Sept Parish Guide 2015

Post on 12-Dec-2015

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September Parish Guide

Transcript of Sept Parish Guide 2015

Have you figured out that

life is sometimes just plain unfair?

Can you remember a time when

you were treated unfairly or

harshly criticized? I know that we

all have felt at one time or another

that no matter what you do, you

can’t win. The sting of words does

hurt. And then you come up

against it over and over and say,

“why, try? What’s the use! I give


Jesus knew all too well the

lessons that come from enduring

foul play. Unjust and unfair

treatment were his constant

companions. Throughout his

ministry he responded to the needs

of those around him. He cured

them when they were ill. He fed

them when they were hungry. He

reassured them when they were

Greet ings From Fr. Chuck

Looking Ahead

Bishop Adams provided our

parishes the opportunity to establish a

relationship with a recently ordained

Deacon—The Reverend Lisa Busby.

Our Warden’s and Vestries have met

over the last several weeks to discuss

the possibility of entering into a

pastoral relationship with Rev. Lisa.

St. Andrew’s & St. Matthew’s Episcopal Churches



distraught. He even cried with

them when they were in pain.

I wear my Steelers

colors on a shirt sleeve. Jesus

wore his heart on his sleeve.

And look what it got him.

The world in which

Jesus lived was a hostile place

and the lessons from them

apply to us today. First of all

it’s tough out there in the

world where you’re reading

this. And as disciples, how can

we carry out our lives as

faithful witnesses and play fair

in our changing times?

I have been telling

myself lately that I don’t

always have to be right. The

truth of the matter is that none

of us has all the truth on our

side, none of us has all the

rightness within us; we can

If our vestries, Rev. Lisa, and

Bishop Adams agree, Lisa would work

with us to develop her pastoral skills,

learn about ministry in small

membership parishes and provide new

opportunities for ministry for and with

our parishes.

This is a wonderful

opportunity for us as Bishop Adams

assists us by providing fresh leadership.

This is an opportunity for fresh vision

and hope.

We will share more news about

this exciting possibility as we move

forward with a letter of agreement. Pray

for this new venture.

still be right while those who

disagree with us aren’t wrong.

As Paul Tillich once

said, “Almost every person you

meet is fighting a great battle

within.” When we run into one

who engages in foul behavior

we can use Christ like patience

and a sense of fair play as

difficult as it sometimes is

when we are confronted with

conflict. Don’t walk away too

quickly, sometimes being

humble goes a long way. And

you might even learn a lesson

about yourself. Don’t get in a

spraying match with a skunk,

you’ll lose. In other words do

not demean yourself by sinking

to a lower level. Keep a sense

of humor. Hope for the best.

Pray for the situation. In the

midst of life’s unfairness may

God’s peace be with you!

6 1st Lesson Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23

Psalm 125

2nd Lesson James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17

Gospel Mark 7:24-37

13 1st Lesson Proverbs 1:20-33

Psalm 19

2nd Lesson James 3:1-12

Gospel Mark 7:24-37

20 1st Lesson Proverbs 31:10-31

Psalm 1

2nd Lesson James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a

Gospel Mark 9:30-37

27 1st Lesson Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22

Psalm 124

2nd Lesson James 5:13-20

Gospel Mark 9:30-37

Lessons for September

Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Norwich, NY

Presents The Madrigal Choir of Binghamton

Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 7:00 PM


Join the Madrigal Choir for an evening of outstanding choral music from opera, Broadway, and

film classics. Magnificent choruses from the operas of Verdi and Johann Strauss, Memorable tunes from

the great music theater repertoire, and musical gems of the silver screen.

Formed thirty-eight year ago by founding director Anne Cotten, the choir has developed into

one of the finest chamber choirs in the region. With a membership of 45 to 50 singers, the choir

performs a wide range of music from Gregorian chants to Disney classics. This concert is sure to have

you “whistling a happy tune” for days. Doors open at 6:30, concert at 7:00 PM.

