UNITY’S PICNIC SILENT UNITY NOTES - Amazon S3 · UNITY’S PICNIC The Fourth of July Picnic was a...

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Transcript of UNITY’S PICNIC SILENT UNITY NOTES - Amazon S3 · UNITY’S PICNIC The Fourth of July Picnic was a...


U n i t y B u i l d i n g , 9 1 5 T r a c y A v e n u e

V O L . I I K A N S A S C I T \ , M O ., T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 7, 1910 N O . 9

UNITY’S PICNICT he F ourth of J u ly P icnic was a g rea t

success. A cool breeze blew gently from the no rth and B udd P a rk never looked more like fairy -land .

T he crow d began to gather about 2 o’clock and the lem onade cans w ere soon ready for the th irs ty boys and g irls. E v ­e ry one w ent to w ork to m ake the tim e p leasan t fo r everyone else. U n ity badges w ere p inned on a ll comers.

T he tw ine w inding race was won by M iss S te lla Tem plem an, M iss S tella B ish­op being second. T he boys’ 50 y a rd dash w as won by M ack H a ll ; H a r ry N ew ton carried off th e p rize for the m en’s race. Tessie W allace reached the goal first in the lad ie’s race and L illian C line came out ahead in the g ir l’s race.

T he boy’s cracker-ea ting race proved to be g rea t fun and a wise idea, as it p a rtly filled them so th a t the older folks could have a chance a t supper tim e. T he p rize w as divided between Cecil L ay and P au l Jones. T he p rize fo r the g irls ’ cracker­ea ting race was divided between E d ith P rice and A daline W hitw orth . M rs. D e Voss won the p rize for the fire w ork game.

Tw elve delicious cakes w ere entered in the contest, affording a fine opportun ity fo r the young men who acted as judges to get th e ir fill o f good th ings before the picnic p ro p er began. T h e p rize was given to M rs. P reston . M rs. H om bs received the p rize which the U n ity G uild offered fo r the best salad.

A fte r finishing the bounteous feast the little folks p layed games and the la rg e r folks sa t ta lk in g and en joy ing the beau­t ifu l evening un til it was tim e to go home.

SILENT UNITY NOTEST he S ilen t U n ity D epartm en t has two

new helpers, M rs. H a ttie M. C. Shoepf of Springfie ld , M ass., and M iss S tella M. T em plem an of Richm ond, Ky. Both have been students in the U nity C orrespond­ence School fo r over a year and have done excellent work.' W e bid them a hearty welcome.

S ilen t U n ity apprecia tes the fresh flowers b rought n early every day, and g ra te fu lly acknowledges the kindness of the friend who places them in the room.

L as t week was a la rge week in the cor­respondence fea tu re of th is departm ent. In all, 772 le tte rs were received, and 756 w ritten . This is an average per day of a fraction over 128 in, and 126 out.

M r. Am bro B ettes w ill give a course of eight lessons a t U n ity on the ‘‘N atu ra l L aw .” T hese lessons w ill begin T h u rs­day evening, J u ly 7th a t 8 o’clock. One w ill be given each week un til the close of the course.

These lessons should be of intense in­te re st to both the student of secular and divine science, as M r. B ettes has succeed­ed in prov ing th e fa llacy of m any of the theories of secular science and has shown the com plete harm ony between N a tu ra l Law and the H ig h er T ru th s of religion.

B rin g p ap e r and pencil.

STILL UNWEARIEDM usic T eacher— “W hy don’t you pause

there? D on’t you see th a t i t ’s m arked ‘re s t’ ?”

P u p il— “ Yes, teacher, but I a ren ’t tire d .”— L ife .





L O W E L L F LLL M O R E . M a n a g in g E d ito r


VOL. 2 *1.00 p e r y ear , 2 cts. p e r copy N o . 9

L ife is ju s t one blessed th ing a f te r an ­other.

A button was aw arded Chas. A B ish­op la st week in S unday School fo r receiv­ing tw elve “O n T im e” tags.

T he U nity Choir decided to take a va­cation. T he S unday music will consist of congregational songs w ith instrum ental and vocal solos.

U pon vote la s t S unday evening it was decided to discontinue the S unday evening meetings during the months of Ju ly and A ugust. The w ork w ill be taken up w ith renewed in terest next fall.

