Opening/Closing Guide

Post on 03-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Opening/Closing Guide

The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want. Psalm 23:1

Jesus Is the Good ShepherdJohn 10:1–18

4. Dismissal

5 minutesSAY: Let’s close with prayer. Repeat the prayer after me. Jesus, / As our Good Shepherd, You love us and gather us together. / You laid down Your life to save us. / We praise You for Your “now and forever” care. / In Your name we pray. / Amen.

Let’s sing “Always and Forever, No Matter What!”

SING “Always and Forever, No Matter What!”

SHOW Always and Forever, No Matter What! Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 1.

SAY: Today’s My Shepherd Collectible tells us Jesus cares, now and forever. It shows the shepherd who cared for his sheep in the story Jesus told. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. On the back is today’s Bible verse, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,” Psalm 23:1. Add this Collectible to your collection!

Team Leaders, please hand out the Collectible to your Team.

ASK the Team Leaders to say our Barnyard Roundup blessing from Psalm 67:1 (“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us.”) to each child as they hand out the My Shepherd Collectible.

REMIND Team Leaders to make sure parents sign out their kids.

SEND home Lesson 1 items. Give the kids and their Team Leaders any instructions about today’s items. These items may include the My Shepherd Collectible, Farm Fresh Fun Elementary Leaflets, information about the Mission Project, and other material provided by the VBS Director.

SHOW the Barnyard Roundup Theme Slide. PLAY Track 1, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” as the children depart.

Gather ’Round Opening1. Welcome

5 minutes

SHOW Barnyard Roundup Opening Slide and PLAY Track 1, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” as children arrive. Greet the children. Help them to get signed in and find their places.

When all are seated, SAY: Welcome to Gather ’Round Opening! We’ll begin by hearing God’s Word as we learn that Jesus gathers us together! Let’s stand and sing “All Together Come and Gather.”

SING “All Together Come and Gather.”

SHOW the song’s slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 2.

SAY: We gather in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

SAY: Let’s ask God to bless our time together. Fold your hands and pray the Morning Prayer with me.

SHOW Morning Prayer Slide.

SAY: I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Jesus cares, now and forever!

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2. Teach the Take-Home Point 5 minutes

SAY: Gather ’round! Here at Barnyard Roundup, we discover that Jesus gathers us together now and forever! We will explore five Bible accounts and learn how Jesus cares for us just as a good shepherd cares for his flock. He provides for us, leads us, and forgives us! Jesus is our Savior, now and forever!

SHOW Lesson 1 Take-Home Point Slide.

SAY: Each lesson has a Take-Home Point. Yes, that’s the POINT—the message—we want you to TAKE HOME and remember! Our Take-Home Point today is “JESUS CARES, NOW AND FOREVER!” Throughout our time together, we’ll repeat it in this way: I’ll start by pointing up and circling my hand twice (Do that.) as I say, “GATHER ’ROUND!” Then, we’ll all point up and say, “JESUS CARES” and circle our hands when we say, “NOW AND FOREVER!”

Let’s try it together! LEADER: GATHER ’ROUND! (Point up and circle hand.) JESUS CARES! TEAMS: (Point up.) JESUS CARES, (Circle hand.) NOW AND FOREVER!

Your Site Leaders will say this Take-Home Point many times today! When they do, then you say your part!

Jesus leads us with tender care! Our next song is all about that! Let’s sing “Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us!”

SING “Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us.”

SHOW Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 7.

SAY: Gather ’round! We’re going hear the Bible story from God’s Holy Word! It comes from the New Testament Book of John. (Hold up a Bible as you speak.) Listen closely! Jesus tells a story about a shepherd and the care he gives his sheep. You will hear more about this account with your Team at Barn Raising Storytelling. Right now, let’s listen as Jesus explains that He is OUR Good Shepherd. Listen to what Jesus says. Read John 10:11–15.

SAY: Jesus says He is our Good Shepherd. He knows us and, by faith, we know Him! Jesus protects us from danger. He loves and cares for us, now and forever!

