'ssa [


: :X\-—~'~'- '\u25a0'•SPECIALISTS InItruss fittings.> CLARKGAN-" DION COMPANY. 1258 G. G. av*Tnr. FlUmore.

.-;:'.-; V PROPOSALS AND BIPSV\u25a0';""--\u25a0"-"''• NOTICE TO CONTBACTOBS.

" ' -"

*-jpFncß of'the board"of state har-

bor COMMISSIONERS. Union Depot and FerryHouse..San Francisco. Cal., September 28," 1907.• Sealed proposals s on

=bids will-be 'received atthis office -at.or'-priorrto 2:30 o'clock p. tn. oaTHURSDAY, \u25a0 October 10, 1907, > tor:furnlsblag

-materials: and labor for rthe 'of:awharf;;for;th*» Union Oil Company In CentralBasin, on the Water front of the Cltr and Countyof>Baa? Francisco,; la;accordance With "the plaaand

-specifications prepared therefor by:the As-

sistant *'State t Rngineer .-of«, tbe «< Board. -'and

adopted by;the,Board rSeptember , 26,"" 1907,"s and.on... flle-s lavthisioffice, to% which

-special »refer-ence Is1hereby •made. The materials Ito'be :used

in this :work:will:connlnt-of -the requisite quan-

tities;of v treated +,and•

untreated «elo«e-

srralned.first •class 1Douglas yellows fir' piles."\u25a0; merchant-able " yellow fir. lumber aad.tbe -necessary .- qn*n-tltyIof IwroughtIIroniholts, t wireIsplkes."«- wirerope, < etc., all of the best \u25a0 quality

--specified. .-.";

\ jNo -bid-willbe |received unless It I*made ioa

a jblank-

form'furnished from t this ;office and Is

accompanied by.:a-certified check

-for <\u25a0fiv« (5i

per cent of tbe -amount of the bid. payableto the order of .the 'Secretary !of. the \u25a0 Board, asa:guarantee on -the \u25a0 part -of \u25a0 the;successful :bid-der :that be will, within:six • (6> days after tbeacceptance of;the;bid enter Into

'a,written 'con*

tract rto'do ,'said :work." according ito ".the'planand:' specifications 'prepared r therefor.*: and willalso execute and :file with -thta- Board.' a bond -insuch"; sum-; as ,the ;.Board may rtpem adequatewith

'aIsurety company," to h«Iapproved by jtheBoard cf;State Harbor ComnrtMloners, 'and con-ditioned;' for.;the -faithful*performance

-of-\u25a0 soehcontract," "-nor »will-«a !d,bid be :conßtdered <by

this 'Board \u25a0 unless delivered • to tbe Secretary, orto .tbeIAssistant ISecretary, at tbe >office of. theSecretary.' at. or prior;to 2:30 ;o'clock p.; m.


Thursday. *October 10.*1007.

--at .which:time \u25a0 and

place the bids will,be; opened. \u25a0 "; -. *... .-:.v. Tbe \u25a0 Board <\u25a0 reserves b the \u25a0• right

'to '•reject any

or »111bids 'If deemed :for. the,best 'Interests \u25a0ofthe- State, i--.:- '\u25a0' "\u25a0 \u25a0--\u25a0i:.-":'.-- '-.'•- •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0":*"--;•••---\u25a0••:."-\u25a0\u25a0.-."\u25a0'•.\u25a0 ;

" Bidders are!lnvited to be present at the open-in, of the bids.:

w;, .. ' " HENRY J.'CKOCKEB,* "

W. E. DENNISON,,Board of State- Harbor 'Commissioners. \u25a0'"

; :.-; ' pALPH PARKER.^' -X'-- }-:.•:?•\u25a0!\u25a0- '\u25a0 Aeslstmt "State --Engineer^- ;\u25a0-.s.W.-'B.JTnORPE.; Secretary .>-">\u25a0\u25a0/'• \u25a0*\u25a0.'*,-^_» . -NOTICE to Builders and Manufacturers of Steam•- Locomotives

—Office of tbe Board of State Har-

;•'bor -; union . depot •'-and ~( ferryhouse. San iFrancisco. Cal.7 September 2S. 1307.

"'\u25a0 Sealed*propoe*ls "-or bids -.will

-be received rat" -

this office at '-or-prior .to\u25a0 8'o'clock 9

-m.\ on

THURSDAY. \u25a0 October *10.-

1907.'; totitile eon-v 1structlon


*delivery Ofia six,wheel


"locomotive at ;the round house of the Belt rail-road, :<:<city. and <\u25a0 cotmty,of(Ban '\u25a0' Francisco. *In'

•? accordance" *withIthe 5 specifications-prepared

\u25a0 therefor by the 'assistant state engineer !of|tbe.;board and :adopted .by the board September 28.•"\u25a0-1907,1 and on file.lh thlt office, to wblch special

\u25a0reference %Is*hereby ,made.;-The .:bidder 2must •

. also state ?In"j"

jhis1proposal ;tbe'price > he;win'

payifor,;locomotive ? No.'<,V\u25a0\u25a0 which may;be fIn-spected at > round ibouse :of \u25a0 the:B-.l11railroad.'

.-.No received unless it is made oa a*blank form

*furnished ( from *this ioffice and

'la"accompanied *by-a •- certified icheck ;of;five *(5):"per cent >of <the amount of tbe bid,. payable ;to.

:"tbe orderiotrthe secretary 'of. theiboard., as aguarantee on the part of the successful bidder• ':": that -he r. wIU.V:within six . (6) \days \u25a0; after theacceptance -1of


bid.";enter s Into a :written. contracts to 5do « said *work ~according -ito;the* "specifications prepared :therefor.? and .will also.' execute

- and :file with thli:board >a~bond -.lo

11such sum'as|the.: board \u25a0 ma? |deem \adequate.

\u25a0 with!a!surety^ company ;.to ;be:approved ;by|the•board;of

'state ;harbor -commttslcners jtand ;"eon:

::*ditloned 5 for f.the :taltbful*performance *of.such

r-icontract ;"*

nor-will-\u25a0 said it bid '.be'considered -;by• *

this board 'unless ;delivered ,to \u25a0. the \u25a0 secretary'tbe*assistant :secretary.^ at1the *

office;of>the-secretary 5 at;or f,prior to f. 3s" o'clock 'p. •:\u25a0; m^• THURSDAY. October;10,'i1807,* at 'whichitime: and pla«t; bids will;be 'Opened.^, The board re-"

serves? the >right-toireject ? any ;• or:all bids *If: deemed for the / best \u25a0'interest eof • theistate.

Bidders are;Invited'to be :present atithe \u25a0 open-

:.' lag'Of the bids.*" W.*.V.-!STAFFORD, > HENRYJ. CROCKER,%.W;» E.4;PENNISON.V board of

Estate harbor commissioners.'; RALPH BARKER.\u25a0 assistant \u25a0\u25a0 state • engineer.



..•\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0'. ."--* •\u25a0"."•-." \u25a0-;,--

':\u25a0*\u25a0 >-\u25a0'._- ::

;T^"rrßrw^TEßs7^pTsupMONARCH fVlelbleltypewriter— ln5 thY« Monarchv? Visible *> typewriter -all -of.-the awrltlpgits In•- full,sight;all

'ofithe 3. time:iother • makes, sec-L

Z-.ond: hand.*at 'very.:reasonable ;prices;! we;rent.".\u25a0 repair and Inspect :1before •purchasing .rlne ;up;?rWest "A 5609 %oriicallJat 51C28,?. Devisadero ist*'


ALEXANDER'* &% CO.T^ typewriters • * all-auakefa rented.': including Smith Premier;;desk«.i»halr%*'-

etc. ;*iask v.for;zprices s partly$ used \u25a0? machlae*.':ALEXANDERS 1820 :Fillmore st.;.»phone j;Wesit

4 teSS.t^'J'^. :"\u25a0.:•;-'." \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0:-:- \u25a0-:V.*-•\u25a0'\u25a0

-y- \u25a0 -.:s£isi

FIRST CLASS typewriters ;'for from $23 ;t0 $!00;r s allsmakes,"Jiall/prlc*«T/;rentalsi iand s supplies.CTheJ Typewriter »E«b»nge. 41011 « Gulden -vGate;>;ay.;jtelephone

*Park ',973.;V..'7<; -J> i-7J>:i::'

STEARNSIVisible iTypewriter; % tbe ionly;-with1decimal ?. tabula tor;Ialso jsecond :.hand.f all

'Jmakes: *rentn!« |and1repairs.? .The :Typewrito-;iurlum.l;l724^Flll»gore'Bt.tfA-.'".

't \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.-"\u25a0*>\u25a0•. \u25a0'\u25a0 -\u25a0;•;.' 'J .-

FRED %WriVAUOHN?&}CO.:*Pacific: coast ;«tpaf."gS erst OliverJ standard ,? visible*t*fP*WI

"lt6r;>otberi;makef,^ »ec«n<V:han(!lforr:sale?s: JKC^FlllnjoJTi*?.'

,WALT«B?A>ESCOTT;£I{'tI?FIIImore v i523j-V.Market:> phen^ Wt>st \u25a0 2^S:>r

''-. \u25a0'-.??£&&&

AA—HlGHESTlprlce'paid? fori second band cloth-"

A—Wlirpay.alfsir price for ladles'.I^cents'icloth*aslnit.^ tnmlw.'t'vallsfs.'XMr.'* Franks <WllVslenela.-

fSOS^.'-^ r'"~SHEET METAL:;


V.V:'"'\u25a0 / '-'-\u25a0' -\SHEET. METAL^AND:PATENT CHIMNEYS:? T.


