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  • 8/9/2019 UN_urban_agenda.rtf


    Daniel Biau


    The UN and the Urban Agenda,

    a journey from Vancouver to Nairobi,Istanbul and Medellin.

    Un document produit en version numrique par Jean-Marie Tremla!" nvole"pro#esseur de sociolo$ie au %$ep de %&icoutimi

    %ourriel'ean-marietremla!*uqac+ca,ite e pda$o$ique '&ttp'..+uqac+ca.mt-sociolo$ue.

    Dans le cadre de' /es classiques des sciences sociales/Une iliot&que numrique #onde et diri$e par Jean-Marie Tremla!"

    pro#esseur de sociolo$ie au %$ep de %&icoutimi,ite e'&ttp'..classiques+uqac+ca.

    Une collection dveloppe en collaoration avec la Biliot&queaul-3mile-Boulet de lUniversit du 5uec 6 %&icoutimi

    ,ite e'&ttp'..iliot&eque+uqac+ca.

  • 8/9/2019 UN_urban_agenda.rtf


    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    Politique d'utilisationde la bibliothque des Classiques

    Toute reproduction et rediffusion de nos fichiers est interdite, mmeavec la mention de leur provenance, sans lautorisation formelle, crite, dufondateur des Classiques des sciences sociales, Jean-Marie Tremblay,sociologue

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    Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue

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  • 8/9/2019 UN_urban_agenda.rtf


    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    %ette dition lectronique a t ralise par Jean-Marie Tremla!" nvole" pro#esseur desociolo$ie au %$ep de %&icoutimi 6 partir de '

    Daniel Biau

    7The UN and the Urban Agenda, a journey from Vancouver to Nairobi,Istanbul and Medellin+;

    oise ieer&err-?ardiol and ?erm@n ,olinAs (editors)" !ITI"# INT$ T%"&UTU'". %&apter 1" pp+ 40-2+ 9 BooC translated #rom t&e =renc& version Quellesvilles pour le !e si"cle #pulis&ed it& t&e support o# lUniversit de ?enve" la=acult des ettres" a Maison de l&istoire and a =ondation Elne et :ictor Barour! es 3ditions

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    UN (IV'" IN)*IT "N AN+(AI#

    8ous sommes reconnaissants auK auteurs du livre ainsi qu6 lamaison ddition" infolio)ditions" de nous avoirautoris" le 11 #vrier2014" la di##usion" enversions numriques" enteKte int$ral et en accs lire et $ratuit 6 tous" de la versionan$laise du livre sous la direction de =ran>oise ieer&err-

    ?ardiol et ?erman ,olinis" intitul' uelles villes -our le /esi0cle 1" sous le titre' $ITI%& INT' T(% )UTU*%+

    a version #ran>aise du livre" en dition papier" est disponileauprs de lditeur+

    Gmails' =ran>oise ieer&err-?ardiol' #ranlie*luein+c&?erm@n ,olinAs' ?+,olinis*unesco+or$

    ,uisse' ?ollionP =rance' aris' in#o*in#olio+c&+infolio)ditions' &ttps'..+in#olio+c&.livre.quelles-villes-pour-le-21e-siecle+&tm+

    Jean-Marie Tremla!",ociolo$ue"ro#esseur associ" Universit du 5uec 6 %&icoutimirsident-directeur $nral et #ondateur des %lassiques dessciences sociales+

    undi" le 2O mai 2014+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    Daniel Biau

    7The UN and the Urban Agenda, a journeyfrom Vancouver to Nairobi, Istanbul and Medellin+;

    oise ieer&err-?ardiol and ?erm@n ,olinAs (editors)" !ITI"# INT$ T%"&UTU'". %&apter 1" pp+ 40-2+ 9 BooC translated #rom t&e =renc& version Quellesvilles pour le !e si"cle #pulis&ed it& t&e support o# lUniversit de ?enve" la

    =acult des ettres" a Maison de l&istoire and a =ondation Elne et :ictor Barour! es 3ditions

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    T&e aut&or

    *aniel 2iau" civil en$ineer and uran planner" international consultant"#ormer deput! director at U8-Eaitat in 8airoi (Qen!a)" #ormer director o#Tec&nical %ooperation at U8-Eaitat in 8airoi


