Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design

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Transcript of Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design

  • 8/17/2019 Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design


    April 15, 2016

    A Proposal to the Shakopee Economic Development Authority for:

    Downtown Shakopee:

    Infrastructure & Public Realm DesignImplementation Strategy

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  • 8/17/2019 Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design


    April 15, 2016

    Ms. Samantha DiMaggio – Economic Development Coordinator

    Shakopee Economic Development Authority129 Holmes Street SouthShakopee, MN 55379Phone: -952-233-9317Email:

    RE : Downtown Shakopee: Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy

    Ms. DiMaggio:

    Thank you for taking time to meet with me and the tour of Downtown Shakopee! I am excited about the

    opportunity to submit a proposal for the infrastructure improvement project and share with you Loucks’long history of providing quality streetscape and plaza design.

    We have carefully reviewed the RFP documents, have no known conict of interest in the completion of theproject, and have discussed the project in detail with you. The following pages highlight our proposed team,past experience, understanding and approach to the project, and general thoughts on why Loucks is bestqualied to work with the City of Shakopee to achieve a successful infrastructure and public realm designimplementation strategy..

    Our team’s strength is based on the following principles:

    • Expert public realm design capabilities gained from experience on similar projects

    • Creative and pragmatic design solutions

    •  Value-driven design philosophies emphasizing value and long-term maintenance concerns

    Loucks is a larger rm that provides small company service and client management. You will be guidedby our most experienced professionals, and you will see the same faces from start to nish. We will beavailable to answer any questions during the life of the project. We look forward to working with you!


    Nathan Ekhoff, PLALandscape ArchitectPhone: 763-496-6722Email:

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    Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy4

    R.R. Tracks







    1st Ave

    2nd Ave

    3rd Ave

    4th Ave

       S  p  e  n  c  e  r   S   t .

       S  o  m  m  e  r  v   i   l   l  e   S   t .

       L  e  w   i  s   S   t .

       H  o   l  m  e  s   S   t .

       F  u   l   l  e  r   S   t .

       A   t  w  o  o   d   S   t .

       S  c  o   t   t   S   t .

    HWY 101

    H            W            Y             1            0            1            

       P  e   d   B  r   i   d  g  e


    Event Space

    HWY 69




    City Owned




    Potential Gateway


    Complete Enhancements

     Along the River 

    Difcult to Access the


    Potential Gateway






     Alley Enhanc ements

    Ped. Connection/ Enhance

    Views into Downtown






    to the River 

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    1Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy


    The Shakopee Economic Development Authority is embarking on an exciting project to upgrade Downtown Shakopee’spublic realm. Over the past 40 years, multiple studies have been conducted to develop a greater understanding of theneeds for downtown, along with recommendations for improvements. Major issues identied in the studies include: theunderutilization of Huber Park, inadequate waynding signage, unsafe pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and the lack oflarger public gathering spaces for downtown events. All of these challenges, along with mismatched lighting and a lackof street trees, add up to a public realm that is ripe for revitalization.

    The Loucks team, in collaboration with the City of Shakopee and critical stakeholders, will develop solutions to addressthe aforementioned problems and explore opportunities to incorporate new public plaza and gathering spaces,improved crosswalks, enhanced alleys and added placemaking elements. We are also excited about creating aninnovative design that will better connect Downtown Shakopee with one of its most attractive amenities, the MinnesotaRiver.

    In an effort to enhance downtown, initiatives such as Main Street Shakopee have already been put in place. This pushto enrich the downtown area has resulted in many successful new or expanded businesses. Downtown events have alsobeen successful in drawing people to the area. This project is a critical step in reestablishing Downtown as a commercialdistrict that contributes to the community’s overall quality of life.


    Good design creates a strong sense of place by leveraging unique site amenities and weaving local charm into the

    fabric of the overall project strategy. Downtown Shakopee is lled with historic signicance and unique character. Ourapproach will ensure that the new public realm improvements maintain and emphasize these important strengths tomaintain and enhance downtown’s unique sense of place. The following are key aspects to the project’s success:

    DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN VIBRANT STREETS AND OPEN SPACESStreets and open spaces play a vital role in dening the character of the study areas. These areas provide publicgathering spaces and connections to the rest of Shakopee. Strategies will be explored to dene improvements thatenhance existing streets and alleys, support new development opportunities, and enhance pedestrian facilities to createbetter connections to new transit facilities, commercial uses, and public open spaces. The design approach will focuson creating spaces that are inviting and attractive at all times of day and during all Minnesota seasons.

