Selective School Exam Preparation Day - Empower

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Selective School test Empower Education

Transcript of Selective School Exam Preparation Day - Empower

Selective  School  Test  Preparation  Day  

With  hard  work,  you  can  achieve  your  goals!  

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1.   Be  familiar  with  Latin  roots,  prefixes  and  suffixes  u  Mal  u  Pro  u  Pre  u  Post  u  Multi  u  Mono  u  Poly  u  See  worksheet  “Latin  roots,  prefixes  and  suffixes”  for  a  more  

extensive  example.  

Reading  and  Comprehension  

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It’s  like  this,’  he  said.  ‘When  you  go  after  honey  with  a  balloon,  the  great  thing  is  not  to  let  the  bees  know  you’re  coming.  Now,  if  you  have  a  green  balloon,  they  might  think  you  were  only  part  of  the  tree,  and  not  notice  you,  and  if  you  have  a  blue  balloon,  they  might  think  you  were  only  part  of  the  sky,  and  not  notice  you,  and  the  question  is:  Which  is  most  likely?’    ‘Wouldn’t  they  notice  you  underneath  the  balloon?’  you  asked.    ‘They  might  or  they  might  not,’  said  Winnie-­‐the-­‐Pooh.  ‘You  never  can  tell  with  bees.’  He  thought  for  a  moment  and  said:  ‘I  shall  try  to  look  like  a  small  black  cloud.  That  will  deceive  them.’    ‘Then  you  had  better  have  the  blue  balloon,’  you  said;  and  so  it  was  decided.      (A.A.  Milne,  “Winnie  the  Pooh”)    

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Reading  and  Comprehension  

1.  The  balloon  is  used    a)   to  rise  up  to  the  honey  b)  as  a  decoration    c)  to  carry  the  honey  in  d)   to  scare  away  the  bees    

 2.   The  choice  of  colour  for  the  balloon  is  

important  because    a)   Pooh  wanted  to  be  noticed  by  the  bees    b)  Bees  like  different  colours    c)  Pooh  didn’t  want  the  bees  to  see  him    d)   The  colour  affects  the  strength  of  the  

balloon    3.  Because  Winnie  the-­‐Pooh  likes  honey  

we  can  assume  he  is    a)   a  bird    b)  a  bear    c)  a  snake    d)   a  butterfly    

4.  The  word  deceive  means    a)   to  mislead    b)   to  hide    c)  to  find    d)   to  help      

5.  Choose  the  correct  word  for  the  following  passage  from  the  same  book:  But  his  arms  were  so  stiff  from  holding  on  to  the  string  of  the  balloon  all  that  time  that  they  stayed  up  straight  in  the  air  for  more  than  a  week,  and  _____________  a  fly  came  and  settled  on  his  nose  he  had  to  blow  it  off.’    

a)   Until    b)  Whenever    c)  Tomorrow    d)   Unless    

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Reading  and  Comprehension  

1.  Know  your  timetables,  fractions,  decimals,  percentages.  2.  Know  your  square  numbers  and  cube  numbers.  3.  Read  the  question  carefully.  Make  sure  you  know  what  

the  question  is  asking  DO  NOT  ASSUME  what  the  question  is  asking.  

4.  Extract  the  numbers  from  worded  problem  questions.  5.  Draw  diagrams  and  pictures  to  help  you  break  down  the  

question.  A  question  that  seems  intimidating  can  be  attacked    and  deconstructed  into  an  easier  question  (we’ll  do  some  examples).  


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Q1.    A  child’s  meal  at  a  certain  restaurant  costs  40  %  of  an  adult’s  meal.  If  Christina  and  her  father  each  had  a  meal  and  her  father  paid  $18.20  altogether,  how  much  did  Christina’s  meal  cost?    A.  $4.80    B.  $5.20    C.  $6.40    D.  $7.28    

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Mathematics  –  Percentages    

Q2.  Which  gives  the  biggest  answer?    