Admission: free will offering. Please contact Claudia Kachmarik, Organist / Choir Director at

Emmanuel (607) 242-1338 or (607) 334-8801 for further information.

1 Katherine Eaton Michalowica

Kristin Elliott

James Harrington

2 Michele Garguilo

4 Michael Todd

5 Sarah Lidell

Arlene Pickens

Jeremiah Johnson

Jeanetta Acekerman Conklin

7 Tom Norwood

Derek Moore

8 Joseph Allen

9 Alfred Chapin

September Birthdays & Anniversaries

Tom & Joanne Slentz 10 Tim Johnson

11 Paul Hudson

Paul & Meredith Hudson

13 Dick & Ruth Horton

14 Angela Tedesco

Joanne Sears

Meredith McEvoy

15 Jason Novak

17 Kristine Edward Martz

19 Connie Lidell

Jon & Amy Ryan

21 Mark & Barbie Schoonover

Don Perkins

22 Beverly Fagan

Sarah Purdy

23 Harmon TenWolde

24 Amy Lidell Grant

25 Casey Kristoferson

Roxanne Hertig

Kim Harrington

26 Ricie Mayne

Caitlin Beckwith

Phebe Bassett

27 Rebekka Allen Bethel

28 Marci Novak


Noah James


born 8/16/15

7lb. 7 oz. to

Melissa Friedel &

Daniel Ottesen.

Great Grandson

of Bonnie Friedel

Dear Church Member: We are in the process of creating a church members’ directory with information from ALL THREE

Churches. Please supply current information below:

Please Print

IMPORTANT: Do you want to be listed the Emmanuel, St. Matthews & St. Andrew’s Church Directory? Yes_____ No______

Do you still want to receive the monthly Newsletter from St Andrew’s? Yes_____ No______

We would appreciate it if everyone completed and returned this survey to the church office or it can be placed in the

alms basin . Return it by September 30, 2015 St. Andrews Episcopal Church, P O Box 370, New Berlin, NY 13411

Names of Family


Mailing Address Birthdates Phone number(s) E-mail address

Wedding Anniversary Date Alternate Address & Dates at that Address


St. Matthews will be

having a covered

dish supper on

September 24, 2015

6:00 p.m.



The Search Committee for a new bishop has scheduled meetings throughout

the Diocese to gather peoples’ hopes and desires as we enter the initial stages of the

search process. The information will help in the preparation of a diocesan profile, and,

assist the Committee members as they move forward in the recruitment and screening

process. Clergy and parish leaders, please spread the word about the

meetings and encourage your members to attend. Each meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.,

wrap up no later than 8:30 p.m. and be led by two members of the Search


The schedule is as follows:






Please contact The Very Rev. Carrie Schofield Broadbent at 315-457-4633 with

any questions.

Be sure to visit our web site for updates throughout the search process

Dear People of CNY:

Once again, we invite all lay persons to join the first day of our 2015 Clergy Conference, which is

one you will not want to miss! We are excited to announce that The Rev. Thomas Brackett, our

Episcopal Church Missioner, will present “The People of God: Are Our Best Days Ahead?”

Please mark your calendar now for Tuesday, October 6th. There is no cost to lay persons – con-

ference fees will be covered by the diocesan formation budget.

Registration information will follow soon.

Fr. Brackett will help us explore the claim, “It is when our longings match or exceed our fears of

loss that we can access the behaviors needed to say ‘Yes!' to all that the Spirit is birthing in our times.” It

is within the practices of finding that “tipping point” where fear gives way to longing in

community, and that is where we might discover that our best days may, indeed, be yet ahead of us.

Again, here is a summary which we hope will be helpful to you:

What: Clergy Conference Day One: The People of God: Are Our Best Days Ahead of Us?

When: Tuesday, October 6th

Who: Clergy and laity

Where: University Sheraton on the S.U. hill

How Much? NO CHARGE for lay people and free parking in the hotel garage

How Many? At least 2 lay persons per parish, but there is no limit on how many may attend

We expect a wonderful turnout and hope you join us on October 6th for our time with

Fr. Brackett. We look forward to a broad and interactive exploration of practices used in finding our

“tipping points” and we trust we will discover that our best days, indeed, are yet to come!