    BALANCE OF PEDESTRIAN AND MOTORIST NEEDSThe public realm design will balance the needs of pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists by maximizing the ability of allmodes of transportation to function compatibly. In order to achieve balance, existing streets must be analyzed to safely

    accommodate all users within the right of ways. Providing multiple modes of transportation creates a safer and moreappealing pedestrian environment and encourages residents and other stakeholders to embrace new and interestingways to navigate and enjoy the City of Shakopee.

    SUSTAINABLE DESIGNLoucks’ approach will emphasize sustainable site design practices. Our vast experience working with public and privatedevelopment gives the Loucks team a unique understanding of the pros and cons of various methods of low impactdesign solutions. We will work with you to develop options that explore ways to integrate natural systems, constructionmethods, and utilitarian needs in a low impact, sustainable, and artful manner. Emphasis will be placed on sustainabledesign through proper selection of materials for pavements, furnishings and light sources, stormwater management andlandscape design.

    STREETSCAPE AMENITIES AND ARTWORK Streetscape elements should complement the historic downtown character and include a exible palette of materials to

    be used within the study area. In addition to thoughtful design of pavements, site furnishings and landscaping, publicart should be integrated into public spaces and used effectively to tell the compelling story of the area’s history, peopleand architecture.

    Our approach is to bring the proposed plan and elements to a design development level that ensures the design isrealistic. This allows for an easy transition into the future detailed construction document phase and also allow us todevelop cost ranges for improvements which will help shape a pragmatic, thoughtful improvement phasing plan. Weunderstand Downtown Shakopee is ready for construction to begin, so this approach will help dene projects andpriorities in a meaningful manner. A more detailed scope of work can be found in the appendix.

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    Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy2


    Loucks’ project team is a highly-skilled group of professionals withsignicant experience in public realm design. Short format resumesare included at the end of this document that highlight additionalproject experience. The team listed below has worked together onseveral successful projects. Our team members, and expected roles,are as follows:

    Nate Ekhoff, Landscape Architect & Project Manager, willprovide design services and overall project management throughthe life of the project. Nate is a landscape architect with over nineyears of professional experience. His design experience covers awide variety of project types including park and recreation, siteplanning, streetscape planning and design, plaza spaces and greeninfrastructure design. Nate has a passion to work with clients todevelop meaningful and dynamic gathering spaces. Nate’s ability toproduce a variety of graphics, including 3D renderings, sections, andillustrative plans makes it easy for stakeholders to understand andultimately implement proposed plans.Nate’s Relevant Project Experience:

    City Center Streetscape, New Hope, MN | Keg & CaseMarket, Saint Paul, MN | Downtown Framework Plan, Carver,

    MN | Levi Grifn Road Streetscape, Carver, MN* | EnglerBoulevard Streetscape, Chaska, MN* | Downtown StreetscapeImprovements, Chaska, MN* | Renewing Old West MainFramework Plan, Red Wing, MN* | Main Street StreetscapePlan & Heritage Plaza, Maple Plain, MN* | Warehouse DistrictHeritage Street Plan, Minneapolis, MN* | Downtown FrameworkPlan, Minot, ND* | TH 61 Aesthetics & Water QualityImprovement Study, Forest Lake, MN* | Center Street CorridorStudy, Cedar Falls, IA* denotes project at another rm

    Paul Kangas, Principal Landscape Architect, Paul will be the Principalin Charge and assist with conceptual and technical design services.

    Larry Wacker, Senior Landscape Architect, will provide senior project

    leadership and technical design services for the project. Larry hasdecades of experience in public realm design and his knowledge ofpricing and site detailing will be a key element of our design team.

    Mike St. Martin, Principal Civil Engineer, will leverage his morethan 20 years of experience to successfully oversee any technicalsite challenges that may arise during the design process relating tostormwater management and site utilities.

    Sub Consultant: Spack Engineering, Bryant Ficek, Vice President,Trafc Engineer, as part of the design team, Spack will provide aqualitative assessment of the expected impacts on trafc operations.This will not be a detailed intersection or other type of evaluation.Rather, we will use information from the existing studies, information

    from similar studies or research, and our own extensive experience toindicate the likely trafc implications of potential changes (or providean update to the results of a previous study). Through this assessmentof trafc impacts, Spack will help determine the appropriateimprovements, and the priority of those improvements, for thedowntown area. Spack will perform approximately 15% of the overalldesign work.