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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)


    3art I4%istorical -ers-ectives

    !ha-ter I. The UN and the Urban Agenda, a journey from Vancouver to Nairobi,Istanbul and Medellin! Daniel Biau

    1+ :ancouver 1RO' t&e irt& o# t&e uran questionThe Vancouver Action Plan

    2+ ,ustainale uraniSation" a response to economic and social developmentc&allen$es

    H+ UM (1RFO-200N)" a maor researc&-action e##ortIntroducing urban government

    City consultation4+ Uran plannin$ revisited

    The revival of city planning

    Can urban planning become affordable for all ?N+ Lediscoverin$ slums in t&e ne millennium

    Overcrowding patterns

    Survival strategies

    Policy principlesO+ =ocus on ater and sanitation

    egulating public!private partnerships"a#ing water accessibleSanitation$ an impossible challenge ?

    Territorial a##irmative action" t&e need #or political illInvestment incentivesPublic infrastructure priorities

    Pricing of water services

    Progressive property ta%ation

    Intergovernmental transfersPolitical challenge

    F+ T&e reco$nition o# local aut&orities

    Partnerships at global level&' city partnerships

    (rom a )uropean charter to international guidelines on decentrali*ation

    and basic servicesR+ %ities and climate c&an$e10+ t&er topics on t&e uran a$endaBilio$rap&!

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    3art I.%I#T$'I!A( 3"'#3"!TIV"#


    The UN and the Urban Agenda,a journey from Vancouver to Nairobi,

    Istanbul and Medellinby *aniel 2iau


    T&e uran a$enda is proal! too road to e an international priorit!+T&is eKplains &! durin$ t&e last t&ree decades" t&e United 8ations s!stem&as tried to $ive it some #ocus and to linC it to clearer or simpler prioritiessuc& as sustainale development" democratic $overnance or povert!eradication+ T&is &as not orCed ver! ell in terms o# resource moiliSationand overall visiilit!+ But it &as alloed etter understandin$ o# t&e on-$oin$ uran transition" to identi#! and &i$&li$&t local polic! options and toadvise a numer o# $overnments on t&e est a!s and means to develop andimplement &ousin$ and uran strate$ies+

    %ontrar! to a prevalent vie" t&e uraniSation process o# t&e developin$orld &as een less c&aotic t&an eKpected ! t&e media+ Man! countries aremana$in$ t&eir uran development relativel! ell" particularl! in 9sia" t&e9ra ,tates and atin 9merica+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    uraniSation o# our planet s&ould not e seen as an outri$&t disaster+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    policies and spatial plannin$ strate$ies (+++) considerin$ &uman settlements asan instrument and oect o# development;+ 9mon$ t&e $eneral rinciples"t&e %on#erence advocates improvin$ t&e qualit! o# li#e t&rou$& more

    equitale distriution o# development ene#its" plannin$ and re$ulatin$ landuse" protectin$ t&e environment" inte$ratin$ omen and !out&" re&ailitatin$people displaced ! natural and man-made catastrop&es+ 8ot&in$ outdated&ere+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    in man! countries" it& disappointin$ results+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    unemplo!ment" environmental de$radation" lacC o# asic services" socialeKclusion" crime and t&e proli#eration o# slums+ T&ere#ore uranisation &as a

    ad ima$e ecause all t&ese prolems seem to result automaticall! #rom

    rapid uran $rot&+ %omatin$ uran $rot& ould t&en alleviate t&eprolems' t&is appears to maCe sense+ But it is ron$+

    Managing urbani2ation better

    T&e solution lies rat&er in etter uran policies" etter uran $overnance"and etter inte$ration o# ne populations in t&e uran econom!+ 9 $ooduran polic! can e desi$ned" implemented and made e##ective in an! cit!"irrespective o# its siSe and rate o# $rot&" provided su##icient political"mana$erial and tec&nical capacities are availale+ T&ere are indeed man!

