
THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1905. 12 TUB / CALL JOHN' D. SI'ItKCKKLS. ... rroprlctor AiiCrrrs Ctir.municaticns to JOirx :i' NAUGHT..... f^Stanagcq U. J. MA KTI y . \u25a0! . Buducss aiansger UXl£riiOM2 Aek for '/Hi: CALL. The operator Will Ccn- *coct Vcu v.'iili Uie Department Ycu WimJ». ri.:t"ca;jcr. Cf.1^5. . . ."ilarkst and Third. S. F. Ltfl'crial Kccir.s 217 10 ".'il £;evcnscn st. I'rUvrrcJ ijy Carriers, .\u25ba? Ct?. T«T Week, 73 CTs. J V; !.;i,i:ih. Copies !> Cts. Tv:y.f tv Mu:i. Isdodlas Hostage \Cash With Or<i»»-) : .. f'AI.V/CALL, -*ir^:u.-i. t«nd?y); 1yc-ar. . .SS.fO IMU.Y.CAIX tfnciaA. iv.tiSa^), ("• nic» 4.00 DAILY <"Al.L— iiy et:i?!e Mor.tii •\u25a0«: Ki:.\[:.'.y CA.LJ.. 1 Year 2.-VJ V.-T-CriLr CALL. 1 Ve*r l-W 1* , tT '.—. I rr v a!iy.:.J < 5.5» Per Year Kxtra L\f.V^-r;'.- \u25a0{ 'f:;.nfioy. 4.J5 Per Vcnr Kstra I-'.i. 'Sio.. I Weekly. l.fO l'^r Year lixlra A.IX POSTkISTCItS ABE -AUTIIOJUXEU TO KECJEIVK a\:BSCiiii'TlU-N.S. Bsn-.p'.e coj.lcj wiU M* forwarded when \u25a0-\u2666- guested. ilail subscribers i:i oidenr.« change c- __m- ,:\u25a0<-& »hci:':d b* particular to give both -v i-> AND CUJ jHnn»CT^ in «•<!«\u25a0 to insure a yroispt fetid correct compliance with their ro- OAKLAND OFFICE: . 1018 Bro» ovtij Telephone M»!b 1063 BICPJCHLEY OFFICE: 8348 C«rter Sireet Telephone North .7 WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT". CAXVEI. W. WALL Post Bu'idin* lObW YORK NEWS STANDS: W6l4orf-A»:crta Hotel: A., 31 r.ton S<r-a*«: Murrey H'.U Hotel; Pitts****- c-jc Ho;*.; and Hsffman House. CHICAGO NETW6 STANDS: f-h<rman House: P. O. News Co.; Great Korthtrs Hotel; Trcmoni House; Auditorium Hotel; ra!u>er House. - CHICAGO : " \u25a0 ENTATIVB: C. CEfjUCE IvnOGNESS. MarquetLe Building. (Long Dli'ljinccTelcphcn*. ""Oen'ral 2619") MEW YORK RETRESENTATIVE: BTETOE3C n. BMITH 30 Tribune Building :.-EW YOKE. CORRESPONDENT: C. <:. CAULTOS Herald Square VV£lSnS£3 OFFICE cf the Saa Francisco Call, <.ir<r Market and Third recta: open until '? o'ciocJi ovcrj" night in the year. BXUXCB OFFICES: XWS Market red opx>C£ite Firih; open until Jl p. m. T.fS Mootcomczy «v»>. ; open until J> p. m. r/O Hayes street: oj>en until 9:30 p. m. ».::» MrA.'listcr etree.t: open -.:. 9:30 p. m. \ rif> L»rk!n street; open until 9:30 p. m. ] 3:'il BtinSOQ street; \u25a0en until 10 p. m. Z<<- KlP^v:^th (street; open until9 p. m. ' :"'i96 Valencia street; open until 9 p. m. {Cortbeast earner Church and Duncan streets; open ur.ti! 9 p. m. £908 Fnirr.c-re street; open until 9 p. m. | TO SUBSCRIBERS LEAVINGTOWN j FOR THE SUMMER. CALL subscribers contemplating 1 a change of. residence during 1 the summer months can have their paper forwarded by sjuil to their new address by notify- ing- THE CALL Easiness Office. This paper will also be on sale at all summer resorts and is represented by a local agent in all towns on the coast. MEETTITG NOTICES. A BEGCIIAB meeting of San Fran- I"" ciac-o Chapter No. 1. Hose Croix. A. . LJ, . snd A. ScottiKh Rite of Freema- k_^_J ponry. will held in Chapter El Hal! Masonic "feniple. Cn THURS- I/I UAY EVEKING. April 20. 1905. at J\J , 8 o'clock. Degree -"Extingulshtag L of the Lights." All visiting brethren are cordially invited. HENRY BURNER. Secretary. CALIFORNIA Lodge No. 1, F. and A. m V uHI meet THIS (THURSDAY) WV EVENING. April 20. at 7:30 o'clock. />r\ Third degree. FRANKLINH. DAY. Secretary. FIDELITY Lodge No. 120. F. and A. m M.— Ppc-fial meeting THIS (TIIURS- *VV DAY* EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /^\ Third degree. Master Masons cor- dially invited. By crder of the W. M. FREDERICK BARRY. Secretary. DORIC Lodge~No72l eTFTanTX M.— %~~ TljJrd degree THIS 'THURSDAY) VVf rVENING. S o'clock. Master Masons /V> c^rdialiv invited. By order of the Master. J. R. GOLDSMITH, Secretary. ETARR KINO Lodge No. 344. F. and m A. M., 321 Dcvieadero et. Special VV meeting THIS (THURSDAY) EVEN- -^^ INGat 7:30 o'clock for. third degree. Vtyttinp brethren cordially invited. By order ' of the W. M. H. F. WRIGHT. Secretary. WESTERN ADDITION Lodge No. ZSb. I. O. O. F.—lnitiation THlS^^^fejJ^, 1THURSDAY) EVENING. vis- itors cordially invited. -^5«3E3*" G. H. FREIERMUTH, Secretary. GOLDEN W-EST~Lo<lj^" Ktk 322. '1~ - "•*•- '">. O. F.—lniviatlon T!!IS4J > r 'sys^.% fTHURSDAY) HVENING. v i--- t^4^St*^ ( itort cordially invited. * =^S*S«^ r D. A. HEMPHILL. N. G. UNITY Lodge No. 01. Knights of •*£ P\-thias, will confer the rank of Knight on THURSDAY EVENING, Mfc April 20. at 220 Golden Gate awe jg^S^\, All brother Knights are cordially invited to attend. By order JOHN ROBERTSON. C. C S. W. GATES, K. of R. and S. CROATIAN Benevolent Society Zvommlr No. ?1. N. C. S. Meet- r?Sf> ins THIS (THURSDAY) EVEN- '\u25a0SQi ING. April 2". 1905. at 32 O'Farrell J»SBJw et.. Fraternity Hall. Officers and "WSV* members are requested to be pree- NSi ent, as" important matter will rr come before the body. J. KRSTINICH. President. M. JERKOVICH, Secretao-. . EPRECKELS SUGAR COMPANY—NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING— THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Spreckels Sugar Company will be held the office of the company. 327 Market «treet, tan Francisco. Cal.. on MONDAY the 24th (Jay of April. 1905. at the hour cf 11 a m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors to eerve for the ensuing ytar and for the transaction of such other bueinees as may come before the meeting The transfer bocks will close on Friday April 21, 1905, at 3 p. m. ; W. H, H ANN AM, Secretary. JvOTICE of annual meeting of Mercantile Trust Coirpacy cf San Francisco regular an- nual meeting of the stockholders of the Mercantile Truet Company of San Francisco •HI be held on WEDNESDAY. April 26 1805. at 12 o'clock noon, at the office or the company. 464 California street. San Francisco. California, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing ye*r. an* for the transaction of such cth*r business at may come before the meet- ing. Transfer books -win close on Saturday April 18. I*os. at 12 o'clock noon. °" luru 7 ' Dated April 10, 1805. m JOHN D. McKEE. Secretary. THE California Debris Commission having r»- ceived application to mine by hydraulic pro- *^ e6 l from X- H " Xv **«nan. N. H. Lang and I B. Cronan. in Aituras and Ramona mil- near Croaibers. Plumas County, Cal drain! ing into tributary of Long Valley 1 -en •w-liich reaches middle fork of Feather River' gH-es .-. notice that a meeting to receive any protests will be held at room ?8 Flood build mr Par Francisco. Cal.. May t, 1005. at \u25a0 1 :20 p. m. . , " \u25a0 . . ATTOBHXYB- AT-^AW. '. ADVICE in ail legal matters; all kinds of cults* prosecuted and defended; damage cases a spe- cialty; corporation* . organired; probate and i re*l estate tr.atter»; collections; ail kinds of pa;;e:-s prepared. Op«a evening by appoint- ment. aOl-202 Schmiedell building. cor. Clay tnd. Montgomery »ts.; telephone Black 642. Afivice fre* In all legal mattere; private divorces a Epcclaltj; quick; let; no pay unless divorce It granted; collections made: partnership bill of •ale, \u25a0wills, deeds, etc', drawn. Open evenings ty nxjuest. Established 22 years. G. \V. IHOW E. 1122 Market rt.. b»t. Maeon * Taylor. R. W. I^JNG. Attorney-at-Law. Exam. bldg. flth floor entrance, room 611; established 20 years: all courts, general courts and | offlco rr^ctJcc: no fees In advance or for consulta- ilcn: e»,*r.!npi by appointment. Tel. Red ;;'.;oi. ADVICE free; le^al divorce, coats $12; all law r**er ; ttndled; no fee in ad\-aace: open Sat- urday cvcnlErs; other, erenings by appoint- re»nt: coll end tave money. 819. Market, r. 33. AA— DIVORCE: costs $12; quick, quiet; advice Ilree; all law business: no charge unless euc- ccesful; open evenings. 027 Market, room 301. WAHNKU TEMPLE practices In all State fend fed: courts: Tcfcate.' real estate. bankruptcy rpecialist. 807 J.Flood bldp; pbone.'John 2541. Jl*: P. CLARK. «27 Market, room 3<u7ccnsulta- fion frr-o: bo fec-i In sdvance; cpen «ven!nga.. AGSITTS 2»"i:35. 6TKADY cn'i'loj merit to'cood solicitors/ Itoom _ \u25a0" -\u25a0 Grr.ol hlftc.. corner 7th and Market sts. . \u25a0 •- ctras. fcl N OLA'S Acthn-.a" Rctr.edy rc!leve» insuntly; f K-c. 25c, W)c. l«02 Market, St. Nicholas,- also ] tViEhart. Tenth and Washington, Oakland. EM?LOYME!TT WAaTTBD— ICAM-Con. ! A RELIABLE and competent business man of experience desires position as bookkeeper or general office work; moderate salary; excel- lent reference and bond. Box l*fct, Call office. > $3000 PER year; insignificant: if you want an expert bookkeeper or accountant I am pre- pared for the work by long experience and good reference. Box 772. Call. i- . -v A , YOUNG Scandinavian | man and wife with a little business wants any kind of work to do at home; little salary. Box 686. CalL. PAINTER and paperhanger wants situation; , all work guaranteed and very reasonable: . h"ve all tools. PAINTER. 1143* Mission st. ;: phone Howard 2222. . , - ; TWO Swedes, 25 years old. speak English; ma- chinists by trade; ' can run locomotive, sta- tionary and marine engines, wants positions. Address LAGERBERG. Belmont. Cal. WANTED— as steward or cashier, restaurant "hotel, cafe or rooming-house, by an experienced man; $500 security _lf re- I quired. Address Manager, bo* 131. CalL^ YOUNG, up-to-date barber from Sacramento , wants work in good shop: first-class and strictly temperate. Box 844. Call office. j STEADY young man wishes position as as- sistant \ bookkeeper; good references. Box I 738. Call office. -. -\u25a0 \u25a0 MIDDLE-AGED man good cook, wants work on ranch or small country town. \u25a0 Box 874, !' Call. --..\u25a0.- \u0084-"'.'" ' ' _\u0084 GENERAL blacksmith and shoer wishes situa- tion; sawmill or big ranch. Address F. A. MUSSET, Elmhurst.' Cal. ' ' YOUNG man, aged 20. wishes good position In ! office of reliable firm; experienced as assist- ant cashier; references. Box 180. Call office. ;AN embroiderer, Japanese, wishes •> position to work : with a dressmaker In the city or elsewhere; has had experience in all kinds ;of designs for 13 years. Write letter. TOM. 1329 Pine at. ' . _^. AN intelligent, responsible Japanese wishes a position as butler; can perform excellent but- ler's, duty;, has references In regard to his ability and character. KATO. 525 Pine St. JAPANESE; first-class cook, who has experi- ence of ; many years, wants position In pri- vate family; has best references. G. HI- GASH. ' 703 Larkin st. tel. Polk 3782. JAPANESE honest, educated boy., wants posi- tion as butler or general houseworker in good family. S. ' HARRY. 507 Larkl.n St.; teL . Larkin 1494. " -\u25a0 . - A GOOD, honest Japanese boy wants position as waiter on table cr housework; speaks good English NAKAO. ! 60* Sutter St.; tel. Green 225. - AN honest Japanese couple want positions; man to cook, wife waiter at table, house- work in family. G. FULUTANI, 481 Jessie st. ; phone Folsom 2742. - \u25a0 iGOOD English Japanese boy wants to work in store or office In morning or afternoon; no room and board. R. W. GEORGE. 530 Eddy. YOUNG Japanese, boy wants a position to do housework and wait on table in good fam— . . lly. O. X.. 248 Ellis St.; tel. Jesalo 824. I YOUNG Japanese boy wants position to do housework and wait on table in good family. KASANO. 607 Larkin at.- tel. Larkin 1494. A GOOD Japanese boy wants a position as cook or waiter In family. 8. TAOKA. 451 Jessie st. phone Folsom 2742. ' ' GOOD Japanese boy. who Is studying at the Commercial High School, wishes situation as schoolboy. - Address S. T.. 810 Stockton st. 1 JAPANESE boy wants position to work from 5 to Bp. m. H. 6OWMA. Japanese Gospel Society. 725 Geary st. - \u25a0 : A JAPANESE boy wants a position . work mornings. JUN, Japanese Y. M. C. A., 121 Haight st. _^ « . A JAPANESE boy wants position as cook and do housework "In small family. Address Z. NITTA. 315% Stockton St.. S. F. A JAPANESE young man wants a position as a schoolboy in a small nice family. KARA. Japanese Christian Assoc. 22 Prospect place. , A JAPANESE boy wishes to work 2 or 3 hours every morning. M. AKAMATSU, 121 Haight. JAPANESE good cook, wants situation In family in this city. SUE. 422 Stevenson st. I CHINESE, first-class cook, wants position In hotel. W. S., 21- Brenham place. CHINESE first-class cook wants position: pri- vate place. \u25a0 AH GEE, 7 Brenham place. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at ' . Call branch office, cor. Duncan A Church st». A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep- I lion of advertisements and subscriptions baa been opened'' at 1008 ' Market St.. opposite j Fifth. \u25a0 Open until 11 p. m. - -.-•-- | ;. . * \ PINAJJCLA.L. .''"'7,;^ ;;__ WANTED— S2O,OOO to be subscribed by one or more men for completing a well already In ' course of construction, now down 600 feet, but with expectancy of sinking 3000 feet; located In the ' Santa Maria district; sur- rounded by producing wells ; It gives better promise of results than did the Final three years ago, 8000 shares of which, costing 50c j per' share, sold last month for $30,000 cash. For particular* apply W. E. BARNARD, 478 Tenth St.. Oakland. REALTY SYNDICATE CERTIFICATES CONTINENTAL B. AND L. CERTIFICATES purchased for cash; top prices paid. Address either 512 Call \u25a0 bldg. or 107 Crocker bJdg. WANTED $7000 or $8000 of Realty Syndicate certificates; highest market price paid. 1 W. E. BARNARD, 476 Tenth. St.. Oakland. raiWTOMT, A AA—COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES." FLATS, apartment and rooming houses; our renting department is free to all; we can find you a home, in any part of the city; ask for no payment other than , your good will; we do not ask you to buy or even look at the goods; use this department freely; \u25a0 you are more than welcome. . CORDES FURNITURE CO.. 245-259 Geary 1..-, st. (on the square). .. STERLING FURNITURE COMPANY. \u25a0 Every desirable vacant dwelling is listed 'In our " renting department. Combined lists from 25 of the largest agencies. Saves a world of time and trouble. , Service Is absolutely free. ' You are not asked to buy or even look at furniture. Welcome! . .•\u25a0> . -v - STERLING FURNITURE COMPANY, - 1039 Market st. Opposite McAllister. FREE rent for 15 days; 1446 Valencia; 12 minutes from Emporium: new sunny, modern j . 6-room flats;. beam, tinting, electricity, gas. I : storeroom; no fog; ' Janitor and water free; $22 50. $25. Apply 102 Eddy st. UPPER flat: 4 sunny rooms, bath; modem: small - family. 63 . Dehon St., between Six- ' teenth and Seventeenth, near Sanchez. FLAT, 4 large rooms; sunny; near public square: rent reasonable. Inquire after 2. 541 Scott st. OAK. 1359, ' near Baker Beautiful sunny up- per flat; 6 rooms and bath; rent reasonable. FIFTEENTH. 2282— Upper flat, 5 rooms and ! bath; $25. , Apply middle flat. , SUNNY middle flat, 4 rooms, bath and yard: -.$20. 20 Shotwell st.. near. Fourteenth. CASTRO, 68*—Elegant modern sunny lower flat: 8 rooms, bath; nearly new; $22 50. - NOE. 326 Lower flat; 6 rooms and bath: rent $22 50. \u25a0 .'•':'\u25a0\u25a0' -->-..- 60 IVY AYE. Fine, sunny top flat, 4 rooms: near City Hall. $12 THREE- '. rooms and \u25a0 bath. 2221 Polk . ? St.. between Vallejo and Green. I METCALF ' placa. ; 14. off . Geary, between Ma- - son and Taylor s rooms with bath to let. LARGEST list of houses and flats to let. Call on LYON A HOAO. 118 Montgomery st. A WEEK'S news for 3 cents The Weekly Call. 16 pages. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. 