Pari's Assign.

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8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 1/10

Fall2010 Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3MU0001 ± Manpower Planning and Resourcing - 2 Credits(Book ID: B0816)

Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Elaborate the Process of Manpower PlanningQ.2 Discuss the functions of Manpower Planning.Q.3 Smart Invest is a financial company which has been functioning for past 15 years.The company decides to has computerized the office 7 years ago. Now it has decided touse the application of information system in HRM.Suggest that how and in what all activities they could are the information system.

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3MU0001 ± Manpower Planning and Resourcing - 2 Credits(Book ID: B0816)

Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.Q.1 What us scenario planning? ExplainQ.2 Discuss the selection methods.Q.3 Due to the recent recession FinPlus , finance company has to downsize the currentemployees. In this scenario what are the responsibility of HR professional. What kind of plan they can prepare.

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 2/10

Spring 2010(Jan-June) Master of Business Administration-MBASemester 3MU0002 ± Management and Organization Development - 2 Credits(Book ID: B1021)

Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.Q.1 Explain the characteristics of Organizational development.[10 Marks]Q.2 What is team-building? What are the stages of life cycle of a team?[10 Marks]Q.3 Mr Sunil is the General Manager of a textile company. He has to participate in themeeting with the board of directors of the company. He is expected to conduct theSWOT Analysis of the company. Help him in preparing the question checklist to attainthe required information about the company¶s Strength Weakness Opportunity andthreat.[10 Marks]

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 3/10

Spring 2010(Jan-June)

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3MU0002 ± Management and Organization Development - 2 Credits(Book ID: B1021)

Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.Q.1 What are some of the implications of OD assumptions and values for dealing withindividuals, groups, and organizations?[10 Marks]Q.2 Explain Kurt Lewin¶s models and theories of planned organizational change.[10 Marks]Q.3 Mr Kant is a professor in a management institute. He is also a consultant withHorizontech. The company wishes to identify the distribution of power bases in theorganization.Manger 1- Ms. Punya ± He is the HR manager. A very friendly person and encourageshis team members by giving those recommendations and appreciations. He has theauthority to decide about giving a bonus or promotion to employees.

Mr. Kasa- He is a Project Manager. He is very proficient and expert in differenttechnologies needed by the organization.Explain the power majorly enjoyed the two managers.

 Also explain what could be other bases of power.[10 Marks]

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 4/10

Spring 2010(Jan-June) Master of Business Administration-MBASemester 3MU0003 ± Employee Relations Management - 2 Credits(Book ID: B0775)

Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.Q.1 In the era of globalization, existence of a trade union is being challenged. What arethe challenges being faced by the trade unions? [10 Marks]Q.2.Explain briefly, various steps involved in a disciplinary procedure.[10 Marks]Q.3 Mr.Sanjay is the General Manager of Dream Sunshine Pharmaceutical Company.He has to diversify his business. He wants to assess the leadership style of some of hisSenior managers.Manager 1- (Has a high consideration for people and Low for structure)Manager 2 ± (Has a high consideration for people and also high for structure)Manager 3 ± (Has a low consideration for people and high for structure)

Manager 4 ± (Has a low consideration for people and low for structure)Refer to the Grid approach and help Mr. Sanjay to clearly understand the leadershipstyles for all the managers. Which style is best according to you? Explain.[10 Marks]

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 5/10

Spring 2010(Jan-June)

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3MU0003 ± Employee Relations Management - 2 Credits(Book ID: B0775)

Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.Q.1 What are the various factors that can influence strategic employee relationsmanagement?[10 Marks]Q.2 Explain the provisions of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1978.[10 Marks]Q.3 TechPro is a company dealing with the manufacturing of UPS. It has more than 25employees. The company has been established since past 4 years. The company owner wants to keep in place all the legal implications. Will the organization covered in theFactories Act? What all provisions need to be taken care off to abide by the regulations?[10 Marks]

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 6/10

Fall 2010 Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3MU0004 ± Human Resource Audit - 2 Credits(Book ID: B0799)

Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 What are factors that drive best practices in HR ManagementQ.2 What are the Benefits of HR AuditQ.3 Mr Sen wants to conduct an HR Audit in his organization. He wants to specificallyaudit the Employment Practices and Employee involvement in particular. Suggest whatall aspects you may cover in the questionnaire for the audit. Prepare a questionnairewith at least 15 statements.

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3MU0004 ± Human Resource Audit - 2 Credits(Book ID: B0799)

Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.Q.1 What is the roadmap for Balanced ScorecardQ.2 Write a note on HR Auditing.Q.3 Visit the following site to identify your Big Five the five traits in detail discussing the facets related to each personality factor andmark the ones you found dominant in your personality, after conducting the test.

