Praise for … I Have To, But I Can’t! · “Great wisdom! A powerful nudge forward for anyone,...

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Transcript of Praise for … I Have To, But I Can’t! · “Great wisdom! A powerful nudge forward for anyone,...

Praise for …

I Have To, But I Can’t! … from Direct Sellers actively building their businesses

“What a fabulously powerful coaching tool! Thank you for sharing this with your huge audience, Leslie! I know it will help so many soon-to-be Champions!”

~ Caroll M. S.

“I appreciate everything you say, and the best way for me to show my appreciation is to duplicate what you teach!”

~ Lori L.

“The pep talk is SO important! We all have a gift to help others and that pep talk reminds us that we're ‘helping’ others and not ‘selling’ to others.”

~ Gina R.

“Love your pep talk about not being pushy. I was so excited to see that I don’t have to be that way … you had my heart racing by the end!”

~ Debi G-E.

“I needed this pep talk today because now I see I don’t have to live in fear and procrastinate.”

~ Elaine B. H.

“I love what you say about rejection. It really speaks to our fears as introverts, but inspires us to step up and find those who see the vision!”

~ Kristina T.

“Sage advice that I'll repeat to myself every day. Thank you!”

~ Diana R.

“Great pep talk on rejection! It’s much-needed support for one of my weakest areas.”

~ Katie D.

“So many times, hearing a ‘no’ has made me very upset. Definitely, this pep talk will help me move through my fear of rejection by being persistent.”

~ Liliana L.

“Excellent advice on fear of judgment, especially ‘What others think about you is none of your business’.”

~ Nancy A. S.

“Thank you! Your pep talk was just what I needed to hear today. I will re-read this over and over again.”

~ Jenny M-W.

“My favorite takeaway about stepping into leadership: Even if I doubt myself, my actions will create results!”

~ Nancy D.

“Awesome pep talk, Leslie! You point our way to the top!”

~ Michelle G.

“Leslie, this is great! Your words of encouragement and inspiration are just what we need. “

~ Jennifer W.

“I love how you help us deal with our fears and mindset. That is what has been keeping me stuck!”

~ Joanne G.

“One of my favorite quotes is ‘Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!’ I say it all the time, yet I still don't necessarily take action all the time. What stood out to me in your pep talk was that unfortunately I might be ‘choosing‘ to be stuck! Thank you for bringing this awareness to me ... I'm still a little dazed, but at least now aware!”

~ Janette A. C.

“It feels so good to move past fear. I did it this week! Thanks, Leslie.”

~ Sandee B. G.

“Love your ‘Feel the Fear’ pep talk for so many reasons … Not just in business, but all aspects of life!”

~ Lisa C. B.

“I love how Leslie Zann is always on the mark!”

~ Sue B. K.

“Great wisdom! A powerful nudge forward for anyone, doing anything in life!”

~ Janet W.

“I was just starting today to take action in areas I haven't tried before, and your pep talk reinforced my resolve to just do it! Thank you!”

~ Tina F.

“I just love your coaching style and learn so much from you. YOU ROCK, Sister! I hope to pass on what I learn from you to my TEAM! You are a true inspiration!”

~ Ginger S.

“Wow, did I ever need this! Thank you. Leslie, you are the GREATEST cheerleader EVER!”

~ Nanette R.

“Yes, it is my time. And I've already begun to change my belief system, thanks in part with being on purpose to find mentors like you to support and guide me. Great pep talk!”

~ Jeni C. F.

“Thank you. I really needed this pep talk about freezing at the brink of success. I am starting today, taking names and kicking my butt all the way to the top!”

~ Cathy D.

“I'm in! Thanks for showing me NOW is my time to shine as well as grow!”

~ Becky B.

“This is exactly how I have been feeling. Thank you for this great pep talk.”

Cathy D.

“Yep, always in that pep-talk mode to make myself feel accomplished and worthy ... Thank you so much!”

Andrea S. H.

“This is a great read and puts things in perspective.”

Sherry S.

“As always, perfect message and perfect timing. Love this message, and am posting it in my office!”

Maria M.

I Have To,

But I Can’t!

How to Overcome the Top 10 Fears that Slow the Growth of your

Direct Selling Business


Copyright © 2015 by Leslie Zann

Published by Leslie Zann Consulting

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher.

To my mom Lyle, who is my shining example of courage under fire! I love you.

To my friend Susan, who helps me deliver my authentic voice. You are a gift.

Table of Contents! Foreword .......................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4

Through Fear and into Action! ................................................................................................ 6

The Greatest Pep Talk Ever! ..................................................................................................... 9

Pep Talk over Pushy! ................................................................................................................ 12

Love your Rejection Slips! ...................................................................................................... 16

Be Done with Dread! ................................................................................................................. 20

Stop Waiting and Start Leading! .......................................................................................... 24

To Get Unstuck, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway! ........................................................ 28

If You Don’t Know How, Just Do It and You Will! ......................................................... 32

Melt that Freeze on the Brink of Success! ....................................................................... 36

Recognize Your Own Uniqueness and Stop Comparing! .......................................... 40

Draw Your Family into Your Dream! ................................................................................. 44

Get the Mindset that Makes You Equal to the Task! .................................................... 48

Pep-Talk Yourself into Outrageous Courage .................................................................. 52

About Leslie Zann ...................................................................................................................... 57

In Support of Your Development ........................................................................................ 59

I Have To, But I Can’t!

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Foreword Why this book? Because as Napoleon Hill said so long ago, “It is one of the strangest anomalies of life that the absence of fear, and not formal education or brilliance of mind, is the major cause of individual success.” Yet for most people, fear is not absent.

This book can liberate you from fear.

From jumping out of airplanes to singing in public to swinging on the trapeze and all the saner things she’s forced herself to do, Leslie has won her own battle against fear. Now this gifted and compassionate teacher/mentor adds her extensive experience in direct sales to help you break through to success and become unstoppable.

Learning to overcome fear and take action is the difference between having a dream and living it. But most people who join our profession lack the tools and support they need to push through their fears. In my 27 years as a network marketing professional I’ve seen fear slow people down, slow business growth down, and ultimately destroy the probability of success in three primary ways.

As people grasp a sense of what’s possible through our business model, the glimmer of hope lights up in their eyes. For the first time in years, they see a way to make a big shift in their lives. And then, almost before they can make a move, fear sets in. In some cases, they never take action. They abandon their dreams right at that moment of possibility. And that’s tragic.

Others get started and enjoy their first taste of success. Then, the inherent challenges of rejection, attrition and disappointment send them into a tailspin. They freeze. Fear snuffs out the light in their eyes. And that’s tragic.