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    3Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy

    PUBLIC REALM PROJECT EXPERIENCECity Center Streetscape | New Hope, MN

    Keg & Case Market | Saint Paul, MN

    Downtown Framework Plan | Carver, MN

    The Hub at Beacon Bluff | Saint Paul, MN

    Renewing Old West Main | Red Wing, MN

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    Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy4

    PROJECT SCHEDULEWe have reviewed the proposed schedule provided in the RFP. At our Kick-Off meeting we will work with you toconrm the schedule, and look at specic meeting dates as needed.

    • Contract awarded May 30, 2016• Kickoff Meeting 1st week in June 2016• Phase 1: Downtown Analysis June 2016• Phase 2: Public Realm Design June - August 2016• Phase 3: Cost Estimating August 2016• Project Completion August 15, 2016

    • FUTURE PHASE: Construction Documents August, 2016• Construction Late 2016/early 2017

    Loucks is well-positioned to complete the project on time and within budget. We are fortunate to be busy, but ourcurrent workload would not prevent us from giving your project the focus and attention it deserves. We take greatpride in our ability to meet challenging deadlines, and we will work within the schedule identied.


    The Loucks Team will comply with the terms identied for Standard Assurances and Insurance Requirements asidentied in the County’s RFP for this project.

    MINNEAPOLIS40th Street GreenwayGodfrey Park RedesignGrandview Redevelopment Area50th & Vernon Streetscape

     Victory Memorial Parkway

    SAINT PAULCapitol Approach & Visual CorridorDowntown Entrance EnhancementE. 7th St./Arcade St. CommercialArea Streetscape ImprovementsEast 7th Street BridgeEast Kellogg Boulevard StreetscapeEnergy Park StreetscapeGateway Park/Raymond AvenueInternational Market Place UniversityAvenueIrvine Park Historic District

    Railroad Island NeighborhoodRice Street/University Avenue StudySeventh Place MallSummit Park Urban Design StudyLittle Canada Rd. Streetscape & CityEntrance Program-Little Canada, MNMain Street Ped. Plaza and Walkway –Stillwater, MN

    DULUTH3RD Street Corridor4th Street Redevelopment


    New Hope StreetscapeBrooklyn Center StreetscapeCentral Ave Business District -Columbia Hts.Central Business District - OsseoCloquet Downtown StreetscapeCommercial District OwatonnaDowntown Plan - Forest LakeDowntown Riverfront -HastingsMaster Plan, Downtown Streetscapeand Entrances Plan Little Falls, MNDowntown Streetscape and TownSquare Construction-Biwabik, MNEllis Avenue and Redevelopment

    Plan - Ashland, WIRed Wing Downtown Sidewalk/Streetscape ImprovementsRice Lake Main Street ProgramWest Broadway Streetscape StudyForest Lake, MNWorthington Downtown StreetscapeImprovementsPark Rapids Downtown Plan


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    5Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy


    The Loucks Team provides exceptional professional services for outstanding value. Thefollowing presents a summary of our proposed costs based on our understanding of theproject and the City’s budget to perform the requested work.

    NOT-TO-EXCEED COSTWe understand that Shakopee is seeking a not-to-exceed fee for this project. The LoucksTeam proposes to conduct the requested planning and design services for the Infrastructure& Public Realm Design for not more than $59,400.

    Our not-to-exceed cost includes the scope of work identied in this document. Weanticipate not more than $950 in reimbursable expenses which may include mileage,printing, deliveries/mailing, and other costs related to public meetings and presentations.Our proposed fees are generally allocated for the following tasks:

    • Phase 1: Understanding What Exists Today 20%• Phase 2: Public Realm Design 70%• Phase 3: Cost Estimating & Phasing Plan 10%

    BILLINGWe understand the need to adhere to the not-to-exceed fee for the agreed work. We willsubmit monthly invoices to the City based on work completed-to-date multiplied by thehourly charge rate for each employee. Consultant services will also be subject to the same

    hourly submittal process.

    WORK OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF OUR PROPOSALOccasionally, the scope of a project needs to change based on unforeseeable circumstancesthat dictate a modication. If necessary, we will gladly adjust our work scope and submitan appropriate change request for the Cities approval prior to proceeding with the work.Loucks will never exceed our contract amount, or work without City review and approval ofa proposed change, in the completion of our tasks.