-mV."'CLIFW>BD.~ 620 iTUBK.ITeLIFranklin Iea7-

FOll S ALEri-Ml.«icellr;nr'»n»7-Cor;tlisrip;d |JlO-^Ouaraate^d '. hlehlylni<*kel jJatol R<-lianc% |-' card -machines: "rnaij-v«ther • barcaln*. /Mfils JN'ore:ty»Co.; 007 _;Mark<-I. f-V.'\u25a0 S. F.FOR sale—'c!ftanvd,spr.i>uil'.!isn<l brick; ?4

rervl,ooo.-V Can. p"3on« Jl>arlr-:r*o7. .':-:". v jSAFKS— New. lin'i.«p«.ntl fcar-il.- Tbe -tl»?nn.inn.|

Safe Co.. IiTO-ITO. F«*'-*nm:«t. '-\rrr .FOR sa!»>

—Couß;ers.*sbelvinc,:sl)£,wca.«(fs: cheap. 1

:1504 Church $V ". scar ,*27t"i. -,;':'

,' I

ELKGANT M iscotpd 'top "surrevy 2 seated trap,':cl'ea;». Ci'l 1804" ._-i . :NATIONALregister and shotgun for ga**;fcheap."

:> 2104 Missioa Xt, "": . r\- -,>:*•""\u25a0.• \u25a0'.\u25a0'\u25a0":•:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 T. 5,.--' •' ~'\|SAfALL safe for sale. -Can be seen at 'loo5 >PostI str^-ot.- \u25a0-\u25a0"-'--- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0- ...--.\ .';--- .-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.'.- \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0


—: '-'-- ;.--.;•.\u25a0•:-\u25a0--...-.

WANTED—IOO second- band" saloon, ttore anil of-"\lice :fSxt«rcs;; hljtiest prioes t>»»4,* '300 \u25a0 OougQ'

| "St.. coruer Fell;- tel. Market 5410."

:\u25a0 ::.:'-..


:; GOLDEN. GATE. \ PHONE tMABKET/4G-31. >:?;

iA—GENTS' spoond.- band;:clbthlns -bouslit- andi--: tiold. MCSIN'S. I2f>oA Eddy --st. 'cyr^Buchanan;

! ";\u25a0 Jii'siCAi, i\sTnniexts-

BUY. rent or eirehange," direct at: factory. \u25a0 pianos jg that sing their own praises. iWM.LVSCUMITZ'.i

mfg.. tuner, repairer; every thiaK; Kiiarante«d; j20 years in his own building,',4S vBartlett st." j

;'bet.121st 'and r2M."IValencia jand \u25a0 Mission sts.:j

1 HAVE left my Weber piano; on sale at \u25a0 14C6 jBush «.: price $90; oesy: payments- arranged;

'cr will rent it to desirable j>jople. ,Call.and*re« it.;

- --\u25a0; .. -'; •; \u25a0;'

- . •;\u25a0'. ;

FULL Rise,. mabopany caFo" uprlsht.^-'JiSO; ca^edsaiajred in transit; >tt>*te -sold for:tbe -rail-road. HH'NR PIANO CO., 1341 Golden Gate ir.

VICTOa, EDISON.'- COLUMBIA—AIIk!nd« talk-* Ing machine and music box 'repairing; charges. moderate. Byron Mauzx, 1175 O'Farrell st.;-.

NEARLY--new upright, left to se.ll, party leavingj city. Uornuns's, 1554 Eddy. at:.; near.FUltncre.

CUKAP' for cash'or payments.'-. aeir' and'. use£ :.p{.f anos. JOS. SCIiMITZ &•CO., 4ZO Devlsadero.ALMOST Riven away

—Storage ptado; dirt cheap.'

Whitefcead Storage, 403 San' Pablo av.VOabl'd.SOHMER,' Byron Mouiy pianos. Cecelian- piano

plarers. BYRQN MAUZY. 1173 O'Farrell- st.BEAUTIFUL Werner upr'sht; cost $400 5 months

fgo; 5175." .1341 GoMen Gate ar. V .:'""


DO not be deceived ;v the on!yireliable j matri-monial :bureau you- will find «t MTftS.*. WOL-

iTEIt'S. 1711 Geary st.;e^tabf^hed la 1&00. \t

MATRIMONIAL"bureau— lntroduces


or by mail. MRS. KOHLER. 1448 O'Farrell st.

I^ADIFS and p;ntle!ii«»n wisliins to marry, "callat MRS.; MCCARTHY'S.;575 Hsigp.t st.



MODEL and experimental iwork in all branches;meclianical Instruments: .. specialfine milling&. universal frrlnding; tools & dies;

, gears; presawork; novelties manufact'd. M.P,\u25a0 SCHELL. 1759 Union. st. tet- Octavla &Gouyb

' MIXES AND MIXIMJ:-ASSAYING 50c; pold. rich ore,- etc, ;boueh't. !

Pioneer Assay Company. 131f>th st. *nr.-Mint.!

S"MATEUMTV HOMES 1S. F. LYING-INHOME. 1181 Oak sty'near Park.

DR. LORI) pby. In charge: dlppast-a of women.'' -'^ '_'" :.-\u25a0 TRAIXEP XTJRSB. _,.;-.:,::::' ''."'.':

YOCNG German lady wUbes position as -nurse-in conflnemtnt fiws.


-124 Hpary •



st. near Market: Open evenings.- --"•..\u25a0

-•PHYSICAL CULTURE ::OPHYSICAL culture, .women.': children.- Audltor-

lom b!dg.. 393 Fillmore. Mlss^lalrt- K.Donovan.-


'We paint, paper or tint your: vacant bouses orfiats; you pay half at completion -of job^balancewhen rented.-*" ' ' •'•\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0'. -:\u25a0- \u25a0" 'I.B.:WILLIAMS * CO.. 2143 Market st.



\u25a0 VALENCIA ST.--PHONB'MARK>iT:432.V- '


A. B. RUMCABDI A CO.. artistic or plain < workfrom drawings oorrrplans, v .t206 16th st r:


OFFICES AXD STORES TO LET. _ __—^ - - '.-. ; , :;....\u25a0_; -^.


8 SCNN*Y connecting offices -en. 2d - floor, newbrick- "juildlnjr, northwest corner' Eddy.:- andGlasgow: sta.,, adjoining' Eddy s:. city hall,near Market .and- Powell- ets.;* low rent; In-quire on premises, f Jv IEPH ;STBAUB, 2007Sutter St.. corner Fillmore.- \u25a0•\u25a0 U -

•\u25a0 \u25a0 '. ,

C LARGE stores, grilland basement;: reinforcedconcrete building; rent reasonable:- Turk andLarkin sts. ; apply;premises. BEN;BKIL-LIANT.-,;'..-.',\u25a0 -,-. ;\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0- -\u25a0',-' \u25a0:\u25a0;- ,/'.- -\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0

FOR rent—Maple floor ha11, .72 feet; by 22 feet,-\u25a0"for lodge rooms and dances, with privilege.of:subleasing. Address box 3473,* Call oface. - .GOOD business, .corner store;. 4,rooms, yard,~;basement: alterations: 24th and "Guerrero -sts.

Apply--2572 \u25a0 Folsom st_. -"..'.•\u25a0-- :" -<-;:".:\u25a0;

AN excellent location for • drug 'store ;In '• St.George building,|Bth and Howard; . rent 840;

\u25a0 Investigate..- -• :--. .-;;;-V,

-::. ;.-'.>" ,\u25a0:•\u25a0]-:\u25a0

DIAMOND,> 619—Sunny store and 'kitchen;jgoodfor notions,, dry goods or" barber;: cheap 1rent.'

LARGE corner, store with basement 28x5S; - highjicelling; plate, windows. Market and 17th. sts.

STORE at 1003.Poet . St. for rent- Apply at:.1005. Post :st.; .I^vy Electric . Co. :

- -/ .:

NEW. store •to'letIveryIcheap; suitable for any

bnslness. Call «20 3d st. r-

::STORE. ISxSO, for lease; 303 Market st. corner

Beale. F.'. W. BRACN. :,\u25a0 \u25a0-: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


CHOICEST part of Ffllmore.' 23x87:6; will lease' cheap- to -right party. --No .saloon" or cigar=, business." -\u25a0•' . \u25a0 ';:''\-'. 'v.'".= '.:\u25a0'-."..'\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0'•',

Choice corner, suitable for any purpose, fac-ing-Coney Island amusment.. -i .".-:'-> '^i;

Exclusive - with"' -

\u25a0\u25a0 i


-•'-\u25a0- \u25a0"-'-'-"

1654 Ellis at- i'-'-v,'" '\u25a0\u25a0••-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 •':


Unfurnished .PROPERTY owners, •.lookTout 3 forIleaky- roofs;


"keep 5; your ;'tenants by

-repairing •'and '*painting

:. roofs.and '\u25a0 gutters ibefore /the s rains.'".. JJ.S B.WILLIAMS'A-CO.^; 2145 »Market ist/^wv

1 v'::HOUSES VTO?LET^F^r-Blsihed f. .' \u25a0'

McALLISTEB-et., 051 Vj, or.' Buchanan— Newly. furnished \u25a0house, B.r and, bath; rent f100; or.-willsell reasonable.? lnquire between' 10 and 2.OAK, 419— Well? furn..' detacbed.*;; sunny, '•

mod?m«• icottape. 6 J rmsV.Ibath/1laundry;;parden."* yard:

\u25a0^::^-'-'^o^^jc^TO'^'r :'-'''' '\u25a0';:\u25a0

COTTAGE,-' 3(.rooms. ;$14;H:MIsslon fst.< cars :to--\u25a0; Crescent ay., -on -

to ;first ystreet .' to \u25a0 right. 17\u25a0".Boscoe .st.^QsfeßßHHßsaH - I "-1 \u25a0"\u25a0-' SB 0

TO let—3'room furnUbed \u25a0 cottage \u25a0IniSausallto.',:Applyi3? E.:KlPP..: Sausallto.: Cal."-i;<^^;;:/v

21ST ? st^-


Cottage %ofi5 *large >rooms :and\u25a0-\u25a0 bath."' with:large attle;:-ln first class condition."

