What i wanna do for my ancillary final

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Transcript of What i wanna do for my ancillary final

statement of intent: What I want to do for my ancillary task: film poster and film magazine: brainstorms, diagrams, mock ups

Statement of intent


After my research into real film posters and magazines, I liked certain features of the different products. For example, I liked the colour scheme in the poster, but liked the Takers layout better for a film poster, thus I would like to incorporate all of them in my ancillary products whilst representing my film and the genre AND ALSO REFLECTING REAL MEDIA TEXTS THAT I HAVE ANALYSED AND RESEARCHED. I think this is a good idea because my creativity will ensure my products have a sense of verisimilitude and authenticity as well as fulfil the main purpose of promoting my film.

Qualities I want to represent in my media products

Whilst creating my media products I had certain qualities in my mind that I want my media texts to represent, this is going to give me guidance when creating my media products, as everything I choose from the font, text and colour I will be looking for connotations of these qualities:

Elegance Urban Hollywood Realism

Brainstorm of Ideas

IDEAS AND FEATURES I want to incorporate into my film poster

Caption:generic convention

A london underground tube

A council estate or block of flats

Critical acclaims: generic convention

Film credits: generic convention

A distorted text or urban text for bloodline

Casting credits: generic convention

Institutions and producers: generic convention

Reflection of two girls

Brainstorm of Ideas

IDEAS AND FEATURES I want to incorporate into my film magazine

Masthead: generic convention

Sell lines& cover lines: generic convention

Date, issue and price: generic convention

Skyline: generic convention

Colour scheme and background: generic conventionBarcode:

generic convention

Cinema strip

Website: generic convention

I chose these ideas AND FEATURES because they are all conventions of real media products on these two platforms THAT I HAVE RESEARCHED AND ANALYSED: POSTERS AND MAGAZINES. this is one of the ways I am using real media production texts to influence and create my own designs. However I have taken a general decision to go against one of the main conventions of media products in these two platforms which is the main image. I am not going to use one as I want to challenge conventions and take a risk with my own products as I believe the poster and magazine can still be successful without using a stereotypical main image such as a main character. I think doing a brainstorm of ideas has helped me because I have some sort of direction as to what I want to do, which will have me be time efficient AND ORGANIZED IN CREATING MY DEISGNS.



to promote and advertise the upcoming, British urban movie Bloodline by enticing and persuading the target audience through images, colour scheme, text and generic conventions of that particular platform that prompts them to go and pay to watch the movie.

I chose this answer because it fulfils the

purpose of the film magazine and poster , in the first instance which is to promote and advertise a new upcoming film.


From my research and initial thoughts, I can now conclude that my target audience for my film magazine and poster will be reflective for Bloodline which is:

18-20, 20-24 age range Social class c1,c2 and D And males and females. However, in terms of ethnicity, looking at the demographics for

the ethnic group that is part of the potential target audience for magazines such as Empire and Total Film, I saw that it was mainly aimed at the white, British ethnicity as the majority of sales came from them. Thus, I have decided to widen my demographics for my ancillary products, I believe that the white, ethnic minority will buy my film magazine and the African Caribbean/ African ethnic minority will respond more effectively to the trailer and film poster, In order, to appeal to this ethnic group, I have made the two qualities of elegance and Hollywood represent my film magazine.

WHAT REPRESENTATIONS DO YOU THINK WILL EXIST IN YOUR FILM POSTER AND MAGAZINE? I intend to create representations of social realism, audience,

gender and genre. I think these representations will exist through generic conventions that I will adapt in terms of style and the film’s narrative. For example, representations of social realism will be explicit in my film magazine and poster through the background as they are images of authentic locations and real places that the audience can relate to such as the council estates, tube station and family home. Representations of genre will be explicit through the colour scheme, font style and background. For example, the background is signified with social realism which is a key convention of the urban action genre, likewise the bold, sans serif font used for the title also has connotations of the action genre as it has been established as a convention. Thus, through representations of social realism and genre, my audience has become apparent. The people who are more likely to relate to the council house, inner London mise en scene and family first values are both genders of the 18-24 age category, social classes C1, C2 and D.

digital technology Programmes I intend to use Adobe Photoshop: is a graphics based editing

programme. I intend to use this for my film poster and magazine because it has specific tools to manipulate and edit images such as crop, slice and retouching tools. as before any images are used on a commercial media product, Photoshop is used to clean up and enhance the imagery.

