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ASKS LIBRARIANS TO MEET IN WEST THE; SAN FRA^GISGO:. GALL, BU.X33AY,: AUGUST, l v 1909^ Waning summer Finds Resorts Crowded Greene will be able to work the bet- ter in procuring the 1911 conference for California because of his position In the council of the national associa- tion, to which he was elected at the New Hampshire gathering.. While in the east Greene * visited many cities to study library and mu- seum methods. His ideas on museum work will be laid before the board of library trustees, which is the body in control of the Oakland museum. Cura- tor Charles Wilcomb is the actual di- rector of the new municipal museum. OAKLAND. July I 31.—-Charles B. Greene, librarian of the Oakland free public library, has % returned from the east, where he went to attend the con- ference of the American library asso- ciation at Bracken woods on Mount Washington, X. H. Ha represented, the California state library association and in that capacity presented the invita- tion to the national association to convena in California in 1911. The 1910 meeting will be on the Atlantic coast because of the international con- ference at Brussels, .which will be at- tended by many American librarians. Oakland Delegate to National Gathering Wants 1911 Session Held Here The girl said that she was walking along the bank of Fitchburg cr«>ek when. Brown came from behind and caught her in his arms. Brown denied that he had attacked the girl, saying that she had attempted to sell him. a ticket to a church fair and that when he placed liis hands on her shoulders she began kicking and scratching and he was trj-ing to quiet her when the others appeared. He is thought to be insane. After Tatum and Pyrtes had released the girl from Brown's grasp he turned against them and the struggle * con- tinued until Deputy Constables Good- v.-ia and M. F. Smith were called. Even then Brown refused to give up and snatching- Goodwin's club struck him a violent blow on the head, cutting his scalp and almost knocking him down. By a final effort Smith and the girl's father and Tatum held Brown until the handcuffs were snapped on. To the frenzied resistance which the girl offered she probably owes her es- cape from serious injury, aS' Brown ap- peared to have exerted all his savage strength against her, tearing her cloth- ing and pulling her hair. He had al- most overcome her when her j father, John Pyrtes, who was at work in a field, and W. D. Tatum, a. neighbor who had been summoned by her cries, ran to her assistance. .vW-V ' OAKLAND, 'July 31.— Attacked, in a lone'.y spot this afternoon by Edward Brown. Edith Pyrtes. a pretty 14 year old girl living at Fltchburg, fought and screamed help was summoned. Brown fought a' desperate battle with his captors, until bruised, and bleeding, he was overcome and lodged in jail at Frultvale. Assailant Turns on Rescuers and Efforts of Four Men Needed to Subdue Him GIRL FIGHTS FOR LIFE WITH MANIAC Appeals were made to the "Associated Charities in behalf of the old people by neighbors, who gave them shelter dur- ing the day. Hodgson is partially crippled by paralysis, and for the last year has been unable to .make both ends meet with the small shoe making business he obtains. His wife is an old Spanish woman who speaks no English. The couple have lived in Berkeley for sev- eral years. Hodgson is 70 years of age. BERKELEY, July 31.— Unable to pay their rent, which had ~ been due for some time, George Hodgson, an aged shoe maker residing at the corner of Grove and - Carleton streets, and his wife were turned out into the streets with their few personal effects at the order of Mrs. Lelah M. Reynolds, owner of the little shack in which the couple made their home. Evicted for Nonpayment of Rent They Wander in Streets AGED COUPLE TURNED. OUT OF DWELLING News of Society Across the Bay OAKLAND. July 31. Two years on probation was the term imposed on Joe Resendes. a gardener, by Judge Waste today. Resendes lured Manuel C. George to a secluded spot and then administered a severe beating with a hoe handle. In explanation he said that George had insulted him and called him names after they fell out over a deal in real estate and that he had confided his trouble to a special policeman, who casually informed him that George ought to be well beaten for his pains. Resendes carried it out with dispatch, and afterward tarred and painted a stone which George stained with blood when he fell. uardener Given Probation After His Explanation BEATS ADVERSARY ON ADVICE OF POLICEMAN Colonel Biddle Is on 'record as de- manding co-operation from the city and private interests with the fed- eral government in dredging a ship channel. . Appropriations to dredge the canal to 30 feet depth will be fought for, said Senator Perkins^ as soon as fav- oraWe.recommendation can be secured from the engineer department. OAKLAND, July 31. Senator Per- kins has written to the chamber of commerce from Washington that it is of utmost importance to the harbor de- velopment plans that the approval of Lieutenant Colonel John E. Biddlc. United States engineer in charge of rivers and harbors work, be obtained. Favorable Report of United States Engineer Essential SENATOR PERKINS ON HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS . Detective Flynn, who is seeking the assailant.- has learned that Peavy fled from the house to his own \u25a0 home v at : Lewis and G<sss streets,- then escaped j from the city on an early morning^ train., ." \u0084- ',- •. \u25a0 _ A Reese suffered "a serious wound in the: left side and deep cuts in the face and shoulder?. ,'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ~ OAKLAND. July 31.—John Ptfavy,' a negro Pullman waiter, is being sought by the police for the stabbing of Rich- ard Reese, another negro, who was severely wounded early this morning at '-'Eighth and Willow streets in a a quarrel over Nettie Nicholsort. . Negro Pullman Car Waiter Seriously Wounds Rival QUARREL OVER -WOM AN RESULTS JN STABBING Invitations^ have been generally ex- tended to friends of the institution to inspect the home and to note the work which is" being 1 done for helpless in- valids. : . .;;: . ; - r appeal for financial, assistance has been ; made, voluntary, offerings to be sent to the home." . , C" OAKLAND, July 31.— The twelfth an- niversary of the founding of the King's Daughters'] Home for. Incurables will be observed -Saturday, Augtist 7,* by a re- ception at the home, 3300 ' Broadway. The hours will be in the afternoon from 2 until 5 o'clock. for Incurables Will Hold Reception at Home KING'S DAUGHTERS TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY H. C. CapwelV president of the H. C Capwell company, has-returned.with Ills family from" a trip to the Seattle exposition. ;, Miss Maude Lewis has named Thurs-^ day. August 12, as her. marriage day with Walter John Brendon, , the cere- mony to be' one of the . elaborately appointed V*of the «axly fall. A large number of friends will be asked to - witness the exchange "of the* mar- riage vows at Christ Episcopal church fn Alameda. Rev. E. R.~ Dodd will officiate. .. ~ Mrs.-i Kellogg and her daughter. Miss Louise Kellogg, who have been spend- ing the- season on the Atlantic coast, sailed, for Europe last week, planning an interesting tour abroad. Two ' large teas are promised for Wednesday of the coming week. Mrs. George Martin, who. is here from Ber- lin with v her husband. Doctor Martin, as the /guest of her mother, Mr?. Charles IX*. Bates,, .will be the guest of honor, at ah* elaborate affair for which Mrs. Bat^i'has'fserit out several hun- dred cards to /the . otg friends of her daughter 4 "MlsV Ida Marriott and Miss Bess Valleau'VUl share In the pleas- ures of hoatesV <Jii the same day at the Marriott 2r?ss3ence*ln Alameda, when 150 guests -AvillJ accept of their hos- pitality.*^; 'M'»:'-•\u25a0 . V One of the more elaborate weddings of the coming month will be that of Albert William Miller and Miss Clara Leone Carr, which x\'ill take place on the evening of Thursday, Augiist 12, at the First Presbyterian ch\u$h of Berkeley. Miss Carr has chosen Miss Elsie Marten, a close friend, as her maid of honor. Miss Myrtle Miller and Miss Josie Meyers completing the bridal party as bridesmaid?. E. J. Best Irtll assist the bridegroom as best man. The ceremony-will be read by Rev. Lapslcy McAfee,** pastor of the church., Miss^ Carr is the. daughter' of lire. Anna N. Carr of the college city. She is a graduate of the University of California 'and gifted as a musician. Miller Is principal of the high school in Cloverdale. where he and his bride will establish their home. Mr. and Mr?. E. Y. Gibson have given up their home in Alameda for several mmiths.and are staying with Mrs. Gib- son's mother, Mrs. Charles J. Wood- bury, at the family residence In Brush street. '-'-*i OAKLAXD, July 31. The wedding of «\u2666 Edward iinglebrlght and Jliss Alice -Naylor was a pretty ceremony of this afternoon, taking place in tho gardens surrounding the Xaylor residence in Alameda. The grape arbor lent the Immediate back- ground to the simple marriage serv- ice which made the popular young society girl the bride of the well known civil engineer. Miss - Xaylor. whose wedding -occurred earlier than was planned when the betrothal was an- nounced in the sfprlng, chose to be sur- rounded by only the members of the immediate families otf her marriage day. and those, most interested in her happiness were the only suests wit- nessing the ceremony, "which was read by Rev. L. Potter Hitchcock. There were' no "bridal attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Englebright willlive in Bunsmuir, j where the bridegroom is connected | with the Southern Pacific as a civil engineer and wtjere he has prepared a cozy home for Bis bride. It is deeply regretted that the young matron is to go away from the bay cities, where she has been a favorite In the smart set. Mrs. Englebright* is a beautiful girl, with the culture that comes from study* and travel. Her husband is a graduate of the University of California. * SEA BEACH HOTEL » ".Guests who have latelyv registered at the Sea vß^ach. hotel are:vi H." M. - Langhlln and J. -Maxwell Ttft and wife . ' family: /, . , T. B-- Greenongh and F. W.; Angler \u25a0•;, "«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 wife "\u25a0-•w"" * '•\u25a0 J-^V. Matthews -and W. T. Brn«V .' \u25a0 ' wife-. . . R. J. Powers and wife Caroline E. Squire M. H. Jelett : *"^ Kujh H. Squire P. C. Tbaler Mrs. W. C. Ralstoa J. W. Herrlngton Dr. T.Morphy and wife H.. P. Smith and wife MIMPage Brown ; *; Miss F. Sendderman ...: Mrs.: XL. J. Laymance ' C. H.« Harmon and «Ife Thomas Waschook A. F. Douglas and wife W.vE. Hammer Mrs. G. L. Lansing Dr. H." T. Hammer and Mrss Kate Darrongh = - wife - Mrsr H. Forbes . " D. A. Bonney Miss Forbes*.- . R.C.- Douglas Mrs. S. F." 'Watson WiHiam Greenbaum ,-"'\u25a0•-' Georgi* Watson Charlotte Goldstein C. Derleth Jr., . and Moses HeUer_and wlf« family " . H. \u2666'.- Walter \u25a0>:. * Charles P. Coertler and Mrs. A. J.Wood wife Gladys LC Wood . J. I. Eobcrt* and Jlrs. SI. E.- Bethell family .-\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0 Mrs. 0. D. Sledge . Mr*. James Hnlioe H, G." Buckingham asd Mis* C. C. Hulme wife.. . .; "' Mr*. A. S. Keeler Malcolm Buckingham Miss Alice Keeler , Miss S. Laymance Master Addlson Keeler Miss Hazel Laymance F. C. \u25a0 Zimmerman Miss Mac Heitman IrTlng C. Ackerman and Mrs. Leslie Rice - . wife Edward Frowenfeld Mis* F. Grant - J. Frowenfeld ': A. J. Marks Arthur G. Flsk 0. Snader and rrife Jack Wertheimer Mis* Clara E. Laagtlln A. Jacobs . Mrs. Fred*rl<v Thompson Thomas H. Stevenson E. A. Browne Mrs. Richard Spreckels James P. G'llen ! _ and family P. C. Brennan " J. Trulich and wife F. A. BaDard and wife Mrs. A. Michell Mm. Charles Blaney Mrt. G. Schleslnger Miss Wey " Leon S. Molse Charles D. Blaney Miss Felicia. Molse - Mrs. jNephs B. B. Morris and wife ' George H. Stepp . Philip G. Herslen and Mr*. Feilx Lats wife . . Mr*. C. Wanderly Mrs. EL E. Beck, and Harrington .Brown* and family family " Lawrence Vincent and H. Joost family MUs 11. \u25a0 Jeest Mrs. W. N. Sweet , B. Karp«. - Mrs. C. K. Bonestel J. Mohner Jr. (Sirs. A. PausOi, and C. Trolio x , * «>n A. Hesdorffcr 'J. B. Garibaldi UMcElroy John J. Keller Charlotte Linden Henry F. Duttoa and W. H. Heywood- and wife wife T. C. Walker - . Mr*. T. N. Cushias 11. G. Bailey and wife- .\Tl»s C. Ghlrardelll (R. Tibbetts and wife Mr». George Kline T. O. Van Ness -and J.E. Shelby and wife wife W. C Lawson and wife J. N. Dougherty I Mis* O. Gregory L/ A. Dougherty Mrs. C. S. Com forth E. Walter and wife Sarah D. Fidlar Thoma* W. Cushing J. W. Brockhase J. F. Williams and J. J. Dnran * wife j Georse C. Coddiaf H. E. Stevens and wife C. E. John* Leslie F. Bice * R. E. Noble C. M. Dougherty acd W. Lv Nelwm wife " J. B. Robinson 11. Y. Kuerr Mr*. Lucy Underwood 11. Lion McCann ' H. 0. Veatcta Jr. Ml«s Kate McCann Alfr<?d T. Cluff Frank Dennis and wife G<>raldlne Cluff Bertha Msddcn Mrs. A. E. Cheney Mildred Burkett S. R. Brown and wife F. Fogelsnng IJ. T. Douglas Emma C. Sirokins TE. D. A. Clay \u25a0 F. Hart Brock and trife Dr. Klmer E. Stone and J. W. Boaabaupr and family wife - Mrs. A. E.,Talbot Mrs. F. Y. Read and A. Dolg maid D. F. Minney F. H. Read and wife J. N. Lyons I F. Johnson and wife Robert Schoener J." Tomllnson and wife R. Moore and wife ; Miss B. N. Booth . F. IC Doak Ml** Bessie Booth Al Goldstein Misu Verna Booth Mis* lone Talbott Miss Hugh Dow E. W. Cheney J. Mcliroy .K. E. Graham and wife Waldo E. Spearman JL. A. Gauter and wife Mis3F. W. Spearman JGeorge L. Marlow and Thoma* Olden { family . Mrs. Alox Doig andiM. W. Sweet children JC. K. Bonestel Abraham Simon S. Glenn Amirews and J. 11. MiH.'ulloagh . wife ~ . , Charles Carpy Miss Lina- Brady Frank N. Marston Fred S. Sboup John n. Aitken E. S. Jolly, wife and Jam<>s 11. Goldman . son E. W. Taylor and wife H. B. Keith, wife and Mrs. J. M. Driseoll son . , ; Miss Verdon •* Mr*. S. Solmonson ' Dr. C. L. Tbompsorv Mis* K. Solmonson Mrs. AVn. Thompson Miss G. Solmonspn' E. t. Frelze and family F. M. Van Horn W. A. Slmonton )G. W. Tickell and wife. E. B. Melson * W. R. Lorett J. B. 1). Edge 'R. B. Cann Corinne Cook Mrs. L. J-' Latz G.