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 7/10

Master of Business Administration ± MBA Semester 3MB0034 Research Methodology - 3 CreditsBKID: B0800Assignment Set- 160 MarksNote: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q 1. Give examples of specific situations that would call for the following types of research, explaining why ± a) Exploratory research b) Descriptive research c) Diagnosticresearch d) Evaluation research. (10 marks).Q 2.In the context of hypothesis testing, briefly explain the difference between a) Nulland alternative hypothesis b) Type 1 and type 2 error c) Two tailed and one tailed test d)Parametric and non parametric tests. (10 marks).Q 3. Explain the difference between a causal relationship and correlation, with anexample of each. What are the possible reasons for a correlation between twovariables? ( 10 marks).Q 4. Briefly explain any two factors that affect the choice of a sampling technique. Whatare the characteristics of a good sample?(10 marks).Q 5. Select any topic for research and explain how you will use both secondary andprimary sources to gather the required information. (10 marks).Q 6. Case Study: You are engaged to carry out a market survey on behalf of a leadingNewspaper that is keen to increase its circulation in Bangalore City, in order to ascertainreader habits and interests. Develop a title for the study, define the research problemand the objectives or questions to be answered by the study. (10 marks).

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 8/10

 Master of Business Administration ± MBA Semester 3rd coreMB0034 Research Methodology - 3 CreditsBKID: B0800Assignment Set- 260 Marks

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.Q 1.Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of distributing questionnaires to the respondents of a study. (10 marks).Q 2. In processing data, what is the difference between measures of central tendencyand measures of dispersion? What is the most important measure of central tendencyand dispersion? (10 marks).Q 3. What are the characteristics of a good research design? Explain how the researchdesign for exploratory studies is different from the research design for descriptive anddiagnostic studies.( 10 marks).Q 4. How is the Case Study method useful in Business Research? Give two specificexamples of how the case study method can be applied to business research. (10marks).

Q 5. What are the differences between observation and interviewing as methods of datacollection? Give two specific examples of situations where either observation or interviewing would be more appropriate.( 10 marks).Q 6. Case Study: You are engaged to carry out a market survey on behalf of a leadingNewspaper that is keen to increase its circulation in Bangalore City, in order to ascertainreader habits and interests. What type of research report would be most appropriate?Develop an outline of the research report with the main sections.(10 marks).

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 9/10

Fall 2010 Master of Business Administration ± MBA Semester 3MB0035 ± Legal Aspects of Business - 3 Credits(Book ID: B0764)Assignment Set- 160 MarksNote: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 What do you mean by free consent? Under what circumstances consent isconsidered as free? Explain. [10 marks]Q.2 Define negotiable instrument. What are its features and characteristics? Which arethe different types of negotiable instruments? If Mr. A is the holder of a negotiableinstrument, under what situationsi. Will he be the Holder in due course?ii. He has the right to discharge?iii. He can make indorsements? [10 marks]Q.3. a. Distinguish between guarantee and indemnity. [5 marks]b. Give a short note on Rights of Surety. [5 marks]Q.4. a. Mention the remedies for breach of contract. How will the injured party claim it?[8 marks]

b. What is the difference between anticipatory and actual breach? [2 marks]Q. 5 a. Explain the term Privity of contract. [3 marks]b. Define a company? What are the features of Joint Stock Company? [7 marks]Q. 6. Om is enrolled in a managerial course. He has to write an assignment on companymanagement and various types of meetings that a company holds. You are asked tohelp him in preparing the assignment. [10 marks]

8/8/2019 Pari's Assign. 10/10

Fall 2010

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3MB0035 ± Legal Aspects of Business - 3 Credits(Book ID: B0764)Assignment Set- 260 Marks

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.Q.1 a. What is an arbitration agreement? Discuss its essentials. [8 marks]b. What do you mean by mediation? [2 marks]Q.2 a. What kinds of rights are considerable under consumer rights? [5 marks]b. Distinguish between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. [6marks]Q.3 a. Identify the types of evidence which are relied upon by complainants to establishdefect in product. [3 marks]b. Write a short note on Unfair trade practices and Restrictive trade practice. [7 marks]Q.4. Present a detail note on Shops and Establishment Act. [10 marks]Q. 5 a. What is a cyber crime? What are the categories of cyber crime? [8 marks]b. Mention the provisions covered under IT Act? [2 marks]

Q. 6 Ishaan is a fresher and recently is appointed as a part-time employee in Consumer Redressal Dispute Agency. As his superior, how will you guide him regarding theredressal forums, the nature of making complaints and the working of the agency?