APART^^^JIIOUSES^;JACKSON;APARTMENTS;;NE;rcor.'r,Jackson" and.': Leavenworth jets.—2e ts.— 2

'and;3 s rooms Vand


all:sunny ;:marine.', view.and 1-'to business :center:~ gas "stove,7 wall;beds;

-rent-* »32.50,535"and f37. /:-:.•\u25a0/.•-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 --\u25a0^•^/\u25a0->-:-'.-'-n;


': y~ Washlngton-^-Open \u25a0• Oct.' \u25a0*1;ftfurniahed |orliun-7'-furnished apartments.of. '3, 4.0r. 0 ro>>ms; mag:

Anlflcent 5.marine z,view;-'near.:Fairmont >Hotel;.j'-easy *-'access ;- to v business -".center; nair"outside jsunnj^rooms.; -MRS.:HELEN;M.*HARDING,Pwp.'V- '.:.-- '*';\u25a0'-\u25a0"-,-:\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 "" \u25a0\u25a0'-^\u25a0-.y ::--- :':'

CALIFORNIA:St.;-25lt—Raymond Apartments—

r,- An Ideal apartment fiat to rent; G large; sunny-rooms 'and 1bath;we 11 \beds - and. 'every.. mod*m" convenience ;jnew \u25a0» and :up •;. to;date;">rent f$60;

-:~treference* \u25a0 required. -.-'V>' ;•„..*•;,?\u25a0"':'\u25a0:;- ''•

:\u25a0;\u25a0~SVv.*: {\u25a0 ,VAN-NKSS "APARTMENTS.';. '>"

"\u25a0\u25a0;.-: \u25a0 -..\u25a0'.* 2l2-S -Van2Nesss'Avenue.t:,; ;::::;'-.;.; ,v

"Three :and'- four irocm3fumlsbed |Uonse sk«*p-"'0. lnp.":apartments:-* every,gmodern i^fiOnTfnlenc*;e»:elerantly.' fnrnixhrd'; )beantlful;marine 'view.;

- •

THE'iEUREKA* Apartments-=4| elegant \4\riiom'J^ apartments; £eras ,ranse,*! refrlgera tor Jsjjd Janl-"fiitorjservice: :fine;vie w.-*jMarket 'and 117th <sta.%.j•WEMI'E»' HOUSE.i 419 'Oak;st."=-.W*ell;furnished, j?:, sunny

*rooms." en *wilteior.' gincle:X modera.*t-ig'»ifi»-

i"\u25a0\u25a0/:' "»'-' APARTMEXTS—-Berkeley^V - ;\u25a0;?!- -'-" ' -

-1* -V ,~ -'-"- ----.---'\u25a0•*-,---*"

!\.'':'\u25a0" :u ~J.YLV.UVLIDEfLia.V.IK!FIRST.' CLASS ;FURNISHEDIfj2231;Shattuck

-ay..cor.iKlttridge;st.,< Berkeley.


_ .. . \u25a0\u25a0;,-. .~

nELKVQUEXT. SAX.E;.XOTICBS—Cob.444 to 451 both Ittcloslve* . \u25a0 .~' \u25a0--.-.\u25a0"' 453 " "

;\u25a0 ~. '\u25a0 % }

''4*53• 47«. 4SO--

4«2 to 41>r bottt Inclusive493 to. 5".-> bom lacluslve' . \u25a0 -.-.. -

.'\u25a0 ---.. .507- . . .—\u25a0\u0084 , 510 to 511 bf»t«"lnclu»lv<»*


514 to"SIS both la>!o-«tv«•' - • .-818 to sll> b->tb/'-3«lu*ive:' \u25a0\u25a0'. • . -\u25a0"- -\u25a0. -5.T3

' - •. v \u25a0 ,- 538 to &fZ both iac!u*lv»r, -\u25a0; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -'\u25a0 »-W to 549 bwti -tasJtwlve

5.'! to 553 both InclustvaK» to .3."W both mclxulv*

to 574 both laclualv*-

*5)»7 to 's*<9 both tacluslv*

-; \u25a0, -: 501 to 592 both laeluslvo

| 584 to 505 both InclustveI

' 50* ' '

r 607 to 612 botH lnclusl-ve .-614 to Cf» both Inclusive


''. '- \u25a0-* 62»


\u25a0 634 -•" i'

64ft643 to 645 both Inclusive~650 to «W bota lnelustv*-«s"i to 659 both Inclusive ,681 to fi'"fl>both luciuslv*

';--\ \u25a0 : -'\u25a0

".' \u25a0:\u25a0 673; . -\u25a0'- . 675 . \u25a0

, \u25a0 677 to *«•«> both lnclnstv*6^5 to aso both Inclusrv*601 to 707 botalnctustv-j722 to 723 both Inclusive. ' . " -"725" v \u25a0

"- -\u25a0-*\u25a0\u25a0729 to 7SI both tnclnslTe

'\u25a0 .'.-..\u25a0' "»• -TS3>." •"• • '• . 735 to 741 bota taclustv*

743 to 743 boti laclasiv*

- 753* >

738 to T5B bota mrfnsrf* )-761

- _• 763 to 7W boti Inclusive

\u25a0'\u25a0'•" \u25a0' -•' . - ' T72:-

/ 775777 to 753 botb Inclusive735 to 7<W both Inclusive- - :-

792 ,799 to P«TO both loclusrv*803 to. 811 both laclmU" !Rl3 to 814 both tnclnstve817 to 819 bnCi laelnslv*828 to 527 both laclusiv«. 829 to 831 boti lnclustv*833 to 839 both laelnslv»Ml to 842 both taclusive-. 844 to 847 bota lacluslv*x. .- 880 -..•••' ' . ' ~

.853: \u25a0 «B3 ta 8M bota lachnKvn .\u25a0 86ft to ?«1 both laelwtv* ,%•»• 868 to 870 botb lnctnatve

878 to 877 bota Inclustve— "':879 to 851 boti taciusJve

.888- - ' '

892 to 893 both bclcsiv*897 to 903 both laeluatv*. , - 905 to -90» bota lactaalve, 921 to 924 bota Inclusive928 to 927930 to 936 bota iacluslve'" ' - . 833

»\u2666* to 94s* botb tachtalve- - . - 950 to 9SI both lacluiiive953 to

'954 both. Inclusive"- 956 to &^4 both Inclusive.

--»8« \u25a0 . '- . . '

. . W-3970 to 971 both fciclustve

-\u25a0 . -973 to

:976 both iacrasiveB*>2 to 987 both luclusrve992 to 983 both Inclusive993 to 999 bota inclusive

• .993

1003 to 1004 boti Inclusive1006

: 1008 to 1010. boti Inclusive1013 to 1013 bota acluslve-

\u25a0 .'— '

'\u25a0' - "-

"MIT • *- 1020 . • - -1023 to 10C3 boti tacluslTe

£*ZZJ* ~-1025 Nj.-r1027~" .: 1030 to 1033 boti laelnslv»>

103S to 1037 boti Inclusive-1041 to 1046 bota laclwtvo ._1051 to 1062 boti Inclustve .1054 to 1035 both lnciw'v*. - • -

\u25a0 1057 to 10fi7 both Inclusive <1069 to 10<*4 boti tacluslv»

10S7 -\u25a0"-\u25a0.•:; 10$» to 1(«5 boti tnclustv*

1097 to 1112 both Inclnslve1114 to 1115 both Inclusive."1117- to 1119 both. Inclusive1123 to 1125 both Inclusive. , 1127 to 1131 boti Inclusive

"1134 to 1140 both Inclusive

\ 1142 to 1145 both Inclnslve1147 to 1148 boti Inclusive1152 to 1174 boti Inclusive* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 117« to 117* both tnetadtv*1190 to 11«9 both laclcatvw-1191 to 1194 both Inclusive119Ato 1194 both tnclunlve1202 to 1203 both Inclusive1205 to 1206 boti Inclusive*:,."." '1211 to 1212 boti Inclusive

>."-. 1514 to 1211 both Indus' v*JnU~*^-. .- 1217 to 1219 boti fnclualv**

1221 to 1220 boti Inclusive•- -' -1238" " ;i

-\u0084 \u25a0;. I*3S to 1242 boti foettntveV-o* " I?*3to 1230 boti Inclusive

-._">1252 to 1254 boti lnclnsivei'./J

' '". \u25a0

" .I=sB--

\u25a0 .: -1258 to 12S1 boti laclnslve

\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0 1268 • •'\u25a0 .-- \u25a0\u25a0-. 1272- \u25a0•'\u25a0


- -\u25a0

'-1274 to 127S boti Inclusive


-- - -'\u25a0-\u25a0

• • 12S1-.-\u25a0-'\u25a0-••\u25a0 1253 \u25a0

-.- . . -!,.,.... .-. . 1289-'-^v'--J \u25a0-\u25a01298 to 1294 boti faelttalve1296 to 1297 boti Inclusive

1301-1304- . .

1307 to 1303 boti Inclnslve1312 to 1313 both taclnsive' -

.1315 to 131S boti Inclusive.1318 to 1321 boti lnclnstv«1330 to 1335. boti tneluslvt. 1337. to 1339 boti Inctoalva...... 1812 •

. . 1544 *1349 to 13AO bota laelmiTe

1354'135S to t.W^ boti Inclustve,- -ISSQ to 13S1 boti laclustv*

.1368\u25a0 13A8 to 1374 boti tnctua'v*-

1376 to 1399 boti Inclusive .And Ia acewtianco with law. aad an order oi

the board of directors made on th* 26ti day ofAugust. '.1907, .so many shares of eaei parcelof suci. stock as mar be necessary- willbe. toldat pablie auction at t*M office.of the companyat 5$ Clay street. In tie city and couaty ofSan Francisco, stata of California, oa FRIDAY.October' l3. 1907,' at twelve (12) o'clock noon,oa such day. fo pay snei delinquent aaaessmentthereon. .together with cost of advertising and


expense*"or.saler -;--' • '.