A.  divide  2  by  ½  B.  multiply  ½    by  2  and  add  3    C.  divide  ½    by  ¼  and  double  the  answer    D.  multiply  3  by  ½    and  divide  the  answer  by  1/3    

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Mathematic  –  Fractions    

Q3.  Steven  was  absent  because  of  his  fever,  so  he  had  to  take  the  English  test  a  day  late.  He  scored  96  which  was  found  to  raise  the  class  average  on  the  test  from  71  to  72.  How  many  students  excluding  Steven  took  the  test?    A.  21    B.  19    C.  22    D.  24    

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Mathematics  –  Averages    

Q4.  Use  the  digits  9,  7,  6,  4,  2,  0  once  to  make  the  smallest  possible  even  six-­‐digit  number.  Which  digit  is  in  the  hundreds  column?    A.  7    B.  6    C.  0    D.  9    

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Mathematics  –  Place  Value  

Q5.  double  the  product  of  7  and  3  and  subtract  double  the  sum  of  7  and  3  

A.  42  B.  32    C.  21  D.  22    

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Mathematics  –  Place  Value  

General  Ability    

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*  Idioms  *  Proverbs  *  Male  and  Female  animals  *  Acronyms  *  Logic  *  Capital  cities  *  Famous  buildings  and  monuments  *  Influential  figures,  inventors,    *  Verbal  reasoning  *  Numerical  reasoning  *  Synonyms  and  antonyms  *  Prefixes    

Q1.  Which  is  the  best  meaning  of  VELOCITY?      A.  Speed  B.  Force  C.  Deceleration  D.   Gravity    

General  Ability  

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Q2.  Complete  the  sequence.    LX,  CV,  CL,  ?    A.  CX  B.  1CLX  C.  CXCV  D.  CLXV    

General  Ability  

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Q3.  The  word  ARID  is  most  nearly  the  opposite  of    A.  Desert  B.  Moist  C.  Oily    D.  Regular    

General  Ability  

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Q4.  What  group  of  letters  comes  next  in  this  series?  JLP  LNR  NPT  PRV  ____    A.  A  RVX  B.  B  STX  C.  C  RTX  D.  D  SVZ  

General  Ability  

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Q5.  If  the  word  UMPIRE  is  coded  380124      Then  the  word  IMPLICIT  would  be  coded      A.  18100705  6    B.  18071417  9    C.  18011219    D.  18091715    

General  Ability  

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Q6.  MOTHER  is  to  SISTER  as  GRANDMOTHER  is  to    A.  AUNT  B.  NIECE  C.  UNCLE  D.  DAUGHTER  

General  Ability  

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1.  Go  through  a  list  of  idioms  and  proverbs,  understand  the  different  and  know  some  examples  and  their  meanings.    

u  See  the  worksheet  “Idioms”  and  “Proverbs”.    

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General  Ability  –  Proverbs  and  Idioms  

General  Ability  –  Animal  Groups  Animal   Male   Female   Young  

Bear   Boar   Sow   Cub  

Cat   Tom   Queen   Kitten  

Cattle   Bull   Cow   Calf  

Chicken   Rooster   Hen   Chick  

Dear   Buck   Doe   Fawn  

Donkey   Jack   Jenny   Foal  

Duck   Drake   Duck   Duckling  

Elephant   Bull   Cow   Calf  

Fox   Dog   Vixen   Cub  

Goose   Gander   Goose   Gosling  

Horse   Stallion   Mare   Foal  

Lion   Lion   Lioness   Cub  

Rabbit   Buck   Doe   Bunny  

Sheep   Ram   Ewe     Lamb  

Swan   Cob   Pen   Cygnet  

Swine   Boar   Sow   Piglet  

Tiger   Tiger   Tigress   Cub  

Whale   Bull   Cow   Calf  Empower  Education  ©  |  

General  Ability  –  Illnesses,  Ailments  and  diseases  


Name     Description    

Angina,  Cardio   Heart  

Cataract,  Glaucoma   Eye  

Neuro   Brain  

Respiratory,  Asthma   Breathing,  Lung  

gastro   Stomach  

Ortho   Bones  

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General  Ability  –  Landmarks,  Buildings  and  Famous  Monuments    

Landmark/Building   City  and  Country   Landmark/Building   City  and  Country    

Leaning  Tower  of  Pisa   Pisa,  Italy   Machu  Picchu   Peru    

Empire  State  Building   New  York  City,  USA   Big  Ben   London,  UK  

United  Nations  Headquarters  

New  York  City,  USA  

Eiffel  Tower   Paris,  France  

Taj  Mahal   Agra,  India  

Stonehenge   Wiltshire  County,  UK  

Acropolis   Athens,  Greece  

Great  Wall  of  China   China  

Colosseum     Rome,  Itally  

Statue  of  Liberty   New  York  City,  USA  

St.  Basil’s  Cathedral   Moscow,  Russia    

The  Great  Sphinx   Giza,  Egypt    

The  Pyramids  of  Giza   Giza,  Egypt    

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General  Ability  –  Acronyms    