-B. Lull . Mrs.'- Gladys. Parsons' Mr?. Herman Nullinan J*ur« - Kinkead ! asd Herbert Xnllinan* \u25a0 wife ' W. B. Gray Adella R. Jarris - j J. B. Dusenberr Anita N. Roblet Carl Muntrr and family Robert •E. Lyons and Mrs. M. E. Cunninsharoj wife Mlm Alice CannlnshamiMrj". Henry- Flad E. L. Foomler and wife;Mlss Flad . Sam J. Era IMlss M. F. Howard Randolph V. Whitlnc IT. J.-Bnra Mrs. H. E. KentflelJ Frank 11. Cranie and J. Jvfntfield +* I wife , Cahill Hastings and R. Frommer . wife Miss Florence Barlow C. Abraham " J. 'C. McCurker and Charles Zinkand wif* \ Mrs. B. Allen . tMi«s A. EscolTe Mrs. M. J. Somborer (Mr*. Charles White Harrey Dana and nifeiF. E. Morrison; and Lelfrhton Macgregor wife R. M. Neely - W. R. Brock Mrs. R. "M. Ptonifer Argyle Campbell and Evplyn Stonlfer wife J. Ott»lln Yates " C. C. Wyandt and wife Mrs. E. C. Yates I CLEX. AL.PI.XE SPRIXGS . . Recent guests at Glen Alpine springs are: SAN FRANCISCO •.. F. H. Bearer l (Mm. N. Sllra Mr. and Mrs. G. IL.Ca-jJohn Harden Pratt banif>s ' 1 J - Mannon Jr. Mtss B. G. Howard |Mr». A. M. Kohlberg Miss L. M. Stark plrs: K. Mayblmn Mis? Dora Israel jjamefe Edward Rogers A. R." Westphal \u25a0 (Prof. C. Sobcrbicc and G. A. Russ, wife and! wife ' . * child |pr. N. E. Stephens BERKELEY Miss K. Comlns j Mr. and Mrs. J. E7 Kill- Mr, and Mrs. P. B.j due: i Dawson .Mr?. 11. Peixotto Dorothy Edlnger ' Jessie B. I'elxott*. ' Mr. and Mrs. RoscoefF. M. French Warren l.ncy ' f *\u25a0*!*? FrencU /. Cogswell . \u25a0\u25a0 . - ! LOS ANGELES Mary C. Currier *!->r. pnd Mrs. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Frank Mrs. Allen .-:->"': Gordon f ~ Mi*«cs Allen IA. W. Thomas and wife E.'ll. •Lipplncott j Bonnie C- Green G. Horran >-<*$BS3& )Irene 31. Green Mis« Clutt * [S. W. Kelsey and wife : Cora Parker ;l>aTid.R. Killdnff ! Blanche n.' Grcgr (Harrington Krown and Katbcrine launders I \u25a0-\u25a0" family . ! . STOCKTON - i C. H. Neill \u25a0 1Ml*s.Winifred West and i Mrs. W. G. Wallac<! i nurso . T Mrs. F.A. West; j SAN JOSK * t Elizabeth H. Bailey Robert -.npTcrsca \ Lanra C. Bailey . Mis» Beans Sanford 4u Bacon- \u25a0 . .. \u25a0 , \u25a0: -.; . /. : ii SAN RAFAEL. Mr. \u25a0 and Mrs. J. -D. Margaret Madison Madison •- \u25a0 Marshall- Madt»on; ; : a:.: Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Caroline Madison \u25a0 -Kuecbler "\u25a0" * -I - . : OAKLAND . ' \u25a0\u25a0-.-;. > Ktte B^anrais t Jack; Sockenaaan F. W.-Veitch -•»' \u25a0••\u25a0'-' Miss- Little- - V. c! Shwhan L. Ray Jacobs Josle M". Mason Mrs. M. V. . Boardman Jessie L.,Moir Lucy C.: Jacobs , May Coogan \u25a0 . - A. J. -Coogan ~ T. C., Cooeau Mrs. Calrert Meade : . Margery Coogan . .. ' = '. . r ADA3IS SPRIXGS' ~ Arrivals at Adams Springs are as fol- lows:', ~ \u25a0'\u25a0'. s'\u25a0 - \u25a0 •\u25a0" - ' .-""•'\u25a0\u25a0" '; W. P. McKeeney F. K. Benjamin G. A. SnlllTan M. Capelle C. . W; Reed E. ; Dalgero Emma Reed ' . G. Cogorna Estelle - McGrew Angclo Searplno . Mrs. William ; McGrew : Miss M. E. -, Selbeiaer Dr. T. O. McSwaln L.. T., Berger Mrs. T. 0. McSwaln. . UiT. Rounds 8.. E. Tracy Mrs..W.E. Eldenmiller A. E. 'Tracy J. SI. Eghleman- \ E. M. Tracy James Spiers „. A..M. Felderman Sam Jacobsen S. B. Felderman •«' R- G. Lawson \u0084 ' L. J.' Baerne W. H. Alexander W. -' H. ' Lock wood . and C.'W.Ounsby .'; wife \u25a0 •:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. '• ..;\u25a0 Gus Lineban Mrs.- William Heilbrcn E. .I. Keating Miss Hazel Heilbron * G. C. Keane \u25a0 IL: H. Bowman ; and Dick Gauzelol wife . ' A. W. O'Brien and wife W.^u. Williams W. A. Loker : F. W; < Baker . Mr. ; McMillan Mrs. Baker - . \u25a0 Mrs. - Leland S. Meade Miss E.F.- Baker Dorothy .Vockcl ' Mrs. S. G. Siltera Emily Vockel Wr H. Cotton IL..S. Meade A. H.-Walker and wife 111.J.R.. Aden . , E. H. Rehfeld ..r P. J.'KaTanaugh _'. H. Kessler . < , ' {Mrs: : A. M. DaTidson A/ B. Welch i-. "A. E.,McGary W. :: F. : ' a Hennes.'ey * . (."harles Perkins ~ John Flanagan '- y Henry -.Feldhusen - M. J. Hennessey , S._-S. McKlnley-:\u0084.-.;, George Scran and wife" W. -' H. : Johnson _' Dr.iMcGflTern Julias Dischin ; , Mel 'Williamson Mrs. J.' B.' Mar*h E. L. Burke ' - Marion Z. Marcu •W.*H.~ Marnhall Mrs-Tl^-Woodard .. - Anna ' F.iKlein i ::" H. "Patterson ;- Carolyn :KleJn^^- F- Dnnne^ (rj^ , Anna -McETOy ;:;;\u25a0, Edwin' Bakery ~ Lena:Keaton ' '\u25a0."... '.\u25a0•\u25a0' : ': ' Alyce .Schwab r H: L. Parker.'. -, .^ A., B.Mloorahan - C. U Prldgcn; •.'', JL-J..Dowd and wife - " Mrs. '. Marr McNamara HHr. r L. ' Cramer >\u25a0-.'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 Fred , ; Ton ' Dur*>a : •: '..• JohnSßittcr- \u25a0 ! L. Schncll ; ; 'Jcorse'^Totmsend " ; I ,WUllam Tolaian . ; WilUam .Wood : I .'. - k '*.'.-. •.;'•-\u25a0; .. " ';.".."' \u25a0\u25a0 . - 'V ;\u25a0 ' '.-." ' AGUA CALIEXTE The following ; San Franciscans have registered at Agua:' Calient*: V Mfs." Decoatnaf and too.S. F.;Phistet " H.,M.:Weiss- : •: -\u0084. I Morris Eib -. : . M. Spelr ' J. A. Wolf "and wife - William Hinkel Miss D. Broderick M. P. BiUlng., Mias C. Nolan *: Mr*. Heelan Mrs. F.~ Webster Miss'Heelan _.- Mri-.8. Clemishere \ Mrs. - M. ; Horgaa *•- F. Ambrose - J. Plaase - Margaret Webater. ..;> ; A.- Nlcolson and wife Mrs. S. Harris v-»- -. v " J. M. Gramen Mr. Harris and son Mre.J. Tolh ~ Mr. and srrs. L«jy Jtfrs. -Joseph Coleman' Mr. and Mr«..K*ne^ F. X. . Burton . : . I* Kane; \u25a0".'> -- .-.,-• A. L. Hrggins . . Mr. and ; Mrs. . Cleary M.Bnrke- •-; * and wa v / A. L. Glas.«raan , . J. 8. Frise .- Mrs. F. Glassmsn - Charles Cohen H :^v \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_- Mis, K. Glassman .: ; ". W. F. Turner Miss H. Classman' Miss S. KauniU - . Sig Harband Mlss.E. McCarthy Miss U. E. Freese Scott Handly r J. Kelley and wife ' F.A. MUler MUs Horgan B. Bernstela Mr. and Mrs. D. Mon- Mrs.* S/ Harris anch -'\u25a0\u25a0.> , Miss F. HarrU Mlsj» J. -Moaascb L J. Lery - C. Caarestri - i. Harris, wife and Mrs. M. Slgglns ehUd y ~ Major H. A. Wright f. Klrshbaum - 0. H; ReSctllng and VI. O'DonneU » . :;'• ' wife \u25a0 \u25a0 ;. U E. , L»w»n . . X. F. Semington and A. B. Glauman wife- Mrs. B. Fichncr A. Goldmejet ?.- Fiehner M. Weiss K. B. ScSwarU -afld 51. \u25a0 Hayes ; :wife "'";•' . C. A. Wall Mr. and Mrs. J. Tobias E. Demman UUs H. Tobias Mis 3V. Broderick * - Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook H. ,J. Labatt ""-.* D. Cook \u25a0 . \u25a0 Mrs. VTIIIUm Kramer 11. - 8. . White C. Demljon \u0084 1.. White Mrs; J. Donoraa K. W.Marisch Mr». R. Jepsen C. B. - Dlngham ft.'-Tii- Frankner W. B. Gerry - William . Morrison and >t. Salomon .'\u25a0 - - - family . . S. Wlthinjtton. wife aad S. Kellermao . -two daughters > \u25a0 -\u25a0' --- Mrs. ' Bnttenshos and Mrs. Ij. O'Donnell and family . child . - ' Miss LoTrty .. Edward Kehoe - •- ;Mrs.-'A. G.Chapmea Mrs. Flatley Miss A. Ftrrell - R. W. Rogers - Miss M: Farrell . Mrs. Hclnisn Miss.M. Gleason ' Mrs. A. MeHnjh I/co Fabry. -.\u25a0 . "' . Mrs. D.^Pyser A. Hi*mmearling?r Mrs. O. Weber Mrs. 'R. Newman Mrs. E. Sheldon H. Mansfield F.Burton " .-. . Mrs. S. Manrfeld .Tim Hayes - W. Mansfield Minnie Darlins Mr*. W. Bryan > J. W. Aftwalt William Bryan. Charles West MHs Ml Mitchell Hazel A. Jones Mrs. 11. Booth - Joseph Kelleher and Mrs. Charles Port»r -son \u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. Welch Bride Smith \u25a0 and family . -•\u25a0\u25a0- Mr*. -Robert Rowe Frank J.i Mott, wife J. ILSanford | and daughter . Edward Nlehairs""* Mrs. J. F. Manner Mr. and Mm. GUmor« Irene Wanney Anne Gnvigtn J. C. Cuunlnshtm Join Garigen S. Metzner N. A. Gosllner and wife . P.IRAISO SPRI.VGS* The following names appear on the register at Paraiso. Springs: .-;?,' SAX FRAXCLSCO ' J. B. Enright {Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Herbert Farjeon j Briton' •. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Mr. and Mrs.- H. D. . Jordan \u25a0 | Morrison Master Lawrence , . jMlss Hazel Morrison Jordan \ Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harry Pinkham . ; Robertson. •• » C". L«>Ty . - .. T..F. Barman Harry Stephen* Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Ml»s Abbie Schrank Straotre Miss K. Harrison Mr. and Mr*. W. A. QaTanaugh H.B.James' Mrs. M. Daley P.Brady Mrs: M. M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Dr. and Mrs. JllWvieb W. B. Coff^y Mlso xftlwrich Miss I.atira Coffey T. •Hawes \u25a0 MUb M. Mltchen Mr. and Mr«. L. Crocker ' R. V. Whiting Mrs. Charles Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith '. F. S.. Kelley Hugo Michels - Edward MrCarthy J. Michels ' . Mr. and Mr*. Robert J., Flood '. Frank Warren Jr. W. C. Osgootl \u25a0"-'\u25a0\u25a0' - - ' * , OAKLAND. ALAMEDA AXD BERKELEY Mlsg May Finnegan |Mr». M.C. Carneal Mr. > and Mrs/ - ,. :. ,: IThomas McCarthy E. L. Cutting . i Jeremiah McCarthy Mrs. Fleming :- \u25a0 . IMr. and Mrt. M. J. Etb H. H. Ober . " \l. Fernandez Mrs, H. Acgelt " IMr. and Mrs. F. H. Leo Anirell '."^ ' [ Scbeidlng \u25a0• ' Miss Lncr Angeli Ml«s Georgia SclwtdinK Dr. Samuel W. Platt Miss Ixmum SolllTan Miss S. Mileorich (Mrs. "M. MeXamara Mrs. J. B. Boscovlch fSliss X. : MeXamara SAX JOSE. SAX lIATEO. REDWOOD CITY J. W.. Goodwin '. Frank Taylor . \u25a0\u25a0':-. Morris Goodwin Billy Fre«lerick« R. Stephen* # Mr. ami Mrs. Hajen Matilda Sterens . Dr. and Mrs. Carl St»Ten« - I- W. - E. Perry Harold V. Wallace (Mrs. G. W." Perry and wlf»»--. "• 'Phillip E. Wilcox Mr. »wl Mr?. IMrs. L. W. Shea T W. J. Brown \u25a0 ' SMljm Anita M. Shea. Miss Bertha Brown' ' ! Jack- Shea' "- >lr. and Mrs. ; Bramgler !Mis* Agnes Sargent" Misu O'Ham* . , , MOXTERF.Y. WATSONVILLE AXD SALINAS F. S. .Wallace !G. A.: Wiener M. S. Lopez s JJ. E. Breen '. . Mr. and Mr«. il.eo Hardy ' " R. H. Moore . I Miss Ann Iterson Mr. and Mrs. (Miss Effle iTerson - S. Bullene iMr. and Mrs. CharlM B. Rosendale I J. D. Cochran Joe Nolan "•\u25a0\u25a0• IMr*. X. Sboenfeldt D. E. Leßandoor I Mr*. R.\u0094 I.Orr and son Joe O'Reillt !MUs Henrietta Dean BARTI^ErTT. SPRIXGS Recent arrivals a^t - Bartlett springs are: r- - .SAX FRAXCISCO Edward Q. Ring - IL. Weissbers . Mr. and Mrs. R. I. A. B. Stedmarf \u25a0 Whelan " - I». Whaly . - J..B. 'Durst ~ Mr«. M. Fredericks Mr. and Mrs. C. Schles- Miss M. U Fredericks ' . inger ,; . . Miss M.* A. Howard 8.-I^fitoa.' . ' MUs D, Smith J>r. D. FlaUbur^ \ Mr. and slr«. D. Sulll- Charles Brown ; . -| '•'•o J. J. ScharUeh 1" , SAX JO3E Mr. and Mrs. 11. - A.l Miss F. Luca3 Skiff V - •:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-• I -. - BERKELEY .': . Mrs. n. J. Magcnlty Vl HANFORD:^^^g I.ED BLIFF I-onI« Winder J :HJF.'W. Decker J" Ed Knauss - -. j-.'- : . . " \u25a0 - - "UPPER LAKF. -\u25a0.-\u25a0<.--.--. '. Lyman W.Barke \u25a0 . - JA.-O. .Wheeler- v . SACRAMEXTO - B. A. K ritfir. - IE. H. McKee Mrs. B. Griron , [Miss M. A. Bradford 1 VAIXEJO Z. J. Ca»per Ia.MpGIU •>.; v *: MT. EDEN M. M. Vieir* . I _ . J. F. Forney - IMIHes Wallace . : * M. M; Vieira I J. A. Graves JAdcraldr-Ppllissier E. P. Grafts iGeorge I fc Hazzard H.,C. Grarcs \u25a0 IMrs. Hazzanl Gen. M. 11. Sherman ' IfSreta Hazzard Kd Strauebnre '• ICarroU Hazurd Mrs. G. Pelllssicr aadi Marry Hazzard too- ---.-..•.\u25a0--\u25a0 . i . JDonald Hazzard " Mrs. L. Roulet- - JMi*« M.^A. Baxter" "^ - MENLO PARK' Mr., and Mrs. W. H.I Kodtn " - | ' 1 ' TRENTON. N.J A. G. Holcombe | ''• : CLOVERDALE - C. F. Grant . { .-. . •» .. *"^.. ? . K'Oa . , . . t "'" ' \u25a0 Mr. and , Mrs. A. H.! > ---; '.. OROVILLE Miss LIlUe Montour I .GII-iV BEND, ARIZ. T. C. Rowley \.y •\u25a0 i'-v; >'/\u25a0•' \u0084 . \u0084 SAN LEANDRO -:•*£*?£ F. G." Rose ... : iniomas B. Mor;aa 1. J. Barley - I - ' . OAKLAND D. F. Murphy -\u25a0 - |H. IV Dlehl F. W. Dlehl \u25a0\u25a0; |W. C; Kennedy •. -'v -v-'-' SAN^MATEO^i»> Mrs., G.I. Emerson - j " The recent arrivals at Sully's ; are: : i " SAN FRANCISCO '\u25a0; ? Mr. and Mrs. CS. S.H. Eaton" . -Blser : i \u25a0 <--•-... Mtb. J.' Johnston Mr.. and Mrs. R, C. V Mrs..E. Eraas Smith. -Locke: v - "..:'. , Mr. and Mrs. Tornbaron Otto Flelssner \u25a0;-:,, >r^ Mrs." B. ; Heflfron^ Cuthbert Flelssner : Mis« G. Ilcilfron Mr.^and Mrs." J. W." ! Miss J. E.:Frank Poore^.r ;.•-/; Miss B^H. La Faille Mrs. H. Relgle and.. Mr."; and ' Mrs."Bacman •"• daughter —-.-.\u25a0 \u25a0 ; Mrs.'A.'-W.' Dunn -and MUs ,- C Jewell *- >' daughter - - '" .. '\u25a0"- T; Miss Jillerson E. Lewis ->•\u25a0 Mrs.»E. J. U&t \u25a0\u25a0"--\u25a0.'\u25a0 Miss.M. S. WalUce . Mis* E. 1 Luke MUs">J.'< Wallace Miss L.- Holt ' : Miss "Alice Brophy Mr. 'and Mrs. F. W. \u25a0.. Mlss ! Eichor»t. '\u25a0:'\u25a0'• Murphy '*- /"\u25a0< Mr. and ' Mrs. ' Harding \u25a0 Mr., and Mri.G. B. ~ E. P. Southard . : Frasch \u25a0 .; '- \s. y'\u25a0 J \u25a0 .*.--, \u25a0• ' \u25a0 . \u25a0 - _ ' Miss M. Bnrntrager \u25a0 Miss V. ' M-". Barnard \u25a0" Miss N.- Manning " : Mr. - and : Mrs. E. K. MlssM. MacdonaldT' "-Prestoni - ' ", Mis* Slater '- -> . .T~ F.^Hanly '\u25a0* _; " MlssG.'Storpr - - . I^D.. Holland. ." . Mi««*K. Wooldridge- J.'W.*-Bri*towe - Mrs/ C/-He«ser ':.:-\u25a0 : ' i ."i'-i V . v "' - ' ;.*, >'l SACRAMENTO ' Miss.G. Jcces - ... . ., _ I - ' •\u25a0.;\u25a0-' VNEWCAS7LE ; . Mrt.' H. Hall I ... \\- \u25a0.