Finally, there are the emerging leaders who show great promise and get off to a fast start. They display emotional resilience and reach a high level of achievement. They’re on a roll! Huge success is within their grasp when their

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fears creep in and prevail. They stay in the game but never play full out again. Why? The hidden fear of success? They’re stuck and don’t know how to break through. And that’s tragic.

The solution?

Courage, and the right guidance.

With the right guidance you can make Courage your middle name. You can turn the liability of fear into the asset of success. You can turn the tables on fear and use it as your Green Light to Go. You can make fear the very fuel that powers you out of your needlessly self-imposed limitations.

You are holding the right guidance in your hands. Guidance that helps you confront that concoction of fears bouncing around in your head … each one insisting, “I have to, but I can’t.”

You’ll get clarity on exactly what’s keeping you stuck. You’ll discover the miraculous results of being your own cheerleader and wearing its badge of hope, courage and confidence. You’ll ultimately arrive at a new way of thinking. Because the thinking that got you where you are is not going to take you higher.

Your new way of thinking needs to come from an experienced mentor who has successfully conquered fear, developed proven strategies to defeat it, and who teaches those strategies to people in our profession every day. Of course that’s Leslie Zann … the “Outrageous Achievement” mentor who is bone-chilling honest in speaking the truth and won’t allow any wiggle room.

No one can take you to a place they haven’t been. If they haven’t sunk to the depths and clawed their way out and left their fears in the dust, they can’t mentor anyone to do the same. If they haven’t walked the road, they can’t lead others through it.

I’ve seen Leslie when by all appearances her world was falling apart.

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Everything she cherished and counted on was ripped away. She didn’t try to escape her emotions. She had a good cry and then took action. As I watched her emerge, I was in awe. Truly I’ve never known a more courageous woman.

Her book is a template for success. It can compel you to shift your mindset to a place where you can do things and create results you’ve never achieved before.

So if fear is keeping you from reaching your full potential, you’ll find the answers here.

If you’re not at the top of your pay plan, then one or more of the top ten fears described here must be stopping you.

If you feel something stirring inside, then listen to your intuition. Embrace the wisdom in this book and make it your own. You’re not too early or too late. You’re right on time. And it’s your time! Life is so short. We’re only here for a minute. What do you want your life and your legacy to be? One of retreat or one of courage? You can triumph over the inner dialogue of “I have to but I can’t.” It’s time. Your time. Play full out!

-ÁÒÇÉÅ !ÌÉÐÒÁÎÄÉ, The Have-It-All Coach

Builder of one of the world’s biggest teams: 250,000 members spanning 29 countries

Author of the bestselling book, How to Get Absolutely Anything You Want

I Have To, But I Can’t!

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I remember reading this line for the first time and thinking to myself, “Not me!” To this day, Thoreau’s conviction continues to inspire me to ‘let my song out!’

Sounds simple, but it’s not easy. Too often when we consider taking a step towards our dreams, we talk ourselves out of it. A seemingly inexhaustible stream of ‘reasons not to’ flows through your head and makes moving ahead an insurmountable struggle.

You might not be aware that behind every one of those ‘reasons not to’ is fear. That’s why you experience the perfectly normal human reactions of automatically flinching, avoiding and running … mentally, if not physically.

The problem is, this response results in you settling for far less than the life you desire … less than the life you deserve.

Your determination to express your unrealized potential in the face of often-unrecognized fears creates this incessant mental dialogue of “I have to, but I can't!” I believe that this emotional conflict is far more excruciating than any failure, rejection or disappointment.

That’s what inspired me to write this book: to end the suffering by showing you how to move beyond those fears so you can take the steps you must take to build the life of your dreams through your Direct Selling business.

The solution is courage: the core element of what I call the mindset of a Champion. Having the mindset to access and strengthen your courage at any

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

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given time … the courage to overcome your fears and limiting beliefs and take action.

After you read this book and complete its few exercises, it’s my intention that you’ll be able to take action without fear or resistance … that you’ll become unstoppable.

The personal pep talk is the key.

That’s one of my favorite calls to courage. You must find the courage to silence the incessant mental dialogue of “I have to, but I can't!" and reframe it to, “I choose to and I will!”

When you do this joyfully with the mindset of a Champion … anything is possible.

If you are ready to move to the top of your pay plan … then your time is now!

Here’s to you finding the freedom to express your unlimited potential!

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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Through Fear and into Action!

How often do you have fears and yet, choose not to jump? How often do you feel your fears so strongly … that you become paralyzed and stop taking action all together?

I am inspired by Taylor’s words and do my best to be fearless every day. Why? Because I can! I believe it’s a choice to jump in spite of our fears.

My company brand is “Outrageous Achievement” and my most popular keynote presentation is titled, “Outrageous Courage.” In this keynote, I share three personal experiences of times I chose to jump through my fears, and the resulting lessons of empowerment and transformation that occurred. In fact, the often-quoted moral of my story is:

“The perception of what’s possible is on the other side of fear.”

So how do you find the courage to jump through your fears? It starts with awareness of what’s holding you back.

My awareness sharpened when I received the results of a very interesting poll. A leader with a large Direct Selling organization sent her team a questionnaire asking them to identify the fears that were holding them back. I want to share the top ten with you, with the caveat that yes; this is data from just one downline. And yet, I believe that the results from other organizations and companies would be very similar.

“I think being fearless is having fears, but jumping anyway.”

~ Taylor Swift

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The Top 10 were the fears of being:

1) Pushy

2) Rejected

3) Judged

4) A leader

5) A failure

6) Incompetent

7) Unsuccessful

8) Compared to other leaders

9) A disappointment to my family

10) Unequal to the task

How do you feel as you read though this list? Which fears are holding you back or slowing you down?

Think back to some past situations where your fears manifested as hurt, resistance, sadness, shame or some other painful emotion.

When you come to the realization that the root of these painful feelings is fear, you can transform your feelings and purposefully move through the fear. I know for me … when I recognize and accept my fears … I am able to make the choice to move forward anyway.

To effectively move in the direction of your dreams, your mindset is critical.

It’s your time to make a choice … to move through fear and into action.

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Make a choice to catch your dreams. It’s your time to drop your fears and move into action.

“If you want to catch your dreams, you have to drop your fears.”

~ Anton Rubaclini

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The Greatest Pep Talk Ever!

When you feel yourself starting to turn away from your best intentions, to succumb to distractions, to say “maybe later” to the business-building activities you planned, that’s when you need “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever!”

Bravely consider these inspiring words from one of my favorite authors:

EXACTLY! Who are you not to be?

If you are open and willing to move out of fear and into action … try this exercise that I am confident will renew your mindset of confidence and deserve. I found this exercise in the January 2015 Oprah magazine.

I was so impressed with what Oprah calls “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” that I shared this brief script on my 5 Keys and Authentic Leadership monthly community calls. The positive response was overwhelming.