Acronym   What  is  stands  for    

UN   United  Nations  

WHO   World  Health  Organisation  

UNICEF   United  Nations  Children’s  Fund  

APEC   Asia-­‐Pacific  Economic  Cooperation  

ANZAC   The  Australian  and  New  Zealand  Army  Corps  

AM   Ante  Meridiem  Latin  =  "before  midday"  

PM   Post  Meridiem  Latin  =  "after  midday",  

ETA   Estimated  Time  of  Arrival  

PS   Post  Script  

USSR   Union  of  Soviet  Socialist  Republics  

YMCA   Young  Men’s  Christian  Association  

NATO   North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organisation  

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For  more  information  including  picture,  see  

General  Ability  -­‐  Countries  Country     Capital  City   Country     Capital  City  

France   Paris   USA   Washington  D.C.  

Germany   Berlin   New  Zealand   Wellington  

Italy   Rome   China   Beijing  

Austria   Vienna   Malaysia   Kuala  Lumpur  

Spain   Madrid   Indonesia   Jakarta  

Greece   Athens   Vietnam   Hanoi  

Switzerland   Stockholm   India   New  Delhi  

Ireland   Dublin   South  Korea   Seoul  

Canada   Ottawa   Japan   Tokyo  

Finland   Helsinki   Mexico   Mexico  City  

Denmark   Copenhagen   Egypt   Cairo  

Sweden   Bern   Russia   Moscow  

For  all  capital  cities  see  this  website:  

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*  Creative  *  Metaphorical  meaning  *  Imagery    

*  Informative  *  Relate  it  to  yourself  *  Evidence  


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1.  Writing  must  be  appropriate  to  theme  –  there’s  no  point  writing  a  well-­‐crafted  story  that  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  stimulus.    

2.  Imagery  –  language  that  creates  images  by  evoking  the  5  senses:  taste,  smell,  touch,  hearing,  sight.    

3.  Create  5  strong  descriptions  for  setting,  characters,  events,  animals  and  feelings.  

4.  Use  words  that  demonstrate  a  wide  vocabulary.  Your  synonym  list  will  help  you  with  this.  

5.  Read  over  your  work  and  triple-­‐check  your  PUNCTUATION,  SPELLING  and  GRAMMAR!!!  


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1.  Plan  your  writing  u  Allow  1  to  2  minutes  to  plan  what  you  are  going  to  write  about.  

2.  Use  facts,  examples  and  statistics  as  evidence  where  possible.    u  While  they  don’t  expect  you  to  be  a  walking  encylcopaedia,  you  

can  demonstrate  that  you  have  a  good  grasp  of  general  knowledge  and  news  e.g.  Statistics  show  that  smoking  leads  to  heart  failure  and  cancer.    

3.  Try  to  relate  it  to  yourself  and  your  own  experience  u    if  they  ask  you  about  you’re  hero  and  you  choose  Nelson  

Mandela  but  you  don’t  know  much  about  him,  that’s  not  going  to  impress  the  marker!  Instead  choose  a  friend,  relative  or  someone  you  do  know  some  information  about.  


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1.  Take  1  to  2  minutes  to  plan  what  you  are  going  to  write.  2.  Your  introduction  should  state  your  position  and  preview  your  arguments.  

Try  to  start  with  a  sentence  that  will  capture  the  audience’s  attention.  3.  Only  write  2  to  3  body  paragraphs.  Quality  is  preferred  over  quantity.  Each  

body  paragraph  should  contain  your  point  followed  by  an  example  or  evidence  and  then  it  should  be  linked  back  to  your  initial  thesis  position.  

4.  Your  conclusion  should  summarise  your  arguments  and  reinforce  your  thesis.  End  in  a  memorable  way,  e.g.  a  quote  or  powerful  message.    

5.  Use  persuasive  language  techniques  u   Alliteration,  Facts,  Authoritative  language,  Rhetorical  questions,  Repetition,    


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*  Your  hard  work  will  certainly  pay  off.  Focus  on  improving  your  skills,  knowledge  and  exam  techniques  in  the  last  few  weeks.    *  Revise  your  past  papers.    *  You  can  do  it!  

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