Product Devt

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Product Devt

  • 8/13/2019 Product Devt


    Product & Concept


  • 8/13/2019 Product Devt


    Product Development Process

    The sequence of steps/activities employed toconceive, design & commercialize a product

    Many are intellectual and organizationalinstead of physical

    Highly evolved business enterprises follow adefined, precise & detailed developmentprocess. Some companies may not be able todescribe their process

    Every organization employs processes that are

    at least slightly different from the rest.

    There are companies that follow differentprocesses for each of several types ofdevelopment projects

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    Uses of a Well-Defined DevtProcess

    Quality assurance.Specified phases andcheckpoints assures quality of product

    Coordination.Devtplan acts as masterplan, defining roles, timelines &coordinative actions

    Planning.Milestones marks thecompletion of each phase. Occurrence isset by devtplan

    Management.Devtprocess is abenchmark for assessment of ongoing

    devteffort. Actual events ranged againstestablished process allow managers toidentify possible problem areas

    Improvement. Careful documentation &ongoing review of a devtprocess and itsresults are tools to identify improvementopportunities

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    Generic Product DevtProcess

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    The 6-Phase Process


    Concept Development.System-Level Design

    Detail Design

    Testing & Refinement

    Production Ramp-up

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    1 of 6 Stages: Planning

    Planningaka The Zero Phase.

    Precedes the project approval & launch of actual product devtprocess

    Identifies Opportunity as guided by corporate strategy. Coverstechnology devtassessment & market objectives

    Project Mission Statement. Output of planning phase, Specifiestarget audience, business goals, key assumptions, andconstraints

    Opportunity identification. Explains a process of gathering,evaluating and choosing from a broad range of productopportunities

    Product Planning. Presents a discussion of the subsequentproduct planning process

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    2 of 6 Stages: Concept Devt

    Needs of target market identified

    Alternative product concepts are generated & evaluated

    One or more concepts are selected for further devt & testing

    Concept is a description of the form, function & features of a product

    that usually comes with a set of specifications, analysis of competitive

    products, and economic justification for the project

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    3 of 6 Stages: System-Level Design

    Defines the product architecture, decomposition of the product

    into subsystems and components, and preliminary design of key


    Initial production system plans and final assembly are defined in

    this phase

    Output is geometric layout of the product, a functional

    specification of each of the subsystems, and a preliminary

    process flow diagram for the final assembly process

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    4 of 6 Stages: Detail Design

    Complete specification of the geometry, materials, and tolerances of

    all the unique parts in the product and the identification of all of the

    standard parts to be purchased from suppliers are dealt in this


    Process Plan established. Tooling is designed for each part to be

    fabricated within the production system

    Output of this phase is the Control Documentationdrawings or

    computer files describing the geometry of each part & its production

    tooling, specifications of the purchased parts, and the process planfor the products fabrication & assembly

    Finalizedin this stage are 3 critical product devt process issues:

    materials selection, production cost, and robust performance

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    5 of 6 Stages: Testing & Refinement

    Involves the construction and evaluation of a products multiple

    preproduction versions

    Alphaprototypes are built withproduction-intentparts or parts with

    similar geometry & material properties as per the production

    version but not necessarily fabricated with the actual processes tobe used in production.Alphaprototypes are tested to determine

    whether the product will work as designed and/or it satisfy key

    customer needs

    Beta prototypes are usually built with parts supplied by the intended

    processes but may not be assembled using the final assemblyprocess. Beta prototypes are extensively evaluated internally and

    are typically tested by customers using their own environments.

    The goal for Beta prototypes is to answer performance & reliability

    questions in order to identify final engineering changes for the final


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    6 of 6 Stages: Production Ramp-up

    The product is made using the intended production system to train the

    workforce and work out any remaining problems in the production


    Products produced during this stage are sometimes supplied to

    preferred customers and are carefully evaluated to identify anyremaining flaws.

    Transition from Production Ramp-up to actual production is usually

    gradual. At some point during the transition, the product may be

    launchedand made available for widespread distribution.

    Postlaunch Project Review are usually done after the launch.

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  • 8/13/2019 Product Devt


    Identifying Customer Needs

    GOAL: Understand customers

    needs and to effectively them to the

    development team.

    OUTPUT:A set of carefully

    constructed customer need

    statements, organized in

    hierarchical list, with importance

    weightings for many or all of the


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    Establishing Target Specifications

    Specifications provide a precise

    description of what a product has to

    do. These are the customer needs

    translated into technical terms.

    Targets for the specifications are setearly in the process and represents

    the hopes of the devtteam.

    Specifications are later refined as

    dictated by the products concept.

    OUTPUT: List of target specifications,

    each consisting of a metric, including

    marginal and ideal values of that


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    Concept Generation

    Includes external search,

    creative problem solving within

    the team, and systematic

    exploration of the various

    solution fragments the teamgenerates

    GOAL: Thoroughly explore the

    space of product concepts that

    may address the customer


    OUTPUT: 10-20 concepts,

    represented by text & a brief

    descriptive text

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    Concept Selection

    Various product concepts

    are analyzed and

    sequentially eliminated to

    identify the most promising

    concept or concepts. This

    usually require several

    reiterations and may initiate

    additional concept

    generation and refinement

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    Concept Testing

    One or more concepts are tested

    to verify that the customer needs

    have been met, assess the market

    potential of the product, and

    identify any shortcomings that must

    be remedied during the further

    development. If the customer

    response is poor, the devt project

    may be terminated or some earlier

    activites may be repeated as


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    Setting Final Specifications

    Target specifications earlier set in

    the process are revisited after a

    concept has been selected and

    tested. During this stage the team

    commits to specific values of the

    metrics reflecting the constrains

    inherent to the product concept,

    limitations identified through

    technical modeling, and trade offs

    between cost and performance

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    Project Planning

    The final activity of concept devt where adetailed devt sked is created, a strategys isdevised to minimize devt time, and identifythe resources required to complete theproject.

    Major results of front-end activities arecaptured in a contract book, which containsthe mission statement, the customer needs,details of the selected concept, productspecifications, economic analysis of the

    product, the devt sked, project staffing andbudget. The contract bookserves todocument the agreement between the devtteam and the senior management of theenterprise

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    Economic Analysis

    Supported by a financial analyst, the

    devt team builds an economic model

    for the new product which is used to

    justify the continuation of the over-alldevt program and to resolve specific

    trade-offs between, for example, devt

    cost & manufacturing cost. It is an

    ongoing phase in the concept devt

    phase. Economic analysis are often

    performed before the project even

    begins and this analysis gets updated

    as more info are made available

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    Benchmarking of

    Competitive Products

    Understanding the competition is critical to successfully position a

    new product. It is also a rich source of ideas for the product and

    production process design. This is performed in support of many

    front-line activities

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    Modeling and Prototyping

    Stages of concept devt process

    involves various forms of models

    and prototypes. May include:

    Proof-of-concept models. Helps in

    demonstrating feasibility

    Form-only models.Usually shown

    to customers to evaluate

    ergonomics and style

    Spreadsheet models of technical


    f G

  • 8/13/2019 Product Devt


    Variants of Generic Product Devt Process

  • 8/13/2019 Product Devt


  • 8/13/2019 Product Devt
