Trinfinitys digital-marketing-guide

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Trinfinitys digital-marketing-guide

Trinfinity |

A quick guide to digital Marketing | 2016






yourself out of 5)



We see content marketing as

the fuel for all the core digital

marketing activities to engage

and persuade your audience.

Develop a more strategic

approach and use our

templates to manage your

content marketing activities.

• Copify – Platform that helps users looking to

outsource content creation. Marketers can find

qualified copywriters by providing details such as

topic and format.

• InboundWriter – Monitor topics, gain insights into

what makes readers tick, boost content popularity,

and more using this tool designed for writers and

content marketers.

• BuzzSumo – This content performance analysis tool

can be used to identify the influencers who are

creating popular, newsworthy content.

• Cadence9 – This unified solution for managing |


content marketing lets marketers plan content using

an editorial calendar, assign tasks to team

members, manage content creation and publishing

workflow, and more.

• Papershare – Cloud-based promotional tool for

content marketers that distributes to multiple

channels and alerts marketing and sales teams

when content is published. Leads are also

integrated into salesforce and marketing

automation softwares.




Learn how to make your mobile

and desktop website designs

more persuasive using our

insight-driven approach. Use

Google Analytics to identify

• Webflow - Webflow websites come responsive

right out of the box. You can see how a template

resizes to each of three devices: desktop, tablet

and smartphone (both landscape and portrait

modes). You can easily customize all elements (font |


improvements and

recommends web design best


and images size, padding etc.) to adjust your

website to those three major breakpoints.

• Respond.js is a fast and lightweight (3 Kb minified

and 1 Kb gzipped) script, whose main aim is to

enable responsive web design in those which don’t

support the CSS3 Media Queries, like IE browsers.

• Squarespace - Being a renowned tool used to

building websites since 2004, Squarespace has

many famous clients that used its templates for their

side projects (like Shutterstock Blog or DKNY We

Are NYC). The website building tool is claimed to

be fully responsive what means your website will

look chic on smaller smartphone and tablet


• Inuit.css a CSS framework, which is extremely easy |


to use, even for novices. It has a minimalist

approach, thus you need to deal with only things

that are needed, but if need be, it can also be

extended with a handful of plugins available.

• Bootstrap, created and maintained, by Mark Otto

and Jacob Thornton at Twitter, is an excellent set of

user interface elements, layouts, and javascript

tools, freely available for you to download and use

in your web design projects.



Email marketing is still the best

way to deliver targeted, relevant

messages to prospects or

customers. Use our Email

marketing tools so you can

follow best practices to get cut-

• MailChimp – Use this email marketing software to

create a subscriber base, automate and

personalize emails.

• Campaign Monitor – Customize your email

template, send campaigns, conduct A/B testing, |


through in the inbox across the

customer lifecycle.

integrate with your blog, and more.

• GetResponse – GetResponse is an email marketing

software that assists in the design and distribution

of content for better consumer engagement.

• iContact – Create HTML emails and signup forms,

send campaigns to customers inboxes, track email

campaigns, and more. iContact also offers social

social media marketing tools.

• Constant Contact – Design professional-looking

emails, grow and manage your email list, and track

results. In addition to email, Constant Contact offers

tools for social campaigns, online surveys, and |





Today, Paid Search Marketing

is highly competitive in all

sectors, so AdWords needs

careful management to deliver a

return-on-investment. Optimize

your AdWords account to get

the best from your campaigns.

• Google AdWords Keyword Tool -the keyword tool

provided by AdWords, by means of which you can

get ideas of new keywords for your advertising

campaign. The main benefit of this program is the

fact that it eases your work in cases like When

creating a new ads group When the current

keywords are not extremely efficient and better

options are needed When you have a very efficient

keyword and you wish to find others alike.

• Ad Preview Tool - This is a tool by Google AdWords

that just previews the way your site will look in the



• Bing Webmaster Toolbox: Oh yeah, remember that

other search engine? Yes that’s right Bing has a

whole collection of tools of their own, including

keyword tools. The data will be taken from Bing

itself, which means that you should be able to make

relative assumptions about keyword popularity.

because lets face it, Bing users aren’t that different

than Google’s.

• WordTracker: WordTracker is a commercial

application that offers a free tool on their front

end. I will admit that this free tool looks like it is

mostly intended for you to sign up for the not

free version, but it still provides a quick and

clean interface for fast analysis.

• Keyword Discovery: This is a cool little tool in |


that it presents it’s data set in a very large easy

to read table. Though their could improve a bit

on the UI with better color scheme.

5 ANALYTICS Google Analytics is a fantastic

tool, but to get the most from it

and so get more commercial

value from your Internet

marketing needs careful setup.

Customise it specifically for

your business. There are other

powerful analytic tools but most

come with a price tag.