-:\u25a0 ' OGDEN Miss" C. Warner ' -^ISKI'JMSBa \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 ' , * ; ; . MERCED ' \u0084 . \u25a0H , Jcd;« i'a'nd Mrs.- E.N.; Rector tad child' : TAHOETAVERX. - Recent" arirals at Taho'o -Tavern are : SAX FRANCISCO r~;^' Dr. \u25a0«. Rerxsteln J. A. M«Gres« ;"*. B. Wallace \u25a0 P. K. Gordon " S. K. Smith M. Byman and wife ' J. ;E. . Bntterfield f Helen Hytaan B. Btzby and wife - Master Joe Byman W. D. :Cohn , MUa _F. Metzgar Mrs.' E. McCatchen M. K. Seralllan - Miss g. Collier M. H.- Fay and wife W. A. Brown, wife a*d Mrs. I. Schmidt- -, baby i Charles E-- Parkes and B. -C. Botsford and -family - '- wife \u25a0 C; S. Fee ' Mrs. JI. K. Cole O. C. Merrill Westlake , Cole A." Disbrow and wife Bernardo Cole ~~ M. Gertrude Homne- Mlss R. Barley . dien Dr. F."C. Le*itt *'IB.Bf«Ter Jr. George B. Hart Dr. Charles Kin? Clintoa Jones and wife Fanny Mayblam -.- ' Uita Helen Jones ' Arthur A. Smith W. G. Volkman E. Lank Smith J..U Graf and wife ~ Mrs. A. W.- Adhlberr H. H. Harris and wife Mr. and Mrs. B. Lear- W. I. Patl and party itt - Mr. and Mrs. L«rsen Miss Helen Leaftttt Mlism A. and C Bart-lUiss M. Smith lett J. A. Lewis . . I.S. LI Hie and wife E.> Gleesoa I. C. Mullen. C C. Rirers and fam- D. r. Popple -Ily W.» n. McMana* J. X Padnia 3. -A. Sampson aad'j. M. Maanon Jr. "'•wife [G. 1 Knm ' CSarl^s S. Kraase |E. Drnlsenberg A. ScblUinc X. A. Dora and « If? Rudolph Sehillißt J. C. C*Tanau?h aad Walter Schilling : - wife, two daughters 1. 1Van Lien and son J. G.'Garnett and wife Mrs. C. L. Eschnaa . W. M. Conn, wife aad L. C. Edefaman daughter « Miss S. Weber L. W. Leryand wife Wise E. T. Hansea I ; - Andrew' Carrlgan" and J. Apple wife JUas E. Apnle F. C. Humphrey* vtlsn T. Prince Mary U Black ' Charles Satro v OAKLAXD C. H. Taylor and wife Mre. \T. Eago Ml»s Kaowles -v E. W. Enso Jr. Jesale Grlmshaw: Bessie E. Waker D. F. Belby and wife Mrs. E. . Matthews Mrs. O. Pierce > lathryne Maher TViilUm J. Johnson and W. B.'Rlckry- wlfe Mis* A! Bowles Ml» J. Johnson > Mrs. W. S. Benshaw Mrs. Isaac I*Reqna - MU>s Hen^haw Mls« Amy Long - Miss Grimes - diss Sallie Long and 11. Chlckerins and wife maid , . BERKELEY . H, F. Brigjs and wife O. TlnDenaan and wife Helen M. Brt?gs J. 3. Wrljtht W. X. Moore Jr. 11. E. Wright and wife A. F. Frey «»* wife F. S. Edlnger and wife AUeen M. Watklns Mrs. 'Alice Beleyoff E. Schomaker : , ,yiA. B. Eddy DEI/JIIOXTE Among the recent' -sruests at Del Mbnte SAX FRANCISCO Mrs. S. A. Jones , ; -" 131r.'1 3lr.' t and Mn. Albert Mrs. W. W. Harmon ' \u25a0 -'.I '-*. Dernoam R. E. Brown 1 •*. ' . Mr*. J. W. Orr Dr. E. Schmall - -. I. W.'rVaa Laadt Carlton CCrane ' Mr. and ; Mrs;— J. D. F. W. Blsnch #>-- -\u25a0 .Sw»et and chau2etxr Mr. and Mrs. J: D. Herbert Flelschhaeier Johnson and daashter Mrs. Hattie Simon Joan Joseph Doran Albert Meyer . G. F. Charleston Mrs. CM. EtirUck Anna Kelley A. M. Rosmbanm Marlon Dittenbo«fer . Arthur Bachman Mrs. Greenbood Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. B. C. H. Jordan Kennedy ~ ' - Lawr»a*e W. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Armsby Mrs. J. M. Driscoll Major and Mrs. C. 11. Miss Verdon MeKiostrr Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mr. and Mrs. George Corkill. woa and Bertholen daa^iter iTan B. Beer Mr. and \u25a0 Mrs. C. C. Mn. M. T. Serrea Terrin Porter Serren James King Steele Hother Wismer Mrs. Gertrude Fracklia Adelaide M. Pollack Mayo R. Carroll James D. Pheian aad Mrs. B. Weil \u25a0 chauffeur tli*s M. Weil Mrs. Hattie Simon Joseph L. Greenbanm Albert M^eyer Mr. and Mrs. St? Mr. »nd Mrs. F. H. Greenebaum and two Dntton \u25a0 \u25a0 maid* * Talbot C. Walker ,. Mrs. Herbert Flei«eh- Mrs. Charles C. Jnil«-a hacker.' two children Mr. and' Mrs. F. A- r and nurse "- i\ Somers^aad chauSeor ; . OAKLAXD Mrs. TV. S. Xoyes [ Miss Anna Eoos Miss E. Ij. Xoyes (Jallaa Clouch Dr.. and Mrs. F. H.jMr. and Mrs. W. F. -> Locke . J Jack' Mr. and Mrs. B. F. [ Jlr. and . Mrs. H. Ar . Durphy ( Smith Mrs. E. Raw J " BEBKELEY Mr. *nd Mr*. 11. K. Miss Nori Evaas Metealf " Mr. and Mrs. Charm Mrs. James B. Home Bull George B. Boke LOS AXGELES Mr. and Mrs. H-irrinc-' Mr. aad Mrs. H. B. -too Brown and four Trowbrid^e children. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllts W. S. Brush '- J. Bole and danzhter Dick Johnson -. \u25a0 - Mrs. F. 11. Rlndze Frank J. Horn Mis* R. A. Rlndse Jack Ammermaa S. K. Rindge * Earl Brown , Miss It. A. Rindse L. E. Dtcksoa .. ' , F. H. \u25a0 Rlndse Oertrode B. Parsons F. Webnter Lillian I. Teazle J. H. Rnd&s AETXA SPRIXGS The following are recent guests at Aetna Springs: SAX FRAXCISCO H. >r. A. Miller iMr. and Mrs. L. B: G. W. Lewis \u25a0_ Larzelere M. E. Pinckard Miss Lotna Romer 0i H. Weeks Thomas F. Bannaa Miss Jennie Blair Philip P.-Paschel Mr. and. Mrs. B. H. X. P. ferine Smith - Mrs. Larsen Harold P. Plnmmer | Jn \ POIXT RICHMOND . . r Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman , OAKII\XD B. W. Taylor I George T. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. ' Don M.j Roy Reynolds Morris and two boys Mi«s Jane Crellin Mrs. Jnlins A. Yoang A. &? In?ram Mrs. R. F. Panlln Master Edward Younc Mi»s Imosene Stuart JMiss Carrie E. Hawley Uiss I^nnie Stuart ! . ROSS Mrs. Edwin L. Grifßth IMHIem Griffith SAX RAFAEL . Miss L. 3. Foster Mr. and Mrs. S. B. P. 3. Foster Cn«hins Mr. 'and Mm. W!ll>ra James Tunotead W. Morrow v.^f James W. Keys Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster i XAPA Mrs. It Z. Hennessey |Mr. and Mr«. C. S. Swgn Mi«s France* HonnesseytMr. and Mrs. William Miss Mary Henaessy f Watt OAK KXOLI.. Mr. and Mrs. H. C.!M:*s Ethel Melone E Melone \u25a0 . | RUTHERFORD Mr. «Dd Mrs. G. <9o I-atonr * . CLEVELAND Miss Marsaret Calhotml -' . .ST. HELENA Dr. F. C. Xetrsnn | . . SOLID COMFORT HOME RESORT Late guests at Solid Comfort Home Resort are: . SAX FnAXCISCO M. Herrell JSliw B. Frty Mrs. Au?u»ti ricllicg fMI« Gertnid" B. Mrs. Wniitm F." f Gllddon H...11i0i- - '• - | Miss L. Ro*mer Kosen" Ifr»illnjr jMlss F. Roomer Mrs. Wiiliam E. -SmltblMlss U Black Roy Smitll , JW. T. HoUln? Mr. and >Jrs..G. A. I Mrs. Clareac« Harman -Nelson . |Mrs..J. P. Holland Mrs. Kngene Sweeney f Miss \u25a0 Caroline Holland Mrs. Albert Mllly. : (Jereba Holland Miss Cecelia Milly Paul -Holland MdmM.E. Dowd NeUis ' HoUaml F. >Watermaan J. P. Holland Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mr*. Welw* Slayer " Mrs. Mo7;t Miss Alice Slayer JMlss Moffet J. R. Hermann I AiAMEDA Miss J. Fjord Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mis* J. Bain \u25a0 . .SSeejter * daughter ' Miss ETelrn Bain - Captain K. Van Oter- Mrs. W. E. Bain ; endorp * OAKLAXD Mr«.?M. S. Dewing rMm.- U'Rlrers ; Miss Pearl M. Dewing [Miss Alice Kelly Miss Ethel B. Dewtn^ | Miss Lena Klef;rdorf Mlsw- Stella F. Har- , tJobn O. Watklns mana \u25a0\u25a0—' jt - \u25a0"* ' I Jack Little Miss H. RlTers Ji: PETALCMA^ Mrs. John XeTerana IMrs. E. V. Dow \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0- \u25a0 ; .' r.v^NAPA Mrs. 1 Burt Norton and I L. Fnafce -• - - | family , fMn. L. Fnnke 3tfrs. W. Rutherford I GUdy* Funke and family |Mrs.,Blrsch aad famOy C.131P VACATIOX ' •The following are among the arrivals at Camp Vacation: .: " SAX FRANCISCO Mrs." Marshall - ' Grace A., Robinson ' Maude Marshall ' , SylTla Mathews . E»elyn Marshall Sirs. Kirshen Mrs.'. M. O'Brien ". . ' Miss Klrshea - .1-" Annie O'Brien . F. .H. Shootman '. Mrs. J.-Costelto Mlsa D.. M. Qulrkr Annie ? Coitello C. S. Crossley aad wife Lacy .Rooks - {Catherine Crossler > . OAKLAND - ' . Bessie Grant ; * .D. W. Geary and family Douglas Grant * ' Mrs. H. Greyce Hanby M!«s B. Pilcher Ramona Hanby H. Frontier Ml»s ClalreMUls Pierre \u25a0 Frontier ' Mrs.-R. S.tSmlta , ' . Mrs.'F. Rockwell Miss A. St.. Johnson Carrie Rockwell ' Miss AT B. Rhlnehart - - ALAMEDA Mrs. C. E. BoTey * t Miss Marlon Horey Candy by I£xpre«a :_. Candy, sent by express to ; all ? points in^Callfprnla. Is -carefully .packed so as . to. arrive in. perfect : Send address, with \u25a0money?order. to Geo. Haas .& Sons* Pirelan Building Store, San Francisco- » TALL.VC * The _ following have registered at SIN FRANCISCO Jessie E. Trie« Ott» Reimer Frank A. Bartcsa Mr*. .W. Baom W. Well Mrs. IV*. H. Barroa O. J. Itaestoo to. «J Mt«. 11. B. C. . H. Davenport , ray Bradford W. Boeler - Mrs. L. Schmidt A. B. Wostphat { James P.. Stetson M. P. Utrschmam and H*rry X. Stetson and wife \u25a0 -eaauffetir Reginald Hlrschmaa F. r. Rotates and wif» ami none « W. J. Uannlx J. M. Mannon Jr. - Mr,- anil Mr*. G. It. J. -L. Graf. . Cabaatsa Mrs. A. M. Rohlberg O. H. CabanUis Jr. V£*; Miss Fanny Murblon Mr*. C. Baom * G. A. Ross, wife and Stfeji Helen R. Banai child Acathi A. Smith Mrs. Stlra - C.-Veni** Smith Arthnr G- UHienthal "Mr* v C. E. Fart* and J.- U Llllentnal f imlir Victor 11. Levy R. I>. r!«»ra«si Jessie Ulllenthal H. G. Plsgtmann A. A. Stelnberger ' Mr*. Kay I-e-rin John J. Greeley M.tro A. Greealaw -OAKLASD T. C. Coogsn 1 Mr. and Mrs. William ill** Marjcrte Cooiran j 1 .-^•k* ...•rle* Ericksoa and iJ«bn r. Locke f anjily \u25a0 {Lonl» D. Voice aad T. Detnnaa wife Mb*. Florence Lock* I PASADENA Lewli J. Me—itt and B. R. Flaanoa and wife wffe Raj A. WooJard B. W. Smita and wif« LOS ANGELES Dr. Robt. W. Bayues A. E. Smith E. V. Baker Strt. M. E. Tmver Mrs. Edyta W. Hendxy Mrs. F. P. Scott and too - '\u25a0"-.'' F. P.. Scott Bob NoctSam SKAGGS HOT SPRING* Arrivals at Skaggs springs are: SAX FRAICCISCO W. 11. Kearney iLewi* F. Brlna-too T. H. Kearney Jj. Forrest Wyman.and Join Slsich ( wife - Frederick BtlaVo ' IMM- Charles At Cootry Will Kp!l»r , and son P. H. LlTing?toa and Mrs. J. Jacksos . wlf- WUHata O. Faiy and Mrs. H. C. Dithtnar wife Miss Cora DUbmar M!«s M«r?ette Henajiit Max Morten t lobs Struraa Jofen J. Carey % : JW. 8. O'Brien G. K. Bobbins aad wife J. J. I.yn.-i J. E. Steffea* an.l wife|A. C. N>wN-ra Tbcnnas Xnttrids* aad'Josrpli Holler wife |H. 1. Mn!cre»y J. U Mexsier I Mrs. M. J. S^na horses Fred J. O'ComiHl Jinan N. J. Dcdley Mrs. P. MeArdl* JB. J. I-«rin Miss Irene M.-Ar1> jM!s< IT. Ta!t MILL VALLEY Georze L. Payne . ftlady* V. Gas« George I- Payae'Jr R. I«;'b*iml Marif B. Payne F. Mlcbael Hazel L. Scblic?man S. H. Stewart HEALI»i4BrRG -. R. Brown - |G. 11. Catttrft?!<l OAKLA.ND W. B. Sandford. wife! and daughter HIVERSIDE Irene Btttterfeta 1 BERKELEY ' . D. J. Martessteia, wlfejEJlzabeO Bu::rr2-'M and son \u25a0•> - : . -\u0084„ . rar itvale Mrs. Lv Lerin ! - " SAXTA KOSA R. B. Cbandler " i . SODA BAY SPRIXGS Arrivals at Soda Bay Pprrnga are; SAX FRAXOSCO Mrs. Hattie 'Whttney !E. T. B*II*i c. Brown ' Win. IVattin: Mrs. C. A.- Bureo |Janw>s Waiiin; Mrs. E. K. Harriajton^O. B. Ilammoa H. V. Ke*lin; Cfcas. B. Clmtt?ntoa Wm. Lelber B. B. Balllngton Mrs. Wn». Letfter 6. A. Boon* Mrs. K. Klrchmelster Chris B. Larson Mrs. W. 11. Moran A. T. Canaan Harry Moran G. 11. Feije -\\ Mi»* Rxwarid Moraa, Jim. G. IL Fei^ P.u«"!l Fenayrook . Milton Feige Edward Omaitey <\l\n Sa.ll- M.wbr v Fremont Older . JF. P. Roaeb Mrs. Fremoat Oldfr j Mrs. F. . P. Roach Ed Ctaley SMix* daily Lyneo Mr*. Adam« iVtscent K«*lias Mls» Panline JacobseolP. 'Carfaqni A. T. H«*» {Mrs. P. Carfaqul Mrs. A. T. Best iMtsa Carfaqnl G. Onuay > Mi<t»r Carfaqal 11. Xewaaan » ; BERKELEY AKD OAKL.\ND J. C. G*ntiT -•' JMiM Carrie B. nawl»y Mrs. J. C. Gentry fG*oru<? T. Ha-rley Jllss Fk>rtßc« Gentry JJ. J.^McGowan Miss Frances Gentry iMrs. J. J. M<-Gowaa The». C. ETaaa « jW. A. WUhart Mrs. B. M. Birdsall I Mrs. W. A. Wi«hart C. B. Ilawley '• iMiss norotbr WJshur? Mrs. C.~-8.. Ilawley (Ml«s Ellwib*a S. Moir Mi-* laiOKene. Smart, I Key. BeßoUs Miss Lennie B. stsart { KUtMATHHOT SPRIXGS R»cer. t arrivals at > Klamath Hot S-rings are: \u25a0 \u25a0 SAX FRAXCISCO ' x K. Walsb and wife I Ab« Wiiliaou aad wif* rank H. MUIa aad wife! 1. X. Kra:-s a J. Cbilds OAKLAND Arthur E- McGrtl "{Artbor W. Beli aadi Mrs. E. H. Steele r wif» RKf** BEBKEL£T ' Leo O. Murpaj \ \u25a0\u25a0 > : ,* ' ' ', LOS ANGELES W. D. Woolwins and; Loci» M. WooJwiae wife ~ : | SACBAMENTO E»a Trtffiiple j Philip S. PriTer. wifel £. M. Coty aad wife | and children PETALUMA A. B. Hill and wife •R. 31. Bin Josle P. HUI ID. B. BUI Baby Fairbanks Ja. B. HIU Jt XASBVIIXB. TENX- ' 5. S. Wharten I FEAXKLIX, PA. Mi«» Josephine G»snt iE. J. Grant aad «i> TREK A illsA Josepiini? Colby I - \u25a0 ' ' "CBICO L. U. Borb*t I BIOG3 Mrs. Wniiara Doty J L-IKETIEW. I OEE. George Dean \ , BLUEUKES RESORTS v The foHoTTlng: guests from San Fran- cisco have visited Blue Lakes resort*: Mr§. C F. Francis Ed Bapiimin J. H. Wolf - Barry Moran B. Hagan '*z*l£'. J- W. Cameron aaj Alice " E. Cryre wife " Clara M. £putae - P.- Fucndrlins Mr. and Mrs. B. L. C A. Toemlaa Rhinebart [Mr. awl Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mra. F.. Ban- Selk - penberger \u25a0 Miss S*li Sam Rosesbtum asd >!!w Estclla Soi'» nif? Mr- and Mrs. James May E. Connolly Sffiwn Jaliet L. Grass . ; .Mi<!S T. Sor^nscn LUliao G. Grass Moter Lrslie SormyeTi Dr. G. A. BoeUm aad Mr. - and Mrs. \v. a. \u2666rife \u25a0 Anstia Loabi Metzger and fam- Clarence Awtlii ily Malcolm Aosttn 11. C. Callaxhaa- Mr. and -Mrs. P. Beney P. L. PettUrrew. W. V. McKlnney Miss K. Catlartaa Oeorje A. Folltraa Miss C. CaUajhan : Mr. ana ilr». Ge«rsa IL-Meingren, . gnli-b»rr Mi.«-i. A. M. Ptetsr MUs P-«rl ScUb^rs Mlj-s Bo*e Pfister _ . Miss . Violet SARATOGA SPRIXGS Recent- arrivals at Saratoga Springs are: " SAN FB-%XCI3CO O. G. Hukett L#Und Gata^r n. E. Maesse Mr. and Un. Frank Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Broad Sorensoo Miss Era Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Georr* Miss Jennie Roberts Snlsbcrr . Miss Soe Roberta Miss Pearl Salsburx Miss «ar;»r»: Roberts Mr. and Mrs. George .Mr. and Mrs. X. U CUrSt Boyd . OAKLAXIi Mr., and Mrs.Joaepli W. B. Harris Jacobs , W. J. Kles James Morsan E. Eakaoo Miss Minnie Itartia Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Styles and wife F. T. Wood - \ » ALAMEDA Mr. aad Mrs. , jCharles JBock B. C. Cryde ' Walter B. Boyc* Mr. end Mrs.