Saint Adalbert Saint Roch Parish · 1/29/2017  · MON, JAN 30 Seniors Group, 1pm Church hall AA...

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Transcript of Saint Adalbert Saint Roch Parish · 1/29/2017  · MON, JAN 30 Seniors Group, 1pm Church hall AA...

Saint Adalbert

Saint Roch


Parish Secretary Sirena Toledo

Principal Mrs. Diane Hesterhagen

Parish Office

602 Port Richmond Avenue

Staten Island, NY 10302

(718)442-4755 Fax (718)981-4455

Monday—Friday 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

St. Adalbert School 355 Morningstar Road

Staten Island, NY 10303


Administrator Father Albin Roby

Parochial Vicar Father Abraham Berko

Weekend Associates

Msgr. Edmund Whalen

Msgr. Nicholas Soares

Weekday Associate

Father Raymond Dolan

January 29, 2017


Let The Beatitudes Be Your Attitudes

Mt. 5:1-12

St. Roch Church

602 Port Richmond Avenue

Staten Island, NY 10302

Weekend Masses Saturday…...4:00 PM (Vigil)

Sunday:….8:00; 9:30 AM;11:30 AM

1:15 PM (Spanish)

Weekday Masses Monday – Friday:…...8:00 AM

Confessions Saturday:…...3:30 PM - 3:55 PM

Baptisms Saturday:…...1:00 PM

Sunday:…….2:30 PM

St. Adalbert Church

337 Morningstar Road

Staten Island, NY 10303

Weekend Masses Saturday:…….5:00 PM (Vigil)

Sunday:……..10:30 AM & 12:00 PM

Weekday Masses Monday – Friday:…...9:00 AM

Saturday: …………..12:00 PM

Confessions Saturday:…...4:30 PM - 4:55 PM

Baptisms Saturday:…...1:00 PM

Sunday:…….1:00 PM





St. Adalbert Church

5:00 PM Fr. Berko

10:30 AM Fr. Roby

12:00 PM Fr. Roby

St. Roch Church 4:00 PM Fr. Challman

08:00 AM Fr. Roby

09:30 AM Fr. Berko

11:30 AM Fr. Berko

1:15 PM Msgr. Whalen (Spanish)

Church Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



9:00 AM

Fr. Berko

Fr. Berko

Fr. Berko

Fr. Berko

Fr. Berko

12:00 PM

Fr. Berko



8:00 AM

Fr. Dolan

Fr. Percy

Fr. Dolan

Fr. Percy

Fr. Dolan

No Mass


St. Adalbert

Monday, January 30

9:00 AM All Parishioners Living

Tuesday, January 31

9:00 AM

Wednesday, February 1

9:00 AM Deceased Priests of the Parish

Thursday, February 2

9:00 AM

Friday, February 3

9:00 AM

Saturday, February 4

12:00 PM Tommy Evans

by Ellen Simonetti

5:00 PM Salvatore DellaVentura

by Claire Gray

Sunday, February 5

10:30 AM Barbara Mastropietro

and Phyllis DeMartini

12:00 PM Members of Pack 168, Troop 168

and Troop 5050

Bread and Wine

This week the Bread and Wine

were donated in memory of

Salvatore DellaVentura

by Claire Gray

St. Roch

Monday, January 30

8:00 AM

Tuesday, January 31

8:00 AM All Parishioners Living

Wednesday, February 1

8:00 AM

Thursday, February 2

8:00 AM Deceased Priests of the Parish

Friday, February 3

8:00 AM

Saturday, February 4

4:00 PM Josephine & Thomas Lombardi

by the Geisslers

Sunday, February 5

8:00 AM Angela and Philip Forcellati

by their daughter

9:30 AM Lottie Carney

11:30 PM Rosemarie Whyte

by Marylou Sanginari

1:15 PM Catolina Moran y Adalberta Moran

by Sandoval family

Bread and Wine

This week the Bread and Wine

were donated in memory of

Aurea Vega

by her niece Marilyn Roman.

Pray for the departed

Salvatore DellaVentura, Loretta Gehrke

Ann Carpiniello, Josefina Lopez, Giovanni Fama,

and Jeffrey Gargiulo.


