Technical Data - · 2021. 3....

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Transcript of Technical Data - · 2021. 3....

Technical Data

Oil-Water Separator


Model : YUSOO-8

ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2008

YUSOO-BREAKER Oil-Water Separator

EnE-YUSOO8-E003 Edition:2013.01

Scerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw Compressor Piston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston Compressor

3/4” . (di 32mm Hose)

1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ )

Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity 6.6 ~

Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oil VCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oil

154 liter


YUSOO 008 000

169 liter

+5 ~ 60

Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Oil-Contaminated Condensate

Condensate & Installed Compressor Capacity

Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade

Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Approx. 25 Kg



Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

1 x 15.2 liter

1” . (di 32mm Hose)


Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume

Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside)

Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside)

Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside)


Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref.

Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume

Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume



Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oil-oil-oil-oil-oil




▶Must attach automatic thermostat(option : Heater) in freezing area.

▶Else above models are custom-built.

▶Above specification can be changed without advance notice for improvement of performance(2013.01)


Container Container Container Container

Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter

HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

*Blue Blue Blue Blue -temperate climate(such as in Central and Southern Europe, Central Americal)

8.0 8.0





Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber

Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity

(m (m (m (m3333/min)/min)/min)/min)

*RedRedRedRed -humid, tropical climate(such as in the coastal regions of South-East Asia, Oceania, Amazon and Congo regions)

Activated Carbon






▶VCL-Oil : Mineral + Synthetic Oil ▶VDL-Oil : Mineral Oil

*Green Green Green Green -Dry and cool climate(such as in Northern Europe, Canada, Northern states of the USA, Central Asia)

HDPE(Poly Ethylene)



Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter

Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container

PP(Poly Propylene)

HDPE(Poly Ethylene)






Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity 6.6 ~7.5

( ( ( ( ℓ/h )/h )/h )/h )

Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor 9.4 7.6 9.4





Oil-Water Separator

Subject to technical changes without prior notice, errors not excluded.

EnE-YUSOO8-E003 Edition:2013.01

Technical Data

Oil-Water Separator


Model : YUSOO-15

Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2008

EnE-YUSOO15-E003 Edition:2013.01

Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oil VCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oil VDL-oilVDL-oilVDL-oilVDL-oilSyntheticSyntheticSyntheticSynthetic

Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilSyntheticSyntheticSyntheticSynthetic

-oil-oil-oil-oil -oil-oil-oil-oil

Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity 13.2 11.0

Condensate & Installed Compressor Capacity

1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Approx. 29 Kg

Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) +5 ~ 60

Scerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw Compressor Piston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston Compressor

Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade

180.7 liter

Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume 154 liter

Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Oil-Contaminated Condensate

Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) 3/4” . (di 32mm Hose)

Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) 1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside)

Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume 1 x 26.7 liter


Model YUSOO-15

Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. YUSOO 015 000

Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume

Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER




▶Must attach automatic thermostat(option : Heater) in freezing area.

▶Else above models are custom-built.

▶Above specification can be changed without advance notice for improvement of performance(2013.01)


Container Container Container Container HDPE(Poly Ethylene)


Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter PP(Poly Propylene)

Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Activated Carbon

*Green Green Green Green -Dry and cool climate(such as in Northern Europe, Canada, Northern states of the USA, Central Asia)

*Blue Blue Blue Blue -temperate climate(such as in Central and Southern Europe, Central Americal)

*RedRedRedRed -humid, tropical climate(such as in the coastal regions of South-East Asia, Oceania, Amazon and Congo regions)

▶VCL-Oil : Mineral + Synthetic Oil ▶VDL-Oil : Mineral Oil


Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber HDPE(Poly Ethylene)


(m (m (m (m3333/min)/min)/min)/min) 12.5 10 12.5 9.0~10.2 9.8 7.4~8.6

Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity 15.0 12.5 15.0 11.0~12.5 12.0


Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor 17.5 14.5 17.5 13.0~14.5 14.0 10.5~12.3

Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity18.2 15 18.2



( ( ( ( ℓ/h )/h )/h )/h ) ~15.0



Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

Subject to technical changes without prior notice, errors not excluded.


Technical Data

Oil-Water Separator


Model : YUSOO-30

Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2008

EnE-YUSOO30-E003 Edition:2013.01

Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oil VCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oil VDL-oilVDL-oilVDL-oilVDL-oilSyntheticSyntheticSyntheticSynthetic

Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilSyntheticSyntheticSyntheticSynthetic

-oil-oil-oil-oil -oil-oil-oil-oil

Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity 26.5 19.8~

Condensate & Installed Compressor Capacity

1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Approx. 39 Kg

Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) +5 ~ 60

Scerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw Compressor Piston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston Compressor

Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade

207.4 liter

Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume 154 liter

Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Oil-Contaminated Condensate

Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) 3/4” . (di 32mm Hose)

Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) 1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside)

Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume 2 x 26.7 liter


Model YUSOO-30

Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. YUSOO 030 000

Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume

Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER




▶Must attach automatic thermostat(option : Heater) in freezing area.

▶Else above models are custom-built.