1 FLATS FOI SAM TTTBMIUajaO. SACRIFICED Modern sunny upper flat of 9 ' rooms; elegantly furnished; make offer. 919 . '.'Jones St.. near Bush. . \u25a0 - \u25a0 * | VALENCIA. 514 Furnished flat for sale at i $100; a bargain. ' . \u25a0: SIXTH. 414— Gt. bargain: well fur. flat. 7 < rooms.': bath; all rented: no agt.: rent «27 SO. PLATS WANTED—FUBNISHED. WANTED In': Western Addition. famished ' flat of: 7; or 8 rooms iby - responsible parties -for six months or longer. Box 109«. Call. ' ' . ' 7TTRHIT U«X - WAKTXO. '. " .- ' : j "WE'LL GET YOUR BUSINESS"— pay - ; the most ; money for furniture, carpets. office : fittings." merchandise and houses. MARK J LEVY AUCTION CO.. 1321 Market st., be- tween 9th and 10th. Phone South 179. HENRY MAYER pays highest ! prices for fur- niture, carpets; etc. ,752 Mission ;teL ßush 813, CALL on Alfred Wollpert. 773 Mission st.. be- -- for* jelling your furniture. 4 Phone Red 4462. ' ' Z. . ABE LEVY.'. 1135 Market st.; phone Jessie .-\u25a0' 7' '.. pays cash and buys everything. . . ._ . ._ -.-: - / FUKH IT UitE rOB 3AL£. " FOR sale , entire furnishings : of a 5-roorn .'house,- including Stand" t* Decker piano: every- thing complete to move in;!rentonly $ig per month ; \u25a0 Dtano T cost originally $600, _ nearly »'. new;:. will sell all for $300; biggest bargain on :: earth. Inquire rooms 15-16. 759, Market st. ; FOLDING bed ; and )marble-top ; bureau. J5 50. i -: 3305 . Twenty fourth \u25a0 St., near Mission. : HEIiP WASTIB DRESSMAKER, country store ........... $7! Cook. 10 adults."- Berkeley .$;:; Cook, no washing. San Mate0..:.......54< - cooks. American families, city ...S'!i Cook for country hotel-. ................. JjJ Cook, small restaurant city ...***»} Housework. Fort Miley. little wash .....liC Second girl. Monterey, fare paid $&' Infant nurse, references £;( Janitor and wife, apartment-house '.s.;.• \u25a0, 2 nurseglrts. city ..... 4 waitresses, hotels.- city and country. ..$23 Restaurant waitress $<i -w*el< i Housework. Callstoga .Vui 2 second girls ....... $UO-JU3 Nurse for an orphanage -I'^tl Second cook, delicatessen, -sleep home . M Housework. San Mateo. San Rafael. Oakland and all near-by towns, good places and leading wages; call early to-day. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 334 Sutter St. A NURSERY governess, $35; 3 cooks, $30 and . $35: housemrl. Berkeley. $03; Alameda. - $30. .2 in family; 6 housegirls. $30; 10 house- girls. $25; houseglrl. San Anaelmo. 2 in family. $25: ranch cook. $25; second girl. $25; hotel waitress. $25. MRS. NORTON. 508 Mason st. GIRLS to learn hatrdressing. manicuring, mas- sage, etc.. from A to Z in two weeks; tuition $5 to those entering now; 5 positions to fill immediately; guaranteed $12 week up; day and eve. class. College 233 Geary st. room IX WANTED Girls to learn millinery trade for spring; 2 seasons from start to finish In 00* mo. for $5: positions guaranteed $15 week up; 8 positions to be filled at once; day anl eve. class. School 143 Stockton St.. room 13. PACIFIC Hairdressing School; whole trade, manicuring, massage; positions $10 a -week up; day and evening classes. 133 Powell st. MOLER SYSTEM OF COLLEGES. 643 Sacra- mento st.. teaches hairdresslng. manicuring, facial massage. or barberin?; special rates / now; 1 expert Instructions; steady practice; all work free. Call or write. SALESWOMEN wanted for various depart- ments. Apply Superintendent's Of See. TH3 EMPORIUM. YOUNG women. 18 years and past, wanted for extra work on Saturdays. Apply Superin- tendent's Office. THE EMPORIUM. GIRL for housework and plain cooking; small family; small flat. «4O Frederick (Beach car). Call 1 to 3p. m. ; carfare. _^ .. .— ——GIRLS' millinery in 1 mo. for $5; positions guaranteed ; eve. school only. 283 Geary.r.l3. GIRL for general housework. Apply 1*67 Mis- sion St.. before noon; wages $20. OPERATOR on two-needle machine. 609 Mis- sion St., third floor. APPRENTICES for hairdressing: paid while learning. COBOROVE'3. 110 \u25a0 Geary St. IRONBRS on ready-made work. 656 Missies. St.. third floor. ' ASSISTANT cutter on ladies' and children's wear. 656 Mission St.. third floor. WANTED Young girl for light housework. 1344 Utah St.. between 24th and 25th. EXPERIENCED girl to do folding In bindery. 24-26 Second st. WOMAN to assist in small restaurant: no ex- perience required; good wages. 320 Third at. WANTED Experienced alteration hands for jackets and skirts. Apply R. D. DA Via A CO. ' . LADIES for fancy work department; experience unnecessary; 15c per hour at first; take work home. 1344 Market, opp. 7th; 9to 5. SEWING machine operators on overalls; no »x- perlenee necessary. LE*VISTRAUSS A CO.. 32% Fremont st. MR. DAVIS. TWO first-class finishers on coats. 1 229 St«v- enson st. WANTED—Finisher on coats. ISO Clara St.. corner Fifth, upstairs. EXPERIENCED cook; on* that has worked tn Jewish family; good waxes. 1180 CFarrell. 1 WANTED- young girl or middle-aged wom- an: good home; small wages. 1123 Sutter st. NKAT, energetic lady solicitor of good ad- dr**ss.; good sal. guar,; deposit req. 843, \u2666 Call. WANTED First-class coat finisher: ' good, wages; steady. SESSMEN. 520 Kearny. r. 1. Employment and Supplies, I BARBERS, Take Notice— J. B. 1. XT. of, A. has removed to 723 Market St.. room 27. History bldg.: free ' employment bureau. Phone James 6626. JOSEPH R. BLEILY. Secretary. I FOR sale A finely fitted 4-chair barber shop: 30 years' standing, good business and nn» living rooms: cheap rent: leas* If desired: will stand investigation: want to leave San Francisco May 1. Box 137. Call office. ! BARBER shop. 2 chairs, in rear of saloon: best stand on Market st. ; will rent to goo/, responsible parties: cheap rent. 562 Market. WANTED, barber; must be first-class work- " man: wages $20 per week. Address H **. GOEHRING. Red Blug. Cal. '. . BARBER for Saturday evening and Sunday. $4; 1 for erenlngs. 6:30. steady. Box 1073. Call. BARBER wants a Sunday morning Job. Box 1087' Call. \u25a0.' ' \u25a0 \u25a0 BARBER wanted as partner In barber shoo and baths. $400. 1201 Polk st. I BARBER shop for . sale. 2759 Folsom st. BARBER wants Job In first-class place; city or country. B. BROWN, 1423 California st. WANTED SmaII barber shop in country town; ' state particulars. Box 741, Call. .BARBER'S 2-chair outfit for $33. 1723 Howard. WANTED— buy country barber shop near 1 city. Ad. particulars COLEMAN. 708 Market. L '\u25a0': Hffltf WJJTTED MAJU. AT PACIFIC AND CONTRACTORS' EM- PLOYMENT AGENCY. 638 Washington »t.- phone James 3301. man. lumber eo.' north. $4'"> and found; edgerman. $30 and found; young man. tally lumber same place see boss here to-day; 5-laborers, mill and yard work. Mendocino Co.. $28 to $35 and found, see boss here, cheap fare; bench hand Truckee district, see boss here, . $3 30 day', .bench hand. $3 50; band sawyer and turner' 75c fare. $3 50 day; spooltender. $65 and \u25a0 found; railroad laborers. company work north. $60; tlemakers. 12c tie. tools ad- vanced; porter, city restaurant. $30; younc man .to wait at baker's counter. $3 "week- cooks, waiters and dishwashers. Apply 8S& Washington st. "" A6SI3TANT foreman, railroad \u25a0 construction $50 and found: 8 milkers. $30-S4O and found- farmer and wife, $45 and found; 2 black- smiths $3 and $3 25 day; screw turner for mill. $50 to $C 0 and found: woodsmen. $33 to $40 and found; miners. $2 2S and $3 day- carmen. $2 day; furnace men. $2 30 to $2 SO day; boy to learn machinist trade, and others J. F. CROSETT A CO. 628 Sacramento »i SCANDINAVIAN Janitor and wife. $65; 2nd cook, country hotel. $40 and found- cook small hotel. $40 and found; restaurant cook' $10 week: cook and wife, country. $60 and found and others J. F. CROSETT » CO. 628 Sacramento st. AT COSTIGAN A CO.'* 624 Clay street . PHONE Bush 649. First class carpenter. lon» Job. 8 hrs..sB T3 Blacksmith helper, drive shoes; -$2 25 day. Choreman. private place: $25. found. 8 drillers, quarry, fare sc; $2 25 day. 8 distributors, $7 50 week; roustabout. $20 found. - . .. Wheeler teamsters, $2. $2 25; bedmaker. $28 found. Dishwasher, city. $35. board and room. 5 : laborers. $2: 1 waiter, country. $20. M. AT C. R. HANSEN * CO.'S.. 429 Bush St. U; S. CANAL— NEVADA. T>amsters and laborers, rate fare, $2 25 day. Tunnelmen. teamsters and laborers: rail- road work. $2. $2 25.. $2 50 a day. 100 Greeks. IPO Austrtans. ICO Italians, rail- I road work; north; free fare-: $1 \u25a0• a day.- Scandinavian Janitor and wife. city. $65. rtna. Lunch man. city. 910 a week and board. 8 waiter*, city. *3O and $33 and found. C. . R. H ANSEN A CO. 420 Bu»h St. i ANDRE'S Office. iIT Stockton st. Man to milk cows. .make butter. wife 'to care for poultry, 1 $50. found: \u25a0 greenhous* gardener. private place. $35; French cook. $100: second / \u25a0 cook. $75. relief cook. $30: waiter.- nice conn. try hotel.** $35; waiter. ?30; potwasher. $30; kitchen hand. etc.. ?30; stableman and dri- ver for builder. «14 % week, etc A CATHOLIC man fywing) to act as sexton; $25. room- and -board: references necessary. MISS PLUNKETT. 428 Batter st A MAN and wife for private family In coun- try. $50: see party here at 9:30 fhts morning. . . MISS PLI'NKF.TT. 42S Sutt-r st. A MAN -and wife, private place. $50. MRS. NORTON. 503 Mason. •: ____ WANTED—Boys from 14 to 18 vrs of age for delivery boys an.l stock boys. Apoly be- ' tween « and 11 a. m. at HALE BROS.' : , WANTED An experienced bu*h*lmam steady : work. ; HASTINGS CLOTHING CO.. Mont- gomery and iSuttjr sits. WANTED- Boy about IS years old. one-- ac- quainted withj the -paper an.l shade work: J state where workad. Answer box 1"7«. Call. •- : i . WANTED- on Job * presses. \.EAST- * .M A A MITCHELL. 415 . Market st. -- ~ COATV for the country. REIS BROS. & CO.. 24 Sutter st. .. , .. ..' ; MUSICIANS to Join Military Band. . S2S Bush St.. third floor, room 4. . yi A ' BUSHELMAN " wanted. Apply 018 : Market 1 street. 4 i-""GR sale One' "-Oyl^iu^"" ICnox ': tcuiins car: baen run 1575 miles; all in f!rst-c;as3' con- li'tSon* cost . f ii'.i'i ; t«i tK' bcl<l at bate', ir.alta ofltr. Y-'HITK t'AHAUE, JSTS Marvel s>t. . -. TOR Ei!e—2 LcLri-ain."> !r. IUOI model White ptc-atn touring cars: reason fcr selling:, parties l.aye toacht IWio Whiles: It will ;uy you to InvtEtljata. V.'KITE GAItAGE, ISTB Market. At ITOMOUILEfor sale: ccv.- 10-55 moJcl white tcrrfiyj ttr; only betn out cr the saiaee lour tin>>: ccod reason for rolling. Apply F. H. KOCTK. 123 California st. . \u25a0WANTED— To buy cr rent an automobile 'or a trip into the 11 try. Address with price. boy 502. Call crflce. . BUSINESS CHANCES. A $l_."iO raloon on Market street; old cst. stoiid; close to Powell street; a bargain; lease. Call R. G. WILKE, .5 Kearny st. A f-500 corner saloon, roadhouse on transfer point of different oirlines; lease; nice fur- iiithcd roocs; \u0084.^.-t be sacrificed, as owner is engaged in other business; actual value at ieatt 5400CK R. G. WILKE, 2<J»4 Kearny st A—$1000; COR. grocery and branch bakery, with 3 living: rooms: rent 520; a good paying place, with money to be saved fur the bani':; good fcr man and wife. Call K. C. WILKK. "O^a Kearny st. A—524CO; CORNER grocery and bar; must be sold; owner to engage in other line of busi- ness; full value of use stock in sight; 4',s- year le«Fe location can't be beat. Call R. G. WILKE, 26^ Kearny st. : A—?2so; PAINTING and* paper-hanging busl- j ness, established many years, with estab- : lished gcod trade. Call for particulars. R. ; G.V/ILKJS. 2G',i Kearny Bt. _ ! A -$2600; HOTEL and barroom with 30 fur- r.'.thed rooms in Oakland manufacturing dis- trict; rent $60; horse, buggy; lease: estab- lished year* Call It. G. WILKE, 26 >a Kearny Bt. \u25a0• A—s24ooA $2400 EAR-ROOM, corner on Geary St.. a few blocks from Chronicle bids'.; rent $85; | lease; a splendid location and rare ohance: i;ci.:.c-(* of owner only cause of sale. Call R. G. WILKE. SOH Kfarny »t. \u25a0 A— slBoo CORNER grocery and bar on Ellis | «t., with living rooms; place established years; location first class; cash business, no truit, and deaiiafi above $160 per month. call R. O. WILKK, StP.a Kearny st. A—slsoo;A $1500; CORNER i-a'.oon on Larkin St.; no tetter location; so' business; fine fixtures; h bargain and rore chance. Call R. G. j WILKK. 2C^ Kearny st. A^**soo; DELICATESSEN stats and tamale j kitchen; the leading store of this line in ! the city: location the very best; owner must sacrifice so he has to leave for Tonopah to attend mine. Call R. G. WILKE. 26H j Kearr.y st. _ j $700. BAKERY in San Jlateo Co.; rent $30; daily receipts, $30; horse, wagon; a good buslß»Sß. For particulars ccc R. G. WILKE, 20*4 Kearny st. A—t36Q; CORNER cigar stand on Kearny St.; lease; a splendid offer and first-class loca- tion: owner must leave city for East at once, R. G WILKE. 26 Kearny st. ' A—s9oo; STEAM laundry in Western Addition; 1 horse. 1 wagon, 6-hor=epower boiler and en- gine, hydraulic washer; business well estab. ; sickness compels owner to sacrifice. R. G. "WILKE. 26^ Kearny at. . A—$800; SALOON with 14 furnished rooms on Ean Bruno eve.; rent $30; place established years and one of the best paying places on the road. Call R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny. A—s2soo: GENTS" furnishing store, estab. for many years and doing a good paying cash business; owner sells because he is interested otherwise. Call R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny. A—s3soo;A $3500; WOOD, coal yard,- with agency Union and National Ice Co.. also Shasta water: 3 horses. 2 wagons, stock. \u25a0 etc. ; place estab. 9 years, located across bay: first-class business opportunity. R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny st. A—s3ooo; SALOON on Market st.. with 4 years' lease; rent net $85; location close to Battery ft., owner must leave at once to settle pri- vate affairs East- a good business and very rare chance. Call R. G. WILKE, 26% Keair.v Et. $5500; DAIRY: 15 miles from the city; lease of 270 acres of land; 120 cows; boiler, separa- tor, cans; 4 horses; good milk route. R. O. WILKE. 26% Kearny st. A—s7soo; THE best paying corner saloon on Montgomery st. ; lease. Call R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny rt. . - . A—s2soo; PORK, delicatessen and dairy pro- duce business; established 10 years; clearing $250 per month; owner also owns property; will give 6 years' lease to good man and wife who know the business. See R. G. WILKE. 23% Kearny at. $1400; THE only German bakery In a town of 20,000 Inhabitants. about 70 miles from this city; a business and R. R. town; 4 _ horses, 3 wagons, good store trade: stock at Invoice. Call R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny st. A—s2soo;A $2500; CORNER saloon surrounded by fac- tories and wholesale houses, rent $90; 3 years' lease; must be sold at once, as owner Is en- raped In other business. See R. G. WILKE 26% Kearny st. . . A—sl6so;A $1650; CORNER grocery and bar on Sacra- mento St., Western Addition; 5 rooms; 4 years' lease; place established years. Call R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny st. A—slsoo; BAKERY, confectionery and Ice- cream parlors In town about 30 miles from the city; 3 horses, 2 wagons; baking 3 bar- rels per day; 4 years' lease. Call R. G. ' WILKE. 26% Kearny st. A HOTEL with 30 rooms, across the bay; 4% years' lease; rent only $30; good-paying bar; owner must sell on account of business in ' this city. R. G. ILKE. 26% Kearny st. A—sl2so;A $1250; FINELY fitted up coffee, tea and crockery store: well established, with 3 nice livingrooms; leas* If wanted; value In Eight; a bargain. See R. G. WILKE, 26% Kearny. A— s3ooo: CORNER saloon, on Sixth st.; place doing a good-paying business; estab. years; lease; a first-class business proposition. For particulars see R. G. WILKK. 