-r GEO. A. DOUGLASS. "Jecretsrj.Of3c» of* company. 68 Clay %street. city and

coonty of-San Frtnelwcn. State <%t fS»lf<wnH. ~



BHIP COMPANT. • Location of prmelpal placeof bu*ln*ss No. 80 (old No.. 58).day street.City'aad \ County of Saa Francisco,

-State of

California. -. *^.. Notice la hereby, given that at a meettaz ofthe Board of Directors held October 3..1907.iaa Assessment of Tn:tflO*t Dollars per share.was levied upon tie Capital Stock of tie Cor-

\u25a0 poratioo, payabla Immediately to th» Secre-"•' tary of tae Company at lt» =oface. No. 90(old No. 68) ,Clar street, la tie CityiandCounty of Saa Francisco, State ,of Callfarnla.

Any stock upon which tils assessment soall-remain unpaid on the sixth day. of November.

1907. • will.b« deltnouent and advertised forsale 4 at «public,anetloa. .and. runlesa.paymentla- mad* netore. win b« sold on Monday. No-vember \u25a0 twenty-fllth,

'190T. \u25a0at . th« -iour. of

three o'clock p. a., to pay the • delinquent as-sessment." together wlti

-cc«ts of advertising

'aad expenses of"sale* r .:-•*\u25a0\u25a0 . *

\u25a0;ir;D. K. GIBSON. Secretary Pro Tern.\u25a0I--.- OCttANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY.'\u25a0 -'Offlco of Comp««y:No^9o (old No. 68) Clay•street,' la ti« Cltj aad County of Saa Traa-.-cl>eo.-Btate of-Canforala. •\u25a0-




:";;:p^\TBEhfirrxo'<"MAOT*CTES..":. l

DOMESTIC—Best, \u25a0" cheapest: j»11 *\u25a0 kinds' rented.-.repaired, 'tichanKed: needles and snppllei for•alt makes. :J. W. Evans. ,ajfent. 16M OTar-

•;"''rell.%%. ,mesr 'TOlmore:'pnoite /West-3SOL \u25a0

WILCOX* GIBBS Sewing Machine" company—'•:.' Located .at 724 Turk \u25a0' st. near. Van Ness ay.

Manafactnren of the genuine Automatic.

SINGER.;WbVrter JsWUsco. sold only by. SlnxerSewtas Machine Co. A. C.:BROWN, lelllsz. agent.. B6l McAllister at. .near Polk.

20 SECOND ;haND machines to bo sold hnmedl-ately. P. H.aSHIRLEY. 1122 O. O. ar. Webarer.

CHAS. PLAMBECK. 3312 l«ti st. nr.Dolores;.all kiTMls'for salet^retwitrliir guaranteed. :- '-»~- •


WALTER *:C0..'1534- Geary St. abov» fill.

.^nacre.'- Ph«Tw aWe«»t S77S. \u25a0--_\u25a0 -. >\u25a0*


ADVANCE wladow: shad» fastory. :Onler* ailedjat short notice. OKO. \u25a0 WALCOM.- 037 Turk »t.

WINDOW . shades made and repaired. \u25a0"J.--IVy HOTTER. gQ4 L»r»<n *t.I»1»<w» rr^ntttn~<"a.



CHILDBEN*-admitted" to "McKlnley




st.;- from Joly .1 to <let..X;1007.'IMrs.iI .; R.- Coorn«*n. :msr»wo. Tener Cabr*!.- ;V:a*ed12'jears-l ;mooth;,'HeTbert"Cabral; aged

10 :year»;. Mairdalena .. Gomes. ased .12.'.years .1

'm«*tb;\u25a0 Bc^« 'Gome*. wJ 9 years '1\u25a0 month; 'Nrili*'A:~Wheejer. \u25a0 ajed 13 !years 3 .'.'Bv»nthit:'Pere|Val-E.- Wheeler, sgtd IIyesrs 9

\u25a0 months; Alice Whalea. aged 3 years Iawatis;',: 14a- C. Balllnser^a«ed 11- year*; f Belea P»-

trcschka. F<aged;7 years 9 .atoatht.' \u25a0'\u25a0-. . :•j

Nonce Is hereby Intention to ap-• tply-to:tb«:sui>r«nie court far.* recomuwad*.

lion* for \u25a0 *stcarlv» \u25a0\u25a0 clemency. -.^MapMMHJ--\u25a0\u25a0-.-•:• ---\u25a0-\u25a0-- -.. . puiup seuox.

, , vLEGAL.XOTICES, \u25a0

!tq Whom tt^May.Concenu.. Will sot r*-spuoslble "." for aaj unpaid \u25a0 claims .or \u25a0'. hills*axaiast

-restaaraat at 407 Baisht at.


a*tnrdax. Octobar i. 1907. PETES •"'»* v



SALE *.:NOTICE—OCCIDENTAL'\u25a0'i v.\ r :'^'';/-oil company. ; 'r-*:j.-:,':;"",Location \-and 'place *of ,CJty an'l!County of San. Francisco. State-' ©f. California;!PiNotice—Tfcere ts delinqTient upon the

•followlpjtdescribed r. stock, 'on "\u25a0 account; ofiassessment {>»>.I2.,levied \u25a0en. the \u25a0 2fitb -day. of,:AuffUst. \u25a01907. -theseveral 1amounts set

-epposlte ithe

-names.of. therespective share holders, a* follows;:^. 'v,V--Names"! 0f... 'Z \\Certifies. te"|*-'r.-./\u25a0"Share Holders.,-- "

/No. Shares. Amount.'Adams,' Emi1y.r;.....r455

-rr: 100 .*10-?2

Adams. iM1111e:".*.:;..;:*437 ZM '\u25a0X-QOAdams. :Mrs.. T.S .*4O<J . - 100 ;< . 10.00Ahem,- Apnes J.......'093 . 1,000 100.WAme5..:; Kate........... 540 258 25,50Amts,r-Kater..V.:;....131T .- -.153; \u25a0•; 13- St>Aaderaon.;: W..........1341 .100 • 10.00Archer, Alice 8..':."... 372- I.ool^ 100.10Axton,.Mrs. 2W



Banjum.~John-5.'.. ...: 74"» 200 - 20.00Bartholomew. =F. X;..'. 9*4 .20 -2.00;

Baxter.'R. W:..r.v.;:12M*


\u25a0* 50.0P I•Helding.;Mrs.-Mary.... 504- 100

'- 10.0TJ jIBelnap, -.'Emma L.;.'.;.,454- "-50"' -5-0O-IBennett,'.- Ma«lo.".".r.V.1343 '. 100 IO.W>ilierriman, B.1F.......: 1264 100 .. " .10.00tBingbam.*Kate T 1442

'120" ".' 12-00

|Bissett..~Ll»le-M:..-... £»- - -23 • 2-50Bowen,-- Jennie.. V.r..""..i2lS \ 2OO „: 20.00Bray;^Graadlnirr.."..-..VSIi%-:- 100 10.00Breeden. MoUy.. Stark.1243 -~"1.500 >- 15a00Campbell, VJH.......:V JH.......: 1345 100 .10.00Campbell. Thomas F...1210 100 10.00Case, Clara.'.-.....r... 352 100 . , 10.00Chamberlain, Allen M. 116 360 38.00Chamberlain,; A. V.....; 6 1 .10Chamberlain, .A. V..:..1409 \u25a0 '>- 45 \u25a0

' 4.00Chamberlain,- Clara..:: 112 j»360 . 36.00Chamberlain, Emma .... 115 \u25a0• „ 250 25.00,Chamberlain. Eva. ." 113 _ • 380 3«.00ChamberUln. May E:.. 114 / 380 \ .36.00Clark, -Helen- R........ -«38- *150 '\u25a0-> 15.00Clark.- Matilda. .'. .V....1439 TOO 70.00Clßrk, "TUUe.....1....; 63J> 70 --'. T.OOCcj-gins,- Alice M......1309. 500 50.00Cogirlns, CltJford. -...:.1310 500 50.00CorJes, P.,H.V. \u25a0 6SI

' '300 •. 50.00

CordM. P. H.......... «H3 .230 23.00Cordes, P.1H...:.;..;. 102*3 •_ 800--, 80-00Ccrdes.-P." H....... ...1053

-,800 \u25a0- 20.00

Cory; Harriet........-: S43' ', 200 J 20.00CotUe, F. \u25a0' L.......... ;lSe- -"-'300- 30.00Cottle. v >\- L ;."..:1404 -.."£,000 "'\u25a0 JSOO-00Cottle.. l5adie......... V157 '200 '- 20.00Craddock, C.J. ...:...1846 100- 10.00Crandall. F.L......... 1257

'1«7 18.T0

Creco. F10yd....:.,... «4« t, 50 5-00

Dahl. 'Joha.-...... .... ..1121*- -700 7aCODavy/ R. 8.....;...... 150 <:1,000 " v100.00Davy, B, 8............ 151,\.1.000 .:


Davy. R.8...... .......152 .1.000 100.00Dening.vJaj........... 1441 800

- W.COElliot. Agnes E.......V 550.. ..-: 10


Essoa. R.Cr;....:.. 238'* LOOO 100.00

Farson; Clara M.J;..'.:'88» \u2666>. 100 10.00Ferrant,' D............134T, 50

* - a.OOForgrave. Mrs., M.;C..1295 400.. 40.00Foster, Mary !...>.'... 331 50 B.COF0x.;M..r...........^.120S- 8.720 ? 872.00Graham. Martha 8..... "273 /60 , .6.00Griffin,- Estelle M.....' 823 . 100 . 10.00Grtfan.. EsteUe-M.:... 824

