Tobacco Notes Ms. Worthy’s Health Class. What types of dangerous ingredients are in tobacco...

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Tobacco Notes Ms. Worthy’s Health Class. What types of dangerous ingredients are in tobacco...

Tobacco Notes

Ms. Worthy’s Health Class

What types of dangerous ingredients are in tobacco products.

Nicotine-an addictive drug found in tobacco Tar-a thick dark liquid that forms when

tobacco burns Carbon monoxide- a colorless, odorless,

poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns Methanol- poisonous liquid alcohol, known to

cause blindness Cyanide- is a deadly poison Formaldehyde- is an irritating, acidic gas

used in labs to disinfect and preserve.

The effects of smoking on a smoker. Respiratory System Digestive System Nervous System Circulatory System Excretory System Lung Cancer Bronchitis, Chronic Cough Emphysema

The effects of smoking on the non-smoker Second Hand Smoke -air that is

contaminated by tobacco smoke Mainstream Smoke- the smoke that a

smoker inhales and then exhales Sidestream Smoke -smoke that

comes from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar

Passive Smokers- are non-smokers who breathe second hand smoke

Quitting (Strategies, tips, reasons why they should quit.)

Healthy Skin, Fresh Breathe, Honesty towards parents and friends, save $$$, Better health, more energy, fewer allergies

Make a goal list and set a quit date Set small goals Avoid being around people that smoke Learn stress relievers Start Physical Activity Tobacco Programs Patch, Gum, Medication to Quit