To give yourself the greatest pep talk ever … simply fill in the blanks. (The blanks are short here for easy reading. When you’re ready to actually fill them in for yourself, see page 52.)


If I were truly brave, I would ______________________. (What is the one thing you really want to do?)

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?”

~ Marianne Williamson

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But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because ______________________. (List all the reasons you’ve put off getting started.)

Really though, the worst thing that could happen is __________________. (How bad could it be?)

My bravest friend, ________________ (Name), will say __________________. (What sage advice would she or he give?)

But I’m afraid other people, like ______________________, (Who are the negative people in your life?) will say ______________________. (What’s the worst they could come up with?)

If that happens, I’ll respond by ______________________. (You’ll feel more confident if you have a plan.)


Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call ______________________ (Who is your greatest supporter?) for backup because ______________________. (How will this person help you reach your goal?)

And I’ll call _______________ (Who else?) because _________________________. (How will this person help you reach your goal?)

Having people on my team will make me feel ________________________. (Stronger? More confident? Safer?)


If I want to begin ______________________ (What’s your goal again?) right this minute, I can ______________________________________. (What’s your first move?)

Then, over the next few months, I can __________________, and _____________________, and ______________________. (Set some mini goals.)

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Even if _____________________________ happens, (Can you predict some potential pitfalls?) I won’t get upset because ______________________. (Be your own cheerleader.)

And so it is.

Is this great or what? And the best part is … you can use this script forever!

You can give yourself “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” today and ANY TIME you feel fear, shame, frustration, disappointment or resistance getting in your way and keeping you from taking action!

In upcoming chapters, we’ll review real-life examples on how this script can help you overcome those Top 10 paralyzing fears we reviewed in Chapter 1.

Consider these inspiring words from Emerson:

What lies within each of us is the courage to change, to grow and to move confidently in the direction of our dreams. That’s my wish for all of us.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Pep Talk over Pushy!

Now that you’ve been introduced to the Top 10 fears and “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever,” it just makes sense to tie the two together to illustrate how easily you can take a fear, plug it into “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” and voila! You have the script to go from being stuck … to taking action!

The first fear on our hit parade was “being pushy or sounding sales-y.” Whenever I hear someone say, “I don’t want to be pushy,” or, “I don’t want to be ‘that person,’” I remind them that they aren’t that person in any other area of their life, so why would they be that way now?

If you approach people with your authentic enthusiasm and focus on their needs … success is just a matter of talking to enough people. Jim Rohn always said that,

Let’s see how you can use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to overcome this fear and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, I would talk to the top three people on my ‘chicken’ list.

“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because I’m chicken! (Just kidding.) Because I simply can’t stand the idea of being pushy or inauthentic to my friends. I don’t want to be ‘that person’ who is always in their face trying to sell them something.

“To succeed in sales, simply talk to lots of people every day. And here’s what’s exciting: there are lots of people.”

~ Jim Rohn

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“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is that they will listen politely and show no interest. Or, listen impolitely and tell me I’m crazy.

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘I can see your enthusiasm for this business and I know that you’re scared. But I also know you can do this! Sharing your enthusiasm is not being pushy. It’s simply sharing something you are passionate about. It’s inspiring, really. I will be your first <customer> or <business partner.>’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <the pathetic dream stealers> will say, ’Stop being so pushy! Why are you trying to sell me something? What makes you think you can build a business? Why don’t you just forget it and stay stuck, miserable and pathetic like me?’

“If that happens, I’ll respond by remembering sage advice from Leslie ‘The disinterest of any one person cannot impact my success … unless I let it!’”


“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I will call my Sponsor or upline leader and ask her to reach out to the top ten people on my list via three-way calling. We’ll reach out together so she can teach me how to share my business authentically.

“And I’ll call my three best friends and ask for their support and for referrals.

“Having people on my team will make me feel more confident and enthusiastic. I know I am not alone. What did they tell me? ‘I’m in business for myself, but not by myself.’ I really like that.”


“If I want to begin talking to new people right this minute, I can do a three-way call with my Sponsor today!

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“Then, over the next 30 days, I will reach out to new people every day, learn my company’s system, depend on my Sponsor for support and for setting goals, and find the discipline to keep enthusiastically talking to new people regardless of their response.

“Even if the people I talk to have no interest, it is not a reflection of my being ‘pushy.’ They simply don’t have any interest at this time. Learning that lesson has liberated me.

“I won’t get upset because I know I can do this! I deserve to create success and I’m willing to do what it takes. I know I am with the right company at the right time. I am not alone! I will not quit! I am a Champion!”

And so it is.

Whoop! Whoop! Can’t you just feel the energy rise as the pep talk proceeds? The lesson here is that the fear is self-imposed. Being stuck is a choice. Not being stuck is also a choice.

Our fears are really a reflection of our highly developed skill at making assumptions … at making things up. It’s just your perception. You don’t really know if people will respond by thinking you’re ‘pushy’ and yet, that assumption … which is an absolute figment of your imagination … is keeping you stuck.

I say STOP IT! Mastering your mind is not an easy task my friend, but it is definitely worthy of the effort. As Mark Twain reminds us,

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It’s your time. Explore. Dream. Discover. I know you can do it!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

~ Mark Twain

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Love your Rejection Slips!

“No.” “No thank you.” “I don’t think so.” “Maybe later.” Now imagine any one of these accompanied by an eye-roll, a sarcastic glance, or a back turned to hide an even worse expression.

Yikes! Did the hair on the back of your neck just rise? Fear of Rejection has kept billions of Direct Sellers from being Champions. Why is that? Perhaps this quote can help shed a little light.

You see? It’s not about you. It never was, it never is and it never will be. And once you realize that … the truth will set you free!

Their lack of interest in your products or business has nothing to do with you personally! Repeat after me: “Their lack of interest has nothing to do with me!”

Let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, when talking with new people, I would lead with the business and follow through with the products.

“Rejection doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough; it means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer.”

~ Mark Amend

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“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because it just hurts my feelings too much when people say, ‘No.’ I choose to take it personally. That’s why I made the decision to avoid any situation that isn’t fun and easy.

"Rejection seems less personal when I only talk about my products, so that’s what I’ve been talking about. I’ve been imagining so much pain that I’ve been robbing my friends and prospects of the opportunity to hear about my business. And, at the same time, I’ve been robbing myself of the opportunity to build a team and tap into the wealth of my pay plan. (How did I come up with that plan?)

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is that they show no interest in either my business or my products. (Wait a second … isn’t that the same ‘worst case scenario’ as when I choose not to talk to anyone at all?)

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘Just think of all the reasons why you’re excited to build your business. Why wouldn’t other people feel the same way?’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <those rascally dream stealers that I listen to> will say, ‘You’ve never built a successful business. Why would anyone listen to you or consider joining you in business?’