'100 10JX)

Grlfftn, Estelle M.....825 100 ICOOGrlfan. Ralph \u25a0 D....V. 14S

~100 • \ 10.00

GrUfla. Walter 8......:821. 100 - 10.00Griffin, Walter 8..v.;r:822 '.: 100 '. •--.' 10.00Uua*aulis, Rnth E 460

-165 . - 1f1.50

Gurney. \u25a0 Edgar Le Roy. »41. '-\u25a0 500 ! 60.00Gurney. Edgar Le Roy. 643 500 \u25a0 80.00Hagadorn. Samuel A...- 85 . 500 . W.OOHaines.* Mary A;...... 197 100 10.00Balnea," William H.T.. 198 "100 10.00Hanna. Mrs. Mary.... 371 71 . 7.10Harms, George W...;.1343- 200


Hayden.-Sallle D.'..;.-.1340 \u25a0 I,ooo


Hendrtckson, Mrs. Eva.1271 1.500 150.00HUI, J. 8..;..'......, iSOB ,1.500 15aOOHoeges. J.. .........;. IT* 1.000 '_• 100.00Hoeges. J............. 179- 1.000 100.00Hoeges, J............. 180 1.000 100-00Hoeges, J............. 181 1,000 100.00Hoeges. .J.... \u0084..14S5:> 5,000 500.00Holmberg,- Emma;..... 1123 300 :! 30.00Holmoerg. G. 8.....:. 1429 1.811 181.50Holmberg/Mrt. O. 8.. 809 15.435

- 1.543.80Johnson. Bert .T ..838 190. . 19.00Jones, Christina M.... 230 . 10 -1.00Jung. - Fred '•< C... 871" 84 3.40Keesllng, Edw to E...;. «0 400 40.00Keesllng. Emma 8..*.. 69 500 50.00Kennedy, B. D........ 785 275 . 27.50Kennedy,. Mrs.^H. 8.::79« 23 :2.50Kldder, Katherlne..,.. 630 -" 210- 21.00Langdon; Dr. T. C.....:561. . 725 72.50Leland," Gertrude" H:.. 493- 650 65.00Lewis, -Jessie L........ 864 15 1.50Luney. Anna A..:;.... 751 ,50 5.C0Maley,' Carrie.... . 291 •: 100 10.00Maley. B. J.;......... 290 150 15.00Marden,- Joseph W....' 382= -883 ~ .88.20Mason, Marion 5...... 1419 . 998= ;I99.N)MaxweU,-HattleF..... 8«4 600 ..60.00McClelland., J0h0..:... 171., 100 10.00McGulre.- James; ::«....130«^ 100 »\u25a0 10.00McKeeban,

-Lambert....1351 100 -\u25a0 10.00

Mitchell. Mrs. H.G... 865, 15 \u0084 1.60Moore.- Oliver-C."....,1273. _>;100 10.00Murray, Joseph.... 1408 600 60.00Nash. J05eph........... 918 ..* 1,900 190.00 jNash, J05eph.......... 1555 . -100 10.00Nash.*- Joseph, trusteo. .2s 4,000 400.00Nelson. C. A..v....... 972... •* 800 . 80.00Norval.. Joafphlne,...., .627 • .150 .... 15.00Nyman. 8ertha'....... .1448 503 60.30Olsen.> J0hn....".".."...T. 570 •>\u25a0„.SOO 20.00Page.-H. E. ...... 12» -^ 100* - iaOOPearse. Lucy A;...:... 93 : 200 2aooPeery, A10n80T....... 311 ' 100 .10.00Peery. Sarah "A........ 318 . .-100 10.00Perry." M.. A.1..V...... 163 70 7.00Plgott. Russell H..... 1302 '

1.000 100.COPlgott.

'Russell H..... 1308 '- -

1,000 , 100.CORobb. H.C..:......... 56*->ir 1.70Robb, Mary H........ 565 .154 15.4URoberts, J.8.. ..1254 600 60.00Robinson, J.......T..; 218 :"500 60.00Robinson, -J........... 21T

""W0 60.00

Robinson, J........... 218 J 500 60.00Robinson. J.... •.'.;....* 219 ". 600 60.00Robinson, J....;...... 220* :

600 60.00Robinson, J;.......;.. 221"-'" 500 60.00Robinson, J..:. ...;•.. 223: -130 . 15.00Robinson, J..:......'.. .223

'100, 10.00

Rockwell, Weltha ...... 534 .75 , 7.50Rodgers, Jasper r.V...1299 100 10.00 jRogers. A.= W......... 843 600 60.00Rogers,' Fred «.W. :.....r 347 .•* 200 20.00;Rogers, Lawrence..".... 844 . 25 .2.50;Rogers, -UlUn:..-......"34ft 600 60.00Rogers, iL0v15a.;.;.....10SS 100 - 10.00Salyer,-iAdd150n........ SB7 . 600


Salyer," Add150n...,;... 883 \u25a0 600 60.00Salyer, Addison..r.X.-.. BSB 500 60.00 jSaly*r, Addlson;..:..;: 890 S43^ 84.10;Schloss.' Louls,v trustee. 1149 : -200^ 2O.0O!Schloss.'- Louis, trustee. 1150:\u25a0.:1,000 -r 100.00Schloss.

-Louis, trustee. llsl '.«- 800 >T 80.005ch0nwa1d. 'K......;... 648 \ 130 .- 23.00Sheerwood. Phoebe \u25a0 A.. 670 \u25a0 z 4OO .-. '• AOSA>Smith, Miss A. J......1367-. 800. 80.00Smith, Charles C.~..... 620 127 .-. -

12.7 aSmith, Miss M. N,.;..1852

-200 \u25a0\u25a0 W.OO

Snyder. = E............*. 671 \u25a0 60 5.00Solomon." N..R.V...... -1333 .1.000 100.00Spauldlnir. Bertha.:..*.1407 ; 1,619 161.00Bpence,VJ. U... ;.674- 700 70.00SpeneeV J.C......... 929 .800 3G.O<»Spence, ;J. U....... ... 601 1,000 100.00Spence!:J. U.......*?..1036 1,000 IOO'WStrong. France* L...... 270 400 40.00,Thacher. Mrs. Mary B.1251 :-

--50 . S.OO'

Tinkham, O. E........ 923 SOO'

8-XOOTopllUVJo»enh:B......l2oo» -300 60.0Uvisii,,r.< m.....-..'... .w00: 400


Vlers, Earl E... r.V...; 653- .10.. -I.WWarner.-r Mrs. A.-„C.... 259 . 100 10.00Warner. Mrs. A.;C...1143 100- ie.ooWebb.'Mary E 1039 . -100 ld.ooWeller,- Car1......:.... 827 600 .\u25a0 50.fi0Weller, Carl.-......... -323 500'" SO.OOWeller, 'Car1........... 825K 5»)0 •; 60.«J0"Wells. WUlard;........1353 200 ' 20.00Werry. B.i W....;V-..'.1440 60 . 6.00Whelpleyr Charles H...4?2 600. 60.00Whelpley.Dell G.:.;.".:461' 100 ; 10.00Whltlock, Mrs. M. 1... 874 ;- 200 . 20.00Wbltlock." Mrs. M.:*J.V. 875 600' 50.00Winters, ,C.'8.v.....v.1314 »>::100 00W01ff.* F.vw..*.::;...;.i4i7. a,0»4. ... jos-joWolff.':Mrs.:.B."A.T.T. .l4lB ... 676 , '

37.00Wright. B«ssle.r.-.r.... 1230 ,400 -

4aooUnknown"- owners. ;'rep- »

resented -by the . fol-lowlnr certificates, \u25a0

jnumbered: 143.061 14.3D0.10-. ..-----

\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0- \u25a0-. ':-'i5 .\u25a0'\u25a0'5::

-: -.-

-' -:,Bto; IS both inclnslve '-


' .r 20:to "24 •bota inclusive

'.v29 to 36 both lncloslva

''f- T'\ 41 to 4? both 'tnclualva :;;';'l6O to 6S .bota incluaJTO:64 to :i\ both taelns]v«";/' \;

73 to 75 bath lacraslra . ;

:"r.'.':- ;:'.77,to. Sl:both Inclusive . '.'-,.

> :94 both Inclusive .\u25a0:96 to '/- 99 both Inclusive N.:

103, t0 111"both meJualvV


-, .'- ,".;-.-

117 to\lS4 both iacluale*• r '.'.:'129 to .i131 both. laeluslve

-. * . 135 to -140 both locluslv*

". 142 to 14(5 both Inclusive '-.'. . -" -. 149;-----, ,-- >. _. ..>' :•?>;-*--


156 to, 150 both Inclusive-

v-.'-v- >•>. .-\u25a0 i6i••"\u25a0_\u25a0-._-;_---.-. \u25a0

\u25a0%£: •.r-.*,-''-,'-;-' . -163.t0 167 both ineluslvs• 169 to 17f» both ln?luslv# ;'

"ISO to 195 both iaclusly*


;202 to 215 both Inclusfv•-22« to 22"",N>th ln»ln»ive

\u25a0 '*^H! -220: t0 -2*"' both lneln.«lve- v-OTH 234 to "235 both inclusive". 239 to::240

'both lnclii(i«v«V

-_ 243 ;to ;247 both lacluslve-

'- •:,259 to' 2W both'lnclnslT.-'- -

274 to- 277 both Inelmive. . 253 to .2P7 botb-tncluslvß.-\u25a0:%-.;\u25a0\u25a0' -"--*.; 297

-zs .;

:2t»? to.? 3C2 both lnclnslvt: 304. to 307 both .lacloalvo .'*.",

. \u0084-313. t0r'317 both'tortaslv»y.- '.:'!."'Sl9 to J; S2O both itnclu \u25a0- Ire

-;- .. ;

'34S to . .v.l:both Inclusive

- "*--

354 \u25a0>•

35G to* .XTS.botkjßiluslvo',

3«3 to 367 both lnclnilve,-,> •\u25a0'.:'

\u25a0-\u25a0;: 373t0 377 both.tncla^lv* ' --. \u25a0

•': \u25a0 : .- :. :\u25a0-:\u25a0-.— ;asiv- \u25a0. i?v--- >'\u25a0--:\u25a0 \u25a0. "";;Sa-J both "ndnslv* •-\u0084; -f400 to "402 botb; Inclusive .



i."-\u25a0-• t...^: «Q5-~- -.' ..- -\u0084

--. ::. '

407= to both* Inclusive ".:412 to -421. both Inclusive

::;. -\u25a0- - -

aai-- ---

; ."'