26% Kearny. TO LIVERY STABLE MEN. ~~~ Right. In the business portion of growing Berkeley, a 50-foot lot and two-story build- ing, comprising stable below and hall above; thoroughly well built and particularly adapted for the livery business. For sale at . very reasonable price. MASON-McDUFFIE COMPANY, ; Berkeley station v $9000— ONE of Market st.s best saloons; lo- cated in one of the best downtown districts; lease; day place; reasonable rent; doing a business of $20,000 per year; to parties mean- ing business and who will produce bank cer- tificates of deposit own-ed by them will give you further details. Comply with those te/ms and call at 482 Eddy St.; best of reasons for gelling; other greater interests. A SNAP General merchandise store; kitchen. ware, notion*, etc. ; showcases and other fix- tures; business pays about $140 a month; can be increased; rent only $35 a month, with living rooms; on permanent street In Oak- lend; other business and dissolution of part- nership cause of sale; Investigate this at once. P. O. box 162.»Oaklan d. $1450 BUYS a splendid delicatessen; well lo- cated for best trade: a money-maker; first- class fixtures; g<rod reason for Eelling. •• THE SELLER CO.. -816 Market st. $550 CONFECTIONERY and candy store that must be cold; party going away; good busi- ness. THE SELLER CO., »16 Market. NOTICE. LADIES—I want about 6 ladles with at least $2000 to Invest In business In this city; they will.have real estate in this city for security and they .will make 12 per cent or the money they Invest; they will be the board of directors of the company. ~ Apply at 61 Duboce aye; before 11 o'clock a.,m. ' . FOR Sale— Reasonable, account of " 111-health, 3-chalr barber shop, running stead}-; 2 bath- rooms;' best location in Reno; 2 doors below postofflee; opp. 8. P. depot; rent low. . Ad- dress P. O. box 241, -Reno, Nev. ' . $1000— MANUFACTURING business' partner wanted; employs- 15 to 30 hands; latest \u25a0 Im- proved machinery running full capacity; or- ders far in advance: books and business open to Inspection. 632 Market st., room 6. $900— SALOON. ~~~~ ~~ •-..-\u25a0 ..j: Handsome place. - Satisfactory trial given. EUREKA REALTY CO.. 1118 Market st. $250— PARTNER wanted In light, genteel bust. r.?F-s; established for years; pays at least $90 monthly to each; \u25a0 experience not necessary; only sober man. 1027% Market st., room 2. BUSINESS for sale—About $.",000 will buy es- tablished business In good coast town of 4000 population; act quick; owner has other Inter- ests. Box 1085.. Call office. A— R. E. CALLAHAN. 20 Montgomery st. Telephone John - 0306. Business Locations and Leases » Specialty.. - I WlLLlNG' man' wanted as partner; average ; ray to each, is7r>: small capital required. 131 I Montgomery hi., room i. .... . < \u25a0 FOR salt cbe-ap. a saloon; good location. In- quire ANCHOR BREWERY. 1431 Pacific st bet. 2 ar.d \u25a0St'-o. m. •"> : WANTED— S7COO 'cr ; SSOOO of I Realty. Syndi- cat* certificates;; highest market price paid W. £\u25a0 BARNARD. 476 Tenth \u25a0. Oakland. j GROCERY, doing cash* business; 'ong lease, \u25a0low rent; sell at Invoice; good reason for sell- Ing. Address IPS N.;Maln «t...Napa. Cal. ! MILK ranch: 110 acres: rent 5230 year- near I Han Pablo; income $210 month.;. C. F. DOO- LI'-.Y. 510 Thirteenth St.; Oakland.' : ••_-.- -.-. PAPER route ror ; sale i in Oakland;; a good Call rcute in Oakland for sal*. Apply :at Call business office", fcr particulars. ' '\u25a0:-\u25a0 WANTED—Partner, young . man" hustler, In established wholesale - business; about $2500. Box 816. Call office. I ! A. CAMERON &. CO "' ' ' Phone South \ 1050. I \u25a0•'•;•. 3 Eddy st- cor > Market and PO-.vell. r--2 1 Headquarters -for' Rooming-houses, Hotels ana Li All Kinds of Business Chances; ' Here's a fine ;investment— this ' house \u25a0of -35 1 rooms, close - in; good furniture ' and carpets, : with rent at $150 per * month, clearing over I 5100 every month; can be run with some tran- sient and do better; every thing,in good con- dition; $2700 will take it. , ' First-class downtown, new .' modern, thor- i oughly, respectable rooming-house. 42 room* ! .filled .with, very best " Quality furniture; rent i ' trifle ' over $5 \u25a0 per room, where •- you can clear ;*250 and over per , month ;\u25a0 always . full; > can be ; bought ; reasonable on account of retiring from : business..-, .- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. I : Fine little apartment-house of 21 rooms ; rent I only $100 with lease- well furnished through- j out; will be sola , away down on . account of leaving: city; pries $1500. '\u25a0 i' ..": i \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 Modern up-to-date downtown ' house: cheap . rent; good lease; 70 rooms; well furnished: has good ; country transient trade: never should clear less than $300 per month the year round, 1 best of reasons for selling. . ..'.-\u25a0'-' i : Elegantly furnished modern; 8-room ' flat; choice location; cost over $1000 six months ago. ; will sacrifice it for $800, as must leave city. j Grand new building 'of 60 , rooms; elegantly ! furnished In mahogany oak and blrdseye ma-, ple, finest quality carpets; cheap rent; fine 10- ; cation; all full and clearing $300 per month i above all expenses: will be sold at great sac- rifice on account sickness in family. ' . -. . - . [:• Beautifully furnished little house of 11 \u25a0 rooms ; - nice ; block on '• Eddy. et. ; . %-sawod oak : furniture, all hair mattresses, velvet and Ax- 1minster carpets where you can have fine home ' and make some money besides; will be sac- rificed for quick sale. .:• '. \u25a0- New and. up-to-date apartment-house of_sT !rooms; most elegantly furnished house In 8. *\u0084 \ 2 and 3 room apartments; year lease; obliged ; ( to go East. .. . . \u25a0;\u25a0 -\u25a0<-• '.- Choice new, modern corner house, with 2 fine entrances; close in; most elegantly furnished throughout; where you can clear $300 and over j "every month; never \u25a0on market before; s~~ ;down,' balance $60 per month and no interest; ! leaving, city.- .' . . . : *\u25a0 Good' buy for some one; this 22-room house; ' fine neighborhood- rent only $100; well fur- . nished and clearing $85 to ; $9O per month; re- duced to $1500 to make quick sale; will take ; $850 cash to get In. , ' .; .: - This beautifully ; furnished 6-room flat: close : I in: no car fare; fine location; rent only **». ! , water free; can be bought on account' of elcK- ! ness for $500; about Vi cost to furnish. '•\u25a0'' \u25a0"•'.; "A. CAMERON & CO., 8 Eddy st. ' ; IA CHEAP bargain: a rooming-house with 14 , rooms fcr sale. 618 Howard St.. old No. 609%. WANTED— lodging-house of 85 rooms; dean furniture. Address box 9516. Call office. \u0084 going East. 14-r. house.nicely \u25a0 fur.; $350; must sell before Ist. Box 705,Ca11. v ; _ _ ._ \u25a0 : -_^^ : MME. BERNARD, ' THE FAMOUS . Clairvoyant and business medium, reads your life correctly; gives accurate description of \u25a0 past: reveals present happenings; portrays ' events to occur In the future; valuable ad- vice on ell > affairs in life; satisfaction guar- anteed; 25c up. 17 Third st., near Market. I ISMAR, " Egyptian seeress. The Vendome, 1104 Market st. San Francisco. Office hours a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12; Wednes- .. day evening. \6to 8. Phone South 1141.. .-;-.-- . MISS M. WILLE, 310 Ellis St.. clairvoyant, crystal seer and life reader, tells you exactly , what you : called for without asking a ques- tion; names 'given; ; $1; hours 10 to 8. , l DON'T fail to sea Mrs. Dr. Gorden's Scotch : seance. 152; Sixth st. ; MME. MARSEAU—Card reader; ladies 20c; gents 50c. 645 Minna St.; phone Folsom 3595. MRS. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader, has removed from 108 Sixth et. 'to 054 Mission. >"^^~"'^^^~~~~'^""^~~~"*~ "**~*"^**!S ; - - SPI»ITPAI.ISM. MME. EILERSFICKEN—CIairvoyant, spiritual life readings daily, 25c. 536 Turk St., between Larkin and Polk. -. \u25a0 , A—MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, bus. medium and life reader. 1206 Market, r. 14, Gait House. Mrs. Sill, 1049 A Market, r. 21: sit. daily, 10 a. ... m. to 7 p. m. ;: cir. Mon., Wed.. Fri. evengs. MME. YOUNG'S marvelous spirit messages to- night, 10c: 619 McAllister; come, skeptics. C V. MILLER'S materializing seance to-night at 8. $1: friends . only. .-10&* .-B^ : . -^, -.--., EARLE'B seance Sun., Wed. nights," 219 Eddy. Read.- dally. Hotel Hlgglns; ladles $1 this wk. PALMISTRY. ."<\u25a0'. -V?.-i ! MME. SOLO, wonderful palmist, card reader; j when other* fall see her. 313 Ellis st. 1 CAEPET TING AND CLEANIWO. COMPRESSED Air and Vacuum Process used \ for cleaning carpets on floor without removal; \ carpets and rugs also, cleaned by compressed .i air at shop; prices moderate. - S. . F. Com- pressed Air Cleaning Co., 308 Market St.; phone Main 152 and Bush 479. WHEN you become disgusted with your work Bend for SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- v ing works, 353-357 Tehama st. Tel. South 40. WESTERN Carpet Cleaning Works, 1809 Har- rison st. ; Al cleaning, - 3c. FRED HAGE- DORN & CO.: Dhone Mission 225. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co., 402 Sutter st tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM & CO.. Props. TEL. Sutter 1981. Star Renovating Co., 630 G. G. aye.; carpet clean., fit, lay. upholstering. MITCHELL'S, 240 Fourteenth First-class . carpet cleaning. 3c yard. Tel. Mission 74. RUDOLPH & CO.. carpet-beating works; prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison st.; tel. Mission 263 X.ACE CTTBTAiars ACT BLANKETS. BRANDT'S New York Curtain House; most .complete plant for cleaning lace curtains and blankets. 1324 Fillmore; phone Pine 2622. -. CREDIT OLOTHTEaa. ; C. F. ADAMS CO.. 318 Mason St.—Clothing for everybody from hat to shoes; you can get what you want from us and have It charged. CLOTHING EENOVATINO. -, -- » . ."--•\u25a0' BUITB cleaned and pressed, $1; : scouring and dyeing. Bon Marrhe, Examiner bids., r. 410; phone Drumm 44. Call for and deliver free. - ; -. COLLECTION OFFICES. BAD tenants ejected for $4; collections made; city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgomery st.. rooms 9-10. Tel. Main 5580. DENTISTS. ..\u25a0;'.\u25a0.':,:.• ."\u25a0 y. j A NEW plate— The Cannot break: \u25a0 t warranted 20 yrs.; crowns $3 60; fillings 50c; - plates. ' $5, fun get: all: work :painless and warranted. Chicago Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth. j Idr. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 Market, nr. 11th—' 1 * No "charge for extracting when plates are i .r made; old plates made over like new; ,teeth \u25a0; from per set; extracting - 50c ; gas given. ' i FILLINGS, 26c and 60c; crowns $2. "" NEW & YORK DENTISTS, 069 Mission, SE. cor. 6th. j GOLD fillings.: 75c; silver. 35c; ' crowns, $2, no j pain; op. Sun. Dr.A.C.Hewltt.lOl^ Grant aye. I DR. R.[L. j WALSH has moved from Geary -at. \u25a0"- to corner Sutter st. \u25a0 and ; Grant aye. ..-;'.; DRESSMAKERS ASS SEAMSTRESSES. KEISTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College. Majes- tlq- building. 1281 Market St., rooms - 506-10. ' Ladles, bring your . material and make your suit under instructions en 1 ;; expert \u25a0; ladles' ;•\u25a0 tailor :: heads ; corps of '.'- Instructors; ; patterns cut to order: the next 10 days we cut; a pat- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 tcrn Ito; measure free to each 1 caller; 1 special ,> :sewing .rates, 50 cents > p«r t day = the next 60 ; ; daysv custom work done: night school. -\u25a0_ MR. . and MRS. JOSEPH STACH, y Principals. ; - McDOWELL Dressmaking & MillinerySchool— - --\u25a0: Patterns cut . to measure; eve.class. . 1019 Mitt; Accordion, i sunburst ; and I knife - pleating. I*.1 *. Stew- j art's button & buttonhole factory. 110 Taylor.' ;vK:'^'^v: EDUCATl ? Ji^______._ IA— THEi). OSBORNE A CONSERVATORY OF v MUSlC—Teaching 2000 pupils weekly in S. F. \u25a0-.:' on mandolin, guitar,' violin, banjo and piano; \u0084: also voice culture; cpcitais given monthly In I Steinway; Hall;( rehearsals free after 15 les'ns. \u25a022:{ Sutter. Phone John 5096. '\~. 220 Grant aye. : LEARN I telegraphy - and ; R.|R. accounting: ' $80 >',to $150 per month,salary 'paid our graduates: \u25a0 our six schools all railroads;; day ' : ' and I evening sessions ; 2 apply t for J catalogue. Morse School of Telegraphy, ;26 CFarrell \u25a0< st. I A— THE i LYCEUM * an ' accredited \ preparatory . ; : school : for university, law and \ medical t col- ";. lege; ; refs., ; Professor Jordan or any Stanford . t professor: > day. , evng. session. Phelan < bldg. j A—METROPOLITAN " Business ' Col."? has I taken it quarters * formerly i occupied fby i Cal: ':'\u25a0 B. C, ; ;i.students of * latter., are > finishing ' their I course ; with * Metropolitan. X 192 5: Golden )Gate ;ave;*t-jw THE Paul ; Geraon. School of Acting,*! the ; largest ._•-: institution v devoted a exclusively to %! dramatic ;- ,. : learning ; mrAmerica :positions guaranteed. Send for catalogue^ Native Sons' building. HEALD'S School of > Mines" and * Engineering. 24 ) ;\u25a0. Post ' St., S. F. ; ci^ll, mining,* electrical, steam ! i, and *as engineering. %j Send for prospectus. ! ENGINEERING—Civil, elec. mm.. ' mech., ur- : ~-\ vey/ assay, cyanide; day.', cv. ; est. 1864. Van - 1 'derNaillon School. 113 Fulton, nr." City Hall. BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued^ A— CAMERON': & C0.... - ! . '. Phone South 1050 . •'{ EdJy, st. cor. Market and: Powell. '? I Headquarters for all kinds of business chances. A Wanted— First-class real estate man with senre money to take charge of the realty de- | partment ,11 old established real estate office, city;, must have best of references and ex- perience. See CAMERON &- CO. ' 1 A To lease first-class chicken ranch of 3 acres; ."5 minutes' ride from city, with'7- roorn inodcrn cottage, all furnished; rent $26 per incnth: liau 250 assorted hens and chick-, ens of besj breeds; al^o CCO imported Homer pigeons, Incubators, brooders -. and pigeon fiys. thoroughly ;>i>ed; ' electric cars on both sides 01 lilace: will sell half interest in fowls and equipments lor $500,. or whole for SB5O. See CAMERON & CO. '7 . , I A—s:::.<> for fine tailoring business, established for 15 years; rent only. $82? CO, with 4 living roo;r.p. well equipped; doing soqd business; sickness compels sale. . CAMERON & CO./. A High-class grocery and family liquor store,"* located in bonton residence district; rent $50; coed fcorre and wagon; sales $75 to $80 per da;.-; fre^h new stock, -.which will invoice more than price asked; must leave city. See CAMERON & CO. : : \u25a0 FOR Only drugstore in thriving- town; Irving-ton, Alamfda Co., \u25a0 Cal.: population about SCO. with big country trade; AncJereon College, two grocery stores, and". one large i hardware and furniture store doing, a .thriv- ing business; excellent opportunity for a . good physician; price $1800; good reason for selling-. Apply to H. D. FORD, lrvington, . Cal. . - ir-.\ . \u25a0 •-\u25a0\u25a0 ; 'i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:. -: -- - *»; WANTED To buy for cash, - a good - business proposition; value must be in sight; no preference as to location/Address box. 504, Call office. : \u25a0 '. '.