FREE LITERATUREA ll papers, m agazines, or o ther read ing

m atter, found upon the window ledge in the P arlo rs m ay be taken aw ay by any person who desires good reading. T he m agazines upon the table in the P a r lo r are never to be taken from the room.

PICTURE SALEMiss M cSwine will have a special sale

of w ater color p ictures before leaving for Colorado. E v ery th ing goes a t ha lf-p rice ; beau tifu l ten do lla r landscapes for five do lla rs ; $1.50 p ic tures fo r 75c. P rices, 75c up to $25.00. S ale w ill la s t one week beginning T hursday , J u ly 7. Come early and get the best.

905 T racy Ave., nex t door to U nity.

THE MUSIC FUNDT he 3d S unday in each m onth is des­

ignated as the day on which a ll pledges fo r the M usic F und are to be handed to M rs. F yke. O ur M rs. D avis s ta rted th is fund and when she moved to Texas she appoin ted M rs. F yke as her successor in the collection of the pledges. L e t us prove to M rs. D avis th a t we s till respond to her insp ira tion and are tru e to our prom ise to sustain th is M usic F und , and w ithout fu rth e r solicitation pay our money to M rs. F yke the th ird S unday of each m onth.

REGULAR GUILD MEETINGAt the regu la r m onthly m eeting of U nity G uild T uesday evening Ju ly 5th the fol­lowing rep o rt was m ade:Bldg. Seed increase du ring the

m onth from our blessed dim es, . .$ 9-86U nity P in s sold, .................................. 1.50Love-offerings from friends, ............ ,50P ost cards s o l d , ................................. 2.38Received from ice cream social,

Ju n e 21st, ......................................... 31.60

T o ta l receip ts, .......................... . . .$ 4 5 .8 4S undry expenses, ...............$ .81P aid fo r ice cream and ices, 5.60 B ldg. Seed D im e s , ............ 2.00

Total E xpend itu res, . . $ 8.41

B alance, ............................. $37.43Balance on hand Ju n e 9 t h , .............. $40.80

Balance on hand Ju ly 5 t h , ............... $78.23I . e n n a C h r i s t a l , T reas.

Ships sail w est and ships sail east,B y the very same winds th a t blow.

I t ’s the set of the sails, and not the gales, W hich determ ines w here they go.

— Science o f Success.

“ T he verm iform appendix is of abso­lu te ly no value to any one.”

“M ine was w orth five hundred dollars to my doctor.”— L ife .



S u n d ay , Ju ly 10

T hou sha lt have no other gods before me.

T hou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

T here is but One P resence and One P ow er in the U niverse, the Good O m nip­otent.

I see in M ind th a t perfec t character which I desire to be, and thus p la n t the seed-thought th a t brings fo rth the perfec t man.

I am transfo rm ed by the renew ing of m y mind.

I am the Beloved Son in whom the F a th e r is well pleased.

M y highest Id ea l is the P e rfe c t M an.I am the image and likeness of God, in

whom is my perfection.I am the L ord of my m entality and

ru le r of a ll its T hought-People.I b ring every thought into cap tiv ity to

the obedience of C hrist.T he A ll-P ow erfu l M ind of Jesu s C hris t

in me dissolves and dissipates every ad­verse thought.

M y thoughts are established in T ru th .H ow precious a re th v thoughts unto me,

O God.I am pure and perfec t in C hrist.I re s t in the peace and satisfaction of

the C hris t M ind.

C a l l e r s a t U n i t y H e a d q u a r t e r s D u r i n g t h e W e e k

M rs. W. M. F rench , H am sonville, Kans. M rs. H . H . Reed, Osawatom ie, Kans.M rs. J . M. Sommers, N evada, Mo.M rs. A. M. Leslie, Springfield , 111.M rs. W. T. Roehring, O klahom a C ity, Okla.

T he U nity G uild held an interesting m eeting T uesday evening in U nity Audi­torium . New committees were appointed to c a rry on the reg u la r w ork of the G uild fo r the next six m onths. A committee was also appoin ted to p rep a re a program m e for a social to be given T uesday evening, Ju ly 19th. T he com mittee is hard a t work and the evening will be a happy one for all who attend , we are assured. E very one is invited to come.

M iss S tella B ishop, E . V. Ingraham and M iss N ellie P helan were appointed a special com mittee to g reet new comers at the S unday m orning services.