    cases o# ell-mana$ed me$a-cities and poorl! mana$ed small tons aroundt&e orld+ T&ere are also some cases o# uran $rot& it&out economicdevelopment" particularl! in ,u-,a&aran 9#rica+ T&e real c&allen$e is tocomine local capacit!-uildin$ and uran polic! re#orms in order to $uideand e##icientl! mana$e t&e uranisation process and to turn uran risCs intouran opportunities+ GKamples o# cities &ic& &ave een ale to address t&isc&allen$e success#ull! aound in countries as di##erent as %&ina" T&ailand"G$!pt" Tunisia" ,out& 9#rica" %olomia or BraSil+ n t&e ot&er &and" ver!#e developin$ countries &ave een ale to reduce rural-uran mi$ration

    t&rou$& delierate policies+ T&is is understandale as people mi$rate to citiesin searc& o# etter emplo!ment opportunities and t&e! o#ten #ind t&oseopportunities ! creatin$ t&eir on os+ T&ese os ma! e insecure"in#ormal and eKploitative" ut t&e! are more attractive t&an t&e prospect o##i$&tin$ #or survival on a minuscule piece o# land in overcroded ruralareas+ Bad lucC #or J+J+ Lousseau+ T&e romantic villa$e under t&e palm-treeson t&e end o# t&e river elon$s eit&er to t&e colonial ideolo$! or to t&elea#lets o# international tour operators+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    t&eir c&ances o# meetin$ t&e Millennium Development ?oals and to reaCt&e vicious circle o# lo uranisation - lo economic development+rovidin$ more resources to support sustainale uranisation in developin$

    countries ill &ave a positive impact on rural development+ ell-#unctionin$cities - it& adequate in#rastructure and d!namic land marCets V can easil!asor eKcess rural population+ Because o# t&e &i$&est productivit! o# uranlaour" t&e! can support t&e eKpansion o# national in#rastructure t&rou$iscal redistriution+ 9nd lar$er cities provide lar$er marCets #or a$ricultural


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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    3+ UM1 4!5.67789,

    a major research6action effort


    T&e Uran Mana$ement ro$ramme as initiated in 1RFO ! t&e orldBanC and U8-Eaitat" 10 !ears a#ter t&e #irst Eaitat con#erence" and adecade e#ore t&e

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    Introducing urban governance

    T&e second p&ase o# UM ent #urt&er" ! directl! supportin$

    decentraliSation processes in various developin$ countries+ T&e UM-t&ematic #ocus evolved in parallel" as &ase 2 incorporated to multisectoraloectives o# uran polic!' environmental mana$ement and povert!reduction+ T&ese to oectives ecame also top priorities o# multilateraland ilateral support a$encies" as ell as o# t&e Eaitat 9$enda+ =rom t&et&ematic point o# vie" UM &ase 2 comined t&e sectoral approac& o# t&e1RF0s it& t&e inte$rated approac& o# t&e 1RR0s+ T&is transition led to astructurin$ o# &ase H around t&ree oectives' protectin$ t&e environment"reducin$ povert! and improvin$ $overnance" &ic& are all multisectoral+

    T&e importance $iven to uran $overnance re#lected a maor step toards aetter understandin$ o# uran prolems and also o##ered a direction #or t&eirresolution+ T&e concept o# $ood or sound $overnance V de#ined as a s!stemo# $overnment t&at is participator!" transparent" equitale and e##ective Vre#ers to t&e political dimension o# uran mana$ement+ ?ood $overnancerequires t&e comination o# uran mana$ement and local democrac!+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    ,ustainale %ities ro$ramme" cit! consultations are a practical a! toinvolve staCe&olders in uran plannin$ and mana$ement" i+e+ to de#inecommon priorities" a$ree on responsiilities and initiate concrete actions+

    More t&an 100 cities adopted t&is approac& &ic& &as ecome aninternational standard+

    &ile cit! consultations are essential at t&e plannin$ sta$e" t&e! &ave toe complemented ! #ollo-up mec&anisms at t&e implementation sta$e+T&is ma! &ave een t&e eaCness o# UM" connected to t&e persistenteaCness o# municipal #inance s!stems in man! countries+ T&e pro$ramme&as identi#ied some promisin$ options suc& as cit! communit! c&allen$e#unds and participator! ud$etin$" ut a lot remains to e done in t&is area+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)