- \u25a0.- 1 Hamilton Dcnaell S. N. Boyiia \ LOXDON Selwifts UeweD>a - (Master Selwin Mrs. Selwia Uewellen | Ltowellea Jr. ' HOTEI»ItAPAEI. ./Guests recently , rejriitered at Hotel Rafael are: •~ \ - ' . The Misses Knrnaer wnnam B. Blalaa W. M. O'Coaaer \u25a0 C. E. Johnsoa Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Miss Belea Baker Smltli . Mrs. U I* Baker Miss McFeeley , Walter C- Got* Ml»» Bemlce Barr .*-" Mrs. W. J. Somen P. M. Bellex DaTkS Baehmann Mr. aad Mrs. H. L. F. C. Pr-*:en Ho;hes .-.-.. R. C. Berteae Mr. aad Mrs. J. L. ' [Gray Stabb» Green . (MUa Marlon Ball Mr. and Mrs. E. B. IE. O. Selfrldse Jr. Groenendykte JM. A. Steper Mrs. Jes<e D.^Carr '{.WUliam 11. Blake tmemmt&k BICYCLE RECORDS BROKEV SAL.T LAKE CITY. July 30.— Tw» world"3 records were broken at th« bicycle races" tonight.' . Saxon Williams •of. Buffalo, X. T.. roUe.'the 9v« mile un- . paced -professional in ;-10:3S. - auain.-*: '11:04 1-5. made b>* Alexander Peterson of. Dayttmi O- Ivor Lawsmn broke.his own.feconl '.»f *:i'J for : the-tbrce mile : lap handicap professional, riding it "ia OAKI^AXD; JuljV^L— The t ßeliance club .-will give : a.'-;. ladies* -night at ' the headquarters at-Reed hall next .Thurs- day "eyeningr. : ' The : feature will be 'an illustrated, lecture' by D.'tE.'ißernays. on ".The ; Fa iryland jof Uhe . Pacific." . The^riecture/i.wiH deal Monterey peninsula, . and Berriays "will ' dwell -on tb'e. db?orbln;r 1 historical and* romantic sides' of ,: the famous^t-eg-ion." * , ; The Ts.lides have- been carefully pre- pared and chosen and I have :been recog- nized;; as] artistic. i achievements^ of - a lsig:h : ;order.~; Following -the lecture, a dance and musical program will be car- ried* out^ / - ; Illustrated Lecture on "Fairy- land of Pacific" to Be Given RELIANCE MEMBERS PLAN LADIES' NIGHT NAIROBI. . British Bast', Africa. Jtily 2i;— Colonel Roosevelt and -his son Ker- mft attended theraces hereithis after- noon.; Kermlt tooktpart in several; of the' event*. \u25a0 I-ast night .Governor Frederick J. Jackson ; gtive'',aVlar^e.of- ficial , dinner; in honor; of. the . -visitors^ Offical Dinner Given in / Honor of. Elder Roosevelt - KERMIT ROOSEVELT RIDES IN RACES AT NAIROBI 51 BURLINGA^SIE REAT. ESTATE Mttt TALtET H^L RSTATa ON Cascade drive, ia «9JiIl Valley; the best buy on this side of the bay; furnished 7 room boese, strictly first class, on lot OTxl.Vt. with 2 frontages: $4.100 trlth terms. 'Box 3594. Call. ponrr RicHMoyp real estate TOD- will pay as much for one front foot a few years from now as we ask for a lot today. Don't mention this to your children then (It \u25a0Ught ctuse remarks.) Santa .Fe tract center of Rlchstc&d: $3 per month boys a lot. Send for maps. MeEWEX BROS,. 475 Pine St., S. F. R. T. Shannan. rep. uu.uii, inveauuenu. lota, ranches, acre proper." tie*. BROWN ft WILSON. Santa Cms. CaL OCNC-ALOWS ON EASY TERMS COTTAGES ON EAST TERMS RESIDENCES ON EASY TERMS I'rw Uondred Cash, Balance Like Rent. !>w Huafired Cash. Baiaace Like Rent. Only 30 istnotes froa> San Francisco— aa all lied ride, ao fogs, no ferries—large, roomy lots. «ita sbunfiasl ispare for garden and rich soiL" Ik. i<eaatlful Hayward Park (San Mateok. cd- \u2666oinicg the handsome $500,000 Peninmla hotel. With all the pen;a«a!a before him. Alvlnza Hay- war J cjio*» this rfK for his bom*, and now we ar» selling the •earn r.f the hocue site prop»; *:iy. \u25a0 Just the place for yotmgstprs to romp rnd-.ron inj grammar pchool aad high school in f*a Ut:«o; up t<» date fire department; fire hy- £raat* il»roct*aout tract: low commutation rates «n3 speedy transportation, both by train and ctogtric car; property lies wlthSs 5 minutes' "«"^Zli <f statioc; rtores. backs, doctor*, etc. ;V.'c -tr'll t»r;Vl yo;ir home after your cwn plan <er oil- cr-hitnet trill forcisb . and you egp te;y for both bocxe and lot with a few .t.h»Jrct! <".of!ar3 ca«h. balance your monthly r»nt. •\u25a0 Th,'* 5$ n'lt. :'..• nsaal "srJwrban hrcie" prtp<v •f;::i«>a. where rocr ln>Tae is rr.V.e* frvci necej- \u25ba ;::c»— AI.T. Tilt*: CONVENIENCES AND I.rX- , TKIKS ARE WITHIN A FEW MINUTES' VTAXJC OF THIS- PROPERTY. Call at this cftit aad nc the \u25a0,«-.« of bomrs. We can ar- rr.agr .satisfactory trras. BALDWIN A- H^WELL. r!«-3i4 Seamy st.. P.P. IJSANK K. GIiIMMOX. l'*C B St.. P»n Mateo. CENTRAL- ADDITION , .-, . CENTRAL ADDITION \u25a0• . SO >:;nutf* Troai the City . - . ; .-. rriT<-^n :i«n Nta:*^ acd'Jnciase \u0084 ilrtwvea Tru tspMlr Onyrlaj Ceoten .In-'- : t!i» \ti^\. .resitfeatUl **>^:k-n <>f Saa Matei •\u25a0 end Burilii^amc. KXialz'.ts: San Mitro park and \ \u25a0•\u25bauwoauCi'd by properties JUat haTe made fcr- " .tones 'for' tbt-se wiw bocguc early. . ' *U> <Inwn and w Central Addition. Tbe at- : tractive liosncs aireaOy b~;U acd /the class vt \u25a0.-bojcr* guarantee its value en»l desirability; 5 '• 'minutes fiva Bttrilngame;- electric cars pass the \u25a0•^ract every 10 igiia^ies; *'> fog: fine niacsdaaiilM . .streets ; .twwer. water, gas. electricity anrl rele- rl'-oc^: JSO.OX) scboo!: ?9V» for lots. ."^•xir»>: *swjr tcrn;s; gvt oU electric car at Peaicsnia \u25a0 ayenuc. \u25a0 Send Tor ;:!c«trated folder \u25a0•' «>atral Addition. BMJiWIN & lIOWELI.. r.v K'Smy St.. f?.F. FRANK S. GBftSOfOX. -i' ;'• t.. ?sn Mateo. . eastos A-nnifioxs T«> BL'ltLir.'JAMr.!- fcr beSUbtfl improvcajtut* mac?: large J-i'f: hlgß ground; nr.ontblr payments. Eeaa- tlfnl and Rn*t wet» all rcx.r honift sit^s in \u25a0 restrict^ residence teetioc. only 2* naicntes f.rcnJ city; tli« BEST VAME within *d*y reach ct K*a Fran<-isc*>: no fojs; M train ecrvice; \u25a0>very <-ltv Jmprovetnent HAS UKEN «nstal!rd; -\u25a0rrfdcadanitsrd ftreets. ccrbs. conjent sidewalks, . .fCF-er pipe*, sfcaiic trc*». etTtric lip'jW, tdc- J"-Im>3Cs: trad'auien esll »iid deliver dally. This ; i* rillJ-Tini: PISOPESTY. west of the cointr . t*»dv ana CAN NOT T.E SEEN FHOJT CAR ;' TVJSHOW. Ttnn*. 10 per coat dorrs, balance \.-JKi.per tncsth. Take 11:40 a. si. or 2p. so, •- tel» {ion: .1 an»l Toxrnvnd «?. and ast tfce ;:."rc^d3.-t»:r to st»p at EASTOS STATION, cr tsle IS;* S»n UatM electric cars frota £>th .Ma-tct st*.. getting off ft EASTON STATION*. V.rfle -for I*W map* acs prkt lists. .; - F. J. RtfDUERS 4 CO.. . ; :*";' Dt SS nU>G. 235 VTONTGOMERT ST. 1 i \u25a0••• PR<-m?RESSIVE nCRLINGAME ' . "Tbe rJUmate. location and lr=a*pcrtatlfln fs- •; \u2666\u25a0ji'tles havp iran?fona»<i tli'» beaullful crnistry :, iittri »= ThriT'tf tmrn: thnnsanfis kt people are . buyfhg I'jts nnd bcllding home? her*, all be- ," caVijce tifej- :.»t» satisfied tben:se!ves that it . s*' ihe licst; roicur»s array; thrs i% j'rst .as>- ''!r*e ~it roar work r>r t>^Bß!ce»« as oitny .-' Sf^TSocs rT tbe Hty. Wliy ;j-«*tit»ic? G" =n4 «••>*\u25a0 itj Ktreets nia'««laDiire<sr ewr «d<l water ,- in»'c«t laid: !arjr>> !ot*. 50 feet front. $500 and -\u25a0ur: v-»t-j- rasy«t»-ni!P. Tske San Mateo electric ••.oarrs in '\u25a0' -- •\u25a0 *t. or i>. P. R. R. trains at 3d *c-l 'Towiißctj-1 sJs. Office opposite station .'.- Back of Bnritajcsme l.ldg. ••" -\;: LION A HOAG. INC., ' -.t. t . C Market a. TOE Huriitgarae Building C«. offers for sale oa ;' \u25a0 tenhs. to \u25a0— •;:*\u25a0\u25a0> parties. 2 very attractive h'ta^s *;tcaie<2 in tb»> best part of the Bnr- - \u25a0 'iiiyrame district, on high, railing land. Ta"se Ihcnies arc n»/wt artistic in drsign and con- . ji!i« every nKvlern convenience;' broad porrhes._ !.-!ige living rooms. -.i^»-!^U dining roonjs." <n»n Dreplace*. built-in sideboards and book •t««. *!e«»pSng D»'rche»; - etc. : ctnvenipnt to \u25a0t'.-n *ratK>ns «n«i al*o th«- electric cars: 23 . "' 'r,ini;:r» frr>ai the city: tradesmen call end de- li«vr ilailr: rea«ly f->r o^cispancy. Plans and -'\u25a0oc;3cj>rinn* rja be wyn on application tn T. J. RODCEKB i CO.. 2^3 Montgomery rt. dIOTCE l-:< r-sfi f.f t'..f eoamtj t**&. 50x120, IB Bsston - «i)'l :;. Box S.VIB. Call office. J""!: «i!< Oir-ap f<ir <i«sh 3 room shingled bca- ai'-w. «:u BarEwater. . j REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE .. SNAPS INREAL ESTATE. S large houses in Pacific Grove, furnished, well ' ' 2-r"»red: rcct* for $.10 per month' by year: value 5-':.r*X»": will exchange for good land in Santa «~r.ra vitlcy <-<r for town propcrtj in any town j | £r>-.i:nJ !>au Tranciso l*y. . :; t«>c»e* in Pacific Grove. 2 block* from post- j . cf'.'K. I »>K>ck from ftrr*tscars: value $4,500: ! ', it111;i i i"Ii mil ff* gond home c «f from 5 to 15 :. *rr*» betweeti -»n J.. »»• aud San Francisco, or I i. «Jr.V.l»nd. I '. ilotel <-f rnocss. all fnrnlsli*d, lnMonterey: [f'.m. locstKm: valoe $13.5<)0; will exchange for r. p**lgraia i<r alfalfa ranch or general fanning :;lsnd. '-." -sOMi 3i acres in apples, balance general •'•f.'jfflics land: hoaw. barn, implemcots. every- vtl ius «»mpleie: valnf f^.'.WO; will eichaase for ' •iii'.titn.e town property. - •'•. 20. acre fruit and not ranch- near Uollister; V *,ll exchange for Income town property. ; -{louse with 14 «.!\u25a0•# larg** rooms, nicely fur- . i i*oed. In Monterey; valae $7.0ii0; willexchange '"/\u25a0;?\u25a0 gtwid alfalfa, grain or stock ranch and pay :: \u25a0 C.ttTt nx 1 op ti» $5,<"i00.' '.- .- T rw>m Itouae. 4 lots, in Pacific Grove: value \u25a0 ; S&Sftu-: willexchange for gr>od ranch and assume .°:»Biall ditfereuce. .-. .$ tt*vn lioci^ In PacUc Grove, near bearh; \u25a0.VuTue *l.."<t«i; will exrttange f.w bouse in Sara- •.•tcta." Ix» Gat**. <'ampbell «»r San Jose. : ' ': 4l<jt< near- r>e! Monte hotel «nd Monterey bay: . -v«!ce fl.^mi; will exchange all or part for good . »> <>rK «\u25a0 driving horc««, or pn>perty aroend San ' .I s i-*n<.-i*co bayt \u25a0 O't tiave ranctj and to«-n property In all parts -'.ctt California fcr exchange and to sell on easy \u25a0 . term*.' - - v IJ* ki»-»- what yoo Lave and what; you . *jnf:-we-wiil Co the rest, r £ ,A«Mre»s . J.JONTEEEV COUNTY REAL ESTATE EX- S . CHAN«JE. '\u25a0J •\u25a0 PACIFIC GROVE. CAL. . i r FJ.ATS Tv TRAI»E. \u25a0• '\u25a0 A nocresjt>nt vvrntr has beactifti! 2 Bat ' \u25a0'\u25a0•'.'\u25a0\u25a0; i:i Grove ft. ne»r A«liby station. The \u25a0f ..-.•-: i* practically sew sad stands -n a tine I .J«t. TUe upper ftat b«« 7 n«ms. tbe lower Cat «. Jt ; - -:.-i thrnagbout iiithe o^s-t eninis- J^e ia*l<- »cv srracsed wl?a every convenfence. . 'lt>\ 5* rfr'ir.r.:;* r.f »H«po»injt of the property by .-•lie i: tia«le. Woul.l take Saa Kr» rclhco prop- ; f.rtT or, rsuch j-iT^rf-rty In :te vicinity r-t S«n I »d.r..'!r» *r Hrrmzi. The value tf the fiats If .s"'.'.VR\ EUSUE A: IjOSENZ. Real Estate. Insurance, .. -~<H A-!cl!ne «?., A'lrOy station, Berkeley. S'A v,+i Fsndsj*. ./ rftr-; .' MT,ENIiII> t^nch aud irx<i bcslnrs»: J.Cs'iO arrcs Icvc! Und. fn rallrtiad. Sacranieato valley; liv- h«S cn*k: rs<> «ere« alfalfa, land. 4 horses. C burro* : well fenro<J; good fcqSl; 4f'.l*«G <*K&* \u25a0 .. wc«wi: ready saU>: neis f- to %', per conl f.rofi:; can be clesre.l on tie wood sii-nie: ro«d e«K*y tract: prJi-e $24,000; clear: «a!y *15 pc«- aero. <»r will exchange for good buy property, clear: this I* something espe. rUIly good. GEO. 11. Mt'CDOCK &. SON, 31 lUccm bclldisi:: «»sl;.tio 4244. .. 1 WILL rrado California for Washington pmp- fri?. r.'i*ccn«it> or New- llfiliw for falifornla. bay Is-r.Tiv.r •'; fur coontry, or <.«antry for bay 1.-npreveu; v^jd cse fcl! narticolsn' in first let- irr. It T.iJS owt y«j nothiaj rjcle«s I make tfce trade. Write today to J. P. GARDNER, -:\u25a0:; :••:'.. *-.. Oakland.' RANCU of 220 c«t«. 12 miles frwa j>an Mateo. . la tbe redwoods: timber and pastnre land; t.rice $23 per acre, or trill take income prop- erty Ia cxetanse. W. W. CASKX, ZM 3d ay.. '. ' Saa Kateo. , jyO -jicr acre: Ijf* acre« en Roberts island; eel- ' \u25a0 ctj-. alfalfa, iieanb and barley land: will take .- . Los Ang*!es property la exchange, bot we \u25a0 . 'nicst have rtsli value on property submitted. : LEE A. WILSON. 4<M IOtU St.. Oakland. C«I. ' "\TZJJ* exchange good Income property In Ala- •/\u25a0 ::<\u25a0.>. for huil'linglots*nnlncnmlicred. W. C. . I>aVIS: 4'<fs First Xaticnel Raai fcsildhig, :. !\u25a0 «tel:l»od. _^ \u25a0'-.V/AXTEI*— Poultry and fruit ranch for equity '" \u25a0 S2:0OQ: mo4KT> <*f'ttage. value 1 3.500. near , : -"-Vr.U«ci« *t. : will atssme seme. Address .. .box CtTOC. Call fjfgce \u25a0 •' IV you wact rxchana-e yoor property for 5 : -std 10 acre epp> orcaardi. «vlth fine iacorae, c»jr-e-poa<l trltb owc«r. bux 2U*. WstsonrlUc, . csi. : \u25a0 / < . ..'•Jl.«a«i ."• acre* full Jjearlng frait and berries; ' honsrr -barn, poultry Ctting?: exchange- for "• m«Jn«-*» «r iodglnj bo»ise- B. F. COOLEY, ." Artnaan.'CaL - . \u25a0 ..- ' fi':OW I «S«-r a magntficeat palatial residence !n fssb:onali!e part of Los Angele*. la e.x- '. cjanre for a sUnller nsiCtaet ia Saa Fraa- . dtco. Rtptr to box C 747, Call effice. "7 CtrriAOES. tew. modem, suburban, for acre- ' .t»- «.r i-jt» about bay coon try. . »DU RAV SMITH. 3015 Broadway, Oakland.. "'T\ILJ. tr»dc.iny new Imngalow !a Western Ad- .tijtion. 4 rucuis and -bath, for a city, lot; my . rrlo; 13.T&0. Box Ss2t>. Call ofoce. 4 U«H»M bungalow on terraced block :splendid taarine .view; c*»tj or 'trade for country prop- Ttr. AdJreo box SJ3I.- Call ofBee. ' ' CHAS..W. FISHUR, property exchange broker. ''\u25a0r rjni'-k rr*alU;.-~ toX> Market -«t.'___j^__^_ FOR ffilty New T room , bungalaiir;' lot SOxlil: rt>crr» and almorul trees: close- to Hayward car line; ftm; ru«idcace' «ll*triet. '.: c* wlll v 'cx-. •\u25a0li-inge for acreage property. ;U..L OiLLK.