Gather ’Round Closing1. Welcome Back

5 minutes

SHOW Gather ’Round Closing Slide and PLAY Track 1, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” as the Teams arrive.

SHOW Lesson 1 Take-Home Point Slide.

SAY: Welcome to Gather ’Round Closing! What good news have we gathered today? LEADER: GATHER ’ROUND! (Point up and circle hand.) JESUS CARES! TEAMS: (Point up.) JESUS CARES, (Circle hand.) NOW AND FOREVER!

SAY: Jesus loves and cares for us! He died and rose again for us. We will live eternally with Him! Stand up and sing “I am a ‘C.’”

SING “I am a ‘C.’”

SHOW I am a “C” Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 5.

2. Barnyard Roundup Theme Video 10 minutes

SAY: Let’s watch the Barnyard Roundup Theme Video and find out what Jake’s kids want to be when they grow up!

SHOW Barnyard Roundup Lesson 1 Closing Video.

SAY: I don’t think Jake heard what he was hoping to hear! He really cares about his kids. His daughter, Jessi, wants be a farmer like him. Or does she?

And, there may be contented animals on the farm, but his son, Mark, is NOT content! Just like a shepherd cares for his sheep or a father cares for his children, Jesus cares for us. Jesus loves and cares for us when we’re happy and content AND He loves and cares for us when we’re NOT. That’s good news!

LEADER: GATHER ’ROUND! (Point up and circle hand.) JESUS CARES! TEAMS: (Point up.) JESUS CARES, (Circle hand.) NOW AND FOREVER!

3. Barnyard Roundup Theme Video and Song 10 minutes

SAY: Let’s check out our Barnyard Roundup Theme Video. You’ll meet Jake, a farmer and a dad. Let’s find out what he has to say!

SHOW Barnyard Roundup Lesson 1 Opening Video.

SAY: Jake really likes being a farmer! He says that God has blessed him with the good gifts of his farm. Did you hear that?

He also said that the farm animals need his care and we need Jesus’ care. We’ll hear more about that today! I wonder what his kids say they want to be? Jake really cares about his kids, so you know he’ll be listening! Jesus, our Good Shepherd, cares about us!

SAY: Let’s say our Take-Home Point! LEADER: GATHER ’ROUND! (Point up and circle hand.) JESUS CARES! TEAMS: (Point up.) JESUS CARES, (Circle hand.) NOW AND FOREVER!

SAY: Are you good spellers? This song spells out the truth, “I am a Christian. I have Jesus in my heart and I will live eternally!” Let’s stand and sing “I am a ‘C.’”

SING “I am a ‘C.’”

SHOW I am a “C” Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 5.

4. Mission and Closing 5 minutes

Take time to explain your VBS Mission Project. SHOW the first Tin Roofs for Africa Mission Video.

SAY: If you brought an offering for our Mission Project, please put it in the basket as you leave.

Let’s close with an echo prayer. Repeat what I say: Lord Jesus, our Good Shepherd, / As You promise, / You will be with us. / Thank You for your protection and care / here at VBS and EVERYWHERE! / In Your name we pray. / Amen.

Let’s stand and sing “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” our VBS theme song, before we jump into some farm-tastic adventures!

SING the theme song, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!”

SHOW Always and Forever, No Matter What! Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 1.

SHOW the Barnyard Roundup Theme Slide and PLAY Track 1, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” as the children depart.

3. Review the Bible Memory Verse 5 minutes

SAY: Our Bible Memory Verse today is from God’s Holy Word. God’s Word tells us who God is, how much He loves us, and what He has done for us. We learn God’s Word so that Word is in our minds and hearts and on our tongues to tell! This week at VBS, we will learn Psalm 23. The Lord is our Shepherd who is always with us, protects us, and provides for us.

SHOW Lesson 1 Bible Memory Verse Slides or Poster.

SAY: Let’s say the first verse of Psalm 23 together: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1.

OR, SING the Bible Memory Verse.

SAY: Let’s sing “Psalm 23:1.” Stand up and sing!

SING “Psalm 23:1.”

SHOW Psalm 23:1 Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 9.

