Syllabus Psycho Spiritual Devt

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Course Code: Values Education 6

Course Title: Psycho-Spiritual Development

Course Description: Exposes the students to psycho-spiritual experiences for facilitating the, mind-body integration, transpersonal exercises, spiritual recollection, union and evocation-oriented activities. The course brings together insights and principles on psycho-spiritual growth developed across various religious and cultural orientations.

General Objectives:

1. To recognize and understand the essence and nature of psycho-spiritual experiences in relation to values development.2. To show willingness and openness in sharing reflections with and relating to the class ones personal experiences in the teacher guided psycho-spiritual designed activities.

3. To demonstrate reflective and analytical skills in answering the guided reflection materials.

TimeObjectivesContentReference MaterialsProcedure Suggested ActivityValuesEvaluation

1. To recognize and understand the meaning of selected words and phrases in John 1: 35 42.

2. To write an essay explaining the essence and nature of a spiritual retreat as an encounter and a journey.1. To identify and explain the levels of communication.

2. To identify and explain the level of speaking and listening.

3. To explain the following illustrations: a. Cycle of Life

b. Speaking-Listening Cycle

c. Growth and Defense Cycle

4. To express and demonstrate appreciation of the encounter level of communication by actively participating in the group sharing.

1. To identify and explain the three stages of the growth process.2. To show appreciation and understanding for freedom and happiness by explaining how these affect being your self, being with others and to be for others.

3. To identify the blocks to happiness.

4. To show appreciation of the truth that persons are gifts by actively participating in the guided reflections and group sharing.

Part 1A. The Essence and Nature of a Spiritual Retreat as an Encounter and a Journey

B. Communication1. Levels of Communication

a. Level 5: Clique Conversation

b. Level 4: Reporting of Facts About People

c. Level 3: Ideas, Judgments, Opinions

d. Level 2: Gut

e. Level 1: Peak

2. The Encounter Level

a. Cycle of Life (Illustration)

3. Levels of Speaking and Listening

a. Level of Words

b. Level of Meaning

c. Level of Person

* Speaking-Listening Cycle (Illustration)

4. The Spirit and Atmosphere of an Encounter

C. Personhood

1. Freedom and the Need to be Your Self a. Happiness is in being yourself.

b. Portrait of a Freeman

2. Loving Relationships and the Need to be with Others

a. Man is fellowman

3. Service/ Responsibility and the Need to be for Others

a. The Need to Give

i. Three Stages in the Growth Process

Stage 1: Taking-Taking Form (Childhood)

Stage 2: Taking Giving Form (Adulthood)

Stage 3: Giving Giving Form (Parenthood)

b. Man Juan Gives a Gift

4. Blocks to Happinessa. Slavery in its Various Forms

b. Self-centeredness and ghettoism

c. Escapism

5. Summary

a. Happiness is in Person in community

b. Personhood in community is Success

c. Personhood in community is HolinessBeltran, B. (1984). Journey into solitude: a manual for retreats and recollections. Arnoldus Press, Inc. Manila

pp 80 - 85Handouts on Youth Encounter.

Handouts on Youth Encounter.

Beltran, B. (1984). Journey into solitude: a manual for retreats and recollections. Arnoldus Press, Inc. Manila

pp 86 - 93

Handouts on Youth Encounter.


1. Bible Reading: John 1:35 - 42


1. Guided Reflection

2. The Deeper Meaning of Retreat


1. Prayer Activity.

2. Exchange of Peace (May you find what youre looking for.)


1. Song Analysis: When You Say Nothing At All (from the movie Notting Hill)


1. Guided Reflections


1. Cycle of Life (Illustration)

2. Speaking-Listening Cycle (Illustration)

3. The Growth and Defense Cycle (Illustration)Application:

1. Interiorizing Activities

a. Photolanguage

b. Group Sharing

c. Review of the Growth and Defense Cycle

d. Reflective Reading: Please Listen to what I am not Saying.

e. Exchange of Peace: ( I will listen to you.)

Activity:1. Recalling and Sharing of Happy MomentsAnalysis:

1. Happiness is Freedom

2. Happiness is loving relationship and solidarity

3. Happiness in Service and Responsibility


1. Freedom and the Need to be Your Self

2. Loving Relationships and the Need to be with Others

3. Service/ Responsibility and the Need to be for Others

4. Blocks to Happiness

5. Summary


1. Reflection Questionaire and Group Sharing

2. Reflective Reading: Persons are Gifts

2. Song: Persons are Gifts3. Exchange of Peace (Exchange of Gifts)

Respect for the Self

Respect for the uniqueness of others

Thankfulness for Gods Gifts

Essay Writing


Participation in the Group Sharing


Participation in the Group Sharing

Preliminary Examination

1. To recognize and explain the essence and nature of affirmation.

2. To manifest appreciation for ones Human and Christian Dignity by making a reflection paper on My Simon Self, My Peter Self

1. To recognize the essence and nature of rejection as opposed to affirmation.

2. To manifest appreciation for ones Human and Christian Dignity by making a written reflection paper on My Affirming and Affirmed, Rejecting and Rejected People.

