What have you learnt about technologies from the

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of What have you learnt about technologies from the




I used Photoshop to create my magazine and edit the photos that I put on my magazine.

I used tools on Photoshop such as the Magnetic Lasso, the magic wand and all of the tools that allow you to change the colour and contrast of my pictures.

I Also used Photoshop to create my preliminary magazine cover and contents page.


I used my digital camera to take lots of test shots

of my model for my magazine.

The Camera is a Kodak Easyshare



I have used blogger to create my blog , it allowed me to add posts , images and videos . I used my blog mainly for research and planning to show my inspiration and ideas that I had for my magazine.

I used this memory stick to save all of my work onto and transfer it to and from school . It was also used to back up all of my work in case any of it got deleted while on the computer.All of my magazine is stored on there along with some other research and planning things that can also be found on my blog.


I used uploaded my magazine pitch to Slideshare this then allowed me to add it onto my blog, so that people could see it. Slidehsare is very useful and I wouldn’t have been able to put a PowerPoint presentation on my blog if I didn’t use this website.

I used scribd to upload word documents and then embed them into my blog. I used this mainly with my research and planning .


My Laptop is a Sony Vaio.I have used this to do the majority of my research and planning on . I also have Photoshop on my laptop so I used it to create and edit my magazine.

I used Animoto to create my mood board near the start of my research and planning. It allowed me to make a video using pictures and writing , I included inspiration form my magazine and other magazine covers that I liked etc. I then embedded this video onto my blog.



I used Microsoft Publisher to take screenshots of parts of magazines and fonts, I then used the program to crop these screenshots to the size I wanted and then saved them as images so that I could put them into a blog post.Microsoft Word helped me when I was writing my blog

posts, I sometime typed out my blog posts on Microsoft word first before copying and pasting them onto my blog, I did this because I have experienced a few problems with blogger not saving my work properly . So this way I have definitely got a copy of my work. I also used Microsoft word to add all of my test shots into one document so that they were easy to access all at the same time.

I used Microsoft PowerPoint to create my 25 word pitch that I had to present to the class, I used this because it is easy to use and more visually entertaining than something such as a word document.


Google is my favourite search engine to use when looking for something on the internet. I mainly used Google to find pictures of magazine covers, contents and DPS , however I also looked for inspiration from other websites and using Google to find them.

Cover junkie is the website I used the most to get inspiration from for my own magazine. On the website it has a big selection of covers from lots of different styles of magazines , from lots of different years.


I used my Blackberry mainly to get in contact with my friends etc. to organise when I could take some test shots for my magazine. However I occasionally used my phone to take pictures of anything that Inspired me for my magazine. For example I took a picture of an article that was in a magazine I was reading as I like the layout.

I used Facebook in the same way that I used my phone, by contacting people to get together so that I could take some initial test shots for my magazine. I also used Facebook when I wanted to ask people questions about their opinion on my magazine for my market research.