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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)


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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    Y T&e process s&ould moilise civil societ! and political or$aniSationsin t&e de#inition o# t&e vision (7t&e cit! e ant;) and priorit! areas(7&otspots;) t&rou$& popular consultationsP


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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    T&e anser is simple' slums are t&e est a! #ound ! man! countries toprovide c&eap &ousin$ #or t&e uran poor+ 9nd c&eap &ousin$ means a c&eaplaour #orce" lo-income orCers+ ,lums are t&e p&!sical eKpression and

    condition o# uran povert!' in man! countries t&e! are necessar! to ensurepro#itale economic $rot&W

    Be#ore ein$ a prolem" slums are t&ere#ore a solution at a particularsta$e o# economic development+ T&e! ere a solution in :ictorian ondonas t&e! are a solution in Mumai toda!+ ,lums are not a marCet #ailure" t&e!are a marCet success+ T&is is t&e #irst t&in$ e s&ould Cno aout slums't&e! are economicall! use#ul" sometimes eKtremel! use#ul" ecause t&e!o##er lo-cost &ousin$ options to t&e poor+

    'vercro;ding patterns

    But all in#ormal settlements are not equall! squalid+ =rom atin 9mericato ,out&east 9sia" and ,u-,a&aran 9#rica to t&e

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    T&e lar$est slum" Qiera occupies less t&an 1 percent o# t&e cit! area andre$roups 20 percent o# t&e cit! population

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    *egulating public6private partnerships

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    contract) and are responsile #or investment and risC+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    ater s&ould e accessile' in 9#rican cities" omen it&out piped ater at&ome #requentl! spend more t&an one &our dail! to collect drinCin$ ater+

    T&e eKperience o# several ,out& 9#rican cities demonstrates t&at 7li#eline

    tari##s; can e adopted and ene#it t&e poor+ ,uc& tari##s provide t&e #irst 2Nlitres (per person per da!) #ree" t&en t&e price per litre increases it& t&equantit! consumed (t&is is called locC tari##)+ # course t&is approac&assumes t&at t&e poor are connected and metered+ &en t&e! are not" pulicstandpipes &ave to e susidiSed and properl! mana$ed+ T&is applies tomost slum areas o# ,u-,a&aran 9#rica and ,out& 9sia" &ere individualater connections remain una##ordale and &ere t&e poor o#ten spend moret&an 10 per cent o# t&eir income on ater+

    To Ceep t&e prices a##ordale to t&e poor" pulic mone! (#iscal trans#ers)

    s&ould e used to eKtend ater netorCs in in#ormal areas and cross-susidies t&rou$& pro$ressive pricin$" re#lectin$ social solidarit!" s&ould es!stematicall! put in place+ T&ese to principles are essential to ensure t&att&e &uman ri$&t to drinCin$ ater is en#orced+

    an impossible challenge#

    Muc& more di##icult t&an ater suppl! (in terms o# ot& tec&nicalresponses and cost-recover!) is t&e provision o# adequate sanitation inovercroded settlements+ T&is can e done onl! it&in t&e roader#rameorC o# cit!-ide up$radin$ and inclusive uran developmentstrate$ies+ Man! ostacles can maCe t&is tasC a 7mission impossile;+

    Eal# o# t&e developin$ orlds population does not &ave access to asictoilets+ More t&an F0 percent o# t&e population o# 9#rican cities lacCs toilets

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    t&at are connected to seers+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    -+ Territorial affirmative action

    / the need for political ;ill


    9##irmative action policies &ave een implemented in man! countries Vparticularl!