Part 2A. Affirmation

1. The Power of Affirmation

a. The Meaning of Affirmation

b. The Secret and Power of Affirmation

c. The Language of Affirmation

2. Affirmation in Action

a. Zachaeus: Portrait of an Unaffirmed Person

b. Jesus: Portrait of an Affirming Person (Qualities of Affirming Relationships)

c. The Fruit of Affirmation

B. Rejection

1. The Cycle of Rejection

a. Genesis and Development

b. The Cycle of work

c. Symptoms of the Cycle

2. The Chain of Rejection

a. From Cycle to Chainb. Mans History: The Chain of Work

3. From Rejection to Affirmation God Intervenes

a. Redemption: Breaking the Cycle

i. The Affirming God

ii. Original Sin

iii. Christ: Redeeming Affirmer

b. The Church

i. Gods Gift: New Relationship

ii. The Church: Network of Affirmation

iii. The Church: Sacrament of Affirmation3. The Christian Affirmed and Called to Affirm

Handouts on Youth Encounter.

Handouts on Youth Encounter.


1. Bible Reading:

John 1:40 42Analysis:

1. Guided Reflection

2. Jesus Affirms Simon


1. The Power of Affirmation

2. Affirmation in Action


1. Guided Reflection

2. Paper Work: My Simon Self, My Peter Self


Film Viewing: Pay it Forward


1. Guided Reflection


1. The Cycle of Rejection

2.The Chain of Rejection

3. From Rejection to Affirmation


1. Guided Reflection

2. Written Reflection


Reverence for God

Essay: My Simon Self, My Peter Self

Participation in the Group Sharing

Essay: My Affirming and Affirmed, Rejecting and Rejected People

Participation in the Group Sharing

Midterm Examination

1. To recognize and understand prayer as opening to God pagbubukas loob sa kagandahang loob ng Diyos.

2. To recognize and understand discernment as an art of recognizing the will of God.3. To define the elements, types and techniques of prayer.

4. To recognize and understand the ways of Jesus in praying.

5. To appreciate and understand the truth that God alone is enough by participating actively in the experiments on prayer.

1. To examine the essence and nature of vocation, metanoia and commitment.

2. To express ones commitment to Christ through an active participation in a paraliturgical celebration of commitment.Part 3A. Prayer

1. Introduction to Prayer

a. What is Prayer

b. What is Discernment

c. The Four Ps of Prayer

i. Place

ii Posture

iii Presence

iv Passage

d. Types of Prayer

e. To Pray as Jesus Didf. God Alone is


f. Experiments in Prayer

B. Commitment

1. The Call of Christ (vocation)2. Conversion


3. CommitmentGreene, T.H. (19880. St. Pauls Press. Manila.

Beltran, B. (1984). Journey into solitude: a manual for retreats and recollections. Arnoldus Press, Inc. Manila

pp 187 - 222

Handouts on Youth Encounter.

Beltran, B. (1984). Journey into solitude: a manual for retreats and recollections. Arnoldus Press, Inc. Manila

pp 30 - 55


1. Meditation


1. The essence and nature of prayer.


1. What is Prayer

2. What is Discernment

3. The Four Ps of Prayer

4. Types of Prayer

5. To Pray as Jesus Did

6. God Alone is



1.Experiments in Prayer

a. The Still Centerb. The Jesus Prayer

c. Meditation on the Hands


1. Film Viewing: The Passion of the Christ (Mel Gibson, 2004)

2. Reflective Reading: One Solitary Life

Analysis:1. Guided Reflection


1. The Call of Christa. The essence and nature of the call/ vocation

b. Models: Responding to the Call of God

c. The Universal Call to Holiness (Full Human Living)

d. The Personal Call

2. What is Discernmenta. The essence and nature of conversion

b. Stories of


3. Commitmenta. The meaning of commitment

b. The problem of commitment

c. The challenge of commitment.


1. Celebration of Commitment

The Sufficiency of God

Change of HeartQuiz

Participation in the Experiments on Prayer

Dramatization of Stories of Conversion

Active participation in a paraliturgical celebration of commitment

Final Examination

Prepared by:


Associate Professor, Values Education

Selected Bibliography:Greene, T.H. (1979). When the well runs dry: Prayer Beyond beginnings. St. Paul Publication. Manila.

Hampsch, J.H. (1979). The key to inner peace. St. Paul Paunlications. Makati.

Warren, R. (2002) The purpose driven life:What on earth am I here for?Purpose Driven Life Ministries, Philippines. Quezon City.

Wilkins, R.L. (1977). The Jesus book. Brown Company. USA.