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2. Teach the Take-Home Point 5 minutes

SAY: Gather ’round! Here at Barnyard Roundup, we discover that Jesus gathers us together now and forever! We will explore five Bible accounts and learn how Jesus cares for us just as a good shepherd cares for his flock. He provides for us, leads us, and forgives us! Jesus is our Savior, now and forever!

SHOW Lesson 1 Take-Home Point Slide.

SAY: Each lesson has a Take-Home Point. Yes, that’s the POINT—the message—we want you to TAKE HOME and remember! Our Take-Home Point today is “JESUS CARES, NOW AND FOREVER!” Throughout our time together, we’ll repeat it in this way: I’ll start by pointing up and circling my hand twice (Do that.) as I say, “GATHER ’ROUND!” Then, we’ll all point up and say, “JESUS CARES” and circle our hands when we say, “NOW AND FOREVER!”

Let’s try it together! LEADER: GATHER ’ROUND! (Point up and circle hand.) JESUS CARES! TEAMS: (Point up.) JESUS CARES, (Circle hand.) NOW AND FOREVER!

Your Site Leaders will say this Take-Home Point many times today! When they do, then you say your part!

Jesus leads us with tender care! Our next song is all about that! Let’s sing “Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us!”

SING “Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us.”

SHOW Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 7.

SAY: Gather ’round! We’re going hear the Bible story from God’s Holy Word! It comes from the New Testament Book of John. (Hold up a Bible as you speak.) Listen closely! Jesus tells a story about a shepherd and the care he gives his sheep. You will hear more about this account with your Team at Barn Raising Storytelling. Right now, let’s listen as Jesus explains that He is OUR Good Shepherd. Listen to what Jesus says. Read John 10:11–15.

SAY: Jesus says He is our Good Shepherd. He knows us and, by faith, we know Him! Jesus protects us from danger. He loves and cares for us, now and forever!

Gather ’Round Closing1. Welcome Back

5 minutes

SHOW Gather ’Round Closing Slide and PLAY Track 1, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” as the Teams arrive.

SHOW Lesson 1 Take-Home Point Slide.

SAY: Welcome to Gather ’Round Closing! What good news have we gathered today? LEADER: GATHER ’ROUND! (Point up and circle hand.) JESUS CARES! TEAMS: (Point up.) JESUS CARES, (Circle hand.) NOW AND FOREVER!

SAY: Jesus loves and cares for us! He died and rose again for us. We will live eternally with Him! Stand up and sing “I am a ‘C.’”

SING “I am a ‘C.’”

SHOW I am a “C” Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 5.

2. Barnyard Roundup Theme Video 10 minutes

SAY: Let’s watch the Barnyard Roundup Theme Video and find out what Jake’s kids want to be when they grow up!

SHOW Barnyard Roundup Lesson 1 Closing Video.

SAY: I don’t think Jake heard what he was hoping to hear! He really cares about his kids. His daughter, Jessi, wants be a farmer like him. Or does she?

And, there may be contented animals on the farm, but his son, Mark, is NOT content! Just like a shepherd cares for his sheep or a father cares for his children, Jesus cares for us. Jesus loves and cares for us when we’re happy and content AND He loves and cares for us when we’re NOT. That’s good news!

LEADER: GATHER ’ROUND! (Point up and circle hand.) JESUS CARES! TEAMS: (Point up.) JESUS CARES, (Circle hand.) NOW AND FOREVER!

3. Barnyard Roundup Theme Video and Song 10 minutes

SAY: Let’s check out our Barnyard Roundup Theme Video. You’ll meet Jake, a farmer and a dad. Let’s find out what he has to say!

SHOW Barnyard Roundup Lesson 1 Opening Video.

SAY: Jake really likes being a farmer! He says that God has blessed him with the good gifts of his farm. Did you hear that?

He also said that the farm animals need his care and we need Jesus’ care. We’ll hear more about that today! I wonder what his kids say they want to be? Jake really cares about his kids, so you know he’ll be listening! Jesus, our Good Shepherd, cares about us!