.•'\u25a0\u25a0•.\u25a0C;f U.HOTELS ivL-A-i^:! : ?i:\u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0;\u25a0"'.""". .*..-" ;:

~ " 'j .• \u25a0\u25a0',-'\u25a0' po6t

"st.-.'Tnear iJones. '•.; ..-v^ *_

!: Sotter st' cars, ifPhone <Franklini2«70. .-*•.!N>V'- rppd«<rn.*^cJownton'n'."hotel;T.l-tO?rooms. : .' •'" T."

--p-lTßte bstfcs."/^'.•"Appointments: and -'.-.'\u25a0'\u0084 . '

!'•-\u25a0\u25a0fura'jsLinss-Btrlcrlr^rst^ c1a55.';.*. ;,,:.;,,: \u25a0"

J \I Kura{.i»»n plan. .-. Hafessl per. day op. 1 .

wltUjirtrate bath $i;so«ip.i rates tovpcrraan«-nU.:;t5M*» JOHNSON.", 1T0p...-

!.-»\u25a0 fortcerly \u25a0'of Johnson's :Itestauraat.V \u0084: :

THE*:MASON.• -JO Fnlton "st.* near Larkin—Hand-*"'•somely fcrnUh«<l'rooias:


• conveniences ;'!'"'

steam ,heat; \u25ba electric ;lishts, sas.'J hot "and cold;!'vrattr;: call

* ljeUs;*aH-!«utslUe 'rooms;- reason-able; central, location;* near -City;Hall. \u25a0

.'' -jr- HOTEL:CALIFORNIA,r •\u25a0.""-NE. corner California \u25a0aaJ'HydP.stn.,*- willopen

abont:.October 10;:Crst \u25a0 c'*851 •' fi*«Hy-•hotel;j. pJiones in eai-h roomi-stesm -Scut' and e!ev«tur; j•*'iltreeti\csr llne«, '-,. Ca*l/6rnia rst.':^ from :\u25a0 ferry.^OTarreil from Market ;si. 'Apply on prpmlses j

j-'for reservations. '•'> S, W. .-POWELI..-'-.Maniiger/.|i\u25a0 \u25a0-.- HOTEL AMERICA.*i:; • ;-

< .1045 Market St. r"



*:.50c-to: $2 'per. "day.


: ";- Special rates by \u25a0 the :week •or month."A medium priced -hotel,' wltb- alljmouern 'cqp-

• ; venlences. ...:.. \u25a0-,-.•

J.;H.-GAGE,- Manager."'*

HOTEL' SPHIKJt, NE.cor. 4th and Folsom sta.—".100 modern rooms wlthieas and' electric ".".Rhta

V and vt.lvpt carpets laid'solid throogbont; roams.'wlthrdonble bed "0r.2 single beds; from 50c np;I1I1 snecial rates' by:week* or:month;* new ;honse;[\u25a0\u25a0'? newi fßrnlture;-. btgt^mattreeses; best bouse; inp.-, £&n:'Francisco. '

\u25a0\*~-: \u25a0:;..-'-'-' \u25a0---'',\u25a0''\u25a0?'"'.\u25a0". \u25a0

I :KOOMS—3Oc TO $1.50 PER'DAY—UOOMS:.' \u25a0 PLANTERS'. HOTEL *. ;.

•\u25a0" /' COR'-2DJAND^FOLSOM ;STS. . '- '.:-150 neatly \fufnlsUedloutside 'rooms;'hot \u25a0 and

!, cold water; la-every :reom;» electric, lighted;. 'weekly rate $2.50; :15t class cafe in conjunction.

ST. GEORGE." Bth and Howard st?.--*OO nntfide..' ningle rooms, 20c to 25c; per night. $1 to $1.T3,.{per,week; -hot \u25a0 aud cold \u25a0 water; large reading

\u25a0;:room; \u25a0;.;' :-"--.\u25a0.":. \u25a0•• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ';: :::- •'I.:


':''.':'':- ::: '?".\u25a0:.

UOTEL FENTON, 259 "th.Jbelow P. O.—E<jnal toj any $1.50 room in&.F.; rates. 35c to -75c.das; $2

to $3 a,treek ;Mission or Folsom csrs from ferryto 7th st.; leading family,business hotel; baths.

HOTEL*;NORDBN. 75S Howard bet.>;ttd. and 4th;:hot-cold water and: steam heat In'every room;'elevator! service; rooms 50c," 75c* $1 per night;$3 •per. week. e-r.CHRISTENf?EN .. & \u0084 SHAW... Preps." First class trrill and cafe In connection.

HOTEL'BERLIN, 059 Valencia \u25a0 st.".:near ;16th—


Jost ;opened;-;bot and- cold'- water-; inzeveryroom; ~~

free bath», u reading -and billiard-roomsIIon main fioor: also Isrtirs' -parlor; phone and"

call b"lN:ratrs ;$2 to $4 per week, r

KOYAL HOUSE,>; cor. ;4tb and \u25a0'.: Howard—Just-._- opened ;\u25a0*• European "plan;.-!rates .;00c % 75c," $1,' rSI.Mi per :-d*y;,reduced weekly -rates;: readingI.:room; hot and cold water in every room;.baths.-

HOTEL ST.^ ANN." San' Francisco s most elabo-{ rately furnished .'hotel:' European ''plan; up to

date; reasonable; 'phone. -bath •!(!<:each room.Northeast corner, Turk.and Taylor sts.^; \u25a0:/-•.\u25a0.

THE NEW WALDORF, •* Pierce and ;Sutter sts.VEvery thing new and modern; single and suite;

13 room apartment with'kitchen left;'prices

reasonable. Phone West 8141. ?'•v..:. wv . \u25a0 ;MECHANICS* :-HOTKL=-100 /;- alc»ly. furainhed>rooms .$2 to $5 per 'week ;:\u25a0 the

-best -hotel -la. Ean Francisco for the money. 279 13 th st..

near glasg works.'

\u25a0.'•_ ; \- ,^y,y.'"; '.:>.'.;":

j MARLBORO,'; 1544 -.Polk ,st.;:from ferries. take,:.Sutter cars, -transfer on Polk; European ;;sln-' gle or suite,' s4 weekly; special rates. monthly;•transient. ~s _• .'.;:.-.* \u25a0;\u25a0.;--;.. •. rv:-;V--/;^>. w



THE HUMBOLDT,:1134 Mission:st,, half block!-from: postofflce; sample rooms and- restaurant-

attached; :>rates' 60;cents op; Vs2 per iweek'-" and'up.*; \u25a0-,•;'*\u25a0:.\u25a0 ''.'/.. .;-""-t:r.'-..;'.- --.;---

'\u25a0- \u25a0 .:"'\u25a0\u25a0- .*

THE ANGELUS, .'"- 224 4th ftt,:;near.; Howard—Hot 'and:cold 1runningIwater; sunny.- rooms ;

• -, bath; All\ cars ,trans, to ,4th; $2 'weekly up.HOTEL \u25a0 ST. :GERMAIN-^-Modern - furnlshlnss;. centrally located; 1 rates reasonable; fine sunny

\u25a0 -rooms. .MRS.' J.; J,,CASS,' 69I Folsom cor. 34..THE ROSEMONT.-214 Haight—New, elaborately i. - furnished :\u25a0\u25a0 apartments.

-frith bath; \u25a0 also' single

rocms; bot water; modern. Mrs. J. J. Anderson.HOTKL OAKLIN,45.Franklin.'. now open: new.

modern, fur. rooms, ap^s.; offices; walkingdls-:taace to

'business 'centers aad;theaters.^*,;;;-.v>

THE ADAMS—Hot water; call-bells; newly for-- " nlshcd; all outside rooms, $2.soweek up. SW\u25a0:< comer,of .=EHIs• andiLea venworth '

sts. ~. •

HOTKL CHEROKEE.^ 629 Golden Gate ar. bet.-. Van:- Ness :*'and • Krantltc—Beautiful " sunny;. rocms, with free ~. bath;. si:np..",•;;;\u25a0- ; .?.'

-HCNTEIt HOUSE-^Fnrnlshed rooms by:the day.

\u25a0; week or month; rooms 25c up; reading room-for gneg.ts. f6Bl'Hbvfard st.? \u25a0: ::-_ :. :THE KEARNY—NewIy '\u25a0 furnished : throurhoot ;;rooms by the day, week or month.

"712 Kearny-.:.; Bt.,;..Tel..iTemporary 2510.« \u25a0\u25a0**.;,-;,v-«"V«-r- \u25a0-; -\u0084..