Transcript of… ·  ·...



Waning summer Finds Resorts Crowded

Greene will be able to work the bet-ter in procuring the 1911 conferencefor California because of his position

In the council of the national associa-tion, to which he was elected at theNew Hampshire gathering..

While in the east Greene*

visitedmany cities to study library and mu-seum methods. His ideas on museumwork will be laid before the board oflibrary trustees, which is the body incontrol of the Oakland museum. Cura-tor Charles Wilcomb is the actual di-rector of the new municipal museum.

OAKLAND. July I31.—-Charles B.Greene, librarian of the Oakland freepublic library, has

%returned from theeast, where he went to attend the con-ference of the American library asso-ciation at Bracken woods on MountWashington, X. H. Ha represented, theCalifornia state library association andin that capacity presented the invita-tion to the national association toconvena in California in 1911. The1910 meeting will be on the Atlanticcoast because of the international con-ference at Brussels, .which will be at-tended by many American librarians.

Oakland Delegate to NationalGathering Wants 1911

Session Held Here

The girl said that she was walkingalong the bank of Fitchburg cr«>ekwhen. Brown came from behind andcaught her in his arms. Brown deniedthat he had attacked the girl, sayingthat she had attempted to sell him. aticket to a church fair and that whenhe placed liis hands on her shouldersshe began kicking and scratching andhe was trj-ing to quiet her when theothers appeared. He is thought to beinsane.

After Tatum and Pyrtes had releasedthe girl from Brown's grasp he turnedagainst them and the struggle


tinued until Deputy Constables Good-v.-ia and M.F. Smith were called. Eventhen Brown refused to give up andsnatching- Goodwin's club struck him aviolent blow on the head, cutting hisscalp and almost knocking him down.By a final effort Smith and the girl'sfather and Tatum held Brown until thehandcuffs were snapped on.

To the frenzied resistance which thegirl offered she probably owes her es-cape from serious injury,aS' Brown ap-peared to have exerted all his savagestrength against her, tearing her cloth-ing and pulling her hair. He had al-most overcome her when her j father,

John Pyrtes, who was at work in afield, and W. D. Tatum, a. neighbor whohad been summoned by her cries, ran toher assistance. .vW-V


OAKLAND,'July 31.—Attacked, in alone'.y spot this afternoon by EdwardBrown. Edith Pyrtes. a pretty 14 year

old girl livingat Fltchburg, fought andscreamed help was summoned.Brown fought a' desperate battle withhis captors, until bruised, and bleeding,

he was overcome and lodged in jailatFrultvale.

Assailant Turns on Rescuersand Efforts of Four Men

Needed to Subdue Him


Appeals were made to the "AssociatedCharities in behalf of the old people byneighbors, who gave them shelter dur-ing the day.

Hodgson is partially crippled byparalysis, and for the last year hasbeen unable to .make both ends meetwith the small shoe making businesshe obtains. His wife is an old Spanishwoman who speaks no English. Thecouple have lived in Berkeley for sev-eral years. Hodgson is 70 years of age.

BERKELEY, July 31.—Unable to pay

their rent, which had~

been due forsome time, George Hodgson, an agedshoe maker residing at the corner ofGrove and

-Carleton streets, and his

wife were turned out into the streetswith their few personal effects at theorder of Mrs. Lelah M. Reynolds, ownerof the little shack in which the couplemade their home.

Evicted for Nonpayment ofRent They Wander in Streets


News of SocietyAcross the Bay

OAKLAND. July 31.—

Two years onprobation was the term imposed onJoe Resendes. a gardener, by JudgeWaste today. Resendes lured ManuelC. George to a secluded spot and thenadministered a severe beating with ahoe handle. In explanation he saidthat George had insulted him andcalled him names after they fell outover a deal in real estate and that hehad confided his trouble to a specialpoliceman, who casually informed himthat George ought to be well beatenfor his pains. Resendes carried it outwith dispatch, and afterward tarredand painted a stone which Georgestained with blood when he fell.

uardener Given Probation AfterHis Explanation


Colonel Biddle Is on 'record as de-manding co-operation from the cityand private interests with the fed-eral government in dredging a shipchannel. .

Appropriations to dredge the canalto 30 feet depth will be fought for,said Senator Perkins^ as soon as fav-oraWe.recommendation can be securedfrom the engineer department.

OAKLAND, July 31.—

Senator Per-kins has written to the chamber ofcommerce from Washington that it isof utmost importance to the harbor de-velopment plans that the approval ofLieutenant Colonel John E. Biddlc.United States engineer in charge ofrivers and harbors work, be obtained.

Favorable Report of UnitedStates Engineer Essential


. Detective Flynn, who is seeking theassailant.- has learned that Peavy fledfrom the house to his own \u25a0 home v at :Lewis and G<sss streets,- then escaped jfrom the city on an early morning^train., ." \u0084- ',- •. \u25a0

_ A

Reese suffered "a serious wound inthe: left side and deep cuts in the faceand shoulder?. ,'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0


OAKLAND. July 31.—John Ptfavy,' anegro Pullman waiter, is being soughtby the police for the stabbing of Rich-ard Reese, another negro, who wasseverely wounded early this morningat '-'Eighth and Willow streets in aa quarrel over Nettie Nicholsort. .

Negro Pullman Car WaiterSeriously Wounds Rival


Invitations^ have been generally ex-tended to friends of the institution toinspect the home and to note the workwhich is" being1 done for helpless in-valids. : ..;;: . ; -r

appeal for financial, assistance hasbeen ;made, voluntary, offerings to besent to the home." . , C"

OAKLAND,July 31.—The twelfth an-niversary of the founding of the King'sDaughters'] Home for. Incurables willbeobserved -Saturday, Augtist 7,*by a re-ception at the home, 3300


The hours willbe in the afternoon from2 until 5 o'clock.

for IncurablesWill Hold Reception at Home


H. C. CapwelV president of the H.C Capwell company, has-returned.withIlls family from" a trip to the Seattleexposition. ;,

Miss Maude Lewis has named Thurs-^day. August 12, as her. marriage daywith Walter John Brendon, ,the cere-mony to be' one of the . elaboratelyappointed V*of the «axly fall. Alarge number of friends willbe askedto - witness the exchange "of the*mar-riage vows at Christ Episcopal churchfn Alameda. Rev. E. R.~ Dodd willofficiate. .. ~

Mrs.-iKellogg and her daughter. MissLouise Kellogg, who have been spend-ing the- season on the Atlantic coast,sailed, for Europe last week, planningan interesting tour abroad.

Two 'large•teas are promised for

Wednesday of the coming week. Mrs.George Martin, who. is here from Ber-lin with vher husband. Doctor Martin,as the /guest of her mother, Mr?.Charles IX*.Bates,, .will be the guest ofhonor, at ah* elaborate affair for whichMrs. Bat^i'has'fserit out several hun-dred cards to /the .otg friends of herdaughter 4 "MlsV Ida Marriott and MissBess Valleau'VUl share In the pleas-ures ofhoatesV <Jii the same day at theMarriott 2r?ss3ence*ln Alameda, when150 guests -AvillJaccept of their hos-pitality.*^;'M'»:'-•\u25a0 . V

One of the more elaborate weddingsof the coming month will be that ofAlbert William Miller and Miss ClaraLeone Carr, which x\'ill take place onthe evening of Thursday, Augiist 12, atthe First Presbyterian ch\u$h ofBerkeley. Miss Carr has chosen MissElsie Marten, a close friend, as hermaid of honor. Miss Myrtle Miller andMiss Josie Meyers completing thebridal party as bridesmaid?. E. J.Best Irtllassist the bridegroom as bestman. The ceremony-will be read by

Rev. Lapslcy McAfee,** pastor of thechurch., Miss^ Carr is the. daughter' oflire. Anna N. Carr of the college city.She is a graduate of the University ofCalifornia 'and gifted as a musician.Miller Is principal of the high schoolin Cloverdale. where he and his bridewill establish their home.

Mr. and Mr?. E. Y. Gibson have givenup their home in Alameda for severalmmiths.and are staying with Mrs. Gib-son's mother, Mrs. Charles J. Wood-bury, at the family residence In Brushstreet. '-'-*i

OAKLAXD,July 31.—

The wedding

of «\u2666 Edward iinglebrlght and

Jliss Alice -Naylor was a prettyceremony of this afternoon, takingplace in tho gardens surrounding theXaylor residence in Alameda. Thegrape arbor lent the Immediate back-ground to the simple marriage serv-ice which made the popular youngsociety girl the bride of the well known

civil engineer. Miss-Xaylor. whose

wedding -occurred earlier than wasplanned when the betrothal was an-nounced in the sfprlng, chose to be sur-rounded by only the members of theimmediate families otf her marriageday. and those, most interested in herhappiness were the only suests wit-nessing the ceremony, "which was readby Rev. L. Potter Hitchcock. Therewere' no "bridal attendants. Mr. andMrs. Englebright willlive inBunsmuir,

jwhere the bridegroom is connected|with the Southern Pacific as a civilengineer and wtjere he has prepared acozy home for Bis bride. It is deeplyregretted that the young matronis to go away from the bay cities,where she has been a favorite In thesmart set. Mrs. Englebright* is abeautiful girl, with the culture thatcomes from study* and travel. Herhusband is a graduate of the Universityof California.


SEA BEACH HOTEL »".Guests who have latelyv registeredat the Sea vß^ach. hotel are:viH." M.

-Langhlln and J. -Maxwell Ttft and

wife . ' family: /, . ,T. B-- Greenongh and F. W.;Angler \u25a0•;,

• "«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0wife "\u25a0-•w""

*'•\u25a0 J-^V. Matthews -and

W. T. Brn«V .' \u25a0

' wife-. . • .R.J. Powers and wife Caroline E. SquireM. H. Jelett :

*"^ KujhH. Squire •P. C. Tbaler Mrs. W. C. RalstoaJ. W. Herrlngton Dr.T.Morphy and wifeH..P. Smith and wife MIMPage Brown ;*;

Miss F. Sendderman ...: Mrs.: XL. J. Laymance '

C. H.«Harmon and «Ife Thomas WaschookA. F. Douglas and wife W.vE. HammerMrs. G. L. Lansing Dr. H." T. Hammer andMrss Kate Darrongh = -


Mrsr H. Forbes . " D. A. BonneyMiss Forbes*.- . R.C.- DouglasMrs. S. F." 'Watson WiHiam Greenbaum ,-"'\u25a0•-'Georgi* Watson Charlotte GoldsteinC. Derleth Jr.,. and Moses HeUer_and wlf«

family" . H. \u2666'.- Walter \u25a0>:. *

Charles P. Coertler and Mrs. A. J.Woodwife Gladys LC Wood .

J. I. Eobcrt* and Jlrs. SI. E.-Bethellfamily .-\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0 Mrs. 0. D. Sledge .

Mr*. James Hnlioe H, G." Buckingham asdMis* C. C. Hulme wife.. . .; "'

Mr*.A. S. Keeler Malcolm BuckinghamMiss Alice Keeler , Miss S. LaymanceMaster Addlson Keeler Miss Hazel LaymanceF. C. \u25a0 Zimmerman Miss Mac HeitmanIrTlng C. Ackerman and Mrs. Leslie Rice -. wife Edward FrowenfeldMis* F. Grant - J. Frowenfeld ':A. J. Marks Arthur G. Flsk0. Snader and rrife Jack WertheimerMis* Clara E. Laagtlln A. Jacobs .Mrs. Fred*rl<v Thompson Thomas H. StevensonE. A. Browne Mrs. Richard SpreckelsJames P. G'llen !

_and family

P. C. Brennan" J. Trulich and wife

F. A. BaDard and wife Mrs. A. MichellMm. Charles Blaney Mrt. G. SchleslngerMiss Wey

"Leon S. Molse

Charles D. Blaney Miss Felicia. Molse -Mrs. jNephs B. B. Morris and wife 'George H. Stepp . Philip G. Herslen andMr*.Feilx Lats wife . .Mr*.C. Wanderly Mrs. EL E. Beck, andHarrington .Brown* and family


Lawrence Vincent andH. Joost familyMUs 11. \u25a0 Jeest Mrs. W. N. Sweet ,B. Karp«.

-Mrs. C. K. Bonestel

J. Mohner Jr. (Sirs. A. PausOi, andC. Trolio x , *

«>nA. Hesdorffcr 'J. B. GaribaldiUMcElroy John J. KellerCharlotte Linden Henry F. Duttoa andW. H. Heywood- and wife

wife T. C. Walker- .

Mr*. T. N. Cushias 11. G. Bailey and wife-.\Tl»s C. Ghlrardelll (R. Tibbetts and wifeMr». George Kline T. O. Van Ness -andJ.E. Shelby and wife wifeW. C Lawson and wife J. N.Dougherty

IMis* O. Gregory L/A. DoughertyMrs. C. S. Comforth E. Walter and wifeSarah D. Fidlar Thoma* W. CushingJ. W. Brockhase J. F. Williams andJ. J. Dnran * wifejGeorse C. Coddiaf H. E. Stevens and wifeC. E. John* Leslie F. Bice *R. E. Noble C. M. Dougherty acdW. Lv Nelwm wife


J. B. Robinson 11. Y. KuerrMr*. Lucy Underwood 11. Lion


H. 0. Veatcta Jr.Ml«s Kate McCann Alfr<?d T. CluffFrank Dennis and wife G<>raldlne CluffBertha Msddcn Mrs. A. E. CheneyMildred Burkett S. R. Brown and wifeF. Fogelsnng IJ. T. DouglasEmma C. Sirokins TE. D. A. Clay \u25a0

F. Hart Brock and trife Dr. Klmer E. Stone andJ. W. Boaabaupr and family

wife - Mrs. A. E.,Talbot

Mrs. F. Y. Read and A. Dolgmaid D. F. Minney

F. H. Read and wife J. N. Lyons IF. Johnson and wife Robert SchoenerJ." Tomllnson and wife R. Moore and wife ;

Miss B. N. Booth . F. IC DoakMl**Bessie Booth Al GoldsteinMisu Verna Booth Mis* lone Talbott •

Miss Hugh Dow E. W. CheneyJ. Mcliroy .K. E. Graham and wifeWaldo E. Spearman JL. A. Gauter and wifeMis3F. W. Spearman JGeorge L. Marlow andThoma* Olden { family .Mrs. Alox Doig andiM. W. Sweet

children JC. K. BonestelAbraham Simon S. Glenn Amirews andJ. 11. MiH.'ulloagh . wife

~.,Charles Carpy Miss Lina-BradyFrank N. Marston Fred S. SboupJohn n. Aitken E. S. Jolly, wife andJam<>s 11. Goldman . sonE. W. Taylor and wife H. B. Keith, wife andMrs. J. M.Driseoll son . , ;Miss Verdon •* Mr*.S. Solmonson


Dr. C. L. Tbompsorv Mis*K. SolmonsonMrs. AVn. Thompson Miss G. Solmonspn'E. t. Frelze and family F. M. Van HornW. A. Slmonton )G. W. Tickell and wife.E. B. Melson

*W. R. Lorett

J. B. 1). Edge 'R. B. CannCorinne Cook Mrs. L. J-' LatzG.-B. Lull .Mrs.'- Gladys. Parsons'Mr?. Herman Nullinan J*ur«

-Kinkead ! asd

Herbert Xnllinan* \u25a0 wife'

W. B. Gray Adella R. Jarris-

jJ. B. Dusenberr Anita N. RobletCarl Muntrr and family Robert •E. Lyons andMrs. M. E. Cunninsharoj wifeMlm Alice CannlnshamiMrj". Henry-FladE. L. Foomler and wife;Mlss Flad .Sam J. Era IMlss M. F. HowardRandolph V. Whitlnc IT. J.-BnraMrs. H. E. KentflelJ Frank 11. Cranie andJ. Jvfntfield +* Iwife ,Cahill Hastings and R. Frommer .

wife Miss Florence BarlowC. Abraham

" J. 'C. McCurker andCharles Zinkand wif* \Mrs. B. Allen . tMi«s A. EscolTeMrs. M.J. Somborer (Mr*. Charles WhiteHarrey Dana and nifeiF. E. Morrison; andLelfrhton Macgregor wifeR. M. Neely

-W. R. Brock

Mrs. R. "M. Ptonifer Argyle Campbell andEvplyn Stonlfer wifeJ. Ott»lln Yates

"C. C. Wyandt and wife


Recent guests at Glen Alpine springsare:


l(Mm. N. SllraMr. and Mrs. G. IL.Ca-jJohn Harden Pratt

banif>s '1J- Mannon Jr.

Mtss B. G. Howard |Mr». A. M. KohlbergMiss L. M. Stark plrs: K. MayblmnMis? Dora Israel jjamefe Edward Rogers

A. R." Westphal \u25a0 (Prof. C. Sobcrbicc andG. A. Russ, wife and! wife

'. *

child |pr. N. E. Stephens

BERKELEYMiss K. Comlns jMr.and Mrs. J. E7 Kill-Mr, and Mrs. P. B.j due: i

Dawson .Mr?. 11. PeixottoDorothy Edlnger

' Jessie B. I'elxott*.'

Mr. and Mrs. RoscoefF. M. FrenchWarren l.ncy


f *\u25a0*!*? FrencU/. Cogswell . \u25a0\u25a0

. - ! LOS ANGELESMary C. Currier *!->r. pnd Mrs. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 FrankMrs. Allen .-:->"': Gordon f

~Mi*«cs Allen IA. W. Thomas and wifeE.'ll. •Lipplncott jBonnie C- GreenG. Horran >-<*$BS3& )Irene 31. GreenMis« Clutt


[S. W. Kelsey and wife :Cora Parker ;l>aTid.R. Killdnff !Blanche n.' Grcgr (Harrington Krown andKatbcrine launders I\u25a0-\u25a0" family .!. STOCKTON - iC. H. Neill \u25a0 1Ml*s.Winifred West and iMrs. W. G. Wallac<! i nurso. TMrs. F.A. West; j


tElizabeth H. Bailey Robert -.npTcrsca \Lanra C. Bailey . Mis» BeansSanford 4u Bacon- \u25a0

—. .. \u25a0 ,\u25a0: -.; . /. : iiSAN RAFAEL.Mr. \u25a0 and Mrs. J. -D. Margaret Madison

Madison •- \u25a0 Marshall-Madt»on;;:a:.:Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Caroline Madison

\u25a0 -Kuecbler "\u25a0"*

-I- .