SAY: Let’s say our Take-Home Point! LEADER: GATHER ’ROUND! (Point up and circle hand.) JESUS CARES! TEAMS: (Point up.) JESUS CARES, (Circle hand.) NOW AND FOREVER!

SAY: Are you good spellers? This song spells out the truth, “I am a Christian. I have Jesus in my heart and I will live eternally!” Let’s stand and sing “I am a ‘C.’”

SING “I am a ‘C.’”

SHOW I am a “C” Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 5.

4. Mission and Closing 5 minutes

Take time to explain your VBS Mission Project. SHOW the first Tin Roofs for Africa Mission Video.

SAY: If you brought an offering for our Mission Project, please put it in the basket as you leave.

Let’s close with an echo prayer. Repeat what I say: Lord Jesus, our Good Shepherd, / As You promise, / You will be with us. / Thank You for your protection and care / here at VBS and EVERYWHERE! / In Your name we pray. / Amen.

Let’s stand and sing “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” our VBS theme song, before we jump into some farm-tastic adventures!

SING the theme song, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!”

SHOW Always and Forever, No Matter What! Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 1.

SHOW the Barnyard Roundup Theme Slide and PLAY Track 1, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” as the children depart.

3. Review the Bible Memory Verse 5 minutes

SAY: Our Bible Memory Verse today is from God’s Holy Word. God’s Word tells us who God is, how much He loves us, and what He has done for us. We learn God’s Word so that Word is in our minds and hearts and on our tongues to tell! This week at VBS, we will learn Psalm 23. The Lord is our Shepherd who is always with us, protects us, and provides for us.

SHOW Lesson 1 Bible Memory Verse Slides or Poster.

SAY: Let’s say the first verse of Psalm 23 together: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1.

OR, SING the Bible Memory Verse.

SAY: Let’s sing “Psalm 23:1.” Stand up and sing!

SING “Psalm 23:1.”

SHOW Psalm 23:1 Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 9.

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The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want. Psalm 23:1

Jesus Is the Good ShepherdJohn 10:1–18

4. Dismissal

5 minutesSAY: Let’s close with prayer. Repeat the prayer after me. Jesus, / As our Good Shepherd, You love us and gather us together. / You laid down Your life to save us. / We praise You for Your “now and forever” care. / In Your name we pray. / Amen.

Let’s sing “Always and Forever, No Matter What!”

SING “Always and Forever, No Matter What!”

SHOW Always and Forever, No Matter What! Slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 1.

SAY: Today’s My Shepherd Collectible tells us Jesus cares, now and forever. It shows the shepherd who cared for his sheep in the story Jesus told. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. On the back is today’s Bible verse, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,” Psalm 23:1. Add this Collectible to your collection!

Team Leaders, please hand out the Collectible to your Team.

ASK the Team Leaders to say our Barnyard Roundup blessing from Psalm 67:1 (“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us.”) to each child as they hand out the My Shepherd Collectible.

REMIND Team Leaders to make sure parents sign out their kids.

SEND home Lesson 1 items. Give the kids and their Team Leaders any instructions about today’s items. These items may include the My Shepherd Collectible, Farm Fresh Fun Elementary Leaflets, information about the Mission Project, and other material provided by the VBS Director.

SHOW the Barnyard Roundup Theme Slide. PLAY Track 1, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” as the children depart.

Gather ’Round Opening1. Welcome

5 minutes

SHOW Barnyard Roundup Opening Slide and PLAY Track 1, “Always and Forever, No Matter What!” as children arrive. Greet the children. Help them to get signed in and find their places.

When all are seated, SAY: Welcome to Gather ’Round Opening! We’ll begin by hearing God’s Word as we learn that Jesus gathers us together! Let’s stand and sing “All Together Come and Gather.”

SING “All Together Come and Gather.”

SHOW the song’s slides or USE Lyrics Sheets.

PLAY Track 2.

SAY: We gather in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

SAY: Let’s ask God to bless our time together. Fold your hands and pray the Morning Prayer with me.

SHOW Morning Prayer Slide.

SAY: I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Jesus cares, now and forever!

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