▶Above specification can be changed without advance notice for improvement of performance(2013.01)


Container Container Container Container HDPE(Poly Ethylene)


Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter PP(Poly Propylene)

Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Activated Carbon

*Green Green Green Green -Dry and cool climate(such as in Northern Europe, Canada, Northern states of the USA, Central Asia)

*Blue Blue Blue Blue -temperate climate(such as in Central and Southern Europe, Central Americal)

*RedRedRedRed -humid, tropical climate(such as in the coastal regions of South-East Asia, Oceania, Amazon and Congo regions)

▶VCL-Oil : Mineral + Synthetic Oil ▶VDL-Oil : Mineral Oil


Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber HDPE(Poly Ethylene)


(m (m (m (m3333/min)/min)/min)/min) 24.5 20.5 24.5 18.5~20.5 19.5 19.5~15.5

Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity 30.0 25.0 30.0 22.5~25.0 23.5


Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor 35.0 29.0 35.0 26.3~29.0 27.5 19.3~22.5

Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity35.5 30.0 35.5



( ( ( ( ℓ/h )/h )/h )/h ) ~30.0



Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

Subject to technical changes without prior notice, errors not excluded.


Model : YUSOO-42


Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2008

Oil-Water Separator

Technical Data

EnE-YUSOO42-E003 Edition:2013.01


Scerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw Compressor Piston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston Compressor

Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oil VCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oil VDL-oilVDL-oilVDL-oilVDL-oilSyntheticSyntheticSyntheticSynthetic

Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilSyntheticSyntheticSyntheticSynthetic


Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity 37.0 25.5

Condensate & Installed Compressor Capacity

Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Approx. 45 Kg

Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) +5 ~ 60

Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application

227.7 liter

Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume 154.0 liter

Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume 2 x 36.9 liter

Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. YUSOO 042 000

Oil-Contaminated Condensate

Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) 1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) 1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) 1” . (di 32mm Hose)


Model YUSOO-42

Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume

Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER




▶Must attach automatic thermostat(option : Heater) in freezing area.

▶Else above models are custom-built.

▶Above specification can be changed without advance notice for improvement of performance(2013.01)

HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

Container Container Container Container HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Activated Carbon


Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter PP(Poly Propylene)

Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

*Green Green Green Green -Dry and cool climate(such as in Northern Europe, Canada, Northern states of the USA, Central Asia)

*Blue Blue Blue Blue -temperate climate(such as in Central and Southern Europe, Central Americal)

*RedRedRedRed -humid, tropical climate(such as in the coastal regions of South-East Asia, Oceania, Amazon and Congo regions)

▶VCL-Oil : Mineral + Synthetic Oil ▶VDL-Oil : Mineral Oil


Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber


(m (m (m (m3333/min)/min)/min)/min) 34.5 29.0 34.5 26.0~29.0 24 18.0~21.0

Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity 42.0 35.5 42.0 32.0~35.5 29.5


Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor 49.0 41.5 49.0 37.5~41.5 34.5 25.8~31.0

Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity48.5 40.5 48.5



( ( ( ( ℓ/h )/h )/h )/h ) ~40.5



Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

Subject to technical changes without prior notice, errors not excluded.

EnE-YUSOO42-E003 Edition:2013.01

Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2008

Technical Data

Oil-Water Separator


Model : YUSOO-100

EnE-YUSOO100-E003 Edition:2013.01

Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. Order Ref. YUSOO 100 000

Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) Water Discharge (hose mm inside) 1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER

Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume Filter Volume 2 x 63 liter


Model YUSOO-100

Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume Container + Filter Volume 726 liter

Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume Container Volume 600 liter

Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) Condensate Feed (hose mm inside) 1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) Oil Discharge (hose mm inside) 1” . (di 32mm Hose)

Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) Temperature ( min/max . ℃ ) +5 ~ 60

Condensate & Installed Compressor Capacity

Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Scope of Application Oil-Contaminated Condensate

Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Weight (empty) Approx. 87 Kg

61.0 Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity 77.0

-oil-oil-oil-oil -oil-oil-oil-oil

Scerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw CompressorScerw Compressor Piston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston CompressorPiston Compressor

Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade Oil Grade Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oil VCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oilVCL-oil VDL-oilVDL-oilVDL-oilVDL-oilSyntheticSyntheticSyntheticSynthetic

Turbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilTurbine oilSyntheticSyntheticSyntheticSynthetic




▶Must attach automatic thermostat(option : Heater) in freezing area.

▶Else above models are custom-built.

▶Above specification can be changed without advance notice for improvement of performance(2013.01)


( ( ( ( ℓ/h )/h )/h )/h ) ~88.0 ~71.0

Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity Condensate Capacity120 88.0 120

Compressor Compressor Compressor Compressor 117.0 87.7 117.0


76.0~87.8 79.5 60.0~70.0

75.0 100.0 65.0~75.0 68.0 51.0~60.0 Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity 100.0

(m (m (m (m3333/min)/min)/min)/min) 78.0 58.5 78.0


Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber Pressure relief chamber

50.7~58.5 53 39.8~47.0

Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container Filter Container HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Adsorption filter Activated Carbon

*Green Green Green Green -Dry and cool climate(such as in Northern Europe, Canada, Northern states of the USA, Central Asia)

*Blue Blue Blue Blue -temperate climate(such as in Central and Southern Europe, Central Americal)

*RedRedRedRed -humid, tropical climate(such as in the coastal regions of South-East Asia, Oceania, Amazon and Congo regions)

▶VCL-Oil : Mineral + Synthetic Oil ▶VDL-Oil : Mineral Oil

HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

Container Container Container Container HDPE(Poly Ethylene)

EnE-YUSOO100-E003 Edition:2013.01

Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter Pre filter PP(Poly Propylene)

Oil-Water Separator YUSOO-BREAKER



Subject to technical changes without prior notice, errors not excluded.

EnE-YUSOO100-E003 Edition:2013.01