: OAKLAND . '\u25a0\u25a0-.-;. >

Ktte B^anrais tJack; SockenaaanF. W.-Veitch -•»'\u25a0••\u25a0'-' Miss- Little-

-V. c! Shwhan L. Ray JacobsJosle M". Mason Mrs. M. V.. BoardmanJessie L.,Moir Lucy C.:Jacobs ,May Coogan \u25a0 . - A. J. -Coogan


T.•C.,Cooeau • Mrs. Calrert Meade :.Margery Coogan . .. ' = '.. r ADA3IS SPRIXGS' ~

Arrivals at Adams Springs are as fol-lows:', ~ \u25a0'\u25a0'. s'\u25a0


•\u25a0" - ' .-""•'\u25a0\u25a0" ';

W. P. McKeeney F. K. BenjaminG. A. SnlllTan M. CapelleC.. W; Reed E. ;DalgeroEmma Reed ' . G. CogornaEstelle

-McGrew Angclo Searplno .

Mrs. William ;McGrew :Miss M. E.-,SelbeiaerDr. T. O. McSwaln L.. T.,BergerMrs. T. 0. McSwaln. . UiT. Rounds8..E. Tracy Mrs..W.E. EldenmillerA. E.'Tracy J. SI. Eghleman- \E. M. Tracy James Spiers „.A..M. Felderman Sam JacobsenS. B. Felderman •«' R- G. Lawson \u0084

'L. J.' Baerne W. • H. AlexanderW. -'H. 'Lock wood . and C.'W.Ounsby.'; wife \u25a0 •:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.

'• ..;\u25a0 Gus LinebanMrs.- William Heilbrcn E. .I.KeatingMiss Hazel Heilbron * G. C. Keane \u25a0

IL:H. Bowman ;and Dick Gauzelol •wife . ' A.W. O'Brien and wife

W.^u. Williams W. A. Loker :F. W;< Baker . Mr.;McMillanMrs. Baker

- . \u25a0 Mrs. -Leland S. Meade

Miss E.F.- Baker Dorothy .Vockcl'

Mrs. S. G. Siltera Emily VockelWr H. Cotton IL..S. MeadeA. H.-Walker and wife111.J.R.. Aden . ,E. H. Rehfeld ..r P. J.'KaTanaugh _'.H. Kessler . < ,'{Mrs::A. M. DaTidsonA/ B. Welch i-. "A. E.,McGaryW.::F.:

'a Hennes.'ey

* . (."harles Perkins ~John Flanagan

'-y Henry -.Feldhusen • -

M. J. Hennessey , S._-S. •McKlnley-:\u0084.-.;,George Scran and wife" W. -'H.:Johnson _'Dr.iMcGflTern Julias Dischin ;,Mel'Williamson Mrs. J.' B.' Mar*hE. L. Burke

' -Marion Z. Marcu

•W.*H.~ Marnhall Mrs-Tl^-Woodard .. -Anna 'F.iKleini::" H. "Patterson ;-Carolyn :KleJn^^- F- Dnnne^ (rj^ ,Anna -McETOy ;:;;\u25a0, • Edwin' Bakery


''\u25a0."... '.\u25a0•\u25a0' :':

' Alyce .Schwab rH: L. Parker.'. -, .^ A.,B.Mloorahan

-C. U Prldgcn; •.'', JL-J..Dowd and wife - "Mrs. '.Marr McNamara HHr.r L. 'Cramer >\u25a0-.'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0Fred ,;Ton

'Dur*>a : •: '..• JohnSßittcr- \u25a0 !L. Schncll

;;'Jcorse'^Totmsend";I,WUllam Tolaian . ; WilUam .Wood • :• I

.'.-k '*.'.-. •.;'•-\u25a0; . . "

';.".."' \u25a0\u25a0 . -'V;\u25a0

' '.-." '

AGUA CALIEXTEThe following;San Franciscans have

registered at Agua:' Calient*: VMfs." Decoatnaf and too.S. F.;Phistet


H.,M.:Weiss- : •: -\u0084. IMorris Eib -. :.M. Spelr

' • J. A. Wolf "and wife-

William Hinkel Miss D. BroderickM. P. BiUlng., Mias C. Nolan *:Mr*. Heelan Mrs. F.~ WebsterMiss'Heelan _.- Mri-.8. Clemishere \Mrs. -M.;Horgaa *•- F. Ambrose -J. Plaase - Margaret Webater. ..;>;

A.- Nlcolson and wife Mrs. S. Harris v-»- -.v"

J. M. Gramen Mr. Harris and sonMre.J. Tolh • ~ Mr. and srrs. L«jyJtfrs. -Joseph Coleman' Mr. and Mr«..K*ne^F. X..Burton .:. I*• Kane; \u25a0".'> -- .-.,-•A. L. Hrggins . .Mr. and;Mrs. .ClearyM.Bnrke- •-; * and wav /A. L. Glas.«raan ,. J. 8. Frise .-Mrs. F. Glassmsn - Charles Cohen H:^v\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_-

Mis, K. Glassman .: ;". W. F. TurnerMiss H. Classman' Miss S. KauniU

- .Sig Harband Mlss.E. McCarthyMiss U. E. Freese Scott Handly r •

J. Kelley and wife ' F.A. MUler •MUs Horgan B. BernstelaMr. and Mrs. D. Mon- Mrs.*S/ Harris

anch -'\u25a0\u25a0.> , Miss F. HarrUMlsj» J. -Moaascb L J. Lery

-C. Caarestri

-i. Harris, wife and

Mrs. M. Slgglns ehUd y ~Major H. A. Wright f. Klrshbaum

-0. H; ReSctllng and VI. O'DonneU » . :;'•' wife \u25a0 \u25a0 ;. U E.,L»w»n . .X. F. Semington and A. B. Glauman

wife- Mrs. B. FichncrA. Goldmejet ?.- FiehnerM. Weiss K. B.• ScSwarU -afld51. \u25a0 Hayes ; :wife "'";•' .C. A. Wall Mr. and Mrs. J. TobiasE. Demman UUs H. TobiasMis 3V. Broderick

* -Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook

H.,J. Labatt ""-.* D. Cook \u25a0 . \u25a0

Mrs. VTIIIUm Kramer 11. - 8.. WhiteC. Demljon \u0084 1.. WhiteMrs; J. •Donoraa • K. W.MarischMr». R. Jepsen • C. B. - Dlnghamft.'-Tii-Frankner W. B. Gerry

-William .Morrison and >t. Salomon .'\u25a0 - --

family . . S. Wlthinjtton. wife aadS. Kellermao . -two daughters >

\u25a0 -\u25a0'

---Mrs. 'Bnttenshos and Mrs. Ij. O'Donnell and

family . child . - 'Miss LoTrty .. Edward Kehoe

- •-;Mrs.-'A. G.Chapmea • Mrs. FlatleyMiss A. Ftrrell

-R. W. Rogers

-Miss M: Farrell . Mrs. HclnisnMiss.M. Gleason ' Mrs. A. MeHnjhI/co Fabry. -.\u25a0 . "'. Mrs. D.^PyserA. Hi*mmearling?r Mrs. O. WeberMrs. 'R. Newman Mrs. E. SheldonH. Mansfield F.Burton

".-..Mrs. S. Manrfeld .Tim Hayes -W. Mansfield Minnie DarlinsMr*. W. Bryan > J. W. AftwaltWilliam Bryan. Charles WestMHs Ml Mitchell Hazel A. Jones j»Mrs. 11. Booth -

Joseph Kelleher andMrs. Charles Port»r -son \u25a0

Mr. and Mrs. Welch Bride Smith\u25a0 and family. -•\u25a0\u25a0- Mr*.-Robert RoweFrank J.i Mott, wife J. ILSanford |

• and daughter . Edward Nlehairs""*Mrs. J. F. Manner Mr. and Mm. GUmor«Irene Wanney Anne GnvigtnJ. C. Cuunlnshtm Join GarigenS. Metzner N. A.Gosllner and wife

. P.IRAISO SPRI.VGS*The following names appear on the

register at Paraiso. Springs: .-;?,'SAX FRAXCLSCO

'J. B. Enright {Mr. and Mrs. J. G.Herbert Farjeon j Briton' •.

'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Mr. and Mrs.- H. D. .

Jordan \u25a0 | MorrisonMaster Lawrence , . jMlss Hazel Morrison

Jordan \ Mr. and Mrs. John P.Harry Pinkham . ; Robertson. •• »C". L«>Ty . - . . T..F. BarmanHarry Stephen* Mr. and Mrs. B. B.Ml»s Abbie Schrank StraotreMiss K. Harrison Mr. and Mr*.W. A. QaTanaugh H.B.James'Mrs. M. Daley P.BradyMrs: M. M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. M. O.Dr. and Mrs. JllWvieb

W. B. Coff^y Mlso xftlwrichMiss I.atira Coffey T.•Hawes \u25a0

MUb M. Mltchen Mr. and Mr«.L. Crocker

'R. V. Whiting

Mrs. Charles Coleman Mr. and Mrs.Charles A. Smith '. F. S.. KelleyHugo Michels -

Edward MrCarthyJ. Michels

' . Mr. and Mr*.Robert J., Flood '. Frank Warren Jr.W. C. Osgootl \u25a0"-'\u25a0\u25a0' - - ' *

, OAKLAND. ALAMEDA AXD BERKELEYMlsg May Finnegan |Mr». M.C. CarnealMr.>and Mrs/

-,. :. ,: IThomas McCarthyE. L. Cutting .iJeremiah McCarthy

Mrs. Fleming :- \u25a0 . IMr.and Mrt.M. J. EtbH. H. Ober . "

\l. FernandezMrs, H. Acgelt " IMr. and Mrs. F. H.Leo Anirell '."^

'[ Scbeidlng \u25a0•'

Miss Lncr Angeli Ml«s Georgia SclwtdinKDr. Samuel W. Platt Miss Ixmum SolllTanMiss S. Mileorich (Mrs. "M. MeXamaraMrs. J. B. Boscovlch fSliss X.:MeXamaraSAX JOSE. SAX lIATEO. REDWOOD CITYJ. W.. Goodwin '. Frank Taylor .\u25a0\u25a0':-.Morris Goodwin Billy Fre«lerick«R. Stephen* # Mr. ami Mrs. HajenMatilda Sterens . Dr. and Mrs.Carl St»Ten«

-I-W. - E. Perry

Harold V.Wallace (Mrs. G. W." Perryand wlf»»--. "• 'Phillip E. Wilcox

Mr. »wl Mr?. IMrs. L. W. Shea T

W. J. Brown \u25a0

' SMljm Anita M. Shea.Miss Bertha Brown'

'!Jack- Shea' "-

>lr. and Mrs.; Bramgler !Mis* Agnes Sargent"Misu O'Ham* . , ,MOXTERF.Y. WATSONVILLE AXD SALINASF. S. .Wallace !G. A.:WienerM. S. Lopez s JJ. E. Breen '..Mr. and Mr«. il.eo Hardy


R. H. Moore . IMiss Ann ItersonMr. and Mrs. (Miss Effle iTerson -

S. Bullene iMr. and Mrs.CharlM B. Rosendale I J. D. CochranJoe Nolan "•\u25a0\u25a0• IMr*. X. SboenfeldtD. E. Leßandoor IMr*. R.\u0094 I.Orr and sonJoe O'Reillt !MUs Henrietta Dean


Recent arrivals a^t-Bartlett springs

are: r-- .SAX FRAXCISCOEdward Q. Ring

-IL. Weissbers .

Mr. and Mrs. R. I.A. B. Stedmarf \u25a0

Whelan" - I». Whaly. -

J..B. 'Durst~

Mr«. M. FredericksMr. and Mrs. C. Schles- Miss M. U Fredericks

'.inger ,; . . Miss M.* A. Howard8.-I^fitoa.' . ' MUs D, SmithJ>r. D. FlaUbur^ \ Mr. and slr«. D. Sulll-Charles Brown ;. -| '•'•oJ. J. ScharUeh 1" ,

SAX JO3EMr. and Mrs. 11.

-A.lMiss F. Luca3

Skiff V-

•:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-• I -.- BERKELEY .': .Mrs. n. J. Magcnlty VlHANFORD:^^^g

I.ED BLIFFI-onI« Winder J:HJF.'W. Decker J"Ed Knauss

- -. j-.'- : . . "


- -"UPPER LAKF. -\u25a0.-\u25a0<.--.--. '.

Lyman W.Barke \u25a0 . -JA.-O. .Wheeler-

v . SACRAMEXTO -B. A. Kritfir.

-IE. H. McKee

Mrs. B. Griron , [Miss M. A. Bradford1 VAIXEJO

Z. J. Ca»per Ia.MpGIU•>.; v *: MT. EDEN

M. M. Vieir* . I_ .

J. F. Forney-

IMIHes Wallace . :*

M. M;Vieira I

J. A. Graves JAdcraldr-PpllissierE. P. Grafts iGeorge Ifc HazzardH.,C. Grarcs \u25a0 IMrs. HazzanlGen. M. 11. Sherman

'IfSreta Hazzard

Kd Strauebnre '• • ICarroU HazurdMrs. G. Pelllssicr aadi Marry Hazzard

too- ---.-..•.\u25a0--\u25a0 . i. JDonald Hazzard"

Mrs. L. Roulet--

JMi*« M.^A. Baxter" "^• -

MENLO PARK'Mr., and Mrs. W. H.I• Kodtn

" - | '1 '

TRENTON. N.JA. G. Holcombe |

''• : CLOVERDALE -C. F. Grant . { .-.. •» .. *"^.. ? . K'Oa. , .. t "'" '


Mr. and ,Mrs. A. H.!

> ---;'.. OROVILLEMiss LIlUe Montour I •

.GII-iV BEND, ARIZ.T. C. Rowley \.y •\u25a0 i'-v;>'/\u25a0•'

\u0084 . \u0084 SAN LEANDRO -:•*£*?£F. G." Rose •... : iniomas B. Mor;aa1. J. Barley


- ' .OAKLAND •

D. F. Murphy -\u25a0-|H. IVDlehl

F. W. Dlehl • \u25a0\u25a0; • |W.C;Kennedy•. -'v -v-'-' SAN^MATEO^i»>

Mrs.,G.I.Emerson- j "

The recent arrivals at Sully's ;are: :i


SAN FRANCISCO '\u25a0; ?Mr. and Mrs.CS. S.H. Eaton" .-Blser : i

\u25a0 <--•-... Mtb. J.' JohnstonMr..and Mrs. R, C. V Mrs..E. Eraas Smith.

-Locke: v-

"..:'.,Mr. and Mrs. TornbaronOtto Flelssner \u25a0;-:,, >r^ Mrs." B.;Heflfron^ v«Cuthbert Flelssner :Mis« G. IlcilfronMr.^and Mrs." J. W."!Miss J. E.:Frank

Poore^.r ;.•-/; Miss B^H. La FailleMrs. H. Relgle and.. Mr.";and

'Mrs."Bacman•"• daughter —-.-.\u25a0 \u25a0 ;Mrs.'A.'-W.' Dunn -and

MUs ,- C Jewell *- >'daughter-- '" . . '\u25a0"- T;

Miss Jillerson E. Lewis ->•\u25a0

—Mrs.»E. J. U&t\u25a0\u25a0"--\u25a0.'\u25a0 Miss.M. S. WalUce .Mis* E.1Luke MUs">J.'< WallaceMiss L.-Holt ' :Miss "Alice BrophyMr.'and Mrs. F. W. \u25a0.. Mlss!Eichor»t.

'\u25a0:'\u25a0'• Murphy '*- /"\u25a0< Mr. and 'Mrs.'Harding \u25a0

Mr.,and Mri.G. B.~

E. P. Southard .:Frasch \u25a0 .; '-

\s. y'\u25a0 J \u25a0 .*.--, \u25a0•'

\u25a0 . \u25a0

- _ '

Miss M. Bnrntrager \u25a0 Miss V.'M-".Barnard \u25a0"

Miss N.- Manning":Mr.

-and :Mrs. E. K.

MlssM. MacdonaldT' "-Prestoni- '


Mis* Slater '- ->. .T~ F.^Hanly '\u25a0* _;"

MlssG.'Storpr- - . I^D..Holland. ." .

Mi««*K. Wooldridge- J.'W.*-Bri*towe-

Mrs/ C/-He«ser ':.:-\u25a0 :'i."i'-i V.v

"' - '

;.*, >'l SACRAMENTO'

Miss.G. Jcces-... .., _I -

'•\u25a0.;\u25a0-' VNEWCAS7LE;.

Mrt.' H. Hall I... \\- \u25a0.-:\u25a0 ' OGDENMiss" C. •Warner

'-^ISKI'JMSBa \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0'

,*; ;. MERCED '

\u0084 .\u25a0H ,Jcd;« i'a'nd Mrs.- E.N.; Rector tad child'

: TAHOETAVERX.-Recent" arirals at Taho'o -Tavern are:

SAX FRANCISCO r~;^'Dr. \u25a0«. Rerxsteln J. A. M«Gres«;"*. B. Wallace \u25a0 P. K. Gordon "

S. K. Smith M. Byman and wife'

J. ;E.. Bntterfield f Helen HytaanB. Btzby and wife - Master Joe BymanW. D.:Cohn , MUa _F. MetzgarMrs.' E. McCatchen M.K. Seralllan -Miss g. Collier M. H.-Fay and wifeW. A. Brown, wife a*d Mrs. I.Schmidt- -,

baby • iCharles E-- Parkes andB. -C. Botsford and -family

- '-wife \u25a0 C; S. Fee

'Mrs. JI. K. Cole O. C. MerrillWestlake ,Cole A."Disbrow and wifeBernardo Cole

~~M. Gertrude Homne-

Mlss R. Barley . dienDr. F."C. Le*itt *'IB.Bf«Ter Jr.George B. Hart Dr. Charles Kin?Clintoa Jones and wife Fanny Mayblam -.- 'Uita Helen Jones

'Arthur A. Smith

W. G. Volkman E. Lank SmithJ..U Graf and wife

~Mrs. A. W.- Adhlberr

H. H. Harris and wife Mr. and Mrs. B. Lear-W. I.Patl and party itt -Mr. and Mrs. L«rsen Miss Helen LeafttttMlism A. and C Bart-lUiss M. Smithlett J. A. Lewis . .

