PYP Parent Information Evening

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Transcript of PYP Parent Information Evening

PYP Parent Information Evenings

Upper Elementary: Tuesday, October 30

Primary Years Program Students in the 21st Century are faced with the challenge

of learning about an interconnected world where knowledge is constantly developing.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary

Years Programme prepares students to be active participants in a

lifelong journey of learning.

The Mission Statement in Action

A Balanced Curriculum

In the PYP a balance is sought

between gaining essential knowledge and skills,

development of conceptual

understanding, demonstration of

positive attitudes, and taking

responsible action.

Five Essential Elements

In achieving this balance,

the five essential elements of the written

curriculum are emphasized:

Maintaining a Transdiscilinary program

The PYP program of inquiry is aimed at being trans-disciplinary

Mathematics in the PYP •  Numeracy is a stand

alone program focused on throughout the year

•  Integrate Data Handling, Measurement, Shape and Space, Pattern and Function into Unit of Inquiries

•  Group structures

•  Assessment - individual and group settings

Language Arts in the PYP

Differentiated programs

Spelling - Words their Way

Reading, Writing - integrated into UOI connected by the skills

Oral language - presentation skills

We serve the ESL students multiple times during the week. •  In Class support

aid students to understand UoI, words in context, writing and math

•  Pull out support (small group meetings) work on grammar & speaking English confidently

ESL Goal Our goal is to move the student up a language level each

year. Since it takes 5-7 yrs to be proficient in a language, this will take time!

English Resource

ESL Blog

Grade Level presentations

Please join your child's teacher and they will share more about the classroom program.