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    t&e re&ailitation o# dilapidated &ousin$ estates in t&e transition countries o#Gastern Gurope and t&e #ormer ,oviet Union+ T&e c&allen$e #or decision-maCers is to devote proportionall! more pulic resources per capita to

    disadvanta$ed areas t&an to t&e rest o# t&e cit!+ olitical ill is t&ere#oreessential+

    1ricing of ;ater services

    9##ordailit! o# ater services #or t&e uran poor constitutes a seriousprolem in most developin$ countries+ o-income &ouse&olds $enerall!pa! more #or t&eir ater t&an &i$&-income &ouse&olds ecause man! aterutilities are poorl! mana$ed+ 9##irmative action measures in t&is #ield areusuall! tari## related" aimin$ at Ceepin$ ater ills lo #or t&ose &o

    consume little+ 7BlocC tari##; structures provide a #ree or ver! lo-priced#irst locC o# ater to individual &ouse&olds and t&en re#lect t&e transition in

    prices #rom asic to discretionar! ater uses in susequent locCs+ T&isapproac& &as een adopted in ,out& 9#rica" ased on a li#eline suppl! o# 2Nlitres per person per da! at ver! lo price and cross- susidiSation o# smallconsumers ! lar$e consumers+ ,everal 9#rican countries do t&e same"implementin$ de #acto t&e &uman ri$&t o# access to drinCin$ ater+ T&is

    principle could also e applied to electricit! and ot&er marCetale services+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    1rogressive property ta?ation

    9 pro$ressive taK imposes a &i$&er percenta$e rate o# taKation on t&ose

    it& more eKpensive land and propert!+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    emp&asiSed+ %,s s&ould appreciate t&at t&e #ull realiSation o# t&e ri$&ts toadequate &ousin$ and cit! li#e depends on resolute a##irmative actions in allcountries" ric& and poor+

    5+ The recognition of @ocal Authorities


    T&e 1RRO %it! ,ummit included t&e #irst orld 9sseml! o# %ities andocal 9ut&orities+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    UN6city partnerships

    U8-Eaitat is t&e U8 a$enc! #or local aut&orities+ T&e $reater part o#U8-Eaitat mana$ed resources is spent in developin$ countries to address

    t&e needs o# local aut&orities" in terms o# capacit!-uildin$" uran polic!re#orm" environmental plannin$ and monitorin$" as ell as concrete &ousin$and slum up$radin$ pro$rammes+ ,ince its creation in 1RF" U8-Eaitat &assupported &undreds o# cities in improvin$ t&eir livin$ environment+ T&eseran$e #rom t&e poorest tons in east Developed %ountries to t&e ealt&!cities o# t&e Middle Gast+ U8-Eaitat &as" #or instance" cooperated #or man!!ears it& t&e small tons in BurCina =aso and it& Duai Municipalit!"

    rin$in$ aout crucial c&an$es in municipal mana$ement and plannin$+ T&isorC &as contriuted to a complete reneal o# uran plannin$ approac&es"it& a move #rom top-don spatial plannin$ to multi-staCe&olders action

    plannin$ ased on cit! consultations and deates+

    U8-Eaitat &as also pla!ed a maor role in post-con#lict uranre&ailitation" includin$ t&rou$& t&e re-estalis&ment and trainin$ o# localaut&orities in countries suc& as ,omalia" ,eria"

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    t&e need #or dra#tin$ ne rules o# procedure #or t&e ?overnin$ %ouncil+T&ese rules" adopted ! t&e U8 ?eneral 9sseml! in Decemer 200H"include a speci#ic section on t&e participation o# partners to t&e ?overnin$

    %ouncil o# U8-Eaitat+ Lule O4 reads as #ollos'

    7Dul! accredited representatives o# local aut&orities" invited ! t&e GKecutiveDirector" in consultation it& t&eir respective $overnments" &ere requested" orrepresentin$ national or international associations or or$aniSations reco$nised !t&e United 8ations" ma! participate" as oservers at pulic meetin$s" in t&edelierations o# t&e ?overnin$ %ouncil and its susidiar! or$ans+;

    To comments can e made on t&is rule+ =irstl!" $overnments could &ave

    a sa! on t&e accreditation o# individual local aut&orities+ ,econdl!"representatives o# individual local aut&orities and o# t&eir national andinternational associations can participate #ull! in t&e delierations o# t&e?overnin$ %ouncil" it&out t&eir presence and statements ein$ suect toapproval ! t&e %ouncil+ T&e! cannot vote or discuss administrative issues"

    ut t&e! can contriute to consensus-uildin$ in all sustantive areas+rovided it is ell structured" t&e voice o# local aut&orities can e taCenseriousl! into account in t&e sessions o# t&e ?overnin$ %ouncil+ U%? iseKpected to pla! an active role in or$aniSin$ its memers to ensure anoptimal interaction it& t&e U8 s!stem and its various pro$rammes" it&