“If that happens, I’ll respond by proudly sharing the business story of my Sponsor or a top upline leader … and how they built a successful business … and my commitment to do the same. (I may also take a moment to consider if the person being so negative has ever been a successful entrepreneur. No judgment, just consideration.)”


“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader for backup because she has more experience. I’ll ask for advice on how she recovers when people tell her ‘No’ and how she talks about her business.

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“And I’ll call my spouse or best friend because they know my commitment to move beyond my fears. I’ve asked them to remind me that ‘I am a Champion!’

“Having people on my team … who love me and remind me that ‘I am a Champion,’ will make me feel less fearful, more confident and more willing to take action.”


“If I want to begin sharing my business with new people right this minute, I can start by packaging my business story and scheduling three-way calls with my Sponsor. These fundamental skills will make it easier for me to authentically and effectively talk to new people about my business.

“Then, over the next 30 days I will move through my fear of rejection by taking action. Through practice, I will master the ability to lead with the business. Hearing a ‘No’ can no longer paralyze me.

“Even if I don’t sponsor at the pace I initially desire, I won’t get upset because I’m learning an important secret to success. That I control the pace of my business by the number of people I talk to and how quickly I talk to them. Leslie calls this ‘the power of pace.’

“I know I will find the right people to join my business when I share my story authentically, enthusiastically and consistently.”

And so it is.

How much fun is this? It’s all about perspective! Yours!

The lesson is that fear of rejection is self-imposed. Not everyone will have an interest in either your business or your products … but their lack of interest does NOT reflect on you!

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The poet Sylvia Plath summed it up beautifully when she said,

It’s your time to step through your fears. Keep looking for those who find joy in what you have to offer! The perfect people are waiting to hear from you. I know you can do it!

“I love my rejection slips. They show me I try.”

~ Sylvia Plath

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Be Done with Dread!

What goes through your mind right before you dial? “She’ll think I’m crazy for wanting to build my own business.” “He’ll think I’m trying to use him.” “She’ll roll her eyes and ask if I’ve drunk the Kool-Aid!”

If you’ve already experienced a few rejections, you probably get some painful memories mixed in with those low expectations. As your dread grows, perhaps something else will suddenly seem more important than dialing.

Holy Smokes! Why do we care so much about what other people think? Why do we allow their judgment of us to affect us so dramatically … to paralyze us to the point where we steal our OWN dreams?

Here’s a reminder from a legendary Basketball Coach:


We are all on our own journey. I challenge you to stay true to yours … regardless of the judgment of other people. Turn negative judgment into fuel to power your actions.

Let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!

“You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.”

~ John Wooden

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“If I were truly brave, I would identify the three hippest, coolest, most successful people I know, and arrange a call to introduce them to my business.

“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because in my mind … I imagine the three hippest, coolest, most successful people I know reacting negatively to the conversation about my business. I can just hear them now: ‘Why would you want to sell < product>?’ ’You’re looking for people to join your team? What does that mean?’ ’Don’t you have a degree in <your credentials>?’ ‘I don’t get this at all! What are you thinking?’

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is that they have no interest, wish me luck (albeit sarcastically) and advise me not to give up my day job.

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ’Didn’t your mentor tell you that successful people will recognize a successful opportunity? I think that makes a lot of sense. I agree and think you should call all the successful professionals that you know before someone else does!’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <the professionals I respect> will think I’m dead wrong to be doing this, but will be too polite to say so and hide behind ‘You’re crazy!’ instead.

“If that happens, I’ll respond in three ways: 1) I’ll remind myself that I, too, am a cool, hip successful person. 2) I’ll make or re-read my list of all the reasons why this is the RIGHT choice for me … why I’m enthusiastic about my company and business. 3) I’ll quickly reach out to someone on my list and introduce them to my Sponsor on a three-way call. Taking action has got to be more fun than being paralyzed.”


“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader for backup because he’ll coach me on the words to use and the attitude to take as I reach out to new people.

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“And I’ll call my spouse to remind me that I’m a cool, hip professional.

“Having people on my team will make me feel judgment proof. The judgment or opinions of other people will not keep me from talking to new people.”


“If I want to begin sharing my business with professionals that I respect right this minute, I can 1) review with my Sponsor some easy, simple words I’ll use to connect him via a three-way call so he can help me share the message. 2) I will make the calls.

“Then, over the next 30 days I will commit to consistently reaching out to new people every day. For 30 days I will commit to consistent activity. In this way, my sponsoring skills will expand and my confidence will grow. I know I will find the perfect people to join my team.

“Even if the response from some people is negative or judgmental, I won’t get upset because I know their indifference is not directed at me personally.”

And so it is.

Here’s what I think. Certain people may be threatened by people like you … people who find the courage to follow their dreams. In actuality, their negativity can be a reflection of their disappointment in themselves.

Rather than take personal responsibility for their lack of courage to design their lives … they try to make themselves feel better by transferring their self-disappointment to you when they see you display the courage they lack.

Now, certainly there are people who simply have no interest in being an entrepreneur or building a Direct Selling business. I am talking about the people who vehemently oppose you. Their judgment is not about you … it’s about them.

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As one author always powerfully proclaimed,

I love that one!

Once you accept that, you can surrender graciously to any response … whether praise or criticism. You won’t be stopped by taking anyone’s judgments personally, and enjoy the freedom to move forward in the direction of your dreams.

I know you can do it!

“What you think of me is none of my business.”

~ Teri Cole Whitaker

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Stop Waiting and Start Leading!

Here it comes … that critical moment in the conversation when you have to decide whether you'll offer your prospect the business. Are you eager, excited and full of confidence?

Maybe not.

It’s so easy to doubt yourself and wonder, “Will she believe I can lead her to success?” and then sabotage yourself with thoughts like, “I haven’t really created success yet. Why would she look to me as a leader?”

So rather than putting yourself out there, it’s so much easier to take the path of least resistance and only share your products. This choice allows you to stay safely on the sidelines and wait for that magical moment when the coach calls you into the game! HEY! The coach is you!

When I was in the field, a phrase that always motivated me was,

It reminded me that my character … my personal leadership skills … would help me attract other like-minded people to my team.

Personal leadership means taking a look at the thoughts that arise in a critical moment; like when you’re ready to lead with the business. Are you so fearful of leadership that you stay stuck waiting on the sidelines?

Where does your fear of leadership come from? Do you doubt that once you build a large organization that you won’t have the skills, confidence or abilities

“Be the Leader you’re looking for!”

~ Unknown

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to effectively lead? Do you doubt you are up to the challenge? Do you wonder if people will actually follow your lead?

I say build it first … and then figure it out. Don’t let fears of your yet-to-be-created future keep you from becoming the best leader you can be right now!