\u25a0'..:- DELICACIES and lunch-room paying well; good fixtures; attractive front;' living rooms; rent $25: bargain; good reasons for selling. 411 Turk st. \u25a0\u0084..-.......-\u25a0 WANTED buy :or . rent, a chicken ranch or saloon; Colma preferred. Address . A. FROIDOVUX, Colma. \u25a0:-\u25a0-•' \u25a0 .;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0': ; ' ' A—s47s;A $475; SWELL candy, Icecream parlor; gold mine for a candy maker. - 1545 Mission et. . $000 HALF Interest | In iron foundry netting over $800 a month. 777% Market St. $SW>— PARTNER; old established.' well paying- business; reliable and sober.- Box 1083. - Call. STORE, bar, fixtures; " 4 rooms, stable, 4 stalls. 338 Thirtieth St. .' \u25a0;. : $300 PARTNER, i mfg. { business; experience not necessary. Cigar stand, . 288 . Fourth- st. i :—: ; r* 1 STEADY man wanted with $400; genteel \u25a0 and : profitable business.; Apply ,23s Kearny st. , ; GROCERY; stationery; 1 candy; 3 living rooms; for sale cheap. Box 785, Call. .• .. WANTED To buy a saloon. -'.Box 002, : Call OffiCß. __ " -.•-..•\u25a0 - :•\u25a0.•'•' ; \u25a0\u25a0y -.••: .-.-.-";;: RESTAURANT wanted for cash. Box 854, Call office. .-' --.--. \u25a0 -\u25a0- LAUNDRY plant; j complete running order. SPECK, 2132 Folsom st. V WANTED to buy A milk. route. Inquire 1427 Valencia St., near Twenty-fifth. . .', ; -,-. A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep- tion of advertisements and' subscriptions has been opened at 1008 Market St., opposite Fifth. Open until 11 p. m. Boomlxuar-Ho-nses and Hotels for Sal*. MARION GRIFFIN. Bth floor. Room 801. 1 New James Flood Building. 970 Market, Opposite "The Emporium." Offices near the Elevators. -- ROOMING-HOUSES apq HOTELS FOR SALE To -Date Offices. . \u25a0 Modern Business Methods. All Titles Guaranteed. . I : Our Services .Free to Buyers. : Money to Loan. y ' ' Phone Main 33-4-3. MARION GRIFFINof- '• '.. fere as one special this* . \u25a0 ', : week a family hotel of i5O rooms; beautifully \u25a0 furnished and well-es- tablished; rent $250; profit $417 monthly. The reason for selling such a business will be •\u25a0 1 prfc'ately explained to you. If we loaned you $750 |to be repaid $10 month- ly; would you pay $400 down and do the work In a 21-room house for a salary of $60 month- ly? REPORT to RKPORT to MARION GRIFFIN. Office 801, \u25a0 James Flood ; bldg. COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE Is solicited and answered promptly, carefully and truth- fully. We answer every letter on the very day on which we receive It. Now, Dear Reader, write us fully as to your circum- stances and desires and we \u25a0 promise to . use our best endeavors to arrange a sale to suit you. Respectfully yours . for business, : MARION GRIFFIN. 970 Market st. NOTICE To Economical People: Pickup this snap of 16 rooms for $500. % cash. North of Market. One floor. Ea«y tn care for. CORNER. See MARION GRIFFIN. \u25a0 . \u0084- HONEST MECHAN- ICS as steady roomers. Rent- 165 per month and LIFE LEASE. j 82 1 rooms 2 floors. Sunny NE. corner. MONTHLY ' Income $211. PRICE $2006. Terms V, down and $10 monthly. , See _____^__ MARION GRIFFIN. LARGE, respectable , and DEPENDABLE . , houses. Rent $360. Price $4000. 207 rooms, $14,000. . MODERN - APART- - MENTS.150 rooms, apartments TO LEASE FUR- NISHED. 100 rooms: new; mod- ern: CENTRAL., . 90- rooms: BEAUTI- FUL. Profit . $635 ( monthly. 70 rooms : EXTRA good. Profit $31 8 monthly. 168 rooms; $5700; rent $870; lncomft $800. «1 rooms ; central : WELL ESTABLISH- - ED; $4800. 50 rooms: very fine: profit $214: price tMQO. ___ \u25a0' ~~ '\u25a0 ~*~ WANTED Real estate yin ' ex- change \u25a0 for y. rooming- \u25a0'.->- -\u25a0 houses: call and see us '\u25a0\u25a0 y.-•'•\u25a0; or -.write, us fully-of . what you want.*-'-. MARION GRIFFIN . - . -Office, 801 . .. James Flood Bldg. ' LODCrING-HOUSESjPOR SALE. : ; A DOWN -TOWN,' 85-ROOM " HOTEL ,TO . LEASE. WITH OR -WITHOUT GRILL.. Owners of buildlnf wish to deal with a first- class party having $10,000 cash; modern brick , building: on '\u25a0 sunny 'r. side of ; street, running \u25a0 through to rear street ; " all; front \u25a0 suits < have :private 1baths; steam heated; electric light - and elevator;. the right, party. can. secure this elegantly furnished. . hotel, .-now.; being- con- ducted by the ; owners of;building, for about - cne-half cost : of furniture; \u25a0 rent $7 per room; none but principals 'need apply. - G. A.'BER- TON. ! .'l2.'! , Montgomery: st. ;, 1 .;;- : :•*:::;,.:; A 16- ROOM corner, house, best ! location large, sunny rooms elegantly* furnished; suited for \u25a0 Hther'houeekeeping or.- boarding;- full of per- manent -i roomers ; ; also \u25a0 well-pay Ing . business connected; ' leaving city May 1. : Inquire at .- 1409 Van \u25a0 Ness ; aye.; Ino ;agents. -. ' \u25a0•'-'•;' ' .- V ' ; \u25a0 . ; FISHER & CO., James" Flood-bldg., Main 3354, present; a line list of rooming-houses;- many real bargains; personal investigation; desired. I FURNISHED i sunny %corner; flat; \ all, : outside . . rooms; 0 rooms ; and r bath ; , $250. t- 624 Taylor .\u25a0: 6t.. corner Sutter; : income over rent. . \u25a0 \u25a0>, Al ; VERY ; central:- corner -3 rooming-house, .40 . light sunny 7 rooms; well furnished; a bar- gain.' \u25a0\u25a0 j Address owner, : f box 1790, Call office. A WELL furnished apartment-house;. "46 rooms; ' price i $4000; - rent; $175 .'a"; month ; water free; . . no agent.'; ; Apply.; 1020' Polk st. ..: A CHEAP bargain— A*, roominz-house .with 9 . rooms for sale. •> 860 r Mission at.; - must be ' sold at onoc. \u25a0\u25a0•j'-'^&S^ffSS'-. ' ~ x- - ; 1 ;-\u25a0;';\u25a0 ';. , : .' :. ;. ._ .-- \u25a0-. ' BPTTOATlOyAlr— Continued. HEALD'S * BUSINESS COLLEOE. : 24" Post St. Established ; I860: largest iin < the < West; : an- nual enrollment 1000; send for circulars. ' ATTEND a school % that ; gets s situations. We had 40 positions in March; 13 this month. S. , F. Business College, 738 Mission st. BOOKKEEPING. Eng., , Math., 1 , etc.. day and . ; eve. ; *; individual ; Instr. 305 ; Larkin 6t. - Prof. '.*. T. A. , Robinson, \u25a0 former ' pres. Pac Bus. Col. IRVING Institute School for Girla. 2120 Cali- S| fornia St.; Easter term begins Tuesday,' Jan- .vary. vary 3. 1906. ,:- : . \u25a0' .\u25a0• '-\u25a0 \ \u25a0-.;,\u25a0.:-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0;.' ; GALLAGHER-MARSH BUSINESS * COL- : LEGE. 1382 Market st. :. Send ' for catalogue, j I KENT Law School; day and night; 14th year; \u0084 books free. 536 : Parrott building. I FRENCH,Spanish,German,Eng. ; Miss HEMPEL formerly pupil of Prof.- De Flllppe.7Bl Sutter. I Engineering Ev"g School, 20 Hartford; strength, j materials, design, math.. graphostatlcs. drawing. ; \ WESTERN Business College,*. 1281 Market St.; ..', thorough, ;• practical.- modern; day.' evening. j HINMANS rACADEMY, a thorough school of I dancing; all branches. .1412 Polk St., nr. Calif. . ! SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION- " Day and PARTIXGTON'S. 424 . Pine Night class. jj »EBYOUB DISEASES. \u25a0 . PERSONS suffering ; from diseases of the eye and the nervous system, and are not able to pay will receive free treatment dally from 9 \u25a0i to 11 at Dr. Schlrman'a office. 643 Sutter St. . ' EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. ! A—ORPHKI'MA ORPHKl'M I Employment ' Office Japanese- :Chinese help. \ J2ii Powell St., teL Main 5752. \ JAPANESE \u25a0 and \u25a0 Chinese help. WAt .YOSHY. 415 Stockton at. ; «Hl.- Bush 859. ! CHINESE * Employment Offlee—Best help at \u0084 : Leon Seung's, 411^ O'Farrell; tel. Bast 426. CHINESE and Japanese help; estab. 20 years. \u25a0 .. Tel. Main 1097. BRADLEY & CO.. 640 Clay. iJAPANESE. Chines* help of all kinds furnish- ' ed; housccleanlng. 708 Taylor; James 7636. { I RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- ] flee: all kinds help. 315 Stockton: Main 5188. ! j EMPLOYMENT WANTED—rEMAI.E. s A COMPETENT Infant's nurse, city or coun- ! , try. ; references; :'. an * experienced waitress wishes work. \u25a0>- MRS. : NORTON. 508 Mason St. BOOKKEEPER, cashier; young lady; ex- perienced \u25a0 expert accountant:. all modern sys- ; terns; quick, accurate; highest references; lact position 4 years. Box 637. Call. WANTED— A position. by experienced nurse to take-full care of a bottle infant; can give , city references. Box 1081. Call. . 1 WANTED A position as companion or nurse 5 [ for ; elderly lady |by .experienced nurse: caa give best of city. references. .. Box 1082. Ca.l. I NEAT, 1 reliable woman like to get a few hours' . work; each - day; . good refs. Box 1076, Call. j j A MIDDLE-AGED woman lately from Phila- delphia wants a situation In a good private j family; cook and laundress: kind to children; will .go a short distance in th« country; ref- erences. .47 Shipley st., off Folsom. near 4th. A WOMAN with two children would like posi- .:, tion -as" housekeeper .In city or country where she could have the children with her. . Address box 823, Call office. I A I COMPETENT . and I reliable ; German woman, with girl 7%. would like position cooking for : men on ranch or in mining camp; good plain cook and baker; neat worker.- Box 1097, Call EASTERN woman, elderly desires position : is experienced cook; likes children; capable en- tire . work i small . family; : references; - wages $10 to $16. Box 708. Call office. ! A CULTURED lady (German) desires position as matron In an institution or similar occu- pation; highest references can be given. Box 783, Call- office.. . . \u25a0 '.; \u25a0 : COMPETENT trained nurse will care for chronic or nervous case: well recommended; speaks French and English; will travel. Box BS2, Call.. c \u25a0 A YOUNG German | woman, ;. good cook, clean worker, with 3-year-old boy , wishes place a* housekeeper or private family; city or coun- try. 2253 Geary st. : A YOUNG woman with a child 5 years wishes j place in small adult family; city or country. \u25a0-' MARGARET HOWE. 3176 Mission st. i WANTED A situation as cook for men ' on 1 ranch; short distance in the country or city. Apply :710 Harrison st. - . '4 A' STRONG German woman wants to work by ' the day; .washing, ironing - and ; cleaning. ' 433 M Tehama St.. between Fifth and Sixth. I .COMPETENT < woman wishes a ,- situation: housework and cooking. 1274 Howard St., near Ninth. \ : WOMAN wishes" work by the day; good laun- dress; $1 50 day. 549 Minna St.. ' between Sixth and Seventh; no postals answered. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position; cook- ing and light housework. Address, 408% Mc- Allister St.. upstairs. , j A YOUNG woman with a child 9' years, wishes j place in small adult family; city. or country. MARGARET HOWE, 3176 Mission st. , \u0084 COMPETENT woman. wishes few nice families by the day; laundry work." cleaning or cham- : ber work. 4SB Geary st. : phone Brown 32. ' ] WANTED—Position;.. experienced nurse; care i for an Invalid; competent and reliable; good . companion.- Nurse, box 158, Call office. . jFIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes a few more engagements. (1 50 per day. 4 Morse place, off Broadway, near Leavenworth. ~ .. 1 A GERMAN laundress wants to take washing ! home; lace curtains; reasonable. . Tel. Larkin j .1006. -; . '.-,\u25a0-.\u25a0 \u25a0 -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. j ! EXPERIENCED chambermaid would like posi- ;tion In city. Address Miss L. .W.; 108 Te- - hama st. I COMPETENT cook wishes position In private I , family; city or country. 1810 Fillmore st. I HAIRDRESSER and manicurist wishes a few more private engagements." \u25a0 Phone John 3266. I WOMAN wants position; is good French and j . Spanish cooky Box 796, Call office-. , _ POSITION ; wanted by a first-class masseuse. Address, stating particulars, box 793, Call. COMPETENT, bookkeeper and cashier desires - position best references. / Box 497, Call. D EXPERIENCED 1teacher . wishes pupils to coach: terms 60 cents per hour. 2037 Oak st. YOUNG Japanese lady wishes \u25a0 a position as a > ! school ' girl In the city. - WATANABE. 426 Kearny st. ; phone -Davis 286. A JAPANESE young woman wants position sb cook In small family; wages $4 up. N. H.. 1225 Devleadero st. ; tel. Scott 548. YOUNG Japanese lady wishes position as a \u25a0\u25a0;;\u25a0; pchool girl. MISS LILY, 426 Kearny st. \u25a0 . EMPLOYMENT WANTED—MALE. j BOOKKEEPER, expert, s ready \u25a0\u25a0- for business; prepared by years' '. of experience and good , : ... references. . Box , 1084. :Call. \ - j COOK—With Al : Western education, 35 years j 1 of age,* wishes position in hotel or club. Box \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 1066. ; Call. ;.••;\u25a0 :\u25a0 ._-\u25a0/> . :':..r--~r* ;\u25a0' \u25a0'.- •':' \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 BREAD and cake baker and confectioner, fine ; ornamenter, ; wants situation; / country pre- ". ferred. r Room 646 Howard st. . .' -' WANTED—Position i as i assistant i . bookkeeper by, young . man \u25a028 years old; 7 years'.' experi- ; : ence; 5, years ; in " last : place; - best of ' refer- v; \u25a0 ences; \u25a0\u25a0 salary \u25a0 moderate, t Box 1094, Call. r POSITION ' as '\u0084 ' either '. shipping or I-f delivery ' clerk;well ' acquainted - with city *at present a ' postal clerk; in the Railway Mail Service. ' 1 Address J. E. > 0., 532 Guerrero . St. WANTED By. middle-aged .', and Bexperienced* v man ' and i wife, a place to cook for men In camp \u25a0or mine. Address JOHNSON ,' and : wife, 775? Mission st. ; ' \u25a0 -. T "'..--"-..'-. ; PIANIST, gentleman. 82. sight reader, . light touch, -; good - accompanist, v open * for engage- ment; ' speaks German, French and English. v' Box1 788. Call office. :?::.\u25a0 Al ; TIMEKEEPER, stenographer . and clerk wants ? position; city or - country. Address . box \u25a0• 870, ' Cal l"office .' ' \u0084:; f : .* - A GOOD barber (30. years "old), ! Just arrived i . from z the East, ;; German,,- Is -. looking for •. a T,1 steady position ; ' city ]or country. .;'. Address 'ii-\ 1110 ; Howard' st. : \u25a0.:\u25a0.:. ,;;;::;.-.•-'.-- x \u25a0../.,..-. r FIRST-CLASS carpenter and millwright.'wood- . ' worker.; and " blacksmith, understands _ draw- \u25a0 ing. i can - do i plumbing, wants \u25a0, work; state wages. Box 690. Call office. >. .: ; \u25a0 I BOOKKEEPER, ? rapid, accurate I worker, : ex- \u25a0r \u25a0 perienced collector, and : correspondent, wants ;';j situation: Al references.', Box 876,: Call. ELDERLY mani wants 1 work ' aa ; choreman. \u25a0or tVcare? forhorse i and garden ; I $15 per ' month. Box 1092, Call:>-;.:v--. :v:.^:./-^' -i r : '.;'.; :'. -".\u25a0•-: j BOY wishes '•.. position 'in wholesale ' clothing or ! :i.l- dry goods \u25a0house; , age 1 17. \.Box 1096. Ca11. .-,; ! > FIRST-CLASS , ? Janitor wishes \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 employment; i"; best •\u25a0 of : references. £s Box " 1002, « Call. - •\u25a0 -, ; j GERMAN, years of age. wants any kind of .V? outdoor .i work -in f the 1 country. 3 Box 190,. Call. j OLD i man I want« s situation :as cook or "--\u25a0. dish- I,Vwasher ; *a " good i. bread | baker. ; Box ] 877. Call. ' CARPENTER, non-union, wants " work Iby the j.;.- day or contract. * Box ; 08S^Call. \ - :.; 1 ~7.;£> :y- ' PRINTER, first-class i r all-round ' - man; wants i-.-i situation; : city (or country.'xj- Box . 745, ; Call. \u25a0v; BARBER, good 5 steady , workman wishes posi- tion; city or country. SCHULTZ. 209 Minna.

