Presentation of Mohamed Magdy CV

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Presentation of Mohamed Magdy CV

WHO is THAT ???


D.B Courses

GPS CoursesTracking System

Education &


Bachelor's degree

Higher diploma

GIS CoursesErdase Imagine

ESRI product Geomedia




1 - G.I.S2 -Geography

Tracking system

PROJECTESTracking system

Industrial mapFor


D.B forElhandasia group

GIS Projectes


As TS Manager

As TS Manager

As GIS Analyst

As GIS Analyst

As System Analyst

Tracking System

• Responsibilities and duties• Achievements


1-Responsibilities and duties

1 - a plan to develop a tracking system Administration.

1 - Create a room follow-up ( monitoring and control)

2 - make deals the tracking devices

3 - Run tracking system

1-Responsibilities and duties

2 - Training staff to follow-up actions.

1-Responsibilities and duties

3 - to oversee the installation of tracking devices.

1-Responsibilities and duties

4 - Cooperation with the company's customers.

• make sure the arrival of the goods to the customer at the right time

• Win the confidence of the client

1-Responsibilities and duties5 – Save Money , Save time

1 - restore the car in case of theft .

2 - improving the productivity of the cars. 

3 - detection process of stealing the goods by the drivers

4 - control vehicle speed to reduce accidents and thus reduce the losses of the company .

5 - Control of the fuel consumption of the vehicle, whether it is in the normal range or there is a theft of fuel .


1-Responsibilities and duties6 – Documentation& SOP (Standard Operating Procedures).

SOP must contain step by step instructions that employ must refer in daily work to complete various tasks more reliably and consistently. SOP makes clear about followings -· What is the objective of SOP (Purpose)

·What are applicability and use of SOP (Scope)?

·Who will perform tasks (Responsibility)

·Who will ensure implementation of procedure (Accountability)

·How tasks will be performed (Procedure)

2-Achievements1 -Restoration of more than 10 stolen cars under the threat of armed (after the

revolution) in EgyptUsing the tracking system (IVMS) to restore a stolen vehicle:-

2 -Restore a stolen vehicle from Libya

3 -detection stealing the goods by the drivers(more than 25 cases).Monitor and retrieving stealing goods(cement) and how protect your goods

4 -Increase productivity by more than 25%