Let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, I would step into my leadership role rather than continue to concede to my Sponsor or upline leaders.

“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because I doubt my leadership skills. I’ve never been a leader in business before … and so I’m afraid of what will happen if nobody wants to follow me.

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is I could learn some leadership lessons. Nobody is going to quit just because I am learning how to lead.

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘You can do this! Everyone on your team is learning too. As long as you tell the truth and do your best … you will earn their respect.’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <the friends and family members who are not really supportive of my business in the first place> will say, ‘What makes you think you can be a leader? You’ve never done this before. Who died and left you boss?’

“If that happens, I’ll respond by reflecting on the success stories of my Sponsor, upline leaders and some of the top leaders in my company. I’ll think about their experiences and remind myself that when they started, they had the same fears and inexperience as I do today. And look at them now! There is no reason why I can’t successfully follow in their leadership footsteps.”

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“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader for backup because she’s on the same leadership journey as I am … just further along.

“And I’ll call a few of the cross-line emerging leaders I’ve met along the way because they may be feeling exactly like I am feeling. We can share our fears and discuss ways to step into our leadership roles more comfortably.

“Having people on my team will make me feel motivated. I will take action to build and lead my team rather than become paralyzed with fear.”


“If I want to begin developing my leadership style right this minute, I can schedule a call with my Sponsor or upline leader and create a plan with the top three action steps I can take immediately to support my leadership skills.

“Then, over the next 30 days I can set some goals with my personally sponsored team, participate in our local business presentation, and/or volunteer to tell my story on my Sponsor or upline leader’s team call. And most importantly, I will lead by example and stay consistent with my prospecting, sponsoring and selling.

“Even if I doubt myself … my actions will create results. Leslie says that leadership comes from experience and mentorship. So as long as I take action and depend on my upline support … I can do this!

“I won’t get upset by mistakes or setbacks because I can learn from them. I am committed to being the best leader I can be. I will prove that to be true through my actions and willingness to learn as I build.”

And so it is.

Your actions and willingness to learn and improve is the key.

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And what’s “more than average?” I believe leadership it is our challenge to step into our greatness. It’s easy to settle for average. It takes courage and commitment to strive for greatness!

It’s your time. Stop waiting. Strive for greatness. I know you can do it!

“Leadership is your challenge to be something more than average.”

~ Jim Rohn

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To Get Unstuck, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!

“I have to, but I can’t. I have to but I can’t! I HAVE to but I CAN’T!” When fear of failure creates this incessant argument in your head, it can be excruciating. And not just excruciating emotionally! The resulting paralysis leads to our inability to take a next step.

It really doesn’t matter WHAT it is that you can’t do. Whether the action is big or small, your fear that it won’t turn out the way you want is holding you back. This fear of failure prohibits achievement in all areas of our lives.

How do you find the courage to step through your fears and take action? It begins with the awareness that you are stuck by choice! And when you take a good hard look at how your ‘choice to be stuck’ is serving you … you will most likely conclude that it isn’t serving you at all.

Do you deserve to be stuck? Are you satisfied being stuck? Are you comfortable being stuck? NO! NO! and NO!

I want to share a quote that I believe expresses why so many people in our profession choose to stay stuck. The first time I read this … it shook me to my core.

“No one […] knows of the cautiousness at the heart of your life. Your adulthood has been a progressive retreat from curiosity and wonder, an endless series of delays and procrastinations. You wanted to be so much, once, but life kept on getting in the way ... You settled. Shunned creativity, flight, risk, never had the courage to give a dream, any dream, a go.”

~ Nikki Gemmel

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How do you feel as you read this? Does it ring true? And if so, at what level of dissatisfaction? Do you have regrets? Do you want to take action and yet, you just haven’t been able to take that first step?

Taryn Rose reminds us to “Fear regret more than failure.”

With that in mind, let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, I would reach out to my Sponsor and tell her that I’m finally ready to take action.

“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because I am so afraid that my results will fall so far short of my hopes and dreams and expectations that I’m paralyzed. In fact, being stuck has become a habit for me!

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is …. WAIT! There really is no worst-case scenario here. Whether I stay paralyzed in fear or take action and fail, the results are the same! Holy smokes!

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘I agree with you that whether you stay paralyzed in fear or take action and fail, the results are the same. But hey … what about the scenario that you choose to take action and you succeed? That can happen you know! And it can happen big time for you if you will simply let go of the fear and choose to take action!’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <the people in my life who have watched me stay perpetually stuck> will say, ‘You haven’t done anything to this point. Why bother trying now? You are only setting yourself up for failure!’

“If that happens, I’ll respond by repeating my new declaration, ‘I feel the fear and do it anyway!'”

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“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader for backup, because I’ve watched her overcome her fears as she’s built her business. She’s told me many times that when I’m ready to take action, she’ll be there for me. We can step forward together.

“And I’ll call my best friend because she can be my accountability partner. I will ask her to call me out when my actions don’t match my words.

“Having people on my team will make me feel safer. It will help me take my first tentative steps forward.”


“If I want to begin taking action in my business right this minute, I can make a list of 10 people I want to share my business with.

“Then, over the next seven days I will take my first steps. I will regain clarity on my Reason Why. I will work with my Sponsor to package my story so I feel authentic when talking to people. I will leverage her expertise by making at least five three-way calls together. I understand that taking immediate action is critical!

“Even if I don’t see immediate results from our actions, I will harness the power that comes from taking action. I will build my confidence and belief. I will begin to realize that I don’t have to stay stuck anymore!

“I won’t get upset because there is nothing to get upset about. In fact, I will celebrate my developing power. I will celebrate my choice to feel the fear and do it anyway!”

And so it is.

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This subject is very personal to me. When I deliver my “Outrageous Courage” presentation, I share the ways I chose to step through my fears after my divorce. My BADA BOOM in the keynote is:

Just think of all the wonderful, joyful, amazing experiences you are choosing to miss when you choose fear over the possibilities.

It’s your time to feel the fear and do it anyway. I know you can do it!

“The perception of what’s possible is on the other side of fear.”

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If You Don’t Know How, Just Do It and You Will!

“I don’t know what the hell I’m doing! I’ve never been in Direct Selling! I’ve never sold much of anything! I’ve never built a team! I’ve never been a leader! I’m just flying by the seat of my pants, here. I wonder if everyone knows how I’m faking it every day!”

Have you ever doubted your competence … your ability to do something well? Of course you have. We all have. And when all those doubts and fears take center stage … how do they serve you? Do they assist you in taking action? NO! Do they keep you stuck? YES!

It’s interesting how we allow our fear of not being competent to actually paralyze us into NOT taking action. And the result? You never get to develop your competence because you are too busy being stuck! And what’s worse? This purposeful self-sabotage is a choice.