T he m em bers of the G uild also planned a picnic for themselves.

J . R. G arrison was elected a member of the U nity G uild.

A fter the transaction of other im port­an t business a few m inutes’ tim e was given to the healing meeting. A strong healing thought was held and the nam es of those needing help w ere taken up.

SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORTT he attendance for the month of June

was as follows:.June 5, ........................................................... 121Ju n e 12, .......................... 115Ju n e 19, ...................................................... . 108Ju n e 26, ......................................................... 112

M aking an average of 114.Tessie W allace. Sec.

T he S unday School is surely growingstead ily and it is p rospered by D ivineLove.

T he tre a su re r’s rep o rt was not handed in but doubtless would show a prosperous condition of the finances.

A HIGHER CRITICM aster— “ I see you’ve got a horseshoe

up there . P a t. I though t you d idn’t be­lieve in th a t superstition .”

P a t— “ S ure , a n ’ I don’t, sir. B ut I have heard th a t them as don’t believe in it gets the best luck.”— Punch.


THINGS TO BE REMEMBEREDRem em ber: I f you can ’t smile a ll the

time, smile as often as you can.Remember th a t nothing is perp e tu a l ex­

cept T ru th .Remember th a t a f te r a certa in point

money takes more th an it gives.Remember the U nity G uild social which

w ill be held T uesday evening, Ju ly 19th. A fine program is prom ised.

Remember to re tu rn the first $1.00 which you save in the P ro sp e rity Bank.

Remember th a t the post cards are on sale in the lib rary .

Rem em ber th a t the S unday evening meetings w ill not be held during Ju ly and August.

Remember the lessons to be given T h u rsd ay evenings by P ro f. B ettes in U nity Building.


T he W oodw ard Avenue business m an smiled when some of his friends ra llied him a b it about his reg u la r hab it of going to church.

“ No, I don’t go to p lease m y w ife,” he said good na tu red ly . “ N either do I go because I have any special creed to up ­hold; nor ye t because I th ink it is good for business. I go because it is the p lan I s ta rted w ith earl}" in life , and I m ean to keep it up.

“W hen I was a boy, ju s t beginning to th ink w hat I should do w ith my life , I sized up the people in the tow n w here we lived, and I saw th a t those who w ere bringing out the best resu lts a ll around, for them selves and th e ir fam ilies, w ere men who hab itua lly w ent to church. I t seemed to me then , young as I w as, and it s till seems to me th a t churchgoing inevi­ta b ly brings out system , o rder, punctua l­ity , self-respect and a num ber of other tra its which are valuable assets in any life w ork. T he practice of ge tting together once a week in pe rfec t condition— all the fam ily dressed and ready to s ta r t out

Unity Auditorium,U N ITY B U IL D IN G . 913 TRACY.

Sunday, July 10, 1910S u n d a y S chool at 10:00 a . u .

A d d r e s s b y C h a r l e s F i l l m o r e

11 a. m.S u b j e c t : Thought Im ages.

T h e C o n c e n t r a t i o n C l a s s a t 3:30

early— tends to keep the en tire establish­m ent from ever getting a t very loose ends. So soon as you begin to fit your affairs firm ly into th a t p lan you w ill find th a t every th ing w ill fa ll into line in m ore quiet, o rderly and cohesive ways. T ry it.”— D etroit Journal.

Jones— “W henever I have to borrow money, I t ry to get it from a pessim ist?”

B row n— “W hy ?”Jones— “A pessim ist never expects to

get it back .”— N e w Zealand Free Lance.

R E G U L A R M E E T I N G S I n U n i t y A u d i t o r i u m


Sunday School, 10 a. m.M rs . W. G. H aseltine , S u p erin ten d en t.

R egular sorvice, 11 a. m. C harles F illm ore T h e C oncentration Class 3:3c p . m.

MONDAY H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

L esson in H ealth and H arm ony 2:30 p. m. TUESDAY

High Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony, 2:3^ p. m,

WEDNESDAY H igh Noon S ilence, 12 to 12:15. M id-W eek M eeting, 2:30 p. m.

H ealing M eeting 8 p. m.THURSDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p m

FRIDAYH igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p. m. SATURDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12-15 Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony. 2:30 p. m