    U8-Eaitat as t&e desi$nated entr! point+

    + $ities and $limate $hange


    Durin$ recent !ears climate c&an$e &as ecome a maor issue in t&emedia and in international ne$otiations+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    Decemer 2011 ut t&e international communit! remains ver! #ar #rom ane and meanin$#ul a$reement+

    9s more t&an O0\ o# all ener$! consumption and $reen&ouse $ases

    emissions occur in cities o# developed and emer$in$ countries" t&einteraction eteen cities and climate c&an$e s&ould e rou$&t to t&eattention o# t&e international communit!+ T&e reduction o# emissionsrequires #our t!pes o# actions' increasin$ uran densities" improvin$ ener$!e##icienc! o# uildin$s" promotin$ mass transport s!stems and developin$clean ener$! sources+ T&is is ell Cnon #rom all uran planners+ T&erequired polic! response is also Cnon' strict land" uildin$ and transportre$ulations comined it& #inancial and #iscal incentives+ 9s usual &atmatters is t&e political ill to adopt and en#orce t&ese measures+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    session tooC place in Medellin" %olomia" in 9pril 2014+

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    eappraisal of the &rban Planning Process" 1RRN

    +lobal eport on ,uman Settlements- An &rbani*ing .orld" 1RRO

    +lobal eport on ,uman Settlements- Cities in a +lobali*ing .orld"2001

    SCP Source boo#$ organi*ing- conducting and reporting a SCP city

    consultation" 1RRF

    City Consultation Case Studies" UM n]2F" 2001

    eport to the +eneral Assembly on progress made in the implementation

    of the ,abitat Agenda /A0S!12034" 9pril 2001

    +lobal eport on ,uman Settlements- Cities and Climate Change" 2011

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    U8-Eaitat" 8airoi

    5uarterl! ma$aSines 7,abitat 5ebate; and 7&rban .orld;

    Principles and realities of &rban +overnance in Africa" 2002

    ental ,ousing- an essential option for the Poor in 5eveloping

    Countries" 200H

    .ater and Sanitation in the .orld6s Cities$ 7ocal Action for +lobal

    +oals" 200H

    +lobal eport on ,uman Settlements- the Challenge of Slums" 200H

    +lobal eport on ,uman Settlements- (inancing &rban Shelter" 200N+lobal eport on ,uman Settlements- )nhancing &rban Safety and

    Security" 200

    +lobal eport on ,uman Settlements- Planning Sustainable Cities" 200R

    +lobal eport on ,uman Settlements- Cities and Climate Change" 2011

    State of the .orld6s Cities eport- +lobali*ation and &rban Culture"2004

    State of the .orld6s Cities eport- 38 9ears of Shaping the ,abitat

    Agenda" 200O

    State of the .orld6s Cities eport- ,armonious Cities" 200F

    State of the .orld6s Cities eport":ridging the &rban 5ivide" 2010

    State of African Cities eport" 2010

    State of Asian Cities eport" 2010

    State of Arab Cities eport- 2012

    State of 7atin American Cities eport- 2012

    International +uidelines on /i4 5ecentrali*ation- /ii4 Access to :asic

    Servicesand /iii4 &rban and Territorial Planning-200" 200R" 201N

    United 8ations (1RO)The Vancouver 5eclaration and Plan of Action"8e orC

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    Daniel Biau" 7T&e U8 and t&e Uran 9$enda" a ourne! #rom :ancouver to+++; (2014)

    United 8ations(1RRO)The ,abitat Agenda" 8e ^orC

    United 8ations (2001) 5eclaration on Cities and Other ,umanSettlements in the 'ew "illennium" 8e ^orC

    U8D (200O) Euman Development Leport" :eyond Scarcity$ Power-Poverty and the +lobal .ater Crisis-8e ^orC

    orld BanC (200R) orld Development Leport" eshaping )conomic+eography" as&in$ton D+%+

    Biau Daniel" The :ridge and the City- a universal love story" lumina"=ort auderdale" 2014