Would you like to enjoy the confidence, achievement and empowerment that comes with a well-developed competence? Here’s a big clue:

If you’re tired of being stuck, then let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, I would step out of my comfort zone, stretch to develop some new skills and look forward to improving my business by learning from the result.

“Setbacks are only ever devastating when one thinks they'll last forever.”

~ Mike Dooley

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“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because I’ve been doubting my competence. This has been going on for so long, I actually believe what I’ve been telling myself … that ‘I am not competent.’

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is that I stay stuck! And I don’t like that option! If I would just take action, I could experience the cycle for developing competence:

1) I take action.

2) I get experience from taking action.

3) I evaluate the results created from my action.

4) Based on the results, I refine my efforts.

5) I learn and grow and get better.

6) I build my competence.

7) I take more action.

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘What’s up with you? I’ve seen you learn what you need to succeed in so many areas of your life. And you’ve been successful! So why don’t you stop hesitating and just do something? You can do this!’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <the negative people I turn to out of habit> will say exactly what they always say: ‘Why don’t you just quit? This seems too hard for you.’

“If that happens, I’ll respond by making a choice. I’ll make a choice to stop staying stuck, to take action and improve my competence.”

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“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader for direction. I’ll ask for feedback on my results and a plan of action. I’ll ask for the top three action steps I should take immediately. Clarity will drive me forward.

“And I’ll call my key business partners who are in action, and share with them the top three action steps I'm taking. By working with my team and doing my best, I will build the competence necessary to move to the next level.

“Having people on my team will give me a higher level of dedication and commitment … and more confidence to develop my competence.”


“If I want to begin building my competence right this minute, I can declare my newfound commitment to my spouse, my family and my best friends.

“Then, over the next 30 days I will take consistent action and allow the cycle for developing competence to work its magic for me.

“Even if the results aren’t exactly what I imagined, I know that I’m steadily increasing my competence through experience.

“I won’t get upset because I finally realize that the only way I can develop my competence is by taking action. I am empowered because I am no longer stuck and allowing my ‘fear of not being competent’ to paralyze me.”

And so it is.

Your decision to take action is the key.

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What are you waiting for? Take a step. Take some action. Your competence will build through experience.

It’s your time! Don’t deny yourself the opportunity to step into your greatness. I know you can do it!

“It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.”

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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Melt that Freeze on the Brink of Success!

You’re on your way. You’ve achieved many of your initial goals. And now, you’ve finally found the courage to set a really big goal. For the first time you declare that you’re going to the top!

In essence, you’re on the threshold of taking your business to the next level of success and all you have to do is walk through the door. Heck, you can run through the door if you choose to. But no … you make another choice.

You choose to stop at the threshold. And like the victims of Medusa from Greek mythology, you turn to stone. And there you stay, frozen in time, missing your moment.

There are many ways that we reinforce our fear of success:

1) Seeing your goal in plain sight is just too much to bear. So rather than visualizing a story of achievement, you choose to make up a story of failure.

2) Striving for perfection has created a sense of constant dissatisfaction. So you are unable to enjoy or appreciate any achievement, at any level, at any time.

3) Staying stuck has become a habit. So although it’s uncomfortable and frustrating … it’s evidently more comfortable than facing your fears.

Think about this for a moment:

“Average people look for ways of getting away with it; successful people look for ways of getting on with it.”

~ Jim Rohn

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When it comes to the fear of success, it’s time to say, “Enough is enough.” It’s your time to make the choice to get on with it!

So, let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, I would declare a written goal to reach the top of my pay plan. And in support of that declaration, I would start with a goal to promote to the next title within 60 days or sooner. Moving ahead in my pay plan is moving towards my goal.

“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because I’m more comfortable standing like a stone statue at the threshold of my success.

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is that I stay a stone statue at the threshold of success and miss my moment!

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘Stone grey is not your color!’ (Just kidding.) She’ll say, ‘I know you can do this! I’ve seen you in action. I’ve seen how your team responds to you. This is your time! You deserve to reach your goals!’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <my family or friends> will say, ‘You’re just fooling yourself. You? Going all the way to the top? So few people ever achieve their big goals. Why don’t you set a lower goal … you know, one you can actually reach?’

“If that happens, I’ll respond by saying, ‘I’ve already proven that I can reach my lower, more comfortable goals. I’m now ready to reach for the top!’”

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“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll reach out to someone in my upline who has reached the top of the pay plan. Their story will validate my possibilities.

“And I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader because we have work to do. I’m going to promote in title in the next 60 days or sooner!

“Having people on my team will make me feel less fearful and more confident. Knowing there are terrific leaders working with me makes the goal less frightening and more doable.”


“If I want to begin my plan to promote in title right this minute, I can immediately identify at least ten fun, sharp people and reach out to them in the next 48 hours.

“Then, over the next two weeks I will consistently reach out and talk to new people. I will pick up my prospecting pace. I’ll remember what Leslie said about people who are dissatisfied with the pace of their business. She said, ‘For many people, their prospecting pace is simply not at the level necessary to meet their goals.’ That won’t be me!

“Even if I start to doubt myself, I won’t get upset because I know that at any given time, I am in charge of whether I take action … or whether I am a statue at the threshold of my success. I will choose to take action!”

And so it is.

Most people settle for average, but you don’t have to.

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It’s your time. Claim your freedom! I know you can do it!

“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.”

~ Marylyn Ferguson

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Recognize Your Own Uniqueness and Stop Comparing!

“Other leaders are building faster than I am. I can see their success, but not WHY they’re successful. What are they doing that I’m not? What am I doing wrong? Why is everyone going so much faster than me? (Add in a big sigh here for dramatic effect.)

“When I hear stories of my contemporaries promoting in title, celebrating record volume and receiving recognition and rewards, I have mixed emotions. Yes, I am happy for them. I really am. But hey … I should be where they are! The more I compare myself to other leaders, the more frustrated I become, the more I doubt myself and the less fun I have.”

Does this sound familiar? Comparing ourselves to other people can either fire you up to excel at a greater pace, pacify you into maintaining a steady rhythm, or paralyze you into complete inaction. It’s important to consider these options and then decide how you choose to react.

Let’s expand on Kelly’s thoughts. Reread her quote and replace “beauty” with talent, leadership, gifts, experience, genius, strengths or uniqueness!

For many people, our fear of not measuring up to others is holding us back and keeping us stuck.

“Women are so unforgiving of themselves. We don't recognize our own beauty because we're too busy comparing ourselves to other people.”

~ Kelly Osbourne

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Let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, I would stop comparing myself to other leaders. I would gently accept where I am right now and give myself the many kudos I deserve for reaching this level of leadership. I would agree to accept my current level of accomplishment … and at the same time … continue to take consistent action to achieve a higher level of success. The two are not mutually exclusive.