Faithfully, Bishop Adams, The Rev. Dr. Renée Tembeckjian, Director of Formation, The Rev. Mark A.

Giroux, Clergy Continuing Education Chair

May our lord bless and comfort the

TenWolde’s and the Family of Henry

Yankowski as they grieve his passing.

The Diocese of Central New York has adopted the following prayer as the Diocese enters into the search for the 11th

Bishop of Central New York:

O God, our strength and comforter, as we seek a new Bishop, you set before this our Diocese of Central New York opportunities and challenges and you give us a variety of gifts with which to meet them: Open our eyes to see your will for

the ordering of our common life as we seek a Bishop; grant us patience and listening hearts; fill us with your peace; and lead

us together as one people that we may welcome a shepherd who will love, lead and guide us toward the fulfillment of your Kingdom, on earth as it is in heaven. We especially pray for The Standing Committee, The Diocesan Staff, The Search

Committee and The Transition Committee as they go about their work. And we pray for Bishop Skip and Bonnie as they move into the next chapter of their lives. All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, this day and every day. Amen.

2015 Summer Activities

The North Pitcher Heritage Society would like to sincerely thank the

Chenango District for work done at our Community church and

cemetery during this year’s workdays which were held on July 13 & 14.

Approximately 25 volunteers each day enabled us to accomplish a great deal.

Cemetery headstones were cleaned, the handicapped entrance was stained, the

front entrance was painted, the bell tower was repaired and painted, also,

cleaning and staining inside the church was done. I should add that the weather

also cooperated with us!

Our church and cemetery got a much needed facelift due to your help.

Remember – you’re always welcome over in our corner of Chenango County.

Come visit us often. Thanks again.

Dave Loomis, President

North Pitcher Heritage Society

Water Safari Trip

Chenango District Water Safari Trip was held on July 15, 2015.

We had approximately 80 attendees this year. The bus left at St.

Andrew’s at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning, people also had an

option to car pool or drive themselves. Lunch was included in the

ticket price, pizza, chips & beverage was provided to all that

attended. A wonderful time was had by all and everyone is

looking forward to going again next year!

Celebration of Young Talents

Worship on August 30 was very special. A musical

celebration directed by Roberta Rowland-Raybold and

performed by Youth members. They sang several pieces

during worship & also displayed their artistic talents for

the coffee hour. They created many paintings and


District Worship and Pig Roast

On Sunday, August 16 the Chenango District held

their annual combined church service followed by a

pig roast. The event was well attended. Each

participant brought a dish to pass.

Thanks to Lynne Walton, our official Church Photographer, you can go to the link above to view posts with

pictures from Chenango District church activities. You should be able to right click on any picture to save it to

your own computer.

The Church Office

will be


on Monday,

September 7 for

Labor Day


Fr. Chuck Taylor

PO Box 370

New Berlin, NY 13411


Editor: Joan Chapin

Phone: 607-847-6534







Remember the Church in Your Will!

To Know Christ And To Make Him Known

Fr. Chuck & Donna will be away on vacation from September

27 to October 7, 2015. Fr. Dave (607-761-4601) will be available

for pastoral situations.

Worship Times:Worship Times:

September 6: September 6:

Holy Eucharist 8 & 11 a.m.Holy Eucharist 8 & 11 a.m.

September 13: September 13:

Morning Prayer IIMorning Prayer II

Holy EucharistHoly Eucharist

September 27: September 27:

Holy Eucharist 8 & 11 a.m.Holy Eucharist 8 & 11 a.m.

Vestry Meetings following the Vestry Meetings following the

8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

worship on Sunday, worship on Sunday,

September 27September 27

St. Andrews will have a

covered dish meal with

Compline on Wednesday,

September 15. It will begin at

6:00 p.m.

Bring a dish to share and

Fr. Chuck will grill.