Team Up Information for Schools Brochure 2014/15

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Find out more about Team Up's inspirational tuition programme, and how it can support your school.

Transcript of Team Up Information for Schools Brochure 2014/15

Delivering affordable, small-group tuition using bright, passionate university students from: Imperial College LondonKing’s College, LondonLondon School of EconomicsOxford / Oxford Brookes UniversitySchool of Oriental and African StudiesQueen Mary, University of LondonUniversity College LondonCambridge UniversityUniversity of Birmingham and AstonUniversity of Sheffield and HallamBrunel UniversityUniversity of Nottingham and Nottingham TrentUniversity of ManchesterGoldsmiths UniversityWestminster UniversityBirkbeck UniversityCity UniversityLeeds UniversityWarwick and CoventryUniversity of East LondonSt Georges, Uni of LondonLiverpool UniversityYork UniversitySurrey UniversityLeicester UniversityLoughborough UniversityKeele University

Supported by:

Improving academic achievementOffering affordable inspiring tuition

Information for schools 2014 - 2015Sponsored by

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ContentsWhat do we do? 01What do we provide? 01How does the program work? 02What are the benefits? 04How much does it cost? 05Why choose us? 06What next? 08

What do we do?Knowing the household income and postcode of a school pupil, you can predict their academic and social success with frightening accuracy. In a society that strives to provide fair and equal opportunities for all, we feel it’s unacceptable that a lack of wealth should prohibit achievement and aspiration.

Our mission is to increase the number of young people from low income backgrounds who reach their academic and social potential, by strengthening the social capital that exists between them and the UK’s most outstanding university students.

What do we provide?We provide subject-specific tuition to secondary school pupils on free school meals, or from otherwise low income backgrounds. We offer Maths, English and Science tuition across Key Stages 3-5 to small groups of pupils for up to twenty hours throughout Autumn and Spring.

01Team Up Information for Schools 2014-2015

I believe that Team Up’s project is just the kind of proven, effective and high return programme that we should all be working with to make a difference to our least advantaged children.

Sophie Blakeway, Director of Education, ARK Schools

Evidence indicates that in areas like reading and mathematics, tuition can enable learners to catch up with their peers and reliably provides benefit. Regular sessions over a set period of time appear to result in optimum impact. The evidence is consistent and strong, particularly for younger learners who are behind their peers, and for subjects like reading and mathematics.

Sutton Trust 2013

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How does the program work? Small group tuition is delivered after school on weekdays and/or between 10am and 2.30pm on Saturdays. Weekday tuition is held at your school, whereas weekend tuition is held at a local university. The table below shows how we work with you, your pupils and their parents throughout the year.

Month June – July September – October November – April May – June

Activity Pupil recruitment Tutor training Programme Delivery Celebration event

Description We will work with you to select a cohort of pupils who will benefit most from tuition.

We will agree tuition subject and topics and build tailored resources over the summer.

Our tutors receive high quality training and spend an evening in school being inducted by your subject departments.

Our tutors deliver up to 20 hours of tuition over two terms.

We will keep you updated with progress impact reports and attendance records.

Everyone is invited to our end of year celebration event, where we recognise the efforts and achievement of your pupils.

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What are the benefits?Whether in a small group or one-to-one, private tuition accelerates the rate at which young people learn by nine months per academic year. In other words, pupils who receive private tuition progress at a rate of three sub-levels (or one whole grade or level) per academic year, which is nearly one and a half times the speed of most children. Our pilot programs confirm this and more – we also found that:

• Our pupils developed their fundamental cognitive reasoning skills (numeracy, literacy, problem solving) that supported advanced learning in maths, English and science.

• Pupils’ confidence levels (measured using academic self-concept levels) significantly increased when compared with those who did not receive tuition.

• Pupils enjoyed the additional learning opportunities – of the pupils who completed our feedback questionnaire 90% would like to continue with the program next year.

• Our parents said: ‘Simon has recently been moved up a set in math – he understands the subject so much better. Thank you’ Parent, 2012);

How much does it cost?Our tutors provide their services for free because it forms part of their commitment to our Leadership Development Programme. However, administration costs are incurred and we ask schools to contribute towards these. For just £130 per pupil/subject we will:

1. Recruit, train and DBS-check university student tutors

2. Recruit and match small groups of pupils with subject-specific tutors

3. Provide tuition lesson plans

4. Monitor pupils’ progress, including academic progress and attendance

This works out to be just £6.50 per lesson, which is far cheaper than the cost of most private tuition (normally £25 – 35 per lesson).2 Depending on the school’s distance from the university, there may be an additional cost to cover travel expenses.