Transcript of ·...


TUB/ CALLJOHN' D. SI'ItKCKKLS....rroprlctor

AiiCrrrs Ctir.municaticns to

JOirx :i'NAUGHT..... f^StanagcqU. J. MAKTIy. \u25a0!.Buducss aiansger

UXl£riiOM2Aek for '/Hi: CALL. The operator Will Ccn-

*coct Vcu v.'iiliUie Department Ycu WimJ».ri.:t"ca;jcr. Cf.1^5...."ilarkst and Third. S. F.Ltfl'crial Kccir.s 217 10 ".'il £;evcnscn st.

I'rUvrrcJ ijy Carriers, .\u25ba? Ct?. T«T Week, 73CTs. J V; !.;i,i:ih. Copies !> Cts.

Tv:y.f tv Mu:i. Isdodlas Hostage \Cash WithOr<i»»-):. .

f'AI.V/CALL,-*ir^:u.-i. t«nd?y); 1yc-ar...SS.fOIMU.Y.CAIXtfnciaA. iv.tiSa^),("• nic» 4.00DAILY <"Al.L—iiy et:i?!e Mor.tii •\u25a0«:Ki:.\[:.'.y CA.LJ.. 1 Year 2.-VJV.-T-CriLr CALL. 1Ve*r l-W


—I rrva!iy.:.J<5.5» Per Year Kxtra

L\f.V^-r;'.- \u25a0{ 'f:;.nfioy. 4.J5 Per Vcnr KstraI-'.i.'Sio.. IWeekly. l.fOl'^r Year lixlra


Bsn-.p'.e coj.lcj wiU M* forwarded when \u25a0-\u2666-guested.

ilail subscribers i:i oidenr.« change c- __m-,:\u25a0<-& »hci:':d b* particular to give both -v i->

AND CUJ jHnn»CT^ in «•<!«\u25a0 to insure ayroispt fetid correct compliance with their ro-

OAKLAND OFFICE: . „1018 Bro» ovtij Telephone M»!b 1063

BICPJCHLEY OFFICE:8348 C«rter Sireet Telephone North .7


lObW YORK NEWS STANDS:W6l4orf-A»:crta Hotel: A., 31

r.ton S<r-a*«: Murrey H'.U Hotel; Pitts****-c-jc Ho;*.; and Hsffman House.

CHICAGO NETW6 STANDS:f-h<rman House: P. O. News Co.; Great

Korthtrs Hotel; Trcmoni House; AuditoriumHotel; ra!u>er House.


\u25a0 ENTATIVB:C. CEfjUCE IvnOGNESS. MarquetLe Building.

(Long Dli'ljinccTelcphcn*. ""Oen'ral 2619")



VV£lSnS£3 OFFICE cf the Saa Francisco Call,<.ir<r Market and Third recta: open until'? o'ciocJi ovcrj" night in the year.

BXUXCB OFFICES:XWS Market red opx>C£ite Firih; open until

Jl p. m.T.fS Mootcomczy «v»>. ; open until J> p. m.r/O Hayes street: oj>en until 9:30 p. m.».::» MrA.'listcr etree.t: open -.:. 9:30 p. m. \rif> L»rk!n street; open until 9:30 p. m. ]3:'il BtinSOQ street; \u25a0en until 10 p. m.Z<<- KlP^v:^th (street; open until9 p. m.


:"'i96 Valencia street; open until 9 p. m.{Cortbeast earner Church and Duncan streets;

open ur.ti! 9 p. m.£908 Fnirr.c-re street; open until 9 p. m. |


CALL subscribers contemplating1 achange of.residence during1 the summermonths can have their paper forwardedby sjuil to their new address by notify-ing- THE CALL Easiness Office. Thispaper will also be on sale at all summerresorts and is represented by a localagent in all towns on the coast.


ciac-o Chapter No. 1. Hose Croix. A. . LJ, .snd A. ScottiKh Rite of Freema- k_^_Jponry. will b« held in Chapter ElHal! Masonic "feniple. Cn THURS- I/IUAY EVEKING. April 20. 1905. at J\J ,8 o'clock. Degree -"Extingulshtag Lof the Lights." All visiting brethren arecordially invited.

HENRY BURNER. Secretary.

CALIFORNIA Lodge No. 1, F. and A. mV uHI meet THIS (THURSDAY) WVEVENING. April 20. at 7:30 o'clock. />r\Third degree.

FRANKLINH. DAY. Secretary.

FIDELITY Lodge No. 120. F. and A. mM.—Ppc-fial meeting THIS (TIIURS- *VVDAY* EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /^\Third degree. Master Masons cor-dially invited. By crder of the W. M.


DORIC Lodge~No72l eTFTanTX M.— %~~TljJrd degree THIS 'THURSDAY) VVfrVENING. S o'clock. Master Masons /V>c^rdialiv invited. By order of theMaster. J. R. GOLDSMITH, Secretary.

ETARR KINO Lodge No. 344. F. and mA. M., 321 Dcvieadero et.

—Special VV

meeting THIS (THURSDAY) EVEN- -^^INGat 7:30 o'clock for. third degree.Vtyttinp brethren cordially invited. By order 'of the W. M. H. F. WRIGHT. Secretary.

WESTERN ADDITIONLodge No.ZSb. I.O. O.F.—lnitiation THlS^^^fejJ^,1THURSDAY) EVENING. vis-itors cordially invited. -^5«3E3*"

G. H. FREIERMUTH, Secretary.

GOLDEN W-EST~Lo<lj^" Ktk 322. '1~—-"•*•-

'">. O. F.—lniviatlon T!!IS4J>r'sys^.%

fTHURSDAY) HVENING. v i---t^4^St*^(

itort cordially invited.*=^S*S«^r


UNITY Lodge No. 01. Knights of •*£P\-thias, will confer the rank ofKnight on THURSDAY EVENING, MfcApril 20. at 220 Golden Gate awe jg^S^\,Allbrother Knights are cordially invited toattend. By order


CROATIAN Benevolent SocietyZvommlr No. ?1. N. C. S.

—Meet- r?Sf>

ins THIS (THURSDAY) EVEN- '\u25a0SQiING.April 2". 1905. at 32 O'Farrell J»SBJwet.. Fraternity Hall. Officers and "WSV*members are requested to be pree- NSient, as" important matter will rrcome before the body.

J. KRSTINICH. President.M. JERKOVICH, Secretao-.

. EPRECKELS SUGAR COMPANY—NOTICEOF ANNUAL MEETING—THE REGULARANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders ofthe Spreckels Sugar Company will be held• the office of the company. 327 Market«treet, tan Francisco. Cal.. on MONDAYthe 24th (Jay of April. 1905. at the hourcf 11 a m.. for the purpose of electing aboard of directors to eerve for the ensuingytar and for the transaction of such otherbueinees as may come before the meetingThe transfer bocks will close on FridayApril 21, 1905, at 3 p. m. ;

W. H, HANNAM, Secretary.

JvOTICE of annual meeting of Mercantile TrustCoirpacy cf San Francisco—

regular an-nual meeting of the stockholders of theMercantile Truet Company of San Francisco•HI be held on WEDNESDAY. April 261805. at 12 o'clock noon, at the office orthe company. 464 California street. SanFrancisco. California, for the purpose ofelecting a Board of Directors to serve for theensuing ye*r. an* for the transaction of suchcth*r business at may come before the meet-ing.

Transfer books -win close on SaturdayApril 18. I*os. at 12 o'clock noon.

°"luru 7'

Dated April 10, 1805.m

JOHN D. McKEE. Secretary.THE California Debris Commission having r»-ceived application to mine by hydraulic pro-* e6lfrom X- H" Xv**«nan. N. H. Lang andIB. Cronan. in Aituras and Ramona mil-near Croaibers. Plumas County, Cal drain!ing into tributary of Long Valley 1 -en

•w-liich reaches middle fork of Feather River'gH-es .-. notice that a meeting to receive anyprotests will be held at room ?8 Flood buildmr Par Francisco. Cal.. May t, 1005. at

\u25a0 1:20 p. m. . ,"\u25a0 . • .

ATTOBHXYB-AT-^AW.'.ADVICE inail legal matters; allkinds of cults*prosecuted and defended; damage cases a spe-

cialty; corporation*.organired; probate andire*l estate tr.atter»; collections; ail kinds of

pa;;e:-s prepared. Op«a evening by appoint-ment. aOl-202 Schmiedell building. cor. Claytnd. Montgomery »ts.; telephone Black 642.

Afivice fre* Inall legal mattere; private divorcesa Epcclaltj;quick; let; no pay unless divorceItgranted; collections made: partnership billof•ale, \u25a0wills, deeds, etc', drawn. Open eveningsty nxjuest. Established 22 years. G. \V.

IHOWE. 1122 Market rt.. b»t. Maeon *Taylor.

R. W. I^JNG. Attorney-at-Law. Exam. bldg.flth floor entrance, room 611; established 20years: all courts, general courts and |offlcorr^ctJcc: no fees In advance or for consulta-ilcn: e»,*r.!npi by appointment. Tel. Red ;;'.;oi.

ADVICE free; le^al divorce, coats $12; all lawr**er;ttndled; no fee inad\-aace: open Sat-urday cvcnlErs; other, erenings by appoint-re»nt: coll end tave money. 819. Market, r. 33.

AA—DIVORCE: costs $12; quick, quiet; advice

Ilree;all law business: no charge unless euc-

ccesful; open evenings. 027 Market, room 301.

WAHNKU TEMPLE practices In all State fendfed: courts: Tcfcate.' real estate. •bankruptcyrpecialist. 807 J.Flood bldp; pbone.'John 2541.

Jl*:P. CLARK. «27 Market, room 3<u7ccnsulta-fion frr-o: bo fec-i In sdvance; cpen «ven!nga..

AGSITTS 2»"i:35.

6TKADY cn'i'lojmerit to'cood solicitors/ Itoom_ \u25a0" -\u25a0 Grr.ol hlftc.. corner 7th and Market sts.

. \u25a0 •- ctras.fcl NOLA'S Acthn-.a" Rctr.edy rc!leve» insuntly;• f K-c. 25c, W)c. l«02 Market, St. Nicholas,- also] tViEhart. Tenth and Washington, Oakland.


!A RELIABLE and competent business man ofexperience desires position as bookkeeper orgeneral office work; moderate salary; excel-lent reference and bond. Box l*fct, Call office.

> $3000 PER year; insignificant: if you want anexpert bookkeeper or accountant Iam pre-

pared for the work by long experience andgood reference. Box 772. Call. i- .-v

A,YOUNG Scandinavian |man and wife with

a little business wants any kind of work to

do at home; little salary. Box 686. CalL.

PAINTER and paperhanger wants situation; ,all work guaranteed and very reasonable:

.h"ve all tools. PAINTER. 1143* Missionst. ;:phone Howard 2222. . , -


TWO Swedes, 25 years old. speak English; ma-chinists by trade;

'can run locomotive, sta-

tionary and marine engines, wants positions.Address LAGERBERG. Belmont. Cal.

WANTED— as steward or cashier,

restaurant "hotel, cafe or rooming-house, by

an experienced man; $500 security _lf re-Iquired. Address Manager, bo* 131. CalL^YOUNG, up-to-date barber from Sacramento, wants work in good shop: first-class and

strictly temperate. Box 844. Call office. j

STEADY young man wishes position as as-sistant \ bookkeeper; good references. Box

I 738. Call office. -. -\u25a0 \u25a0•

• MIDDLE-AGED man good cook, wants workon ranch or small country town. \u25a0 Box 874,

!' Call. --..\u25a0.- \u0084-"'.'" ' '_\u0084

GENERAL blacksmith and shoer wishes situa-tion; sawmill or big ranch. Address F. A.MUSSET, Elmhurst.' Cal. ''

YOUNG man, aged 20. wishes good position In

! office of reliable firm; experienced as assist-ant cashier; references. Box 180. Call office.

;AN embroiderer, Japanese, wishes •> positionto work:with a dressmaker In the city orelsewhere; has had experience in all kinds

;of designs for 13 years. Write letter. TOM.1329 Pine at.

' . _^.

AN intelligent, responsible Japanese wishes aposition as butler; can perform excellent but-ler's, duty;, has references In regard to his

ability and character. KATO. 525 Pine St.

JAPANESE; first-class cook, who has experi-

ence of ;many years, wants position In pri-vate family; has best references. G. HI-GASH.

'703 Larkin st. tel. Polk 3782.

JAPANESE honest, educated boy., wants posi-• tion as butler or general houseworker in goodfamily. S. 'HARRY. 507 • Larkl.n St.; teL

. Larkin 1494."

-\u25a0 . -A GOOD, honest Japanese boy wants position

as waiter on table cr housework; speaksgood English NAKAO.!60* Sutter St.; tel.

Green 225.-

AN honest Japanese couple want positions;man to cook, wife waiter at table, house-work in family. G. FULUTANI,481 Jessiest.;phone Folsom 2742. -


iGOOD English Japanese boy wants to work instore or office In morning or afternoon; noroom and board. R. W. GEORGE. 530 Eddy.

YOUNG Japanese, boy wants a position to dohousework and wait on table in good fam—. . lly. O. X.. 248 Ellis St.; tel. Jesalo 824.

IYOUNG • Japanese boy wants position to dohousework and wait on table in good family.KASANO. 607 Larkin at.- tel. Larkin 1494.

A GOOD Japanese boy wants a position ascook or waiter In family. 8. TAOKA. 451Jessie st. phone Folsom 2742.

' '

GOOD Japanese boy. who Is studying at theCommercial High School, wishes situation asschoolboy.

-Address S. T.. 810 Stockton st. 1

JAPANESE boy wants position to work from5 to Bp. m. H. 6OWMA. Japanese Gospel• Society. 725 Geary st.

-\u25a0 :

A JAPANESE boy wants a position . work

mornings. JUN, Japanese Y. M. C. A., 121Haight st. _^

«. —A JAPANESE boy wants position as cook

and do housework "In small family. AddressZ. NITTA. 315% Stockton St.. S. F.

A JAPANESE young man wants a position asa schoolboy in a small nice family. KARA.Japanese Christian Assoc. 22 Prospect place.

,A JAPANESE boy wishes to work 2 or 3 hoursevery morning. M. AKAMATSU,121 Haight.

JAPANESE good cook, wants situation Infamily in this city. SUE. 422 Stevenson st.

ICHINESE, first-class cook, wants position Inhotel. W. S., 21-Brenham place.

CHINESE first-class cook wants position: pri-vate place. \u25a0 AH GEE, 7 Brenham place.

ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at'. Call branch office, cor. Duncan A Church st».

A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep- Ilion of advertisements and subscriptions baabeen opened'' at 1008 'Market St.. opposite jFifth. \u25a0 Open until 11 p. m.

--.-•-- |

;. . * \ PINAJJCLA.L. .''"'7,;^ ;;__WANTED—S2O,OOO to be subscribed by one or

more men for completing a well already In'

course of construction, now down 600 feet,but with expectancy of sinking 3000 feet;located In the

'Santa Maria district; sur-

rounded by producing wells;It gives betterpromise of results than did the Final threeyears ago, 8000 shares of which, costing 50c jper' share, sold last month for $30,000 cash.For particular* apply W. E. BARNARD,478Tenth St.. Oakland.REALTY SYNDICATE CERTIFICATES

CONTINENTAL B. AND L. CERTIFICATESpurchased for cash; top prices paid. Addresseither 512 Call \u25a0 bldg. or 107 Crocker bJdg.


$7000 or $8000 of Realty Syndicatecertificates; highest market price paid. 1 W.E. BARNARD, 476 Tenth. St.. Oakland.


AAA—COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES."FLATS, apartment and rooming houses; ourrenting department is free to all; we canfind you a home, in any part of the city;ask for no payment other than , your goodwill;we do not ask you to buy or even lookat the goods; use this department freely;

\u25a0 you are more than welcome. .CORDES FURNITURE CO.. 245-259 Geary

1..-, st. (on the square). ..STERLING FURNITURE COMPANY.

\u25a0 Every desirable vacant dwelling is listed 'Inour

"renting department. Combined lists from25 of the largest agencies. Saves a world oftime and trouble. , •

Service Is absolutely free.'You are not asked to buy or even look at

furniture. Welcome! . .•\u25a0> . -v-

STERLING FURNITURE COMPANY,-1039 Market st. Opposite McAllister.

FREE rent for 15 days; 1446 Valencia; 12minutes from Emporium: new sunny, modern j

. 6-room flats;. beam, tinting, electricity, gas. I: storeroom; no fog;

'Janitor and water free;

$22 50. $25. Apply 102 Eddy st.