I.S. LIHie and wife E.> GleesoaI.C. Mullen. C C. Rirers and fam-D. r. Popple -IlyW.» n. McMana* J. X Padnia3. -A. Sampson aad'j. M. Maanon Jr."'•wife • [G.1 Knm 'CSarl^s S. Kraase |E. DrnlsenbergA. ScblUinc X. A. Dora and «If?Rudolph Sehillißt J. C. C*Tanau?h aadWalter Schilling :

-wife, two daughters

1. 1Van Lien and sonJ. G.'Garnett and wife Mrs. C. L. Eschnaa .W. M. Conn, wife aad L. C. Edefaman

daughter « Miss S. WeberL. W. Leryand wife Wise E. T. Hansea I;

-Andrew' Carrlgan" and J. Apple

wife JUas E. ApnleF. C. Humphrey* vtlsn T. PrinceMary U Black

'Charles Satro

v OAKLAXDC. H. Taylor and wife Mre. \T. EagoMl»s Kaowles -v E. W. Enso Jr.Jesale Grlmshaw: Bessie E. WakerD. F. Belby and wife Mrs. E..MatthewsMrs. O. Pierce > lathryne MaherTViilUm J. Johnson and W. B.'Rlckry-wlfe Mis* A! Bowles

Ml» J. Johnson > Mrs. W. S. BenshawMrs. Isaac I*Reqna

-MU>s Hen^haw

Mls« Amy Long-

Miss Grimes-

diss Sallie Long and 11. Chlckerins and wifemaid , . BERKELEY .

H, F. Brigjs and wife O. TlnDenaan and wifeHelen M. Brt?gs J. 3. WrljthtW. X. Moore Jr. 11. E. Wright and wifeA. F. Frey «»* wife F. S. Edlnger and wifeAUeen M. Watklns Mrs.'Alice BeleyoffE. Schomaker :,,yiA. B. Eddy

DEI/JIIOXTEAmong the recent' -sruests at Del


Mrs. S. A. Jones ,;-" 131r.'1 3lr.'t and Mn. AlbertMrs. W. W. Harmon


R. E. Brown 1•*.'. Mr*.J. W. OrrDr. E. Schmall

--. I.W.'rVaa Laadt

Carlton CCrane ' Mr. and ;Mrs;— J. D.F. W. Blsnch #>-- -\u25a0 .Sw»et and chau2etxrMr. and Mrs. J: D. Herbert Flelschhaeier

Johnson and daashter Mrs. Hattie SimonJoan Joseph Doran Albert Meyer .G. F. Charleston Mrs. CM. EtirUckAnna Kelley A. M. RosmbanmMarlon Dittenbo«fer . Arthur BachmanMrs. Greenbood Mr. and Mrs. WilliamMr. and Mrs. B. C. H. Jordan

Kennedy ~ ' -Lawr»a*e W. •Jordan

Mr. and Mrs. Armsby Mrs. J. M. DriscollMajor and Mrs. C. 11. Miss Verdon

MeKiostrr Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Mr. and Mrs. George Corkill. woa and

Bertholen daa^iteriTan B. Beer Mr. and \u25a0 Mrs. C. C.Mn. M.T. Serrea TerrinPorter Serren James King SteeleHother Wismer Mrs. Gertrude FrackliaAdelaide M. PollackMayo R. Carroll James D. Pheian aadMrs. B. Weil \u25a0 chauffeurtli*s M. Weil Mrs. Hattie SimonJoseph L. Greenbanm Albert M^eyerMr. and Mrs. St? Mr. »nd Mrs. F. H.

Greenebaum and two Dntton \u25a0 \u25a0


Talbot C. Walker ,.Mrs. Herbert Flei«eh- Mrs. Charles C. Jnil«-a

hacker.' two children Mr. and' Mrs. F. A-r and nurse • "- i\ Somers^aad chauSeor

;. OAKLAXDMrs. TV. S. Xoyes [Miss Anna EoosMiss E. Ij. Xoyes (Jallaa ClouchDr.. and Mrs. F. H.jMr. and Mrs. W. F.-> Locke . • J Jack'Mr. and Mrs. B. F. [Jlr. and . Mrs. H. Ar. Durphy ( SmithMrs. E. Raw J"

BEBKELEYMr. *nd Mr*. 11. K. Miss Nori Evaas

Metealf" Mr. and Mrs. Charm

Mrs. James B. Home BullGeorge B. Boke

LOS AXGELESMr. and Mrs. H-irrinc-'Mr. aad Mrs. H. B.

-too Brown and four Trowbrid^echildren. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllts

W. S. Brush '- J. Bole and danzhterDick Johnson -. \u25a0

- Mrs. F. 11. RlndzeFrank J. Horn • Mis*R. A. RlndseJack Ammermaa S. K. Rindge *Earl Brown , Miss It. A. RindseL. E. Dtcksoa .. '

, F. H. \u25a0RlndseOertrode B. Parsons F. WebnterLillian I.Teazle J. H. Rnd&s

AETXA SPRIXGSThe following are recent guests at

Aetna Springs:

SAX FRAXCISCOH. >r. A. Miller iMr. and Mrs. L. B:G. W. Lewis \u25a0_

• LarzelereM. E. Pinckard Miss Lotna Romer0i H. Weeks Thomas F. BannaaMiss Jennie Blair Philip P.-PaschelMr. and. Mrs. B. H. X. P. ferine


Mrs. LarsenHarold P. Plnmmer | Jn \

POIXT RICHMOND . .rMr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman ,

OAKII\XDB. W. Taylor • IGeorge T. HawleyMr. and Mrs.

'Don M.jRoy Reynolds

Morris and two boys Mi«s Jane CrellinMrs. Jnlins A. Yoang A. &? In?ramMrs. R. F. Panlln Master Edward YouncMi»s Imosene Stuart JMiss Carrie E. HawleyUiss I^nnie Stuart ! .

ROSSMrs. Edwin L.Grifßth IMHIem Griffith

SAX RAFAEL.Miss L. 3. Foster Mr. and Mrs. S. B.P. 3. Foster Cn«hinsMr.'and Mm. W!ll>ra James Tunotead

W. Morrow v.^fJames W. KeysMr.and Mrs. A.Foster i

XAPAMrs. It Z. Hennessey |Mr. and Mr«. C. S. SwgnMi«s France* HonnesseytMr. and Mrs. WilliamMiss Mary Henaessy f Watt

OAK KXOLI..Mr. and Mrs. H. C.!M:*s Ethel MeloneE Melone \u25a0 . |

RUTHERFORDMr. «Dd Mrs. G. <9o I-atonr

*. CLEVELANDMiss Marsaret Calhotml -' .

.ST. HELENADr. F. C. Xetrsnn | . .


Late guests at Solid Comfort HomeResort are: .

SAX FnAXCISCOM. Herrell JSliw B. FrtyMrs. Au?u»ti ricllicg fMI«Gertnid" B.Mrs. Wniitm F." f Gllddon

H...11i0i-- '• -

|Miss L. Ro*merKosen" Ifr»illnjr jMlss F. RoomerMrs. Wiiliam E. -SmltblMlss U BlackRoy Smitll , JW. T.HoUln?Mr. and >Jrs..G. A. IMrs. Clareac« Harman-Nelson . |Mrs..J. P. HollandMrs. Kngene Sweeney fMiss \u25a0 Caroline HollandMrs. Albert Mllly. : (Jereba HollandMiss Cecelia Milly Paul -HollandMdmM.E. Dowd NeUis 'HoUamlF. >Watermaan J. P. HollandMr. and Mrs. F. W. Mr*. Welw*

Slayer " Mrs. Mo7;tMiss Alice Slayer JMlss MoffetJ. R. Hermann I

AiAMEDAMiss J. Fjord Mr. and Mrs. C. E.Mis* J. Bain \u25a0 . .SSeejter * daughter

'Miss ETelrn Bain - Captain K. Van Oter-Mrs. W. E. Bain

• ; endorp*OAKLAXD

Mr«.?M. S. Dewing rMm.-U'Rlrers ;

Miss Pearl M. Dewing [Miss Alice KellyMiss Ethel B. Dewtn^ |Miss Lena Klef;rdorfMlsw- Stella F. Har-,tJobn O. Watklnsmana \u25a0\u25a0—' jt- \u25a0"*' IJack LittleMiss H. RlTers Ji:

PETALCMA^Mrs. John XeTerana IMrs. E. V. Dow

\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0- \u25a0 ; .' r.v^NAPAMrs.1Burt Norton and IL. Fnafce -• - -

|family ,fMn. L. Fnnke

3tfrs. W. Rutherford IGUdy* Funkeand family |Mrs.,Blrsch aad famOy


•The following are among the arrivalsat Camp Vacation: .:



- ' Grace A.,Robinson'

Maude Marshall ' , SylTla Mathews .E»elyn Marshall Sirs. KirshenMrs.'.M. O'Brien ". . 'Miss Klrshea


Annie O'Brien . F. .H. Shootman '.Mrs. J.-Costelto Mlsa D.. M. QulrkrAnnie? Coitello C. S. Crossley aad wifeLacy .Rooks

- {Catherine Crossler> . OAKLAND - ' .Bessie Grant ;

*.D. W. Geary and family

Douglas Grant* '

Mrs. H. Greyce HanbyM!«s B. Pilcher Ramona HanbyH. Frontier Ml»s ClalreMUlsPierre \u25a0Frontier 'Mrs.-R. S.tSmlta , ' .Mrs.'F. Rockwell Miss A. St.. JohnsonCarrie Rockwell

'Miss ATB. Rhlnehart- -


*tMiss Marlon Horey

Candy by I£xpre«a

:_. Candy, sent by express to ;all? pointsin^Callfprnla. Is -carefully .packed soas .to.arrive in.perfect :

Send address, with \u25a0money?order. toGeo. Haas .& Sons* Pirelan BuildingStore, San Francisco- »


The _ following have registered at

SIN FRANCISCOJessie E. Trie« Ott» ReimerFrank A. Bartcsa Mr*..W. BaomW. Well Mrs. IV*. H. BarroaO. J. Itaestoo to. «J Mt«. 11. B.C.. H. Davenport , rayBradford W. Boeler - Mrs. L. SchmidtA. B. Wostphat {James P.. StetsonM. P. Utrschmam and H*rry X. Stetson and

wife \u25a0 -eaauffetirReginald Hlrschmaa F. r. Rotates and wif»

ami none « W. J. UannlxJ. M. Mannon Jr.

-Mr,- anil Mr*. G. It.

J. -L. Graf. .CabaatsaMrs. A. M. Rohlberg O. H. CabanUis Jr. V£*;Miss Fanny Murblon Mr*. C. Baom


G. A. Ross, wife and Stfeji Helen R. Banai• child Acathi A. SmithMrs. Stlra • -

C.-Veni** SmithArthnr G- UHienthal "Mr*vC. E. Fart* andJ.- U Llllentnal fimlirVictor 11. Levy R. I>. r!«»ra«siJessie Ulllenthal H. G. PlsgtmannA. A. Stelnberger

'Mr*. Kay I-e-rin

John J. Greeley M.tro A. Greealaw-OAKLASD

T. C. Coogsn 1Mr. and Mrs. Williamill** Marjcrte Cooiran j 1.-^•k*...•rle* Ericksoa and iJ«bn r. Locke

fanjily \u25a0 {Lonl» D. Voice aadT. Detnnaa wifeMb*.Florence Lock* I

PASADENALewli J. Me—itt and B. R. Flaanoa and

wife wffeRaj A. WooJard B. W. Smita and wif«

LOS ANGELESDr. Robt. W. Bayues A. E. SmithE. V. Baker Strt. M. E. TmverMrs. Edyta W. Hendxy Mrs. F. P. Scott

and too-

'\u25a0"-.'' F. P..ScottBob NoctSam

SKAGGS HOT SPRING*Arrivals at Skaggs springs are:


W. 11. Kearney iLewi* F. Brlna-tooT. H. Kearney Jj. Forrest Wyman.andJoin Slsich ( wife • -Frederick BtlaVo '

IMM- Charles At CootryWill Kp!l»r , and sonP. H. LlTing?toa and Mrs. J. Jacksos.wlf- WUHata O. Faiy andMrs. H. C. Dithtnar wifeMiss Cora DUbmar M!«s M«r?ette HenajiitMax Morten tlobs StruraaJofen J. Carey

%: JW. 8. O'BrienG. K. Bobbins aad wife J. J. I.yn.-iJ. E. Steffea* an.l wife|A. C. N>wN-raTbcnnas Xnttrids* aad'Josrpli Holler

wife |H. 1. Mn!cre»yJ. U Mexsier IMrs. M. J. S^na horsesFred J. O'ComiHl Jinan N. J. DcdleyMrs. P. MeArdl* JB. J. I-«rinMiss Irene M.-Ar1> jM!s< IT. Ta!t

MILLVALLEYGeorze L.Payne . ftlady* V. Gas«George I- Payae'Jr R. I«;'b*iml

Marif B. Payne F. MlcbaelHazel L.Scblic?man S. H. Stewart

HEALI»i4BrRG -.R. Brown - |G. 11. Catttrft?!<l

OAKLA.NDW. B. Sandford. wife!

and daughterHIVERSIDE

Irene Btttterfeta 1BERKELEY

' . •D. J.Martessteia, wlfejEJlzabeO Bu::rr2-'M

and son \u25a0•>-:. -\u0084„ .rar itvale

Mrs. Lv Lerin !-"

SAXTA KOSAR. B. Cbandler "


Arrivals at Soda Bay Pprrnga are;

SAX FRAXOSCOMrs. Hattie 'Whttney !E. T. B**i c. Brown

'Win. IVattin:

Mrs. C. A.-Bureo |Janw>s Waiiin;Mrs. E. K.Harriajton^O. B. IlammoaH. V. Ke*lin; Cfcas. B. Clmtt?ntoaWm. Lelber B. B. BalllngtonMrs. Wn». Letfter 6. A. Boon*Mrs. K. Klrchmelster Chris B. LarsonMrs. W. 11. Moran A. T. CanaanHarry Moran G. 11. Feije -\\Mi»* Rxwarid Moraa, Jim. G. ILFei^P.u«"!l Fenayrook . Milton FeigeEdward Omaitey <\l\n Sa.ll- M.wbr vFremont Older . JF. P. RoaebMrs. Fremoat Oldfr jMrs. F..P. RoachEd Ctaley SMix* daily LyneoMr*. Adam« iVtscent K«*liasMls» Panline JacobseolP. 'CarfaqniA. T. H«*» {Mrs. P. CarfaqulMrs. A. T. Best iMtsa CarfaqnlG. Onuay > Mi<t»r Carfaqal11. Xewaaan » ;

BERKELEY AKD OAKL.\NDJ. C. G*ntiT -•' JMiM Carrie B. nawl»yMrs. J. C. Gentry fG*oru<? T. Ha-rleyJllss Fk>rtßc« Gentry JJ. J.^McGowanMiss Frances Gentry iMrs. J. J. M<-GowaaThe». C. ETaaa « jW. A. WUhartMrs. B. M. Birdsall IMrs. W. A. Wi«hartC. B. Ilawley '• iMiss norotbr WJshur?Mrs. C.~-8.. Ilawley (Ml«s Ellwib*a S. MoirMi-* laiOKene. Smart,IKey. BeßoUsMiss Lennie B. stsart {

KUtMATHHOT SPRIXGSR»cer. t arrivals at > Klamath Hot

S-rings are: \u25a0 \u25a0


x K. Walsb and wife IAb« Wiiliaou aad wif*rank H.MUIa aad wife!1. X. Kra:-sa J. Cbilds

OAKLANDArthur E- McGrtl • "{Artbor W. Beli aadiMrs. E. H. Steele r wif» RKf**


Leo O. Murpaj \ \u25a0\u25a0 >: ,*' '


W. D. Woolwins and;Loci» M. WooJwiaewife

~: |

SACBAMENTOE»a Trtffiiple jPhilip S. PriTer. wifel£. M. Coty aad wife | and children

PETALUMAA. B. Hill and wife •R. 31. BinJosle P. HUI ID. B. BUIBaby Fairbanks Ja. B. HIUJt


5. S. Wharten IFEAXKLIX, PA.

Mi«» Josephine G»snt iE. J. Grant aad «i>TREKA

illsA Josepiini? Colby I -\u25a0''

"CBICOL. U. Borb*t I

BIOG3Mrs. Wniiara Doty J

L-IKETIEW.IOEE.George Dean \ ,

BLUEUKES RESORTSvThe foHoTTlng: guests from San Fran-

cisco have visited Blue Lakes resort*:Mr§. C F. Francis Ed BapiiminJ. H. Wolf - Barry MoranB. Hagan '*z*l£'. J- W. Cameron aajAlice "E. Cryre wife


Clara M. £putae-

P.- FucndrlinsMr. and Mrs. B. L. C A. Toemlaa

Rhinebart [Mr. awl Mrs. CharlesMr. and Mra. F.. Ban- Selk

-penberger \u25a0 Miss S*li

Sam Rosesbtum asd >!!w Estclla Soi'»nif? Mr- and Mrs. James

May E. Connolly SffiwnJaliet L. Grass . ;

.Mi<!S T. Sor^nscnLUliao G. Grass Moter Lrslie SormyeTiDr. G. A. BoeUm aad Mr.

-and Mrs. \v. a.

\u2666rife \u25a0 AnstiaLoabi Metzger and fam- Clarence Awtlii

ily Malcolm Aosttn11. C. Callaxhaa- Mr. and -Mrs. P. BeneyP. L. PettUrrew. W. V. McKlnneyMiss K.Catlartaa Oeorje A. FolltraaMiss C. CaUajhan : • Mr. ana ilr». Ge«rsaIL-Meingren, . gnli-b»rrMi.«-i. A. M. Ptetsr MUs P-«rl ScUb^rsMlj-s Bo*e Pfister


Recent- arrivals at Saratoga Springsare:


SAN FB-%XCI3COO. G. Hukett L#Und Gata^rn. E. Maesse Mr. and Un. FrankMr. aad Mrs. J. A. Broad

Sorensoo Miss Era RobertsMr. and Mrs. Georr* Miss Jennie Roberts

Snlsbcrr . Miss Soe RobertaMiss Pearl Salsburx Miss «ar;»r»: RobertsMr. and Mrs. George .Mr. and Mrs. X. U


Mr.,and Mrs.Joaepli W. B. HarrisJacobs , W. J. Kles

James Morsan E. EakaooMiss Minnie Itartia Mr. and Mrs.A. B. Styles and wife F. T. Wood- \ » ALAMEDAMr. aad Mrs., jCharles JBock

B. C. Cryde'

Walter B. Boyc*Mr. end Mrs.- \u25a0.- 1Hamilton Dcnaell

S. N. Boyiia • \LOXDON

Selwifts UeweD>a-

(Master SelwinMrs. Selwia Uewellen | Ltowellea Jr.'