• has been making waves in the

analytics biz since it was released, and is often (as

it was for me) the first tool that users migrate over to

from Google Analytics.The key difference here is in

the delay of Google Analytics: you get information

for the day before where as the information

from Clicky is in real time, which can be essential if

you get spike in visitors from some outside source

(think the traffic flow from StumbleUpon and other


• Mint is largely comparable to the other overall |


analytic tools on this list that cover a bit of a

premium price, but is the only one that features a

upfront cost with no recurring fees.

• KISSmetrics offers a great system for getting to

know your visitors, although I would place it more in

line for online commerce businesses over blogs.

Not to say that it cannot be used for blogs,

especially blogs that have products to offer, and it

is especially great to use n conjunction with

KISSinisghts, but the tools that it has in place are

definitely made for commerce sites, and I would

recommend them over other tools for those sites

above all else.

• CrazyEgg offers a lot of visual ways to see how

people are navigating on your site. This tool |


offers a few “maps” i.e heatmaps , scrollmaps ,

confetti and overlays from which you can

choose to see how you visitors are browsing:

• Heap (Free and Paid) – Heap tracks your app

users, clicks, form submissions, and anything

else you’d want to track. You can create

user segments and even see everything a

particular user did in your app. My favorite

feature of Heap is their dead-simple integration

process. They’ve made their analytics so easy to

“install” that you don’t even have to use code.

You just select what you want to track on your

website and you it’s tracked. It’s like magic.

Heap is cross-platform too. It’s made for

websites and iOS apps. |





Don't re-invent the wheel with

each campaign you run or miss

out on best practices to boost

results. Use our campaign

planning guides and Excel

templates for tried-and-tested

method for planning and

managing integrated


• FreeMind - If you have several ideas for your

marketing plan and don’t really know where to start,

it may be helpful to make use of a mind-mapping

software like FreeMind. With this type of marketing

plan tool, you can organize your ideas and thoughts

in a visual way before putting them into a static


• B2B Marketing Budget Planning Tool - Brainrider, a

knowledge marketing group, offers its B2B

Marketing Budget Planning Tool. The tool

usesForrester top performer B2B budget allocation

benchmarks as presented by Lori Wizdo at


• MarketingPlanNow - We like MarketingPlanNOW

for its guided marketing plan template. But, we |


really like the resources and information they

provide in helping businesses prepare to complete

their marketing plan, including a fact sheet,

introduction video, and step-by-step instructions.

• Marketing MO - Marketing MO is an intelligent

marketing planning and management app, plus a

virtual marketing team for support. With Marketing

MO’s comprehensive online marketing and

planning management system, businesses can take

advantage of a complete set of step-by-step plans

and guided, interactive marketing templates.

• SmartTools: Fast Marketing Plan - SmartTools:

Fast Marketing Plan is a fast and easy online

service that is a best-in-class, step-by-step

blueprint for creating the marketing plan you need. |


Whether you work from scratch or create your plan

from an existing one, SmartTools: Fast Marketing

Plan includes eight steps that are broken down into

tasks to help you establish how best to reach your

target, set your budget, and identify reasonable






If you get it right, SEO can be a

huge competitive advantage in

many business sectors. So, it's

super-competitive. Check that

your approach to SEO is using

the latest techniques and best

practices with our toolkit.

SEM Rush – This tool gives users the ability to track

keywords across both paid and organic search


moz – This platform enables users to monitor social media,

manage SEO campaigns, and more.

SerpStat – This software conducts in-depth competitive

analysis based on SEO performance through domain

lookup. |


Raven Tools– Report on all marketing campaigns using

metrics that pertain to SEO, PPC and social media.

gShift – Gauge your company’s web presence with this

analysis tool, then use these insights to improve the

discoverability of your brand on search and social.



Review and improve your social

media marketing Audit and

develop your social media

strategy and make better use of

the major social networks.

Hootsuite – Manage multiple social media accounts,

analyze social media traffic, track brand mentions,

collaborate with other team members, and schedule

messages and tweets through this social media

management tool.

Tweetdeck – Track brand mentions and hashtags, |


manage multiple Twitter accounts, schedule Tweets, and

more all in a single Twitter platform.

Social Mention – Social search engine that searches for

and analyzes real-time aggregated content across 100+

social media platforms.

Post Planner – This tool makes it easy for marketers to find

& post content to social media consistently, while getting

predictable and measurable results.

Sprinklr – Large global companies use this social media

management system to engage with customers, connect

with CRM systems, build custom widgets, publish and

manage content, and more. |

Contact Us – Our Numbers

Phone numbers

: 254-715-849520 : 0708-420-724 : 0708-508-231

Contact Us – Our Emails

General Inquiries: Sales: Career Support:

Trinfinity Limited - Industrial Area , Nairobi – Kenya.

Trinfinity |