UPPER flat: 4 sunny rooms, bath; modem:small -family. 63 .Dehon St., between Six-' teenth and Seventeenth, near Sanchez.

FLAT, 4 large rooms; sunny; near publicsquare: rent reasonable. Inquire after 2. 541Scott st.

OAK. 1359,'near Baker—

Beautiful sunny up-per flat; 6 rooms and bath; rent reasonable.

FIFTEENTH. 2282— Upper flat, 5 rooms and !bath; $25. ,Apply middle flat. ,

SUNNY middle flat, 4 rooms, bath and yard:-.$20. 20 Shotwell st.. near. Fourteenth.CASTRO, 68*—Elegant modern sunny lower• flat: 8 rooms, bath; nearly new; $22 50.

-NOE. 326

—Lower flat; 6 rooms and bath: rent

$22 50. \u25a0 .'•':'\u25a0\u25a0' -->-..-

60 IVY AYE.—Fine, sunny top flat, 4 rooms:

near City Hall.

$12 THREE- '. rooms and \u25a0 bath. 2221 Polk .? St.. between Vallejo and Green. IMETCALF

'placa. ;14. off.Geary, between Ma--

son and Taylor s rooms with bath to let.

LARGEST list of houses and flats to let. Callon LYON A HOAO. 118 Montgomery st.

A WEEK'S news for 3 cents—

The Weekly Call.16 pages. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. 1



Modern sunny upper flat of 9'rooms; elegantly furnished; make offer. 919 .

'.'Jones St.. near Bush. . \u25a0-


* |

VALENCIA. 514 Furnished flat for sale at i$100; a bargain.

' . \u25a0:

SIXTH.• 414—Gt. bargain: well fur. flat. •7<rooms.': bath; all rented: no agt.: rent «27 SO.


—In':Western Addition. famished•'

flat of:7;or 8 rooms iby-responsible parties

-for six months or longer. Box 109«. Call. '


" .- ': j"WE'LL GET YOUR BUSINESS"— pay- ;the most;money for furniture, carpets. •office: fittings." merchandise and houses. MARK J

LEVY AUCTION CO.. 1321 Market st., be-tween 9th and 10th. Phone South 179.

•HENRY MAYER pays highest !prices for fur-niture, carpets; etc. ,752 Mission ;teLßush 813,

CALL on Alfred Wollpert. 773 Mission st.. be-- -for* jellingyour furniture. 4 Phone Red 4462. '


Z.. ABE LEVY.'.1135 Market st.; phone Jessie.-\u25a0' 7' '.. pays cash and buys everything. .. ._ .._ -.-:



FOR sale—

,entire furnishings :of a 5-roorn.'house,- including Stand" t*Decker piano: every-thing complete to move in;!rentonly $ig permonth ;\u25a0 Dtano Tcost originally $600,


»'.new;:. will sell all for $300; biggest bargain on::earth. Inquire rooms 15-16. 759, Market st.

;FOLDING bed;and )marble-top ;bureau. J5 50. i-: 3305 .Twenty fourth \u25a0 St., near Mission. :


DRESSMAKER, country store ........... $7!Cook. 10 adults."- Berkeley .$;:;Cook, no washing. San Mate0..:.......54<-

cooks. American families, city ...S'!iCook for country hotel-.................. JjJ •Cook, small restaurant city ...***»}Housework. Fort Miley.little wash .....liCSecond girl. Monterey, fare paid $&'Infant nurse, references £;(Janitor and wife, apartment-house '.s.;.• \u25a0,2 nurseglrts. city .....4 waitresses, hotels.- city and country. ..$23Restaurant waitress $<i -w*el<i Housework. Callstoga .Vui2 second girls....... $UO-JU3Nurse for an orphanage -I'^tlSecond cook, delicatessen, -sleep home. MHousework. San Mateo. San Rafael. Oaklandand all near-by towns, good places andleading wages; call early to-day.

J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 334 Sutter St.A NURSERY governess, $35; 3 cooks, $30 and. $35: housemrl. Berkeley. $03; Alameda.

-$30..2 in family; 6 housegirls. $30; 10 house-

girls. $25; houseglrl. San Anaelmo. 2 infamily. $25: ranch cook. $25; second girl.$25; hotel waitress. $25. MRS. NORTON.508 Mason st.

GIRLS to learn hatrdressing. manicuring, mas-sage, etc.. from A to Z in two weeks; tuition$5 to those entering now; 5 positions to fillimmediately; guaranteed $12 week up; dayand eve. class. College 233 Geary st. room IX


Girls to learn millinery trade forspring; 2 seasons from start to finish In 00*mo. for $5: positions guaranteed $15 weekup; 8 positions to be filled at once; day anleve. class. School 143 Stockton St.. room 13.

PACIFIC Hairdressing School; whole trade,manicuring, massage; positions $10 a -weekup; day and evening classes. 133 Powell st.

MOLER SYSTEM OF COLLEGES. 643 Sacra-mento st.. teaches hairdresslng. manicuring,facial massage. or barberin?; special rates

/ now; 1expert Instructions; steady practice;all work free. Call or write.

SALESWOMEN wanted for various depart-ments. Apply Superintendent's OfSee. TH3EMPORIUM.

YOUNG women. 18 years and past, wanted forextra work on Saturdays. Apply Superin-tendent's Office. THE EMPORIUM.

GIRLfor housework and plain cooking; smallfamily; small flat. «4O Frederick (Beach

car). Call 1 to 3p. m.; carfare._^

—.. —.—


GIRLS' millinery in 1 mo. for $5; positionsguaranteed ; eve. school only. 283 Geary.r.l3.

GIRL for general housework. Apply 1*67 Mis-sion St.. before noon; wages $20. •

OPERATOR on two-needle machine. 609 Mis-sion St., third floor.

APPRENTICES for hairdressing: paid whilelearning. COBOROVE'3. 110 \u25a0 Geary St.

IRONBRS on ready-made work. 656 Missies.St.. third floor. '

ASSISTANT cutter on ladies' and children'swear. 656 Mission St.. third floor.


Young girl for light housework.1344 Utah St.. between 24th and 25th.

EXPERIENCED girl to do folding Inbindery.24-26 Second st.

WOMAN to assist in small restaurant: no ex-perience required; good wages. 320 Third at.


Experienced alteration hands forjackets • and skirts. Apply R. D. DAViaA CO. ' .

LADIES for fancy work department; experienceunnecessary; 15c per hour at first; take workhome. 1344 Market, opp. 7th; 9to 5.

SEWING machine operators on overalls; no »x-perlenee necessary. LE*VISTRAUSS A CO..32% Fremont st. MR. DAVIS.

TWO first-class finishers on coats. 1 229 St«v-enson st.

WANTED— Finisher on coats. ISO Clara St..corner Fifth, upstairs.

EXPERIENCED cook; on* that has worked tnJewish family; good waxes. 1180 CFarrell.


young girl or middle-aged wom-an: good home; small wages. 1123 Sutter st.

NKAT, energetic lady solicitor of good ad-dr**ss.; good sal. guar,; deposit req. 843, \u2666 Call.


First-class coat finisher: 'good,

wages; steady. SESSMEN. 520 Kearny. r.1.—Employment and Supplies,

IBARBERS, Take Notice— J. B. 1. XT. of, A.has removed to 723 Market St.. room 27.History bldg.: free

'employment bureau.

Phone James 6626. JOSEPH R. BLEILY.Secretary.

I FOR sale—

A finely fitted 4-chair barber shop:30 years' standing, good business and nn»living rooms: cheap rent: leas* If desired:will stand investigation: want to leave San• Francisco May 1. Box 137. Call office.

!BARBER shop. 2 chairs, in rear of saloon:best stand on Market st. ; will rent to goo/,responsible parties: cheap rent. 562 Market.

WANTED, barber; must be first-class work-"man: wages $20 per week. Address H **.GOEHRING. Red Blug.Cal. '..

BARBER for Saturday evening and Sunday. $4;1 forerenlngs. 6:30. steady. Box 1073. Call.

BARBER wants a Sunday morning Job. Box1087' Call. \u25a0.' '

\u25a0 \u25a0

BARBER wanted as partner In barber shooand baths. $400. 1201 Polk st.

IBARBER shop 2759 Folsom st.BARBER wants Job In first-class place; city

or country. B. BROWN, 1423 California st.

WANTED SmaII barber shop in country town;'

state particulars. Box 741, Call.

.BARBER'S 2-chair outfit for $33. 1723Howard.

WANTED— buy country barber shop near1 city. Ad. particulars COLEMAN. 708 Market.

L '\u25a0': Hffltf WJJTTED—


—man. lumber eo.'north. $4'"> and found; edgerman. $30 andfound; young man. tally lumber same place

see boss here to-day; 5-laborers, mill andyard work. Mendocino Co.. $28 to $35 andfound, see boss here, cheap fare; bench handTruckee district, see boss here, .$3 30 day',

.bench hand. $3 50; band sawyer and turner'75c fare. $3 50 day; spooltender. $65 and

\u25a0 found; railroad laborers. company worknorth. $60; tlemakers. 12c tie. tools ad-vanced; porter, city restaurant. $30; youncman .to wait at baker's counter. $3 "week-cooks, waiters and dishwashers. Apply 8S&Washington st.


A6SI3TANT foreman, railroad \u25a0 construction$50 and found: 8 milkers. $30-S4O and found-farmer and wife, $45 and found; 2 black-smiths $3 and $3 25 day; screw turner formill. $50 to $C0and found: woodsmen. $33 to$40 and found; miners. $2 2S and $3 day-carmen. $2 day; furnace men. $2 30 to $2 SOday; boy to learn machinist trade, and othersJ. F. CROSETT A CO. 628 Sacramento »i

SCANDINAVIAN Janitor and wife. $65; 2ndcook, country hotel. $40 and found- cooksmall hotel. $40 and found; restaurant cook'$10 week: cook and wife, country. $60 andfound and others J. F. CROSETT » CO.628 Sacramento st.AT COSTIGAN A CO.'* 624 Clay street .

PHONE Bush 649.First class carpenter. lon» Job. 8 hrs..sB T3Blacksmith helper, drive shoes; -$2 25 day.Choreman. private place: $25. found.8 drillers, quarry, fare sc; $2 25 day. •8 distributors, $7 50 week; roustabout. $20

found.- ... •

Wheeler teamsters, $2. $2 25; bedmaker. $28found.

Dishwasher, city. $35. board and room.5 :laborers. $2: 1 waiter, country. $20. M.

AT C. R. HANSEN *CO.'S.. 429 Bush St.U; S. CANAL—NEVADA.

T>amsters and laborers, rate fare, $2 25 day.

Tunnelmen. teamsters and laborers: rail-road work. $2. $2 25.. $2 50 a day.

100 Greeks. IPO Austrtans. ICO Italians, rail-Iroad work; north; free fare-: $1 \u25a0• a day.-

Scandinavian Janitor and wife. city. $65. rtna.Lunch man. city. 910 a week and board.8 waiter*, city. *3O and $33 and found.C..R. HANSEN A CO. 420 Bu»h St.

iANDRE'S Office. iIT Stockton st.—

Man tomilk • cows. .make butter. wife 'to care forpoultry, 1$50. found: \u25a0 greenhous* gardener.private place. $35; French cook. $100: second /

\u25a0 cook. $75. relief cook. $30: waiter.- nice conn.try hotel.** $35; waiter. ?30; potwasher. $30;kitchen hand. etc.. ?30; stableman and dri-ver for builder. «14 % week, etc

A CATHOLIC man fywing) to act as sexton;$25. room- and -board: references necessary.MISS PLUNKETT. 428 Batter st

A MAN and wife for private family In coun-try. $50: see party here at 9:30 fhts morning...MISS PLI'NKF.TT. 42S Sutt-r st.

A MAN-and wife, private place. $50. MRS.NORTON. 503 Mason. •:

____WANTED—Boys from 14 to 18 vrs of age for

delivery boys an.l stock boys. Apoly be-'tween « and 11 a. m. at HALE BROS.' :,


An experienced bu*h*lmam steady: work. ;HASTINGS CLOTHING CO.. Mont-

gomery and iSuttjr sits.

WANTED-Boy about IS years old. one-- ac-quainted withjthe -paper an.l shade work:


state where workad. Answer box 1"7«. Call.•- :—


.WANTED- on Job

* presses. \.EAST- *.MA A MITCHELL. 415 .Market st.

-- ~COATV for the country. REIS BROS.

& CO.. 24 Sutter st. . . , . . ..';MUSICIANS to Join MilitaryBand. .S2S Bush

St.. third floor, room 4. . yi


wanted. Apply 018 :Market1 street. 4

i-""GR sale—

One' "-Oyl^iu^""ICnox': tcuiins car:baen run 1575 miles; all in f!rst-c;as3' con-li'tSon* cost .fii'.i'i;t«i tK' bcl<l at bate', ir.altaofltr. Y-'HITK t'AHAUE, JSTS Marvel s>t. . -.

TOR Ei!e—2 LcLri-ain."> !r. IUOI model Whiteptc-atn touring cars: reason fcr selling:, partiesl.aye toacht IWioWhiles: It will ;uy you toInvtEtljata. V.'KITE GAItAGE, ISTB Market.

AtITOMOUILEfor sale: ccv.- 10-55 moJcl whitetcrrfiyjttr; only betn out cr the saiaee lourtin>>: ccod reason for rolling. Apply F.H. KOCTK. 123 California st. .

\u25a0WANTED— To buy cr rent an automobile 'ora trip into the 11 try. Address with price.boy 502. Call crflce. .

l£BUSINESS CHANCES.A $l_."iO raloon on Market street; old cst.

stoiid; close to Powell street; a bargain;lease. Call R. G. WILKE, .5 Kearny st.

A f-500 corner saloon, roadhouse on transferpoint of different oirlines; lease; nice fur-iiithcd roocs; \u0084.^.-t be sacrificed, as owneris engaged in other business; actual value atieatt 5400CK R. G. WILKE, 2<J»4 Kearny st

A—$1000; COR. grocery and branch bakery,with 3 living: rooms: rent 520; a good payingplace, with money to be saved fur the bani':;good fcr man and wife. Call K. C. WILKK."O^a Kearny st.

A—524CO; CORNER grocery and bar; must besold; owner to engage in other line of busi-ness; full value of use stock in sight; 4',s-year le«Fe location can't be beat. Call R.G. WILKE,26^ Kearny st. :

A—?2so; PAINTING and* paper-hanging busl- jness, established many years, with estab- :lished gcod trade. Call for particulars. R. ;G.V/ILKJS. 2G',i Kearny Bt. _ !

A -$2600; HOTEL and barroom with 30 fur-r.'.thed rooms in Oakland manufacturing dis-trict; rent $60; horse, buggy; lease: estab-lished year* Call It. G. WILKE, 26 >aKearny Bt. \u25a0•


$2400 EAR-ROOM, corner on Geary St.. afew blocks from Chronicle bids'.; rent $85; |lease; a splendid location and rare ohance:i;ci.:.c-(* of owner only cause of sale. CallR. G. WILKE. SOH Kfarny »t. \u25a0

A—slBoo CORNER grocery and bar on Ellis|«t., with living rooms; place establishedyears; location first class; cash business, notruit, and deaiiafi above $160 per R. O. WILKK, StP.a Kearny st.


$1500; CORNER i-a'.oon on Larkin St.; notetter location; so' business; fine fixtures;h bargain and rore chance. Call R. G. jWILKK. 2C^ Kearny st.

A^**soo; DELICATESSEN stats and tamale jkitchen; the leading store of this line in!the city: location the very best; owner mustsacrifice so he has to leave for Tonopah toattend mine. Call R. G. WILKE. 26H jKearr.y st. _ j

$700. BAKERY in San Jlateo Co.; rent $30;daily receipts, $30; horse, wagon; a goodbuslß»Sß. For particulars ccc R. G. WILKE,20*4 Kearny st.

A—t36Q; CORNER cigar stand on Kearny St.;lease; a splendid offer and first-class loca-tion: owner must leave city for East at once,R. G WILKE. 26 Kearny st. • '

A—s9oo; STEAM laundry in Western Addition;1horse. 1wagon, 6-hor=epower boiler and en-gine, hydraulic washer; business well estab. ;sickness compels owner to sacrifice. R. G."WILKE. 26^ Kearny at. .

A—$800; SALOON with 14 furnished rooms onEan Bruno eve.; rent $30; place establishedyears and one of the best paying places onthe road. Call R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny.

A—s2soo: GENTS" furnishing store, estab. formany years and doing a good paying cashbusiness; owner sells because he is interestedotherwise. Call R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny.


$3500; WOOD, coal yard,- with agency Unionand National Ice Co.. also Shasta water: 3horses. 2 wagons, stock. \u25a0 etc. ;place estab. 9years, located across bay: first-class businessopportunity. R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny st.

A—s3ooo; SALOON on Market st.. with4 years'lease; rent net $85; location close to Batteryft., owner must leave at once to settle pri-vate affairs East- a good business and veryrare chance. Call R. G. WILKE, 26%Keair.v Et.

$5500; DAIRY:15 miles from the city; leaseof 270 acres of land; 120 cows; boiler, separa-tor, cans; 4 horses; good milk route. R. O.WILKE. 26% Kearny st.

A—s7soo; THE best paying corner saloon onMontgomery st. ; lease. Call R. G. WILKE.26% Kearny rt. . - .