“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because I’m too frustrated watching other leaders build so much faster than me. I can’t accept where I am and beat myself up for not being further along with my ‘paid-as’ title, organizational volume, leadership skills and income.

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is … STOP! There is no worst case scenario for this one! Freeing myself emotionally from self-imposed comparisons and the resulting criticism will only help me step into my leadership role more effectively.

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘Why do you keep comparing yourself to other people? Every time you do, it just makes you so unhappy. I read somewhere that we should ‘keep our eyes on our own garden.’ I’d say this is perfect advice for you right now.’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <my team or my friends> will ask, ‘How come you aren’t farther along by now? Why haven’t you reached the goals you set last year?’

“If that happens, I’ll respond by saying, ‘I’m getting better every day. Great achievement takes great effort. I’m a work in progress and I’m learning more every day. I know that as long as I don’t quit … there is no way I will fail.”

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“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader for backup because she knows my commitment to pick up the pace.

“And I’ll call my spouse and my best friend. I’ll ask them to gently call my attention to when I start comparing myself to other leaders. I think it’s become a habit … and I want to break it.

“Having people on my team will make me feel centered and confident.”


“If I want to begin positively accepting where I am right this minute, I can journal my top ten achievements … and some specific ways I will continue to move forward.

“Then, over the next 30 days, I can continue to journal my accomplishments while keeping my focus on expanding my leadership skills, working with my team and moving forward.

“Even if I lapse a little when I hear new stories of success, it will be okay. Through awareness, I am committed to shifting my reaction.

“I won’t get upset because moving forward ... when I hear new success stories, rather than having them paralyze me … I will use them to reinforce the many possibilities available for me and my team.”

And so it is.

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Keep your focus on you, your team, and your dreams. This can be so simple!

It’s your time. Your gifts are uniquely yours. Let them shine brightly! I know you can do it!

“Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine!

~ Jennie Finch

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Draw Your Family into Your Dream!

“I am always in limbo. When I am with my family, I’m thinking about my business. And when I’m working my business, I feel guilty that I’m missing valuable time with my family.

“And what’s worse, is that I live in a perpetual state of fear that if I don’t build this business … and build it big and build it fast … that I will let everyone in my family down.

“I can’t bear the thought of making all these sacrifices and not having a successful business to show for it!”

The editor-in-chief of Mother and Baby magazine said,

So, you are not alone. Yet, are you buckling under the self-imposed pressure to live up to a standard of success and achievement you’ve placed on yourself?

You may not even be aware that you’ve chosen to believe in such a standard. “I can never do enough for my family” is such a common belief, it’s easy to overlook its effects. You may not be aware that by choosing to compare yourself to it, you’re creating self-imposed pressure. So now is the time to ask yourself whether this is true for you.

And if so, does this pressure actually drive you to success? More likely, it’s making you uncomfortable, slowing you down or keeping you stuck.

“Getting the work-life balance is tough. More women than ever before have an almost super-human ability to juggle work and family life, but it can be difficult, particularly on an emotional level.”

~ Claire Irvin

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Let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, I would stop reinforcing the idea that by following my dreams, I could in any way let my family down.

“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because they just don’t see the ultimate big picture of how our lives will change when I develop a successful business. They can only see how I’m gone a couple of nights a week now, missing more and more activities and ALWAYS on the phone!

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is that I quit! But that will never happen! I know that ultimately, my success will bring unimaginable opportunities to my family.

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘I know you can figure out creative ways to share your dream with the family. Why not create some dream boards together? And ask them to choose the destination of the next family trip that your business will pay for? Keep talking to them about how important this is to you and how you’re inspired by their loving support.’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <my in-laws> will say, ‘How can you justify all this time away from the family?’

“If that happens, I’ll respond by sharing how my ultimate success will be the greatest gift of freedom I could ever give my family! And I’ll share my passion for my business and how empowering it is for me to follow my dreams. Perhaps I can’t have it all … but I can live my life on my terms.”

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“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call my spouse or best friend for backup because we made a pact that I deserve to follow this dream.

“And I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader because she can relate to the sacrifices that I am making, and restore my commitment to the rewards.

“Having people on my team will make me feel less guilty and more committed. This shift in mindset will be invaluable.”


“If I want to increase my family’s support right this minute, I can schedule a family meeting where I share my fears, my goals and my dreams. By sharing my commitment to my big dream and asking for their loving support … I will set a wonderful example for everyone in my family.

“Then, over the next 30 days I can include my family in weekly updates on how their support and understanding is empowering me to keep going. They can become my special cheerleaders.

“Even when the family seems resentful of my business efforts, I won’t get upset because I am committed to stay true to my Reason Why, take it one day at a time and never quit. If I do my best, I can’t let anyone down … including me.”

And so it is.

Consider these words by a legendary thought leader:

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It’s your time. Lead with your integrity and follow your dream. I know you can do it!

“With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.”

~ Zig Zigler

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Get the Mindset that Makes You Equal to the Task!

Each of the past nine chapters have started with a swirl of worried thoughts that probably sounded familiar, because we’ve all experienced worried thoughts at one time or another.

I was surprised when I learned that they were clues, pointing to what was holding me back.

What’s keeping you from reaching your full potential? It’s most likely your mindset … and an overwhelming lack of belief in yourself.

For many, that lack of belief shows up as an assumption that “I just am who I am.” They assume that they’re limited or can’t do something because “that’s not me.”

Too few people who join Direct Selling know this incredibly valuable secret: To create success in your business, regardless of your company, product, service, or experience, the single most important action you can take is to engage in personal development.

Personal development means working on yourself: your dreams, goals, strengths, weaknesses, and your willingness to step into your greatness and live your life to its full potential.

Are you living your full potential or are your thoughts spiraling around with past defeats and disappointments? Are your thoughts pulling you down to a point of such utter disbelief in yourself that you can’t take your first step toward achievement?

Gerald Jampolsky considers this dilemma in his book, Love is Letting Go of Fear when he says,

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And yet, he offers a solution when he says,

With a better sense of our real identity revealing more of our true potential, we find the courage to express that potential through our actions and bring it to life! That’s real change … change that makes your goals and dreams become reality.

But you have to take the first step.

Are you willing to commit time every day to reexamine who you think you are? Then let’s use “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever” to help you overcome your fears and move into action!


“If I were truly brave, I would embrace the wisdom of thought leader Jim Rohn, who said, ‘For things to change, you have to change,’ and I would commit to a daily practice of personal development and purposefully change my mindset.

“We are what we believe. Our belief system is based on our past experience, which is constantly being relived in the present, with an anticipation of the future being just like the past. Our present perceptions are so colored by the past that we are unable to see the immediate happenings in our lives without distortion or limitations.”