    • The City will provide existing conditions surveys for the Downtown Study Area includingtopography, existing trees, built features such as roads, parking, and structures, utilities,and other known constraints of the study area. If further survey information is required,

    Loucks will provide additional scope of work to perform the survey.• We are not anticipating our design work to go beyond a Design Development level

    of detail. Future design will be required to bring the design options to a constructiondocument level of design.

    • We are assuming a range of six to eight meetings will be required to properlycoordinate the design effort.

    • No public meetings, business owner meetings or open houses were dened in the RFP.Our fee currently does not accommodate these tasks but we can certainly work withCity Staff to provide additional scope for this work if it becomes necessary during theprocess.


    Occasionally, project opportunities cross our desks for which we instantly know we want

    to be an integral participant. This is our type of project! We have the experience andcapacity to work cooperatively with you to achieve outstanding results. We understandpublic realm design and construction, and look forward to assisting you with these importantenhancements for Downtown Shakopee.

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    Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy6



    PHASE 1: UNDERSTANDING WHAT EXISTS, WHAT HAS BEEN DONE, AND WHAT IS PLANNEDThis phase will focus on synthesizing previous studies, examining existing conditions, and working with city staff todene opportunities for public realm improvements within the study area.

    TASK 1.1: DEVELOP BASE INFORMATIONWe will compile maps and AutoCAD survey information obtained from the City with aerial photos, site photos, andother base information into a format and scale suitable for planning purposes and to illustrate key informationthroughout the design process.

    TASK 1.2: UNDERSTANDING THE DOWNTOWN SHAKOPEE STUDY AREA – REVIEW AND SYNTHESIZE PASTSTUDIESPreviously prepared reports, studies, and other documents having a bearing on the study area will be assembled,reviewed, and summarized. We will synthesize the past plans to create a single, integrated comprehensive plan thatillustrates the current issues and opportunities within the study area. Documents to be reviewed include:

    Waynding & Destination Signage for Main Street Shakopee Project (2015) | Downtown Shakopee PlacemakingAnalysis & Recommendations (2015) | EDA of Shakopee Walkable Community Workshop Report (2010) | Visions Shakopee! Report of Proceedings, Downtown Strategic Planning Conference (1999) | EDA of Shakopee

    Downtown Parking Signing Study (1998) | Downtown Retail Area Evaluation (1996) | Downtown Area RiverfrontProject (1995) | EDA of Shakopee Downtown Revitalization Project, Engineering Feasibility Project (1986) |Central Business District Study (1980) | Downtown Improvement/Feasibility Study & Action Plan (1974)


    A drawing or series of drawings illustrating the issues, plans, recommendations and strategies developed in previousplanning efforts.

    TASK 1.3: URBAN DESIGN ANALYSISThis inventory will augment base information that has already been documented in previous studies. The primarypurpose is to identify the unique components that will dene design parameters and shape the design alternatives. Theinventory and analysis will include but is not limited to:History of the area | View corridors and view sheds | Existing and proposed bike connections and bikeways | Pedestriancirculation and access | Entrance corridors and features | Maintenance issues | Ownership | Utilities | Existing lightinglocations and types | Existing vegetation and street trees | Natural systems and stormwater


    Graphics that summarize the existing conditions within the study area.


    TASK 2.1: PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLANTwo preliminary plans will be prepared to illustrate key design components within the study area. The plan will illustratethe public realm improvements and will focus on how to integrate existing structures, existing and proposed publicrealm amenities, redevelopment areas, and new public spaces.


    Concept level plans that address the enhancement potential of the study area.

    TASK 2.2: DESIGN FOR PUBLIC SPACES AND STREETSCAPE ELEMENTSPreliminary recommendations and concepts will be developed for the type and style of public realm improvements tobuild on the existing palette used within Downtown. Streetscape and public realm elements may include but are notlimited to:

    Sidewalk and paving treatments | Use and type of signage | Street tree locations, types and species | Streetfurniture | Lighting locations & xture options | Special paving and crosswalk materials | Plazas and publicgathering spaces | Parking lot edge treatments | Banners, kiosks, and planters | Gateway treatments and entrymonuments | Buffering materials | Public artwork

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    7Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy

    It is our understanding that SEH is currently working with Shakopee to study the lighting and develop a new lightingplan for downtown. Lighting is a key component in streetscape design and it’s our intention to work cooperatively withSEH, coordinating lighting types and locations within the public realm.