Adobe In design: can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers and books . Graphic designers and production artists are the principal users, creating and laying out periodical publications, posters, and print media. I intend to use this program for my film magazine mainly, but I intend to interlink it with Adobe Photoshop as well as I feel this is the best program to create a professional, high quality film magazine due to it’s specialized software.


Looking back at my initial research of magazines that I have analysed and researched , I have chosen decided that layout and style is important in establishing a brand for my media products as when looking at my competitors each had a different layout that differentiated them from their competitors.

The first magazine is empire magazine.

I like the layout of this magazine because

The main image is central focus with the

Text surrounding it, this is a good way

Of illustrating to the audience what film

Is featured on this month’s issue. It is also a

Different way to arrange the cover lines/

Sell lines as they are down the sides of the


which is not a usual convention for

most magazines. This IS ONE OF THE FEATURES THAT





RESEARCH TEXTS, I LOVE THE STYLE AND LAYOUT. The fact that it does not have a main image fits with my designs as I don’t want to use a main image also. This is a perfect example of how not using main images of the characters and cast can still turn out to be successful. I think that this poster still represents the film and its genre with a clear potential target audience. Reflecting, this real media text I to I intend to use a tube also, as done here which I think will help me convey my media texts narrative and genre. Also, I like the fact that the movie poster is portrait which also challenges conventions, this is a convention I intend to challenge as well because I want my poster to stand out from other competitors who are promoting their movies, as the movie posters main purpose is to persuade and entice my target audience to watch bloodline.

In order to create a sense of branding between my texts, I would like to have 3 distinct colours that represent:

Hollywood Action and urban

So I used swatches on Photoshop to give me specific colours that I think represent these qualities.

Colour schemes

Colour schemes

I like this bright red colour, I think it connotates danger and could link to my TRAILER’S narrative and genre very well. I also think it will be a great colour along side with the london underground tube.

I like this gold row of swatches because to me when I think of hollywood, I INSTANTLY GET of gold stars, glitz and glamour, I think by putting gold in my in colour scheme will give my media products a high quality feel and CHALLENGE STEROETYPES OF URBAN ACTION MOVIES BEING LOW QUALITY.

I think with all these bright colours, I could use a neutral colour which is a key convention in media texts. I think white will help me enforce a neutral target audience as I want to appeal to both females and males.


Here are some of the fonts I liked and could see myself using on my two products:

Bloodline : it has a urban feel and I like the fact that the text is distorted by what seems to be a city skyline.

Bloodline: simple, clean and easy to read. I think this type of text would be suited to be magazine as I want the text to be readable and bold but simple as the background and images will be the eye-catching features.

Bloodline : i like this text because it provides a bit of character and also suits my genre of action. It is the typical font that is featured in the majority of action media products.

Bloodline: this text gives a classy appearance and has a handwriting feel to it. This is important as I don’t want my media texts to look to stereotypical of my genre. Using a text like this would challenge such stereotypes.

ImagesHere are some of the main images from my trailer that I plan to use

within my media products to represent my film within them.

ALTHOUGH I DO NOT WANT TO USE MY CHRACTERS AS A MAIN IMAGE, I THOUGHT THAT I SHOULD TAKE ANOTHER PHOTO OF THEM ACTING ,SO SHOULD I CHANGE MY MIND OR THE DESIGN DOES NOT LOOK COMPLETE WITHOUT THE TWO GIRLS, I can use this as a main image for my magazine. It suits conventions of a real media text as the image consists of the two characters face on to the camera.

This is the image I intend to use on my film poster as the main image. I think the tube is a good way of incorporating my film in my media product as it illustrates part of the film’s narrative. It also helps me to establish my genre as the tube has connotations of being fast paced and urban as it is only in London, linking to my urban action genre.


I would like to use this possibly as one of my background pictures for either the poster or the magazine because I feel this is the best way to incorporate my film within my text. I also think it creates a sense of realism as this is an actual estate giving my poster a edge over others.

This is one of the images I could see being in my cinema strip. It acts as a teaser to the audience of what the film’s narrative is , therefore persuading them to watch it and fulfilling the purpose of my two texts.


Asking the question What do I want do for my ancillary task? has provided me with guidance so that when creating my media texts I have guidelines and ideas to stick to and will have not just made things up as I go along, This allows my products to look more like professional media texts, as I have done my research and chosen ideas that I think will suit my genre. I now feel more confident in creating my texts as I know what I want and how to go about it.