We have worked with Team Up for the first time this year, and currently have university students tutoring around 40 of our Year 11 students every week in English, maths or science. The sessions have been inspiring from the start, offering our students a unique opportunity to get inspired in their work with an undergraduate from Cambridge University – not only on the GCSE material, but also on other topics within the subject and indeed on aspects of application to a prestigious university. The team of Rising Leaders have been highly efficient and effective throughout, well supported by a talented and conscientious ‘weekly manager’ who is our first port of call if we have any questions as a school. Parental and student feedback is unanimous – Team Up is an excellent opportunity and highly recommended!

1 Sutton Trust, Effective Classroom Techniques, 2011.

2 Our pricing strategy is based per pupil/ subject. For example if Pupil X opts for 2 hours per week (one hour for maths and English) this costs £260 for the year.

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”Lee Walker, Deputy Headteacher, Hinchinbrooke School, Cambridge

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What are the benefits?Our senior leadership team and advisory board reflect all of our stakeholders: young people from low income backgrounds, teachers, educationalists, tutors and parents. This means that everything we do is led by people who fully understand the people we work with. We are extremely interested in finding out ‘what works’ to ensure high quality tuition. All lessons will include the following core elements:

1. Inspirational tutors: our tutors are recruited from the most selective universities in the UK. They have studied the subject they teach to A Level, often obtaining an A or A*. They are driven by our social cause and are ambitious – the program is an opportunity to further develop their skills and talents.


Team Up has been developed at St Michael’s since October 2012 and has had a significant impact on both student attainment and motivation over the last year. The students found the tutors open, approachable, informative and exactly what was need to give them extra support in their studies. One major outcome to date is that students gained confidence in independent learning, and also private study. In addition, because their results began to improve they gained self-esteem.

Its success is recognised by the fact that the College intends to run the programme for a second year and moreover extend the provision. It has been one of the most outstanding new initiatives implemented this year. Data underlines its effectiveness and we look forward to the final summer results.

”Grainne Grabowski, Headteacher, St Michael’s College, Southwark

2. Excellent teaching practices: we use the most innovative and effective ways of delivering tuition. We partner with educationalists, leading teaching charities such as Teach First and experienced teachers to develop our tutors’ practices, which currently includes:

• Peer-assisted learning: a range of approaches in which learners work in small groups to take turns to ‘teach’ others in their group.

• Pupil-specific feedback: information given to the pupil about their performance relative to the learning goals which then refocuses both the teachers and learners actions to achieve the goal.

• Homework: tasks given to pupils by their tutors to be completed outside of their sessions, with the normal expectation that it will be completed at home.

Team Up Information for Schools 2014-2015

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What next?The next step is simple. All you need to do is contact our Regional Directors by using one of the following email addresses, depending on your region:

Region Email contact

London & South East

East & West Midlands

North & North West England

Other region/general contact

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From my point of view the programme went really well; our students responded fantastically and it was really valuable for them to get input from someone other than their usual teachers. I think it also helped make real to them the idea of university; working with these undergraduates and seeing how hard they worked, but that they still had time to mentor 6th form students, was really inspirational for them.

”Nick Rutherford, Head of Sixth Form, Mossbourne College, Hackney

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Delivering affordable, small-group tuition using bright, passionate university students from: Imperial College LondonKing’s College, LondonLondon School of EconomicsOxford / Oxford Brookes UniversitySchool of Oriental and African StudiesQueen Mary, University of LondonUniversity College LondonCambridge UniversityUniversity of Birmingham and AstonUniversity of Sheffield and HallamBrunel UniversityUniversity of Nottingham and Nottingham TrentUniversity of ManchesterGoldsmiths UniversityWestminster UniversityBirkbeck UniversityCity UniversityLeeds UniversityWarwick and CoventryUniversity of East LondonSt Georges, Uni of LondonLiverpool UniversityYork UniversitySurrey UniversityLeicester UniversityLoughborough UniversityKeele University

Supported by:

Improving academic achievementOffering affordable inspiring tuition

Information for schools 2014 - 2015Sponsored by

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