HOTEL CLAY.i378 3d St.—soe a *day. $2.50 . a«week;;hot and; cold, water la every, room; elec-:.trlc lights; bell;.baths. .^v./.Aa .. .\ r :"

THF< LOYAL.HOUSE; fine, sunny rooms; 25c."50c, fl; transient especially. 654 Howard St.;

\u25a0 reading rooms'for;guests.*r- ::i-;.,. •;'^:. \u0084 : ._:

THE ARCADE HOUSE—The cleanest and best• ventilated •house '_ for r the -price;: large reading•room;irates ;2sc. '7 42;Clay, st. - -.- ix

- 'v - •; -.STANDARD HOTEL, ,coraer -. 6th :and;. Folsom'

sts. ;400 single rooms; Ssc. and 50c per night;'.'\u25a0 $1.50 and ;.$3 \u25a0\u25a0 per,week. ?*;.."-. '\u25a0\u25a0

-.:.-,, -, \u25a0 *?r-sl:HOTEL OSIOYA—IOO fine rooms,: 25c up dally;,'$1,50 np weekly.... 4 St. Mary's place cor. Pine••-\u25a0"\u25a0 near; Kearny ."'\u25a0:.' '. \u25a0

- ' -./':\u25a0\u25a0; :':'':'\u25a0',. ~ \u25a0


W)8 Stsrenson ;st.:- or: 1093 Market '\u25a0 st.

—Rooms \u25a0 25c 'up to $2 per


week.V--':->-.< "y,;V>--;'.T->".-.?i"y \u25a0' "-'• v---*-.^v ---*-.^"'ii-^L'**?"METROPOLITANiHOTEL


•sunay Irooms;= bath;free; $1.75 week \u25a0 and;up. ;.: 876 Harrison.'

HOTEL"CRYSTAL—Modern: transient a special-"ty.Tel:Mkt.- 2103/ 571 McAllister;543 Franklin.

THE MADRONE. 1«00 Fell, cor.Central ay., fae--.lng panhandle;. ruany rooms; excellent table.-

HOTEL ARCADE^-100 :rooms; running water;,75c to. $1.50. perl day j-trantrient. • 151 Sd \u25a0 st. -;;

CASA LOSIA,'"NE.:ror:;Pell ,and

-Flllmore— Just:\u25a0- opened; f phone In every room; 'sunny rooms.:,?

THE KENSINGTOS," 226 ;«th St.—Elegantly fur.\u25a0 v nUhed.and sunny rooms:reasonable rates. ,'HOTEL,- ST.*DANIEIv259 6th:st— Every room-

modern;35c-np;,$2.25 ;.. transient. >?,

RCSS HOUSE. * 520 Hayes, newly furnished; ;En-rjropean plan; .75c,Pp.~Phon»: Market 'B4BB. ?',-.\u25a0'

THE JULIET.*246 Grove St.- nr. Van Ness; just,'\u25a0 opened ;5modem; J transient :::reasonable.' - . "


HOTEL*:•LEWlS— ModerniroonV, -60c up; $3 a__wggvr_aiS'r>th''iit..^ corner Folsom. -•


\u25a0 '. -.-\u25a0'\u25a0. '\u25a0\u25a0' :/::vHOTEL9ITOJiB*T^^/;i--.^lii --.^li,HOTEL* to7rent-~3B'-:rooma,'=snear»-lronTworks;V: cheap ;t;

to :• right''partr."?&Inquire> P.",0.vHOL-•STEADY 20th

'and Looislana sU..' Potrero.

" - - vi

BBODERICK-st.', s!»3l^-NlceIlower;flat, f5f5 rooms.'. and \u25a0bath;in;first • class ;condition;.water'free;!

:rrnt $30. ::Zjr;-.'i*\~''i:i*.~'~C-'\-'.tj- '.\u25a0.-:^'-<,

BHOTWELL 'st -,cor. :15th—

Elegant, snnny 4'-"\u25a0• rooms and bath:' rent reasonable; CENTER A:^SPADER.;agenUi;..^:.;-"i~:-J ;--"':- ;-\u25a0> --\u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0:\u25a0<-;BIGItransfer cor.; exquisite flats; - northeast -cor.'.^California ,st.*andi6thtav/:';"^ -;; ."•';-'"-;^:,-.CALIFORNIA";at,' 25W, cor.' '\u25a0.Pterce— Sunay 4room Cat; rent $25.-; :<\u25a0%:*•-

- . . \u25a0

COETLANDav.. 1227—5 rooms and bath; /acd;new and modern: rest $20. --• s?r


EUREKA :.C st*:»130;Anear Xl«th—Light snnny.- flat [4%rooms ;;bath.':: basement. $yard;.$22,50. .-. ;

MISSION-."'st.;:'i2To«A;*i'cor.'^ 23d—Modern ? sunay>1corner. flat;,6 rooms and bath; reasonable.


MODEL"flat,'4 rooms *and *bath;Srent :$22.50T

-'Apply^s379|l7th st.!\above|Clara ar. 1\u25a0 :: .

NEW.,modern, :sunny |flat of;s!rooms |and bath.=:,, See; owner,*T-1405.f Noe> St.," , ,NOB"st.T t-"tl-19-l--SunnySlower "flat,"of-:3 "

rooms'!\u25a0:* and 1bath;'rent s reasonable .t :: '.

"'"' . \u25a0


SVNNV. flat Of 8 rooms ;and'ba th.\ 1420 Gner-

>..rero;st '*.;\u25a0\u25a0 ;-',,V,:.'v* "-xi^r;*.^'^..^:- -'.•:-': ',-\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0

22D ? st., >3554,1"': near *Dolores—slsunny rooms;» bath;;reat

*cheap to good >tenant"' :.\u25a0\u25a0


;." .: _ - - FLAT¥\TOJjM3T^Fur»lahed \u25a0'. [

FORt sale-r-Onel ofIthe? finest « furnished'


9i84nl Francisco;: entlrelyinew ,"5cost"- $2,000,'.- forT *

$1,250; S;: terms *lfJnecessary ;j!.6-rooms ;h rent

V- $57.50 per * month";.'206 :•Frederick T st. \u25a0 ApplyU LINDHOLMiFUB. % CO.,jVan \New\ and \ Eddy.GOLDEN;GATE ar.Tj1529-^Flat iof 4,rooms,* fnr-\u25a0 vibhed complete"- for,house keeping;[call.10,to 5.IFURNISHED; flat

'ofJ7? rooms S for|sale; > 3;year

I;\u25a0;•, lease :"jreasonable J rent'v?1243 iMasonic ;av. •;. -'\u25a0',

FURNISHED.; be.antlfulfv sunny ,"? comers flat; ;8>„ rooms and ibath.' ';\u25a0 2397, Sntter sty,-f.\u2666 \u25a0--\u0084iZgy&jq

\u25a0:{\u25a0 V \u25a0FLATsTforISALE-^Fiiril«ked'.;;-;':;FOR sale-^-4 ]roomlflat1*1502 1Hayes :st*nr.r Lyon;K~cost \u25a0$550; ;forisales at 1$375 ;i-entirely!modern.X'Apply3LINDHOLM


>aVaniNesstav:>apd«Ed<iyist.^r* - -.^~"^k? .

?::,,^IIOOMS|FORi_HOVSB|KBEPING^:/i:OAK \u25a0 st4i 2001;lphone] Page' 814^NlceTrooms !

forI a,nice home. for:.nice people;- panhandle; best[V*c«r \u25a0 service;7, plenty!of -.son;*on tcorner ;*mod-'--.- erate \rates \ to idesirable! people; «this tea hone

-\u0084 proper;:, proper; :house keeping. *\u25a0 ;


-. . ::~-


HOTEL*"BERLIN* just*opened*. |6ot» J st.*-

near,lßtb— House keeping rooms;; hot;and; coldj,% waterr;calI.bells;;ratea

'$2,to;»4 ? per •we«*Cg»jt

!LYONIst.T-. 41*—FineIsunny,.'bedroom;*use f>of1~-; kitchen;s block ifrom '%Park* Panhandle; }refer-'^ences^reaulred/f -*\u25a0':, $r*;'-""''\u25a0;'</ '-'''\u25a0'-\u25a0"\u25a0!\u25a0 :'i '\u25a0


GRKAT AUCTION SAI.K «>K RF.AL ESTATE—.On i-rMtr, Ocf>t>er 11. 19C7. a lanre tract «•

\u25a0!snd «-»-a>iir!*iap most «»f t!c Treat orchard, will'tw ftrli! ia if-, Z" *:kI -Ji core tracts. Thr»»

lands "arf s!taal<^l 3 inilm fr<mi Bixif«. 7mn»s fma Orov!Jif. and > m\'ts frocn OriOloy,

In B»?ttr 'wnnty. Cal. Thcr rvmprtse vl>e rlcn.;;allsvinl isrwi al«-oc tl-«» UenutiM aud firf«m«l I>srher ri^er. where tbe finest fmltn

« and aifsifs in t!'r statr rpp cfiiiva and require*Co irritj«t'<ra. Ti^e N«>rtl;westem njc^trie rail-n.xs. <-xTcrHi!nt from £ji.-Tniapato to Oitoo acdOrovr.le, ntns ttroittb tUlu land. T^rns of'ta!e. *4 dorra. bslacce i"i S ypsrfr najmenta.

Now Is tlie tim* to bnr itbSe land rhefin.ttfai w5Il aak'- yor. In<i?r>eo<s«"'it In a few year*.

\u25a0On a CTw»t r>srt «f tiiif «->r^hanl ff.e fruit willr*r?-Mt ttie >H':d In one y**r. Trains win stop

\u25a0-^a tb*> gltmsds «!)>' fj^'ot tbe sa!». and p'ea-tr \'S fat j*tldrink wHI be furnished to all.

-Kor fr.rO.rr r>.irt!«nilars inc*iire of D. S..B^Jrtrtn. ta !k> f>>?md *t t!ie law of»3ce of 2.

R. E:lcr. In t!:p «Jiol>e bul'dlntr. OrMley. CsLP. P. BrXKMAV.

5-"r. hey* .'UP cf onr 5 «sd 10 acre tracts of\u25a0 rid!, lerfl Isn3 '.n Alsmeda <wrniy: 2 rail-.r'*tl» End 2 »-tsf!<>rs 00 the land: «irro>iad»<S•tr fine orchards and r::rser'M;; par *£3 aad••

fr**iir-'' '• srrv*. balance foil monthly pay-rnrol*: t.c.r bpfnrf the raise next month; wera-Tsintf* to r>!«»as«> Ton.Ptr;i VAIJ.FY T.ANP CO.. S4S Market st.