A—s2soo; PORK, delicatessen and dairy pro-duce business; established 10 years; clearing$250 per month; owner also owns property;will give 6 years' lease to good man andwife who know the business. See R. G.WILKE. 23% Kearny at.—

$1400; THE only German bakery In a townof 20,000 Inhabitants. about 70 miles fromthis city; a business and R. R. town; 4_horses, 3 wagons, good store trade: stock atInvoice. Call R. G. WILKE.26% Kearny st.

A—s2soo;A—$2500; CORNER saloon surrounded by fac-tories and wholesale houses, rent $90; 3 years'lease; must be sold at once, as owner Is en-raped In other business. See R. G. WILKE26% Kearny st. . .


$1650; CORNER grocery and bar on Sacra-mento St., Western Addition; 5 rooms; 4years' lease; place established years. Call R.G. WILKE. 26% Kearny st.

A—slsoo; BAKERY, confectionery and Ice-cream parlors In town about 30 miles fromthe city; 3 horses, 2 wagons; baking 3 bar-rels per day; 4 years' lease. Call R. G. 'WILKE. 26% Kearny st.


HOTEL with 30 rooms, across the bay; 4%years' lease; rent only $30; good-paying bar;owner must sell on account of business in'

this city. R. G. ILKE. 26% Kearny st.


$1250; FINELY fitted up coffee, tea andcrockery store: well established, with 3 nicelivingrooms; leas* Ifwanted; value In Eight;a bargain. See R. G. WILKE, 26% Kearny.

A—s3ooo: CORNER saloon, on Sixth st.; placedoing a good-paying business; estab. years;lease; a first-class business proposition. Forparticulars see R. G. WILKK. 26% Kearny.


Right. In the business portion of growingBerkeley, a 50-foot lot and two-story build-ing, comprising stable below and hall above;thoroughly well built and particularlyadapted for the livery business. For sale at.very reasonable price. •

MASON-McDUFFIE COMPANY,; Berkeley station v

$9000— ONE of Market st.s best saloons; lo-cated in one of the best downtown districts;lease; day place; reasonable rent; doing abusiness of $20,000 per year; to parties mean-ing business and who will produce bank cer-tificates of deposit own-ed by them will giveyou further details. Comply with those te/msand call at 482 Eddy St.; best of reasons forgelling; other greater interests.


General merchandise store; kitchen.ware, notion*, etc. ; showcases and other fix-tures; business pays about $140 a month; canbe increased; rent only $35 a month, withliving rooms; on permanent street In Oak-lend; other business and dissolution of part-nership cause of sale; Investigate this atonce. P. O. box 162.»Oaklan d.

$1450 BUYS a splendid delicatessen; well lo-cated for best trade: a money-maker; first-class fixtures; g<rod reason for Eelling.••

THESELLER CO.. -816 Market st.

$550 CONFECTIONERY •and candy store thatmust be cold; party going away; good busi-ness. THE SELLER CO., »16 Market.

NOTICE. LADIES—Iwant about 6 ladles withat least $2000 to Invest In business In thiscity; they will.have real estate in this cityfor security and they .will make 12 per centor the money they Invest; they will be theboard of directors of the company. ~ Apply at61 Duboce aye; before 11 o'clock a.,m. '.

FOR Sale—Reasonable, account of "111-health,

3-chalr barber shop, running stead}-; 2 bath-rooms;' best location in Reno; 2 doors belowpostofflee; opp. 8. P. depot; rent low. .Ad-dress P. O. box 241,-Reno, Nev. ' .

$1000— MANUFACTURING business' partnerwanted; employs- 15 to 30 hands; latest \u25a0 Im-proved machinery running full capacity; or-ders far in advance: books and business opento Inspection. 632 Market st., room 6.

$900— SALOON.~~~~ ~~

•-..-\u25a0 ..j:Handsome place.

-Satisfactory trial given.EUREKA REALTYCO.. 1118 Market st.

$250—PARTNER wanted In light, genteel bust.r.?F-s; established for years; pays at least $90monthly to each; \u25a0 experience not necessary;only sober man. 1027% •Market st., room 2.

BUSINESS for sale—About $.",000 will buy es-tablished business In good coast town of 4000population; act quick; owner has other Inter-ests. Box 1085.. Call office.

A—R. E. CALLAHAN. 20 Montgomery st.Telephone John -0306.

Business Locations and Leases » Specialty..-

IWlLLlNG'man' wanted as partner; average; ray to each, is7r>: small capital required. 131I Montgomery hi., room i. .... . < \u25a0

FOR salt cbe-ap. a saloon; good location. In-quire ANCHOR BREWERY. 1431 Pacific stbet. 2 ar.d \u25a0St'-o. m. •"> :

WANTED— S7COO 'cr ;SSOOO ofIRealty. Syndi-cat* certificates;; highest market price paidW. £\u25a0 BARNARD. 476 Tenth \u25a0. Oakland.

jGROCERY, doing cash* business; 'ong lease,\u25a0low rent; sell at Invoice; good reason for sell-Ing. Address IPS N.;Maln «t...Napa. Cal.

!MILKranch: 110 acres: rent 5230 year- nearI Han Pablo; income $210 month.;. C. F. DOO-LI'-.Y. 510 Thirteenth St.; Oakland.' :••_-.- -.-.

PAPER route ror ;sale iin Oakland;; agood Call rcute in Oakland for sal*. •Apply

:at Call business office", fcr particulars. ' • '\u25a0:-\u25a0

WANTED—Partner, young . man" hustler, Inestablished wholesale - business; about $2500.Box 816. Call office.


!A. CAMERON &.CO"' ' '

Phone South \1050.I \u25a0•'•;•. 3 Eddy st- cor >Market and PO-.vell. r--21 Headquarters -for'Rooming-houses, Hotels ana

Li All Kinds of Business Chances;'Here's a fine ;investment— this

'house \u25a0of -351 rooms, close

-in; good furniture

'and carpets,:with rent at $150 per

* month, clearing overI5100 every month; can be run with some tran-

sient and do better; every thing,in good con-dition; $2700 will take it. ,


First-class downtown, new .'modern, thor-ioughly, respectable rooming-house. 42 room*!.filled .with, very best

"Quality furniture; rent

i'trifle'over $5\u25a0per room, where •- you can clear

;*250 and over per,month ;\u25a0 always .full;>can be;bought ;reasonable on account of retiring from:business..-, .- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.

I: Fine little apartment-house of 21 rooms ;rentIonly $100 with lease- well furnished through-jout; will be sola ,away down on .account ofleaving: city; pries $1500. '\u25a0 i'..":i\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 Modern up-to-date downtown

'house:; good lease; 70 rooms; well furnished: has

good ;country transient trade: never shouldclear less than $300 per month the year round,

1 best of reasons for selling. . ..'.-\u25a0'-'i: Elegantly furnished modern; 8-room


choice location; cost over $1000 six months ago.

;will sacrifice it for $800, as must leave city.

j Grand new building'of 60,rooms; elegantly! furnished In mahogany oak and blrdseye ma-,ple, finest quality carpets; cheap rent; fine 10-;cation; all full and clearing $300 per monthiabove all expenses: willbe sold at great sac-

rifice on account sickness in family.' . -. . - .

[:•Beautifully furnished little house of 11\u25a0 rooms ;- nice;block on'• Eddy. et.;.%-sawod oak:furniture, all hair mattresses, velvet and Ax-1minster carpets where you can have fine home'and make some money besides; will be sac-rificed for quick sale..:• '.

\u25a0- New and. up-to-date apartment-house of_sT!rooms; most elegantly furnished house In 8. *\u0084\ 2 and 3 room apartments; year lease; obliged

;(to go East. .. . . \u25a0;\u25a0 -\u25a0<-•

'.- Choice new, modern corner house, with 2 fineentrances; close in; most elegantly furnishedthroughout; where you can clear $300 and over

j"every month; never \u25a0on market before; s~~;down,' balance $60 per month and no interest;

!leaving,city.- .' • . . .: •

*\u25a0 Good' buy for some one; this 22-room house;'fine neighborhood- rent only $100; well fur-.nished and clearing $85 to;$9O per month; re-duced to $1500 to make quick sale; will take;$850 cash to get In. ,


-This beautifully;furnished 6-room flat: close :

Iin: no car fare; fine location; rent only **».!,water free; can be bought on account' of elcK-!ness for $500; about Vi cost to furnish.

'•\u25a0'' \u25a0"•'.; "A.CAMERON & CO., 8 Eddy st.'


IA CHEAP bargain: a rooming-house with 14,rooms fcr sale. 618 Howard St.. old No. 609%.

WANTED— lodging-house of 85 rooms; deanfurniture. Address box 9516. Call office. \u0084 going East. 14-r. house.nicely\u25a0 fur.; $350; must sell before Ist. Box 705,Ca11.

v;_ _._ \u25a0

: -_^^


THE FAMOUS.Clairvoyant and business medium, reads yourlife correctly; gives accurate description of

\u25a0 past: reveals present happenings; portrays'events to occur In the future; valuable ad-vice on ell>affairs in life; satisfaction guar-anteed; 25c up. 17 Third st., near Market.

IISMAR,"Egyptian seeress. The Vendome, 1104

Market st. San Francisco. Office hours—

a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12; Wednes-.. day evening. \6to 8. Phone South 1141.. .-;-.-- .MISS M. WILLE,•310 Ellis St.. clairvoyant,

crystal seer and life reader, tells you exactly, what you:called for without asking a ques-tion; names 'given;;$1; hours 10 to 8. , l

DON'T fail to sea Mrs. Dr. Gorden's Scotch:seance. 152;Sixth st. ;

MME. MARSEAU—Card reader; ladies 20c;gents 50c. 645 Minna St.; phone Folsom 3595.

MRS. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader, hasremoved from 108 Sixth et. 'to 054 Mission.>"^^~"'^^^~~~~'^""^~~~"*~ "**~*"^**!S


MME. EILERSFICKEN—CIairvoyant, spirituallife readings daily, 25c. 536 Turk St., betweenLarkin and Polk. -.

•\u25a0 ,

A—MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, bus. medium andlife reader. 1206 Market, r. 14, Gait House.

Mrs. Sill, 1049 AMarket, r. 21: sit. daily, 10 a.... m. to 7 p. m.;:cir. Mon., Wed.. Fri. evengs.

MME. YOUNG'S marvelous spirit messages to-night, 10c: 619 McAllister; come, skeptics.

C V. MILLER'S materializing seance to-nightat 8. $1: friends .only. .-10&*.-B^ :.-^,-.--.,

EARLE'B seance Sun., Wed. nights," 219 Eddy.Read.- dally. Hotel Hlgglns;ladles $1 this wk.

PALMISTRY. ."<\u25a0'. -V?.-i!MME. SOLO, wonderful palmist, card reader; j

when other* fall see her. 313 Ellis st. 1


COMPRESSED Air and Vacuum Process used \for cleaning carpets on floor without removal; \carpets and rugs also, cleaned by compressed .iair at shop; prices moderate.

-S.. F. Com-

pressed Air Cleaning Co., 308 Market St.;phone Main 152 and Bush 479.

WHEN you become disgusted with your workBend for SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ving works, 353-357 Tehama st. Tel. South 40.

WESTERN Carpet Cleaning Works, 1809 Har-rison st. ;Al cleaning,


DORN & CO.: Dhone Mission 225.

ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co., 402 Sutter st •tel. Main394. GEO. WALCOM & CO.. Props.

TEL. Sutter 1981. Star Renovating Co., 630 G.G. aye.; carpet clean., fit, lay. upholstering.

MITCHELL'S, 240 Fourteenth First-class. carpet cleaning. 3c yard. Tel. Mission 74.RUDOLPH &CO.. carpet-beating works; prices

reasonable. 1703 Harrison st.; tel. Mission 263

X.ACE CTTBTAiars ACT BLANKETS.BRANDT'S New York Curtain House; most.complete plant for cleaning lace curtains and

blankets. 1324 Fillmore; phone Pine 2622.


C. F. ADAMS CO.. 318 Mason St.—Clothingfor everybody from hat to shoes; you can get• what you want from us and have It charged.


- -» . ."--•\u25a0'

BUITB cleaned and pressed, $1;:scouring anddyeing. Bon Marrhe, Examiner bids., r.410;phone Drumm 44. Call for and deliver free. -

;-. COLLECTION OFFICES.BAD tenants ejected for $4; collections made;

city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415Montgomery st.. rooms 9-10. Tel. Main 5580.

DENTISTS. ..\u25a0;'.\u25a0.':,:.• ."\u25a0 y.

j A NEW plate— The—

Cannot break:\u25a0

t warranted 20 yrs.; crowns $3 60; fillings 50c;-plates. '$5, fun get: all:work:painless andwarranted. Chicago Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth.

jIdr. LUDLUMHILL. 1443 Market, nr. 11th—'1*

No"charge for extracting when plates arei.r made; old plates made over like new; ,teeth

\u25a0;from $» per set; extracting-

50c;gas given.'

iFILLINGS, 26c and 60c; crowns $2.""

NEW& YORK DENTISTS, 069 Mission, SE. cor. 6th.j GOLD fillings.:75c; silver. 35c;

'crowns, $2, noj pain; op. Sun. Dr.A.C.Hewltt.lOl^ Grant aye.

IDR. R.[L.jWALSH has moved from Geary -at.\u25a0"- to • corner Sutter st. \u25a0 and ;Grant aye. ..-;'.;


KEISTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College. Majes-tlq-building. 1281 Market St., rooms


Ladles, bring your.material • and • make • your

suit • under instructions en1;;expert \u25a0; ladles'•;•\u25a0 tailor :: heads ; corps of '.'-Instructors; ;patterns

cut to order: the next 10 days we cut; a pat-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 tcrnIto;measure free to each 1caller; 1special,> :sewing .rates, 50 cents >p«r tday= the • next 60;;daysv custom work done: night school. -\u25a0_ MR..and MRS. JOSEPH STACH,y Principals. ;

-McDOWELL Dressmaking & MillinerySchool—-

--\u25a0: Patterns cut. to measure; eve.class. .1019 Mitt;Accordion,isunburst ;andIknife -pleating. I*.1*.Stew-j art's button & buttonhole factory. 110 Taylor.'


v MUSlC—Teaching 2000 pupils weekly in S. F.\u25a0-.:' on mandolin, guitar,' violin, banjo and piano;

\u0084:also voice culture; cpcitais given monthly InISteinway; Hall;(rehearsals free after 15 les'ns.

\u25a022:{ Sutter. Phone John 5096. '\~. 220 Grant aye.

:LEARNItelegraphy -and;R.|R. accounting:


>',to $150 per month,salary 'paid our graduates:\u25a0 our six schools all railroads;; day ':'andIevening sessions ;2apply tfor J catalogue.

Morse School of Telegraphy, ;26 CFarrell \u25a0< st.IA—THE iLYCEUM*an

'accredited \preparatory .;:school :for university, law and \ medical tcol-";. lege; ;refs., ;Professor Jordan or any Stanford .tprofessor: > day.,evng. session. Phelan < bldg.

j A—METROPOLITAN"Business'Col."? has Itaken

itquarters * formerlyioccupied fbyiCal: ':'\u25a0 B. C,;;i.students of

*latter., are >finishing'theirIcourse

;• with*Metropolitan.X192 5: Golden )Gate;ave;*t-jw

THE Paul ;Geraon. School of Acting,*!the ;largest._•-:institution vdevoted a exclusively to %!dramatic;-,.:learning;mrAmerica:positions guaranteed.

Send for catalogue^ Native Sons' building.

HEALD'S School of >Mines"and*Engineering. 24 )

;\u25a0. Post'St., S. F.; ci^ll,mining,* electrical, steam !

i, and *as engineering. %jSend for prospectus.

!ENGINEERING—Civil, elec. mm..'mech., ur-:~-\ vey/ assay, cyanide; day.', cv.; est. 1864. Van

-1 'derNaillon School. 113 Fulton, nr." City Hall.

BUSINESS CHANCES—Continued^A—CAMERON': & C0.... -!. '.Phone South 1050. •'{ EdJy, st. cor. Market and: Powell. '?IHeadquarters for all kinds of business chances.


Wanted— First-class real estate man withsenre money to take charge of the realty de-

| partment ,11 old established real estate office,city;,must have best of references and ex-perience. See CAMERON &-CO.



To lease first-class chicken ranch of 3acres; ."5 minutes' ride from city, with'7-roorn inodcrn cottage, all furnished; rent $26per incnth: liau 250 assorted hens and chick-,ens of besj breeds; al^o CCO imported Homerpigeons, Incubators, brooders -. and pigeonfiys. thoroughly ;>i>ed; 'electric cars onboth sides 01 lilace: will sell half interestin fowls and equipments lor $500,. or wholefor SB5O. See CAMERON & CO.'7 . ,

IA—s:::.<> for fine tailoring business, establishedfor 15 years; rent only.$82? CO, with 4 livingroo;r.p. well equipped; doing soqd business;

sickness compels sale. . CAMERON &CO./.A

—High-class grocery and family liquor store,"*

located in bonton residence district; rent $50;coed fcorre and wagon; sales $75 to $80 perda;.-; fre^h new stock, -.which will invoicemore than price asked; must leave city. • SeeCAMERON & CO. : :


Only drugstore in thriving- town;Irving-ton, Alamfda Co., \u25a0 Cal.: populationabout SCO. with big country trade; AncJereonCollege, two grocery stores, and". one large

i hardware and furniture store doing, a .thriv-ing business; excellent opportunity for • a. good physician; price $1800; good reason forselling-. Apply to H. D. FORD, lrvington,.Cal. . -

ir-.\ . \u25a0 •-\u25a0\u25a0 ;'i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:. -:-- -



To buy for cash,-a good -business

proposition; value must be in sight; nopreference as to location/Address box.504,Call office. : •

\u25a0 '. '.\u25a0'..:-DELICACIES and lunch-room paying well;

good fixtures; attractive front;' living rooms;rent $25: bargain; good reasons for selling.411 Turk st. \u25a0\u0084..-.......-\u25a0


buy :or. rent, a chicken ranchor saloon; Colma preferred. Address . A.FROIDOVUX, Colma. \u25a0:-\u25a0-•' \u25a0 .;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0': ;''


$475; SWELL candy, Icecream parlor; goldmine for a candy maker.