    TASK 2.3: REFINE DESIGN PLAN & STREETSCAPE ELEMENTSThe preferred plan and streetscape elements will be rened based on feedback of the concept plans. Plans and publicrealm elements will be designed in CAD to ensure that recommended improvements are realistic and can be built. Planswill be designed to a level in which we can provide cost ranges for improvements. This level of detail is where a projectreally starts to take shape and become more realistic in its overall layout. It is also a point where signicant changes

    become more difcult due to the increasing level of detail being added to the plans. To make sure the plan is movingforward in the correct direction we will have multiple coordination meetings to make sure we are on track. The focus ofthe DD phase is continuing to rene the design with specic attention to the following:

    • Creation of a rened plan accounting for known site requirements such as accessible slopes, general site layoutconstraints, and limitations of construction techniques.

    • Consideration of specic materials and design options taking into account the cost implications of each.• Identication of key design features that will require additional detailing during construction documentation.


    Design Development level plans of improvements and streetscape element designs that illustrate the public realmenhancements. Three dimensional views will also be developed for key areas in the downtown, allow stakeholders togain a better understanding of the proposed improvements.

    PHASE 3: COST ESTIMATING AND PHASING PLANA critical analysis of costs will occur during the latter part of the design phase. The DD phase allows a sufcient level ofdetail where accurate cost estimates can be completed. The ever-present balancing act of costs versus project scopewill be reviewed and strategies will be developed by which the project content can be prioritized. Changes in projectscope, or material selection, can be based on informed decisions using bid data from recent similar projects. Based onthe cost estimates, and City priorities, we will develop a phasing plan for improvements.

    THE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES: coordination with team members | including planningfor four meetings | review of existing studies regarding the downtown area | obtain additional information as necessary,such as updated daily trafc volumes, recent trafc studies/research reports regarding potential design changes, orother information to supplement our knowledge | evaluation of potential changes in terms of trafc operations impacts,considering cars, trucks, bicyclists, and pedestrians | write-ups, as required, for inclusion into the nal report(s) for theproject

    FUTURE PHASE (NOT INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT SCOPE): CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSConstruction drawings for phase one of the downtown improvements to be competitively bid in the open market |Project Bidding | Construction Administration and Observation | Final inspection & Punch List/Project Closeout


    Contact: Brent MareckTitle: City Administrator  City of Carver, MNPhone: 952-448-5353Email:

    Contact: Jeff Sargent,Title: Director of Community Development

    City of New Hope, MNPhone: 763-531-5196Email:

    Contact: David Berkowitz, P.E.Title: Director of Public Works/City Engineer  City of AndoverPhone: 763-767-5133Email:

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    Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy8

    NATHAN W. EKHOFF, PLA, ASLAPrincipal Landscape Architect

    PROFESSIONAL PROFILENate Ekhoff is a landscape architect with over nine years of professionalexperience. His ability to produce a variety of graphics, including 3D renderings,sections, and illustrative plans makes it easy for stakeholders to understand theproposed plans.

    EDUCATIONBachelor of Environmental Design | University of Minnesota

    REGISTRATIONSRegistered Landscape Architect in Minnesota

    PAUL A. KANGAS, PLAPrincipal Landscape Architect

    PROFESSIONAL PROFILEPaul founded the landscape architecture discipline at Loucks in 2000 and has

    a strong reputation for creative, yet pragmatic design solutions. His designsenhance unique site features while keeping long-term sustainability, budgetaryconstraints, and maintenance at the forefront. He works collaboratively with theteam to provide site designs which complement the architecture and inspireclients to make the best use of the land. Paul manages projects from start tonish and oversees all phases of design.

    EDUCATIONBachelor of Science in Environmental Design | NDSUBachelor of Landscape Architecture | NDSU

    REGISTRATIONSRegistered Landscape Architect in Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowaand Wisconsin

    LARRY L. WACKER, ASLA, PLASenior Landscape Architect

    PROFESSIONAL PROFILELarry Wacker is a registered landscape architect with over 35 years of siteplanning and design experience. He has served as project manager on numerouscity, county, and regional park and recreation planning and design projects,with a focus on master planning, site design, and design for construction. Larrycollaborates successfully with owners and committees on visioning, policymaking, programming and goal setting. He is an accomplished facilitator during

    the planning/design process and is skilled at preparation of cost estimates,feasibility reports, phasing studies, construction documents and LEED/B3 review/documentation.