~ Gerald Jampolsky

“With willingness, we can reexamine who we think we are in order to achieve a new and deeper sense of our real identity.”

~ Gerald Jampolsky

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“But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because I simply don’t have the courage to change. I’m afraid to try new things. I don’t think I should have to work so hard, just to figure myself out. It’s easier and more comfortable to keep things as they are. Up to this point, I’ve been willing to settle for less than I desire, less than I deserve and less than I can dream.

“Really though, the worst thing that could happen is that I spend the rest of my life avoiding the challenge to work on myself … and choose to live a life of unrealized potential.

“My bravest friend, <name> will say, ‘If so many successful Consultants in your company consistently reinforce the importance of personal development, why won’t you give it a try? So what? You read a couple of books? What’s stopping you?’

“But I’m afraid other people, like <the least successful and most miserable people in my life> will say, ‘Who needs all that positive mumbo jumbo? I’ve never read a book on positive thinking and just look at me!’

“If that happens, it will be my moment to make a choice between settling for unrealized potential or choosing to be a Champion! I will choose to be a Champion.


“Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call my Sponsor or upline leader for backup because she’ll hold me accountable to my commitment to daily personally development reading.

“And I’ll call my spouse or best friend because they love me. I’ll turn to the people who will support my desire to work harder on myself than I do on my job or my business. I’ll lean on the people who see my potential as clearly as I’m trying to.

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“Having people on my team will make me feel more confident to try new things and increase my self-worth to be the best that I can be.


“If I want to begin my personal development practice right this minute, I can either start reading a book I already have on the shelf or I can order a new one today.

“Then, over the next 30 days I can commit 15 to 30 minutes every morning to reading and putting positive thoughts into my head, and reminding myself how great my potential is and how my possibilities are unlimited!

“Even if I miss a day, I will continue my practice the next day.

“I won’t get upset because I understand that my commitment to personal development is for the rest of my life … because I deserve to be the best that I can be and design the life of my dreams.”

And so it is.

One of my all-time favorite quotes is,

It’s your time. Master a new way to be-lieve. Step into your unlimited potential. I know you can do it!

“You must learn a new way to think, before you can master a new way to be.”

~ Marianne Williamson

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Pep-Talk Yourself into Outrageous Courage

Now it’s your turn! To build your Outrageous Courage, pick up your pen.

(For a PDF that includes just these exercises, including “The Greatest Pep Talk Ever,” visit

Way back in Chapter 1, you saw the Top 10 fears:




A leader

A failure



Compared to other leaders

A disappointment to my family

Unequal to the task

How do you feel as you read though this list now? Do any of them remind you of situations where your fears manifest as hurt, resistance, sadness, shame or some other painful emotion?

Put a check by those fears. It’s likely they are holding you back or slowing you down.

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Now for each fear, ask yourself, how is it impacting your business?







Ready to put an end to this negative impact? Sometimes it’s not enough just to re-read the pep-talk in this book. You probably need to address the specifics of your own situation. So…

Write your own Pep Talk for every fear that paralyzes you.


If I were truly brave, I would (What is the one thing you really want to do?) ___



But I’ve been telling myself I can’t because (List all the reasons you’ve put off getting started.) _______________________________________________________________________



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Really though, the worst thing that could happen is (How bad could it be?)



My bravest friend, __________________ (Name), will say (What sage advice would she or he give?) _______________________________________________________________________




But I’m afraid other people, like (Who are the negative people in your life?) ___


will say (What’s the worst they could come up with?) ____________________________




If that happens, I’ll respond by (You’ll feel more confident if you have a plan.)




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Asking for help doesn’t make me look weak. When things get hard, I’ll call … (Who is your greatest supporter?) __________________________________________________

for backup because (How will this person help you reach your goal?) __________




And I’ll call (Who else?) ______________________________________________________________

because (How will this person help you reach your goal?) _______________________



Having people on my team will make me feel (Stronger? More confident? Safer?) _________________________________________________________________________________



If I want to begin (What’s your goal again?) ________________________________________


right this minute, I can (What’s your first move?) _________________________________



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Then, over the next few months, I can: (Set some mini goals.)

1) ___________________________________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________________________________________________

Even if something happens, like (Can you predict some potential pitfalls?)



I won’t get upset because (Be your own cheerleader.) ____________________________



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About Leslie Zann It’s been said that the essence of great coaching lies in the ability to unlock potential in order to maximize performance.

Leslie Zann is a master at helping people discover and ignite their true and limitless potential. She has an extraordinarily unique way of making deep and emotional connections with her clients … and these connections lead to unveiling their outrageous achievement.

With more than two decades of Direct Selling experience, Leslie has developed a unique talent for helping people overcome their potential-stopping “limiting beliefs.”

Her one-of-a-kind perspective has much to do with the fact that she’s worked on both sides of the fence. She built her own very successful Direct Selling business ($1.2 million in sales), and has eight years of corporate experience with three distinct business models: Direct Selling, Network Marketing and Party Plan.

Leslie helps organizations strategically align their sales, management and operational goals with targeted action plans. And, through personalized coaching, she inspires top field leaders to align their vision for success with proven strategies for increasing sales, sponsoring and highly effective leadership development.

She believes great achievement is always possible and that a person’s mindset is the key to unlocking the door to that achievement. In fact, she often tells

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people, “I believe if we change our thinking, we can change our lives. Limiting beliefs prevent most people from designing the life of their dreams.”

A colleague once said that Leslie channels the energy of Tom Sawyer with her ability to get everyone to believe that “painting the fence is fun and rewarding.” This is because creativity and enthusiasm fuels everything that she does, and her heart steers her actions as she works to help people achieve their goals and dreams.

Leslie Zann challenges her clients to “be willing to see things differently.” And in doing so, she challenges them to create unprecedented success and design a life of truly unlimited possibilities!

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In Support of Your Development

Visit to enjoy Leslie’s mentorship to the top of your plan!

Outrageous Achievement

A 2-CD Set and Digital Workbook that reveal the fundamental actions you must take to build your business, and gives you a new sense of clarity and confidence to reach your full potential… to increase sales, sponsoring and leadership development.

ZannPlan: Master the Cycle of the Seasons

A full year of once-a-month training delivered on the web. Each month includes:

Welcome Video Audio Training with Transcript Action Guide with Exercises Time Management Tip Personal Development Challenge

5 Keys to Outrageous Achievement

Virtual Training Course on Multi-Media Platform; includes these modules:

Embrace Personal Development Focus on the Fundamentals Master Time Management Celebrate Sponsoring Lean into Leadership

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Authentic Leadership for Outrageous Achievement

Virtual Training Course on Multi-Media Platform; includes these modules:

Show Up Like a Leader Duplicate your Leadership Create your Team Culture Live your Leadership Style