Pray for the Sick & Homebound

Rose Marie Acanfora, Maria Alegado, Jim Bolloli, Mi-

chael Bonisisio, Brad Burascano, Anthony Cammarata,

Lottie Carney, Mary Carpinello, Frank Carrabetta, Diane

Chicola, Nancy Colca, Dorothy Constanza, Grace Cura-

tolo, James D’Angelo, Sr. Debra Delello, Patricia DeMeo,

Aida Dierking, Kristen Ditchko, Butch Eckett, Maryanne

Febbraio, Edison Feliciano, Carmella Ferrara, Joseph

Galano, Pablo Gallart, Altagracia Gomez, Susan Gunther,

Veronica Hendrickson, Jane Hubbs, Bernadine Iaccarino,

Linda Iacovino, Gina Iannelli, Lolly Kollar, Pat Kubasek,

Maria Lamia, Thomas Lindsay, Mariana & Jose Loiz, Bar-

bara Lopez, Erica Lucien, Anthony Lupia, Rev. Peter

Madori, Gino Mangiafredda, Kevin Mathiasen, Irene & Ed

Mazza, Vinny McBrearty, Ida Merlino, Katrina Moorer,

Janeris Narvaez, Bernard Nidus, Joseph Ordyk, Louise

Padavano, Sister Mary Patricia, Michael Peralta, Yndhira

Perez, Joseph Pergolizzi, Mary & Kitty Perkowski, An-

thony Pica, Giovanna Pollaci, Martha Poplawski, James

Prichard, Nancy Puca, Guillermo Ramirez, Joel Rivera,

Talia Nicole Rosado, Ralph Rovinsky, Jeanne Ryan, Luis

Santiago, Lorraine Sapanaro, Vic Scalici, Devin Shea, Ha-

zel Shea, Donna Simione, Thomas Simione, Dave Smith,

Kevin Smith, Edna Sobiesiak, Joseph Sogluizzo, Jeanine

Spatafora, Jeannie Spithoyanis, Carmine Tartiello, Inno

Tavares, Joseph Testaverdi, Carl Toye, Tony Ventrone,

Fran Vitagliano Frances Wanca, and Joy Wrigley.

Collections for the

Weekend of January 21 & 22

First Collection: $ 5,111

Second Collection: $1,760

Votive Lights: $218

Poor Box: $126

Total Donations: $7,215

Attendance: St. Adalbert: 317 St. Roch: 485


Parish Food Pantry

The food pantry will be open on Tuesday,

February 14 from 4pm—5pm.

If you or anyone you know would like

some assistance, please come to the rectory

on February 14th at 4pm.

First Friday Eucharistic Adoration

St. Roch Church will be open for Eucharistic Adora-

tion on every first Friday of the month from 9am—

3pm. Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm.

We need dedicated adorers! If you can do-

nate an hour of your time each month to sit before

our Blessed Lord, please call Phyllis (718)727-4189.

We need to fill the hours 11am-12pm and 12pm—


Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Friday we invite you

to join our oratory group to pray before the blessed

sacrament for priests.


Our next 50/50 drawing will be held on

Monday, January 30. So far the jackpot is

$875. To be part of this month’s 50/50

please submit your $5 donation in an enve-

lope marked 50/50 by January 29.

300 Club Winners

Week 1 #28 Mary Schacht;

Capt. Kathleen Braine

Week 2 #91 Toni Perri; Capt. Claire Gray

Week 3 #183 Dorothy Czajkowski;

Capt. Dotty Czajkowski

Week 4 #185 Ada Czajkowski;

Capt. Dotty Czajkowski



Baptisms are held on Saturdays and Sundays at 1:00

PM and 2:00 PM in both churches. If you would like to

schedule a baptism, please call the rectory. New par-

ents are required to attend one Baptism class on the

first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. Our next class

will be held Mon., Feb. 6 at 7pm in the St. Adalbert


Register If you would like to register with the parish, please

call the rectory on weekdays between 9am—3:30pm.

We can register you right over the telephone. Spon-

sor letters for the Sacraments of Baptism and Confir-

mation are only issued to registered members of the



To arrange a wedding at St. Adalbert/St. Roch parish,

consult with a priest at least six months prior to the pro-

posed date and before social arrangements. Attendance

at Pre-Cana and Natural Family Planning Classes is


Anointing of the Sick

Communion to the Homebound

Please notify the Parish Office when serious illness

occurs or when the sick, aged, or incapacitated are

confined to home for an extended period. Arrange-

ments can be made to bring communion to those un-

able to attend Mass. Please contact Parish Office at #


Interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your Sacraments?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

(RCIA) is the process by which adults are

brought into the Catholic Church. If you

have never been baptized, confirmed, or re-

ceived First Holy Communion, or if you are

a member of another Christian Church and

wish to become a member of the Catholic

Church, please contact the parish office.