CALIFORNIA land SI ncre. bal.tace entire par-rh«ff- Si _w*rk f^r e»r|i 5 tier**:no tas«»: no'nt-T'-st: 5 arre tracts: "\u2666'vel. rich, clear; ready1a f>!.-»w: mder trrleßttna;- pemetaul water• r!~H; imTr.«llaf<> possp'w'nn -+rrn:particclars.

.*• mans. pJiotocmpli'1 f^r 2? (trap. StevlnsoaCrtonv. roam t'X. 703 Van Xess ay.. San Fraa-

•» els'"*. ' •

IT>a »a> or rxrhanee for desirable S. F. p?ep-V «\u25a0*"*•— A heantiful modem 12 rorm resident.". with larcc. \u2666•Impact grinds:etab>. carrlut*:::3uw. «<•.: Flin.nted no a comer of tie raaJa

thor»nr'iJ*ri» in San *?hsc. Cal. For rarttra-lar» acd fiei'.cr descrlptloa address or iaqclr*.•*' < ***v'*'a n--^'"'aren --^'"'are aad Tool Co.. 1428 Market.

CAIJ. «; «t;r rffi.-# nnd f^e the soil, airalfa mirtv \u25a0. *?zttr I**-!*rai«»^s oa our otate lands: 1.590*k acRN *< 'U tUI* weoi: »om» gn&t l<y*atleas still*ft; r>>nry r>f Tester for lrrJj-sitkm: $2 per

st*: haTf.rt.^wn. bsiwrt 'n tS years: Best!V.'«*i:r-* rfl":*:-n. R.: the createst chisce <>t;<^r •;.>. Vaxes & TTHELAN. 753 Market, j

FAUUIRj p»:ti r-cl! tf j-cu *» !ta* we do: \u25a0r-* 1. • i'^r-STjCWiO In bnp. jrra!a end pasta-? lah^sp«rrio? over fIOO.OW tcrsally: write cr calltt prosr*ectT:s to see ls«nr tcmi pan nTr.Ur it dst

T-Uh $2^^> or mere. AMHRICAX nOP COM-. I-AXT.DC Ca!!forr.!a at.

MONKV MAKING!::tle farm; very lerd. wltbhert tf BotL cnaalu, csariet. ciicnte. water;vfrr cs*t teros: "itnd *s clteap: elestrl; R.R.CAPT. OBKBMETER. Van Xess »Rmve. S. T.

IRIitGATKDFwaIIraras; Kar3<» soil: low price;exfr puTment*: book tr*: Write C M.VVC-QSTKR CQifrANT. 702 Market, M flaor.

. INf*a!"ta Clara conntr. 38 acre* v*cf.ntU'ilUnd.'• F«r T>artlcnlars r.ddrpus box 3470. C*lL

OH'NTRV hocec; *mA tot catatocue. C. M.TVOrxTFffCO.. 702 Murket *t.. 2d Boor.



13 -rooms: electricity >and gaa throcchont•••\u25a0«.<• snd barn: lot 70x270: trees, tawo aadtthmbbery; forc&re and hot water beatiovthroughout house; early possesslca raa b«pjven.



'Will be sold without stable Ifdesired.


The arwre Is aa enasnal opportuidty rortfmf comfort, with plenty of grossd for your-selves and fnr cl'Hdrea.


APPLY AT OFFICE OF THE PIEDMONTrEHSS. 11"»-5S- TA'rbstn- st. bet. 13th andI4fh, op^r>slte Narrrrw Ga'ire termlaal statioa.

$100 CASn. HO per mmih. w«l boy a »500 lot:«:-'\u25a0*•:. sewer and BMpwalks complete: S blocksfroai S. F. trains, l'from streetcars: Jsst the->>-.- to bcSd a Kinall rest killer. Box 1200,On ofSre. Oakland.


WANTED.To boy abcot 20 acres Und near the city,

with railroad facilities {«imr track), also waterfacilities, if possible. S&bmlt foil particularsIt l«-TTer to. .H. S. WHITE MACHINEBY CO..

*>:h and Hrrsnt rt*..Sgn Francisco. CaL/

PROPERTY WAJTTED'2 1-: -1 3 Sets. Western addition. Sunset. Rich-

mond and Mission;most be modern and wellsituated. ;

Ki.vrxr-rov borstel co., lai^.-ics* niiift

WANTKD—Iwant to pcrrhase a small act it

flats fn tbe Western addition; not ovar $10,000;n*UKt he modern and in good condition. Ad-dress box 3455. Call. ' .IWANT lot: prefer one with temporary cottage

en it;city. Oakland or sabnrbs; JIOO to $150down. Address A. LACRISTON JR.. 85 Al-viirs^o St.. S. F. .;

WILL v*J fn>m $7,000 to $9,000 spot cash formodern flat* near' the park panhandle.. Ad-dress *jos 3715. Call office.ITAN sfll mar ranch; Write to me. GEORGE

W. AUSTIN, 101S Broadway. Oakland. CaL

WANTED—Lot ia Sonth Park; good location andrrice. Box 3718. Call office.

- - -


% ~~^r :-

irriT St.. 132-134—

WiU lease for term of 4years ;fise location for wholesale or light man-ufacturing; plate glass front; cheap rest. Ap-ply Argonaut Maanfaetorlng Co.. C5l McAllis-ter st. "-:#•;..- \u25a0-..

14.T/)0 «iuare feet loft; reinforced concreteclass A br.::iinr; Usht 8 sides; front aadrear entrance; freight and passesxer clevatots^nic* free; 5 aad 10 years lease. Apply F.W. BBACN, SO3 Mtrtet st.

TO le«se^-WUI lease for 25 years 100 fooTcoraerlots ia best bnslneas section of Ban Diego.Address lock box 152. San Diego. C*l.


CLAY nr. Kearny, opp. hall Justice; 3frontages. Owner. 1777 Pace: lest letN. 1


TWO first class antomoDOrs la good condition ,to exchange for city lots. Rtag <rp Market Si.


DETECTIVE work by aa expert detective:. 351years' experience; shadowing and all branchesof <jpt*filve wort. Bot 12. 561 Hayes st.


INVALIDCHAIRS . T ICOLO, rested, exchanged; ma&afactanr Easts

tricycle cfaalr. lhOf Market st- Tel. Ken 3811.


MONET LOANED on furniture, pianos and otber•ecority: lowest rates; most favorable termsin tke cltr:sec others, then SEE ME AND BECONVINCED. IWILL SAVE YOU MONEY.$2.25 week repays S5O loan and costs.

GEORGE W. MILLER,Room S5. SW. cor..Mission and leth sts.

MISSION LOAN COMPANY—Loans -oa Paml-tcre. Pianos and raloables; also on salaries.On Fnrnltnre, etc Monthly.Betal-no. Weekly.

1 »40—Pay back .....W.SO »2.40 t1.202 Other sums In proportioa; business confidential,\u25a0 Em. 6, NW. cor. Mission and 15th. Mkt.293T.

AA—Before borrowing •get our terns. Loanson fumltnre, pianos,- borsea, etc. (without re-moval); $10 to (200. HOUSEHOLD LOANCO.. room 70. 509 Golden Gat« ay.. at Polk.?\u25a0•-••:.'\u25a0: Market 3329, or . room 3, MacdosooghbclMing. Oakland. .- . '

MONEY loaned salaried people and others opentheir own names \u25a0 wltbont • security: cheapestratpc; easiest paymentE; ofSees In ?3 priaeipalcities; save yourself, money by getting otrrterms first. TOLMAN.787 Market, room 137.


afekes loan* to salaried people wltbont **cnr-Ity. repayable la email :weekly

-or "monthly

payments. Boom 21. 10 3d st. adjoining TbeCall. Room 6, 1015*4 Broadway. OakUad.

EAKY payment loans oa furniture," pianos, wsre-bouse receipts or security cf any kind: bnsl-nes6 strictly confidential; give n1call.ILLINOIS TRUST CO, 151« Eddy st; fcalfblock from FlHmore; telephone -.West 0745. '

UONEY to loan; one fund of $75,000 In amounts°ef $2,000 to $15,000: Ist mortgage real estateoaly. TALK IT OVER WITH US. DO ITtoday: edwabds. chkistensen *GOOnwiN. 55 Geary st. . -



QUICK loans; Ist and 2d njortgarea, notes,etc. It ran Co not see this '{d again, dentforget pcrmssest location. Pacific Coast TrustCo.. iliC Ctronlcle baildlag. . '

U^NKY Advanced salaried people; low rates; con-t'l-ziizi: D. D. DRAKE. » Dean (Mlldlng.860Market «t.: 12 Bacoa block. OskUcd; Bank ofRl'tai-iad bMg.. Point Richmond. :.-?•.* •:

IALAUr loans— Ladles tnd gentlemen, wittoatwocrltv; notes and eomwerclal paper bought;ee<iy payments. Urn. BU.> Merchants*. Exch.

t PV'.l crnt on rcrnltcre. planoi aad other *e-<^rtty; co conmiselcn: .wtttoot i.removal or

\u25a0^sftblVitr: easy terms.-. 1443 Tlllraore. rm- 22.• Vy\ .arnoncf on teat «Ute.

"first or second

mfmyajre. or 09 acyT •\u2666curlty:-. 00 1delay. .

O. W. UECKGTL 2111 FlUmoi* aear Csllformla.'

I—<K«U3KN CATE AY."LOAN*:OFFICE.-*1282ColJea Gate ay.. 1 Coos b«low FUlmore tt. .*