    EDUCATIONBachelor of Science Landscape Architecture | University of Minnesota

    REGISTRATIONSRegistered Landscape Architect in Minnesota

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    9Downtown Shakopee Infrastructure & Public Realm Design Implementation Strategy

    MICHAEL J. ST. MARTIN, PEPrincipal Civil Engineer

    PROFESSIONAL PROFILEMike St. Martin has nearly 24 years of experience as a project manager onnumerous educational, housing, urban redevelopment, corporate and industrialcampus projects gives him the foresight needed to create economical, accuratedesigns that minimize potential headaches during the construction process. Mike

    serves as a valuable resource during city council and other public meetings. Hehas built a solid rapport with local regulatory agencies, which allows him toeffectively navigate the approval process to keep projects on schedule. He isespecially adept in team-based projects focused on meeting the client’s needswith a high level of service and creativity. Mike’s areas of expertise include sitereconnaissance, investigation for soil conditions, grading, drainage patterns,conveyance systems, street access, project compatibility, potential pollution,analysis of constructability, and LEED considerations.

    EDUCATIONBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | Summa Cum Laude | University ofNorth Dakota

    REGISTRATIONSMinnesota 24440 | WI 34161-006

    BRYANT J. FICEK, PE, PTOETrafc Engineer

    PROFESSIONAL PROFILEBryant is the Vice-President of Spack Consulting where he is responsible for the rm’s trafc engineering andtransportation projects. He works as an impartial expert to determine the most appropriate trafc options. Withextensive experience with public outreach, Bryant is comfortable talking with the general public, formally presentinginformation to a City Council, and debating ner technical points with professional colleagues

    EDUCATIONBachelor of Civil Engineering | University of Minnesota, Pedestrian Facility Design | MnDOT, Pedestrian Safety | SunCamContinuing Education, Transportation Management Plan | MnDOT, Signal Design | MnDOT, Signal Timing &Optimization | MnDOT, Design Guidelines for Modern Roundabouts | MnDOT, Sign Plan Design| MnDOT

    REGISTRATIONSMinnesota Professional Engineer | Certied Professional Trafc Operations Engineer® (PTOE)

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    HOURLY RATE FEE SCHEDULEEffective January 01, 2016

    Services performed on an hourly basis will be invoiced based on actual hours worked in accordance with thefollowing itemized staffing descriptions. Reimbursable external expenses including, but not limited to, sub-consultants, duplication, messenger service, travel, postage and expendable field supplies will be billed tothe client at the actual rate, plus 10%.


    Planning  Senior Planner .................................................................. 135Senior Site Designer .......................................................... 115

    Landscape Architecture  Principal Landscape Architect ........................................... 160Senior Landscape Architect............................................... 130Landscape Architect .......................................................... 120Site Design Technician ...................................................... 103

    Engineering  Principal Engineer.............................................................. 170Senior Project Engineer | Manager ................................... 155Project Engineer | Manager ............................................... 143Engineer in Training (EIT) .................................................. 118Senior Engineering Technician .......................................... 105Engineering Technician ....................................................... 87Senior Construction Representative ................................. 115Construction Representative ............................................... 90

    Surveying  Principal Surveyor .............................................................. 170Senior Surveyor ................................................................. 145Project Surveyor (LSIT) ...................................................... 120Senior Survey Technician ................................................... 108

    Survey Technician ................................................................ 93Survey Crew Chief ............................................................. 108Instrument Person ............................................................... 87Survey Crew* ..................................................................... 195*For Projects Requiring Certified Health &Safety Training Add Per Employee ................................... 43

    Scanning  3D Imaging Crew Chief with Scanner ............................... 2653D Imaging Technician ...................................................... 130

    Graphics  Graphic Designer............................................................... 115Graphic Technician .............................................................. 98

    Administration  Administration Assistance (Clerical ..................................... 78

    Reimbursable Expenses  Mileage .............................................................. per mile 0.59Mylar Film .............................................................. each 25.00Plan Size Photocopies | Blueprints .......................... each 2.50Photocopies - Black & White (8 ½ x 11) .................. each 0.10Photocopies - Color (8 ½ x 11) ................................ each 0.50Photocopies - Black & White (11 x 17) .................... each 0.15Photocopies - Color (11 x 17) .................................. each 1.00