-1545 Mission et. .


HALF Interest | In iron foundry nettingover $800 a month. 777% Market St. •

$SW>— PARTNER; old established.' well paying-business; reliable and sober.- Box 1083.


STORE, bar, fixtures;"4rooms, stable, 4 stalls.338 Thirtieth St. .' \u25a0;. :


PARTNER, i mfg. { business; experiencenot necessary. Cigar stand, . 288.Fourth- st.—



r*1STEADY man wanted with $400; genteel \u25a0 and :

profitable business.; Apply,23s Kearny st. , ;

GROCERY; stationery; 1 candy; 3 living rooms;for sale cheap. Box 785, Call. .• ..

WANTED To buy a saloon. -'.Box 002, :CallOffiCß.

__ "-.•-..•\u25a0

-:•\u25a0.•'•' ; \u25a0\u25a0y -.••: .-.-.-";;:

RESTAURANT wanted for cash. Box 854,Call office. .-' --.--. \u25a0 -\u25a0-

LAUNDRY plant; j complete running order.• SPECK, 2132 Folsom st. V

WANTED to buy—

A milk.route. Inquire 1427Valencia St., near Twenty-fifth.. • .', ;-,-.

A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep-tion of advertisements and' subscriptions hasbeen opened at 1008 Market • St., oppositeFifth. Open until 11 p. m.

Boomlxuar-Ho-nses and Hotels for Sal*.


Bth floor. • Room 801. 1New James Flood Building.

970 Market, Opposite "The Emporium."Offices near the Elevators.


To-Date Offices. . \u25a0

Modern Business Methods.All Titles Guaranteed. • .I:

Our Services .Free to Buyers. :Money to Loan.

y ' 'Phone Main 33-4-3.


———fere as one special this* . \u25a0 ', :week a family hotel of

i5O rooms; beautifully \u25a0

furnished and well-es-tablished; rent $250;profit $417 monthly.The reason for sellingsuch a business will be •\u25a0

1 prfc'ately explained toyou.

If we loaned you $750|to be repaid $10 month-ly;would you pay $400down and do the workIn a 21-room house fora salary of $60 month-ly?


\u25a0 James Flood;bldg.

COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE Is solicitedand answered promptly, carefully and truth-fully. We answer every letter on the veryday on which we receive It. Now, DearReader, write us fully as to your circum-stances and desires and we \u25a0 promise to. useour best endeavors to arrange a sale to suityou.

Respectfully yours . for business, :MARION GRIFFIN. 970 Market st.

NOTICETo Economical People:

Pickupthis snap of

16 roomsfor $500. % cash.North of Market.

One floor.Ea«y tn care for.



ICS as steady roomers.Rent-165 per month and

LIFE LEASE.j82 1rooms

—2 floors.

Sunny NE. corner.MONTHLY '

Income$211. PRICE $2006.Terms V, down and$10 monthly. ,


MARION GRIFFIN.LARGE, respectable ,and DEPENDABLE . ,houses. Rent $360.Price $4000.

207 rooms, $14,000. .MODERN


-MENTS.———150 rooms, apartmentsTO LEASE FUR-NISHED.

100 rooms: new; mod-ern: CENTRAL., • .90- rooms: BEAUTI-FUL. Profit . $635



70 rooms : EXTRAgood. Profit $318monthly.

168 rooms; $5700; rent$870; lncomft $800.

«1 rooms ; central :WELL ESTABLISH- -ED; $4800.

50 rooms: very fine:profit $214: price tMQO.


~~'\u25a0 ~*~

WANTEDReal estate yin


change \u25a0 for y. rooming-\u25a0'.->- -\u25a0 houses: call and see us

'\u25a0\u25a0 y.-•'•\u25a0; or -.write, us fully-of. what you want.*-'-.MARION GRIFFIN.- . -Office, 801 .. . James Flood Bldg.




. LEASE. WITH OR -WITHOUT GRILL..Owners of buildlnf wish to deal with a first-class party having $10,000 cash; modern brick,building:on'\u25a0 sunny 'r.side of;street, running

\u25a0 through to rear street ;"all;front \u25a0 suits <have

:private 1baths; steam heated; electric light- and elevator;. the right,party. can. secure thiselegantly furnished. .hotel, .-now.; being- con-ducted by the ;owners of;building, for about-cne-half cost :of furniture; \u25a0 rent $7 per room;none but principals 'need apply.

-G. A.'BER-

TON.!.'l2.'!,Montgomery: st. ;, 1.;;-::•*:::;,.:;

A 16-ROOM corner, house, best !location large,sunny rooms elegantly* furnished; suited for

\u25a0 Hther'houeekeeping or.- boarding;- full of per-manent -iroomers ;;also \u25a0 well-payIng.businessconnected; 'leaving city May 1.: Inquire at

.- 1409 Van \u25a0Ness ;aye.; Ino;agents. -. '\u25a0•'-'•;' ' .- V';\u25a0 .;FISHER & CO., James" Flood-bldg., Main 3354,

present; a line list of rooming-houses;- manyreal bargains; personal investigation; desired.

IFURNISHED isunny %corner; flat;\all,:outside.. rooms; 0 rooms ;and rbath;,$250. t- 624 Taylor.\u25a0: 6t.. corner Sutter; :income over rent. . \u25a0 \u25a0>,

Al;VERY;central:- corner -3 rooming-house, .40. light sunny 7 rooms; well furnished; a bar-gain.'\u25a0\u25a0 jAddress owner, :fbox 1790, Call office.

A WELL furnished apartment-house;. "46 rooms;' pricei$4000;-rent; $175 .'a";month ;• water free;.. no agent.'; ;Apply.;1020' Polk st. ..:

A CHEAP bargain— A*,roominz-house .with 9. • rooms • for sale. •> 860 rMission at.;-

must be' sold at onoc. \u25a0\u25a0•j'-'^&S^ffSS'-. ' ~x-

-;1 ;-\u25a0;';\u25a0 ';. , : .' :. ;. ._ .-- \u25a0-.



Established ;I860: largest iin< the <West; :an-nual enrollment 1000; send for circulars.'

ATTEND a school % that;

gets s situations. Wehad 40 positions in March; 13 this month. S. ,F. Business College, 738 Mission st.

BOOKKEEPING. Eng.,,Math., 1,etc.. •day and. ;eve.;*; individual ;Instr. 305;Larkin 6t.-Prof.

'.*.T. A.,Robinson, \u25a0 former'pres. Pac Bus. Col.

IRVING Institute School for Girla. 2120 Cali-S| fornia St.; Easter term begins Tuesday,' Jan-

.vary.vary 3. 1906. ,:-: . \u25a0'

.\u25a0• '-\u25a0 \ \u25a0-.;,\u25a0.:-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0;.'


'for catalogue, j

IKENT Law School; day and night; 14th year;\u0084 books free. 536 :Parrott building.

IFRENCH,Spanish,German,Eng. ;Miss HEMPELformerly pupil of Prof.- De Flllppe.7Bl Sutter.

IEngineering Ev"g School, 20 Hartford; strength,j materials, design,math.. graphostatlcs. drawing. ;

\ WESTERN Business College,*. 1281 Market St.;..', thorough, ;•practical.- modern; day.' evening.

j HINMANSrACADEMY, a thorough school of Idancing; all branches. .1412 Polk St., nr. Calif..


Day andPARTIXGTON'S. 424 .Pine Night class.

jj »EBYOUB DISEASES.\u25a0.PERSONS suffering ;from diseases of the eye

and the nervous system, and are not able topay will receive free treatment dally from 9

\u25a0i to 11 at Dr. Schlrman'a office. 643 Sutter St.

. '



ORPHKl'MIEmployment 'Office—

Japanese-:Chinese help.\ J2ii Powell St., teL Main 5752.

\ JAPANESE \u25a0 and \u25a0 Chinese help. WAt.YOSHY. 415 Stockton at. ;«Hl.- Bush 859.

!CHINESE *Employment Offlee—Best help at\u0084:Leon Seung's, 411^ O'Farrell; tel. Bast 426.

CHINESE and Japanese help; estab. 20 years.\u25a0.. Tel. Main 1097. BRADLEY & CO.. 640 Clay.

iJAPANESE. Chines* help of all kinds furnish-'ed; housccleanlng. 708 Taylor; James 7636. {

IRELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- ]• flee: all kinds help. 315 Stockton: Main 5188. !


s A COMPETENT Infant's nurse, city or coun-!, try. ;references; :'. an * experienced waitress

wishes work. \u25a0>- MRS.:NORTON. 508 Mason St.

BOOKKEEPER, cashier; young lady; ex-perienced \u25a0 expert accountant:. all modern sys-;terns; quick, accurate; highest references;

lact position 4 years. Box 637. Call.WANTED—Aposition. by experienced nurse to

take-full care of a bottle infant; can give,city references. Box 1081. Call. .

1 WANTED A position as companion or nurse5[for;elderly lady |by.experienced nurse: caa

give best of city.references. .. Box 1082. Ca.l.INEAT,1reliable woman like to get a few hours'. work; each

-day;.good refs. Box 1076, Call. j

j A MIDDLE-AGED woman lately from Phila-delphia wants a situation In a good private

j family; cook and laundress: kind to children;will.go a short distance in th« country; ref-erences. .47 Shipley st., off Folsom. near 4th.

A WOMAN with two children would like posi-.:, tion-as" housekeeper .In city or country

where she could have the children with her.. Address box 823, Call office.IAICOMPETENT . and Ireliable;German woman,

with girl7%. would like position cooking for: men on ranch or in miningcamp; good plain

cook and baker; neat worker.- Box 1097, Call

EASTERN woman, elderly desires position:isexperienced cook; likes children; capable en-tire. workismall .family;:references;


$10 to $16. Box 708. Call office.

!A CULTURED lady (German) desires positionas matron In an institution or similar occu-pation; highest references can be given. Box783, Call-office.. . . \u25a0 '.; \u25a0

:COMPETENT trained nurse will care forchronic or nervous case: well recommended;speaks French and English; will travel. BoxBS2, Call.. c

\u25a0 A YOUNG German | woman, ;. good cook, cleanworker, with 3-year-old boy ,wishes place a*housekeeper or private family; city or coun-try. 2253 Geary st. :

A YOUNG woman witha child 5 years wishes jplace in small adult family; city or country.

\u25a0-' MARGARET HOWE. 3176 Mission st.


A situation as cook for men'on1

ranch; short distance in the country or city.• Apply:710 Harrison st.- .

'4 A'STRONG German woman wants to work by'the day; .washing, ironing

-and ;cleaning.' 433 M Tehama St.. between Fifth and Sixth.

I.COMPETENT < woman wishes a ,-situation:housework and cooking. 1274 Howard St.,

near Ninth.\ :WOMAN wishes" work by the day; good laun-

dress; $1 50 day. 549 Minna St..'between

Sixth and Seventh; no postals answered.

MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position; cook-ing and lighthousework. Address, 408% Mc-Allister St.. upstairs. ,

jA YOUNG woman with a child 9' years, wishes jplace in small adult family; city. or country.MARGARET HOWE, 3176 Mission st. , \u0084

COMPETENT woman. wishes few nice familiesby the day; laundry work." cleaning or cham- :ber work. 4SB Geary st.: phone Brown 32.

'] WANTED—Position;.. experienced nurse; care i

for an Invalid; competent and reliable; good. companion.- Nurse, box 158, Call office. .

jFIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes a few moreengagements. (1 50 per day. 4 Morse place,off Broadway, near Leavenworth.

~ ..1 A GERMAN laundress wants to take washing!

home; lace curtains; reasonable. . Tel. Larkin j.1006. -; . '.-,\u25a0-.\u25a0 \u25a0 -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. j

!EXPERIENCED chambermaid would likeposi-;tion In city. Address Miss L..W.; 108 Te-- hama st.ICOMPETENT cook wishes position In private I,family; city or country. 1810 Fillmore st.

IHAIRDRESSER and manicurist wishes a fewmore private engagements." \u25a0Phone John 3266.

IWOMAN wants position; is good French and j. Spanish cooky Box 796, Call office-. ,_

POSITION ;wanted by a first-class masseuse.Address, stating particulars, box 793, Call.

COMPETENT, bookkeeper and cashier desires-position best references. /Box • 497, Call. D

EXPERIENCED 1teacher . wishes pupils tocoach: terms 60 cents per hour. 2037 Oak st.

YOUNG Japanese lady wishes \u25a0 a position as a> !school'girl In the city.


Kearny st.;phone -Davis 286.

A JAPANESE young woman wants positionsb cook Insmall family; wages $4 up. N. H..1225 Devleadero st. ; tel. Scott 548.

YOUNG Japanese lady wishes position as a\u25a0\u25a0;;\u25a0; pchool girl. MISS LILY,426 Kearny st. \u25a0.

EMPLOYMENT WANTED—MALE.jBOOKKEEPER, expert, s ready \u25a0\u25a0- for business;

prepared by years' '. of experience and good,:... references. .Box,1084. :Call. \ -jCOOK—With Al:Western education, 35 years j1of age,* wishes position in hotel or club. Box

\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 1066.;Call. ;.••;\u25a0 :\u25a0 ._-\u25a0/> . :':..r--~r* ;\u25a0' \u25a0'.- •':' \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

BREAD and cake baker and confectioner, fine;ornamenter, ;wants situation; / country pre-". ferred. r Room 646 Howard st. . .' -'

WANTED— Position ias iassistant i. bookkeeperby,young .man \u25a028 years old; 7 years'.' experi-

;:ence; 5, years ;in"last :place;

-best of


v;\u25a0 ences; \u25a0\u25a0 salary \u25a0 moderate, tBox 1094, • Call. rPOSITION' as '\u0084

'either '.shipping orI-fdelivery'

clerk;• well 'acquainted-with city *at present• a'postal clerk;in the • Railway Mail Service.'

1 Address J. E.> 0., 532 Guerrero .St.


By.middle-aged .',and Bexperienced*v man

'and iwife, a place to cook for men In

camp \u25a0or mine. Address JOHNSON ,' and: wife, 775? Mission st. ; '

\u25a0 -. T "'..--"-..'-. ;

PIANIST, gentleman. 82. sight reader, . lighttouch, -; good

-accompanist, v open *for engage-

ment;'speaks German, French and English.

v'Box1788. Call office. :?::.\u25a0

Al ;TIMEKEEPER, stenographer .and clerkwants ? position; city or -country. Address. box \u25a0• 870,


'\u0084:; f: .*

-A GOOD barber (30. years "old),!Just arrived i. from z the East, ;;German,,- Is -. looking for •. aT,1steady position;'city ]or country. .;'. Address'ii-\ 1110 ;Howard' st. :\u25a0.:\u25a0.:. ,;;;::;.-.•-'.-- x \u25a0../.,..-. rFIRST-CLASS carpenter and millwright.'wood-.' worker.;and

" blacksmith, understands_draw-

• \u25a0 ing.ican -doiplumbing, wants \u25a0, work; state

wages. Box 690. Call office. >. .:; \u25a0

IBOOKKEEPER, ? rapid, accurate Iworker, :ex-\u25a0r \u25a0 perienced collector, and :correspondent, wants;';jsituation: Al references.', Box 876,: Call. •

ELDERLY maniwants 1work'aa;choreman. \u25a0or

tVcare? for.«horseiand garden ;I$15 per 'month.Box 1092, Call:>-;.:v--. :v:.^:./-^'-ir: '.;'.;:'. -".\u25a0•-:

jBOY wishes '•.. position 'in wholesale'clothing or!

:i.l- dry goods \u25a0house; ,age 117. \.Box 1096. Ca11. .-,;!> FIRST-CLASS ,? Janitor wishes \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 employment;i";best •\u25a0 of :references. £s Box

"1002, «Call.-

•\u25a0 -,;

jGERMAN, years of age. wants any kind of.V? outdoor .iwork-inf the 1country. 3 Box 190,. Call.j OLDimanIwant« s situation :as cook or "--\u25a0. dish-I,Vwasher ;*a

"good i. bread |baker.;Box ]877. Call.'

CARPENTER, non-union, wants"work Iby the

j.;.-day or contract. *Box;08S^Call. \-:.; 1~7.;£> :y-'PRINTER, first-class irall-round

'-man; wants

i-.-i situation;:city(or country.'xj-Box.745, ;Call. \u25a0v;BARBER, good 5steady ,workman wishes posi-

tion; city or country. SCHULTZ. 209 Minna.