HOTEI»ItAPAEI../Guests recently ,rejriitered at Hotel

Rafael are: •~\

- '.The Misses Knrnaer wnnam B. BlalaaW. M. O'Coaaer \u25a0 C. E. JohnsoaMr. and Mrs. R. W. Miss Belea Baker

Smltli . Mrs. U I* BakerMiss McFeeley , Walter C- Got*Ml»» Bemlce Barr .*-" Mrs. W. J. SomenP. M. Bellex • DaTkS BaehmannMr. aad Mrs. H. L. F. C. Pr-*:en

Ho;hes .-.-.. R. C. BerteaeMr. aad Mrs. J. L.

'[Gray Stabb»

Green . (MUa Marlon BallMr. and Mrs. E. B. IE. O. Selfrldse Jr.

Groenendykte JM. A. SteperMrs. Jes<e D.^Carr '{.WUliam 11. Blaketmemmt&k


SAL.T LAKE CITY. July 30.— Tw»world"3 records were broken at th«bicycle races" tonight.'. Saxon Williams

•of.Buffalo, X. T.. roUe.'the 9v« mile un-.paced -professional in ;-10:3S.


'11:04 1-5. made b>* Alexander Petersonof. Dayttmi O- Ivor Lawsmn broke.hisown.feconl '.»f *:i'J for :the-tbrce mile:lap handicap professional, riding it"ia

OAKI^AXD; JuljV^L—The tßelianceclub .-will give:a.'-;.ladies* -night •at


headquarters at-Reed hall next .Thurs-day "eyeningr. :

'The :feature will be 'anillustrated, lecture' by D.'tE.'ißernays. on".The;Fa iryland jofUhe.Pacific.".The^riecture/i.wiH deal Monterey

peninsula, .and Berriays "will'dwell -on

tb'e. db?orbln;r 1historical and* romanticsides' of,: the famous^t-eg-ion."

*, • •

; The Ts.lides have- been carefully pre-pared and chosen and


have :been recog-nized;; as] artistic. iachievements^ of


lsig:h:;order.~; Following-the lecture, adance and musical program willbe car-ried* out^ /


Illustrated Lecture on "Fairy-land of Pacific" to Be Given


NAIROBI..British Bast', Africa. Jtily2i;—Colonel Roosevelt and -his son Ker-mft attended theraces hereithis after-noon.; Kermlt tooktpart in several; ofthe' event*. \u25a0 I-ast night .GovernorFrederick J. Jackson ;gtive'',aVlar^e.of-ficial, dinner; in honor; of. the .-visitors^

Offical Dinner Given in/Honorof. Elder Roosevelt -




ON Cascade drive, ia «9JiIl Valley; the best buyon this side of the bay; furnished 7 roomboese, strictly first class, on lot OTxl.Vt.with 2frontages: $4.100 trlth terms. 'Box 3594. Call.

ponrr RicHMoyp real estate

TOD-willpay as much for one front foot a fewyears from now as we ask for a lot today.Don't mention this to your children then (It\u25a0Ught ctuse remarks.) Santa .Fe tract centerof Rlchstc&d: $3 per month boys a lot. Sendfor maps. MeEWEX BROS,. 475 Pine St.,S. F. R. T. Shannan. rep.

uu.uii, inveauuenu. lota, ranches, acre proper."tie*. BROWN ft WILSON. Santa Cms. CaL


I'rw Uondred Cash, Balance Like Rent.!>w Huafired Cash. Baiaace Like Rent.

Only 30 istnotes froa> San Francisco— aa alllied ride, ao fogs, no ferries—large, roomy lots.• «ita sbunfiasl ispare for garden and rich soiL"Ik. i<eaatlful Hayward Park (San Mateok. cd-\u2666oinicg the handsome $500,000 Peninmla hotel.With all the pen;a«a!a before him. Alvlnza Hay-warJ cjio*» this rfK for his bom*, and now wear» selling the •earn r.f the hocue site prop»;*:iy.\u25a0 Just the place for yotmgstprs to romprnd-.ron inj grammar pchool aad high school inf*a Ut:«o; up t<» date fire department; fire hy-£raat* il»roct*aout tract: low commutation rates«n3 speedy transportation, both by train andctogtric car; property lies wlthSs 5 minutes'•"«"^Zli <f statioc; rtores. backs, doctor*, etc.

;V.'c -tr'll t»r;Vl yo;ir home after your cwn plan• <er oil- cr-hitnet trill forcisb .and youegp te;y for both bocxe and lot with a few

.t.h»Jrct! <".of!ar3 ca«h. balance your monthly r»nt.•\u25a0 Th,'* 5$ n'lt. :'..• nsaal "srJwrban hrcie" prtp<v

•f;::i«>a. where rocr ln>Tae is rr.V.e* frvci necej-\u25ba;::c»—AI.T. Tilt*: CONVENIENCES AND I.rX-,TKIKS ARE WITHIN A FEW MINUTES'VTAXJC OF THIS-PROPERTY. Call at thiscftit aad nc the \u25a0,«-.« of bomrs. We can ar-rr.agr .satisfactory trras.

BALDWIN A- H^WELL. r!«-3i4 Seamy st.. P.P.IJSANK K. GIiIMMOX.l'*C B St.. P»n Mateo.


\u25a0• . SO >:;nutf* Troai the City• . - . —;—

.-. rriT<-^n :i«n Nta:*^ acd'Jnciase\u0084 ilrtwvea Tru tspMlr Onyrlaj Ceoten

.In-'-:t!i» \ti^\. .resitfeatUl **>^:k-n <>f Saa Matei•\u25a0 end Burilii^amc. KXialz'.ts: San Mitro park and\ \u25a0•\u25bauwoauCi'd by properties JUat haTe made fcr-".tones 'for' tbt-se wiw bocguc early..'*U> <Inwn and w Central Addition. Tbe at-:tractive liosncs aireaOy b~;U acd /the class vt

\u25a0.-bojcr* guarantee its value en»l desirability; 5'• 'minutes fiva Bttrilngame;- electric cars pass the\u25a0•^ract every 10 igiia^ies; *'>fog: fine niacsdaaiilM..streets ;.twwer. water, gas. electricity anrl rele-rl'-oc^: JSO.OX) scboo!: ?9V» for lots. ."^•xir»>:*swjr tcrn;s; gvt oU electric car at Peaicsnia

\u25a0 ayenuc.\u25a0 Send Tor ;:!c«trated folder \u25a0•' «>atral Addition.

• BMJiWIN & lIOWELI..r.v • K'Smy St.. f?.F.FRANK S. GBftSOfOX. -i' ;'• t.. ?sn Mateo.

. eastos A-nnifioxsT«> BL'ltLir.'JAMr.!- fcr beSUbtfl improvcajtut* mac?: largeJ-i'f: hlgß ground; nr.ontblr payments. Eeaa-tlfnl and Rn*t wet» all rcx.r honift sit^s in

\u25a0 restrict^ residence teetioc. only 2* naicntesf.rcnJ city; tli« BEST VAME within *d*y reachct K*a Fran<-isc*>: no fojs; M train ecrvice;

\u25a0>very <-ltv Jmprovetnent HAS UKEN «nstal!rd;-\u25a0rrfdcadanitsrd ftreets. ccrbs. conjent sidewalks,. .fCF-er pipe*, sfcaiic trc*». etTtric lip'jW, tdc-

J"-Im>3Cs: trad'auien esll »iid deliver dally. This;i*rillJ-Tini: PISOPESTY. west of the cointr. t*»dv ana CAN NOT T.E SEEN FHOJT CAR;'TVJSHOW. Ttnn*. 10 per coat dorrs, balance\.-JKi.per tncsth. Take 11:40 a. si. or 2p. so,•- tel» {ion: .1 an»l Toxrnvnd «?. and ast tfce;:."rc^d3.-t»:r to st»p at EASTOS STATION, cr

tsle IS;* S»n UatM electric cars frota £>th st*.. getting off ft EASTON STATION*.V.rfle -for I*W map* acs prkt lists.

.; -F. J. RtfDUERS 4 CO...;:*";'Dt SS nU>G. 235 VTONTGOMERT ST.

1 i\u25a0••• PR<-m?RESSIVE nCRLINGAME'. "Tbe rJUmate. location and lr=a*pcrtatlfln fs-•; \u2666\u25a0ji'tles havp iran?fona»<i tli'» beaullful crnistry:, iittri »= ThriT'tf tmrn: thnnsanfis kt people are. buyfhg I'jts nnd bcllding home? her*, all be-," caVijce tifej- :.»t» satisfied tben:se!ves that it. s*' ihe licst; roicur»s array; thrs i% j'rst

.as>- ''!r*e ~it roar work r>r t>^Bß!ce»« as oitny.-' Sf^TSocs rT tbe Hty. Wliy ;j-«*tit»ic? G" =n4

«••>*\u25a0 itjKtreets nia'««laDiire<sr ewr «d<l water,- in»'c«t laid: !arjr>> !ot*. 50 feet front. $500 and-\u25a0ur: v-»t-j- rasy«t»-ni!P. Tske San Mateo electric••.oarrs in '\u25a0'

--•\u25a0 *t. or i>. P. R. R. trains at

3d *c-l 'Towiißctj-1 sJs. Office opposite station.'.- Back of Bnritajcsme l.ldg.••" -\;: LION A HOAG. INC.,'

-.t. t. C3« Market a.

TOE Huriitgarae BuildingC«. offers for sale oa;' • \u25a0

tenhs. to \u25a0— •;:*\u25a0\u25a0> parties. 2 very attractiveh'ta^s *;tcaie<2 in tb»> best part of the Bnr--

\u25a0 'iiiyrame district, on high, railing land. Ta"seIhcnies arc n»/wt artistic in drsign and con-. ji!i« every nKvlern convenience;' broad porrhes._!.-!ige living rooms. -.i^»-!^U dining roonjs."<n»n Dreplace*. built-in sideboards and book•t««. *!e«»pSng D»'rche»;

-etc.: ctnvenipnt to

\u25a0t'.-n *ratK>ns «n«i al*o th«- electric cars: 23."' 'r,ini;:r» frr>ai the city: tradesmen call end de-li«vr ilailr: rea«ly f->r o^cispancy. Plans and-'\u25a0oc;3cj>rinn* rja be wyn on application tnT. J. RODCEKB iCO.. 2^3 Montgomery rt.

dIOTCE l-:< r-sfi f.f t'..f eoamtj t**&. 50x120,IB Bsston -

«i)'l :;. Box S.VIB. Call office.J""!: «i!<

—Oir-ap f<ir <i«sh 3 room shingled bca-

ai'-w. «:u BarEwater. . j


S large houses in Pacific Grove, furnished, well'

'2-r"»red: rcct* for $.10 per month' by year: value5-':.r*X»": willexchange for good land in Santa«~r.ra vitlcy <-<r for town propcrtj in any town j

| £r>-.i:nJ !>au Tranciso l*y.. :; t«>c»e* in Pacific Grove. 2 block* from post- j. cf'.'K. I»>K>ck from ftrr*tscars: value $4,500: !', it111;iii"Iimil ff* gond home c«f from 5 to 15:. *rr*» betweeti -»n J.. »»• aud San Francisco, orIi. «Jr.V.l»nd.I '. ilotel <-f rnocss. all fnrnlsli*d, lnMonterey:[f'.m. locstKm: valoe $13.5<)0; will exchange for

r. p**lgraia i<r alfalfa ranch or general fanning:;lsnd.'-." -sOMi 3i acres in apples, balance general•'•f.'jfflics land: hoaw. barn, implemcots. every-vtlius «»mpleie: valnf f^.'.WO; will eichaase for'•iii'.titn.e town property.-•'•. 20. acre fruit and not ranch- near Uollister;

V *,llexchange for Income town property.; -{louse with 14 «.!\u25a0•# larg** rooms, nicely fur-. ii*oed. In Monterey; valae $7.0ii0; willexchange

'"/\u25a0;?\u25a0 gtwid alfalfa, grain or stock ranch and pay:: \u25a0 C.ttTtnx1op ti» $5,<"i00.''.- .- T rw>m Itouae. 4 lots, in Pacific Grove: value


;S&Sftu-: willexchange for gr>od ranch and assume.°:»Biall ditfereuce..-..$ tt*vn lioci^ In PacUc Grove, near bearh;

\u25a0.VuTue *l.."<t«i; will exrttange f.w bouse in Sara-•.•tcta." Ix» Gat**. <'ampbell «»r San Jose. •

:' ': 4l<jt< near- r>e! Monte hotel «nd Monterey bay:. -v«!ce fl.^mi; will exchange all or part for good. »> <>rK «\u25a0 driving horc««, or pn>perty aroend San'.Isi-*n<.-i*co bayt

\u25a0 O't tiave ranctj and to«-n property In all parts-'.ctt California fcr exchange and to sell on easy

\u25a0. term*.'- -v IJ* o« ki»-»- what yoo Lave and what;you

. *jnf:-we-wiilCo the rest, r• £ ,A«Mre»s


'\u25a0J •\u25a0 PACIFIC GROVE. CAL.

. i r FJ.ATS Tv TRAI»E.\u25a0• '\u25a0 A nocresjt>nt vvrntr has • beactifti! 2 Bat'

\u25a0'\u25a0•'.'\u25a0\u25a0; i:i Grove ft. ne»r A«liby station. The\u25a0f ..-.•-: i* practically sew sad stands -n a tine

I.J«t. TUe upper ftat b«« 7 n«ms. tbe lower Cat«. Jt i» ;

--:.-i thrnagbout iiithe o^s-t eninis-

J^e ia*l<-»cv srracsed wl?a every convenfence..'lt>\ 5* rfr'ir.r.:;* r.f »H«po»injt of the property by.-•lie i:tia«le. Woul.l take Saa Kr»rclhco prop-; f.rtT or, rsuch j-iT^rf-rty In :te vicinity r-t S«nI»d.r..'!r» *rHrrmzi. The value tf the fiats If

.s"'.'.VR\• EUSUE A: IjOSENZ. Real Estate. Insurance,

.. -~<H A-!cl!ne «?., A'lrOy station, Berkeley.S'A v,+i Fsndsj*. ./ rftr-;

.' MT,ENIiII>t^nch aud irx<ibcslnrs»: J.Cs'iO arrcsIcvc! Und. fn rallrtiad. Sacranieato valley; liv-h«S cn*k: rs<> «ere« alfalfa, land. 4 horses. Cburro*:well fenro<J; good fcqSl; 4f'.l*«G <*K&*

\u25a0.. wc«wi: ready saU>: neis f- to %', per conlf.rofi:; can be clesre.l on tie woodsii-nie: ro«d e«K*y tract: prJi-e $24,000; clear:«a!y *15 pc«- aero. <»r will exchange for goodbuy property, clear: this I* something espe.rUIly good. GEO. 11. Mt'CDOCK &. SON, 31lUccm bclldisi:: «»sl;.tio 4244. ..

1 WILL rrado California for Washington pmp-fri?. r.'i*ccn«it> or New- llfiliwfor falifornla.bay Is-r.Tiv.r •'; fur coontry, or <.«antry for bay1.-npreveu; v^jd cse fcl! narticolsn' in first let-irr. It T.iJS owt y«j nothiaj rjcle«s Imaketfce trade. Write today to J. P. GARDNER,

-:\u25a0:; :••:'.. *-.. Oakland.'

RANCU of 220 c«t«. 12 miles frwa j>an Mateo.. la tbe redwoods: timber and pastnre land;t.rice $23 per acre, or trill take income prop-erty Ia cxetanse. W. W. CASKX,ZM 3d ay..

'.' Saa Kateo. ,jyO -jicr acre: Ijf*acre« en Roberts island; eel-'

\u25a0 ctj-. alfalfa, iieanb and barley land: will take.- .Los Ang*!es property la exchange, bot we\u25a0 . 'nicst have rtsli value on property submitted.:LEE A. WILSON. 4<M IOtU St.. Oakland. C«I.'

"\TZJJ* exchange good Income property In Ala-•/\u25a0 ::<\u25a0.>. for huil'linglots*nnlncnmlicred. W. C.•. I>aVIS: 4'<fs First Xaticnel Raai fcsildhig,:. !\u25a0 «tel:l»od.


\u25a0'-.V/AXTEI*—Poultry and fruit ranch for equity'"\u25a0 S2:0OQ: mo4KT> <*f'ttage. value 13.500. near

,:-"-Vr.U«ci« *t.: will atssme seme. Address.. • .box CtTOC. Call fjfgce \u25a0

•'IV you wact t» rxchana-e yoor property for 5: -std 10 acre epp> orcaardi. «vlth fine iacorae,

c»jr-e-poa<l trltb owc«r. bux 2U*. WstsonrlUc,• . csi. : \u25a0 /

< ...'•Jl.«a«i

—."• acre* full Jjearlng frait and berries;'• honsrr -barn, poultry Ctting?: exchange- for"•

m«Jn«-*» «r iodglnj bo»ise- B. F. COOLEY,." Artnaan.'CaL

- . \u25a0


—I«S«-r a magntficeat palatial residence

!n fssb:onali!e part of Los Angele*. la e.x-'. cjanre for a sUnller nsiCtaet ia Saa Fraa-. dtco. Rtptr to box C747, Call effice."7 CtrriAOES. tew. modem, suburban, for acre-'

.t»- «.r i-jt» about bay coon try..»DU RAVSMITH. 3015 Broadway, Oakland..

"'T\ILJ. tr»dc.iny new Imngalow !a Western Ad-• .tijtion. 4 rucuis and -bath, for a city,lot; my. rrlo; 13.T&0. Box Ss2t>. Call ofoce.

4 U«H»M bungalow on terraced block:splendidtaarine .view; c*»tj or 'trade for country prop-Ttr. AdJreo box SJ3I.- Call ofBee. ' '

CHAS..W. FISHUR, property exchange broker.''\u25a0r rjni'-k rr*alU;.-~ toX> Market -«t.'___j^__^_

FOR ffilty—

New T room ,bungalaiir;' lot SOxlil:• rt>crr» •and • almorul trees: close- to Haywardcar line; ftm; ru«idcace' «ll*triet.'.: c* wlllv'cx-.•\u25a0li-inge for acreage property. ;U..L OiLLK.