The evolution of seo and is it dead

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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The evolution of SEO and is it dead?

About us • Founded in 1999

• Web design, development & search specialists

• Cambridge based team of 20

• Comprehensive portfolio of clients

• RAR+ recommended

We’re an award-winning full service digital agency, with a passionate team of creative, technical and search marketing web experts.

What most people know about ‘SEO’

- Black hat SEO

- Link building

- Spammy tactics

- Clickbait

- Keyword Stuffing

- Poor content

- No consideration for UX or Accessibility

None of these are good for User Experience or Accessibility.

Panda, penguin and Hummingbird are updating all the time!

Panda- Websites without good content were penalised.

Pengin- Websites buying spammy links were penalised.

Hummingbird- Search becomes much more intelligent, it understands the meaning behind the query rather than specific keyword matches.


Dispelling the myth- SEO is magicSEO is not magic, it is a mixture of the following:

1 Part Social

1 Part Content

1 Part Conversion and Goal optimisation

And yes… some fiddling about with key search terms on site in Alt tags, text, header and, meta tags.

…. You can’t make a sponge cake with just eggs.

What do we now consider to be important in SEO

- User Experience

- Quality content- using content to answer questions

- Finding and connecting with your audience

- Accessibility

- Clear goals and paths for your users on your website

- Quality link building

- Social interactions

SEO Has Become More User- Centric

How Do You Know Your Website Is Working?

Google Analytics & Google Tag ManagerInstall Google Analytics by adding the Google Tag Manager Container Code…

- Manage multiple clients from one login.

- Set up Events to track key website conversions.

- Add Events in Analytics as Goal.

- No coding required.

Link Google Search Console to Google AnalyticsAllowing Analytics and Search Console to link means that you can enable additional SEO reports.

admin>property settings>search console

- Search Queries

- Landing Pages

- Geographical Summary

- Devices

( You will need full property management permissions to do this and a verified property in Search Console to link to)

Link Google Search Console to Google Analytics

- Keywords with a low click through rate, but a good average position. Once you know them, you can change the meta title and description of your page to improve their click through rate.

- Landing pages with a good click through rate, but a low average position. These pages can be easily run through an on-page optimization process that will improve their rankings.

- What are the countries of your organic visitors and who your target market is.

Google Analytics & Site SpeedPage speed is a ranking factor for search engines and Google Analytics now has a nifty report available that lets you see the load time of your pages.

Exit PagesUse the Exit Pages report to find pages showing high exit rate levels.

Exit pages can help establish scenarios for why the user is leaving at that page.

This might be related to;

- Poor UX on the page

- Converting another way, picks up phone etc.

- Not the right content for them

Exit Pages- Users Flowaudience>users flow

This report gives you an idea of where users are leaving the site and which pages they move on to.

Hover over each stage of the flow to see more information.

Thank you!

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