MON, JAN 30 Seniors Group, 1pm Church hall

AA 7:30pm, Church Hall

TUES, JAN 31 Life in the Spirit Seminar, 7pm

Church hall (Open to all)

WED, FEB 1 Religious Ed classes in session

THURS, FEB 2 AA mtg., 7pm Church hall

FRI, FEB 3 Feast of St. Blaise: Blessing of the

Throats after mass.

1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration &

Chaplet Divine Mercy: 9am—3:30pm

St. Roch Church


______________________________ Blessing of the Throats: Friday, February 3 is the

Feast of St. Blaise. We will have the Blessing of the

Throats after the 8am and 9am masses.

Palm Collection: Please bring your old palms to

church on February 11 & 12. The palms will be

burned at special ceremony outside each church fol-

lowing the evening masses on Saturday, February 25.

The ashes will be used for Ash Wednesday.

SCOUT SUNDAY: We welcome our Scouts to

Mass on Scout Sunday, February 5th. Members of

Pack 168, Troop 168 and Troop 5050 will serve the

12pm Mass at St. Adalbert and the 1:15pm Mass at

St. Roch.

St. Ann Society: Will meet in the Church hall on

Tuesday, February 7 at 7:30pm. All ladies of the par-

ish are invited to join.

Bus Trip: The Holy Name Society is sponsoring a

bus trip to Resorts Casino in Atlantic City on Feb 26.

$35 pp includes continental breakfast at 8am in the

Church Hall, games and snacks on the bus. Bus de-

parts at 9am. For reservations call John (718)698-


Food Pantry: We need donations of children’s ce-

real, snacks for children, oatmeal, pancake mix and

syrup. Donations may be brought to the rectory or

left in the church.


Bendición de las Gargantas: Viernes, 3 de

febrero es la fiesta de San Blas. Tendremos la

Bendición de las Gargantas después de las

8am y 9am masas.

Colección Palm

Por favor traiga sus palmas viejas a la iglesia el 11

y 12 de Febrero. Las palmas serán quemadas en cere-

monia especial fuera de cada iglesia después de las

misas vespertinas el sábado, 25 de Febrero. Las ceni-

zas serán usadas para el Miércoles de Ceniza.

SCOUT SUNDAY: Damos la bienvenida a nuestros

Boy Scouts a misa el domingo, 5 de Febrero.

Nuestros Scouts servirán la misa de las 12 pm en St.

Adalbert y la misa de 1:15 pm en St. Roch.

Bautismos: Los bautismos se realizan los sábados

y domingos a las 1pm y 2 pm en ambas iglesias. To-

dos los bautismos son privadas. Si desea programar

un bautismo, por favor llame a la rectoría.

Matrimonio; Para organizar un Matrimonio en St.

Adalbert / St. Roch parroquia, consultar con un sacer-

dote al menos seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta

y antes de los acuerdos sociales. Se requiere la asis-

tencia a clases de pre-Cana y planificación familiar



La despensa parroquial estará abierta el martes 14 de

Febrero de 4pm—5pm. Si usted o alguien que usted

conoce podría usar un poco de ayuda este mes, por

favor pase por.

Holy Name Society 300 Club

Home School Association Boy Scout Pack 168

Hospitality Group Choir

Seniors Group Girl Scout Troop 5020

St. Ann Society

St. Simon Stock Lay Carmelites

St. Vincent De Paul Society

Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit Prayer Group


Join us in prayer for the children preparing to

receive the sacraments of First Penance and

First Holy Communion this Spring.

St. Adalbert School

Upcoming Events!

January 31 Touring Tuesday, 9am—11am

UPK Enrollment for children born in 2013

will be held January 17- February 24. K

Parish Communion Breakfast Sponsored by the Holy Name Society and St. Ann Society

Sunday, February 19

following the 9:30am Mass

in the Church Hall

Catered by:

Breakfast includes: